ouijahands · 6 years
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     Klaus was SPACED. He hadn’t moved for at least half an hour - basic motor functions like BLINKING and BREATHING were laboured. He SAW Diego come in but he didn’t look up at him; his eyes remained FIXED on one particular spot on the wall.       “Honestly, I thought that I would be DEAD by now...”
👻 @insolentbratx​ / SC.
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sees-ghosts · 5 years
closed // wired shut
The pain in his jaw was immense, nothing like he had felt before. Over some damn high heels. He knew he wouldn’t be able to look at his father the same way after the bastard spread the lie that little Number Four had fallen down the stairs and broke his jaw. Reginald stared him in the eyes, daring Klaus to tell anyone the truth. The sinking feeling in his gut, the overwhelming power of being absolutely trapped. 
He tried to speak but his eyes teared up and he couldn’t stop the sobbing that followed. Curling himself into a little ball in his bedroom after his jaw was wired shut. Not being able to speak for nearly eight weeks was going to be torture for him in general but with the added weight of the truth of what had happened? 
He heard his bedroom door open and he tried to wipe off his tears in fear that it was their father. At least the pain was bearable with the painkillers he had been given otherwise he doubted he would have the strength to move, slowly tilting his head to see who it was. His face red and swollen, covered in tear streaks.  
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seancetm · 6 years
“How did you get my address?”
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“What?” He asks, breathless with laughter he doesn’t mean, leaning into Diego’s doorway; “You mean you’re not happy to see me? That I can’t just drop in on my favourite brother?” Ben tuts and Klaus ignores him. He’s too hyperfocused on how Diego doesn’t seem all that pleased with his company. “Is there some reason you wouldn’t want me to have your address? I got it off mom...” On one of his unwanted and unwelcome forays into the big house to try and sneak some of his shit out of his room.
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Presents | Diego and Five
@insolentbratx continued from x 
“Well that’s not a very cheery outlook on life, Five."
Diego frowned as he shook the wrapped gift, trying to figure out what was inside. They didn’t get presents often, but today was their birthday and they each got one a year from Mom.
Luther had already opened his and got a model of the Saturn V spaceship. Pretty cool. Diego was next, since they always went in number order.
But Diego just wanted to revel in the curiosity for a moment longer before he knew his siblings would start yelling at him to hurry up.
He loved feeling like a normal kid.
Five sat, waiting impatiently for his own gift. He was pretty sure it was a book based on the wrapping but he was curious to know what book it was. Mom always knew what book to get him. 
“Well, sometimes life isn’t very cheery. Like now. While we wait. For you to open your present.” 
Why oh why wasn’t he higher up the number order? 
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numbersevcn-blog · 5 years
It had been a week. A whole week, and Vanya could still feel the aching loss in her chest, the grief that struck her like a million blows. Knives seemed to tears through her whenever she thought of it, which was every second of every day. Ben was gone, lost to them in the most gut-wrenching way imaginable, and Vanya didn’t know if she would ever start to feel okay again.
The Academy was different now. Sure, Ben hadn’t been the loudest or liveliest of the bunch, but the halls seemed so much more quiet, every conversation between the siblings strained as they avoided talking about the one thing that was on their minds.
Vanya couldn’t stay in her room any longer, the deafening silence of nothingness forcing her out of bed and into the corridors, roaming until she could find somebody, anybody. She just needed some sort of interaction, some sort of normalcy, yet everybody seemed to be AWOL. Off somewhere, ignoring their problems.
Until she walked past Diego’s room, his door wide open for her to peek inside. Hesitating for a moment, the girl hovered in his doorway, wondering if he’d tell her to get lost. It was likely.
“What’re you doing?”
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altumsedere · 5 years
@insolentbratx // continued from here.
Diego narrowed his eyes. “Fuck off then, no need to be mean about it.” It had been months already since Diego had lied to Klaus in order to get him in his car to go to rehab. With how difficult that had been, he didn’t plan on doing it again any time soon. And still, Klaus didn’t trust Diego enough to go ANYWHERE with him.
“Stop being so dramatic. It was your own fault, you know. Do you want a ride or not?”
" Yeah, my own fault for needing a ride. " 
  He grumbles aloud at the predicament -- he does need a ride, but God, at what   cost? The potential of having to endure another thirty days of circle prayer and   polite nods while wanting to drill every sharp object into his head? No thanks.   Which still leaves him without a ride. ... Fuck. 
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" Oh, I don't know, "  he says lightly, picking at something underneath his fingernails. " Are you planning on kidnapping me against my will again? "
  Serves him right for trusting Diego to be cool for one goddamn second of his life.   An overreaction, if Klaus is being honest to himself -- between the Grocery Store   Incident and the Time with the Bookshelf, it hadn't been that bad.
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momdesigned · 6 years
"i haven’t seen you in a long time, and i don’t want to lose you again. that’s all."
Grace’s expression softened with a fond smile as she took hold of Diego’s hand. “I’m not going anywhere, silly,” she said, giving his hand a squeeze. “I’ll always be right here for you.” 
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superhighgoodbye · 6 years
“Just listen to me for once!”
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“Okay, okay! I’m listening. Djeezes, relax those probably black panties you’re wearing. I’m always listening. You know I’m always listening to you.” he gave his brother an almost convincing smile before taking another sip from their adopted father’s favorite but forbidden to touch drink. Too bad he wasn’t around anymore wasn’t it?
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namelessxfive · 5 years
sunflower (post malone cover) - natewantstobattle ( @insolentbratx )
“I know I always come and go, but it's out of my control.” Five shrugged uselessly, but he wasn’t totally sure if Diego even cared that Five sometimes still randomly disappeared. He wondered if Diego was still mad at him.
“Some things you just can't refuse.” He shrugged. Five wondered why Diego was talking to him about it, anyways.
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horrorskinned-blog · 6 years
“you can’t save me from this.”
protector / protectee starters [x]
“I can damn well try, can’t I?” Demanded Ben frustrated that Diego wouldn’t let him help. “It’s what brothers are for. Pulling each other out of the fire. Shouldering the burden together. So don’t tell me that crap.” Ben might be shorter then his brother. Might not be exactly the hero type. But if it came down to it. He’d jump in head first if it meant saving him, or any of his siblings. “It’s what you’d do for me.”
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storiesheard · 6 years
“are you… throwing up in there?”
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it takes him a moment to look up from the toilet – mostly because he’s still busy dry-heaving into it, at this point – and his gaze sharpens into a glare at the closed door. “ fuck off, diego. “ his voice his hoarse. he leans over the toilet again with a heavy sigh, running a hand through his hair.
it’d been a while since he’d actually eaten a healthy amount of food, and he wasn’t… handling it well.
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seancetm · 6 years
🌺 Send this to ten other blogs you think are wonderful. Keep the game going. 🌺
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Awww y thank you!! ♡♡♡♡
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lovecraftianboy · 6 years
❛ i mean we’re all violent here, but you’re very friendly. ❜
Ben shrugged. He had never really been part of their family arguments, mainly because unlike Luther or Diego his power wasn’t something he really liked using even if technically he could use the tentacles in a nonlethal manner. 
“I just don’t like violence,” he was desensitized to it but he still wasn’t too keen on it. Especially as when he did partake in violence it tended to end with him covered in blood and other bits of people having slaughtered a large amount of people.
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1k follow forever
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So, I don’t usually do these but uh...just hit a pretty big milestone so I just wanted to thank some of the people on here that have made the experience on this blog as good as it is. 
You’re the best Luther I’ve had the pleasure of RPing with and I love our threads. You know how much I adore Five and Luther’s weird sibling relationship and that’s all down to you <3 I can’t wait to see where else we go with them and any other characters we end up doing plots with. 
I love your Diego and everything you do. I miss your Klaus every day but I’m glad I still get to thread with you. We need to do more things! Feel free to hit me up any time with any idea :D 
I don’t need to say how much I love your portrayal of Allison. You know. I will never get sick of having way too many threads with you. Eventually this blog will become the Allison and Five show and honestly I’m all good with that. 
We’ve not been RPing for too long but I adooore your portrayal of Vanya and am so excited for the threads we have and the ones that are still to come! 
Matty and Five is the friendship I never knew I needed but am so so glad I have. They’re so good and I love it. <3
To everyone else I’ve RPed with. I love our threads and am so glad you guys have stuck with me. Please never wonder if you should send me things, the answer is and always will be yes <3
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altumsedere · 5 years
“No amount of make up is going to help you right now.”
mad disrespect ! // open.
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  A couple different things go through Klaus' head, arms crossed and looking at   Diego with a stunned look, trying to decide which thought to put a pin in first.   Hurt, at the idea that it wouldn't help; stubbornness, as he makes a point to   slowly put on just a little bit more eyeliner -- he settles on vague offense at   the very notion. How few situations there are that can’t be fixed by more  eyeliner (and if it isn’t going to help him, then at the very least he can   go out looking good).
" Yeah, how would you know?   Face paint and masks don't count if it's only one colour. "
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insolentbratx · 5 years
Where to Find Me
Diego Hargreeves (insolentbratx) - Semi-Hiatus / finishing existing threads only
Reginald Hargreeves (mcnocle) - Semi-Hiatus / on request for mutuals only
Gary Luna (TUA OC) - Active. A super-absorbant guy just doing his best
Jesse Raymond (OC) - NEW! Active. An immortal private investigator
[My personal blog]
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