dasilvaartii · 4 years
Workshop Brief Collages Response
I made 2 diferent collages using past work i had put away: Images of faces doing expressions, used in the past for portrait unit; paper with marks of printing i've kept for other past works as well.
My intention was to create a composition with these, which i experimented before compromising to a definite one.
I then decided to apply some stitching, inspired by Annegret Soltau, but in a diferent way that would work and provoke impact within my collage.
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The hand of this one was accidental, i had it cut out already but was distracted doing some more research and when i looked down, i had it on top of my collage and i felt like it worked really well! Happy accidents!
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Digital Manipulation: i decide to montage the 2 different collages to create the digital, where i overlaid and played about with diferent settings.
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pdasilva · 4 years
"Beauty in the Mundane" Development II
More experiments with a different image, a halftone of one of my pictures of "Creatures". Will want to experiment it with Risograph and possibly play a bit more with the half tone to make the image more visible. I'm pleased with it non the less.
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sslp-dmp-blog · 5 years
DMP - Week 1
I’ve been stressing about my DMP for the entire summer before my final year. I had this idea in the shower of creating an app called “Roommate” which is kind of like a clothes swap-borrowing app - kinda like Depop but for renting it out. There isn’t an app like that in the market and several times where I’ve browsed through Depop or Vetements I’d think “I don’t want to pay £40 for this but if I could wear it for one night I would”. It’s what girls have been doing all the time lending their things to their friends or borrowing a pair of shoes or a dress to go out and maybe there could be an audience for it.
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com112-201360 · 11 years
What's Culture - The Project
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Ignore previous post, link doesn't work!
Click link for gallery :)
The Overview
The above gallery of pictures were taken over 2 months and are symbolic of Australian multiculturalism. Whilst originally, I planned on filming a short documentary about ignorance: it’s presence, impact and prevalence in Australian society, I instead decided to focus on a singular category of ignorance. I chose ignorance in terms of racism in modern society and how the nature of multiculturalism brings an understanding of those cultures and thus an improvement of general attitude against racism. The photos are all black and white to signify equality as colour shouldn’t and doesn’t define the modern Australian Citizen. 
Prior to this project, I had digital media related hobbies such as amateur photography and filmmaking. During these experiences I used similar equipment and created things such as birthday collages, event videos etc. Although I believe this project was not exactly difficult, I definitely utilized the skills I have picked up over the years through my past experiences. My role in the production was basically the actual production itself, I am not photographed at all in the series however I did take all of the photos and also edit them accordingly as well as upload them. The main piece of equipment used in the project was a Nikon Camera (D7100) It is of very high quality and I have had it for a while now. I then used iPhoto to crop, cut, edit and enhance my photos to get the exact effect that I wanted.  I really enjoyed the project, especially photographing my friends, family and complete strangers. It gave me an excuse to talk to people I wouldn’t usually talk to! If I could do the project again, I would make a few changes. I think I would spend the money on a proper editing system, as iPhoto is reliable but very basic. I believe that would really make a huge difference to the final outcome of the project, as it would allow a higher sense of professionalism.
What did you learn about digital media production by attempting this project?
I learnt that the opportunity for digital production is everywhere all around us through current affairs, issues and ideas being analyzed, criticized or praised through the vast amount of technology we have available to us. I learnt how powerful digital storytelling can be through research for the project, in which I stumbled across the old KONY Campaign. I remember that reactions were mixed, but everyone had one, everyone knew what the campaign was and absolutely everyone has an opinion on it. The idea of this and the realization of how quick a message can be heard and how far it can be spread via digital storytelling astounded me and really did inspire me. I also learnt how easy it was to produce digital media of a reasonable quality at little to no expense. It really does make things easier, giving everyone a voice essentially, or an outlet.
How did this learning align with your understanding of the emerging narrative forms possible in digital media production, and/or digital media's impact on contemporary media communication practices and popular culture?
Digital media has had an unimaginable impact on popular culture as a whole generation has now essentially grown up with it and not only enjoys it but also relies on it. Media communication practices such as the News also rely heavily on the growing advancement of digital media for efficiency as well as entertainment factors. For example with the recent NSW fires the news channels are constantly updating Facebook, or other social media outlets such as twitter with digital media such as a digital story of the fires themselves and their progression through the blue mountains, as well as video footage, photos and statistics. All in all, Digital media is a huge part of our lives and will certainly be relevant to us for the rest of our lives, forever changing and growing, becoming more advanced and more necessary.
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jackmonro · 11 years
Paper Bag Boy
  About a day after I submitted my digital media project proposal I spoke to my sister in England – a young girl rather sad about a pretty common affliction. Pimples, the ugly remnants of adolescence, could still be seen on her face. Ironically, she had been given the task of addressing a class about adolescence and her experience with high school etc. She was a bit worried about it, so I decided to change my mind on the project and do an informational, educational, yet humorous video for her. This is what I came up with.
  (NB: She never actually played the video, as I couldn’t finish editing it in time. Probably a good thing, considering the advice contained within could easily be misinterpreted by anyone under the age…. Actually, anyone really.)
  My role in the production was pretty overarching. I came up with the concept and then used an old video camera and tripod my housemate had stashed away in a cupboard over the summer to film it. I did the script, most of the camerawork, the directing, and also provided all post-shoot beers for the cast.
  I then used iMovie ’11 to edit and share the video via Youtube.
  I’ve only had a small amount of film experience, and I think there were several elements I could have handled a lot better. Many camera shots were shaky and illegible, and because I did not use a wind buffer on the camera, some of the spoken audio is distorted. I was able to fix this to some intent during the editing, but unfortunately some of the audio was too far-gone to repair. And, as usual, I feel that if I had given myself some more time editing, I would have been able to really tighten up a few cuts and shots, and make the entire thing just a little smoother.
  One thing that surprised and slightly impressed me was the way the narrative ended up working in the end. Although I think I could have melded the two parts of the film more clearly and amusingly together, each works for its separate intents. The initial part of the film intends to entertain, following the amusing antics of the paper bag boy; the second aims to inform, with a silly digression on ways of getting rid of pimples.
  In the future, I think I would allow myself more time at each stage of production. This would have allowed me to sharpen up the script and connect the separate narratives, ensure all shots were composed well, and to allow for an audio experience that doesn’t jolt the listener too often. That being said, I had a lot of fun doing it, and am overall glad at the final results.   
  I learnt about a number of things doing this project. For one, I saw firsthand how easy it is to literally lose the plot whilst directing and producing a short film. As aforementioned, I’m quite glad this never got shown to children, because I opted for entertainment over education. It really makes me appreciate the hard work and extreme creative drain real producers of educational content go through, trying to find the balance between engagement and information objectives. If you think this is beginning to sound like marketing speak, you’re right.
  Completing this video drew massive parallels to the creation of advertising. Being someone that is about to go and work on the media side of the fence, this creative exercise showed me the difficulty a production company must have in completing projects. And they have hundreds of people involved in the process. As hard as it was, it was a good time, and I can see myself trying out a camera hand job in the future, if all else fails. 
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dasilvaartii · 4 years
Final HOC Hearts
Here is a final presentation of Hearts suit with all the cards of the suit in a simple but classic way.
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dasilvaartii · 4 years
Workshop Brief Letters/Numbers/Words Response
For this workshop i experimented with diferent images i had already at home from past works and the intention was to create something inspired by Adam Pendleton. I'm using the sentence "Mind the Gap" which i saw in an old photo i took in a train station, but the reason i decided to use its because of the deeper meaning this can have in a social and political sense. Meaning the Gap between people and economic levels and how we treat each other, specially now in Pandemic times, where people create even more of a "Gap" between them, among other things. I felt this sentence was very appropriate in so many levels.
After playing a bit with composition i decided to make a stencil of the sentence and experiment with that, using some spray paint.
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Digital manipulation response:
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I liked both coloured and black and white, but i like more how you can see the textures on the coloured one.
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Overall i'm very pleased with the results on the different stages.
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pdasilva · 4 years
Edited photos to be used on trial runs with the Risograph Printer:
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pdasilva · 4 years
Experimenting in Screenprinting for "beauty in the mundane" brief.
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pdasilva · 4 years
"Beauty in the mundane"mindmap, ideas, processes and possible results for concept boards.
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pdasilva · 4 years
Beauty in the Mundane - Lines - 28/09/20
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dasilvaartii · 4 years
Workshop Brief illustration
Vicent Bal, Belgian filmmaker and illustrator works within the confines of long shadows of everyday objects resting in the sunlight to create a wide range of whimsical doodles.
I absolutly love his work, the things he creates and comes up with, definitely a different way of looking of things!
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pdasilva · 4 years
Beauty in the mundane - final prints
I've chosen these prints as my finals, i had a few that i felt satisfied enought but these for me since i made them i felt they reach the closest to the desired effect. Trying to achieve that same impact has the photographs did was in fact a challenge as i thought i would be, but this prints come ver close to it. It has the "darkness" effect and to me, the blue texture in the back ground (originally was the texture from a tree) works really well and adds to the syfy effect i was wanting to get from it. A3 Screenprints
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pdasilva · 4 years
A7 Zine - Beauty in the Mundane - Creatures
For this zine i use a brown paper as i preferred the effect that caused on my images. I use some of my photos from this brief as well as prints.
Because of the thickness of the paper i used a ribbon of paper to hold them closed, i really find the idea interesting and appealing.
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The sentenced i used on the zine is from the book "Dracula" from Bram Stoker, which i found it goes well with my subject: "Listen to them, Creatures of the night, What music they make."
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On the back i have a photo i took while doing my screen prints, with a bunch of them together, due to the colours and textures, i find the imagine very attractive and thought it would work well on the back of my zine together with QR code for my Instagram page for this project, as well as Tumblr link.
For the interior of this 8parts A7 zine i used my favorite screen print of this projects.
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I absolutly love this print, i think it works so well and gives that "darkness" and "out of this world" idea.
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pdasilva · 4 years
Developing for printing...
Today i explore some possible ideas to produce prints from my concept. Using the previous photos, of which i'm very satisfied with the result, i experimented digitally, manipulating them using the resources i have at the moment available, such as: Canva.com; SnapSeed; Photo Editor.
Also found this web page which i thought could be useful until im able to have access to Photoshop (this Pandemic is making things harder but we improvise!😉)
Will choose some of these to product some prints on Thursday, when we have some studio time...can't wait!
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Also made this manipulation but simple mirroring the my previous collage. I'm quite fond of the result from such a simple alteration, i like the environment it creates and the composition, ot almost looks likes a creature of some sorts. Think it really connects with my work.
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pdasilva · 4 years
Experimenting with collages, using my monoprints and textures that I've been creating, in an attempt to create new imagery related to the concept im working on.
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