#dimentio Nintendo
skulls-soul · 4 months
My dumb stupid “ homework” is done and my job/employment is safe (for now) so why not I give y’all another dimigi idea (dimentio x luigi)
OK this is kind of the same set up as last time in where Luigi, Mario peach and Bowser just finished saving the universe but instead of it being that night he saw dimentio in his dream’s, it took a week for Luigi to hear him in his head
When this first happened, Luigi was scared shitless! at home all alone with Mario not coming back until late in the afternoon the next day!! Which was in hindsight a good thing since it gave him at least a little bit of time to get used to the voice while Mario was not around (that and to make sure he’s not crazy)
That means that once again he doesn’t tell Mario about what’s going on. He doesn’t want to worry him because he saved the universe last week.. (smh)  Mario still saw him jump every once in a while, but it’s small enough, in where Luigi can just pass it off as something silly
With that being said if I heard the voice of a villain, that mind controlled me to help him succeed in destroying the universe in my head saying “ how long does it take to style a tiny fuzzy mustache?”  I would jump Yelp and spin around, using my comb as a weapon too!
He wouldn’t really be able to pass it off as something silly at such a loud yelp
 Ever since that first time dimentio spoke he’s been putting his input on things luigi does in his day to day. At first it was just insults and jabs with an occasional question that isn’t so politely placed. Although, at some point that change to occasional genuine question
And it’s because Luigi always answered his questions, no matter how rudely placed, and when he got his answers, he was fascinated by Luigi’s description of the world and it also got him curious on the green fellow himself
Up the point where he started asking personal questions. When he first did so, it genuinely startled Luigi but for different reasons instead of it just being due to the sudden voice. But just like with any other question, the jester asked Luigi gave him a genuine answer. 
“ what is your favorite place in the entirety of the mushroom kingdom?” dimentio asked as Luigi walked down the woodsy path to his and Mario’s house
….. “the casino” Luigi answered hesitantly, his gaze focused on the ground.
It was dimentio’s turn to be surprised causing a laugh out of the jester,leaving luigi feeling warm
at some point, it became less and less questions about the world and more about Luigi
And At some point along Luigis adventure of getting the disembodied voice out of his head, he became well acquainted with said voice although one day they burst out into an argument (Demento said something about his mustache) so when Mario came into the bathroom with a Weegee screaming at his reflection… you can say that he was concerned
And when Luigi explained to him that the split smiled Villain is talking to him in his head…that it didn’t help with his concerns
In fact it did the exact opposite…
Aaand now he’s in peach’s castle with the two worrying over him…then Bowser joined cuz OF COURSE it’s game night so not only Bowser is here but his best friend Daisy, waluigi and wario were there…it was hectic to say the least
So much so that he had to leave the room to get some air
Dimentio was worried in which surprised him because he never thought that he would ever feel worried for the plumber and yet here he is
He didn’t say anything though, not until Luigi’s heart slowed down it was a simple question. “are you ok?” 
“Oh Um..ya just not used to being the center of attention hehe”
“Hmm well they were being loud and annoying so I did book it out of there too”
 if Luigis Giggle did something to dimentio’s brain that is for him to know and him to know only. “their just concerned… well half of them are” luigi says
“Well I think they should have a bit more faith in you after all you were quite a foe”
Luigi pouts to that yet thanks him nonetheless.
“So what do u plan on doing?” dimentio asked
“Mama Mia I have no clue”
“I think you should march back in there and give them a peace of your mind”
“Hehe….you know what your right!”
“I’m right? I mean obviously but you usually don’t go with my ideas”
“ I am going to kindly give them a piece of my mind”
“Of course” Demento really shouldn’t be surprised but he’s happy nonetheless that Luigi is taking his advice and so with that all being said and done, Luigi stands up and tells the group that they should continue with game night as per usual so he can show them all that he is fine (at least physically)
And so they do
Aaaaaand this post is too long so I’m gonna leave it here and make other posts about these two in this scenario. Sense frankly I have too many ideas 
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snuffydoo · 9 months
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pixie-yuni · 29 days
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Silly Clowns 🤡🎪
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goofybandit · 2 months
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Babysitter Dimentio!
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nicoo-o-o · 1 month
Uhh yea I’ve had this account for YEARS BUT I SHOULD FINALLY START TO POST. Especially with TikTok getting banned soon lolll BUT IM EXCITED TO START POSTING HEREEE :) I made this for SPM’s anniversary!!
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captainrob5371 · 2 months
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I like Dimentio
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uroad7 · 4 months
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"Let's go to hell" by Uroad7
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the-brucest-fan · 3 months
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And here's a very special gift for this very special occasion 😄✨
I tried my best to make Luigi's hair as fluffy as you draw it, Jell-o, and of course, I had to use one of your beautiful color palettes for this 🎨💕
This was also my very first time ever drawing Dimentio, and let me tell you I will definitely do it again 💜💙💛
Happy Birthday!! 🎂🥳💕 At least I got to finish it before the day ended, hehe 😅😜
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ghostishere0 · 9 months
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→Here to see part 2
really love their interaction daily, everyone is just so cute!
Although the brothers become enemies,but who says Mr.L period is not a short and beautiful dream for paper Luigi?
Paper Luigi finally dared to express himself, and could summon the courage to challenge paper Mario.There are even friends who can sit on the same level and play with him,instead of having to face an empty house day after day, begging over and over again for the return of his only brother as an irrelevant person.
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ooftale · 3 months
Hiii I made Dimentio's First Dimension D battle in the undertale battle system as well!! Yes I did copy/paste and modify some things from the old Mimi drawing but bare with me I didn't have the patience to do it all again 😔
Apart from the text in the text-box being a little too small methinks, I think it's good enough!!
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meowthplushie · 4 months
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all of the human-y dimentio art i've done the past couple years (with added little dimentio + sister from my hc's for his past)
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kipowolfton · 5 months
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he put Mr.L in the time-out cube
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snuffydoo · 8 months
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mizukibrumi · 6 months
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i drew this to cope after getting scammed by a bootleg spm disc :’(
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loki-valeska · 8 months
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Castle Bleck 3, Dimentio.
I'm very happy with how this one turned out. I wanted to try giving it a Manga look, which I think turned out really well. Especially with the singular pop of yellow for his eye.  This piece is based off the section before the actual fight with Dimentio, where you have to navigate a hall of mirrors and Dimentio duplicates. So I went with a broken mirror effect. 
Getting close to finished with these! Just 3 more to do after this one. 
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rattlebear25 · 4 days
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Almost finished… I have to fix some things.
(He’s surrounded by Phantos because i headcanon Dimentio as the King of Phantos from SMB2)
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