bleachbleachbleach · 11 months
i'm interested - idk if you've ever answered this before, but what are your favourite bleach ships, canon and not?
We present two canon ships and two fanon ships, all of which we love dearly:
Byakuya and Zaraki fucked in the dangai (canon)
Hisagi/Ishida, because Hisagi said it first (also canon)
Hisagi/Akon, wherein, as Dieselsexuals, their relationship is structured by and around watching Fast and Furious movies together (canon to us)
Hitsugaya/Byakuya/Aizen, in the Bleach Rock Musical verse (canon to us)
whipplefilter: I don’t really SHIP ship things. At least, I do not consider a ship, and have something swell in me, something that provokes the thoughts, and gives me experiences that are meaningful and precious. I love character relationships, absolutely, THE BEST THING, the thing I will devote my life to!! But I think when people talk about their ships, or shipping, I get the impression they’re talking about that and also something more than that, and that’s not my experience of pairings.
As far as fanworks go: For art, I’m happy to see renditions of most anything! For fic I mostly read HitsuHina and RenRuki, because they are my top blorbos, but there are a lot of pairings I’d probably read if something pinged me in an excerpt or summary. For example, I LOVE Emergent Properties, which is a Grimmjow/Akon fic by @berrymascarpone. I haven’t read very much doomed Matsumoto/Ichimaru, but their scenes in the Winter War chapters may be my highlight of that entire arc.
Other ships I am nominally interested in but not always for great reasons, and which I will put in a separate post because this got very long:
Basically any kind of weird oddball thing brewing in the 12th
Soi Fon/Rukia
Hinamori/Kira, Hinamori/Nanao, and Hinamori/Isane
Soi Fon/Hitsugaya and Byakuya/Hitsugaya/Zaraki
I also do not really ride or die for any particular ship (unless it’s Dieselsexual Hisagi/Akon). As long as it’s well-written/well-presented and I can see the characters meshing, I’m down to try just about anything. Like whipplefilter, I’m mostly interested in characters, and if an exploration of their character is through the lens of a relationship, that’s what piques my interest!
In terms of pairings I usually find myself reading, it’s usually RenRuki, IchiHime, because that’s what seems to come across my dash. I just want to add that I find Grimmjow/Akon very interesting, and @chujellies has some art that really makes my mind go brr. But there’s other pairings that I also really enjoy thinking about (in no particular order):
Traitor Trio (Aizen, Ichimaru, Tousen) and their lieutenants (Hinamori, Kira, Hisagi)
Relatedly, incarnations of Ichimaru/Tousen/Kira/Hisagi and however you want to pair them off
Find the explanations post here
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bleachbleachbleach · 1 month
🍄Decriscribe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “___ + ___ =___”  
🧭An alternative title to your/ one of your WIP(s)?
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
Thank you so much for these!! <3 [From the WIP Procrastination Meme]
🍄 Describe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “_ + =__”  
Hisagi wants someone to watch The Fast and the Furious with him
Akon has a Google Form he uses to screen potential sexual partners
Akon did not sign up for this movie night
🧭 An alternative title to your/ one of your WIP(s)?
“burlesque Bleach” is the name of the note, though it only has an alt title and no real title at the moment. I’m really inspired by the potential synergies between burlesque performance and developing a relationship with one’s zanpakutou--specifically, the vein of burlesque that heavily emphasizes the development of self-knowledge and connection, while also divulging that character through spectacle!
My main struggle point, though, is that the politics of burlesque are so deeply not the politics of the Gotei, LOL, so I feel like it’d almost have to be an AU—but if I’m going to go the AU route, uh, what else do I do to justify the effort of making it one?
♻️ A scrapped idea for your current WIP
In the chapter of my WIP I’m currently writing, Renji and Rukia are separated. While Renji is up late being an insomniac he decides to get an early jump on how the heck he’s gonna write the report for the mission they're on. Then he wanders into idly writing “Dear Rukia” notes in his head throughout the chapter, as though keeping her updated while they're apart.
Originally, I was going to juxtapose the Dear Rukias alongside the mission report text, to highlight the difference in what gets told/how the info is conveyed, but I decided that the difference was probably obvious even if only one set of texts was shown (the Dear Rukias), and it felt simultaneously too structured/too cluttered to have all these little textbits in addition to the primary narrative.
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bleachbleachbleach · 9 months
12/18 - 12/31/2023
The chapter I’m working on right now begins Part 2, and is Kira's. I’m trying to figure out how much of this act is meant to be told from Kira’s POV and how much belongs in Rose’s chapter, instead. Which is challenging because 1) Rose’s chapter is seven chapters from now, and phew, that’s asking a lot of me to know what info would be thematically relevant here vs. much later! And because 2) Kira is entirely tertiary to the situation, and there may be little of it that DOES make sense for him to narrate.
Which would suggest, well, there’s your answer, B3! But then I’m like, isn’t that Kira’s whole post-TYBW situation? What with the being stitched together with Dead Guy souls and being kinda sorta a dead guy himself. Maybe should be narrating everything because he’s tertiary to everything, perhaps including his own mind/body, and because none of it makes sense for him to narrate. Which I’m into conceptually; mechanically, I’m like, uh, okay, how do I… how would you like me to make that work.
Rather than see that puzzle to its end, I ended up writing my HitsuHina Gift Exchange fic + a string of scenes from Hisagi’s chapter, the latter of which are really embarrassing but make me happy.
The planner I bought last year had little boxes each week where you were supposed to write your highlights for the week. I dutifully filled these out, except when I was out of the country and points in June, because it was a very ??? month. These were often very pathetic, because this was a stressful, exhausting, sometimes depressing year and I am a burnt husk of a human being, but writing fanfic featured in these highlights 11 separate times! <3 (To add to that count, talking to people on Tumblr about writing/Bleach featured twice, and Hitsugaya and Hinamori also both featured (specifically, going back through our Hitsugaya tag and spending a full hour scheduling birthday reblogs; and my condor!Tobiume commission ToT <3333).
Next year I anticipate will be even more stressful, because I have a lot of deadlines I need to meet and they are not things that spark joy; but my time will be a bit more in my own hands, so I’m hoping to balance that out by asserting more regular time to do things that DO spark joy, and to, uh, heal a bit.
I wrote in the tags of a reblog post that my writerly hopes and dreams for 2024 were to finally write my Dieselsexual Akon/Hisagi and, ambitiously, to finish both Parts 2 and 3 of this WIP. I don’t know if I’ll finish Part 3, but Part 2, for sure! My other goal for 2024 is to find ways to make posting fanfic more fun for me, because that part feels very not fun. I’ve done some brainstorming about it, to start that off.
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