digiverse360 · 6 months
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z-paladin · 1 month
Across the Planes Digiverse used Betamon and I can feel myself Soy Pointing
A whole sewer full of My Fuckin Son!!! I love my funney lil froggy :)
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toastingpencils37 · 15 days
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Say what you will about the Overlord, but you can't argue with me that his Digiverse form isn't majestic
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icy-watch · 9 months
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Sad face for Echo not being a part of the puzzle.
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yayforocs · 1 year
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a slightly more chill attack, this time on Digiverse!
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digiverse-reboot · 1 year
reblog for a larger sample size i want to reach as many of the DVR fans that are out there
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gamerschaoticart · 2 years
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i had "survive the lies they spread" from DOATK on loop and was like "hey yknow what would be funny"
so boom i drew all my silly tourneykids who cause chaos and based it off the album art for that track
[and i kinda sorta comedian'd chat but oh well thats just what happens sometimes]
[this is original art by gamerschaoticart. DO NOT trace, steal, use for cry/pto / n/f/t projects, or use in a/i art generators. please credit this blog if shared on other platforms in any way, such as being used as icons/pfps. reblogs > likes]
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fandommemequeen · 6 months
i have so many stories in my mind and idk how to tell them well
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somelegobird · 21 days
I saw a post talking about RGB sibling hugs, so I thought "we can make a compilation out of this"
So here's a compilation of all the hugs among this fabulous trio
It's mostly Kai and Nya lmao, hopefully we get more hugs with Lloyd in season 3. 10 in total so far
a few notes:
Dr s2p2 not included since it's not officially out.
I did not include any hugs that included others (except that last scene but that's because it was attached to Kai and Nya's hug and i found it sweet). I kept this one purely Kai, Lloyd, and Nya. I might make one that includes not purely those three, but today is not the day that I do that
The list is below, both in text form and colour coded screenshot
Wrong Place, Wrong Time (Kai & Nya) 8:58
The Last Hope (Kai & Nya) 18:51
Enter the Digiverse (Kai & Nya) 19:56
A Time of Traitors (Kai & Nya) 06:49
Grief-Bringer (Kai & Nya) 08:02
The Merge: Part 2 (Kai & Lloyd) 10:01
Beyond Madness (Lloyd & Nya) 08:46
Beyond Madness (Kai & Nya) 14:02
The Battle of the Second Monastery (Lloyd & Nya) 19:13
Fugitives From Madness (Kai & Nya) 15:27
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Colour coding follows my usual season colours, the ones in this screenshot are (in order):
Legacy of the Green Ninja
Hands of Time
Master of the Mountain
DR s1
DR s2
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destinysbounty · 1 year
Ever since Crystalized came out, there's been this theory circulating that the reason the Overlord somehow managed to manifest crystal power seemingly out of nowhere and with no explanation (at least, none that I can find/remember), is because his fight with Zane affected his power in some way.
The main evidence for this is that:
Zane was the last person to fight the Overlord
Ice is technically a crystalline structure, depending on how it's formed, and Zane is the master of ice
When Harumi was first resurrected, she found the Overlord's spirit imbued into a purple crystal
As evidenced by past seasons, the Overlord's power seems to be influenced by his circumstances and environment in the wake of his last defeat. During Rebooted, a tech center was built over his resting place, and he ended up taking on the abilities and limitations of a computer virus. And in this case, the theory suggests that the Overlord's power was then influenced again by all the ice surrounding him as Zane destroyed both of their physical forms.
This does, to some extent, seem to fall in line with everything else we know about the Overlord. The Overlord is a being of shadow and darkness, and the shape of a shadow will always be influenced by the light around it. (And if we want to get into the theory that the Overlord was created as a result of the FSM trying to purge the oni blood from his veins, then you could even bring up the fact that the oni are shapeshifters sooo).
Now, I'll be the first to admit that this theory is ultimately pretty circumstantial, and there's nothing in canon to point to it being explicitly true. BUT, the cool thing about this theory is that it does also retroactively solve another big fandom mystery: that is, it explains how Zane survived his fight with the Overlord.
Let me explain.
When Zane came back to life after his fight with the Digital Overlord, while it was never outright explained how he did so, it was implied that he came back the same way the Overlord had: by spiritually manifesting within the systems at Borg Tower - specifically, the Digiverse. But that doesn't really answer the question, does it?
Like, the Overlord coming back as a spiritual manifestation makes sense. He's a regenerative being, an immortal abstraction of all the evil in the world. And Zane, as far as we know, is very much not that. So what could have happened to cause Zane, a nindroid, to end up being resurrected in the same way as the god of darkness? Why did he come back to life, instead of passing onto the afterlife? Even Lloyd, the special-est boy in all Ninjago, made a quick visit to the Departed Realm and only came back because the FSM said he could.
And true, it's certainly possible that Zane had a similar encounter with the FSM. Or that his power source is responsible for his resurrection, and just as we may never know how his power source works he may also never know how it brought him back to life. Those are all very possible solutions, and you're welcome to just accept those ideas and move one.
But if you're like me and you don't find those answers particularly satisfying, here's another possibility:
Just as Zane's power has influenced the Overlord, the Overlord's power has influenced Zane. In the explosion of Golden Power that caused both of them to be destroyed in unison, their souls became intertwined. So yes, Zane was meant to die. And judging by his account of the situation in Decoded, he did die. And maybe a peaceful afterlife was well within arm's reach, maybe he was just about to grab the FSM's hand...but then something pulled him back. His soul, chained to the Overlord's dark power, dragged him to the land of the living once more.
And if you really want to get into it, then you could even theorize that this connection ended up influencing Zane's power as well. During the Ice Chapter he was capable of turning people into ice samurai zombie-things kept under his control, as well as creating ice constructs like Boreal. These are not abilities that have been established in the ice power-set, nor are they logical powers for an ice elemental to have. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but the Forbidden Scroll doesn't give you new powers, it just enhances and turbo-boosts what you already have. Which is why it did nothing when Kai held it, as his power had been stolen from him at the time.
(Now before you ask why Pixal could use the Scroll despite seeminlgy not having any powers, there are very subtle implications that she had developed a very, very minor sixth sense due to her inheriting some of Zane's power. If anyone wants me to explain that in greater detail, I'd be more than happy to.)
And yes, Aspheera is also capable of creating elemental zombie/mummy things and other such constructs, but she did all that before she found the Scroll. This is a power-set she had by virtue of her being a powerful sorcerer, not something granted by wielding the Scroll.
And yet somehow, the Scroll did seem to give Zane these powers. Powers that so far have only been exhibited by two people in the series: Aspheera, and the Overlord. So if we submit to the theory that Zane and the Overlord's fight have caused their powers to mix a little, and the Scroll magnifies your power....well, it suddenly becomes very possible that the Scroll amplified some of the dark energy he inherited from the Overlord and awakened some of the Ice Emperor's more unique abilities.
And if that's true, then that really just kinda makes the whole Ice Emperor sting that much more. All of the good things Zane has done, all of his biggest sacrifices, all led to this moment. To him becoming the Ice Emperor.
I dunno. It's just something to think about.
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digiverse360 · 7 months
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vivienneblade · 1 month
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Welcome to the future!
this is a poster for my small au, in which Angier is the formal daughter of Overlord (he wanted to make her a weapon worse than G.Cryptor), she rules The Digiverse. Jerity (or Epixal) is The First Pixal, became an ally of Cyrus Borg and now she is the guard of the entire BI and our little Pixal, who is taken under control by her older sister.
In this au Angier is the main antagonist, she wants a war with humans and masters, literally a nindroid uprising #3 and so Pixal will fight Angier with the help of Lloyd (we need the golden master) and Zane
p.s. Pixal in Digiverse doesn't have its own cell, Jerity took it and that's why Pix gets killed every time in this place, yes like in the game, Jer has cheats haha
oh my god, can she write????)
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
I want to talk about THIS scene from the episode "The Forgotten Element" in Season 4
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This was the scene that spawned many Evil Kai AU fanfictions.
(And like... I get it)
As a kid, I was always jaw dropped by this scene, but I didn't understand this scene too much.
Like, what was the point of this Evil Kai AU if it was for a minute and it was resolved so quickly?
They were building this up the entire episode and even before it, so was that all for nothing? Did it not mean anything? What was the point of this anyway?
And then it clicked with me WHY that was.
The problem was that I was only focusing on what's present in the moment and not all around it.
In the moment itself, Kai is holding the staff, it holds too much power, it corrupts him and spills all of is bottled up negative emotions about destiny and the Green Ninja, how he feels about it all being wrong, that he was somehow 'not good enough' compared to a child, and how he should've been the one with all the power all the glory and all the abilities in is veins.
"You had all the power, now it's my turn!"
"Nothing that I don't already feel!"
"I should've been the Green Ninja!"
That's straight up TELLING.
And it makes sense. Kai wanted to be the Green Ninja more than anyone ever since he heard of that prophecy. Ever since he was told he was the Master of Fire by Wu he went from 'do everything for Nya and be a parent' to 'I can be special and worthy in a way I couldn't ever see in myself'. And then it all turned out to be for nothing, Kai being 'special' was all a lie, and the prophecy went to this bratty kid that Kai was tasked to babysit. Then Lloyd would proceed to be very well recognized and Kai was just... the forgotten member that nobody understands the motives of. 'You wanted to take the place of someone who did something sacrificially heroic? How dare you. SELFISH.'
This all sounds like a villain origin story that would happen in the season, right?
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The build up is all there. The bottled up emotions. Skylor's influence. Chen taunting him in this episode about it and getting into his head about his parents, something that is VERY PERSONAL to Kai.
So if it ended up being just ONE MOMENT and that's it, then this was all for nothing, right?
Why? Because that's not what this aspect of the episode is about at all.
This was all NOT build up to Kai becoming a villain.
This was about Kai REJECTING that villainous side of him.
He's been 'on the villain's side' at the start of the episode when Chen decided not to enslave him.
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Another motif of this episode is what gets said over and over again in the B plot of the episode, that being the prison escape from the Noodle Factory. "The power of positive thinking"
Kai is learning this as well, but it's his own personal battle to come to that. Part of being positive is being positive about yourself.
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He's been scolded for being selfish constantly. Again, how dare he want to take someone's place, someone who was better than him in every way and they all knew it. These people are oblivious, they can't read his mind, they're misinterpreting his words, and for some reason nobody apologizes for that.
We've seen him be insecure of his own abilities. When he feels like he can't do something, he goes 'If only I had this ability'. An example being the Digiverse.
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Part of the lesson there was that he had to allow himself to have the power he needed to get out of a tight spot. As an old fashion and a devoted brother, makes sense why he'd struggle with this.
And then when Chen gets in his head, it's the same thing again, he's selfish and he wants the power and that's all he cares about.
Everyone is saying you're selfish, therefore it must be true.
And this is the first time Kai ever actually CALLS THE PERSON OUT for accusing him of being one dimensionally selfish.
Yes he falters back when Chen mentions his parents, but that's still a notable step. (And he would continue to call out their accusations in Possession)
The episode consists of Kai being on the villain's side and playing the role of the deceiver. Him being smart by playing the emotions of Chen and Skylor rather than be a logical thinker. (WOW. An episode that doesn't make Kai dumb and instead makes him smart in a way that fits his character. That is sad how rare that's shown anymore.)
And to do that he had to convince everyone that he was on the villain's side and that he has turned.
So THIS moment is not build up to Kai becoming a villain truly, it's a test on this own side of him that he must acknowledge exists. How this way of thinking isn't healthy, it's petty, it's not worth it, and he shouldn't be lingering on something when he himself is capable of so much.
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He could just grab the staff again and be corrupted again, and that's it. But HERE, there is no one paying attention to him to tell him what to do.
Which means this is all Kai's choice.
This is Kai CHOOSING to REJECT that villain inside him, and instead proceed to a more positive outlook, one that would benefit everyone.
That's countering all the selfish accusations more than anything else.
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As a kid I was confused as to why there wasn't a scene where Kai acknowledged what happened when he was corrupted and how you go from that to 'Kai wants to protect Lloyd'
Him breaking the staff IS that scene. (It's just so fast that it's hard to see on a first couple viewings) He NEVER wants to see himself as that corrupted figure again, and is willingly choosing what role he wants to play now. That's the transition there from that Kai to Possession Kai. (Possession Kai = Best Kai)
This is one of my favorite episodes of the show because of how much justice was done here in so many ways.
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toastingpencils37 · 2 months
I can't take Wu's decorruption seriously because that tech shit all just faded off like it never existed.
Bruh who fucking decided to do that TOT
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icy-watch · 10 months
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I was just about to ask who you were.
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