linaa-vera · 4 years
Digimon Fanfic Recommendations PART 2 BABYYYY
Now this list, is shorter? Uncompleted? More one-shots?
Also, this has more…mature content? +18 some of them, but I’ll put if it is something explicit.
Here are on ao3.
SO YOU WERE ALIVE by ahiddenpath (One-shot. COMPLETE)
Summary: “Greymon meets Garurumon in the network and is glad to see that his friend is alive. Explores the possible (if unlikely) connection between the Agumon in the Digimon Adventure Reboot (Digimon Adventure:/Digimon Psi) and the Digimon Adventure Agumon.”
Thoughts: When I found this, I didn’t watch Kizuna (WHICH I THINK IS BULLSHIT, I CRIED A LOT >:C ) but then I did, and if this happened after it, it would connect everything pretty well.
TIL THE END by Higuchimon (One-shot. COMPLETE)
Summary: “Daisuke and Ken are Jogress partners. That’s good – right? Perhaps not so much in this case. At least not when ImperialDramon fights their friends.”
Thoughts: I always love when they show that Jogress, Fusion or whatever not only affects the digimon, but the digidestined as well. And this shows what could have happened to Daisuke and Ken during Tri, and their thoughts (or Daisuke’s) about Imperialdramon fighting their friends, and the fact that they were forgotten by the other children.
GTA (IS NOT A GAME) by ToastyToaster22 (One-shot. COMPLETE)
Summary: “Natsuko brushed it off the first couple times Takeru said something concerning. Maybe she shouldn't have, but in her defense, he seemed to be brushing his confusion off too. However her son was getting confused more and more often, and with it came a sense of anxiety she'd never seen in him before.
It was time to stop pretending he was fine.”
Thoughts: THIS WAS THE BEST FIC I’VE READ OR ENCOUNTERED IN AGES. I Swear. Guys. This fic is amazing, I was never a fan of TK, don’t know why, but I really like him in this fic, the problems he’s facing really put in perspective his personality and everyone around him is so nice because of what’s happening. VERY EDUCATIVE FIC. 10/10.
Summary: “Tailmon and Agumon have a bonding moment while Taichi is sick.”
Thoughts: Although it’s a sickfic, it’s not really very angsty but it’s for the purpose of Tailmon and Agumon to have their moment. It’s…a good way to have both of they personalities shown in a more private way.
SHAKEN by ToastyToaster22 (Short-story. COMPLETED)
Summary: “They said the shaking lasted 17 seconds.
Takeru shook all night.”
Thoughts: Really good characterization and emotions. I myself live in one of the most seismic countries of the planet (Chile), and although Japan is obviously more organized than us, it shows the fear, the “what the fuck do I do now” “Do I leave? Stay? My Mom?dadfriendsdogs-”. But also the kindness of strangers, and your love ones who are there to support you. Also represents how much the digidestined love each other, really sweet.
Summary ““Okay.” Yamato nodded and swallowed. He felt like there was a thick lump in his throat. He felt like if he stopped looking at Taichi he'd disappear any second, just dissolve and puff, fizz out of existence. Canon divergence of episode four”
Thoughts: this was amazing. It’s a missing scene of Tri. If that concern we felt when Tai disappeared and also that “the fuck” feeling when he returned like it was nothing. Incredible way to show their friendship. Love it. (also gay haha)
MERMOIRS OF A ROYAL KNIGHT by Alycoris (Series of one shots. COMPLETE)
Summary: “Dukemon's life as a Royal Knight. Needless to say, between duties he thinks about a lot of things.”
Thoughts: Very well written. Dukemon has memories of other life and when you discover who he was, well, dang it’s amazing.
DROWNING MEMORIES by Shara Raizel (Long Story. UNCOMPLETE. Dormant since 2017)
Summary: “Davis Motomiya has been burdened with the memories and residual voice of his cousin Takuya Kanbara. As he continues to discover the tragic events surrounding an accident eight years past will he finally silence the voice or will he loose his mind to them?”
Thoughts: This was my favorite fic EVER. Until they stopped updating. :c  It has everything. Horror, adventure, DRAMA. ANGST FOR DAVIS. He really doesn’t know what to do. It’s also on Fanfiction.net, and I think it has 2 more chapters there?? This was the fanfic that made me look for more all those years ago. YOU NEED TO READ IT AND SUFFER WITH ME BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN DORMANT—
SPARK, FIRE, INFERNO by Verse (Short story. COMPLETE)
Summary: “Sometimes, it feels as if there are three of his brother.”
Thoughts: I always though that in frontier they could have made the “sharing a body” dynamic really well, but they never did it, so I found fanfic about and this is the one that remembered me of it. THIS IS AMAZING. And Shinya’s reaction to being more of his brother.
THE ULTIMATE GATHERING OF THE DIGIDESTINED by Shara Raizel (Long-story. UNCOMPLETED. Dormant since 2017)
On fanfiction bc I forgot to put it on the other one.
Summary: “Have you ever wondered what would happen if the casts of Adventure 02, Tamers, and Frontier of Digimon were to meet? This is the Ultimate Adventure of the DigiDestined!”
Thoughts: At first I thought it would be only shenanigans and silly unconnected chapters—but OH BOI WAS I WRONG. It’s very mature, there’s a lot of character (obviously) but all of them get their time to shine. Really. Death, adventure, angst, comedy, relief, I recommend it 120%. 10/10.
At this point I think I made you a favor. Your welcome. If you pick any of the fics then I love you and go give your kudo to the fic because they deserve more recognition.
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skuag · 4 years
Hi! Look at me writing in English! And a special thanks to @lightchildofthespring for her help and support.
Fandom: Digimon
Characters: Takenouchi Sora and Ishida Yamato
Genre: Romance
Lenght: One-shot, 1500ish words. 
Summary: Sora receives an unexpected visitor during the quarantine.
Lyrids - FF.Net / AO3
(More under the cut)
Sora and Yamato rented their first apartment together while they were still at university. It was a very small apartment, on the 10th floor, one floor by the stairs. Right next to the machine that powered the elevator, which made it particularly noisy and cheap. It also had a private terrace, almost bigger than the apartment, where Yamato placed his telescope and taught Sora everything she knew about the sky, and where she prepared herself a corner with a chair, a small table and a lot of colors, where she could draw, think and enjoy sunny days.
She thought about leaving the apartment when Yamato left to Chitose to start his training at the Air Defense Missile Training Group, and then again when the first two years went by and his training continued, and then again… but there were a number of things that prevented her from leaving, and even if she explained out loud that rent was low and it was close to her mother’s, the truth was that she just couldn’t bear to part with all the memories that she had created there, and all the firsts, and all the happiness that the small apartment had meant to her. Yes, she had grown tired of going up one floor through the stairs, every day, many times. Yes, she was able to pay for something bigger, yes… and yet there she was, all those years later, still enjoying the small space where she had created her first home with Yamato.
It got particularly difficult in 2020, because suddenly she wasn’t able to go out as often as she wanted to, and she wasn’t able to receive as many friends as she was used to, and she started to spend her little time off from work cleaning and disinfecting, all the time, the same small space… but finally she received the unexpected news that Yamato was going to be allowed to leave Chitose for a few weeks, in fact, until further news, and her small apartment suddenly felt huge without him, but only for a little longer… and she cleaned and disinfected and brought flowers and watered her plants and made sure to try to teach her cat, Piximon, to sleep on the couch… (at least for a while).
Yamato arrived on April 21st, 2020, and for the first time in years he didn’t have a return ticket. Sora had prepared everything, she had bought his favorite foods and enough supplies to last them for over a week, but she hadn’t prepared herself for the surge of emotions that she felt when he entered the apartment with his own key and left his suitcase next to the door. When he absentmindedly pat Piximon on the head while he smelled his baggage, and when he smiled at her, happy, but didn’t run to her.
“I need to disinfect myself,” he explained, and she knew, of course…
So she sat and watched him. She watched him as he removed his shoes and sprayed them before storing them in the genkan. She watched him disinfect the suitcase, the wheels, and she watched him remove his coat and hang it separately from hers. It was incommensurable how slow time moved while she waited for his hug. But finally, he cleaned his hands and was ready for her, and she was ready for him, and they could have hugged and kissed for a lifetime.
“Do you have my old telescope?” he asked, and for a minute she felt annoyed that he wanted to start studying right away.
But she did have it, and she had cleaned and disinfected it too…
“I have plans for today and we will need it,” was all he explained. And Sora wanted to know more, but the plans included her, and for the moment it was enough.
Yamato felt impatient for the rest of the afternoon. She knew for the way in which he checked the time every few minutes, for how he scratched his head every time he realized that he was doing it, and for how early he decided to start cooking dinner. Sora, on the other hand, only wanted to look at him, and follow him around, and mess with his hair, and just to stay close to him, as close to him as possible, no matter how against the sanitary recommendations it was.
But she knew something was odd when he insisted that she took a shower, that he didn’t need help in the kitchen, and basically just escorted her to the bathroom and closed the door in her face. She shrugged, what could she do? Yamato obviously had been planning something for a while now, and she was in his way.
So she took her shower, and chose his favorite perfume, the one that she barely ever used, and took a very long time to decide which pajamas to wear – because she was not going to get dressed only to sit inside, even if with him. She chose a light pair of pajamas, designed as a huge panda. She knew he found it very funny, and maybe even cute.
But she had definitely not been expecting him to prepare a night picnic on the terrace, right next to the telescope, and yes, her pajamas were way too light for that chilly night. She didn’t complain, though, nor did she change her clothes, even if it looked odd to be sitting in her pajamas next to his fully dressed boyfriend. She took a knitted blanket with her and sat under it with Yamato, and with Piximon, of course, who couldn’t be anywhere else, obviously.
“Do you know what’s happening today?”
Was that a trick question? Because according to Sora, a lot was happening that day – even if the only thing she cared about was her boyfriend being there.
But it wasn’t a trick question, and he immediately started to explain, and she cared more than she expected to. She had always enjoyed hearing Yamato explain the space, to her, to Takeru, even to Ken and Miyako’s daughter, just to anyone who wanted to listen. His eyes lighted as they did when he played the harmonica in their childhood or when he performed with his band… That Yamato whose voice used to carry her away, and who she watched over fondly when he performed… she knew, probably, that he thought she wasn’t as interested in the explanations as he expected her to be... She was, however, but she just cared more about watching him explain things that drove him crazy, and she could have watched him monologue about brands of toilet paper if it lit his eyes, colored his cheeks and raised the tone of his voice as speaking about the Space did.
“… and the Lyrid’s meteor shower starts every year around April 16th, but what’s different is that this year it coincides with the new moon, so the viewing conditions are magnificent. I know it’s a little cloudy, but since it’s peaking today, I’m sure we’ll be able to see a few. I’m so happy I was able to arrive today.”
Sora left her unfinished plate on the blanket to move closer to him.
“So that’s why you wanted to come? To watch the sky?” she asked, her face dangerously close to his. She watched him blush.
“Just to watch it with you…”
She kissed him.
“There are basically no meteor showers between January and April, so I always look forward to watching the Lyrids… but I’m not usually around, I mean with you, this time of the year… and it’s so silly because you don’t even need a telescope, you could just turn off the lights and watched them here, every year…”
“So let’s turn off the lights.” She moved closer, once again. Her movement annoyed Piximon, who left.
And they were left alone, on the top of a building, on an April night.
“Sora…” he whispered, right to her ear.
“Are you done with your food?” she asked, but she removed his plate without even waiting for a response. “I’ll turn off the lights, so we can watch the stars…”
He smiled, because he knew her just too well. She turned off the lights and suddenly they were only illuminated by the buildings that surrounded them.
“I’m still eating…”
“But I want to watch the stars…”
“It’s still early… the best time to watch the Lyrid’s meteor shower is between midnight and dawn…”
“… works for me.”
She couldn’t undress him fast enough, and he laughed watching her struggling with his food plate, that he was still trying to eat while she stubbornly tried to sit on top of him and play with his hair, and remove his shirt and just do the hundred things that she needed to do before midnight.
Sora heard him speak until very late that night.
“Lyrid meteors radiate from near the bright star Vega in the constellation Lyra the Harp… but they will appear unexpectedly, in any and all parts of the sky… it is amongst the oldest known meteor showers… Records of the Lyrids go back for almost three-thousand years…”
Comet Thatcher, orbital paths, earth’s atmosphere… Sora could remember many words from that night, even if scattered and unrelated, like the dozen meteors that they saw, watching during many hours, and with a lot of patience.
Piximon eventually returned and took his rightful place on her legs, and purred. Sora purred too, on her own, particular way, and hugged Yamato like it was their last night, even if it was just the first.
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amiki-zorsez · 6 years
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Pari Poster #digimongold #amikizorsez #digimonfanfic #fanfic #digimon #originalcharacter #digimonoriginal https://www.instagram.com/p/BqEuGMPBmJQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1aq5giqhnf1pj
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linaa-vera · 4 years
Digimon Fanfic Recommendations PART 1
So, during this quarantine I was dragged by the Digimon fandom again and I’ve been completely immersed in it. And at this point I’m past halfway the total pages of fanfic both in Fanfiction and in AO3.
So I present you the fics I think you need to read because they are worth it, ALMOST ALL OF THEM ARE COMPLETED SO YES.
PS: I tolerate all ships.
PS2: I’ll put in the name if it’s incompleted o completed. If it has 5 years without an update I’ll put dead.
MANZANAR by GeminiStar01 (Short-story. COMPLETE)
Summary: “Kouji and Kouichi find themselves in a JapaneseAmerican interment camp in World War 2 California. They're certain that the Digimon have something to do with thier coming here, but to what end?”
Thoughts: It has good writing, very realistic. It’s really concerning when they realize where they are and I really like how both are portrayed in the fic, both are in character which is amazing. Also good history lessons.
TIGER LILIES by AncientLou (Short-Story. COMPLETE)
Summary: “A human lifepsan is an adventure, but much like the adventures in the digital world, they end. What becomes of a digimon left behind?”
Thoughts: VERY EMOTIONAL. I was about to cry every chapter. Very good writing. Puts in perspective that the digidestined are only humans, unlike the Digimons. The story follows what happens to almost every partnered digimon when their human dies. Broke my heart but it was worth it, it shows them in character really well.
YOU MISS HIM by bobtheacorn (One-Shot. COMPLETE)
Summary: “Overhead, Kari yawns; a sound muffled under her hand, barely even a sigh. / Kamiya Sibling stuff.”
Thoughts: I really love sibling relationships portrayed in fanfics. It’s very sweet and this one isn’t the exception. The author showed what it’s like living on the Kamiya residence and their relationship as siblings very well.
CONTACT by bobtheacorn (One-Shot. COMPLETE)
Summary: “Davis doesn't start the fight, but he does finish it. / rushprompt”
Thoughts: When I first read it I found it that could very much happen, Daisuke is someone who would not back down when someone threatens his friends. Everyone is in character, and I LOVE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN KEN AND DAISUKE IN THIS ONE. It can be taken as romantic or simply friends, the way you like it the most.
BROKEN WINGS by Kaeera (Short-story. COMPLETE)
Summary: “Everybody thought that Daisuke was carefree, not? Everybody believed that he was happy...but what, when the truth is different and he has to deal with a trauma he is not ready to deal with?”
Thoughts: ANGST TO THE BONE PEOPLE. I SUFFERED. But otherwise enjoyed. I think there’s a lot that can be learned in this fic, very well written and down to earth. People can do horrible things every day, and many unknown people suffer the consequences in more ways than we can imagine, like our two protagonists.
ALL SEEMS BEAUTIFUL by Fizzing Wizard (Long story. UNCOMPLETE. Dormant since 2017, also on AO3 but with less chapters)
Summary: “After a bizarre incident at the camp, Taichi learns he's vanishing from his own world and becoming part of the Digital World. Meanwhile the Chosen take hits from every corner: the Spore Children, plus an enemy or several on the digital plane. And they can't keep their personal lives from tangling. ACT 2: The Chosen were dealt the worst blow possible, and it's tearing them apart.”
Thoughts: I was looking for a Taichi/Tai’s fanfic for so long. AND I FOUND IT. This story has everything, betrayals, love, FRIENDSHIP, and death. Everyone is in character which is wonderful, Taichi’s way of dealing with everything is very “goggle head like”. The descriptions are very accurate, and feel very natural.
FRIENDS TO THE END by Schnickledooger (one-shot. COMPLETE)
Summary “Matt and Tai. Together in trouble again. Lucky they're friends, right?”
Thoughts: Really good portrayal of their friendship. Warms up my heart every time I read it.
HERE WITH ME by Mika-chan (One-shot. COMPLETE)
Summary: “Taichi needs an appendectomy; he isn't thrilled. Taichi & Yamato friendship story.”
Thoughts: To quote a review “straightforward, simple, and sweet.” VERY WHOLESOME.
TOMORROW by Mika-chan (Short-story. COMPLETE)
Summary: “It's times like these when his father won't stop lecturing him about school and when Yamato won't stop being so self-absorbed, that Tai wishes life could be simple again—could really be just about fighting evil Digimon and saving the world.”
Thoughts: I really like this story because it shows how school can sometime be very stressful. And more importantly it depicts Tai very well, because it shows that he’s alone, or he thinks he’s being abandoned by everyone.
THE LOST TAMER by Miss Anonymous hp (Long Story. COMPLETE)
Summary: “Even before Takato was electrocuted, he was having a crummy day. It all started when he woke up with no memory, in a strange place, and surrounded by a group of kids known as the digidestined looking for somebody named TK. Now he, Guilmon, and five worried kids must set out to find out what exactly is going on… and why.”
Thoughts: I really like this portrayal of Takato. He’s very mature and his comments are very realistic. GUILMON IS THE SWEETEST. Even when you have all this characters in scene you don’t lose the essence. Very recommended. Has a sequel but it hasn’t been updated.
Summary: “That time in summer camp wasn't the first time Tai went to the Digital World. How different would things be if a more experienced and jaded Tai was sucked into the Digital World? V-Tamers/adventure01”
Thoughts: Tai’s very mature for his age in this fic and I love it. He knows stuff, and he’s not what I expected in this fic. But that’s what I love it, if you guys read it you have A LOT of suprises coming. 10/10
           HAS A SEQUEL TO KEEP ON RISING UNCOMPLETED. Set in 02. Dormant, last update on 2018.
WHAT WAS FORGOTTEN by Prince of Flames (Short Story. COMPLETE)
Summary: “During his battle with Cherubimon, Takuya falls unconscious. While he is asleep, he dreams of a past forgotten, and friends that he once knew.”
Thoughts: It’s a 02x04 crossover. Very short and has fluff. Love it. Although it’s not showed you can’t tell the friendship the two other protagonists had with Takuya is real.
CROSSING WORLDS: THE SEALED DIGIVICE by Sigthbent (Long Story. COMPLETE) (Has prequel, completed. And has a Sequel, uncompleted).
Summary: “On a mission that has led Takuya out of his own dimension, he has ended up lost in another. Not only does the fate of multiple worlds rest on him succeeding, he'll also meet someone who will become forever intertwined with his destiny”
Thoughts: Another 02x04 crossover with GREAT worldbuilding. Everything is explained and you can understand the concepts easily. Takuya had a serious demeanor here, because of his new role as a “superior digidestined”(?) But has his charismatic smiles all over, very good characterizations of everyone. Cliffhangers, angst, fluff, EVERYTHING. AND THE POWER OF---
Summary: “Six young kids go to camp for the summer, wind up living in a Digital Land. With devices that let them digivolve their partners to make them stronger, our six heroes set off on an adventure to find a way back to their world. But stories tell of another boy trapped in this world for a long time and they fear the same fate. Mysteries abound in this new world. Will they get home?”
Thoughts: This is a masterpiece. If you like Doctor Who then you’re gonna love this. It’s the perfect match. The Tamer owns the situations every time he appears. I just can’t explain it further YOU HAVE TO READ THIS. IT’S AMAZING.
FORGOTTEN LEGENDS by Sightbent (Long story. UNCOMPLETED. DEAD since 2015 :c )
Summary: “With the reemergence of a long lost continent in the Digital World the Digidestined have set out to discover its connection to recent troubling events happening in the real and digital world, but in doing so they will stumble across long forgotten legends and a chaos that has waited a long time to engulf both worlds. 02x04”
Thoughts: Ashh this fic. I really like it, I like the story, the world building. Everyone is in character, there’s so many mysteries. I’m really sad because the last chapter’s ending wasn’t what I expected and I need to know what’s happening. A good ride tho.
Summary: “Posing as a Digidestined pair, and barred from spirit evolution save in the most dire of circumstances, Kouji and Kouichi struggle to aid the Chosen Children in discovering the secret of evolution, all while trying to unravel the truth of the connection between their Spirits, and themselves.”
Thoughts: I got a bit confused with the names of the digimons so I had to write them down to know which one was which, but I think that’s because I found it when my English wasn’t that good? So, meh. I really like this story, everyone is on character, very nice rhythm, good descriptions and conflicts. I love Koji and I love Kouichi and their relationship throughout the story.
ADVENTURE 02 X FRONTIER by Freefan1412 (Long story. UNCOMPLETE. On hiatus)
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7484328/4/Adventure-02-x-Frontier Summary “Four years after BelialVamdemon's defeat the peace in the Digiworld breaks apart. A mysterious army of evil Digimon is wreaking havoc and destroying everything the children have struggled to build. And the key to evil's victory, lies with 6 'visitors'. 02 x 04 crossover. Rated for violence. Hiatus.”
Thoughts: One of the first “mature” fanfic I’ve found and what I loved about this is the fact that the warriors are more attuned with their spirits, they are vessels for them to manifest and it’s amazing. And it clearly shows that their world (frontier) was harsher and brutal than the adventure gang.
Summary: “Davis holds a secret about himself that the other the Digidestineds, except for Ken, don't know. What does this secret have to do with the mysterious digimon that has been spotted recently and Kari seems to know? When evil once again rises, the Digidestined better be prepared for all they know to be turned upside down and a fight for their lives. Season 2 and 4 Crossover.”
Thoughts: I re-read this recently and I still love it. It’s an easy read. The battles are amazing and well written in my opinion. Everyone feels real and the interactions also feel amazing.
   At this point I think I made you a favor. Your welcome. If you pick any of the fics then I love you and go give your kudo to the fic because they deserve more recognition.
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