#digidestined headcannons
digifandom · 10 months
I see people write Takeru as a children's book author all the time but I've always seen him as a mainly horror and mystery writer. Like he writes variety (adventure 01 and 02 are published as children's books) but I just want the little guy to have fun with some pyshcological horror or just general horror
I think he deserves to have a creepy little corner of his bookshelf with tons of Goosebump and Lovecraft mythos stuff, let him have fun unleashing his dark thoughts in a sort of semi healthy way.
Also to anyone else that think Takeru is on the spectrum,
I feel some of his special intrests would be Sherlock Homes, Cathulo, and SCP foundation.
He also had a titanic phase but it only lasted like 4-6 months.
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keiachi-chan · 4 years
Yamato "Matt" Ishida is the definition of drama queen and you can't tell me otherwise because I WILL cover my ears and s c r e a m
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cpirits · 5 years
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
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Name: Daimon Masaru Age: 19 Birthday: April 2 Blood Type: B
Body Type: Muscular Height: 5′9″ Weight: 140lbs
Hair: Auburn Eyes: Muddy Gold
Digimon: Agumon
Agumon » GeoGreymon » RiseGreymon » ShineGreymon » ShineGreymon Ruin Mode
Occupation: The Digital World’s Ruin Hobbies: Street Fighting, Boxing, Swimming, & eating fried eggs
Appearance: The Second season shirt and vest along with his Father’s tag. Wears the same green pants but with Combat Boots as they’re a lot more sturdy on his feet for trekking in the Digital World. His hair is longer in the back and he keeps it tied like always. His wrists have been wrapped underneath the black bands.
::Summarized Background::
[Masaru here is portrayed as a mix of the whole series of Savers, having knowledge and memories from everything that went on in the show, having both 1st and 2nd season outfits and already being able to Digivolve Agumon to Shine Greymon+Shine Greymon Ruin Mode.]
[He is set taking refuge in the middle to end of the series in my thought timeline, yet carries knowledge of the end with shattering Yggdrasil’s true form. Though with my Headcannon, Yggdrasil was somehow revived and made anew so that’s why Suguru was captured a second time to become the body.]
[this holds both Cannon and Headcannon info.]
::Detailed Background::
When Masaru was 4, his father left with a team of researchers to go and discover the Digital World and learn about it. Before leaving Suguru gave his son a necklace, to always remember him, and it has become a thing on which Masaru makes promises on and his most prized possession.
As Masaru grew up, he had no father figure in his life, so he got picked on in school and had to valiantly protect his sister, Chika from bullies and other people who tried to hurt her. His mother was really hardly any help to the kids always staying home to clean and keep the house in order, and sending the kids out to play by themselves.
When Masaru was 12 he discovered street fighting as a way to make a little money in secret for his mom, and vent his anger. In these fights he eventually gave in to the darkness in his heart, and thus his Dark Digidestined identity was born.
At 14, Masaru got involved with Agumon, and eventually joined DATS and made many new friends, and learned more about his father. He ventured into the Digital world several times within the first few years of being with DATS.
Also at the age of 16, Masaru met his father, or rather, his father’s body in the Digital World, that had been possessed by Yggdrasil. His emotions created an inner turmoil as his father’s body spoke to him in a way that simply was not him.
When fighting against his fellow DATS memeber Tohma, who Masaru felt had betrayed him, Masaru realied on the darkness within to channel his power and Dark Digivolve Agumon into ShineGreymon Ruin Mode. Doing so was highly taxing on the Digimon and only fed deeper into changing Masaru.
Twice Masaru  tried to bring his father back, and Suguru’s partner, BanchouLeomon ended up dying the second time, so all hope was lost to bring the man home.
Some time passed and Masaru soon became wrapped up in the darkness of his heart, and became a Dark Digidestined, leaving his family and DATS behind, and living on his own.
At 19 Masaru travels back and forth from the Human World and Digital World, and is often seen upset or silent. When he is vocal however, he can be destructive.
*BanchoLeomon /is/ in a way, Masaru’s father, Suguru. Surugu gave his Digimon his spirit/Digisoul before he got nabbed and taken over by Yggdrasil.
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fernikart57 · 6 years
I just had a random angst idea for Orton and his gomamon (based on that story in Digimon Data Squad that happened with Marcus' little sister and her biyomon) So far, the only ones Orton could trust with his gomamon are Cavendish, Dakota, Milo and the kids. On normal times, he often keeps his partner's presence and his digidestined status secret to avoid the bureau of time travel from finding him and getting him and gomamon to join (1/2)
Because one, he and gomamon when digivolved to vikemon had managed to defeat and tamed the very powerful Pistachidramon and two, Orton’s been time travelling a lot and Block can’t risk letting any outsider time travellers roam out there, especially ones with digimon that can evolve into perfect level. But then eventually, Orton gets found out and is taken to the bureau with gomamon, where he was given a threat; Unless he joins the bureau, gomamon will have to be sent back to the digital world
I truly love this headcannon more! I really love this.
And I can help you to make it more angstier:
But. First, I reccomend to change the DigiDestinied thing for Tamer, because a Tamer has more freedom of choice for which objectives to fight.
I can clearly see, that Mr. Block comes from nowhere and he forces Orton to show him his Gomamon. Orton obviously will try to make himself a fool about the situation, Mr. Block then shows that he has been followed and shows all files related to him, he tells him, that the only Digimons that can wander freely are the ones who are from the Bureau agents, since his Gomamon is not an agent, then it’s a “wild one”, (they label every Digimon who is not from the Bureau a “wild one”). I can see Mr. Block sending his Gazimon to attack Orton, then his Gomamon reloads himself to defend him and then Mr. Block tries to persuade Orton to become an agent or his partner will be sent to the Digital World. Orton at first refuses, then Mr. Block decides to do it in the bad way and warns Cavendish and Dakota that if they try to interfiere they’ll be fired.
Mr. Block makes his partner evolve to Anubimon and in response Orton makes his evolve to Vikemon and despite Vikemon having the upper hand, he’s ultimately defeated by Anubimon and captured by Mr. Block, Orton then pleads him and accepts to be an agent, just to save his partner.
What do you think?
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momantaichi-blog · 7 years
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Koumi Week
Day 05 Hogwarts / Laberynth
Some weeks ago, i did a post about in which Hogwarts House would be sorted each of the Digidestined . —> (here).
I think Koushiro is wise, curious and a true individualist, i can’t think of him being in another house rather than Ravenclaw.
On the other side, Mimi, (at least in Digimon Tri) is ambicious, self assured and like Koushiro said, “egocentric”. She would be an outstanding Slytherin.
My headcannon is that if they studied at Hogwarts, Mimi would be in the Quidditch team, knocking fools with her elbow, contrary to Koushiro, who would be a bookworm and the first of his class. I really see Mimi trying to seduce Koushiro, in order that he helps her with her exams. Definitely they would be “the couple of the year”.
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go-lookaway · 5 years
I’ve commented before on how Walter White’s corruption influenced what I’m doing here with Davis. Truth be told, I had always kind of disliked how suddenly he was exposed, right as he was about to retire and get away with everything. This chapter takes it a step further. Obtuse as it was, theoretically WW could have guessed the the writing in the book was evidence against him and hidden it better or destroyed it. Davis here... could not possibly have had any idea Wizardmon was showing up... and yet, I couldn’t imagine her exposure going any other way. The ghost just cannonically knew things he shouldn’t have been able to know. Maybe he saw Myotismon possess Owikawa and followed them after that, but how did he know what the Golden Radiance was? If he ever got a chance to show himself to the digidestined, Davis’s goose was cooked.
Of course, he didn’t necessarily have to get that chance.... more on that latter.
TK’s scene here was the last to be finished, on the same night as the Davis one. I had a minor stickup deciding what to have June cook for TK. This chapter was released on thanksgiving on fanfiction.net, because that holiday gave me the answer. I figured a turkey dinner would be thematic for the plurality of readers who would see the chapter that day. Unfortunately, I rushed through editing the chapter to get it released then, resulting in a couple of major mistakes. The first, pertaining to the TK scene, I’ve decided isn’t so bad after-all. TK was originally intended to have a “Wow, Matt is better than I remember him!” moment to parallel Tai’s perception of Davis as Kari. That scene is meant to occur at the same time as the the cannon scene where Matt trolls TK with rotten hyper-spicy food, the contrast to the fancy dinner June is making being deliberate. Of course, TK doesn’t know about that in this continuity, and, given the family reunion that’s happening, he’s probably going to be extremely happy with “Matt” no matter what. I briefly considered retconing the scene after I posted it, but I decided against it.
One retcon decided to go forward with pertains to the other scene. That Upamon and Poromon did not digivole when they cannonically did is deliberate; they are meant to be put at ease by the champion level “Gatomon” volunteering to do it for them. That they would not digivolve at all in that scene, as they did in the original fanfiction.net release, I have decided is problematic. It’s hard to argue that a body stealer isn’t at least as dangerous as a ghost, and danger is the trigger for champion and lower digivolution. More importantly, once Veemon defeats Pegasusmon he otherwise has control of the room, making the decision to flee to the Digital World make a lot less sense. The AO3 release, which should be out within a few hours of this tumblr post, will will have them digivolve to rookie right before Pegususmon is defeated and armor digivolve right after. The fanfiction.net version will be retconed to match this immediately after the AO3 release.
On the subject of mistakes, there are three major ones I regret for the story as a whole.The first two pertain to June. The spelling of her name is the first one. I’ve said before that the dub names are meant to be nicknames for the characters in this continuity, and that elongating “Jun” to “June” doesn’t make sense as a nickname, so I ignored the dub name for her despite using dub names for everyone else. I realized the problem with that during the writing of this chapter. For some reason, I had thought that Joe’s Japanese name was “Jounouchi” as with Joey Wheeler in Yu-Gi-Oh. Reading his wiki article, however, it turns out his original named is just... “Jo.” That does not work as “Joe” for the same reason “June” doesn’t. If I had known that starting the fanfic, I would have either used dub names for everyone or made a similar exception for Jo. As it stand, I’m kind of embarrassed. For what it’s worth, I did get a decent meta joke out of it for Jun’s guesses about his name and nickname.
The second Jun based regret is that I don’t feel I adequately explored her relationship with Tai. In chapters 5 and 6 she is shown to hold him in contempt, implicitly out jealousy for the better relationship he has with Davis. I wish I had done something else with it that between then and now. Chapter 8 would have been a great place for it with Jun staying in Tai’s house as Kari, but it just didn’t fit in with the way I was structuring that chapter. I wish I had made it work, or found somewhere else to explore it. This jealousy is meant to play into her sibling rivalry with Davis, ala her chapter 6 line “Am I not good enough of an older sibling for you?”
Technically, the last big mistake also involves June, but it goes well beyond her. I wish I had handled pronouns with our gender bent people differently. Matt and Kari, I mostly have no regrets with. Despite being gender bent, they still identfity as a boy and a girl receptively. There is a potential complication with how they refer to the digimon though. Renamon said, in Tamers, that digimon are not divided into gender, despite that season using gendered pronouns to refer to digimon. Fusion also latter has digimon reproduce sexually. The latter could be justified by just saying its a different continuity, but there is still the former problem. To reconcile of this, my headcannon is that digimon do possess physical sex, but they do not possess gender identity and just use pronouns matching their sex for convenience. This makes sense to me, especially in the context of gender bender, because it seems like the transformations they go through digivolving ought to enduse more body dysphoria than changing sex would. Taking the Gatomon line as an example, it seems like there dramatically more difference between a puppy, a cat, an angel and a dragon than there is between a man and woman. If digimon experience body dysphoria the way humans do, they would go insane, ergo they don’t experience gender identity as we do either. This is why Veemon is willing to trade up to Gatomon’s body despite the sex difference; he doesn’t care about that one way or the other. Gatomon doesn’t care about being male either, though the many draw backs of a DemiVeemon’s body and this DemiVeemon’s life are more than enough to make her despise being in it anyway. That leads us into Jun and Davis; I had imagined them as having an attitude on gender akin to that of the digimon. I have heard irl people claim to have it, and it gave them the willingness to trade up between the sexes as Veemon. Matt and Kari, on the other hand, are experiencing gender dysphoria in their new bodies to go along with their other troubles.
Unfortunately, none of that is really reflected in how the characters refer to each other... other than Matt and Kari’s dsyphoira anyway. Theoretically, this logic should make for Davis, Jun, and the digimon referring to people by the pronouns of their bodies, but none of them do this. Davis does post-menarche; the symbolism of “becoming a woman” with the first period was to tempting to resist, but honestly that just makes things inconsistent rather than fix them in my mind... I did things the way I did up until then because I feared having my villains renounce their birth gender while their victims cling to it could be seen as transphobic... The more I think on that, though, the less I agree with it, the more ways I can think that I could have addressed it in-universe, and the more problems of that nature that I see with Davis “becoming a woman” as shown.
I’m considering a major retool to address these problems, though I doubt I will do it. I know I’ve said that before about the Chapter 1 retcon, but this would be much more substantial. If nothing else, I won’t touch them tonight.
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inquiisitiveheart · 6 years
Tag Dump!
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digifandom · 1 year
Headcannon: Dididestined work/jobs
Taichi- I've thought about his the least tbh but I feel like him becoming a diplomat both does and doesn't fit him (leave suggestions ig since these are used for my fanfic)
Yamato- I actually like the idea of him becoming an astruanot but I feel like he would still have a side career as a musician
Koushiro- programmer (it's just them)
Sora- I like the idea of her going into the clothing industry (I do get why others don't) but I feel like she would be a more modern fashion designer, that makes practical clothing that still looks good (big advocate for women pockets!)
Mimi- love the idea that she is either a ceo of co-ceo of a company, that or a marketing expert/consultant
Jyou- Doctor but later down the line (like after a good decade give or take) opens up a few animal clinic (as he does medical aid in the digiworld, but that's for another hc list)
Hikari- elementary teacher (starts out teaching the younger classes but eventually starts to teach the older ones) definitely has a YouTube channel that they started when they were in middleschool/junior high (still posts on their off days)
Takeru- Author and part-time porfeser for a college near where he lives (teaches in the writing field obv.)
Daisuke- Works at a ramen shop in Japan but has a monthly one week ramen vendor in the US that he uses the money for charity (Def. hangs out with Mimi durring that week in the US)
Iori- I like the idea of him being a Lawyer/attorney I think it really shows his character development and also let's him work for justice in a way that honors his father but also in a way that works for him since Iori can fight and could be a police officer but he isn't inclined to fighting and prefers to understand the inner situations, which in my opinion makes him a good person to be a lawyer
Miyako- Translator. I LOVE her want to go to different places and I LOVE the idea that she knows multiple languages. To me being a professional translator just fits her, she also def. studies the culture of the places she visits bc she tries to be fully respectful of the people's way of life no matter where she's visiting, I also think she'd be an assistant to Koushiro whenever she's taking a break from work in Japan.
Ken- I kinda like the idea of him being a detective, it allows him to use his own deductive reasoning and the idea of him and Iori working close together is just so amazing (check out a fanfic that is like a Phoenix Wright au of them on ao3, I'll link it later)
I'm curious does anyone have any other ideas for these guys (especially Tai I need ideas for him) I'd love to write oneshots of these guys getting frustrated with work and having to seek out help from their friends inorder to take their mind off the problem (and go back fresh) or get help solving the problem. Mostly bc I'm a suckered for stories that show childhood friends that have so much going on in their lives that they don't have time for other things but bc they are real friends they still make the time to hang out and meet up w/ eachother despite how hard it is to do.
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digifandom · 1 year
Ken ichijouji Headcannons:
Okay here me out, long hair. During adulthood
Daisuke frequently styles Ken's hair ^
Takeru and Ken paint their nails together (Hikari and Yolei sometimes join them)
Ken does wear make up when he's at home (never in public) from time to time
Ken does NOT enjoy most traditionally feminine clothing
He has his right ear pierced (Daisuke matches him with his left)
He's the only one (other than Koushiro) who keeps up with Takeru's book rants
He gives Takeru non-fiction recommendations and receives fiction recommendations
Usually helps Iori go over evidence verbally before trials (when Iori can disclose the info to him)
Koushiro and Him play video games together
Daisuke forces him to play football (soccer) with him when playing with Taichi and Sora
Yolei and him have a long distance realationship most of the time (See job headcannons to understand)
Yolei teaches Ken different phrases in different languages when she can
Ken casually rest his head on Daisuke's shoulder from behind him (Davis gets upset at the indication of their height difference but leaves it be bc its Ken)
Ken helps Jyou on his first aid missions in the digital world
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Here my shitty drawing skills, just to really get the idea
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digifandom · 1 year
2x 6Headcannons:
Takeru & Tokomon
Takeru trusts Tokomon so much that he feeds him by hand (the rest of the digidestined freak out over TK's safety when he does it in front of them)
Tokomon sometimes bites Takeru when asleep (luckily it's normally only nibbling) and cries in the morning for doing so
Takeru has gotten used to it^ so when it happens he hides the bite mark(s) before Tokomon wakes up
Takeru love squeezing Tokomon in his arms cause he finds him cuddly
Takeru plays with Tokomon's antenna(?)/wings(?)/ears(?)
Tokomon claims Takeru's lap any chance he gets
Takeru & Patamon
Patamon sleeps on Takeru's face or on a dog bed that Taleru sets up on the top of a bookcase
Patamon hides underneath Takeru's hat sometimes
Patamon loves to claim Takeru's head any chance he gets
Patamon likes to listen to Takeru's heart beat
Takeru has the tendency to snuggle his face against Patamon's
Takeru taught Patamon how to use human things including but not limited to, a smart phone, a land-line, keys to a door, door knobs, the stove, a doorbell/ringer...
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digifandom · 1 year
Headcannon: Takeru crossdresses
It started as a joke when Daisuke dared him to let Mimi dress him up bc Taichi had tried to dare Yamato to wear a skirt (he got hit)
So Takeru was like yeah sure I don't care. Daisuke had severe bi panic and Hikari though their best friend slayed. So the two of them kept pestering him (he always ended up agreeing) and one day Takeru looked in the mirror and thought, "Shit."
He then proceeded to be in denial for a few years before his feeling for Daisuke led him to seeking for distractions and he went to Hikari and asked for them to dress him up. They talked (about gender) and Takeru went home red as a tomato.
"You can be a Cis male and rock a dress. You know that right?"
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digifandom · 1 year
After getting together Daisuke and Takeru still act the same around eachother and talk about and to the other the same. They never actively hid they were dating (other than the occasional avoidance of a question) they just never said it cause they 1 didn't see the point and 2 knew there would be way too many "I told you so" s that they would never live it down telling them directly and 3 Daisuke cherished his life and wanted at least some time to actually date Takeru before Yamato hunt him down.
Because of this none of the digidestined figure out they are dating until 2 years after they start when Ken is hanging out with them at their apartment (TK doing something in the other room over w/ Ken and Davis on the couch) and Davis gets up to grab an energy drink from the fridge and just yells a, "Babe, we're out of energy drinks put it on the list!" And Ken just breaks.
Everyone kept saying it would happen and pointing out their crushes on eachother and had to listen to them deny it for so long that it actually being real broke him.
Davis didn't realize and just got concerned and Takeru just walked in, noticed Ken's face and couldn't hold back his laughter as he pointed out what Davis did. Davis gets embarrassed bc he loves pda but hates using cutesy nicknames in front of others. Ken dies a little more at hearing Takeru double confirm everything and T.K is just giggling like a maniac at everything.
Ken would not share this information with the others just so they could break just like he did. (This action led to years of Daisuke and Takeru dating without all the other digidestined knowing, cause like Ken as they figured it out they wanted the others to suffer the same fate)
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digifandom · 1 year
(My au)
(Take place after events of 02)
Daisuke got into so many fights with his parents about his sexuality that he started to stay at Ken's place alot but Ken's parents wanted Daisuke to reconcile with his parents (since they're bestfriend their parents got to know eachother) So Daisuke ended up staying at Takeru's place instead since
T.K's mom wasn't home often
Miyako's dad does not like Davis
Iori's mom needs to have the alright from Davis's parents
Hikari and Tachi live in the same building he does
Takeru just accepts his fate (but hey he finally has human company)
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digifandom · 1 year
Headcannon on digidestined's orientations
Taichi- Bi, he/him
Yamato- Gay, he/him
Sora- Bi-curious, she/her
Joe- Straight, he/him
Mimi- Straight, she/her
Koushirou (Izzy)- Asexual biromantic, he/him
Takeru- Queer, he/him
Hikari- Straight, they/them
Daisuke- Bi, he/they
Miyako (Yolei)- Pan, she/her
Lori (Cody)- Aroace, he/him
Ken- Demisexual, he/him
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