This day in history
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Tonight, (November 20), I'm at the Simsbury, CT Public Library at 7PM presenting my new novel The Lost Cause, a preapocalyptic tale of hope in the climate emergency.
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#15yrsago Free to Be… You and Me: the 35 Anniversary Edition: the book every kid needs https://memex.craphound.com/2008/11/20/free-to-be-you-and-me-the-35-anniversary-edition-the-book-every-kid-needs/
#15yrsago Digital Youth Project: If you care about kids and want to understand how they use technology and why, this is a must-read https://web.archive.org/web/20081127101442/http://digitalyouth.ischool.berkeley.edu/files/report/digitalyouth-WhitePaper.pdf
#10yrsago Data visualization shows US isolation in pushing for brutal Trans-Pacific Partnership https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2013/11/18/the-united-states-is-isolated-in-the-trans-pacific-partnership-negotiations/
#5yrsago Copyright and the “male gaze”: a feminist critique of copyright law https://web.archive.org/web/20181106072516/http://harvardjlg.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/HLG204_2018.pdf
#5yrsago Leaks reveal the health care industry’s playbook for smearing and spinning Medicare for All out of existence by 2020 https://theintercept.com/2018/11/20/medicare-for-all-healthcare-industry/
#5yrsago “The End of Trust” – EFF/McSweeney’s collaboration on privacy and surveillance – is in stores and free to download now! https://www.eff.org/the-end-of-trust
#5yrsago On the role of truth and philosophy in fantastic fiction http://dreamcafe.com/2018/11/19/truth-as-a-vehicle-for-enhancing-fiction-fiction-as-a-vehicle-for-discovering-truth/
#5yrsago Trump spent $200,000,000 on the election stunt of sending 6,000 troops to the border, then withdrew them before the caravan arrived https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/11/trump-troops-border-caravan-stunt
#5yrsago Electrification 2.0: Rural broadband co-ops are filling the void left by indifferent monopolists https://www.wired.com/story/rural-america-diy-internet-spirit-reboot/
#5yrsago Dystopia watch: a roundup of the DOD’s new less-lethal weapons https://www.wired.com/story/ingredients-powering-defense-department-new-nonlethal-weapons/
#5yrsago Portrait of a fake news troll and the racist retiree who believes everything he writes https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/nothing-on-this-page-is-real-how-lies-become-truth-in-online-america/2018/11/17/edd44cc8-e85a-11e8-bbdb-72fdbf9d4fed_story.html
#5yrsago This month, the climate-denyingist red state AGs lost their jobs to Dems: time to sue the US government https://web.archive.org/web/20181120113921/https://www.climateliabilitynews.org/2018/11/19/democratic-ag-midterm-climate-change/
#1yrago Anything That Can’t Go On Forever Will Eventually Stop https://pluralistic.net/2022/11/20/anything-that-cant-go-on-forever-will-eventually-stop/
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tigermunson · 4 years
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#wifi #kids #thesocialdilemma #surveillancecapitalism #problems #digitalyouth https://www.instagram.com/p/CFIT6AuFYFy/?igshid=v4rpl79w6yqv
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global-height · 4 years
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We have new innovative ideas for you, our service is SEO, SMO, Email Marketing, Website Designing etc. If you want any of these service you can contact us. Global Height: +91-7503370409 Visit at: globalheight.com #joinGLOBALHEIGHT #beginning #together #working #process #dontstop #you #GlobalHeight #opportunity #digitalmarketing #digitalworld #digitalindia #digitalyouth #learn #growth #indiagrowth #quarantine #qurantinetime #knowledge #new #newexperience #bussiness #creativity #success #digitalrevolution #learneveryday #digitaltransformation #digitaltrends (at Dwarka, Delhi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFCNbNEBlvh/?igshid=6lvnsss4iz7f
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globalheight · 4 years
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Let's make surrounding smarter digitally Get the Digital Marketing Tools To Broad Your System.. Call us at +91 7503370409 or Visit at www.globalheight.com #smarter #digitally #working #process #dontstop #you #GlobalHeight #opportunity #digitalmarketing #digitalworld #digitalindia #digitalyouth #learn #growth #indiagrowth #quarantine #qurantinetime #knowledge #new #newexperience #bussiness #creativity #success #digitalrevolution #learneveryday #digitaltransformation #digitaltrends https://www.instagram.com/p/CCI_VgwncuU/?igshid=18y0yki94oa07
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shapethesky · 6 years
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Thank you to all who support the mission of Creating Responsible Kids on Smartphones. If you find this page helpful please invite some of your Facebook friends to like the page. Help me change the direction of how we parent in a digital world. ~Ryan. #shapethesky #parenting #digitalparents #digitalyouth https://www.instagram.com/p/BtZ7uO6HHrq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=729kkc7tvp4t
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digitalvoid · 6 years
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search history
downloaded my facebook data
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oscartheproletariat · 5 years
Spring Breaking My Media Usage
I decided to track my media interactions for the week of spring break. It was not hard at all as I do not watch television as it is always being used by one of my 7 other family members, I do not listen to radio because it is always playing uninteresting music and shows on most stations, and being that it was spring break I did not use a computer as I wanted nothing to remind me of school for the week.
Instead I used my phone (as I always have) for everything. I have both the Hulu and the Netflix and those apps keep me entertained with my favorite animes such as “My Hero Academia”, “Attack on Titan”, and “One Punch Man”. My phone also works as my radio as I play my favorite music from the spotify app in the car, as well as my favorite podcast from Apple's podcast app. Podcast such as “Chapo Trap House”, “Opening Arguments”, And “Last Podcast on The Left”. My phone also works as my news source as I use the youtube app to watch my favorite political shows such as the David Pakman Show, the Majority Report with Sam Seder, and the Young Turks. Twitter also helps me stay on top about what is going on in the world since if there is anything noteworthy people will soon start tweeting about it giving their opinion on the subject. Twitter is also where I go for laughs as there is always something funny like a political pundit getting dunked on for being an all around bad person, or a tweet about a funny experience in someone’s life.
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Being that it was spring break week and there also was a Rock-a-Billy Convention where I work, this week’s media usage was very different to most weeks. I was booked for 10 hour shifts everyday, and most of my freetime I spent sleeping in as I was terribly tired from the amount of work I had to do all day.
Thanks to my phone itself having a feature called “Screen Time” I have a far more detailed graph about exactly what I spent doing on my phone for spring break. According to the graph I spent 38 hours and 12 minutes using my phone for the entire week, averaging out at 5 hours and 27 minutes per day. 16 hours and 36 minutes of that were spent social networking, 13 hours and 47 minutes were spent on entertainment, and only 52 minutes of the entire week were spent on productivity.
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To me this does say a lot, in fact it is quite shocking. I have always tried to make my time on the phone as productive as possible. When I started college all of my papers would mostly be written on the google docs app, in fact part of this paper is written on that app. And before that I had an instagram account that essentially worked as a blog in which I wrote my thoughts about various topics, which now I know did in fact help with strengthening my writing and learning as a joint study between University of California, Berkeley and a company named Digital Learning found after interviewing and observing 800 teenagers and young adults that some of them used the opportunities created by social media to explore their interests and become as educated or talented in a subject as they can possibly be, no longer held back by the rigid learning systems of a school (M. Ito and H. Horst 2008).
I do concede that I have strayed away from an academic mindset and have become vested in watching all the sitcoms I always thought were a waste of time. In the last few months I have seen all seasons of “the Office”, all seasons of “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia”, and all seasons of “Community”. A Syracuse University study by researcher Lesley Pena does point to binge watching giving the viewer escape gratification in a much better way than moderate watching of a series does (Pena 2015) so this may be part of the reason I started using my phone more for entertainment for than for academic purposes as it helped distract me from all the bad things going on with my life.
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Having said that, I really do think my phone has been more so a force for good in my life than bad, while older people are claiming it is making the younger generation more depressed, there really is not any evidence to support that notion. A study concerning 190 adolescents of an average age of 18.9 found that there actually was no link between social media usage and clinical depression (Jelenchick 2013). Still people will links these things together, partly I do believe it is fear, not just of new things, but fear of what we can do with this. We can organize protests, warn people about something that is going to happen, and get people fired from their jobs for being heinous people. This does not sit well with older people so they will seek to make social media seem to be the worst thing possible.
Given all these thoughts on my media usage it may seem like what I should do next is cut down on the use of it, but I do not think that is the best course of action. Instead using my time more productively should be a priority for me. I do everything on my phone, it allows me to finish assignments from anywhere, learn something new everyday, and better myself at a hobby in a matter of minutes just based on what I use it for.
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Work Cited
Ito, M., & Horst, H. (2008, November). Living and Learning with New Media: Summary ... Retrieved April 23, 2019, from http://digitalyouth.ischool.berkeley.edu/files/report/digitalyouth-WhitePaper.pdf
Jelenchick, L. A. (2013, January). “Facebook Depression?” Social Networking Site Use and Depression in Older Adolescents. Retrieved April 23, 2019, from http://lp7lc5er8n.scholar.serialssolutions.com/?sid=google&auinit=LA&aulast=Jelenchick&atitle=“Facebook depression?” Social networking site use and depression in older adolescents&id=doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2012.05.008&title=Journal of adolescent health&volume=52&issue=1&date=2013&spage=128&issn=1054-139X
Pena, L. L. (2015, June). Breaking Binge: Exploring The Effects Of Binge Watching On Television Viewer Reception. Retrieved April 23, 2019, from https://surface.syr.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1283&context=etd
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davidmlane · 7 years
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#glassesmob #roombinsoncrusoe #connectchicago @SmartChicago @digitalyouth @YWCAChicago #AsiaRoberson (at Literacenter)
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disck · 7 years
My new music video "Why Should It Be So Complicated" with my band #DigitalYouth is now ready to watch on the #UnchartedZone home of Mark Gormley and Phil Thomas Katt! Go to YouTube.com/theunchartedzone to see the full video!
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globalheight · 4 years
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Everything Begins With Ideas! Ready To Implement Ideas Global Height is here to hands you in relates to SEO, SMO, Website Designing and So on. Call us at +91 7503370409 or Visit at www.globalheight.com #beginning #together #working #process #dontstop #you #GlobalHeight #opportunity #digitalmarketing #digitalworld #digitalindia #digitalyouth #learn #growth #indiagrowth #quarantine #qurantinetime #knowledge #new #newexperience #bussiness #creativity #success #digitalrevolution #learneveryday #digitaltransformation #digitaltrends https://www.instagram.com/p/CCGcJG5nLXK/?igshid=5tu278jucmvw
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digitalvoid · 6 years
taking a break from the internet is for losers
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Meeting the Needs of 21st Century Employees: Social Media & Gen Y
HR professionals must understand what an individual wants/needs before developing or implementing policies. What exactly do 21st century employees want from their employers? According to a Cisco survey conducted in 2011, as detailed in the infographic below, new Millennials desire autonomy, flexibility, and advanced technology in the workplace. Millennials love their internet connection and access to social media sites so much that they would take a reduced salary, if given the choice. While younger employees embrace technology and clearly define their terms and conditions regarding social media interaction in the workplace, human resource professionals are reacting in a variety of ways. Many organizations simply do not allow their employees (including Millennials) to peruse social media sites on the clock, while other HR departments monitor their emails and internet activity. On the other hand, human resource professionals have moved away from workplace mores, eyeing the Baby Boomer retirement wave in the distance. These professionals realize that younger individuals from the Generation Y cohort will be next in line to replace these Baby Boomers. Strategically, it makes sense for HR departments to modify traditional operations toward a more employee-responsive, Gen Y-friendly environment.
Management practices, policies, and programs need to adapt to fit into the demands, needs, and lifestyle of 21st century employees. Also important to note, HR departments are changing operations to attract and recruit Generation Y into the workforce. The infographic below outlines different approaches forward-thinking organizations are taking to attract more Millennials effectively.
Such approaches include the following:
the use of social media networking sites and technology to reach out to the Gen Y cohort
offering career development opportunities and job enrichment programs that enhance employee well-being and increase organizational loyalty
developing and implementing university programs and partnerships
the provision of competitive salary and benefits packages that considers the diverse needs of 21st century workers (including Millennials)
developing and emphasizing a strong image through employer branding (internally and externally)
being flexible in general regarding organizational culture and policies
“Your recruiting process should say to the candidate, “How’d you like to be part of our community, do neat things together, grow individually and with your peers?” – Tom Peters (Berman et al., 2010).
Public sector agencies have yet to make the most of social media technologies, particularly in the area of talent recruitment (Berman et al., 2010). However, if avoiding the possibility of a labor shortage is of utmost interest to these organizations, their respective HR professionals will “go” directly to the younger talent pool. This means that HR professionals should seek to engage 21st century employees in their perceived “element,” such as social networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter. Social networking platforms can be used to directly engage and recruit this major component of the 21st century workforce. Social media is also an effective way to communicate and “brand” images of the employer’s organizational culture—whether internally or externally. Besides discussing the implications of changing workforce demographics, Berman et al., (2010) also highlighted societal changes that include rapidly advancing technology. Human resource professionals should follow the footsteps of these Millennials and use the technology at their fingertips wisely to rethink how best to shape, lead, and generally manage the 21st century workforce. 
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globalheight · 4 years
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Getting a spot like this can help increase the number of people familiar with your company. Traffic to your business helps to improve your rank.... We believe in digital India, join GLOBAL HEIGHT to get ample growth digitally... Call us at +91 7503370409 or Visit at www.globalheight.com #joinGLOBALHEIGHT #beginning #together #working #process #dontstop #you #GlobalHeight #opportunity #digitalmarketing #digitalworld #digitalindia #digitalyouth #learn #growth #indiagrowth #quarantine #qurantinetime #knowledge #new #newexperience #bussiness #creativity #success #digitalrevolution #learneveryday #digitaltransformation #digitaltrends https://www.instagram.com/p/CB0HaWDnjPn/?igshid=1xfh6qcb95ma
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globalheight · 4 years
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DON'T STOP WHEN YOU'RE TIRED STOP WHEN YOU'RE DONE. NEVER STOP TILL YOU TIRED, THE POWER WITHIN YOU. Call us at +91 7503370409 or Visit at www.globalheight.com #power #dontstop #you #GlobalHeight #opportunity #digitalmarketing #digitalworld #digitalindia #digitalyouth #learn #growth #indiagrowth #quarantine #qurantinetime #knowledge #new #newexperience #bussiness #creativity #success #digitalrevolution #learneveryday #digitaltransformation #digitaltrends https://www.instagram.com/p/CA9cLRUng6K/?igshid=lkgzmnmshgem
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globalheight · 4 years
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Unlock the secret of success by Digital Marketing #technology #Besmart #beinformed #opportunity #digitalmarketing #digitalworld #digitalindia #digitalyouth #learn #growth #indiagrowth #quarantine #knowledge #new #newexperience #bussiness #creativity #performance #challenge #success #chance #technicalworld #digitalisation (at Dwarka, Delhi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAsjLH8HiQD/?igshid=1ob1qrt2o7uyx
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globalheight · 4 years
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Technology can a useful tool to keep you safe #technology #Besmart #beinformed #opportunity #digitalmarketing #digitalworld #digitalindia #digitalyouth #learn #growth #indiagrowth #quarantine #knowledge #new #newexperience #bussiness #creativity #performance #challenge #success #chance (at Dwarka, Delhi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAcFK-3HIID/?igshid=1nignns46x4ll
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