godofdystopia · 2 years
Lead me not into Damnation
I cant believe im stuck with this title now. Its all i got though so too bad for me :/
Anyway, welcome to the first story ive written for Wrath of the Righteous. It will not be the last. Arueshalae is the best and i love her and so does my commander Malara.
Please enjoy this short little hurt/comfort i guess, i stand by it
Words: 4.5k
When the Commander came back from Kenabres, everyone knew something was different.
For one thing, she had left with five companions and only came back with four. Now, normally, this wouldn't have prompted such mystery: The worldwound was dangerous and everyone knew it. They would erect a small monument and say a few prayers before offering their condolences to the commander and moving on with their lives because everyone could feel that the end of the crusade was near. But the Commanders other companions who had gone with her didn't react like grieving comrades. Not at all.
Seelah had thrown herself into training with a furious zeal, spitting curses and swears like the training dummies had personally offended her. There was no grief in her, only righteous anger and betrayal. Trever scowled and prowled around the city in a dark haze even deeper than the one he had usually: a great achievement for the former slave of Alushinyrra. Daeran had disappeared and kept himself scarce for he couldn't decide if he wanted to chuckle humorously to himself before wincing guiltily or scowl at any passerby who chuckled or laughed for any reason whatsoever.
And Nenio… Well, Nenio seemed to be focused on the two masks the inner circle had procured and so had promptly forgotten whatever had put the rest of her comrades into a tizzy so at least there was some normalcy out of it all.
And Camellia was gone. Nobody quite knew where she had gone off to and anyone who asked got yelled at, scowled at, or subjected to long and furious ranting by whoever they had asked.
The Commander had sequestered herself into the citadel and had so far not come out, usually the tiefling woman would have been out and about at least once or twice if only to see how the fortress-city was doing but so far she was a no show, it was worrying.
And so people wondered and theorized about what had happened, as they wanted to do with any mystery. And all the while the world turned on.
Just as it wanted to do.
On a very luxurious bed in the heart of the Drezen Citadel, a tiefling woman lay despondent.
The bed was a silken wonder, soft as a cloud and with blankets and sheets that cost more than most people had in their homes. Around the room, hanging from the rafters and across the ceiling, vines crept along every surface they could and bloomed into every flower imaginable. Bright blue butterflies flapped lazily around the prettiest flowers they could find and occasionally joined the ethereal blue ones that currently lay all across the tieflings body and just rested there with her.
The tiefling herself was maybe one or two inches shorter than most people. A leonine face with bright red eyes surrounded by silky black hair currently tied back into a simple braid showed a martial beauty broken only by the numerous scars on the left side of her face, from a childhood encounter with some Inquisitors gone wrong. Ten glorious, starry butterfly wings sprawled out in every direction from her back, the constellations of the night sky etched onto their velvety blue membranes.
The Azata in training would have gone throughout the fortress by now, would have tried to do something, anything at all to get out of her own head, but everytime the urge to do so came up the same phrase that had haunted her the entire time away from Kenabres came back.
“There is no Mireya, I made her up.”
Those eight little words had destroyed her.
Camellia had been a friend, had been a crush when they traveled across Kenabres the first time all those months ago now. She was elegant and graceful and had lied to her face. She had lied and now Malara just lay there and wondered where on Golarion it had all gone wrong.
She had believed her, had trusted her. Camellia had told her it was all for the spirit that tormented her and why would she lie?
“The truth is I like killing.”
Camellia was a monster and Malara had indulged her, had gladly gone along with her horror because she had trusted her. Malara was supposed to be better than that, had been better than that. She was becoming an Azata for Desna’s sake! She was supposed to be a spirit of freedom, and good, and-
“There is no Mireya, I made her up.”
The butterfly winged tiefling curled up into a ball and hugged her legs to her chest in a fetal position. Her wings fluttered before going back to laying uselessly on the comfy bed like they had been for the past few hours.
… Had it all been a lie?
Camellia had said that she was her friend, but she had also said that all the atrocities were for the good of Golarion. She’d lied to her face over and over again so who even knew what the truth of their friendship was.
Malara had faced down two different Demon Lords at this point and had faced down Mephistopheles himself at The Court of Freedom’s Dream. She’d been able to stand tall against temptation even in the heart of Alushinyrra itself.
Admittedly, standing up to Nocticula had been harder than fighting Baphomet or the Devil Prince pretending to be Early Sunset, because the truth was that her greatest weakness had always been pretty women.
And Camellia was beautiful.
And she’d used that to get away with murder again, and again, and again and Malara had allowed it because it was supposed to be for Golarion! It was supposed to help defeat the demons why would she lie!?
“The truth is I like killing.”
Malara sighed weakly as she hugged her knees, the comfortable bed not helping at all. A butterfly landed on her cheek, almost as if trying to comfort her. And then, almost as if mocking, the butterfly took off and headed towards the door, all the butterflies in the room that weren't ethereal extensions of her own power joining them as they all landed on the door and began fluttering their wings.
Malara felt just the least bit hurt, the ardent Desnan had taken comfort from the symbols of her goddess, had taken their presence as proof that Desna was watching over her and approved of her actions.
“There is no Mireya, I made her up.”
Perhaps the proof that she had fallen for a murderess psychopath and let her get away with atrocity after atrocity had been too much for her goddess and she’d finally abandoned her, taking the butterflies away to show that she had turned away from the poor little tiefling who had helped murder countless innocents because it was supposed to be for Golarion, to help close the Worldwound why would she LIE!? A hesitant knock at the door accompanied by some rapid scratching that sounded close to tearing down the whole door made her lift her head, the butterflies now clustering close to the doorknob as they waited.
Normally, Malara would be happy to entertain guests and would happily spend time with anyone that came by so long as they did not try and complain about the Free Crusaders and if they did she would simply direct them towards Anevia and Irabeth.
Well, just Anevia now.
Malara would be happy to open the door, but right now she simply curled into an even tighter ball and refused to get up. If she ignored them, they would probably go away and she could be alone with her thoughts. Her dark thoughts about her failure to stop Camellia, her failure as an ascendant Azata, her failure as a commander, her failure as a friend, her failure as every-
Before her thoughts could continue to spiral, the door was ripped apart as the claws of a worried Havoc Dragon. Aivu, her friend and companion since beginning the path of the Azata, looked worried and frightened. Her insectile wings fluttered nervously while the massive dragon sort of paced behind the door. Her purple scales reflected the torches outside and cast wondrous colors across the room.
Malara raised her head to look at the worried dragon child.
“You wouldn't come out of your room and I was frightened.” She whispered, as if trying to keep it a secret. “I got scared after the second day.”
“It’s alright Aivu, I'm just…” she trailed off in the face of the young dragon's distress. “I’m getting better.” she offered weakly. And falsely.
Aivu made a whine of distress and looked behind her at something. “Come on, get here and help her already.” Who was she tal-
“May I come in, Malara?”
If there was one person that Malara wanted to see more than anyone else, it was the Succubus she had fallen madly in love with. And yet the idea of seeing Arueshalae right now, of letting the redeemed succubus see her wallow in failure and sorrow, set her stomach tight with discomfort and her heart burned at the thought.
She couldn't let Arueshalae see her like this, couldn't let her see the depths of her descent.
Before she could try and explain that she would rather be alone right now and not be around people, Aivu stole the option form her by nudging the reformed succubus through the door and into the room before bounding off to go guard the hallway and make sure the two of them were undisturbed.
And so the two were left alone.
“Uh, come in I guess.” She muttered as she turned over so her back was to the wall. She didn't care that it was uncomfortable on her wings because she deserved the discomfort right now.
Arueshalae sent her a concerned look and made her way towards the bed before sitting on the floor in front of her, eye level with the despondent tiefling. She didn't say anything, just waiting patiently for the commander to speak.
Ever so slowly the ethereal butterflies around her took off and began to flutter gently around the room, mixing with the real ones that had come from the little slice of Elysium. They fluttered peacefully around Arueshalae and her, just circling, and that was what finally broke her.
“I trusted her, you know?” she said, staring at all the butterflies around them as they danced through the air. “I trusted her to stand by my side, to help me. She promised that it was all for good, that it had a purpose.”
“I know.” Arueshalae said simply, continuing to slowly pet Malara’s hair as the tiefling woman wallowed in despair.
“They were there for a new job. Horgus hired them to work the mansion. They were just there for work.”
Arueshalae said nothing, merely laying one of her wings on Malara’s side in comfort.
“They had lives. They had families that loved them, maybe even kids. They survived the siege unharmed, they made it out alive after Deskari ruined the city. And I… I…”
Malara shivered, the memories of the massacre imprinted on her mind. She would never forget the faces, never forget that entire day no matter how much she wished that she could.
“It’s not your fault, you know. Camellia-”
“Didn't make me swing the blade, didn't make me do anything.” Malara said, her voice full of self loathing. “She talked me into it because I truly believed in her. I should have seen the signs.”
“If even the Hand of the Inheritor did not sense the evil in her then how could you have?” She asked.
“Because I knew her longer. And I can think of so many little things that… that should have told me something wasn't right!” And that had been all she had been doing for the last two days, just thinking about all the little things that now screamed that she was a monster.
For Desna’s sake, she even knew about spells on how to hide one’s true nature from detection and had admitted as such before them!
Malara had never felt like such an idiot before.
All the bodies she was found with. The murderous glee with which she threw herself into battle.
The little comments she made about murder and slaughter.
“She murdered someone in camp, you know?” Malara blurted out “It was before we met, even before I got the message out to you.” Arueshalae nodded in understanding and offered a patient smile. “Gargoyles attacked the camp led by Nulkineth and made off with half the army.”
“I heard about that.” Arueshalae winced as she remembered the prison bars shaking as Darrazand raged and roared, destroying multiple buildings throughout the fortress and killing whatever demon came across his vision.
Many demons had hid in the prison till the army made it to the gates of Drezen itself as Darrazand went on his rampage across the city. “Darrazand wasnt happy that Minagho and Nulkineth lost their defense forces to the crusade.” Arueshalae said as the days leading up to her rescue danced through her mind.
“Yeah, Nurah led them to us with a fire…” Malara remembered the odd compulsions that led her to giving Nurah a chance to play a prank on Darrazand rather than… she didn't know, going to Anevia or something.
“Either way, in the chaos Lann and I came across Camellia hiding behind a wagon as the Gargoyles made off with whoever they could or killed those they couldn't.” Malara remembered that night well, and remembered the running fight up the slopes towards the horror show that was Lost Chapel. She didn't think she would ever forget that night.
“She had a dead body at her feet, Arue. At the time i thought it was a gargoyle that got him but…” But he hadnt been nearly mauled enough to be a gargoyle victim, and Camellia claimed she just ‘came across’ the poor bastard.
Desna, she felt like an idiot.
“When I went after mortals, I often targeted the virtuous.” Arueshalae squeezed her hand and she realized she had let that last thought slip out. “They never realized my true nature until I had already sunk my claws into their souls, sometimes literally. I targeted scholars from Absalom and priests of Iomedae, those who I saw as a challenge for pulling one over on them would make the desecration all the sweeter.”
Malara listened, holding onto Arueshalae’s hand like a lifeline as she listened to her lover describe what was honestly terrifying stuff.
“Malara, i know how Camellia works and how she thinks because it was how i was until Desna intervened.” She looked at Malara, making sure to catch the tiefling’s eyes. “Believe me when I say that nobody would have known what she was unless she wanted them to.”
“Anevia knew.”
Arueshalae winced, she had been hoping that Malara wouldn't bring that up. “Anevia is a spymaster whose job is to figure out stuff like this.”
“And yet I knew Camellia more than Anevia did and she figured out she was the murderer in a week.” Malara winced again in shame. “She murdered two people and i let her get away with it because-”
“She lied.” Arueshalae said firmly. “She lied and she had been lying since you met her most likely. The only person at fault for a lie is the liar.”
“And I should have been better!” Malara screamed, the hurt and the pain of what she'd done all falling together in that moment and needing to come out. “I'm the Knight Commander! I'm the head of the Free Crusaders! I’m supposed to be better than someone who falls for bullshit like hers!” Tears were falling from her eyes as she hunched in on herself.
Arueshalae swept in and gathered Malara in her arms, holding the tiefling woman as she wept. They sat there for what felt like hours, just holding one another as Arueshalae held the woman she loved in her arms.
It hurt to see her like this, hurt to hold her as she cried. Hurt to know that it was the explicit fault of someone.
Someone who had hurt what was hers. Who had the gall to dare defy her and attempt to ruin her Malara!
She would kill Camellia, she would kill her one day even if it took a hundred years. Arueshalae knew she should tamp down the demonic rage, should try and be better, but right now she felt too angry to care about that.
She would never tell Malara this, but she was going to murder the half elf. Hopefully, Malara would never find out.
The logistics behind how she would do this would be for another day though, for comforting her was more important than revenge. So Arueshalae put the thoughts aside and simply held her beloved, held her and tried her best to be as comforting as possible.
Finally, after so long, Malara’s tears dried and they came apart. Arueshalae knew what to say, knew what would work, and even though it would hurt it would hurt more to leave her like this.
“I lied to Dimalchio and led him into damnation with an endless supply of lies.” It hurt, to bring up her greatest mistake, but it didn't sting like it used to. After dealing with him in the Abyss… she would never be able to forgive herself for what she did but she had at least found closure.
“Arue, you don't need to talk about him if you don't want to.” Malara actually sat up now, wanting to stop the succubus from digging up that particular old hurt. It was proof that Arueshalae was on the right path.
“No, it's important.” She went on anyway, not wanting to stop now. “I lied as easily as breathing to him and caused him to do horrible things because of it. Is he to blame or am i?”
“No he’s not.” Malara said softly.
“I’m at fault, yes.” Arueshalae nodded. “What he did after I left is on him, but what he did due to my lies is on me. So why is he not at fault for falling for my lies but you’re at fault for falling for hers?”
She didn't know what to say, just sat there in thought while Arueshalae waited patiently.
“I killed innocent people, Arue.”
“I know.” She said softly. “She got me to kill innocent people.”
Somewhere in the far distance, the sun finally fully disappeared from the evening sky and the last light went away till morning. Like a wave, the many flowers and vines began to glow, shining pale blue light that bathed the room in a gentle glow as the flowers of elysium took on light to banish the dark of the evening.
The light bathed around Arueshalae and Malara would swear that it appeared as if she had a halo around her head. The reformed succubus looked down at her with such care in her eyes that she felt her breath be stolen away.
“Malara, I won't pretend that I know what you’re going through.” She said gently. “I've caused such feelings of betrayal and hurt before but never experienced them myself.”
She grabbed Malara’s hand in hers and held it to her chest. “You stumbled, that’s no one's fault but Camellia’s. It will never be anybody’s fault but hers.” She frowned and looked away before coming back to her. “ You helped me overcome my mistakes, helped me know what it means to be mortal.”
She offered a radiant smile to the tiefling. “I'll be here every step of the way to help you like you did me.”
“I love you.” The words slipped out of her mouth as she stared at Arueshalae, her eyes watering at the mere existence of this wonderful woman who held such love and care for her in her heart.
Arueshalae blushed. “I… I love you too, Malara.” she got up to leave, thinking her job was done.
“I’ll let you think on-”
“Wait.” Malara’s hand reached out to grab her own before she could leave. She looked back and Malara looked at her with such desperation in her eyes that it stopped her in her tracks.
“I… I can't be alone. Please…” She begged, hating the sheer need in her voice. She was close to breaking and she knew it. She truly was pathetic wasn’t she?
Before Malara could fall back into despair, a weight joined her on the bed and two arms wrapped around her. Arueshalae, bathed in the light of the glowing flowers around them, looked more like an Azata than Malara ever would.
From the small smile on the former succubus’ face paired with a blush, she may have said that out loud. Right now she didn't care.
“I'll be here for as long as you need me to be.” Arueshalae said gently, holding her so lovingly and kindly.
“Don't leave me, not now.” She begged. “Just… stay with me.”
Arueshalae kissed her. “I'll be here when you wake up. I won't go anywhere.”
She was glad, with Arue in her arms maybe… maybe she could… finally fall..
Malara slowly fell asleep, comforted by Arueshalae’s presence. Clinging to her desperately. Arueshalae smiled and tried to stay awake for as long as she could, watching over her dream as she slept.
But now that she was mortal, she needed rest like anyone else. And soon she too fell into a dream.
Arueshalae knew she was dreaming.
Her dream was special to her and she would hold onto it for the rest of her days, she would know it anywhere: A cozy cabin somewhere in the wilds with morning light shining through the windows, flowers hanging from the ceiling to give a pleasant aroma, a table packed with handmade food to share, and Malara sitting beside her with eyes full of such love that Arueshalae’s heart sang.
She knew her dream like the back of her hand, just as she knew that this was currently a nightmare.
Malara did not hold her hands with love in her eyes, instead she sat hunched over in her chair and stared at her with… fear. That hurt more than anything.
“I trusted her, you know?” She spoke casually, idly poking at the dream food with her fork. “I trusted her to stand by my side, to help me. She promised it was all for good, that it had a purpose.”
So far, it was going just like it had in the real world. Malara’s words were a perfect mimicry of reality. Soon, she would start tearing up over Horgus’s dead servants that that bitch had fooled Malara into killing.
But now things went astray, for instead of looking sad she looked wrathful as she stared Arueshalae down. “She led me into damnation because it was funny. Remind you of anyone?”
Two blackened and twisted hands, covered with criss-crossing wounds that dripped pus and poison from them landed on each of Malara’s shoulders. She felt her breath catch as she saw the horrifying figure behind her beloved. Golden hair filled with flowers and a bare chest studded with shining gemstones uncovered by a snow-white toga. All offset by a cruel grin and cold, dead eyes that glowed with malice
“She finally understands me, my venomous butterfly.” Dimalchio, the Azata she had led gladly into damnation, said with hideous glee. “She gets it now.”
Arueshalae flinched when Malara stared her down. The tiefling looked afraid of her which only made the fallen Azata laugh. Even after a century spent in the Abyss, he had had a pleasant laugh.
“How long do you think it will take for her, hmm? A month? Maybe a year or two? Me, i think it will only be half a week at most.” Dimalchio said casually, his cold and cruel eyes never leaving hers.
She didn't want to ask, she knew she would hate the answer, but she also needed it. “How long for what?”
“For her to leave you.”
“I get him now” Malara said, her voice so broken that even in this nightmare Arueshalae wanted to reach out and comfort her. “Camellia started my descent and now i'll always wonder when you'll finish me off.”
“The real Malara knows I'm not that person anymore.” she tried to say, but the words wouldn't leave her mouth. She didn't have one, her hands flying up to claw at the empty space where her mouth should have been.
“She’s already begun her journey.” Dimalchio said happily, petting Malara’s hair and slowly turning it golden as the ascendant Azata started to slowly resemble the fallen one. “A murder here, a massacre there, before long she’ll start to kill those who annoy her, and then just for the hell of it.”
“And then…” He rose, taller and taller until the cabin she had built turned to dust and the world around her resembled his abyssal mansion with him standing taller than Deskari himself. He looked down on her like she would look at an ant and laughed loud enough to shatter glass. “She’ll join me here.”
Malara now looked even more beautiful, she resembled the Azata she deserves to be and yet the same signs of abyssal poison were present in her as well: the ruined hands with venom dripping from them, the cold and hateful eyes, the subtle aura of demonic energy. Her horns looked sharper and had a burning crown between them as the tiefling woman leaned in and whispered.
“And it will be all your fault.”
Arueshalae woke with a gasp, the image of her beloved, fallen like Dimalchio, burned in her mind.
She still held Malara in her arms, the tiefling Azata’s wings lowered and still as she clung to Arueshalae like a lifeline. Here, asleep in her arms, the face of despair she'd worn since returning to the fortress city was gone at last and in its place was a look of comfort and contentment.
Arueshala wanted to run, to let go and move away from Malara so she wouldn't hurt her, couldn't ruin her like she did Dimalchio, couldn't bring her into darkness like that worthless scum beneath her heel that dared to hurt her beloved, hurt what was hers!
She forced down the demonic rage, something that even after overcoming her evil nature she would carry for the rest of her days. She forced it back down and focused back on her beloved.
Running, hiding, avoiding her to protect her… once, Arueshala would have done just that, would have thought that that was for the best.
“She finally understands me, my venomous butterfly.” Dimalchio said in her dream, his voice like a pleasant poison.
But your instincts did not control you and your thoughts did not matter so long as you did not act on them. Malara taught her that. What you do is important, more important than thought or instinct.
And Arueshalae would not run away, not now, not when her dream needed her.
Slowly, Arueshalae wrapped her wings around the tiefling woman, forming a blanket around them to hold Malara and bring her in tight.
Arueshala would not run, not now.
She would protect Malara, and would strive to ensure she became the Azata she deserved to be. If she stumbled and fell, Arueshalae would be there to pick her up. If she doubted, she would be there to reassure. She was not a venomous butterfly anymore.
She was Malara’s butterfly.
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rivilu · 5 months
#arueshalae's quest... Delicious#i love it when companion quests not only are amazing in their own right but also allow room for me to expand on the pc... good shit#context-> i been thinking#since elluin died and came back very very wrong via botched wild hunt hunt or something of the sort#(dont ask me details this is all vague hc i only have the wiki to go off of for lore )#just. where would his soul have landed if he had just died normally?#well. he's always been chaotic good. so#he should be at the club meme voice: he should be at elysium#something something the personification of the values Dimalchio abandoned staring him in the face#something about immortality granted through birth along with gifts unfathomable to mortals#versus immortality granted unwillingly. about the things one now considers trivial being what another was eternally barred from#something something envy something something rage#i cant wait to get here on azata path this is going to be JUICY to compare....#ellu and arue are such a good pair to think about friendship wise in general...#trust me im talking about him more but mostly because it's a first run and im still developing him in my mind#but like dude... guy whose morals are the only part of himself he even considers vaguely salvageable#(even though he actually doesnt consider himself good- fun fact)#paired with girl trying desperately to learn and understand morality and undo the damage she did#also the fact that a bunch of the things elluin says to her he mostly says with the intent of putting some responsibility on the corrupted#which she instead interprets as him trying to absolve her of responsibility ..#i juist love them!#love them so much. throwing them in the microwave#(then there's also the azata-blooded assimar-shaped elephant in the room but im going to refrain from talking about him#because we dont have time to unpack aaaall that)#riv finds the path that sure is wrathfully righteous#oc: elluin
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rannadylin · 1 year
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It will never cease to amuse me that the LOTRO writers just took a snippet of Old English from the opening lines of Beowulf and made it an NPC's name in Rohan... XD
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spyridonya · 2 years
Things that leave me breathless in a bad way.
Owlcat making Dimalchio positivity one of the most horrific NPCs they sling at you.
And yet, there are still people who go 'I feel kinda sorry for him'.
Yes, Arue's development as a character is hampered by making her the least offensive female love interest, and far more should have been done another the subject of her trying to redeem others but this does not change the fact Dimalchio is horrifically violent, vulgar, and toxic to her.
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dragonologist-phd · 6 months
thank you! i'll take this opportunity to ramble a bit about Love & War, particularly Cleo's arc on the demon path!
Director's Cut - Love & War
this whole fic was partially inspired by me enjoying the demon path much more than i thought i would- it was very fun to play Cleo's 'corruption' and subsequent 'redemption', especially when setting her up in interactions with Galfrey
Cleo has a lot of flaws to start with- her recklessness, her impulsiveness, her rage- but all those flaws come from her good traits- her protectiveness of people she cares about, her bravery, her sense of internal justice. it's those good traits that draw Galfrey to her, just as the bad ones get warped by the demon path and nearly drive them apart
and something i really wanted to do in the fic was really commit to how hurtful the demonic influence really was. there are some parts that hurt, and i wanted them to hurt- because if Cleo never really does anything "that bad", then the redemption feels too easy and simple, and i wanted the situation to be more complicated than that. there were some hard character choices, and i feel like just-starting-out-writing me would have softened some of them, but when writing this i wanted to challenge myself!
the demon choice with Irabeth was one i really wrestled over. i actually didn't take that action in the game itself (as i wasn't sure how that affected Irabeth's survival and i refuse to ever let her die) but for the fic i decided to go for it, it really shows the impact of the demonic influence combined with Cleo's rage:
“Beth!” Anevia was immediately at her wife’s side, inspecting the gash Cleo had left on her face as she shouted, “Commander, have you lost your mind?!” Cleo didn’t answer. She took a step back, her gaze drifting from her hand to Irabeth then back again, as if trying to piece together what had just happened. She was still shaking, but whether it was from anger or simple shock, Galfrey couldn’t tell.
and it shows how much the Crusades will tolerate, with people as desperate as they are for any advantage in the war. and they can justify it- at first, it even kind of cool. Cleo gets to go demon on her enemies, and its cool and badass because she's doing it to people who deserve it
but that's not sustainable! it's going to spill over to people who don't deserve it (Irabeth), or it's going to go way too far even against her enemies (Yozz):
“Did you know I didn’t kill Yozz?” Cleo interrupted. “I was gonna. It would have been kinder. Then…I didn’t. I did so much worse. I beat him to a pulp, Arueshalae, a literal pulp!” Her pulse spiked angrily just at the memory, and she growled in frustration. “Look, Arueshalae- you’ve gotten better, and that’s amazing. But maybe it is too late for some people. Maybe you should just focus on yourself and stop wasting your time on people like me and Dimalchio.”
and her arc is about coming to this realization that she's been indulging in the worst parts of herself and deciding to fight back against that- and it's about the fact that she can, that there's no 'too late to turn back' point. it might be hard, but it's always possible- and that's the kind of things that make redemption arcs compelling to me!
(its also what i love about arueshalae's arc, but that's another post lol)
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
(if you got the previous ask no you didn't :'D)
talk about Aru 4 Vikkari?
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I see I am surrounded by people of taste <33 He's all too happy to oblige. take two bc tumblr is DUMB
"Talk about Arue?" Vikkari's face visibly brightens, his eyes glowing. "My favorite topic. (The dragon curled up next to him huffs and he grins as he pats her flank. "You're a close second, Aivu.") Arueshalae is... amazing. Seelah says I'm biased, and maybe she's right, but it's still true.
"Right from the start, that she'd outright rejected her demonic nature and was working to atone? Even knowing how hard it would be, and how long she'd have to work, and that redemption might not even be possible? The courage and will that took to not only start but stick to it is incredible. Demons branded her a traitor, the Crusaders branded her a liar and manipulator and she knew there was a very real possibility no one would ever trust her but she did it anyway because it was the right thing to do."
He shakes his head, a faintly awestruck look on his face. "And then she stayed in the demon army, surrounded by danger and temptation and reminders of who she'd been, to act as spy and pass information to the crusade and saved gods only know how many lives, because it was the right thing to do. And she wants to do the right thing, no matter how hard it is, no matter what it costs her, simply because it's right, and I... that's just... amazing.
"She admitted to her deception at Greengates because it was right, even knowing we might send her away or not trust her. She tried to save--or at least apologize to--Dimalchio, because it was right, even though he'd been tormenting her, even though it hurt her to see him and be reminded what she'd done. She's never tried to hide from or deny the wrongs she done, rather does her best to fix them when she can. She'd done that to him, she'd corrupted him, and she faced that down to try and make it right, and I just... can't imagine the strength that took. She tore down her borrowed dream and waited to build her own" --a smile curves his lips-- "even though it hurt to sacrifice that achievement because it wasn't hers, she needed to do it the right way, have her own dreams, not ones stolen from others.
"I don't think I've ever been prouder of anyone in my life than watching her turn down every chance the Abyss offered to slide back to her old ways, be good and kind and try to help even when it spat on her efforts." His finger absently circles a small burn scar on the back of the opposite hand. "Because that's who she had decided to be. Someone good. Someone kind. Regardless of how people or anyone else treated her as a result. Even if it was antithetical to her nature. Even if she struggled.
"And she is. She is one of the kindest, sweetest, most amazing people I've ever met." A small laugh escapes at the irony of saying that about a former succubus. "The way she finds joy in helping others, in the simple things... I'm so proud of her, so honored to know her, that she... trusts me as I trust her." He runs a hand down his face, clears his throat. "Her determination and kindness are... humbling. However much help she claims I gave her in her quest for redemption, know she did at least three times as much of the work herself. She is... amazing." There's a catch in his voice as he concludes,
"Her love is a gift that I treasure every day, and she is my happy ending."
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fluorescentbrains · 2 years
this dimalchio guy... arue babe i don’t think this one is on you
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dragonologist-phd · 1 year
Relationship asks for Piper and Arueshalae: 9, 14, 25?
thank you!
9. What’s the most difficult thing they’ve been through together?
Just everything in the Abyss. It was a horror show for them both- Piper felt like all the good she'd been trying to do suddenly never mattered, and how she was being thrown to the demons all because she'd reached higher than she was meant to. She had to deal with getting captured and manipulated and used as a pawn. And then of course Arue was having to face her past more than ever before, and she had the disastrous confrontation with Dimalchio.
It was all a very rough time for them both. But being able to turn to each other for quiet, stolen moments of support and hope did a lot to help them pull through.
14. How would they describe one another if asked?
Arue: "Oh, Piper is wonderful! She's brought so much joy to my life- to everyone's lives, really. Everywhere she goes, she finds a way to make things brighter. Even though she doesn't always seem to realize it. Words can't express how happy I am to have her in my life."
Piper: "Arueshalae is truly one of the most inspiring people I've ever met. She's done so much to forge her own path- and that's not an easy thing at all. She's much stronger than many give her credit for. And yet, she still has the kindest of souls. We've been through a lot together, and I'm a better person for loving her."
25. Pick a physical attribute that they love about each other.
Answered here!
relationships asks
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rannadylin · 2 years
Okay. So. I’m playing Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous now, and I’m on Arueshelae’s quest with Dimalchio, and...
Do I smell a bit of Petronian inspiration going on here? :-D
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