#dima dima dima dima bb
doodletastica · 8 months
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Starting the uhhhhh october except I was busy last month so I'm doing it this month. Ignore that this is late but!!! First day is favorite oc and boy howdy was that hard to pick. I will always always have a soft spot for Dima though, I just love him so much.
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astrxealis · 2 years
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gecko-in-a-can · 1 year
ok I know they said none of it is canonical but I choose to believe some things
nick has superhuman speed (and possibly strength?)
he hacks terminals by literally plugging himself into them
Danse is actually pretty chill after BB
Maccready is going back for Duncan
Nobody in universe likes Johnny guitar either
Hancock is not good with kids
Nick and Dima keep in touch
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imagine-silk · 2 years
How would Nick, Danse (Pre-BB) Father and DiMA react to Sole who jerryrigged themselves a prosthetic arm out of an old gen 2 synth arm? If you don’t write for the last 2 it’s fine
I made this with the understanding Sole lost their arm before the bombs dropped. I unfortunately did not include DiMA, I did not play Far Harbor to completion and it is very hard to find good videos to fully fill in the gaps.
Art from Pinterest
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Nick doesn't understand how you did it but he's glad you did. Being disabled has always made life very difficult, even more so in the after the bombs dropped. It makes him relieved that you found a way to combat that, all the more impressive you used tech you weren't familiar with.
Danse is mostly appalled. You are using enemy technology and tying it to yourself. Not only is that dangerous but it is, in his eyes, an abuse of tech and goes against their teachings. He won't order you to get rid of it on the basis the alternative is you have no arm but make no mistake, he will make his disapproval known.
Father doesn't understand why you won't let him gift you a much better one. They have the resources to make one stronger, more dexterous, and even blend to your skin so no one could tell it's not flesh. But you have always had your reasons so he won't pry.
Bonus!Codsworth is so happy you finally got a prosthetic. After you came home injured you did not get everything you needed and Codsworth was you front line advocate. He would send letters to the state asking for proper medical attention for not only war heroes like yourself but veterans in general. He would always be with you in the middle of the night helping your phantom pains or PTSD episodes. He would also talk with neighbors to help in make petitions. A part of him is resentful his cries were never met but he couldn't help but feel proud that progress was made, even if you had to make it.
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fallout4-reacts · 1 year
How would Nick, Danse (Pre-BB) Father and DiMA react to Sole who jerryrigged themselves a prosthetic arm out of an old gen 2 synth arm? If you don’t write for the last 2 it’s fine
This one is very original; I would never have thought of such a thing. I LOVE it!
Thank you so much for challenging me, I have uh… I admit I took a little pleasure in uh… must be honest, turning the thing into a ridiculous one 😉
Hope you’ll like it
Nick : It was a horrific experience. Sole turned it into a dark comedy. To be honest, Nick isn't surprised after the initial shock. What was to be expected when a Synth Gen2 blew Sole's arm to dust with an Institute rifle?
"Motherfucker! You take my arm, then I'll take yours!"
Nick would have wanted to tell them that … it doesn’t work that way. And it doesn't work that way. It's not a piece of duct tape that can make an artificial limb work, but every time Nick opens his mouth to speak to them, Sole gives him a look that sends shivers up his spine, even though he can't have a shiver and has no spine. So, Nick silently follows a Sole visible out of them who carries a ludicrous piece of articulated metal at the end of their shoulder for a few hours. And he struggles to hold back his laughter. Dismal.
When they retire for the night and the arm falls into the fire with the bundles of wood, Sole looks at him for a second before shrugging.
Nick rolls his eyes but remains silent. However, he is increasingly considering replacing... his companion.
"Do you agree to see a doctor about your missing limb now?"
"No, I'll ask Sturges to fix me up the next one I find."
Danse : It happened in a flash. When they reached this hellhole, the synths began to pour down on them, and the factory had previously been loaded with traps and bombs. Sole and Danse take cover to avoid a nourished shot when they hear the distinctive click of a trap.
The explosion hits both of them, but Danse's Power Armour protects him well. He finishes killing the synthetics and then searches the explosion wreckage for his recruit.
He discovers them beneath a crumbled wall, which he can remove without causing further damage. Further damage than is already done.
"Stay with me, knight!"
Danse reacts immediately, putting pressure where the stump of the missing limb empties his poor companion's blood, who is still in shock, before diving inside Sole's bag and grabbing the box of stimpacks. The wound heals in time, but the arm does not grow back. Danse was already thinking of the pep talk that would be appropriate when the soldier realised what they lacked while acting in the sequence of procedures to take in such a case. But Sole pushes him back before he opens his mouth, gets up, and heads straight for a Synth Gen2's damaged body. Danse sighs; he was expecting that. Anger. Then comes denial, followed by... SHIT!
"He's already dead; what's the point in tearing his arm off?"
Sole turns to face their superior before returning to scavenge in their luggage, pulling out a tube of superglue and leather straps.
"I just lost my arm because of them. Pay-back."
In front of Danse's puzzled gaze, Sole fashions an orthosis that they stick to their stump and then secure with straps. Then they grabbed their weapon with one hand and stood in front of their superior, the prosthetic dangling grotesquely in the emptiness.
"Okay, shall we continue?"
Danse, who is absolutely taken aback, continues to fix the improvised artificial limb.
Danse shakes hard, continuing to staring at the mechanical arm that swings every time Sole changes direction. After a while, the paladin comes to an abrupt halt.
"I'm not… sure it's... in the procedure for..."
"Are we going or what?"
After a long while during which neither the knight nor the paladin reacted, Sole finally lost his composure and laughed out loud. Danse's brow furrows in displeasure.
"No, really not."
"It's not working. We return to the Prydwen, and you allow Cade to operate you."
"There's nothing left to operate on."
"You're not going to walk around the Commonwealth dressed in a Brotherhood uniform with a synthetic arm, period."
"My body is my body!"
"It's NOT your body!"
"That’s...ridiculous. Is that all?"
"Undoubtedly," Danse admitted with a diminished smile.
"All right, Prydwen is well. Perhaps Ingram can create a better prosthetic for me."
Father : Those who claim that ridicule doesn't kill have no idea what they are talking about. Father remains motionless for two minutes with his mouth ajar, as his directors exchange worrisome and uncomfortable looks. X6-88 wishes to die. After the accident, he followed Sole to the Institute, but he wished he'd blown up with the grenade when she took Sole's arm. While he was still upset over not being able to defend them from mutilation, he witnessed them ripping off the arm of a fallen Synth Gen2 and affixing it to their limb with... glue and leather straps.
And it is this portrait that they now give to Father, who appears to be in full apoplexy, silent and immovable at the end of the meeting table, his stare widened with stupor fixated on the grotesque limb that hangs from Sole's stump.
Father has recovered from his astonishment and is once again in command of his emotions, but for the first time in his life, he is torn between the need to laugh and the desire to cry. He casts an enquiring glance at X6, who tucks his head into his shoulders, feeling the shame of being connected with human foolishness for the first time in his existence.
"What is that?" the old man eventually articulates in a feeble voice.
"My new member," his parent excitedly declared.
"However...if you...want a synthetic prosthesis, we have doctors and scientists who can custom-make one for you."
DiMA : Things have become, to put it mildly, fascinating since Sole and Nick arrived on the island. When Faraday informs that they have returned to Acadia, DiMA prepared to greet them like guests, but he is totally dumbfounded for the first time since... forever.
Sole has obviously lost an arm, and DiMA can't help but feel sorry for them, but it's not that fact that has him flabbergasted. The synthetic is unable to divert his attention away from the thing, which stands grotesquely at the end of the stump.
Nick shrugs his shoulders and sighs as DiMA throw him a questioning look.
"Is that a... synthetic arm?"
Sole happily replied, "Gen2."
DiMA observes the absurd assemblage once more before turning to Nick.
"It's...ingenious," the Acadia leader said.
"It is ignominious, useless, and stupid," Nick corrects unequivocally. "I keep telling them, but they think it's a good idea to consider it. If you ask me, I think they're just using the situation to make fun of me," the detective adds between his teeth.
"Roooh" Sole just lift his eyes to heaven.
Nick then grumbles and walks away. Sole shrugs, laughing.
"Tell me, my brother, what makes Sole's gesture make you feel—
"Shut up!"
"I was making fun of him. Hey, I'm doing my best to cope."
DiMA no longer dares to open his mouth. It would be the height that he starts to stutter. Nonetheless, he is certain that if he attempts to talk, he will stutter.
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placerdiario · 1 year
Valeria Stoica- The Will from TH TH on Vimeo.
Director: Irina Alexiu DOP: Mihai Schiopu Cast: Lena Banaia, Nastea Banaia, Victoria Avram Color grading: Dima Litvinov Scenografie: Ana Lugojana Styling: Ioana Carp Special effects: Iulia Maria
1st AC: Alex Smiricinschi 1st AC: Victor Acsani 2nd AC: Mihai Pirlitu Loader: Catalin Kislinger Gaffer/Grip: Harun Ozagdas BB Grip: Gabi Cucu, Tudor Checherica, Daria Petrache Making of: Alisa Bakalova
Special thanks to: Alisa Bakalova, Valeriu Stoica, Emil Schiopu, Chris Donovan Big thanks to Sala Omnia, and Vava Stefanescu for let us filming in this beautiful space.
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palidan-sheep · 2 years
This is gonna be grim but
How the companions think they’ll die!
Tw- hints at Suicide.
Cait- Bit off more then she could chew.
She wants it to be, at the very least, a fair fight with a worthy opponent. She doesn’t want to die from a gun shot wound but she knows this world. It’s not fair.
Curie- ‘Old Age’
This won’t be for awhile, she’s to new to her snyth body to even entertain the idea of death. That is by her own means of course. Gunners and raider still exist.
(Pre BB) Danse- defending the Brotherhood.
In truth, he rather die defending the Prydwen or the Elder much rather then dying on some recon mission. More honorable but still.
(Post BB) Danse- ‘Old Age’
He may not age but he knows that he’ll come to a point in his life where he’s just done with everything ya’know? He’s lived life to its fullest what more could he want?
Deacon- He’s not actual sure.
He’s done so much in his life that alot of things could kill him. Between his lying and just in herbal commonwealth shebang, he can’t say for sure.
Gage- Being backstabbed.
The raider life ain’t exactly all that easy, a lot of betrayal and backstabbing goes on admits raider gangs. Won’t be surprised if he falls asleep one night and never wakes up again.
Hancock- flip flops between OverDosing or going feral.
Going feral if joking around with friends, O.Ding if he’s being serious. Nether are pretty but he wants to go out with a bang, preferable with chems.
MacCready- with a pocket full of caps and on his farmstead.
Refuses to think anything could kill him after what he’s dealt with, from the capital wasteland to the commonwealth. He’s survived this god dammit, he’ll keep going!
Nick- Dug a little bit to deep into a case.
He’s quick but he’s old, he knows that. Ain’t as quick as he use to be so he won’t be surprised if one day he finds himself with a bullet logged into his noggin.
Piper- Pissed off the wrong person.
Wrote the ‘Truth’ and pissed off the wrong person. But hey! It’ll get tons of reads! ‘Local journalists found dead! Killed for saying the truth?’
Preston- Defending the Minutemen.
Ideally, old age but he doesn’t mind the idea of going down in the name of the Minutemen.
X6- when the institute has no use for him anymore.
He knows he’s just an asset to them, once he’s outlived his usefulness he’s more then accepting of his fate.
Lil(not lil) side note- Some are super predictable like Preston, X6, and Danse are soldiers who are dedicated to thier factions, ofc they would wanna go in the name of them. Piper has literally stated that there have been countless attempts on her life simple because of the things she wrote.
But others aren’t so easy. I had to go off of what I remember from their dialogue or actions and even some outside sources(not from companions). I’m not Dima, I don’t have some place to off load my memories nor do I have the immortality of a synth so I don’t have the time to comb threw all thier dialogue and look for clues hinting at how they’ll go.
At the end of the day, they’re all immortal unless you destroy thier faction of go lose to much affinity with them so not like this matters lol.
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amazinglyegg · 2 years
Rules + Masterlist
Asks are always open!
I'll do: character or game headcanons, my opinions on topics, pride flag edits, questions about my Sole Survivor (#oc jay), or anything else that might come to mind!
(I love doing headcanons and pride edits so pls pls send any ideas you want to share!)
No NSFW or romance-heavy topics (such as marriage HC, first dates, etc). I've only played Far Harbor when it comes to DLCs so I can't write about anyone not in the base game or Far Harbor. I'm comfortable with basically anything else!
(List will continue to grow and I'll add more topics later!)
Companions React
Playing Minecraft
Listening to Hamilton
Sole with trauma
Sole in a secret band
Sole is a god
Sole with misophonia
Sole asking if they would love them as a worm
Nick reacts to Sole pretending to be a racecar
Sole refuses to sleep
Sole gives them a lot of gifts
Deacon reacts to Sole letting Dr. Chambers kill Amelia (Covenant Quest)
Smoking weed (joke)
Sole crying when yelled at
Companions as...
Dumb Shirts
Birthday hats
Negutiv feadbak
What to say before eating dinner
r/Ambien posts
r/disneyvacation posts
Things to never say to someone who just came out
Games in my Steam library
Shaun and Sturges
Shaun and Nat
Proctor Ingram's prosthetics
Things that would kill companions immediately
Brotherhood branded tampons (shitpost)
Nick's hobbies
Nick's food and hobbies
Blind Betrayal theory
Ace/aro/genderfluid Deacon (+pride edits)
Shaun post-institute
Roadtrip AU! (Nick, Danse, Deacon, X6-88)
Music they would play on a roadtrip
Danse and X6 playlists (+reasoning)
Codsworth and Dogmeat sleep in my bed
Danse and nightmares
X6 and Warrior Cats
Trans Danse and his chest binder
Angsty X6 headcanons
How often companions nap
Deacon playlist
Scar headcanons
Porter Gage Headcanons
Sole can't sleep without Nick
Doctor Carrington Headcanons
Angsty Carrington Headcanons
Transmasc Carrington headcanons
He/It Danse
Alignment Charts
Danse vs Fawkes [Poll]
More Danse Headcanons
Compilation #1
Compilation #2
Compilation #3
Road Trip
Going to the home improvement store
Pride edits
Nick (glitter)
Railroad gay/trans
Faction gay/trans
Faction bi/pan
Deacon Nonbinary, genderfluid, catgender
Brotherhood of Steel pride
Bi Danse
Demigender Danse
Ace/aro Danse
Demisexual/demiromantic Danse
Bi Maxson
LGBTQ+ X6-88
Nonbinary X6-88
Gay/trans DiMA and Faraday
Aestheticgender Nick, Danse, Maxson, Deacon
Faction sunset aroace (phone wallpaper)
MANY Hancock pride flags
Aro Carrington and ace Tinker Tom
Autistic/Transmasc/Achillean Sturges
Danse Haylen and Rhys aroace flags
Danse doesn't know what a shark is
Cute Danse compilation
Danse during the trip to Arcjet
Rhys and Haylen argue about Danse's identity
Danse injured/crippled dialogue
Things Deacon Hates
Deacon compilation
Rhys and Haylen banter
Danse and Rhys Dialogue
Danse Declines a Hug [Death Shroud]
Danse is Self Conscious [Death Shroud]
Danse comforts you
Companions Nicknames for Sole
Daily Rounding Of Oreos
Fnv gecko
Queer Deacon
Incorrect Quotes
The Institute, 60 Years Ago
Maxson and Danse during BB
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kariniarts · 2 years
I DID AND HE’S MAGNIFICENT!!!! I posted a sketch on Twitter and I’ll post it here too 😌
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= my selfship AUs =
Although I don’t talk about them too much, I do have a number of different AUs for each of my selfships! This post gives a little overview of each of them in turn, sorted by the selfship that they concern, as well as some of the “overarching AUs” which are the ones where all of my romantic selfship are canon at once. ..Not all of them have very much to them, but hopefully that’s okay.
The actual list is under the readmore because otherwise this post would be about five miles long, but hopefully all this works well! If anyone has any questions or wants to ask me anything about any of these AUs, you’re always more than welcome to do that! ^-^
overarching AUs:
mythical AU - a generic fantasy universe where all of my F/Os and their corresponding self-inserts exist as different mythical creatures, and all of my romantic selfships exist in tandem (apart from my one with Anti-Aqua - she only exists if Aqua doesn’t). The specific information regarding what sort of creature everyone is is written in the section for ecah individual selfship.
void-kissed (Luna/Adriana) AUs:
void spirit AU - Luna is lost to the Void at the end of Episode 18, instead of escaping with Adriana. She is able to carry on existing in the world as a spirit, but only Anna is left able to properly perceive her, with Adriana needing to wear one of Reborn’s four seals in order to be able to see her.
mythical AU - in the mythical AU, Luna is a ghost tied to the Emerald Brooch while Adriana is a witch who is able to communicate with and summon her. She goes on a journey to try and save Luna from being destroyed when Elias and the rest of Team Meteor try to acquire all four of the seals.
survivors of the dark (Aqua/Aria) AUs:
vampire AU - Aria is a powerful vampire (one of those classic “rich and alone and lives in a mansion and has dark powers”-types), whereas Aqua is a vampire hunter sent to destroy her. However, a rival vampire faction (i.e. Xehanort and his allies) attacks Aria’s mansion while she is hosting a ball, and Aqua ends up having to fight alongside her to both stay alive and rescue her fellow vampire hunters Terra and Ven, who had been turned and captured respectively by the rival vampires.
PAFL AU - the selfship is set in the world of Parties Are For Losers, a series created by the Vocaloid producer Ferry. Aqua and Terra live as siblings with Eraqus, who adopted them both; Terra wants to become a stalker of the Zone and Aqua is trying to stop him because it’s such a dangerous career path. Aria is a mutant who escapes the Zone facility when KT and Dima do, bringing fellow mutant Ventus with her, and the two of them end up running into the Wayfinders.
dual wayfinder AU - instead of going into the realm of darkness, Aria is transported into the future alongside Ventus, losing her memories of her true nature in the process. They both become Master Xehanort’s apprentices, and he tries to use Ven’s light and Aria’s darkness to forge the X-Blade, but it doesn’t work so he sends them off to Eraqus. Vanitas and Ves are then split from Ventus and Aria at Terra and Aqua’s Mark of Mastery exams, prompting a world-spanning chase to find answers.
mythical AU - in the mythical AU, Aqua is an angel whereas Aria is a vampire. I don’t have any story for it yet, though.
to our own Elysium (Pyra/Sapphire) AUs:
driver Sapphire AU - Sapphire takes Rex’s place as Pyra’s Driver - she is a wanderer from Gormott who was hired by Torna to open the door on the already-raised Ancient Ship (which in this AU needs a light-element Blade to open instead of a Leftherian, and Sapphire was already Avalon’s Driver which is why they needed someone like her). Rex appears as Vandham’s biological son from canon who didn’t die, but he doesn’t join the party.
DQIX AU - essentially the story of Dragon Quest IX but told using the XC2 characters. Mythra is a Celestrian and acts as the Guardian of the volcanic town of Upover, but falls down to the Protectorate in the form of a mortal armamentalist called Pyra when the Observatory is attacked. Pyra enlists the help of Sapphire and her father Vandham (who are residents of Upover) to travel across the world and regain her divine abilities. The Indoline Praetorium replace the Gittish Empire, except Torna are the Triumgorate who betray them, and Malos replaces Corvus.
mythical AU - in the mythical AU, Pyra is a dragon stuck in a mostly human form (unlike her siblings Mythra and Malos, who are also dragons except they can choose to take human form if they wish to), while Sapphire is a werecat who ends up stumbling across Pyra in the forest and tries to help her get her powers back.
love, trust and diamond dust (Perun/Sapphire) AUs:
driver Sapphire AU - Perun resonates with Sapphire to become one of her Blades during the story, taking Pyra’s place as Sapphire’s main damage dealer during most of Chapter 7. She is also good friends with Avalon, who is alive in this AU.
DQIX AU - Perun is a paladin from Gleeba who ends up joining Sapphire, Vandham and Pyra on their quest across the Protectorate because she wants to help protect justice and figures that aiding a Celestrian is the best way to do that. Her weapon is a spear, and in battle she tends to intercept attacks meant for the others a lot.
mythical AU - in the mythical AU, Perun is a yet-to-be-determined creature who had initially set out to slay the Aegis dragons, whereas Sapphire is a werecat who tries to dissuade her from doing so because their presence is important for the world’s balance.
dark hearts corrupted (Anti-Aqua/Aria) AUs:
fallen light AU - all normal content of my selfship with Anti-Aqua technically takes place within the context of this AU. It’s an alternate version of events in KH where Aqua ends up falling to darkness shortly after BBS as a result of her light fading and her anguish at being abandoned by the light. Anti-Aqua and Aria become rulers of the realm of darkness, wishing to get revenge on the light for abandoning them both (Aqua also wants revenge on Xehanort, whereas Aria seeks to reach the Final World).
mythical AU - in the mythical AU, Anti-Aqua is a fallen angel and Aria is the vampire that corrupted her. I don’t have any story for it yet, though.
a dance of endeavours (Camellia/Telanthera) AUs:
mythical AU - I haven’t put this selfship in the mythical AU yet, but I do intend to - I’m just having trouble thinking of mythical creatures that fit the characters.
our own kind of heroes (N/Noire) AUs:
reversed heroes AU - the “reverse AU” for this selfship. N is a kind Unovan Pokémon Ranger with the inborn ability to communicate with Pokémon, whereas Noire is the cold sheltered princess of Team Plasma who hates humanity for mistreating Pokémon. She is chosen by Zekrom for her belief in her misguided ideals for separating people and Pokémon, whereas N is chosen by Reshiram for his ability to understand the truth of how Pokémon are and wish to be.
mythical AU - in the mythical AU, N is a forest spirit and guardian of twin dragons Reshiram and Zekrom, who are sealed away within his forest. Noire is a fire elemental who was originally summoned by malevolent humans to help destroy the forest that N protects in order to reach and wake up the dragons, only to promptly decide “no thanks” and go off to do her own thing. which incidentally led to her learning to appreciate nature and helping N.
a farmer and a thief (Skye/Emily) AUs:
Elsewhere University AU - Emily is a biology student studying at Elsewhere University (created by charminglyantiquated on Tumblr) who uses Mimi as a safe name, and Skye is a mischevious changeling known on campus as the Phantom Prince who ends up becoming infatuated with her quite by accident.
mythical AU - I haven’t put this selfship in the mythical AU yet, but I do intend to - I’m just having trouble thinking of mythical creatures that fit the characters.
under a bloodcursed sun (Serana/Cansen) AUs:
Dawnguard AU - the “reverse AU” for this selfship. Serana is the daughter of Harkon, leader of the Dawnguard, a renowned group of vampire hunters. He seeks to use the Tyranny of the Sun prophecy to create a relentless eternal day and destroy all vampires, not realising how disruptive this would be to the natural order of the world. Camille is a scholar from the First Era who was sealed away with an Elder Scroll containing part of this prophecy, which stopped her aging, while Isran and the rest of the normal Dawnguard make up the Volkihar vampire clan. After Serana accidentally frees Camille from where she was sealed away, the two of them go on a quest to complete the prophecy, so that Harkon or Isran’s vampires don’t get to it first.
mythical AU - I haven’t put this selfship in the mythical AU yet, but I do intend to - I’m just having trouble thinking of mythical creatures that fit the characters.
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oishirecipe · 3 years
Hi Mikhaelllllll (bumping my head against yours like a cat) hi hi how are you have you done anything fun this week :)!!!! Also could I bother you for babymetal live links if you have any...like downloadable or on yt or smth. I have been listening to so much for their music lately heehee...if not that’s ok I’ll find some myself!!!!! Uhm uhm uhm ok that’s it I hope the rest of your day is so swag...little bb ⬇️⬇️
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Hi Dima !! (Bumps my head back) I'm well myself I haven't done anything have you !! And for BM lives It think I've sent it to you before but here the massive spreadsheet of bm lives most of them are on dailymotion too which I use to download them from like I did with the red mass and red fox fes lol and CHAOS on yt uploads really good live comps , this channel has uploaded like all of/a good chunk of their shows from rock on the range back in like 2018 I think and some others , this channel has a ton of lives they're watermarked but they do leave download links in desc without it , and I have my own playlist for general stuff so like there's some off-stage stuff like interviews and stuff from when they were younger/SG and it's also mixed in with some other band stuff so YEAH hope that helps :thumbsup:
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drunkboyilya · 5 years
Not Here
Ilya x Reader
Request: “Maybe on a night out, he takes you to the bathroom? Cause he can’t take his hands off you” by @brandiilynnx here u go bb sorry it took a few days!
Ready for a little night out, you threw on something comfy but cute, hoping to get something out of Ilya later on. When you walked into the kitchen to let him know you were finally ready, Ilya’s face lit up with the goofy grin you fell for in the same bar you were about to meet Dima at. He walked over to you extending his arm to pull you in, “looking like an angel as usual,” his sentence is punctuated with a kiss so slow and deep he immediately had you wrapped around his finger. “K lets roll,” he steps toward the door quickly, leaving you disappointed, wishing you had time to have a little more Ilya time.
Ilya begged you to drive so he could control the music, and you did. There’s no way you’d tell the boy no, he had the biggest puppy eyes in the world. The whole way across town Ilya couldn’t keep his hands off you; tickling your thigh, touching your lips, playing with your hair, and you were eating it up. “If you don’t figure it out now it’s going to be a long night, love” you tease. He giggles in response and keeps his hands to himself the rest of the way there. You couldn’t help but be a little excited the night was going according to plan.
At the bar you greet Dima and some other guys they work with, but quickly part ways with them so you can be with your man. A few drinks in Ilya already has the look in his eyes that you fantasize about, he pulls his bottom lip in between his teeth and slides over to you with a fuckboy grin. He doesn’t say a word before pulling you into another hypnotic kiss, he felt so close to you. One hand on the back of your neck, the other around your waist holding his drink, he was pressing you against his chest, and you could feel the thick bulge in his jeans. He slid his tongue along your lips, as eager as a child knocking on the door of a friend with an invitation to play. You nipped at his lip and pushed him away, “not here, kitten,” you purr. He had a mixed look of devastation and authority in his eyes, like he couldn’t decide if he wanted to submit, or step up to the plate. Eventually he nodded and adjusted himself in his pants before walking off to find Dima. You took the opportunity to go to the bathroom and freshen up a bit.
In the bathroom the music was still loud but muffled a little. You washed your hands and checked yourself out for a few seconds, adjusting your skirt and perking your breasts, being extra thankful it was a single person bathroom. You grabbed your things and headed for the door when you hear an aggressive knock. You open the door to exit and apologize, but your immediately stopped in your tracks by Ilya, who looked even better than he looked 5 minutes ago. He stepped into the bathroom shutting the door behind him, making sure to lock it too. He approaches you slowly, holding deep eye contact as he unbuttons and unzips his jeans.
He was radiating the type of dominance you hadn’t seen in a few weeks, so it was safe to say you were already dripping.
“Bend over the sink,” he demands gesturing toward the mirror with a finger, using the other hand to adjust his hat. You obey, hiking your skirt up before bending over the sink, never taking your eyes off of him in the mirror. The sight of your black lace panties sends a wave of excitement through his body causing him to slap the exposed skin on the back of your thigh. “Fuck! Yes!” You encourage his actions, hoping for praise. “That’s right,” he coos, “I’ve been wanting to do that all night.” You not in agreement “again daddy, please,” you beg him to do it again, but he just shakes his head no, and turns you around to face him, pulling you in for another kiss. “Not here, kitten,” he mocks you.
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bbabushkajusofonii · 5 years
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Aqui at @thewicktheatre in #BocaRaton awaiting the concert of high school friend Dimas Caraballo. Finally ready to move back to #Florida , he's un hombre of muchos talentos, concert pianist and ballroom dancer, dedicating this in memory of his madre. She truly was a caring woman, BB spent many wonderful childhood hours in her company. She would have loved this homecoming. (at The Wick Theatre & Costume Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1mfOIlB1FH/?igshid=1phvb9o4pglzk
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lronbear · 6 years
An anon asked me what my favorite aspects of Yuzu’s personality were, so I went off a little under the cut. Uh...sorry. All thoughts are my own.
Oh man. I'll answer this a bit differently than I usually would because I think a lot about how he has characteristics that /could/ generally be considered character flaws, but actually make him much more interesting and fascinating in my eyes. So I’ll skip some of the usual obvious reasons to love Mr. Extra, and dive a ‘lil deeper. 
1. (This is very biased since I don’t pay attention to other athletes as much as I do Yuzuru (yet), soz) His hyper-competitive, hyper-focused nature. Obviously you could argue that every athlete possesses it, but I feel like Hanyu takes it to a different level, very often. The headspace he gets into during 6 min warm up, (or the stance he takes when the final 6 skaters line up on the ice and his name gets announced, him raising his arms to the crowd with his head held high, but seemingly unaffected by the deafening cheers, eyes serious and even  dangerous in a way, out for nothing less than the gold), could be considered pretty scary, or to some (youtube comment sections are a gold mine) even rude and unnecessary. To me, those are some of the most intriguing and incredible moments to watch him, because that’s him, playing everyone, probably even himself, by creating an air of confidence that you cannot help but absolutely believe in. This unwillingness to show vulnerability or weakness, even if he may well be very vulnerable at that one moment or another, depending on whichever competition he's doing, because we all know better lol. He has an armor of steel and he knows exactly how to play his cards, he’s psychologically intimidating, as if all he has to do is flip a single switch in his head, whenever the situation demands it (rip dima who accidentally caught his eye at CoR lol poor bb). 
2. That brings me to my next point. His utter level of calculation and strategic thinking. I have a huge laugh everytime people, especially antis, underestimate him, physically but especially intellectually. Sometimes you look at him goofing off at practices or galas or him falling on his butt for absolutely no reason off ice, he’s our fave meme lord after all, but if you watch a single interview, you get reminded again what's really stored in that noggin of his. And it's astonishing if you consider this is a 23-you kid, and also that he's always been like this, on one level or another. It's pretty mindblowing how far ahead he is for his age, just on a human emotional scale, and how he takes time to gather his thoughts, to consider every side and aspect of a topic in his mind before he answers questions, how he tackles being the center of the media and an idol (he’s an athlete first, I am aware, but at this point it is undeniable that his public significance and position is exactly that of an idol/megastar) for an entire nation. That takes some nerves and endurance, i don’t know how he does it. As Javi said, his brain is pretty good. 
3. I love how unashamed he is about wanting and needing to be on top of his sport. He doesn't down-play it either. He will lift his finger into the air after a good skate and declare right then and there that he's won, even if he hasn't even seen his score yet. He is, in a way, a narcissist. And he loves it, too. He knows he is the best and he will be undefeated no matter what, if he delivers the skills he has trained so hard to possess over the course of his life, with all the obstacles that were and keep getting in his way. He will tell you to your face that he's better than you and will beat you next time if you beat him at a competition (rip pchiddy). He doesn't even hesitate. And people could and probably will call this arrogant or him being full of himself, but. That's never it. It's oddly, very humble and truthful, in my opinion. There is no actual hot-headed arrogance or greedy superiority there. It's simply a matter of fact. He can be a cocky bastard sometimes, oh yeah he can, don't get me wrong, but he Gets to be one. He’s earned it. And I actively celebrate when he is being a brat like that, not even gonna lie. He deserves to be. Where with most people this aura would probably bother me, with him, it makes him just more fascinating as the multi-layered person he is.
4. So then, in direct contrast to this, you also have the exact opposite of that  personality trait? The constant need to mention the masses of people that support him at all times. The fact he never forgets to mention that without the people watching, supporting and also competing alongside him, he would not be here, where he is right now. His soft tone when he speaks about Javier's influence on him, or when he literally had never ending face spasms and a skin breakout from nerves when Pl*shy praised him at CiONTU lol. The fact he doesn't neglect talking about the fans that cannot afford to see him live, including his international fans, everyone who supports him from home, he knows it and he publicly acknowledges it, because he cares. His deep, deep adoration for other athletes, or just people in general that try their best and work hard. His reverence, utter sadness and respect when he talks about 3/11 and how it impacted everything in his life, the ridiculously amazing amount of money and awareness he’s raised for the victims, the battle within himself afterwards, questioning if he’s “allowed” to keep chasing his own dream under the aspect of disaster striking so many people. His heartbreaking dedication to the sport itself, but also what he wants to express by skating (i.e. Requiem). The fact that he’s always stayed with both feet on the ground, and how he’s (outside of “competition-mode” on ice) always very soft, humble and grateful to others, and never ever acts superior or above others. His sportsmanship in general. The fact he cares so much about people. He overcomes obstacles that would have finished me 100 times over. He is so, so inspirational. His heart is golden. He claps his own thigh when he’s made an awful joke. He can’t walk properly when he’s off the ice. He’s obnoxiously perfectionist, which is so relatable. He’s a big old softie, that loves bear hugging like, everyone. His complete awareness of every single thing that carries meaning in his life and what got him to the place he is now, his will to overcome every hardship and come out stronger. So, so many aspects, so many layers. I love he.
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lampung7com · 2 years
Satresnarkoba Polres Pringsewu Limpahkan Tersangka Dan BB Kepada JPU
Satresnarkoba Polres Pringsewu Limpahkan Tersangka Dan BB Kepada JPU
LAMPUNG7COM | Penyidik Satuan Reserse Nakoba Polres Pringsewu melimpahkan tersangka dan barang bukti kasus penyalahgunaan narkotika jenis tembakau gorila atau ganja sintetis kepada Jaksa Penuntut Umum (JPU) Kejaksaan Negeri Pringsewu. Senin (31/1/22) siang Kedua tersangka yang dilimpahkan yakni Dimas Anggi Pradana (21) warga Pekon Sumberagung Kecamatan Ambarawa dan Yovi Rahmat Tama (19) warga…
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burzxm-ar-blog · 7 years
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                   ❛    when ar’ you jus’ goin’ta accept me fer how I am and let me buy you a drink ? ❜     /// @garmrr.
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