#dilf!chris evans x reader
sturnprincess · 10 days
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regalevansworth · 3 months
✨Happy 43rd Birthday to this gorgeous piece of human (aka my husband, thank you) the one and only, Chris Evans✨
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logical-grave · 2 years
𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕓𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕗𝕣𝕦𝕚𝕥 ℂ𝕙. 𝟙
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|| Pairing || - Dilf!Andy Barber x Reader
|| Warnings || - None so far hehe. Actually, andy barber is a warning himself. Very fluffy and slow burn-ish? Reader is 20 and Andy is early fifties 😀 so yea, but of an age difference. This is in first person too.
|| Summary || - It’s the summer before junior year of college and your neighbor can’t seem to keep his hands off you.
|| A/N || - IM BAAAACCCKK AAAHHH ahem sorry. I literally started writing in this acc and then dipped and now I'm getting back Into it hehe, I cant help myself. But yayyty this is the first chapter of my first series and I'm so excited omg omg
|| Word Count || - 2.8k
There was a light breeze that turned the tip of my nose cold, enough to tickle the hair on my face that removed me from an enticing trance. Six, seven months, maybe since the new family moved in known as the barbers. They had a past, I'm sure of it but who the hell am I to bring it to the present? I mean, for whatever reason they moved here, it was to escape and though marathon wasn't paradise on earth, it cut close.
The for sale sign on their clean-cut lawn lasted as long as a blink, the listing to our left being sold as soon as it was on the market and that sparked many eyes to center on it. But that lasted a week and only that before the barbers deemed this villa to be their retreat in the cruel world that surrounded them. No one knew who they were or what happened that caused them to move from the chilly climate of Boston to the humid one of the Florida keys. But they're here and they've piqued my interest.
“Honey, are you dressed?” it was a voice, one aged yet high pitched, belonging to my stepmother Rose. She was nice, she liked my father enough to stick around when he had arrogant outbursts but those weren't introduced to her until he was engaged to her. She was tall, slim, and at the age where all her veins were prominent against her skin but she pulled you in with stories of where she seemed to live another life. It made me wonder how she ended up here, with my father, and taking all his shit when those stories she told could live on.
Maybe that's where I came in. to pass her stories onto me and do my best to make my own. “You're 20, you have so much ahead of you.” Those were her words, ones she repeated to me many times as if she wished to tell herself that at my age. Either way, it was too late to feel bad for her but she was right. I'm only 20 and I, like her, would like to tell stories to young women that reflect me at this age.
“Coming,” I called through the door and backed away from my bedroom window, shutting it after myself. There was already an ache on my shoulder from the weight of the bag I prepared for a day on the sandbar, an extra bathing suit, an extra set of clothing, sunscreen, a hat, and a book to indulge me later on. I twisted the handle that opened to the narrow hallway of the beach house my father bought in 2000 and he's been accustomed to renting out to families that escaped the north and decided my summer before junior year of college was a good time to put it to use.
Rose stood in the kitchen, hunched over sandwiches she made to keep our stomachs from rumbling in the dead center of the sea. She also packed salt and vinegar chips, my favorite which she made a point to always have on hand when I craved a snack. Not a word left my mouth as I stepped past her to the patio, watching as my father used the freshwater hose to clean the inside of the boat. “Hey, sweetheart, hand me the cooler would you?” My father asked, his arms outstretched and his eyes switched from my own to the cooler on my left. A nod from my head prompted me to grab the handles on either side of the blue cooler, lifting it and straining slightly as I heard the movement of ice inside of it. “Jeez,” I said, lifting it above my hips in an attempt to hand it to him easier and he removed it from my grasp without much effort. A huff left my lips as I trained my gaze over the docks that lined all the beach houses, a weird way to set up a neighborhood if you didn’t own a boat.
“Where’s rose?” My father asked and I removed my bag from my shoulder, sighing in relief at the loss of weight off my shoulder as he placed it in the storage compartment at the front of the boat. “She’s inside getting the food. I’ll start locking up.” I spoke, unsure if what I said processed through his head since he was the type to act as if he was at times and I wasn't certain if that included now or not. My hand reached for the keys that hung above the outdoor freezer, usually used to store bait and fish. He flaked and gutted which made the keys in my hand smell. It also wasn't the best idea to have the keys in such an open space but surprisingly crime was low here and the worry about intruders was not a common one. “Don't lock up, yet. We’re still waiting for the barbers.”
My body tensed at the name, the step I was about to take to the side entrance contracted my muscles and a wave of numbness pushed through me. I tightened my grip on the keys in my hand, surely making a mark in a jagged manner due to the shape. “The barbers, father?” I cringed at myself for a moment, knowing I reserved the endearment for when I was conflicted and looked to him for some false sense of security but what does he know?
“Yeah, they’re joining us but they should be here already.” He looked to his right, their house tall and prominent in his view but the windows or doors showed signs of life. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears, a sound I didn’t want to be accustomed to yet the familiarity of it started to push that wave of numbness again. Torn in two, my mind attempted to look for the decision of if I should go inside and dread meeting them until Rose was with me or turn on my heel and give them a blinding grin.
I don’t know why I was scared to meet them, maybe the small anxiety of having to make conversation or the itching curiosity of why they were even here needing to be answered but a conclusion was made for me. “Sweetheart, come say hi.” my father's deafening voice rang behind me and I gulped the lump in my throat that formed without my notice. I dangled the keys in my hand, allowing them to jangle and I pulled back my shoulders to straighten my posture. My mind made quick laps to gather whatever information I already knew about them and all I could sum up was Mr. Barber is a defense attorney, Mrs.barber was a teacher, and their son was six years my junior. Great, prepubescent, and raging hormones.
I turned around, a grin on my face as I looked over the new faces and almost made a sharp intake at first glance. one thing is for certain, striking looks ran through the family. I picked up my feet, stalking towards them with hesitant steps and a vague idea of how to even approach them. “This is my daughter.” my father introduced my presence, the weight of all their eyes on me as I held my hand out towards Jacob who stood the closest to me, and shook his hand. I held back a grimace, feeling the clamminess of his palm and comparing the difference between his and his mother's that felt like a plush felt.
I shook Mr. Barber's hand, the contrast between ours; his calloused and rough, mine delicate and chaste. “Nice to meet you, Darling.” He smiled, his blue eyes piercing into my own as his large hand enveloped mine, a charm from the small action emitting from him. There was a palpitation in my chest at the pet name he gave me in such a short amount of time of knowing him, telling me he was an affectionate man, one that didn’t have many boundaries. “Nice to meet you as well.”
The loud shut of the side door caught my attention, Rose exited the house and struggled a bit to balance a platter and a large bag. Feeling a slight of pity, I walked up to the patio and grabbed the bag, the familiar heavyweight back on my shoulder making me pout. We neared the dock once more and Rose introduced herself to the barbers as we all piled into the boat. “Thank you,” I muttered to Mr. Barber as he held my hand to assist in my descent into the shallow boat, taking my seat at the front to pull in the ropes that hooked us from drifting away.
Jacob made himself comfortable next to me and I smiled warmly at him. “So, what school do you go to?” he yelled over the growling engines that cut through the water and I shook my head. “I don't go to school until I reach the fall.” I shrugged with my sentence and he nodded, vaguely keeping his interest in me. I held back an eye roll and looked over my shoulder toward the back of the boat. Mr. Barber leaned into Mrs. Barber's ear, a joke he made causing her to laugh and hide in the crook of his neck.
His eyes met mine, only for a moment at least, as he tilted his head. I blinked before turning around and facing the front of the boat once more. Our destination was already in sight because there were a few other boats anchored in comfortable positions, drifting slowly from the waves we made in tow. The loud growl of the boat engines began to stutter to a stop, finally being able to speak to one another without yelling at the top of our lungs.
“Think you can toss the anchor?” I hear my father call over his shoulder to Mr. Barber, watching as he chuckled dryly at him. “You insult me.” Mr. Barber stood, slipping past me on his way to the tip of the boat, opening the compartment where the anchor is stored, and held it just over his shoulder. My eyes trailed the hand he had holding the anchor, moving down towards his bicep which bulged due to the weight, the veins in his forearm presenting themselves just under his skin. Subconsciously, I crossed my legs and turned away as I heard the splash of the anchor hitting the water.
Mr. Barber opened the storage compartment, reaching for the red-striped bag that Laurie had brought with her. “Here, honey.” He smiled at her as she now stood beside me, Jacob and I standing together as I grabbed my bag. Making my way towards the back of the boat, I removed my ragged shirt that has seen better days, and my shorts that were now tighter than I’d like after the half rack of ribs I consumed last night. I stuffed my clothes into my bag, placing it inside the bait well before hanging my legs over the side of the boat and jumping in.
The water was perfectly warm due to the piercing sun shining over it. I sunk into the salt water just under my chin before turning onto my back, enjoying the laxity of floating above the waves. “Beautiful day, huh?” Mr. Barber's voice interrupted my serenity and I stood on my feet, blocking the sun out of my eyes to obtain a better look at him. “Mhmm.” I nodded, looking at the ripples of his torso, the structure of his muscles is something he’s surely worked for and still maintained at his age.
“How old are you?” He asked and I looked at him curiously. “Turned 20 a couple of months ago,” I answered, my fingers each dipping into the ocean that surrounded me, and watched as the small droplets fell from the tips. “Fun age. Getting drunk, knocking out on the couch of your friend's dorm. The good old days.” He smiled, reminiscing his younger years as he ran his hands through his hair. “I wouldn’t know. I don’t drink.” I commented, ready to swim back onto the boat for some light reading.
“I get it. You’re a good girl.”
I looked at him and his eyes were dark, the blue of his eyes now a thin ring around his pupils. A logical reaction to his words has yet to cross my mind as I stared at him blankly. “Sweetie, come here!” Laurie called for him and I watched as he took two steps back before turning and walking back toward the boat.
Ignoring what he said, I continued to drift yet his words seemed to tattoo themselves onto the side of my brain.
I pulled the back of the sundress down, the length not exactly keeping me modest. It was navy with bundles of pink and white flowers printed onto it, the build of the dress wrapping my waist in a flattering manner. After the sandbar the day prior, the barbers kindly invited us to dinner, an outing on their dime. For a scarce small town, it still had its fair share of restaurants that had forks on the left and knives on the right and to place napkins on your lap.
“It’s under the name Barber, a reservation for six at 8:30.” Mr. Barber greeted the host with a smile and he scrolled through the large tablet before him as he nodded his head, confirming the reservation. “Right this way, please.” The host piled 6 menus in his arms, leading us through the restaurant. The ambiance was nice, dim but just enough light to maintain the aesthetic they’re going for. The white cloth of the tables was soft and crisp as if they just arrived from the dryer and we all took our seats.
I took notice to my left, watching as Mr. Barber claimed the seat there and rose to my right, all of us looking around the room in awe as we took in the others who dined as well. “What a nice place.” My father commented as he straightened his button-up. I nodded along, placing the aforementioned napkin in my lap, and took a sip of the water the waiter came and served us. “It’s gorgeous here, Andy. We can’t thank you enough.” Rose smiled, looking past me at Mr. Barber and I followed her eyes. For a moment, I saw his eyes flicker from my thighs to Rose, clearing his throat as he smiled at her. “Truly, it’s my pleasure.”
“So how’s it been at the office with George? I imagine he simply couldn’t sit still and do his homework.” Rose jokes, placing her hand on my father's arm. I let out a small breath, realizing now that the night would mostly be filled with questions made for the adults, telling me that I am now sided with the likes of Jacob. I looked over at him, seeing his face slightly illuminated, most likely by a gaming device just under the table.
“Office talk is the last thing I want to speak about at the table, honey. Did we tell you? Italy is absolutely beautiful this time of year…” My father continued and I drowned him out as he began to recall our first outing to Europe back in 2017 yet I couldn’t be bothered to listen to him rave about the beer and women there once more.
Then, a small gasp left my lips. The feeling of a large warm hand grazing the side of my left leg caught me off guard, almost making me tip the glass of water in my hand. My eyes turned to Mr. Barber who gave me a small smirk, his hand tucked behind my knee as his fingers smoothed over my skin. I swallowed the lump in my throat, the room surrounding me suddenly feeling smaller and hotter.
“Have you considered studying abroad, sweetheart?” Laurie said, looking over at me. I stared blankly at her for a moment before clearing my throat as I conjured up an answer. “Possibly, but for now I like where I’m at.” I gave her a weak smile as his hand trailed further up the side of my thigh, the tips of his fingers playing with the seam of my dress which I cursed at the short length. My hand stopped his own before he could progress, digging my fingers into his skin as a motion to stop but it seemed to urge him more. “That’s a nice dress, darling. Compliments you well. Doesn’t it?” Mr. Barber smiled kindly as if he secretly wasn’t making a move on his office partner's daughter under the dinner table. “Yes, you look gorgeous.” Laurie agreed and I couldn’t help the blush that crept onto my cheeks, more likely due to the hand that was causing my skin to feel as if it was on fire.
“Thank you.” I uncross my legs, dropping them both on the seat under me and tucking my napkin under the side of my thigh, sneaking small glances at Mr. Barber as a waiter introduced himself to take our orders
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
You Were the One, Part 19
Summary:  Lloyd finally comes home
Pairings:  Lloyd Hansen X Reader
Rating:  fluffily explicit
Warnings:  soft!Lloyd Hansen, explicit sexual content, explicit language, smut, PIV sex, unprotected sex, creampie, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  2.4K
Series Masterlist
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"I need to know where you're going!"
"You don't need to know jack shit!" Lloyd shouts at an agent. "Unless there is something else you need me to do?" he waits while the new owner of his agency shakes his head. "Good, don’t call me when you fucking need me, I’m retired.
Lloyd walks out of the office, still a bit bloody and bruised, but he has more important things to do. He had made his promise and he kept it.  He was done, and going home to you.  
"God, that guy is such an asshole," he mutters to no one. "Still think he's hiding something."
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Lloyd checks his vehicle making sure that there's no tracking device before taking the long way home. Rushing to get away from these people, and back in comfort. Wanting to just see your face.
It might have taken some travel, but he could see you through the window, bending down, and most likely cleaning up a mess from the day. He smiles softly when you turn to the side, and he can see the small swell of your belly. It had been too long, and he didn't even know.  This must have been what you were wanting to tell him.  A sweet little baby, and he had missed too much time.  You pregnant was one of his favorites.
With a deep breath, he gathers his bags to head to you. You're alerted right away to someone at the door, your eyes flick upstairs, and then back to the door. Walking to grab a gun, and you point it at the man who enters, but then you quickly return it. "I thought you were gonna die," you give him a disapproving look.  “Lloyd, you shouldn’t have done that.  There’s a reason I didn’t want you involved with Six, and…I almost lost you.”
"I know, Honey, but I’m here now," walking into the light, you see the marks on his face. Cuts butterflied together, and gasp at the sight. "Honey, I'm fine.  Just got one less finger to touch you,” he raises up his left hand, and the pinky ring you had given him for a wedding band was gone.  While at home, he always wore a wedding band, but that pinky ring was his favorite.  It was his secret that he had you with him.
"Lloyd," but he's over to you with a few quick strides. Grabbing up your hand, and moving you around in a slow dance, "There's no music, babe."
"Shh," he says, his hand sliding over your belly, and he caresses your skin gently. "How far along?"
"Five months."
"Really?" he playfully asks, leaning forward to nip at your back. "You must have known before I left.  I was trying to be all sexy with my breeding talk, and you were already pregnant.  And what is the sweet little caterpillar?"
You roll your eyes, before resting your head on his chest. Moving your hand over him, your ring glimmering in the dim light. "You know I don't find out without you."
"He or she is keeping you too far away from me," he continues his slow dancing with you. The two of you breathing in the other, melting into each other. You hate when he leaves, but loves when he comes back.  This time much more bittersweet.  He had retired, and you thought he wasn’t going to come home to you.  Those moments of him and Six alone had terrified you, but now he was right at your fingertips.  The man you loved with every part of you, and the life that you had built together was everything.
Court Gentry zeros in on his target, and furrows his brow, "He's got a wife?" A low growl crawls up his throat when Lloyd spins you around, and he gets an actual look at you.  You were stunning.  He blinks the tears out of his eyes, remembering that first time he envisioned you pregnant with his child.  It suited you.  And you didn’t wither away to being a housewife, you worked remotely.  For him.
"A wife?" Dani asks over coms.  She can’t see what Court sees, but she can’t fathom why anyone would want to be with Lloyd.
Lloyd pulls you back off of him when his eyes flick over to the stairs, "No!" you let out an airy giggle. "Don't you dare, they’re sleeping.  It’s been hell trying to get Ferryn to sleep without her monster fighting daddy around.  And I can’t quite crawl on the floor like you do,” a hand smooths over your bump when you look at him.  His eyes going back to the stairs.
“Lloyd no.”
"But...I wanna see them," grabbing his hand, you pull him into the bedroom, ignoring his feigned whines.
"You're gonna see your wife first."
"Oh really?" you slowly nod your head, before slipping off your nightgown, "I really like seeing my wife,” removing your bra, he smirks, “I really really like seeing my wife.”
"And she really likes seeing you," it doesn't take much to get Lloyd stripping out of his clothes. Walking over to you, his hands roam over your curves, learning your body like this. Each pregnancy had proven to be vastly different, and he had five months of this one to make up for.  His fingers indent into your skin, until you push him back on the bed.
"You think you're a badass, huh?"
"I think I'm horny and pregnant, and I've been waiting for you to come home.  Begging you even.  And I thought I wasn’t ever going to see you again.  Not to mention, you did a terrible job of listening to me ," you crawl up onto the bed, gripping his cock, and giving a few kisses to his tip. Kissing down the veiny girth, before licking all the way up.
"If you're so fucking horny, then quit teasing," slinking up his body, you move to straddle him, with your swollen stomach, he helps guide you over him, and you sigh in relief. Sinking down to the root, and you had never felt better. There was a sense of completion when you and Lloyd connected this way.  Things were always right when you had him.  He had every part of you.  Every single bit of you belonged to him, just like every bit of him belonged to you.  You became each other’s keepers the day you let your guard down, and the two of you had created such a beautiful life together.
You knew he had a dangerous job. Knew that one day, he might not come home to you, but for now, you were going to relish having him here.  Just like this.  And now, he was yours.  You’d figure the rest out as you went.  Knew that you would have to relocate and he’d have to become someone else, just like you did.  But for right now, you were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hansen.  You two were unstoppable, and better together.
Slowly grinding on his length, you trace the outlines of the scars on his chest. Seeing his face turn into the softest pleasure at the way you tenderly work yourself over him. "You know what my favorite thing about you like this is?" you sigh out a questioning moan, and he continues. "You're so sensitive. You've been clenching down on me for two whole minutes. Let go."
"No, I want to enjoy you," you push back the need to orgasm, and not that Lloyd is complaining. Not when he's balls deep in your quivering cunt. "Baby..." you sing up to the ceiling. His hands groping your engorged tits. "Lloyd...Lloyd I, I..."
"There ya go let go," his voice almost purrs up at you, and you feel a blanket of warmth cover your body. "You got more in you? Daddy's not finished."
Smirking at him, you readjust yourself for reverse cowgirl. Getting the perfect angle to bounce over him. Lloyd in a front row seat to watch where the two of you connect. Able to watch your body writhe over him.
Sitting up, he kisses your sweaty shoulders. Showing his love for you with every peck he whispers onto your skin. Circling his hands around to cup your belly, before sinking lower.
Your clit, neglected and swollen when he starts stimulating it. Whispering up what a good job you were doing, "Making me feel like a king, Honey. I'm almost there."
Your pussy sucks his beautiful cock in its velvety folds, and the both of you ache for release. Looking back at him, he captures your lips with his. The both of you swallow each other's sweet sounds. Stuttering your hips, while you cum together. Moaning at his added sticky warmth, and you slow your kisses to the sweetest most intimate kiss. The two of you are still connected, but you know if he's wanting to go upstairs, you shouldn't wait much longer.
"Lloyd, they miss you, too."
"Well, let's go get the rugrats then. We gotta get you cleaned up first," even the way he rids you of his spunk is the sweetest and most delicate thing. A warm cloth ridding you of his seed, and you can’t help but to give him sweet and innocent kisses to his lips.  Finishing only to kiss over you cleaned core.
"Wash your lips, babe. You're not kissing our babies with that mouth."
While he may laugh, he does clean up his mouth, but just to check, you give him another kiss. "Better."
"Better?" he asks, and you nod with a smile. He leans in for a giggly playful kiss. Enjoying the side of Lloyd no one ever gets to see. There really was this secret softness, but the fact that he saved that for you and your kids, made you weak in the knees.
"Mommy?" a sweet voice creaks in the night. Her chubby little hand holds on to her stuffed rabbit, while the other rubs her eyes. "Bubba is crying," thankfully you and Lloyd are in fact dressed. As she stumbles towards you, reaching up her hands, but then she opens her eyes more, and sees her hero.
Screeching out a, "Daddy!" before running to jump into his arms. "Oh daddy! I missed you!"  She nuzzles onto his shoulder, while her hand pets over his mustache, giggling so hard at her daddy finally being there.
"I missed you, too, Pixie Dust.  God, have I missed you.  I thought about you, and mama, and Holdie everyday."
"Ferryn, you and daddy stay here, I'm gonna get Holden, okay?"
"Can we sleep in here with you?" you kiss her nose, answering yes to go get your growing boy. It seemed right to have your babies with you and Lloyd tonight.  You weren’t the only one that needed to feel him, just to make sure this wasn’t a dream.
Hearing Lloyd and Ferryn's giggles even upstairs. He leans over blowing raspberries on her, and she tries pushing him off with no success. Just repeatedly saying daddy, sure that if she quits, he won't be here.  She had a beyond special bond with her daddy.  While he loved Holden, he was definitely more of a mama’s boy.  Desiring you to hold him over his daddy.
Walking up the stairs, not to see a crying baby, but one bouncing in his crib, making grabby hands with a cadence of mama. "I know, and I got a surprise for you."
As soon as Holden sees Lloyd he lets out a joyful scream, "Daddy! My daddy!"
"Hey buddy," Lloyd answers. Reaching towards you to hold both his babies in his hands, he tilts his head to the side, thanking you for this life.  He was grateful everyday to you for giving him the life he didn’t think he wanted.  Now every night he got to go to sleep knowing he made two, and almost three of the most beautiful and smart babies he could ever think of.  
"Dani, he's got kids.  I can’t…” Court says, tearing his eyes away from the four of you.  You looked so happy.  Even the way you constantly found a way to touch Lloyd.  The way your daughter would watch you and Lloyd give each other kisses.  It was oddly beautiful, and it hurt him even more.
"Do you have an open shot?" She responds.  “Remember the mission.  Lloyd was willing to kill you, kill Claire, and he’s the reason Fitzroy is dead.”
Court becomes heavily annoyed, because there most definitely isn't an open shot. Your body in front of him, while he holds two children. "No," he answers shortly.  The whisper of Claire telling him that Lloyd wasn’t allowed to hurt her, and he had to get home to you ringing in his mind.  You were the reason that Lloyd didn’t hurt Claire.  You were protecting her, and he listened.
Lloyd walks the kids to the bed, snuggling everyone in. With the sweetest little conversations of what they did and learned while he was away.  Waking up in the middle of the night found them drifting off quickly, but you just want to stay awake to gaze at your handsome husband. "I love you."
"Love you, too, Honey," with a hand on his chest, you move to give him a kiss. Memorizing this moment and how perfect he is.  Everything felt right with him.  Everything was warm and wholesome, when Lloyd was anything but.  Until you saw him with your babies.  His arm draped over both of them, resting on your belly.  “I’m home.”
Court stares at your eyes and just how you look at Lloyd with the utmost fondness, he doesn’t remember you ever looking at him that way.  He could finish this mission, and leave you a widow.  Leave his two kids crying as they try to wake their daddy, but that little girl, he can’t shake the feeling.  He just needs to get close enough to you, and to talk to you, but killing your husband would not make for a very good conversation.
Last second, he changes out his gun.  Taking a play out of Dani’s book, he takes a deep breath, “I’ve got the shot.”
"Take it!"
You open your eyes, screaming out his name, when you see a glowing red dot, "Lloyd!  No!  No!”
He has seconds to react.  Turning his body to cover yours and the kids he shouts, "Son of a bitch!" Leaving you staring horrified as his eyes slowly close.  Ferryn wakes up confused.
“Lloyd, baby, no!  Shit.  No,” crying until you realize that there was someone who had Lloyd as a target, and now he would have you and your babies.  And that would not happen.
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Taglist:  @tis-thedamn-season​ @marveloustaylortot​ @pono-pura-vida​ @peaches1958​ @bookwormchick91​ @whimsyplaty92​ @bambamwolf87​ @curlycarley​ @infatuatedjanes​ @randomagnes0210​ @8oopsiedaisy8 @spider-thot0115​ @sstan-hoe​ @xcaptain-winterx​ @buckysteveloki-me​ @sgtjaamesbaarnes​ @writing-for-marvel​ @alwaysclassyeagle​ @mrstangerinejohnson​ @jlc3276 @elrw24​ @kattreffic​ @lettersandsodas​ @saucy-sassy-sparkly​ @crazyunsexycool​ @pigwidgeonxo​ @dontbescaredtosingalong​ @royalwritersoftheuniverses​ @bigphattygyal @seitmai​ @awkwardgiraffe726​
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valleyfae · 2 years
feeling even more slutty today so i’m back with dilfy ari and videos of that guy lmao
ari 100% makes you say things even though you are whining and whimpering. “say the 4 words and you can cum, angel” i love you daddy. “say the magic words” please daddy. “go on sweets i know you can do it uses your words and say the 3 words” thank you daddy.
he also definitely talks you through your punishments. makes you tell him you understand and that thing.
idk i just feel like he is just a soft dom and is very verbal and vocal 🤭😵‍💫
No because Ari is constantly talking in the best way possible!!! You don’t understand how much I love writing and reading fics with a very verbal dilfy hunk 🤭🤭
And yes, Ari makes you repeat things. That is a fact.
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
The Nanny, Chapter 8
Word Count:  1.5k
Warnings:  angst
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“Are you excited about today?”
Briana looked at you, her brow raising ever so slightly, “why would I have any reason to be excited, mom?”
“Well, your dad’s home and he’s taking you out for a father daughter day,” you shrugged, putting a piece of French toast on her plate.  Your eyes wandered down the hallway where Jake had been sound asleep in your shared bedroom.  Her eyes followed yours and then she rolled them.  You sighed, “hey…what’s that about?  You seemed happy about it last week.”
“Me and mom are going to the Lego store…and then we’re going to the-“
“Dad’s taking me to the mall,” she shrugged, truly seeming let down by what was happening as she cut her younger brother off, “I mean it’s nothing special…he’s just trying to do something with me because he’s been gone almost a year on this last mission.  He doesn’t even know what I like, mom!  He doesn’t know me anymore.  It just feels…weird.”
You frowned, leaning against the counter, “hey…your father was really excited about it last night.  You know he-“
“He doesn’t know anything that’s going on in my life, mom,” she groaned as she cut you off this time, “he doesn’t even know that I’m on the cheerleading squad, or that I hav-“
“A boyfriend…yes…yes he does,” Jake said firmly as he walked into the kitchen.  The tension in the room was thick as Jake’s sleepy voice was overrun by an agitated tone.  You frowned and gave Briana a look and she gasped, catching on to what you’d told him.  But Jake was quick to cut her off, “don’t get mad at your mother for telling me.  I’ve been following your social media accounts ever since my last trip.”
“Mom said I could get them!” she said quickly, looking to you for help.  Both of you knew how Jake had felt about the idea of social media period, but he was adamant on the idea that neither one of the kids should ever have it because of the potential dangers.  But you’d quickly caved just a few months ago, seeing that since she didn’t have a cell phone, social media would be a good way for her to stay up to date with her friends during the summer.
“But did she tell you that you could start seeing that boy?” he asked pointedly, looking between you and Briana, “Did you, Dev?”
“I’m not going to tell her no, Jake,” you shrugged, biting your lip as he began his normal routine.  Briana’s jaw tightened like she wanted to say something, but she kept her mouth shut when you shook your head, not wanting to upset Jake.  She huffed, angry that you didn’t correct him yet again, “he’s a good kid.  I’ve met him and his parents.  Had them over for dinner last month when-“
“When you were gone!” Briana pointed out, rolling her eyes, “maybe if you were home more you would know what’s going on in my life, like a real parent would.  But you’re always gone…”
But before Jake could so much as finish her name, she’d stomped out of the kitchen and up the stairs.  You gave your boyfriend a sad look and went up to him, wrapping your arms around him.
“She’ll come around, Jake…she’s just going through a phase…she’s a teenager…”you offered, “you know she misses you…she’s just-“
“Being a butthead!” Alex pointed out, cutting you off.  The two of you turned your attention to Alex who was guiltily staring back at you.
He frowned, “sorry dad…”
“She’s just going through a phase, Jake…”
“I hope so,” he sighed, “I can’t stand the fact that she seems like she hates me anymore…”
“How about this store?” Jake asked, pointing towards an Aeropostale, “your mom says that you li-“
“She’s not really my mom…”
“What?  Of course she is…she-“
“She’s not Dev…”
“Briana…she’s been there for us since you were little.  She’s like a mother to you,” Jake warned, “you’ve been calling her mom for half of your life.  You need to give her the respect that she deserves.”
“I’ll give her this…she’s more of a parent than you are.”
Jake bit his tongue as Briana went into the store, huffing under her breath.  The words struck Jake deeper than he’d cared to admit. 
Sure, he knew that he wasn’t always able to be there in person.  The Losers had been stuck with an impressive case load, and while he’d been with you officially for over three and a half years, you’d always kept him in the loop and made him feel okay about leaving. 
But with how Briana’s attitude had changed within the last few months, he wasn’t so sure anymore.  He jogged to catch up to her, “Did I do something wrong, Briana?”
The words left his mouth before he could stop them.  His daughter turned, stopping the half-committed browsing of the racks and tables.  She crossed her arms over her stomach and glared at her dad, “do you even care about us?  Do you even care about me, Alex, and mom?”
His heart plummeted into the pit of his stomach.
It felt like he was being punched in the chest, and he fought the air that was leaving his lungs far quicker than he would have been okay with.
“Do you even care about us, or are we just some things you collect?” she asked angrily, not bothering to pull her punches with her father as she glared at him, “do you have a whole new family somewhere else or something?”
“Briana, no…how-how could you even think that?”
“Well for one, you never tell us goodbye when you leave,” she spat, her jaw clenching as she started her list, “It’s always in the middle of the night, with some half-assed letter.  And we’re left waking up to mom crying in your room because you didn’t even tell her goodbye.”
“Language, Briana.”
“Well, it’s true!” she growled, “you come back and act like everything’s okay.  Like you’ve been here the whole time.  Do you know why mom and Alex are spending time away from us today?  It’s because you missed Alex’s birthday last week.  AGAIN.  You’ve been home for two days and you didn’t even tell him happy birthday.  But you didn’t even notice, or you didn’t care.  You just sat on your work computer while mom tucked him in on the first night.  He was bawling.”
“He was?”
“And mom…you’ve been dating her for how many years?” she scoffed, “she cares about us.  She loves us so much.  She will take care of us when you leave. But what do you do when you come back?  You fuck her and then act like nothing happened.  Like you were side by side at the parent teacher conferences, or Alex’s soccer games, or my football games where I’m cheering.  Or like when she found out she was pregnant and then miscarried.  Or she invited Brandon’s parents and Brandon over for dinner.”
“She was pregnant?”
“Last year dad…” she spat, “she lost it at the end of her first trimester…but you didn’t even know, did you?”
“You know it’s crazy to me,” she hissed, “you’re oblivious about our lives.  You don’t even kn-“
“That’s not fair Briana.”
“What’s not fair is that she somehow manages to still be in love with you and care about us when you walk away every single time,” she growled, “She still worships the ground that you walk on.  Still wants to be with you.  Do you know how awkward it is to explain to people that she’s my nanny first and my dad’s girlfriend second?  Do you know how many times I’ve heard her explain that she’s not ‘technically our guardian’ to my coaches or teachers, and then grandma has to come and sign off on stuff.  I almost didn’t make the cheer squad because grandma was on a cruise when tryouts were happening, and they wouldn’t let mom sign off as my guardian.  She was mortified as she had to talk to the coaches.  But she got ahold of grandma right in the nick of time.”
Jake felt his heart sinking further and further towards the floor with every word his daughter spat at him.
“I-I made her guardian when I hired he-“
“Your request was only good for that school dad.  When I went to intermediate school and Alex went to the elementary school, we needed it renewed.  Mom reminds you every time you’re home, but you just blow her off.”
“No, I-“
“Did you even realize that you’ve been calling her by mom’s name the last two times you’ve been home?” she asked with a growl.
Jake felt his stomach turn, “Wh-what?”
“You’ve been calling her Dev…my real mom’s name…for months now…do you really want to be with mom, or are you just using her as a placeholder for the woman who gave birth to me and Alex?  Because that’s really fucked up!”
“Briana, I-I didn’t mean-“
“You never mean anything, dad,” she spat, pushing past her father, heading towards the entrance of the store, “I want to go home…I don’t want to be out…”
“But we-“
“I want to go home, dad.”
Chapter 9
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @sebsgirl71479, @patzammit, @elbell20-blog
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f10werfae · 2 years
The Breeding Ground
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pairing: Alpha!Ari Levinson x Omega!Pregnant!Reader
summary: To others, Ari’s house was a breeding ground for him and his omega, but to him it was just fulfilling her purpose of carrying his pups (DILF!Ari) (Slightly manipulative)
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated/Disclaimer 18+
Full Masterlist, Chris Evans Masterlist
“Daddy’s home! Where are ya my little pups” Ari roared toeing off his shoes, already smelling his mate’s gorgeous new scent after he managed to knock her up, for the fifth time. Watching as she toddled in with her infamous waddle, his omega walking in with a 6 month baby bump and their newest baby boy on her hip. Her face ecstatic at the sight of her alpha home after a long day hunting, their tiny tot already reaching out for his daddy. Now where were the other 3?
“You smell n’ look so sweet Tulip” He grumbled taking their baby boy, his other arm wrapping around her waist to let him nuzzle and lick up her neck, her body wearing a lilac maternity gown. Her hands already gripping for his touch and scent, her body already trying to rub off on him to get some of his scent on her, causing him to chuckle at the mere sight of her desperation.
Even though Ari had marked her after the choosing ceremony, it didn’t stop the odd beta from flirting with her, causing Ari to growl and rub their naked bodies together any chance her got. To a point where she practically went through withdrawals when she couldn’t smell him. Part of their bedtime routine after putting the tiny scragglers to bed, had now included them humping each other without abandon, with Y/n whining out for his scent and kisses, wanting each and every part of him against her.
“You’re home early” She beamed leaning up to press a kiss to Ari’s chin, her hands already feeling up under his shirt, feeling the new dad bod on him that made him even more irresistible. The tiny pudge now making him that bit more softer which she loved, when she rode his cock every morning she could hug more of him, kissing up his stomach whenever she was bored.
“hmm things finished up early with the pack, n’ I wanna see my tulip ass up face down” He whispered running his hand up her nape, kissing just below her ear before standing up right, bouncing the pup in his arms; smacking kisses on his cheek. Before she could even register what he had said, the other three pups tumbled down the stairs, the oldest being five, with Y/n being bred at least once a year. Per her alpha’s request.
“Daddy! We- We helped momma make pie today, n-n look we made you painting” Luke squealed hugging onto Ari’s legs, holding up the painting he and his two younger brothers had worked so hard on all afternoon. Hunkering down Ari sat down Mark who was in his arms onto the floor, his four boys now all huddled around him. All four of them equally protective over their momma, the queen of the household.
“Woah buddy, did you make this for me?” Ari smiled looking at the handiwork of his children, the coloured stick figures all holding hands, even chuckling at the way they had drawn his wife’s bump, a tiny stick figure inside. “That’s sissy, she’s not here yet” Harry pointed to the pink bow drawn into the figure in the bump, his hand reaching up to hold Y/n’s; all four of them equally momma’s boys and daddy’s boys. Even PJ who was the second youngest so far, the shyest of them all, who was always found with his nose in a book, away from any sort of interaction.
“So thoughtful did you show mommy this? Alright, this is going on the fridge, going to show this to your sister when she’s out, how about that?” He sighed standing up, watching them bounce about happily, seeing some of their eyes start to lid from exhaustion.
“Ari, I can tuck them into bed now, give you some time to get ready for bed?” Y/n offered picking up Mark and coddling him against her chest, his hands playfully clawing at her pendant which held an imprint of Ari’s thumb, although only them two knew it was a tracker. It was dangerous being the wife of a well known alpha.
“I can do it, I’ve got a new story to read to ‘em” Ari took Mark from her, picking up PJ into his other arm, instructing Luke to hold onto Harry’s hand up the stairs, “Remember, ass up baby, I don’t like being disappointed” Ari whispered as he leant in away from his boys, kissing his wife’s cheek one last time, sending her a wink and a smirk as he walked up the stairs. Boy was she in for a night.
- -
“Tulip, I missed you today, needed you so bad” Ari hummed nuzzling his nose up and down his mate’s neck, her scent filling his nose as his cock drove in and out of her sopping wet pussy, his tongue running over his mark on her neck; showing everyone that she was his. His eyes trained on her body as it jiggled and moved, his mouth clamping onto her breast as she whined and combed her fingers through his grown hair.
“M-Missed you too- oh fuck- kept dreamin o-of you” She whimpered feeling him suckle harder on her nipple, his hips smacking against her thighs repeatedly, his hands petting up the skin on her stomach and hips; thinking about how they were made just for carrying pups, his pups. Remembering at how during each pregnancy, she seemed to just grow sexier, having a motherly glow to her that was just so alluring. His tongue tasting the sweet milk that her body made, just for his pups, his groans sounding bc animalistic as her milk continued to spurt all over them both and into his waiting mouth.
“Yeah? Tell me what you dreamed of baby, fuck look at these tits just bouncing up in my face” He groaned watching her globes move in circular directions, slapping together creating lewd sounds, his right hand gripping her drool covered jaw as he licked up and down her face; taking the time to pull her mouth open and spit into it filthily. Her pouty lips shutting as she swallowed his saliva, spreading her tongue out for more, whimpering with her eyes squeezed shut from the sheer amount of pleasure.
“No. Tell me your dream, your alpha wants to hear it” He crooned slapping her cheek lightly to open her eyes, her face pouting like a puppy, “I-I you gave me puppies, lots n’ l-lots, shit” She squealed feeling his thumb reach down and play with her clit. Even feeling his hand slap her clit as if it was her ass, her pussy twitching at the spanking sensation before she saw stars. The gushing sound of her juices filling their bedroom as Ari chuckled darkly, watching his precious mate squirt all over his fat cock.
“Had you all round n’ big with my cum? You wanna give your alpha pups? What a good little omega you are, always wantin’ to make alpha happy” He cooed running his thumb up and down her second set of swollen lips, her hips jerking up at each sensation, her body burning with need feeling his cock harden back up while inside her. Reminding her of all the times she had cockwarmed him to sleep, only to be woken up by him mercilessly thrusting up into her pussy for his “breakfast”
“Mhm, want- want pups” His chin resting on her shoulder right by her ear. “Going to give you a whole litter Tulip, all swollen just for me, love to come home to you and our babies.” He groaned driving deeper and deeper each time, at some points he had even questioned whether he had physically hit the tip of her womb, causing her to scream out against the mattress in a fit of girlish giggles. At this point Y/n had forgotten what it was like to not be pregnant, constantly begging for him to fill her up with his cum, exactly what he wanted.
When Ari first saw her at the ceremony, she was being paraded around as the only daughter of the oldest clan in the country, immediately being surrounded by wealthy alphas from all over. To her the whole thing was terrifying, seeing all these men trying to lure her, only for her breath to be taken away by a certain beefy man. The only man who had taken the time to ask her what she liked, disliked and how she was doing. At that point she was ready to drop her panties and be bred, he just had her in a spell, like she had him.
“O-oh, am cumming a-again alpha” She squealed cradling her bump as it rippled and moved with the rest of her body, Ari’s balls smacking against her as he gave it one last effort, emptying his hot load into her sopping wet cavern. If she wasn’t pregnant, she would have been now. Her pussy clenching to keep his seed inside once he pulled out, her fingers reaching out to hold onto him straight away. “God if anyone came in here, they’d think it was some sorta breeding ground” He chuckled licking up the sweet sweat on her cleavage, his teeth raking over her milky breasts, sending a wink her way.
Her tired eyes never failed to smile up at him dazzlingly, sending his protective possessive heart into an overload. His hand cradling her stomach as she turned into his side, starting the process of humping herself onto his body, all for his scent.
PSA: Hope you all enjoy this Ari fic! I don’t quite know where I was going with it but I went along with it 😳
library blog: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
Taglist (not accepting, use library blog)
@pandaxnienke @patzammit @thereisa8ella @mrspeacem1nusone @evanstanwhore @itsaylayay1213 @kimhtoo17 @chrisevansdaughter @vrittivsanghavi @dumb-fawkin-bitch @bxdbxtxh15 @madebylilly @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @royalwriteroftheuniverse @fdl305 @mirikusashes @marvelgurl @xoxokiaraaxoxo @caps-shield1918 @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @adoreyouusugar @imboredat2am @cevansgurl @meetmeatyourworst @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @s-void @aerangi @roofwitty779 @ravenhood2792 @feltonswifesworld87 @alina02 @bookfrog242 @alexxavicry @mdpplgtz03 @angelmather1 @bval-1 @stuckysgirl27 @wintasssoldier @daddymack01 @acornacre @thebaileybugle @seungcheol17daddy
Hope you all enjoy! See you at the next update
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My Fic Rec List
my tagging system is absolute crap so ive decided to put together a fic rec list of all my fave fics so i can find them.
Elvis Presley
Ten Minutes // @aconflagrationofmyown
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader [Army Elvis] Rating: Explicit  Word Count: 4662 Summary: Elvis just might get jealous of his children, the stove, the ironing board and anything else that has your attention one hectic morning before he has to go to the Army Base
Happy Fuckin’ Birthday // @headfullofpresley
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader [Baby Boy Elvis] Rating: Explicit Word count: 3194 Summary: Elvis is needy during his birthday dinner and wants your attention, not caring about anyone else in the room.
More Than Friends // @headfullofpresley
Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader [Baby Boy Elvis] Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4400 Summary: You and Elvis have been best friends since birth. You have been each others' first for pretty much everything so you couldn't picture yourself losing your virginity to anyone else
.Pink Scarf // @missmaywemeetagain
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader [DILF Elvis] Rating: Explicit Word Count: TBC [Currently Part 19] Summary: You are part of Elvis Presley's coveted inner circle, and the currently-disgruntled wife of one of the members of Elvis' famous entourage, the Memphis Mafia. After Elvis' dynamite first performance in Vegas, you find yourself in deep water when his magnetism finally gets to you after all these years.
Sentimental Over You // @elvisabutler
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader [Big Daddy Elvis] Rating: Gen Word Count: 867  Summary: sometimes your fiancé's insomnia has its perks. namely that he'll let you sleep while your daughter and him have a little one on one time.
Your Teddy Bear // @steph-speaks
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader [DILF Elvis] Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2871 Summary: Reader is on the phone to a friend but Elvis can’t wait
Just to Keep You Satisfied // @dulcewrites
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader [DILF Era] Rating: Mature Word Count: 1500 Summary: As you and Elvis sit down to go over you separation papers, you two reminisce and Elvis makes a final plea for you two to stay together.
Strawberry Milkshake // @headfullofpresley
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader [DILF Era] Rating: Explicit Word count: 1631 Summary: Reader and Elvis enjoy more than just shopping in a dressing room stall
Treat Me Nice // Josephine_221B
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader [Hollywood Elvis] Rating: Explicit Word count: 4710 Summary: When the reader is struggling with the way she views her body, Elvis shows her why he loves it.
Austin Butler
Prettiest Thing // @ab4eva
Pairing: Austin Butler x Reader Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1276 Summary: You and Austin slip away during a family dinner for a little one-on-one time in the car.
Sloppy // @cowboylor
Pairing: Austin Butler x Reader Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1000 Summary: Reader and Austin have fun in a bathroom stall
Tonight I Wish I Was Your Boy // butlerstyles
Pairing: Austin Butler x Reader Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6373 Summary: Austin gets jealous and you ride him while wearing a necklace that's engraved with his name.
Chris Evans
The Big 4-0 // @rocketrhap3000
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2325 Summary: Reader and Chris spend the morning of his 40th birthday in bed. 
Harry Potter
The Clockwork Locket // orphaned account
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character Rating: Teen Word Count: 241276 Summary: Cassie Alderfair has done an exceptional job being discreet at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But her days of invisibility are disrupted in her fifth year when an unfortunate night of mischief draws attention from the infamous Marauders, and a secret comes to light that may turn the tides of the war
Going Down // cjmarlowe
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Original Female Characters Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3935 Summary:  Steve gets all the girls on tour. Or rather, all the girls on tour get Captain America.
‘Atta Girl // @legends-of-apex
Pairing: Tangerine x Reader Rating: Explicit Word Count: 819 Summary In which Tangerine fingers f!reader in the bathroom of a fancy restaurant. Featuring lots of Tangerine’s use of pet names and encouragement.
Friends Support Friends // @radicalbilly
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader Rating: Explicit Word Count 3060 Summary: Now Billy may not have many friends but he’s never going to let his best friend suffer from a subpar experience.
Ice Cream and Old Knees // orphaned account
Pairing: Seth Meyers x Colin Jost Rating: Explicit Word Count 2275 Summary: Seth welcomes Colin to the Weekend Update family.
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cosmic-crybaby · 2 years
Hello readers! I have a little poll for you ;)
I'm planning on writing a smutty neighbor x reader story in the future, but I wasn't sure who to use. When I originally had written the notes for this story, my first choice was Chris Evans/ Steve Rodgers, of course. But recently, like many others, I've fallen for the dilf of the century himself Pedro Pascal. Now, I'm not super fond of using real celebrities in my stories, BUT I will leave that up to you.
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leetotters · 3 years
Here me out, reader getting here nipples pierced and dilf chris is in love with it maybe a lil Noah reaction too🤭🤭
note: oh yes i love this au sm! i kinda included noah because this really isn't about him lmao. omfg thank you all sm for 570 followers!
warnings: cursing, nipple piercings, cheating, daddy kink, use of the word slut, age gap (reader is of age, 20).
dilf!chris evans x younger!reader, noah evans x reader
summary: something like request.
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You were due to head back home this afternoon. Your week long trip at the local, five star resort had come to an end and you were sad yet happy about it. You had planned this trip a while back with some of your lady friends to savor the last month of hot girl summer and also to enjoy the freedom away from college.
So yeah, you were a bit unhappy having to leave your girls' a day early and miss out on the full set buffet that was sought for the night. However, you had a much more prime thing sorted for the night.
You were going to spend the night with Chris before you actually went back home to your apartment. That's why you were leaving a day early, you wanted to surprise Chris with your presence and the new sliver jewels that adorned your nipple buds.
It wasn't long before you pulled up at his luxurious dwelling, the lights off, noting you that he wasn't home as yet. Which was a good thing, because now you had the extra time to change into the cute little lingerie piece you ordered a few days prior.
You unlatched the grand door using the extra key Chris and Noah stashed under the garden gnome for immediate emergencies. The bright sun shone through the open doors as you stepped into the house, your heels clinking while you walked on the tiled floor.
Your phone notification bell went off notifying you someone texted.
Hey baby, can't wait to see you tomorrow:)
You merely smiled at Noah's text, deciding to also let him know of your little surprise. Even though your piercings were for Chris, you knew your boyfriend would see them at some point.
same here babe, i also have a little surprise for you when i get back;).
Clicking the arrow icon, you sent the text. Your stomach clenching seeing the three grey dots. You always felt guilty about lying to him, yet you still continued to do so. You couldn't resist his attractive father.
Now I definitely can't wait to see you tomorrow.
You sent a flirty reply before tucking your phone inside your handbag, and giving your undivided attention to the barking dog in front of you.
"Hey Dodger." You greeted the excited dog, ruffling his brown white fur before resting your handbag down on the kitchen island. "I'm here to surprise your daddy, Dodge," You kissed his head. "And you better not sell me out." You sternly pointed at him, giving him the order.
You weren't a stranger to the friendly dog, having seen and played with him many times when you came over with Noah or visited Chris for your secret dates and hook ups.
After a quick game of catch with Dodger and his lion, you went up to Chris's room. Discarding your casual clothes and slipping into your new Frankie lace boned balconette bra and lace thong.
The set was beyond gorgeous, the color itself made you feel sexy as you gawked at your barely covered figure. You were more ecstatic, realizing the set showcased your cleavage beautifully. The piercings under the lace bra almost visible.
You couldn't wait to see Chris's reaction.
"Well hello there bubba!" A core aching voice exclaimed downstairs, the sound of the entry door loudly shutting made you perk up. "What's got you all excited?" Chris asked, completely unaware of the surprise awaiting him upstairs.
You were sat on his bed, legs crossed in a lady like manner while you pulled on the ends of your satin robe, impatiently waiting for him to enter the room. You even left a little teasing piece of fabric on the banister to lead him on.
Chris didn't even think much of the pink thong on the banister, the only thought on his mind was to wrap it around his cock imagining you doing the lewd act. And he also wasn't suspicious seeing his bedroom door shut, your familiar intoxicating perfume aroma clearing his senses.
"Holy fuck!" Chris shouted, dropping the tiny thong on the floor. "What are you doing here baby?" He rushed up to you, enveloping you in his big arms. "I missed you so much." He kissed your lips, leaving a lingering feeling when he drew back.
"I came to surprise you, daddy." You licked the shell of his ear, practically purring in a innocent voice. You knew how much he loved it. "I see you got my little lead." You kissed his bearded cheek, fingers working on the buttons of his shirt. "I have another surprise under this robe daddy, you better take it off." You grinned, pinching his nipple when you removed his shirt.
"Oh honey, you know how much I love a good surprise." Chris bit his lip, swatting your bum and pushing you down on his bed. "Could only imagine your naked body under this." He untied the robe, shredding it from your body. Your lace set now exposed. "Oh fuck."
Chris gaped at you in pure admiration, his eyes fully dark with eagerness. He pressed his body against yours, eliciting a shivering moan from you. Your nipples were still slightly sensitive since you added your new jewels.
"What's that?" Chris poked your tit, eyeing the bumpy area around your nipple.
"Why don't you take off my bra and see daddy." You smirked, hoping he would have the reaction you aimed for.
Chris pressed his lips to your own, curiosity bubbling through him as he unclasped your bra. As he slipped it of off you, he came in contact with your pierced buds. His mouth opening in an awestruck manner.
"Do you like them?" You inquired, keeping your demeanor as seductive as possible. When he didn't respond and kept staring, you took your nipple between your fingers, teasingly tugging on them.
"I- I fucking love them." Chris responded, pecking the silver jewelry. "Wait, it has writing on it," He squinted his eyes, looking closely.
Chris mischievously snickered when he noticed the dirty words and playfully slapped your tits. "Such a naughty girl."
The words 'cum here' were written on both silver piercings, one word on each.
Chris flicked his tongue over the jewel, laughing menacingly when you moaned.
"Get on your knees, my little cockslut." Chris instructed. Pinching your puffy nipple before you got into your position.
"You're going to suck my cock like a good little girl," He demanded, brushing his dick over the apple of your cheek. "And then I'll fuck those tits and come right on those sexy, pretty piercings."
Yeah, you got a better reaction than you expected;).
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the-iceni-bitch · 2 years
Like a River Flows
Kinktober Day 16: Lactation
Relationship: dilf!Steve Rogers x tattoo artist!wife Reader (Goddamn Prince Charming Looking DILF AU)
Words: ~1.3k
Summary: Steve will never get enough of you.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (genital piercing, breeding kink, drunk sex, unprotected vaginal sex, dirty talk) needy/sneaky dilf!Steve, some spoilers for the GPCLD verse but nothing I haven’t hinted at, established relationship, mentions of parenthood, alcohol consumption, SMUT!! 18+ ONLY!!
A/N: I’ve missed them so much, they’re adorable ☺️
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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You giggled into Steve’s mouth when he growled playfully as he pinned you against the door, running your fingers through his hair and tugging when he struggled with the key. Tonight had been the first time you had anything to drink since he got you pregnant, and the three glasses of wine had hit you a little harder to an expected, though not in an unwelcome way, plus Steve had a few more bourbons than he normally would have since the kids were with his mom so neither of you had to parent. Hence, the two of you had been feeling each other up for the past hour and probably made your poor Uber driver extremely uncomfortable.
“Ah shit, there we go.” Steve practically lifted you off the ground when he finally got the door open, kissing you hungrily and trying not to trip over his own feet while he shoved his hands under your dress as you started to unbutton his shirt. “Finally have you all to myself for a whole night, I’m gonna fucking ruin you, doll.”
“Maybe I’ll ruin you, Daddy.” You laughed again when he made a noise like he was in pain against your lips, letting him slide your dress down your shoulders and kicking it aside before you began to undo his slacks. “I’m gonna ride you until you pass out from screaming, Stevie.”
“You goddamn teasing minx, shit.” Both of you winced when he shoved the bedroom door open a little harder than intended and it slammed into the wall, but then you were both naked and ready and he could worry about possibly denying the wall in the morning, dragging you onto the bed and pulling you on top of him as he ran his hands over every inch of you he could. “Missed you so fucking much, lemme in this fuckin’ pussy, I’ll put another baby in you, you’re gonna be so full of me.”
“Greedy boy. You’re gonna keep me knocked up constantly, aren’t you?” You bit his lip gently when he just nodded eagerly at you, sliding a hand between the two of you to grasp his cock and whining when you teased the cool metal of his pierced tip over your weeping hole. “Want it, always wanna be full of you, fuck.”
As soon as you started to sink down on him you had to brace your palms on his chest, your eyes fluttering closed while you felt that welcome and familiar burn that always came when he first stretched you open. Steve’s gaze was fixed on you when you finally managed to focus again, that enamored look he always got when you were on top making you moan before you began moving your hips slowly as his fingers dug into your soft flesh in encouragement. It felt like his cock was in your throat, but that was why you both loved this position, always wanting him to be as deep inside you as possible.
“That’s it… oh god, that’s fucking it, doll, you feel so fucking good.” Steve was already getting so loud as he watched you start to ride him, groaning and whining and smacking your ass while he thrust his hips up to meet yours. “Just use me… ah fuck, wanna feel this perfect little cunt strangle my dick, don’t stop.”
“Shit, Steve, ‘m gonna soak that big fuckin’ cock.” You started bouncing wildly when you felt your cunt starting to throb, tossing your head back and sobbing when he slid his hands up to squeeze your full breasts. “Oh god, ‘m gonna do it, gonna come so fucking hard… fu-fuck!”
The hour’s worth of teasing each other combined with the fact that you didn’t have to hold anything back made the orgasm that ripped through you almost painful, a harsh cry leaving your throat while your entire body spasmed violently as your pussy fluttered and squirted all over Steve’s dick. Even with the exertion of that extreme burst of pleasure, you couldn’t stop moving, your body rolling sensuously over Steve as you bit your lip while he kept kneading your tits in his giant hands.
“So fuckin’ beautiful… oh my god.” The sudden warm wetness Steve felt running down the backs of his hands was going to make him pass out, the sight of your milk flowing down his arms and still dribbling from your nipples as you rode him making him let out the most pathetic whimper you’d ever heard in your life. “Baby, holy fuck.”
“What? Ah shit. I knew I should’ve pumped before we left, why…” you cocked your head and frowned when he suddenly couldn’t seem to meet your gaze, the false innocence of his expression making you roll your eyes before you started to grind against him again. “Fuckin’ perv, you planned this.”
“Dunno what you mean.” Steve just squeezed your tits again and licked his lips as more creamy liquid ran down his wrists, bringing his gaze back to your eyes and looking absolutely pathetic even as he rocked his hips to meet yours. “Babyyyyyy…”
“So sad, c’mere.” You grabbed his hair and yanked his up until he could bury his face in your chest, sighing when he growled and immediately started sucking on your nipples. “Steven…”
He only grunted in response as he swallowed the sweet taste of you greedily, cupping your breast and kneading it gently so your milk kept flowing into his mouth. Being able to drink from you always made him go feral, his noises low and full of need as he lost himself in you completely. The yelp you let out when he suddenly sat up even more so he could kneel and drive into you deeper went completely unnoticed, Steve growling before switching to your other nipple and drinking deep as his cock throbbed and twitched inside you.
“You… oh fuck.” He could only mumble stupidly since he refused to take his mouth off you, groaning as he kept suckling and gazing at you through his lashes, his hips punching up into you with almost no rhythm. “You taste so fucking good.”
“Stevie, holy shit.” You had to grit your teeth so they didn’t crack together, he was fucking you so hard, making your cunt gush all over him while you panted desperately. “Don’t stop, ‘m so close.”
“Yes, gimme, want all of it.” Steve felt you clench and he lost it, pulling his lips back so he could gently bite your nipple and purring when you screamed and squirted all over his lap. “Mine.”
All you could do was hold onto him tightly and whine when he started pumping his cum into you, burying your face in his hair and sobbing as he kept sucking on your tit while the two of you stayed molded to each other as you came down. Steve didn’t want to let go of you, but he did once he felt you relax, rolling the two of you until he had you pinned to the bed so he could nuzzle into your chest and give you that dreamy look that you adored.
“Don’t give me that damn look, Steven.” You tugged on his hair affectionately when he whined as he started to lick your chest clean. “We agreed a year before the next one, swear you just want me pregnant so you can drink from me all the fucking time.”
“Maybe.” He grinned as he crawled up your body so he could press his lips to yours, sliding his tongue into your mouth and purring when you sighed for him. “If only that damn baby didn’t hog all of it.”
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logical-grave · 2 years
𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕓𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕗𝕣𝕦𝕚𝕥 ℂ𝕙. 𝟚
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|| Pairing || - Dilf!andy barber x reader
|| Warning || - Some fingering, pet names, infidelity, looots of touching hehe but yes lmk if I missed anything :) and ofc, andy barber himself
|| A/N || - uuum this chapter is kind of filler kinda not, i will not lie but still, im excited for you to read it!!
|| Word count || - 1.7k
It seemed right that we frequent the salty ocean as much as we could this week. A satisfying rest settled on me as we approached the cabanas littered on the sandbank, the sun beaming down on us, the warmth compared to a hug. It was nice, serene even. Of course, I couldn't experience this alone since my father extended an invitation to the Barbers. I didn't want to assume it but they very much could be using us as a distraction. From what I've seen, they all had very little to converse about or want to.
I placed my bag on the white cushion of the cabana, removing myself as far away as I could from the Barbers. “This is so nice, I could get used to this.” Ms. Barber smiled as she lay on their cabana, resting on the recline of the bed. “Jacob, sweetheart, I don’t want you on your device today, why don’t you go play with those boys over there?” She suggested to her adolescent son, a groan emitting from him in annoyance. I hid a snicker in my shoulder, Rose playfully hitting my back as a way to tell me to knock it off. “George, this is good. Where’d you find this place?” Mr. Barber asked, removing the shirt from over his head and I looked away. I wasn’t going to let myself catch the details of his torso, fear that the sunglasses rating on my nose aren't tinted enough to not give away my wandering eyes.
“It’s a ‘locals only’ find, been coming here since she was born,” My father responded, lathering himself with sunscreen, causing me to shake my head since he was never one to properly rub it in and parade around with a sheen of white over his skin. “I’m going to grab a drink, does anyone want anything?” Mr. Barber started stepping towards the restaurant that just sat off the sand with an adjoining bar before turning and asking the question. He mentally took the group's orders before continuing on his way, but not until he spoke again. “Sweetheart, you mind giving this old man a hand?” He grinned an innocent smile, nothing anyone would give a second thought to yet I knew better.
I shook my head, “I was gonna jump in now. I have faith you’re more than capable,” flashing a smile at him. “Don’t be rude. She’ll be happy to help.” My father narrowed his eyes at me and I sighed, digging my feet into the warm sand as I rounded our cabana to catch up to Mr. Barber. I cautiously took my time walking with him, making sure I was lacking just a few steps behind him. He reached the bar just off to the side of the restaurant, the cold tile contrasting the sand we walked away from. I paused as Mr. Barber sat on a barstool, pulling the one to his right closer to him before patting the faux leather as he tilted his head toward me. Sighing, I pushed the glasses on my face onto my head as I reluctantly took the seat beside him.
He tapped the wood counter of the bar, the bartender preoccupied with other patrons. “I studied in Italy during my sophomore year of college. At least that's what I like to say,” He looked over at me and I avoided giving him a response, choosing rather snack on the bowl of peanuts set between us. His hand dropped from the counter onto my thigh, giving it a light squeeze. My hand fell just on top of his, our actions imitating the ones of dinner a couple of nights ago. “What is your deal?” I asked, pushing his hand off my thigh as a smile spread across his face. “Just trying to pinpoint exactly how far I have to push before you open these up.” He trailed a finger up the inside of my thigh, making me do a sharp intake.
“What about your wife? Sorry that I'm not looking forward to damaging the purity of your marriage.” I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest as I crossed my leg, causing him to remove his hand. “She got bored. Decided the personal trainer helping her get her ass back after having Jacob entertain her better than I could.” He sighed, looking over at the bartender to see if he was anywhere near taking our order. I couldn't help to give him a small look of sympathy even if he was turned away. Even imagining the one person you’re supposed to trust and love for the rest of your life betraying exactly that and taking advantage of your naivety that was blinded by the love of your partner.
“So your partner's daughter is the best way to retaliate? I’m sure you could have your pick, I'm just unsure as to why you fixate on me.” I spoke softly, my eyes focusing on my hands which now lie in my lap. My attention was grasped as he stood off his barstool, towering over my frame as he extended his hand out towards me. I gave it a hesitant look, my eyes searching for our families on the beach, and was surprisingly relieved to not be able to look for them anywhere. “What if they come looking for us? This is too risky, Mr. Barber.” I pointed out and I could tell the risk passed through his mind. “Come on, Honey.” He spoke.
I took his hand, my heart beginning to beat a little quicker in my chest. Mr. Barber stuck to the wall of the restaurant, the hallway of the restroom coming into view. My eyes looked before me, the structure of his back looking as if something he works to maintain. I resisted my other hand to lift and trace his muscles in awe, the beating of my heart beginning to hammer in my ears as we neared the family restroom, the two of us slipping in before any eyes could catch us. He locked the handle behind himself, and my palms beginning to accumulate some moisture as nerves started to flutter in my stomach.
He turned towards me, invading the little space we had separating us just moments prior. His hand came to cup my cheek, smoothing his thumb over my cheekbone, moving to skim my bottom lip. He caught the tip of his finger on my lip, “open,” he commanded, pressing the pad of his thumb on the surface of my tongue, his fingers grasping my chin. I’m not sure if it was his tone that controlled the reaction to his command from my body but something allowed his other hand to find its way to the small of my back, pushing my hips against his front. “Good girl,” he complimented, his thumb leaving my mouth. “It's the way you react that makes me fixate on you. The way you try to resist and yet give at the moment I tell you what to do.” He whispered, his eyes searching my face, his breath lightly fanning over my lips.
“We shouldn't be doing this, Mr. Barber,” I mumbled, my neck exposing itself more as he began to place chaste kisses on my skin, his hand cupping my breast through my swimsuit, my nipple rising at the feeling of his kneading hold. “Andy, baby. Call me Andy.” He stepped forward just until my lower back met the cold tile of the bathroom counter, his left hand hooking under my knee to wrap around his waist. The feeling of his cock pressed against my clothed cunt, a gasp coming from me at the feeling. “Andy, please.” I softly whined as his hand cupped my breast out of my bathing suit, his mouth trailing to find my nipple between his lips. I tugged at his hair, electricity coating my skin wherever he touched it.
He reached down between us, moving my bathing suit to the side, the strain of the tight fabric circulating my thigh. “Wait, we shouldn't,” I made a small effort to remove him from me and he unlatched my nipple, his touch leaving me cold as he took a step back to take in my image. “Look at you, dripping and ready for me and I barely touched you.” He teased and I instinctively closed my thigh, embarrassment making my cheeks flush. I watched as he approached me once more, using his waist to part my legs and I didn't make an effort to refuse his advance. He maintained his eyes with mine, his hand reaching to toy with my entrance. His fingers slipped in with ease, moans emitting from both of us at the feeling and I arched my back off the surface behind me. “Andy,” I gripped his wrist in shock at the feeling, slightly because if he moved his hand, I’d stop before he could. “Fuck, you’re so warm.” I looked to see his swim shorts had formed a bulge, making me take my bottom lip between my teeth.
I moaned as he twisted his hand, curling his fingers inside me, his thumb rubbing small soft circles over my clit. My thighs felt tight, the nerves he was touching causing me to throw my head back in pleasure. As a rude gesture, he drew his hand away, making me narrowly glare at him but I relaxed as he studied his fingers, my slick glistening in the low hue of the light. With eyes set on my own, I watched as he placed his fingers in his mouth, exposing a deep moan from his throat as he savored my taste on his tongue. My mouth hung open at the lewd image before me, the intimacy of tasting me causing me to scramble any thoughts I had prior. “Nobody is allowed to touch you like this except for me, understand? ”He commanded and I quickly nodded. He reached as if to touch me again but instead, he stretched the fabric of my bathing suit back into place as I recovered the decency for my breast as well.
“We should get back,” I suggested and he nodded in agreement as I moved off the counter. He unlocked the door to the small restroom, stepping to the side for me to exit before him and he proceeded behind me. A blush found my cheeks as he placed his hand on the small of my back, moving to settle on my hip as he was directing us back to the bar.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
This Beautiful Family
Summary:  Harlan loves his family
Pairings:  Ransom X Harlan
Rating:  🥺🥺🥺🥺
Warnings:  mentions of jumping on the bed, soft!Ransom, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1.8K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Desperate Love Masterlist
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Harlan leans over to give Story a kiss to her head, pulling the book out of the sleeping child’s hand when he looks over at his grandson.  Ransom gives a soft kiss to your sleeping self, baby Lucy face down on his chest with her butt in the air.  Iris leans her body on the other side of Ransom.  With Blade sprawled across yours and Ransom’s lap, and even in your sleep your fingers comb through Aster’s hair.  
Harlan had many doubts that he would ever see Ransom like this.  The boy, now a man, had seen his fair share of ups and downs, especially with you.  The two of you had fought not to be together, and now you were proving that you were meant to be.  It was serene at the estate.  The annual house Christmas decorating day had ended with Harlan’s reading of A Christmas Carol, and Story’s sleepy children’s version of The Nutcracker.  And now the old man looks at the other as if Ransom was his own son.  
His children that he desperately fought for sprawled around on the two of you, except the tiny nine-year-old in Harlan’s lap.  Ransom’s deep blue eyes dart around to each family member as he exhales a breath he didn’t know he was holding, “They’re uncomfortable,” he mumbles, leaning over to rest his head on you.
He couldn’t move with Blade’s legs on his lap, and you and Iris on his shoulders, and his fifth on his chest.  “Would you trade it?” Harlan’s deep voice whispers over to Ransom, and he shakes his head no.
“Not for all the money in the world,” Lucy’s mouth opens in a wide yawn, and she snuggles in tighter to Ransom.  A hand going up to his beardless face that she wasn’t all too fond of.  Those chubby little hands rubbing on his cheek.
“I don’t think I tell you enough, but I’m proud of you, son.”
“I didn’t do this,” he twists his head to give you a quick peck.  “I couldn’t have done any of it.”
“You found a woman worth fighting for.  Became a better man to prove to her you were worthy.  Stepped up when your daughters needed you.  Risked everything to save their lives, and you think you didn’t do anything?”
Iris throws an arm over her dad and Lucy, her face squished up against him.  “Accidentally got her pregnant before your wedding.  Probably because you two can’t keep your hands off of each other.  Was there for her after our angel, Anders.  Was her rock after this tiny thing came into the world,” Harlan looks down at his sleeping tiny baby, petting his wrinkled hand over her angelic face.  He was worried sick that Story wouldn’t make it, and now in ways she was the most dramatic of all.
“Begged for how many years for that baby that sleeps on you.  And she’s every bit of your spawn.  Has your attitude completely.  I think you’ve done a lot.  And I’m proud of you.  Should have asked you to move in years ago.  Blade should have been brought home here.  Your spitting image, but he’s sweet and caring like his mama.”
“I’m sweet and caring,” Ransom looks up at Harlan, giving his grandfather a quick pout.
“Yes, son, you are.  And that sweet Iris, she may not look like you, but she’s every bit your sweet baby.  She’s always had a tender bond with you.  Now that one,” he chuckles looking at Aster.  “Carved right out of your ass.  Your eyes, your cocky attitude, your smart mouth, hardworking, loving, defensive towards her family, dedicated; she’s going to be amazing when she gets older.  Carry on your legacy with the company, I have no doubt.  Just don’t let her make movies out of my books.  Maybe there will be one that will write mystery novels akin to mine, and you can make those into movies.”
“Story’s going to write,” Ransom kicks his legs up onto the ottoman, getting a scowled face from Lucy.  “She already does.”
“Story won’t be writing mystery novels.  They’ll be dragons, and princesses, and Sir Lancelot,” looking up at his grandfather, he rolls his eyes, shaking his head.  “You wait and see.  She wishes on a star every night.  Be prepared.”
“What of my shy son?” Ransom reaches out a hand, and pushes back the hair in Blade’s eyes.  He knew why you babied your son so much, he looked just like him, and he had the sweetest soul.  Blade was a good kid, one of his best behaved children.  And like Iris he had his insecurities.
“Your intelligent son.  He’ll grow out of that shyness.  Not too much, because I quite like it.  It’s sweet.  He’s going to make you so proud.  Just like how you make me proud.  He’s going to carve his own way, and I hope he’s not the womanizer that you were.  But if he is, when he finds that special someone, I hope he doesn’t fight it like you did.  How long after you and Kitten were, you know, when you knew?”
“Sooner than you think,” he chuckles.  He admitted long after the two of you got together that it happened sooner than he originally wanted.  You were different.  And he knew it.
“It was this pull to you, wasn’t it?” Ransom rolls his eyes to meet Harlan’s.  “Like no matter how hard you tried to stay away you couldn’t.  Didn’t even want to call up your regular girls.  You waited for her to call, and would throw any obligation aside to be with her.  You played your games with her, but there was a moment, during the jumping on the bed, that you knew it meant more.  Stared at her longer, because you didn’t want to forget any moment.  Hoped she would fall asleep next to you, so you could enjoy her company, her scent, her breath, her air, her taste even longer.”
“How did you know that?”
“That’s how I felt about your grandmother.  We’re not so different, Ransom.  Had you not been born to your terrible father, I would say you were my clone.  How long did it take?”
“After the first time I met her, I wanted to know more, didn’t know why.  Ransom Drysdale could have any woman.  And then I saw her at the bar…I couldn’t get her out of my head.  There was something enticing about her being taken, I could have her without the commitment.”
“How long?” Harlan repeats.
“After a month.  A handful of meetings, I didn’t want to let her go.  I couldn’t let her go.”
“And I’m still right here, baby,” Ransom should have known that the sound of his voice wasn’t going to keep you asleep for long.  He didn’t care.  While it was the first time saying that out loud, he meant every word.  “And look at our babies,” you grunt as you sit up.  “They’re uncomfortable.”
“Would you trade it?” Harlan asks with a smile.
“Not for all the money in the world,” you say, leaning over to kiss Ransom’s lips.
“And one day,” Harlan begins as he looks around at his family.  “One day, you’re going to be sitting in this chair, or on the couch together.  Your grown children arguing about something that happened when they were kids, and you're going to have a house full of grandchildren.  Some cuddling with you, some chasing each other around, some I’m sure will laugh as their parents playfully fight, some will be playing Go, you better keep that alive.  But I hope that they fill this dusty old estate up with all these pretty babies.  These kids, they’re the reason I’ve stayed alive for so long.  They keep me young, and I want to see all that they accomplish.”
“A lawyer,” Ransom says, looking at Iris.  While he hated Andy, he knew how much she desired to do law, and that she would follow in her father and Andy’s footsteps.  She could softly debate any topic.  “And a good mama.  I’m gonna be stuck with Tweedle Dee forever, aren’t I?”
“A CEO,” you give a kiss on Aster’s brunette hair.  “She’s going to change Blood Like Wine.”
“And she’s going to make me so proud,” Harlan laughs, “Gonna keep Walt on his toes when she tells him who is in charge.  Aster Drysdale doesn’t take no for an answer.  She’s going to modernize that company, and expand on it.”
“My Bladey is going to do everything,” you cup his cheek, wishing you could slow time down.  “He’s going to be into computers, games, he’ll follow his Uncle JJ somehow.  He’s so smart, I’m sure he could hack into the FBI’s system.”
“Our Story book,” Story’s head flops back, and her mouth opens slightly, “She’s got so many stories to tell, and she’ll tell him.  She’ll become a queen of her own castle. Be the Queen of Boston when her knight in shining armor climbs up the trellis, and rescues her.  He’ll climb up there one last time, and they’ll never part.”
“If you tell me that I’m going to be stuck with Tweedle Dum, too,” you giggle, drawing out his name as you look at him.  “I’m serious.  She’s another one that doesn’t take no as an answer.”
“And Luciana Violet may be much too small to determine, but that child, she’s going to pave her own way.  She dances to a completely different tune, remember that when you feel she’s so much different than the rest.  She may be all Drysdale, but she’s going to do her own thing.  She’s going to be just like her father.”
“Ransom, she’s your daughter.  She’s just like you were.”
“I don’t want her to be like me.  She’s too sweet.  Can we make her be like her mother?” Both you and Harlan shake your heads no.  “Oh, I don’t like this game.  You’re basically saying that I’ve got the boneheads in my life forever, I’m having lots of grandkids, Aster is staying single…”
“No,” Harlan shakes his head no, and Ransom throws his head back.  “Aster is going to try and follow what she thinks everyone wants her to do.  But when she least expects it, a shooting star is going to make her want to make a wish for the first time.  The moon will change the tide, and she’s going to find just the person she was meant to be with in this whole galaxy.”
“Why are you talking like that?  Kitten, why is he talking like that?”
“I feel it in these old bones.  Bladey is going to be like you,” you gasp, holding Blade closer.
“You don’t want him to be like me?”
“Ran, you were a whore.  My baby will never be a whore.”
“We’ll see, woman.  We’ll see.”
“And you’re never allowed to tell me I told you so.  Blade is always going to be my sweet boy.”
“Until he finds a sweet girl he wants to corrupt.”
“Okay.  This conversation is over.  Harlan as always these conversations are riveting.  But I am going to get my babies in bed, and I’m going to pretend this conversation never happened.”
“Kitten?” You look over towards Harlan, and he gives you a smile.  Lifting his aged hand up, he wipes away the tears, “I’m proud of you, too.  Thank you for giving me this beautiful family.”
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bunnyscraft · 2 years
What about Andy Barber with a cheating / getting back at kink
Like he knows Laurie is cheating on him so he turns to you
Dark!Andy Barber x Younger!Reader | Guilty
Bunny’s Note : oooo spicy !! Always love some dark!Andy Barber !! Hope you enjoy this one <3
Warnings : slight! dub-con, darkish!Andy, cheating, daddy kink, oral (f receiving), inexperienced!Reader, mean!Andy, slight misogyny, BIG AGE GAP !!
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Andy’s pov:
I’d made it two steps into the pristine seemingly empty home before I heard it—the obnoxiously loud ringing of my wife’s phone. The shrill sound of the speaker shouldn’t have irritated me more than the reason for the call.
I knew who it was. Who he was.
Laurie’s feet thumped down the hallway—always quick to pick up the unknown caller or send it straight to voicemail before mumbling on about annoying telemarketers and asking how my day was.
I knew what she was doing.
I watched as her chipped red nails flipped the device over—screen now flat against the cold expensive marble that stood in the middle of our kitchen. “Oh! Ands—baby,” she faked surprise, moving around the counter to conduct our mandatory kiss. What once used to be the most exciting part of my day—I was about to get laid—now blended in with my other daily duties.
It’s Thursday—take out the trash.
Don’t forget to schedule with the groomer.
Take a handful of vitamins because apparently—I am now old.
Kiss cheating wife.
Go to work.
She leaned in, kissed the corner of my mouth as quickly as one could. I didn’t bother to return it and she didn’t bother to care—no she only continued to clamber around the kitchen searching for her bag and shoes and whatever else she’d need for her night out of pretending she wasn’t a mother and wasn’t in her mid forties and definitely wasn’t a married woman sleeping with drunk men in their twenties.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, babe. Sorry it’s such short notice—you know Susan can’t bake it all without me. She’ll definitely need my help with the bake sale and—” Laurie rambled on, picking up her phone and anxiously tapping through it.
She seemed to have forgotten that Susan didn’t know shit about baking and that our son, who was now a senior in high school, was possibly a little too old to have a mother host a bake sale for him.
All of these things—the bullshit lies and the shifty behavior—should have hurt me. Maybe they should have triggered a sort of dominance in me to protect my family or confront my wife. But no, in moments like these, I felt nothing.
“Oh and y/n is here—upstairs with Jacob.” She revealed—voice laced with annoyance. “You make sure she doesn’t try anything on him—she dresses like some kind of slutty-church girl. It’s weird and I don’t want that kind of influence around him. Especially right now.”
I had to bite back a smirk. It was almost comical—her calling you a slut, not that I’d disagree.
Y/n was a cute little thing—always smiling and offering to help when she’d find me covered in grass and dirt—dripping with sweat from working meticulously on our perfect suburban yard. She’d always stand there in some little sundress that would barely reach her knees and pristine white socks—obviously not dressed for the job but always ready to help old Mr. Barber out.
I’d never let her—dirtying a little thing like that wasn’t what I had in mind. Instead, like the old pervert I’ve grown into, I’d have her run inside the house for me for water—just to watch the little sway of her ass as she turned to do what I said, then ogle at the bounce of her tits when she’d skip back.
I’ll admit—I was a creep, I am a creep, but she had a slutty side to her.
Every now and then i’d jolt awake to the flash of y/n’s headlights shining through my window in the peak hours of the night—my bed uncomfortably empty. Were you like Laurie, y/n?Spending long nights out—lying and hiding about where and what you had been doing, either to your absent parents or doting boyfriend?
I had decided that that’s what she was: a little desperate slut—eager for the attention of an older man. It made me feel better to think of y/n this way. It kept me from focusing on those times when her soft laugh stuck a little too long in my head or when her comforting squeezes to my shoulder caused more than just a slight hard-on.
They caused emotions to spill.
I had written it all out in my head—a story on what this oblivious girl was really like.
You were easy—an easy little girl who was desperate for any form of male attention. Sure I didn’t really have enough evidence to back this claim, but I would stand by it.
Thats probably why you, once again, were helping Jacob prepare for his final exams—my son seemed to be under your spell too.
“Yeah sure.” I grunted, though Laurie was already more than halfway to the door, fidgeting anxiously with her keys.
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Hours later—Laurie was gone. Empty goodbyes exchanged and forgotten. Andy was now on the couch—he’d not even bothered to rid himself of his button up and slacks for pajamas. His suit jacket hung over the couch and his white button up laid untucked and wrinkled against his torso as he apathetically listened to the news.
He’d stay like this—still and unfeeling until he had the energy to do it all again. At least Laurie didn’t require him to be fake—no she simply accepted that he accepted her infidelity and that if she were to comment on his behavior it would only backfire on her forcing them both into that ever looming, uncomfortable, conversation.
Andy had just began to zone out fully, the commercial for LED sprinkler lights turning into white noise—when the soft taps of feet sounded from the stairs. Your soft hums surrounding him in a sirens call—a warning of his inevitable fate.
His breathing became rigged—his eyes sealed shut as if he were an animal playing dead, hoping you’d walk right past him and out the front door—because if you didn’t, he knew he’d become just like Laurie. He knew he would no longer have the right to be bitter.
He would be just as guilty—thus no longer having the upper hand.
The smell of your floral-y perfume began to surround him. Sweet and warm—just what a girl like you should be—and it caused him to tightly grip the expensive leather couch.
“Mr. Barber? I know you’re awake~” You’d giggled. Andy had sensed your presence had gotten closer—he assumed you had now been standing directly in front of him—probably twirling your hair like some sick-man’s favorite porn star, giving him those big alien-fuckdoll ‘fuck me’ eyes.
“Mr. Barber? a-are you okay? you’ve been down here for a few hours and—” you’d carried on worriedly. Andy’s eyes finally cracked open—you were worried about him. And it had caused Andy to swoon.
Taking you in, he began to realize you’d looked nothing like he expected you to, well besides the checkered skirt and teddy bear soft sweater, no instead of alien-fuckdoll-pornstar, you looked worried. Your smaller soft hands fidgeted with each other and your eyebrows pulled together from nerves. Andy felt the strong urge to grab you—pull you into him and hold you until your concern suffocated him. Not that Andy had felt love, real love, in such a long time—but a small voice was gnawing at him to give it to you.
When you had gotten no response you moved closer—now standing between his spread legs, watching as his emotionless eyes darted across your face. So you tried again. “Mr. Barber I really think you should go to bed—or eat something. Andy—”
“You think I need to go to bed?” Andy asked, his eyes not giving way to his intentions. His voice was gruff—and tired. It made you nervous.
“I-I do, Sir.”
Andy hummed at your response, as if thinking it over. A darkness emitting from his actions.
“No. No, I don’t need that. Figure something else out. What do I really need y/n?” Andy urged, not bothering to hide his smirk and not really caring that he let you see. You looked so scared—worried for him but so so scared.
“I know you’re a smart girl, honey. Go on—show me what I need.” He urged, thick thighs spreading Knowing—hoping you’d get the hint.
You swallowed harshly. You weren’t oblivious to sex, you weren’t a virgin. But you’d never slept with someone so much older than you, someone married, and you had never even been able to cum or even sucked a cock before. Yet, you were curious—would he be gentle with you?
Slowly you sank down, the dark rug scraping against your knees surely leaving burns. Being eye-level with his bulge but refusing to look towards it.
Andy’s heart swelled with pride at how well you obeyed. “That’s all it takes, Honey? Just need a’ man to be a’ little bit bossy and you’re happy to be on your knees.” He belittled, watching as your puffy cheeks flushed red. “Go on then, baby, take daddy’s cock out. We both know that’s what you’re here for.”
A pathetic whine crawled it’s way up your throat and passed through your lips before you could catch it—adding onto your embarrassment. Shakily you moved to unbutton his slacks, fingers lightly brushing against the outline of his cock. Andy groaned at the sight of you—Your pretty eyes well up with salty tears, pouty bottom lip caught by your teeth, trying to free his cock without actually touching it.
For a moment Andy thought—No you couldn’t possibly—
“Honey,” Andy drawled, taking your dainty hands in his. His touch and tone suddenly much softer. “Has a man ever gotten you on your knees like this, Honey?”
Suddenly heat flooded your being—either from embarrassment or excitement or both. You quickly hid away from his questioning eyes, afraid to tell him that: No, you hadn’t ever been on your knees for a man before.
Andy’s thumb began to rub small shapes around your hands. Soothing you as he waited for an answer before realizing that the younger girl in front of him hadn’t. He felt as if he’d struck gold—the universe was giving him what he rightfully deserved.
“Look at me, Baby.” He commanded, grasping you chin, tilting your head up. “Answer me this time—has a man ever gotten on his knees for you, Honey?” He didn’t miss the way your thighs began to shake, just slightly.
“I-I…I don’t know what you…No. No sir—”
A savage growl ripped through the room and before you knew it—you were sprawled out on the couch, pillow under your head, and Andy between your thighs.
“Fuck baby,” He groaned, taking in your wetness that had by now ruined the delicate fabric of your panties, “Daddy’s gonna eat this little pussy, m’kay, baby? Then when daddy’s done,” he paused, leaving starved kisses and bites along the insides of your thighs. “You’re gonna gonna take me—lemme claim you, honey”
His words had your head spinning. Here you were, about to let a man twice your age, a married man, eat you out on his couch. Andy’s hands moved up your thighs, leaving little excited tingles, before settling on your hips. “Fuck. These little panties are so fucking cute, Honey.” He admired, tugging at the little black bow that sat above the white lace. “Andy don’t-" you tried to stop him from ripping the lace, because you too thought they were cute, only to receive a harsh strike to the outside of your thigh. “Don’t go dumb on me already, little girl. I told you to call me something, not any of this ‘Andy’ bullshit.” Before you could even muster an ‘I’m sorry Daddy’ he was ripping them down your thighs, before diving into your pussy.
The sounds spilling from his mouth mixed with your own wetness was so obscene it had you shuffling away from the embarrassment, only for his left hand to land on your tummy, firmly holding you in place. “God—fuck I should have done this a long fucking time ago,” he said between breaths, “could have been in this pretty pussy instead of waiting on my goddamn whore of a wife.”
His wife. Oh god his fucking wife. “a-andy we c-cant! what if l-laurie walks in?” you tremble, terrified of being caught with your friend’s—father’s face between your thighs by said friend’s mother. Your protest only seem to egg him on. A pleasantly painful burn making its appearance on your skin—due to the friction of his beard.
“Laurie,” Andy spits, “doesn’t fucking matter.” His words are harsh. And a part of you hurts for Laurie, but that hurt quickly vanishes as your visions begins to fuzz and tummy begins to tighten—suddenly all you can focus on is the impending approach—not your guilt. Your thighs clamp around Andy’s head, and he welcomes the pressure—happy to be making his girl feel her first real orgasm. He even chuckles when they begin to shake.
“You gonna cum, little girl? Cum on daddy’s tongue?” He patronizes, fingers harshly flicking your bud before he begins to fuck you with his tongue.
“a-andy! I think—It feels funny—im gonna,”
“Say it, baby. Tell daddy you’re gonna cum.”
“Im cumming, Daddy!”
Your hands tightly grasp his brown locks as stars begin to cloud your eyes. Crying out a series of whines and ‘thank you Daddy’’s. The sensitivity of it all becoming too much as his tongue laps up your slick.
You had never experienced something so intensely before—your body was giving out, ready to fall into a warm sleep.
That is—until his dark chuckles began to surround your hazzy mind.
“I tire you out, honey?” He laughed, leaning over your smaller frame. “Can’t believe you’ve been starving me of this cute little body.”
His fingers were gentle—lightly tracing the teeth marks he’d left along the inside of your thigh. They hurt and were still very fresh but you found his touch comforting—almost sweet.
“a-andy? can I ask you something?” Your soft voice broke through the silence.
Andy hummed, blue eyes intense but encouraging you to continue.
“Andy…can you kiss me?”
In that moment he knew. He knew you couldn’t just be a simple fuck. Or some simple slut he used to take his marital frustrations out on.
You had a future so different from his present—and he was willing to use everything at his disposal to solidify that it was with him.
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bunny’s note : Thanks for reading! Comments and reblogs are what keeps me writing so feel free to do so!!
Taglist : @themotherofhorses @mgkbabygirl @yessirsargeantbarnes @thedarthpancakes @openup-yourmind @booksandbenbarnes @siriusjohnpotter @clearwatersfalling @juulle987 @leesbadussy @rach2602 @slashersluttt @kitty1960 @phildunphyisadilf @charmed-asylum @dopeqff @pono-pura-vida @peacinourtime82 @buckgasms
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
January Updates
So I knew that December was going to be pretty crazy, and very out of wack for my updates...a lot of personal things happened/have happened that are still affecting me, but I'm still working on stuff for everyone.
My schedule should go back to a normal schedule this month.
MSI-Dream Girl (Pornstar Chris Evans X Reader)
Into The Light (Super powered Reader X Lamplighter)
The Understudies, Season 1 (The Umbrella Academy)
Just Ben (Soldier Boy X prostitute reader)
The Nanny (Dilf! Jake Jensen X Nanny reader)
Big Bad Wolf (Lloyd Hansen X innocent! younger reader)
SDAU-The Alpha & The Omega (Alpha Bucky Barnes X Theta Reader X Omega Steve Rogers)
Police Academy (Various CEvans and SebStan characters X female and male OC's)
MSI-Out Of The Closet (Pornstar! Thor X Male fluffer OC)
AOD- All For You (Mob AU/ Bucky Barnes X Shuri)
TM Tragedy Season 3 (SOA Season 3 X OC characters)
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botnasty · 2 years
Part One: Prologue
Pairing: Divorce Lawyer!Ari Levinson X Married!Reader, Husband!Ransom X Wife!Reader  
Summary: After years of misery, you finally decide to divorce your husband Ransom Drysdale, but unfortunately for the man is too proud to let you go. That’s when you met Ari Levinson, a divorce lawyer, with him you’ll finally be free of pain... right?
Words: 2.7K
Warning: ANGST, cheating, mention of cheating, mention of death, mention of psychological abuse, mention of abuse, divorce, hurt/comfort, beefy!Ari Levinson, size difference, size kink, mention of sex, 
Series Masterlist
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You were doing it. You were finally doing it. After years of being miserable, of being a shell of who you used to be, you were breaking off the chain that Ransom placed around you with that ring. 
Before him, you loved life. You were living it at his fullest. Your friends, Marna and Sam, and you used to do all sorts of things together. You would go on hikes, try new cafe places after class and before going to your shared apartment, but what you liked the most was visiting the museum of Fine Art. you went once with your mother when you were a child and it had become immediately your favorite place. “It’s like you’re in a completely different world. Like the paintings were making you travel all around the world.” Is what your mother kept saying when describing how you were in that place, and she wasn’t wrong. It's what made you decide to study the history of art in college. It’s also where you met Ransom, which is why you haven’t been there in years. The place was now tainted with his memories.  
You loved Ransom, you really did. You thought you would’ve grown old with him and have a few kids, but after the marriage, it’s like he became a whole new man. Gone was the Ransom that called you Bunny, cuddled you to sleep and made love to you. Now he has become bitter, always angry at the world and you. Like every single inconvenience was because of you when all you wanted was to show him love. He made you stop going to school, stopped you from seeing your friends saying ‘they were a bad influence’ and just kept you almost locked in his mansion. 
Slowly but surely, you became a shell of who you were. You were now constantly on your toes around him, trying not to anger him and always watching what you were saying. If you spoke a little too loud, he would scream. If not loud enough, he would also scream. You couldn’t express yourself anymore.
Everything had faded. Every time you shoved love for something you were shamed, humiliated. All the emotions you felt were tossed to the side. You were not yourself, you were a doll for Ransom to toss everywhere and mold how he wanted.
What made you decide to finally break it all off was when you found out he had cheated on you for the fourth time in your own marital bed. Before it was just mark of lips on his clothes, parfum, the whole cliche thing, but now he had taken things a little too far.
You wish you were at her place, weren’t you?
Was what he said when you found the both of them, this girl on her hands and knees, back arching, as Ransom plowed into her from behind. Both were looking at you as they both continued. You just stared at them, not a feeling inside of you instead of shame for yourself. Shame for still being with this man after all he’s done to you. 
You had just sighed and closed the door behind you, not a tear in your eyes. Nothing. But that shame inside of you is what made you decide to get a divorce, but you didn’t know when to do it.
When Ransom was found guilty of killing his grandfather, which wasn’t surprising to you, the world was smiling at you. This was the perfect time. Your way out. When the day came that Ransom went to prison, instead of going with him to say your goodbye, you came here. 
Levinson’s Lawyer. 
You were doing it. you were gonna be free. 
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You lightly tap your feet on the ground as the man in front of you named Ari Levinson, like what was written on the plate at the door, looked at your case. The man certainly didn’t look like a lawyer, with his long hair that stopped below his hair, his gruff beard and big very big build. The man was most likely twice your size and height. He was wearing a clean black tux with a white undershirt, slightly unbuttoned which made you able to see a little of his chest hair. The man seemed to be covered in hair everywhere. You saw him more as a lumberjack. You felt intimidated by him because you knew the man could probably crush you with one squeeze.
“So, I read here, Miss Drysdale, that you want to be divorced from Ransom Drysdale.” You cringed internally at the name he used. “Is that right?” The man looked at you with his blue eyes, his gaze a little too piercing to you so you looked down as you nodded. He went back to the paper. “And you don’t want anything that he owns which is a good thing. The man got some solid lawyers.”
You fidgeted with the wedding still on your fingers as you nodded once again. You knew very well he had powerful people by his side. He was Ransom Drysdale after all. The man came from old money and had people wanting to find dirt on him for years. “Yeah, I know that, Mr. Levinson, but we don't have a child together, we don’t have a shared account, don’t you think it could be easy?” You pleaded, your eyes finally finding his.
Ari signed and put the paper down. “Depends on the man, Miss. Drys–”
“Please, use my maiden name. I don’t want any association with that man. Please.”
Ari restarted, this time using your real name, making a little weight get off your shoulder. One step at the time. “We don’t know what he wants to do, right now. If the man wants to keep you, it could become messy, if he doesn’t then it would go smoothly.”
Ari put down the paper on his wooden desk and leaned. “But, let me tell you something, Miss. I hate abusers, so I’m gonna do everything in my power to make sure you never see the man again.” A sob escaped you. 
Ari got up his chair and went around the desk. He crouched in front of you and took your hands in his. You gasped at how big they were compared to yours, at how warm and rough his skin was as he played with the wedding band. “Everything will go your way. I promise. You can even start to remove it already if you want.” He said, referring to your ring.
“Thank you, thank you so much.” You said in a sob and you threw yourself in his arms, his immediately enveloping you in a hug and pulling you closer to him. You were gonna be free and all thanks to this man. 
For some odd reason, you believed him. You believed the man in front of you and that’s why you felt safe in his arms. After years of tenseness, you melted finally and that was with this man. Your eyes widen at the realization. You barely knew the guy. 
Slowly, you let go of him and let him wipe your tears away and it took everything in you to keep a blank face. “Thank you again, Mister Levinson. ”You slowly got up and took your purse. “At what time would you be willing to go through the divorce paper?” Your hands were fidgeting inside your purse to look for your phone, you were now nervous around scared he would see through your act.
Ari looked baffled at you, at the immediate change of character, but went through with it. “This week, I’m fully booked, but I could leave you my phone number to call to schedule for next week?” Is all he asked, as he got up. 
You went to give him your phone to get his number, when your eyes bulged out and all resolved went down, the man was way taller than you expected. He was probably taller than 6’5 and you didn’t know how to feel about that, one part of you got scared while the other part made your pussy gush from how big he was.
 “You—“ Your voice cracked. “You can leave your number.” Ari took your phone from your hands, his finger brushing against making you inhale sharply. 
As he typed on your phone, your eyes went to his muscle bulging with each move. You hated your brain at this moment for making you feel all sorts of things for this man you literally just met. Sure, he looked like a Greek god and wanted to help you, but he could also have dark intentions. 
“There you go, sweetheart.” Now you are sure to remove your panties when you get home. The way he said sweetheart in his gruff voice is something literally out of a porno. your eyes widened as you looked at him smiling, like he knew what he did to you. “Call me if you need anything.”
“Tha- Thank you. I’ll call you next week.” You immediately shoved your phone in your purse and shuffled out, your eyes always avoiding his and with one thing in your mind: tonight was going to be a long night with your vibrator. 
You quickly escape the building, your heels hitting the ground with a loud noise. ‘I need to get out’ are the words that keep on repeating themselves in your mind. Just constantly. You were confused. What had just happened to you? Never in your life have you instantly felt so attracted to somebody you barely knew and that scared you.
You felt watched the whole journey from Mr, Levinson’s office to down in the lobby and you hated that. Eyes, many eyes were starring at you and you stopped yourself from hiding with your purse. You felt like you were going insane, but the moment you stepped outside, everything made sense.
A horde of paparazzi was there, waiting for you to come out. “What in the fuck?” You whispered to yourself. “I can’t get out. I can’t.” If they saw you and took pictures of you, you were sure someone at the prison would tell Ransom and you couldn’t afford that.
Not now. 
You jumped when your phone vibrated in your purse. Before all this, you used to always put your favorite song of the moment as a ringtone, but Ransom hated it and almost beat you up when it rang one day. So, to this day, it’s always on the silent mode. 
You fetched inside your purse. Anxiety coursed through you when it was an unknown number, but you still answered. “Hello?” You cautiously said.
“Miss? It’s Ari.” Ari?
“I don’t recall giving you my phone number? And we just spoke, I don’t understand the meaning of this call.” You sounded harsh and professional, trying to make your body understand that what it was doing wasn’t good. Making you horny and wet for this man wasn’t something you wanted or needed right now. 
“Take the door on the other side of the building.” Was all he said. “You can hide from the pictures there.”
You felt bad. The man only wanted to help you. “Thank you... I’m sorry. I’ll call you next week.”
You were about to end the call when Ari said your name. Not your family name. Your first name. Your ears couldn’t help but perk up at the sound. “I don’t know how those people found out you were here, but I’ll find the person and have a stern talk about client confidentiality.” Your breath was stuck inside you. Ari continued. “And you don’t have to excuse yourself. I know you must be in a hard situation at this moment.” You hummed in approval. “I’m here for you. Whenever.” With those last words, the call ended. 
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That week was the worst week of your life. Somehow people found out you had gone to a divorce lawyer and like people say: words traveled fast. Every day, you had been followed everywhere, you received calls from the news, journalists and from the one person you didn’t want to talk to: Ransom. Somehow, probably because a guard spilled it to him, he found out about it too and wasted his one phone call a day to you, but each time you refused it. Dreading to hear what he has to say. 
You were tired, so tired. You had a feeling divorcing that man wouldn’t have been a joyful ride, but you didn’t think it would be hell. 
Every day, you would wake up to a dream about that giant lawyer with sweat all over your body, your underwear fully drenched and a little bit of shame for dreaming about the stranger like that, but the moment you saw all the notifications on your phone, all that pleasure and good feeling from the dream would just drain out of your body and reality settled in. 
Today was none different. You woke up with the dream still very vivid in your mind. His gruff voice telling you all the dirty things he wanted to do. 
Look at you barely able to take my cock. 
Such a sweet warm pussy, all mine. 
You’re all mine aren’t you, sweetheart. 
You bit your lips.
You really needed to get laid. 
You sighed and got up the bed to go-on with your days. After a good shower to remove all the remnants of your wetness in between your legs and your skin-care routine, you went downstairs for your breakfast.
You looked outside to see the weather and sighed. “Will they ever leave me alone?” Paparazzi. Loads and loads of them waiting for you to get out of your house. You closed the curtains and continued your journey to the kitchen to continue your morning. 
Just as the clock turned eleven. You decided it was finally time to call Ari for this meeting this week. As you pick up your phone, you cringe in the background. It was still a picture of you and Ransom on your second date when he kissed you on the cheek. Those were simpler times.
The phone rang in your ear. One, Two. Thr��� “Hello?” His deep voice took you by surprise. 
“Mr. Levinson. It’s me.” You told him your name. You shivered when you heard him repeat it to you. “You-” Your throat became tighter with nervousness. “You said to call for the appointment?”
You heard shuffling in the background. “I did, indeed. If you would be willing. I am going to lunch right now. If you would like, you could join me and we could talk ‘bout it?”
You nodded and you wanted to slap yourself because he clearly couldn’t see you. “Yes, just send me the address and I’ll be there shortly.”
You could hear the smile as he responded. “Good, I’ll be seeing you soon, Miss.” And the phone disconnected.
A few moments later, you jumped as your phone rang once again. “Why is Ari calling again?” You unlock your phone and answer the call. “Hello, Mr. Levison? Is there a problem with the divorce paper?” You looked at the floor curiously as to why he wasn’t answering. All you could hear was breathing and shuffling. 
“Probably a butt dial.” You whispered.
“Oh no, bunny.” You froze, why did he start using that nickname, now, of all time. “It certainly isn’t. Been trying to reach you fo’ so long, bunny. So long. And now, since you finally answer you’ goddamn fucking phone.” You heard him take a deep breath. “You’re going to answer my questions. Why the fuck are you talking to Ari Levinson?”
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Thank you so much for reading :) Feel free to reblog and tell me what you think. Also, I realize I’m kinda having a hard time with dialogue sometimes and I’m sorry for that, I’m slowly working on that.
Tags : @patzammit @elrw24​
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