#digimon kiriha
mintaffy · 9 months
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Does anyone see my vision
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timelessanimo · 1 year
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nocterre · 2 years
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rival representation
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neorukixart · 1 year
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Wake up! it’s 2023 and I’m trying to check if I can still draw Kiriha-kun :D Just to be sure I will be ok if I try to revive the Ask Kiriha :3c
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orifumioshi · 1 year
I was dumb and forgot to change the time limit of the poll I put yesterday ;w; It was meant to last a week but well, this things happen I guess XD so, let’s try this again and sorry for the copy+paste:
After looking for a few old illustrations over my blogs (for archive purpuses since my old computers often die and can’t have my files back OTL), I arrived at the good memories that was the “askkiriha” blog I once ran but eventually forgot about orz
Now days I’m even more busy than when I was a teen with somehow free time to run silly blogs but I thought, wouldn’t it be nice to go back there?
Would you guys be interested in the askkiriha revival? Or should I listen my stupid oshi feelings and make one for Ruki :D
With that said… Ask blogs are still a thing? New kiddos knows about them?
Disclaimer: I might or not consider thinking on doing this so, take it with a grain of salt
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purpleleafsyt · 1 year
Thinking about Digimon Fusion... childhood show that I need to rewatch at some point
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higuchimon · 4 months
I'm staring at my next prompt for Sweet & Spicy Bingo & it's "punch in the face" & it's a spicy prompt. That means to me that something bad happens & in this case, I'm only getting one idea right now. But it would probably end up being a long idea so here's my question:
Do you want to read 18,000+ words where Taiki's punch to Kiriha in episode 20 of Xros Wars didn't snap Kiriha out of being controlled by DarkKnightmon?
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lumidark166 · 1 year
Digimon (Mainly Xros Wars sorry) headcanons/aus that I keep thinking from 2013 to now, that probably should post it online and then kept inside cause I was scared of the fandom back then lol
So.. how I am going to start this
Also, please don't give fandom hate in my replies/rb, I don't care if a media has a lot of flaws but there are some people who enjoy it so be respectful
Let's go with this first cause my head screaming for Legends crossover ever since I read a fanfic of Daisuke/Davis as Takuya's cousin and screamed about @/digitalgate02 blog about the Legends au (actually I still screamed about this for years ever since the crossover episode but at the time, only popular crossover fanfic with all Digimon characters was kinda disappointing and kinda not like characters at all, let say Taichi character on that fanfic is a dick, actually most of them are assholes that my younger self patient to wait a few years to see there new content but still less but hey, at least there new good fanfics)
Btw you can scream about shipping hcs I don't mind, I kinda still ship Kiritai but not much as my 9 years old did, however, please block me if you ship minors characters with adult characters
Xros Over with The Legends with new legends heroes (the legend heroes adult/teens here cause Xros Wars timeline is 2013 ish idk) :
The Legends is very worried about Taiki cause Taiki ain't hiding he is traumatized and feels about to snap, he even smiles about it like that not a big deal to him
Taiki will need to be dragged by other Legends cause that boy helping people non stop that he forgot his self-care
The Legends want Taiki to give therapy but Taiki always refused, but..
"Taiki-san, you need therapy.. what do you mean you didn't deserve to have a dream cause it's selfish???" (Taichi, Daisuke, etc)
"I don't need therapy besides a therapist probably can't deal with our adventures.." Taiki reminded them that no one would understand Digital World problems
"You know what, let's ask DATS to make a psychologists branch for traumatized Digidestined Kids" (Masaru)
"Wait, you don't need-" Taiki panicked
"As a president of Aonuma Corps, I will fund you a lot if they decided to make it"
"Wait, KIRIHA?!" (Taiki)
'Ah, of course, Kiriha gonna be Taiki's sugar daddy... For Taiki's well-being,' Tagiru and Yuu thought at the same time
Sorry, I can't make good fanfic in English, most of my time is using Indonesian so it's my first time
4. Once in a while, they would have a soccer match after ending an evil world ending Digimon for relaxing, let's say Taiki is so athletic and flexible he becomes Messi
5. Masaru can take care of Taiki even though he is bad at food related, if they lived in Digital World for a while, he would give Taiki poison berries cause he thinks it's food as long you can eat it. Shoutmon will in despair again and just shouted at them to live in his kingdom before Taiki eat that berries
6. Daisuke, Taiki, and Takato only ones that can cook properly but with Taiki low self-care, it's just two of them can handle it
7. Ever since Taiki can hear digimelody, Taiki can hear and talk to Digispirits and eventually became Agnimon gossip listener, more like a rant about Takuya being an idiot
8. They acknowledged that Taiki is smarter than them in strategizing but still wonder why he so bad at keeping his well-being
9. They really need to get used to Taiki passing out shenanigans cause they keep getting a heart attack
10. They wonder if they were a family, so they vote Taichi is the tired dad lmao
11. One time when they get asked most dangerous they did, Taiki answered to them that he almost die, why? Cause to escape a kingdom was needing Taiki's death data
All the legends atp want to pass out cause this kid is more self-sacrificial and have no fear of death
12. Taiki sometimes rambles to them about Kamen Rider all the time, he talk non stop about Shoutaro from Kamen Rider W and Takeru from Kamen Rider Ghost (Geez is that where Taiki learn recklessness from- /hj)
Xros Wars & Hunters :
Xros Heart Team is a pseudo-family, Taiki the Mom, Kiriha The Dad, Nene the Mom while Yuu the Child
Taiki is spoils Tagiru a lot even though he is a mentor because he see him as little brother too
Taiki kinda seen him in Tagiru after he knows that Tagiru risk his safety for his friends, he want to tell him that his safety also important but he feel hypocrite about himself so he decided to not tell him about it
If Akari can't take care Taiki for a while, Kiriha would go Taiki house with a private jet even though he was in America for a meeting but knowing Taiki, he knows he need to go there fast, he would barge in kicking his door and dragged him to eat and drink water
Tagiru secretly blame himself and think he is stupid because he think if he smarter enough, Taiki couldnt get hurt by Quartzmon, and he has secretly inferiority complex, that why he want to surpass Taiki. he see Taiki as a rival role model, multi talented kid he never become, once he do this with other kid when he was younger but people thought he an attention seeker child and have few friends, he cherished those friends that he risk his safety for them so he feel useful for them
Yuu realized Tagiru problems with his lack of safety that...
"Tagiru, I don't care, I will drag you down to Therapy center if that the last thing i do, i have money from Nee-san so you don't worry about the pay"
7. Taiki can't mad mad, he doesn't want to be mad so every time he feel angry that he start to cry
8. Kiriha secretly loves to spoils Xros Heart Team with expensive gifts
9. Taiki learn to give someone speech of friendship /hj and punch them from his hospitalized friend
10. Tagiru sometimes feel like doesn't deserve Taiki's goggles
11. Ever since Taiki can hear digimelody, he can play music pretty well, just not singing
Now to the AUs, i currently have one, this one that keep me brainstorming so much that went into my dream,
Timeline Fixers AU:
This AU inspired some from HSR, but there a twist
There also some suicidal tendencies so if you don't want to read it, skip it to other crossover
Tagiru is kinda similiar to canon but kinda chill but after prologue, his mischievous side rises
Prologue titled 'If he always do this, so i can too' : Tagiru and Taiki do school as usual, everything back to normal, Tagiru is junior in highschool while Taiki is a senior that gonna graduate but there actually wrong with Taiki but Tagiru doesn't know what so he ignore it until Taiki say anything but .. when he saw Taiki casually walk to cross the road while car gonna hit him, he knew he gotta save his mentor and pull him up, after that Taiki broken ever since, Kiriha think this is Taiki snap. Tagiru doesn't know what to do, he want to help him but Taiki look so broken then.. a voice heard his wish, a calm voice saying to his head, "Child Of Destiny, as 7th Legend Hero, your duty came again and try to fix this mess by dimension/space time travel then you can save everyone including your mentor, Taiki Kudou
"Fine then..."
"But child, do you think this is path you want to take, this journey will cost you a lot even your sanity and health"
"It's fine, if Taiki can handle a digimon war so i can too... no matter what, beside this is my payback for him, guiding me all this time"
"Good luck to you, Hunter" then Tagiru take a step in to a space time travelling Trailmon without looking back but he didn't saying a goodbye, not even to Taiki. All he thinks now if the core timeline be at peace, then he can come back
then in Frontier, Shinya become Warrior of Earth and celebrating with the team until an evil digimon attack them out of nowhere, then they lost and Takuya save Shinya life till the very end. Then he heard same voice as Tagiru heard and become a Timeline fixer to save his brother and friends.
this journey take a lot of patience cause fixing and guiding digidestined kids is hard when most of the time, they keep discreet
This aus have timeloop too so when they fail, the timeline reset and start all over again
Because they doesn't want to get recognized, they act discreet and act like a villain more like anti-villain/hero that help/guiding everyone little by little, at first they doesn't want this but after making huge progress with little time, the karma bit their backs and got worst ending so they know they need to stay away as possible and guide them not too much.
When they got caught, they used their fake name like Tagiru is Tsukasa, a reference to Tsukasa Kadoya from Kamen Rider Decade that a lot of dimension think he a villain and Tsukasa force being a villain for the sake of protecting the dimensions. He knows this when Taiki rambles about Kamen rider
while Shinya choose Kyousuke, a reference of Tsurugi Kyousuke, a character of Inazuma eleven, that once a villain but he become one cause he can pay his brother medical surgery etc, in nutshell, want to save his brother
Taiki situation is the same as Emu Hojo in the novel, inspired from that but Taiki situation realizing if he doesn't have a dream so he didn't need a college cause he think so selfish of him doing college even though he blessed being a child-prodigy so he think his life is selfish and become diasosiative state and yknow try to d word himself
While Emu in that novel is a young kid that rough life, have a absent parent that didn't care about him, make himself clumsy so he can go to clinic for affection, attention cause he never got that from his father, eat frozen food cause he don't know how to make food then play video games, he thought his life is a like game so he think if he died, he can game restart and he did by crossing a road even though the red light still on and a car crash into him, luckily he survived but he forgot why he did it in the first place
A/N : Tbh i thought XW written by Kamen Rider Ex-Aid writer cause how similar but no, it's actually Kamen Rider W/Drive, the most normal and not too angsty Kamen Rider i ever seen
Timeline Fixer basically Stellaron Hunters but Homura-fied and fixes every world/timeline danger secretly so no one knows and every timeline can be at peace so basically villains that actually not villains that guiding the characters little by little by giving hints and act like a mysterious villains that doing work in the dark, while talks mysteriously and giving mysterious hints
For now, i can think only two for this team, maybe i can add more if i can
After Tagiru became a Timeline Fixer, he suddenly more edgelord lmao but he still himself with more michevious side, basically like Kafka
Shinya somewhat a walking Informant so he can remind Tagiru the script of how its going to happen
The Timeline now a mess and the evil digimons that never seen before appear and not supposed to appear in the core timeline, and need to get rid of it by Timeline Fixers cause the digimons may cause harm to the timeline
Timeline Fixers came before Digidestined children started their hourney watched them far away so they know if there gone wrong or not
Tagiru and Shinya may be same age as before they take their journey as timeline fixers but mentally, they aged A LOT
Their digivice upgraded so much that look like a phone but still has D-Tector or Xros Loader functions with few edition which is can summon a weapon anything so they can fight with digimon partner, their weapons can be more damage if they bond with their digimon partner in sync so well
Tagiru's weapon is a scythe, when he and Arresterdramon in sync, the scythe give Tagiru Ability to sprint fast and past through living being like a ghost.
Shinya's weapon is Earth like knuckles fantasy weapon that help him control Earth powers
Tagiru realized this journey is hard, with his mistakes alone can make timelines messy so he need to serious about it. But like that mysterious digimon voice said before, warning him of the journey he take, this journey will give him a lot of despair, he seen his consequences when take a rash action and put a timeline more messy than it's should be.
As a Timeline Fixer, sure you didn't aged too much but your mental age will increase and increase your maturity too but you will suffer an eternity of regrets, sorrow and despair. But as long, you have Courage, Hope, Bravery, and Friendship etc (i forgot most crests so forgive me) alongside you.. you can breathe easily and fight that despair.
Gumdramon know Tagiru despair is like an abyss now so he take some of his despair so Tagiru didn't feel left out. Tagiru opposes this idea from the start cause he don't want Gumdramon berserk and lose his old self but Gumdramon disagree and do it anyway. He didn't go berserk and changed his form (? I have low knowledge of digimon) to Dark Gumdramon, his looks more menacing now but he still his old self, but more protective to Tagiru and Shinya.
that is probably that it's for now, there another au but it's still unfinished lol and sorry for the angst
Tag : @digimondeepdiver
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izzyizumi · 1 year
m E: *TAKES DEEP brEATH* ME: I LOV- anyone who has spent five seconds around me ever: yes, you love DIGIMON XROS WARS, we get it okay, you love *XROS WARS*, /XROS WARS/ *HAS BEEN* a Brightest f*CKING Starshine in your LIFE, you f*cking ADORE{/D} IT {/SINCE THE 1ST EP?-}, yes okay yes, you love XROS WARS!!!, HOW many times are we gonna go through this, yOU F*CKING LOVE XROS WARS ACTUALLY AND *IT'S OK FOR YOU, AS A "DIGIMON FAN", TO /LOVE/ OR EVEN JUST PLAIN ENJOY THE XROS WARS SERIES AND CHARACTERS* EVEN IF THE SERIES HAS LONG SINCE "FINISHED"!!!!
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gorochuva · 2 years
Christopher, talking about Mikey: You think being gay is hard? Try telling people you're only attracted to clowns.
Nene: Narcissism ain't cute, sis.
Christopher: ...
Christopher: There's literally no response I can make to this where I come out a winner. I've actually never been owned this hard before. I think I legally owe you money now.
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Kiriha: We have come for your code crowns!
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timelessanimo · 2 years
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Warmup doodle lol
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shoutmonishere · 11 months
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Themb huggin <3
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alpaca-clouds · 2 years
Fluffcember Day 23: Snow Surprise
Yesterday forgotten to post here, again. The prompt was Leise rieselt der Schnee.
Fandom: Digimon Xros Wars (Manga)
Shipping: Taiki/Kiriha/Nene/Akari
Genre: Polyamory Fluff
Length: 623 words
[Ao3 Link]
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December the 23rd was finally a day all four of them had off and they had spent it accordingly. While it was too cold, really, to go to an amusement park, they had taken the sub down to Odaiba, visited the indoor Joypolis, before deciding rather spontaneously to go watch a movie. One of the Chinese fantasy movies was still playing and while it was a bit corny, it had been nice.
Kiriha could not help bit blush, as they were finally leaving the cinema and two people grabbed for his hands. With Taiki to his right and Nene to his left, there was an exchange of gazes and a bit of a shared chuckle between them.
“So, where are we going?” Akari asked, looking over to them.
Her implication was clear. They had a free day tomorrow and the day after and they might well spend it together.
“Kotone is coming over tomorrow,” Nene said. “She wants to spend Christmas.”
“That's lovely,” Akari said. “I have not seen her in… what now?”
“About three months,” Taiki offered.
“Yeah. It had been forever. Have you planned anything?”
“Not much,” Nene replied. “Just some gifts and… you know? The usual.”
“The usual meaning, that Kotone will probably drag us across Tokyo in two days,” Kiriha replied. Because ever since his future sister-in-law had moved away from the metropolis, she could think of so many things to do there, whenever she returned. Be it a certain restaurant she wanted to visit or a shop she wanted to go to.
“Can we come along?” Akari asked.
Nene shot Kiriha a side glance. “Maybe we could make it a girl's day.” She knew how easily he grew exhausted by the younger woman and her antics. Because, really, ever since returning from the Digital World by now nine years ago, Kotone had lost none of her energy. She had rather gained some more. At time he had to wonder, whether she was on drugs – or if just her overconsumption of caffeine and sugary drinks was to thank for it all.
At this Taiki pressed his hand. “That might actually sound like a great idea.” He too exchanged gazes with Kiriha, making him unwittingly chuckle.
Yeah, there was so much implication going around between them.
Usually, he did not like it. Being so open about it all. It was just not the way he had been raised. But even Odaiba grew deserted after 11 in the evening and thus he did not really mind.
Down here by the harbor, the icy wind was more noticeable. It was a freakingly cold winter so far, as the temperatures had been around zero degrees for over a week now. But it was nice. Yeah. This was nice. When he was with them, he did not feel alone any longer.
“Yeah,” he agreed softly. “It sounds like a good idea.”
They all laughed at this, as Akari brought up her question from earlier: “So, where are we…” She stopped short and looked up at the sky, with Nene quickly mimicking her.
Only then Kiriha did the same and was surprised. “Snow?” he whispered, as he saw the first flakes slowly float down towards them.
Taiki stretched out one hand, catching a single snowflake in the air and watching it melt.
“Maybe we get a white Christmas,” Nene said, her smile now wide and warm. “Oh, Kotone would love that.”
“Yeah,” Kiriha muttered and could not help but smile himself, as their warm happiness was so infectious. “Yeah. I guess…” His gaze drifted up to the sky, where more and more white flakes came into few, softly reflecting the street lights, as they fell towards the ground. “Yeah, I guess that would be nice.”
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the-tubort · 2 years
Shoutmon X7 is such a wonderful representation of the power of friendship and love for Team Xros Heart and Blue Flare. Too bad that everything related to its arrival and build up had the pacing of a bullet train.
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digimonarchive · 2 months
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Digimon in all animated media - Anime, Movies and OVA
1st pic = Digimon Adventure anime (Japan: March 7, 1999 - March 26, 2000; USA: August 14, 1999 - June 24, 2000)
2nd pic = Digimon Adenture 02 anime (Japan: April 2, 2000 - March 25, 2001; USA: August 19, 2000 - May 19, 2001)
3rd pic = Digimon Tamers anime (Japan: April 1, 2001 - March 31, 2002; USA: September 1, 2001 - June 8, 2002)
4th pic = Digimon Frontier anime (Japan: April 7, 2002 - March 30, 2003; USA: September 9, 2002 - July 14, 2003)
5th pic = Digimon Savers / Data Squad anime (Japan: April 2, 2006 – March 25, 2007; USA: October 1, 2007 - November 2, 2008)
6th pic = Digimon Xros Wars / Fusion anime (Japan: July 6, 2010 - March 25, 2012; USA: September 7, 2013 - August 16, 2015)
7th pic = Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms anime (a.k.a Digimon Xros Wars part 2) (Japan: April 3, 2011 - September 25, 2011; USA: March 8, 2015 - August 16, 2015) **
8th pic = Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time anime (a.k.a Digimon Xros Wars Hunters or Digimon Xros Wars part 3) (Japan: October 2, 2011 - March 25, 2012) ***
9th pic = Digimon Adventure Tri OVA (Japan: November 21, 2015 - May 5, 2018; USA: September 15, 2016 - September 20, 2018)
10th pic = Digimon Universe Appli Monsters anime (a.k.a Appmon) (Japan: October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017)
11th pic = Digimon Adventure: (a.k.a Digimon Adventure 2020 or Digimon Adventure reboot) (Japan: April 5, 2020 - September 26, 2021; USA: November 19, 2022 - April 13, 2023)
12th pic = Digimon Ghost Game (Japan: October 3, 2021 - March 26, 2023)
13th pic = Digimon Adventure (Movie) short film (Japan: March 6, 1999; USA: October 6, 2000 as the first segment part of Digimon The Movie)
14th pic = Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! movie (Japan: March 4, 2000; USA: October 6 2000 as the second segment part of Digimon The Movie)
15th pic = Digimon Adventure 02: Vol. 1: Digimon Hurricane Landing!/Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution! The Golden Digimentals movie (a.k.a Digimon Adventure 02 Vol 1 and 2) (Japan: July 8, 2000; USA: October 6, 2000 as the third segment part of Digimon The Movie) ****
16th pic = Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes Back / Digimon: Revenge of Diaboromon movie (Japan: March 3, 2001; USA: August 5, 2005)
17th pic = Digimon Tamers: The Adventurers' Battle / Digimon: Battle of Adventurers movie (Japan: July 14, 2001; USA: October 16, 2005)
18th pic = Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express / Digimon: Runaway Locomon movie (Japan: March 2, 2002; USA: October 2, 2005)
19th pic = Digimon Frontier: Revival of the Ancient Digimon!! / Digimon: Island of Lost Digimon movie (Japan: July 20, 2002; USA: October 23, 2005)
20th pic = Digital Monster X-evolution movie (Japan: January 3, 2005; USA: August 1, 2020)
21st pic = Digimon Savers The Movie: Ultimate Power! Activate Burst Mode!! movie (Japan: December 9, 2006)
22nd pic = Digimon Adventure 3D: Digimon Grandprix! short film OVA (Japan: July 20, 2000)
23rd pic = Digimon Savers 3D: The Digital World in Imminent Danger! short film OVA (Japan: July 8, 2006)
24th pic = Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Memorial Story Project OVA short films (Japan: November 22 2019 - December 25, 2020)
25th pic = Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna movie (Japan: February 21, 2020; USA: September 29, 2020)
26th pic = Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning movie (Japan: October 5, 2023; USA: November 8, 2023)
** This is the 2nd part of Digimon Xros Wars saga with Taiki, Kiriha and Nene on their adventure while Akari and Zenjirou are left out.
*** This is the 3rd part of Digimon Xros Wars saga with Tagiru, Yuu and Taiki as the protagonists. This 3rd part has the overly long title so we fans prefer to call it 'Digimon Xros Wars: Hunters' or 'Digimon Young Hunters'.
**** Yes, this movie has an overly long title. I had a hard time deciding whether to highlight it in bold or not.
Happy Digimon Day!
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