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mostafij12 · 1 year
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mayabonni · 1 year
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Ballot Counting Management Software by HRsoftBD
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amtmarketresearch56 · 1 month
Market Research Surveys in Myanmar
Ramakrishna Paramhans Ward,
PO mangal nagar, Katni, [M.P.]
  2nd Floor, Above KBZ Pay Centre,
 between 65 & 66 street, Manawhari Road Mandalay, Myanmar
Phone  +95 9972107002
Market Research Surveys in Myanmar: Insights from AMTMarketResearch
Myanmar Market Research Surveys: AMTMarketResearch's insights Myanmar has emerged as a promising frontier market in recent years, attracting the attention of businesses and investors from all over the world. The requirement for precise and comprehensive market research has grown in importance as the nation expands and modernizes. AMTMarketResearch, a main statistical surveying firm, has been at the front line of leading clever studies in Myanmar, giving important information and examination to organizations hoping to enter or extend in this powerful market.
Understanding the Myanmar Market Landscape The distinct socioeconomic and cultural landscape of Myanmar presents businesses with both opportunities and challenges. AMTMarketResearch has created particular overview techniques custom fitted to the Myanmar setting, guaranteeing that the information gathered is both precise and socially applicable. These reviews cover a large number of areas, including shopper merchandise, media communications, monetary administrations, and farming.
Key Difficulties in Leading  Market Research Surveys in Myanmar
1.            Diverse Linguistic and Ethnic Landscape: Over a hundred ethnic groups inhabit Myanmar, each with its own distinct language and culture. AMTMarketResearch uses translators and local experts to make sure that surveys are done in the right languages and dialects so that it can get the real story of how people behave in different areas.
2.            Digital infrastructure that isn't enough: While digital growth has been rapid in urban areas like Yangon and Mandalay, many rural areas still lack reliable internet connectivity. AMTMarketResearch uses a blend of on the web and disconnected study strategies to arrive at a delegate test of the populace.
3.            Changing Regulatory Setting: Privacy and data collection laws in Myanmar are also changing as the economy grows. AMTMarketResearch stays up to date on these developments to guarantee that all surveys adhere to ethical guidelines and local laws.
AMTMarketResearch's Innovative Approaches To Overcome These Obstacles and Provide Accurate Insights, AMTMarketResearch Implemented the Following Innovative Approaches:
1.            Portable First Studies: Perceiving the high cell phone entrance in Myanmar, AMTMarketResearch has created versatile improved studies that can be effortlessly gotten to and finished on cell phones.
2.            Collection of hybrid data: Joining customary up close and personal meetings with computerized techniques considers an additional extensive information assortment process, particularly in regions with restricted web access.
3.            Training in Cultural Sensitivity: To ensure cultural sensitivity and appropriate communication styles when interacting with respondents from various ethnic backgrounds, all researchers and interviewers undergo rigorous training.
Key Experiences from Late Overviews
AMTMarketResearch's new studies have uncovered a few intriguing patterns with regards to the Myanmar market:
1.            Middle Class Growth: There is a developing working class in metropolitan regions, with expanding extra cash and changing purchaser inclinations.
2.            Digital adoption: Digital technologies are being rapidly adopted, particularly in e-commerce and mobile banking, despite infrastructure issues.
3.            Loyalty to a brand Myanmarans are very loyal to their brands, especially to local ones that align with their cultural values.
4.            Sensitivity to the environment: There is a developing consciousness of natural issues, with buyers showing inclination for eco-accommodating items and supportable practices.
The Effect of AMTMarketResearch Overviews
The bits of knowledge given by AMTMarketResearch have been instrumental in assisting organizations with settling on informed conclusions about their Myanmar activities. These survey results have helped businesses tailor their approaches to the particular Myanmar market, from product development to marketing strategies.
Looking Ahead The significance of market research in Myanmar will only increase as the country's economic growth continues. AMTMarketResearch is committed to improving its methods and expanding its reach in order to provide insights that are even more extensive and practical. By consolidating nearby mastery with worldwide prescribed procedures, AMTMarketResearch is ready to stay a central participant in opening the capability of the Myanmar market.
In conclusion, Market Research Surveys in Myanmar, particularly those carried out by AMTMarketResearch, play a crucial role in assisting businesses in navigating this market, which is both complex and rapidly changing. These surveys will undoubtedly become even more useful in shaping business strategies and driving economic growth as the country develops.
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ayraahmed · 3 months
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Digital Law Firm Software by HRSOFTBD
Automate legal business workflows and track, manage and collaborate on your matters, cases, contracts, tasks without losing control. One web application can replaces all tools needed by legal teams.
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abdullah54 · 1 year
Digital Law Farm Web Application by HRsoft BD
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ddevices · 2 years
Why Check Point Harmony Connect Remote Access
Check Point Harmony Connect Remote Access ties down admittance to any inner corporate application dwelling in the server farm, IaaS, public or confidential mists. Simple to utilize, it very well may be conveyed in under 15 minutes.
  Agreement Connect Remote Access can be carried out in two ways:
 ·         Clientless Application-Level Access: Apply natural ZTNA to web applications, data sets, distant work areas, and SSH servers with granular in-application controls. This choice is great for getting remote access from unmanaged gadgets (BYOD) and outsider accomplices since no specialist is required. It likewise empowers secure access for designing and DevOps groups who need rich, cloud-local computerization capacities including PAM-as-a-support of multi-cloud and confidential assets.
·         Client-based Network-level Access: This VPN-as-a-Service choice is great for getting worker access from oversaw gadgets. It incorporates installed cloud DLP and industry-driving cloud IPS to safeguard applications from the most recent weaknesses, like Log4J.
Guarantee High Performance and Service Availability
 A ZTNA administration should convey near 99.999% uptime and elite execution upheld by Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Survey a seller's SLAs and search for a worldwide organization of points of presence (PoPs) with overt repetitiveness in each zone.
  Guarantee Zero Trust Security Soundness
 Search for ZTNA arrangements that different the control and information planes to empower genuine least-honor admittance to applications and different assets. They ought to offer granular in-application controls, like read, compose, oversee authorizations, and empowering strategies at the order and question levels. The capacity to cover gatherings, clients, and application utilization with admittance to video meeting accounts gives profound perceivability. Likewise check for extra coordinated security elements such a sandboxing, cloud IPS, and DLP.
  Some portion of a Future-Ready Security Service Edge
 Consider how the ZTNA arrangement can be stretched out to get other use cases — branch access (FWaaS), Internet access (SWG), and SaaS access — through a Security Service Edge (SSE). Getting far off ZTNA is a basic move toward a more extensive zero trust security design.
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Our experts can guide you through the specifications and build cost efficiencies while providing high end, state-of-the-art customer services. We research and analyses market and its current demand and supply chain by offering wide range of bulk supplies of products like AKG C414 XLII, Shireen Cables DC-1021, Shireen Cables DC-2021, Dell p2419h monitor, Dell U2419H, Dell P2719H, Dell P2219H, Lenovo 62A9GAT1UK, LG 65UH5F-H and Complete IT Infrastructure products and services.
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csowmya · 3 years
Five Things You Must Know About Cyber Security in the Cloud
From the start, distributed computing and network safety may like total inverses. The first requires putting away your information off-site, and the second requires building virtual dividers around it, top cybersecurity companies, securing your information no matter what. Distributed computing implies reevaluating, confiding in a seller to protect your information and exchanges. Online protection implies keeping it all nearby, trusting nearby staff, strategies, and conventions to do the work. Should these two methodologies conflict?
An incredible inverse: As an ever increasing number of organizations move their registering and information to the cloud, we see a sort of cooperative relationship create between the two apparently unmistakable practices—due to legitimate need. We are presenting cloud security, the matter of guaranteeing network protection while depending on distributed computing.
Cloud Security is the New Cyber Security it wasn't not difficult to get to this spot. An innate doubt made it hard for some IT supervisors to accept that leaving information alone put away and secured on something besides a genuine centralized server PC that they could see and contact was a smart thought. It's considerably harder to swallow when it's a public cloud arrangement versus a private cloud. However, as is commonly said—need is the mother of the show, and just those associations that relocate to the cloud and harvest the expense reserve funds of doing as such will endure. That makes distributed computing a fundamental business methodology, and that, thus, makes cloud security essential also.
As time passes, the quantity of organizations relocating to the cloud increments - and the quantity of cyberattacks increments, as though keeping pace. By 2018, 96 percent of associations were utilizing distributed computing here and there, as per CIO. Simultaneously, cyberattacks were on the ascent, with twice as numerous ransomware assaults in 2017 (160,000) when contrasted with the earlier year (82,000). Also, those are just the announced assaults, nor do those numbers incorporate information breaks or forswearing of-administration assaults. Clearly, as distributed computing turns into the standard, cloud security should too.
In case you're actually attempting to understand cloud security, and you don't know where your work as an expert online protection closes and the merchant's obligation starts, we've arranged five things you should think about network safety in the cloud to assist you with sorting it out.
1. The Organization Is Ultimately Responsible for the Security of the Data and Transactions
Cloud merchants realize they should do their digital protection part, yet eventually, in case a client's information is compromised, the association should reply to that client or pay the fine. Essentially, if an association succumbs to a ransomware assault, the association should pay the programmer. This implies that since you're utilizing distributed computing, you can't let your gatekeeper down. As per one source, two normal reasons for information breaks in the cloud are misconfigured access limitations on capacity assets and neglected or inappropriately got frameworks, the two of which are the obligation of the association, not the cloud merchant. You should in any case make online protection probably your most elevated need, guaranteeing you have prepared staff and that your group stays current on the most recent dangers and expectations.
2. Cloud Vendors Are Working to Increase Security and Make It Easier for Businesses
Cloud merchants have as of now put colossal assets in their own items' security. At the point when the key part incorporate (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft (Azure), and (Google Cloud Platform), you can be certain security has been probably the most noteworthy need and the absolute most capable personalities have been entrusted with it—for self-serving reasons if for no other. What's more, presently they have directed their concentration toward assisting their clients with further developing security also. For instance, as summed up in an article at Forbes, Google offers a Cloud Security Command Center that goes about as a scanner to search for weaknesses, and both Amazon and Microsoft have constructed applications and frameworks to help. In case you're in question regarding how well you're getting access and information on your end, go to your seller for help.
3. Distributed computing could Improve Security
Once in a while distributed computing offers a security arrangement. Little to medium-size organizations are especially defenseless against cyberattacks, for example, ransomware on the grounds that they don't have or haven't spent the assets on working on their network protection. Moving to the cloud could further develop their general security in light of the fact that the cloud sellers—as portrayed above—have the absolute most powerful security in the IT space. Truth be told, some contend that moving information to the cloud is safer than keeping it on location, albeit that can be hard for some IT chiefs to acknowledge, given their regular tendency to keep information where they have the most seen command over it.
4. Cloud Security Is an Even Bigger Issue with GDPR
In May of 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became enforceable. Despite the fact that it applies to inhabitants of the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA), it has broad impacts for associations all around the world in light of the fact that the residents of these spaces frequently work with substances outside of these spaces. Post-GDPR, those substances, and associations should ensure their information rehearses go along. Albeit the most ideal approach to guarantee consistence is through lawful insight, as a general rule, this implies both the cloud merchant and the cloud client should be as per information assurance rehearses. For organizations that utilization a multi-cloud arrangement, with more than one merchant, every arrangement should likewise go along. This could get a little precarious, so it's something to endeavor to keep steady over.
5. Cloud Security Is Already Affected by the Internet of Things (IoT)
In spite of all of the advancement made in getting cloud arrangements, server farms, and organization frameworks, in any case, we are nearly fixing a great deal of that advancement because of the Internet of Things (IoT). With the blast of IoT gadgets comes a blast of safety weaknesses, in light of the fact that these gadgets frequently don't have the degree of safety they ought to (yet). Thus, they offer a "way in" to your information and even cloud arrangements, sabotaging other digital protection endeavors. One master predicts it will be excessively terrible such that the following a few years will resemble a round of Whack-a-Mole as organizations manage these oddball security breaks.
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mostafij12 · 1 year
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hosen9 · 1 year
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Accountig softwere for hajj by HRsoft BD https://hrsoftbd.com/service-details/account-software-for-hajj
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How to choose a reliable cloud mining platform?-MVU Cloud Mining
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Cloud computing power refers to a product in which the mining machine's computing power is distributed and leased by the mine operator. "T" is the basic unit of cloud computing power. According to the computing power of Bitcoin's entire network, the digital currency output per T computing power per day can be calculated. After the digital currency is converted into legal currency, the revenue of cloud computing power miners is deducted.
At present, the cloud computing power platforms that ordinary people are exposed to on the market are mixed. By grasping the following three points, you can basically judge whether this cloud computing platform is reliable.
1)First of all, it depends on the main body, mainly to judge whether the hash  power platform actively discloses the operating subject behind the platform. You can also use enterprise background query software such as enterprise search to query the company background, and whether the cloud hash power platform has any black history, debt disputes, etc. The MVU cloud mining (mvu.com) has a global deployment of mining farms around the world, and has invested in several large-scale mines and IDC computer rooms in Asia. The main hashrate is mainly distributed in power resources Sichuan/Yunnan/Xinjiang/Inner Mongolia in China, as well as Kazakhstan/Russia. The goal of MVU is to make cloud mining not only to cryptocurrency enthusiasts, but also for ordinary users. MVU greatly reduces the input cost of cryptocurrency miners through the method of sharing miner hashrate. There is no need to purchase expensive equipment, and there is no need to waste time for setup and maintenance, so that everyone can participate in cryptocurrency mining.
   The clear main body on the one hand means that the platform has a clear responsible person and a high degree of credibility. On the other hand, once a problem occurs, miners as a platform have at least the goal of protecting their rights.
  Of course, if it is a domestic cloud computing power miner, it is recommended to choose a platform with a domestic entity, and the entity registered overseas does not have domestic legal effects. For example, although MVU (cloud computing power) platform is registered in HK, there are domestic listed companies as general agents, and the business reputation is very high. 2) Carefully read the terms of service of the platform: The terms of service are the cooperation agreement between the cloud computing power miner and the platform, and it is a contract with legal effect, so users should read the terms carefully, especially the rights and obligations of both parties. The terms must be understood thoroughly.
It should be noted here that there are currently some platforms in the market, such as the Bit Deer platform, whose terms of service clearly state that they do not serve users in mainland China and Hong Kong. This means that users in mainland China and Hong Kong will not be able to purchase products on this platform. As far as legal protection is concerned, this is something that users should be fully vigilant about. Investigate whether there is a mining farm behind the cloud computing power platform: judging whether a cloud computing power platform is supported by a mining farm is the most critical link. Normal cloud computing power miners can inspect the business structure of the platform. Platforms supported by mining farms should also concurrently engage in mining machine leasing and mining machine hosting related businesses. A single platform that only has cloud computing power business requires users Very vigilant.
   Formal cloud computing power platforms are generally willing to proactively disclose their mining conditions to users. On regular cloud computing power platforms, text, images, videos, news reports, etc. are usually provided as auxiliary proofs, which are relatively intuitive. There is some laws about MVU Cloud Mining.As the operator (MVU Limited) of the MVU cloud mining platform (mvu.vom), our company respects the privacy of service users and website visitors (collectively referred to as "you") and promises to protect your online privacy. According to the user privacy data protection regulations DPA1998 and the core regulations of the EU GDRP, it is necessary to transparently inform users how to use their user personal data.
This proprietary policy covers a large number of rights practices of MVU Limited (hereinafter collectively referred to as "MVU" or "us") regarding the collection, transfer, use, storage and disclosure of your personal information collected or stored through this website, or your participation in Our activities and the exclusive rights and practices of the personal information provided during the activities. This ownership policy applies to information collected when you visit or use our products and services (such as our website, devices, mobile applications, and online services), or when you interact with us.
We may update the privacy policy from time to time. We will post a new privacy policy on this page to notify you of any changes. It is recommended that you review this privacy policy regularly to learn about changes. The changes to the privacy policy will take effect when they are posted on this page. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal information and how we will handle it. By visiting this website, you accept and agree to the practices described in this policy.
Our website may from time to time contain links to the websites of our partner networks, advertisers and affiliates. If you visit any of these sites’ links, please note that these sites have their own privacy policies, and we are not responsible for these policies. Please check these policies before submitting any personal data to these sites.
1. Information Collection We use your personal data to provide and improve our hosted blockchain and mining services ("Services") and to improve your experience on this website. "Personal data" refers to any information related to an identified or identifiable person. When you create an account for the service, we collect the information you provide to us. We also use various technologies to collect and store information, including cookies, pixel tags, local storage (such as browser web storage or application data caching, databases, and server logs).
By using the service or accepting the terms of our website, you agree to our collection and use of information in accordance with this privacy policy. Unless otherwise specified in this privacy policy, the terms used in this privacy policy have the same meaning as our terms and conditions (posted on mvu.com).
1.1. Account creation information When you register or create an account for the service on the website, we will collect and use the personal data you provide to us, such as your name, email address, billing information, credit card information, cryptocurrency wallet address, IP address, or others Data that can be reasonably linked to this type of information by MVU, such as information that we link to your MVU account and the services we provide to you. In addition, you also need to choose a unique username and password to register. This information will only be used to access your account. After registering, you can choose to enable Google authentication on the settings page to protect your account. If you need to retrieve your account or password, you can enter the associated email address on the settings page.
If you open an account for your customer as a business user, you need to ensure that you have obtained their consent in advance when you provide information about them. You will provide us with their personal data and that you have informed them of their current privacy Policy and have obtained their consent.
1.2. Log information MVU collects information sent by your browser ("log data") when you visit our website and log in to your account. This log data may include the following information: your computer’s Internet Protocol ("IP") address, browser type, browser version, pages of the service you visit, time and date of access, time spent on these pages, and other Statistical data. In addition, we may use third-party services such as Google Analytics to collect, monitor and analyze such information in order to improve the functionality of our services. These third-party service providers have their own privacy policies, which explain how they use this information. These third-party service providers can only view and use your personal data when necessary to perform tasks on our behalf, and have contractual obligations to protect this data and use it for disclosure purposes only.
1.3. Payment Information Your financial account information will be directed to our third-party payment processor. We store your credit card information (blocked data), your encrypted wallet address. Although we can access and retain subscriber information through our third-party payment processors, we may retain this information.
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holykittypersona · 3 years
How to choose a reliable cloud mining platform?-MVU Cloud Mining
Cloud computing power refers to a product in which the mining machine's computing power is distributed and leased by the mine operator. "T" is the basic unit of cloud computing power. According to the computing power of Bitcoin's entire network, the digital currency output per T computing power per day can be calculated. After the digital currency is converted into legal currency, the revenue of cloud computing power miners is deducted.
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At present, the cloud computing power platforms that ordinary people are exposed to on the market are mixed. By grasping the following three points, you can basically judge whether this cloud computing platform is reliable.
1)First of all, it depends on the main body, mainly to judge whether the hash  power platform actively discloses the operating subject behind the platform. You can also use enterprise background query software such as enterprise search to query the company background, and whether the cloud hash power platform has any black history, debt disputes, etc. The MVU cloud mining (mvu.com) has a global deployment of mining farms around the world, and has invested in several large-scale mines and IDC computer rooms in Asia. The main hashrate is mainly distributed in power resources Sichuan/Yunnan/Xinjiang/Inner Mongolia in China, as well as Kazakhstan/Russia. The goal of MVU is to make cloud mining not only to cryptocurrency enthusiasts, but also for ordinary users. MVU greatly reduces the input cost of cryptocurrency miners through the method of sharing miner hashrate. There is no need to purchase expensive equipment, and there is no need to waste time for setup and maintenance, so that everyone can participate in cryptocurrency mining.
   The clear main body on the one hand means that the platform has a clear responsible person and a high degree of credibility. On the other hand, once a problem occurs, miners as a platform have at least the goal of protecting their rights.
  Of course, if it is a domestic cloud computing power miner, it is recommended to choose a platform with a domestic entity, and the entity registered overseas does not have domestic legal effects. For example, although MVU (cloud computing power) platform is registered in HK, there are domestic listed companies as general agents, and the business reputation is very high. 2) Carefully read the terms of service of the platform: The terms of service are the cooperation agreement between the cloud computing power miner and the platform, and it is a contract with legal effect, so users should read the terms carefully, especially the rights and obligations of both parties. The terms must be understood thoroughly.
It should be noted here that there are currently some platforms in the market, such as the Bit Deer platform, whose terms of service clearly state that they do not serve users in mainland China and Hong Kong. This means that users in mainland China and Hong Kong will not be able to purchase products on this platform. As far as legal protection is concerned, this is something that users should be fully vigilant about. Investigate whether there is a mining farm behind the cloud computing power platform: judging whether a cloud computing power platform is supported by a mining farm is the most critical link. Normal cloud computing power miners can inspect the business structure of the platform. Platforms supported by mining farms should also concurrently engage in mining machine leasing and mining machine hosting related businesses. A single platform that only has cloud computing power business requires users Very vigilant.
   Formal cloud computing power platforms are generally willing to proactively disclose their mining conditions to users. On regular cloud computing power platforms, text, images, videos, news reports, etc. are usually provided as auxiliary proofs, which are relatively intuitive. There is some laws about MVU Cloud Mining.As the operator (MVU Limited) of the MVU cloud mining platform (mvu.vom), our company respects the privacy of service users and website visitors (collectively referred to as "you") and promises to protect your online privacy. According to the user privacy data protection regulations DPA1998 and the core regulations of the EU GDRP, it is necessary to transparently inform users how to use their user personal data.
This proprietary policy covers a large number of rights practices of MVU Limited (hereinafter collectively referred to as "MVU" or "us") regarding the collection, transfer, use, storage and disclosure of your personal information collected or stored through this website, or your participation in Our activities and the exclusive rights and practices of the personal information provided during the activities. This ownership policy applies to information collected when you visit or use our products and services (such as our website, devices, mobile applications, and online services), or when you interact with us.
We may update the privacy policy from time to time. We will post a new privacy policy on this page to notify you of any changes. It is recommended that you review this privacy policy regularly to learn about changes. The changes to the privacy policy will take effect when they are posted on this page. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal information and how we will handle it. By visiting this website, you accept and agree to the practices described in this policy.
Our website may from time to time contain links to the websites of our partner networks, advertisers and affiliates. If you visit any of these sites’ links, please note that these sites have their own privacy policies, and we are not responsible for these policies. Please check these policies before submitting any personal data to these sites.
1. Information Collection We use your personal data to provide and improve our hosted blockchain and mining services ("Services") and to improve your experience on this website. "Personal data" refers to any information related to an identified or identifiable person. When you create an account for the service, we collect the information you provide to us. We also use various technologies to collect and store information, including cookies, pixel tags, local storage (such as browser web storage or application data caching, databases, and server logs).
By using the service or accepting the terms of our website, you agree to our collection and use of information in accordance with this privacy policy. Unless otherwise specified in this privacy policy, the terms used in this privacy policy have the same meaning as our terms and conditions (posted on mvu.com).
1.1. Account creation information When you register or create an account for the service on the website, we will collect and use the personal data you provide to us, such as your name, email address, billing information, credit card information, cryptocurrency wallet address, IP address, or others Data that can be reasonably linked to this type of information by MVU, such as information that we link to your MVU account and the services we provide to you. In addition, you also need to choose a unique username and password to register. This information will only be used to access your account. After registering, you can choose to enable Google authentication on the settings page to protect your account. If you need to retrieve your account or password, you can enter the associated email address on the settings page.
If you open an account for your customer as a business user, you need to ensure that you have obtained their consent in advance when you provide information about them. You will provide us with their personal data and that you have informed them of their current privacy Policy and have obtained their consent.
1.2. Log information MVU collects information sent by your browser ("log data") when you visit our website and log in to your account. This log data may include the following information: your computer’s Internet Protocol ("IP") address, browser type, browser version, pages of the service you visit, time and date of access, time spent on these pages, and other Statistical data. In addition, we may use third-party services such as Google Analytics to collect, monitor and analyze such information in order to improve the functionality of our services. These third-party service providers have their own privacy policies, which explain how they use this information. These third-party service providers can only view and use your personal data when necessary to perform tasks on our behalf, and have contractual obligations to protect this data and use it for disclosure purposes only.
1.3. Payment Information Your financial account information will be directed to our third-party payment processor. We store your credit card information (blocked data), your encrypted wallet address. Although we can access and retain subscriber information through our third-party payment processors, we may retain this information.
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ayraahmed · 3 months
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Digital Law Farm Software by HRSOFTBD
We created our legal law firm online application for this reason. You may get the best Digital Law Firm Web Application from HRsoftBD. that effectively manage all matters, cases, contracts and tasks in one place for easy collaboration to improve performance.
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gystink · 4 years
Residency: 2021 Mary Olson Farm Artist in Residence (Auburn, WA)
https://www.auburnwa.gov/city_hall/parks_arts_recreation/art 2021 Mary Olson Farm Artist in Residence - City of Auburn, WA 910 Ninth Street SE Auburn, WA 98002 APPLY NOW https://artist.callforentry.org/festivals_unique_info.php?ID=8267 Contact Email: [email protected] Call Type: Residencies Eligibility: Regional State: Washington Entry Deadline: 2/25/21
REQUIREMENTS: Media Images - Minimum: 5, Maximum: 10 Video - Minimum: 0, Maximum: 2 Total Media - Minimum: 5, Maximum: 10
ABOUT THE RESIDENCY The Mary Olson Farm Artist in Residence program offers an annual opportunity for an artist to pursue their work in, and to be inspired by, the unique and beautiful setting of the Mary Olson Farm in Auburn, Washington. The residency lasts approximately two months during the months of June and July.
The residency will provide:
A $3,500 stipend (funds can be used at will towards art supplies, transportation, meals, etc.)
A large historic barn “studio space,” approximately 450 sq. ft., on an historic 67-acre property (accommodations not provided)
Opportunities to tour and learn about the property and the other six historic buildings, as well as Auburn’s history as shared by the White River Valley Museum
An exhibition opportunity, reception and well-publicized artist talk in the City of Auburn
Expectations of the selected artist include:
A minimum of ten hours per week times eight weeks, creating work on-site at the Mary Olson Farm “studio space”
Two “open-studio” weekend afternoons for the public to view works in progress and talk with the artist (dates TBD between selected artist and city staff)
One free artist-led workshop demonstrating techniques or inspiration to the public
Participation in a final artist talk/presentation, reception and exhibition
Artists provide their own art supplies, and transportation to and from Mary Olson Farm in Auburn, Washington
Individual artists or artist team currently residing in the Pacific Northwest working in two and three-dimensional media, including but not limited to: drawing, painting, photography, textiles, sculpture, installation, woodworking, printmaking, etc.
Other than individual artists, collaborative projects will also be considered
SELECTION CRITERIA & PROCESS The review process will be competitive and the selection process will be made by a jury including: the City of Auburn Arts Coordinator, the Mary Olson Farm and White River Valley Museum Director, at least one other City of Auburn staff person and a panel of local artists or arts professionals.
All applicants will be selected based on the following criteria:
Artistic excellence as demonstrated in work samples
Artist’s residency proposal: strength, creativity and originality in concept, material implementation, and engagement with the site as described in proposal
Feasibility of artist’s ability to create innovative work during the residency, participate actively in all expected open studio days, artist talks, public workshop, final exhibition, etc.
Applicants should use the residency proposal to provide the selection committee with a comprehensive idea of the planned project, how it will draw inspiration from the Mary Olson Farm or surrounding natural landscape, and why the proposed project should be the one chosen. To get an idea of what kind of experience you can expect at the Mary Olson Farm Artist in Residence, we welcome interested artists to make appointments to come visit the farm and meet with the City of Auburn staff.
Submit application by deadline at 10:59 PM Pacific Time on February 25, 2021
Applications will be reviewed by the jury and finalists will be selected
Finalists notified of results by late March 5, 2021. Finalists move on to phase two.
Phase Two
Finalists will be invited to interview with jury and city staff on March 10, 2021 between 2-5 pm to discuss proposed project in more depth (so please plan ahead to be available)
Final selection and artist notifications by March 12, 2021
Phase Three
Selected artist receives contract, and coordinates dates of residency events/workshops
Artist participates in residency in June and July of 2021 (including two open weekend studio afternoons and a free public workshop)
A final art exhibition, reception and artist talk/presentation will be scheduled for a later date TBD by artist and City staff
ABOUT THE FARM   Alford Olson, a Swedish immigrant, purchased the property in 1879. Throughout its existence, the farm has diversified its activities, but it has always essentially operated as a subsistence farm. In its early days it was a source of timber and hops. After hops declined in value, the Olson family moved into raising cows for dairy and veal, poultry and egg farming, apple harvesting, and potato farming. Mary wove rag rugs and her son Alfred took up hunting and sold pelts and bartered apples and veal.
In the 1970's the farm was rented out to various tenants and some renovations were begun on the buildings, but never completed. In 1994, after many years of vacancy and deteriorations, the City of Auburn purchased the 67 acre farm. After several years of planning and fundraising, restoration work began on the major buildings, as well as projects surrounding the restoration on Olson Creek and reclaiming the pastures from years of neglect and invasion by Himalayan blackberries. The final restoration projects were finished in 2011 and the Mary Olson Farm opened that summer for the first time to the general public. Today, visitors can tour inside the restored 1897 barn, pause and consider what life was like on a rural farm in the 1902 farmhouse, or wander through the century-old orchard and learn about the many varieties of apples and cherries Alfred Olson cultivated. Other restored and preserved structures on the property include a garage, weaving shed, chicken coop, outhouse, smokehouse, and 19th century wagon road.
Amenities available for use in the barn artist “studio space” include: large indoor works space complete with electrical outlets and lights, water available from an exterior hot and cold sink or hose, Sanican bathroom onsite, and tables and chairs available for artist’s use. More information about the Mary Olson Farm can be found at: http://wrvmuseum.org/visit_the_farm.html SELECTED PARTICIPANTS MUST AGREE TO
Sign agreement with the City of Auburn about residency plans, expectations and guidelines.
Leave the space in the same or better condition as when they moved in. The farm is on the National Register of Historic Places and as such absolutely NO changes can be made to the buildings, gardens or landscape.
Understand that the initial $2,000 portion stipend payment is made at the beginning of the residency, and that payments cannot be made until contracts have been fully processed. The remaining $1,500 will be retained until all of the expected residency requirements are completed.
Understand that the artwork displayed must be appropriate for the public realm.
Install and de-install your own work in a professional fashion for the final exhibition.
Partner with the City of Auburn to market and promote the exhibition. Exhibits are publicized through city-generated press releases, printed materials, social media, and the City’s web site at www.auburnwa.gov/arts.
Artists are welcome to offer their works for sale, but are not required to do so. All sales are handled privately between the artist and the buyer. The City of Auburn does not take a commission on any works sold through the galleries or residency program.
The artist agrees to make available their photos taken of the farm during the residency, for use by the City of Auburn and the White River Valley Museum to promote the program.
The selected artist must agree to participate in the entire residency program including all events, the final exhibition, etc. No exceptions.
Artists are welcome to have visitors during the residency, but must notify the farm caretaker of planned visitors and receive advance permission.
Comply with all federal, state, and local laws.
No pets or children are allowed.
5-15 digital images that demonstrate the artist’s past work (required) Artists applying as a team who have no examples of joint work in the past should submit 3-5 images of each artist’s work. Individual artists are advised to submit 10 images.
File Format: Submit according to CaFE requirements with the highest resolution allowed.
File Labeling: Files must be titled with the applicant’s last name followed by a number indicating the viewing order. Use a “0” in front of single digit numbers and use only letters, numbers, and underscores. For example: Smith_01.jpg; Smith_02.jpg. If using Mac OS 8 or later, be sure to include a “.jpg” extension at the end of each image title.
3 online videos that demonstrate the artist’s past work (optional) Please provide the exact web address(es) where the online videos can be viewed. The panel will view a minimum of 1 minute and a maximum of 3 minutes of each video.
2. WORK SAMPLE DESCRIPTIONS Provide the following information on the online application upload for each image:
Title of each work represented in the image
Media & dimensions (H x W x D)
Description if needed. If work is presented as part of a collaboration, explain your role in the larger project
For videos longer than 3 minutes, note what 1-3 minute segment you want reviewed
3. RESIDENCY PROPOSAL Please write a statement outlining the work you would like to create or display if selected for the Mary Olson Farm Artist in Residence opportunity. We encourage proposals crafted from inspiration provided by the farm and its history. The proposal should briefly outline the materials, concept, any necessary technical installation details or plans of how to hang/display your work. 
Upload as a PDF
500 words/3000 characters or less
Name your residency proposal file as follows: “Last Name_ Residency Proposal.pdf”
4. ARTIST STATEMENT Provide us with a brief artist statement to give us a sense of your work, inspiration, materials or techniques. Feel free to describe your work overall, or describe a past project or body of work.
Upload as a PDF
500 words/3000 characters or less
Name your artist statement file as follows: “Last Name_ Artist Statement.pdf”
5. ARTIST RESUME/CV Provide information which may include: education, exhibition record, awards, residencies, visiting artist lectures, relevant work experience or training, publications, etc. If submitting as a group, a current resume should be submitted for the contact person and all group members.
Upload as a PDF
3 pages or less
Name your resume file as follows: “Last Name_ Resume.pdf”
QUESTIONS & MORE INFORMATION Contact: Allison Hyde City of Auburn Arts Coordinator [email protected]  253.804.5043
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