#dimileth zine
underwaterrain · 11 months
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June & December of the Dimileth Year calendar
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dimileth-wwditm · 1 year
Introducing Dimileth: WWDITM's Contributors
Dimileth: WWDITM's nighttime sentinels! They vow to see you through this maze of shadows and mercurial moonlight 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘭𝘺 unscathed.
There's no fun delving into the dark without a little danger after all… Fear not! We're all in good hands… 🌙💚💙
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faedimilethzine · 2 years
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Sharing a few pages of our zine as we await the arrival of all the printed copies. Thank you for your patience, we will keep the updates on this blog from here on due to the troubles on twitter.
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snackcraving · 2 years
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My pieces for dimileth seasons zine and calendar that I'm finally able to share :) Some of these artworks are based on stories that are written wonderfully by the writers that you can fully read in the zine including full pieces and better resolution👀
Get the zine now for free until March 31st
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purple-paws · 1 year
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I realized I never took the opportunity to upload my completed piece for "To Have & To Hold", the Fodlan Wedding Charity Anthology!
I drew a lot of inspiration from Hiccup and Astrid's wedding in HTTYD 3 for the costumes, and the castles were referenced heavily from photographs. (Huge thank you to Mod Saphi for providing the references! You were a huge lifesaver!)
I need to replay Three Houses soon. ;-;
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agre-sora · 1 year
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"I've set my sights higher."
Happy Birthday Byleth/s! ❤️‍🔥 Finally here's the cover I made for the NSFW part from Fairytale zine. I based it on Alice across the mirror and Narcissus with topics of two different routes so differences between Byleths constrast better. Hope you like ii! 🖤
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polygon-draws · 2 years
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Dimitri/f!Byleth -  Desperately in Love + Mesmerize my Heart: Dimileth Zine
Finally able to post my entire work for @fdimilethzine. This was such a fun zine to work on, kudos to all the Mods and participants for making it happen! 
The inspiration behind this piece is sth close to home for me: Vietnamese street café. A simple yet so much fun way to spend for date, hehe [wink wink]
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mdimilethzine · 1 year
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💙 Zine Reveal! 💚
Thanks so much for waiting! The website for Star in His Eye: an M!Dimileth zine is now open to the public. Let's join Dimitri and Byleth in their travels to different places and histories~ 🧳🛫
link to the website and downloadble pdf and freebies here!!
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magicalsketchy · 1 year
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This was an experimental Dimileth Illustration as well as a redraw of an old sketch. I wanted to see if it was faster to do a lineless illust where I blocked in the shapes, and the answer is... Not Really, it's about the same. It just has a different look.
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fdimilethzine · 1 year
Hi, everyone. We have an unfortunate announcement to make.
A lot has been going on behind the scenes for a while now. The status of our former finance & shipping Mod, Soulimagines, is currently unknown. She is also the one that is holding all the money from pre-orders. We are currently taking steps to exhaust all means of communication in an attempt to contact her.
As our issue involves finances, we may not be able to keep you updated about the situation until it's been resolved. While I cannot divulge everything, for transparency's sake I do want to share our current situation as well as the things I found out when Soulimagines finally filled out the finance sheet on Dec. 29th - Jan. 2nd(Our last reply from her).
I've written it in this Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FRb4ay-Yr3ASNAKqjeHenuvz-PKTV-VEZ9kh-QQXc5s/edit?usp=sharing… It explains why some of the pre-orders may have taken so long to ship out aside from the reasons we were told. I do sincerely apologize and I'm very thankful to everyone who was patient with us. I know it was frustrating for many supporters. It was frustrating for us as well when we weren't able to give you accurate updates because we just didn't have the information
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ariadrawsbeyond · 1 year
A Promise in Time
My pieces for the M! Dimileth Zine! It was an honor with everyone in this Zine. Special thank you to @spoiledmantou, Also known as Minced, for creating the beautiful art piece for my story! 
Please check out the zine on @mdimilethzine​ on Twitter! 
Story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46613053
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dimileth-wwditm · 1 year
Introducing... What We Do In The Moonlight
Behold! The stars offer some insight into the debauchery to come! ✨
What We Do In the Moonlight will be a FREE NSFW digital zine, featuring 30~ m!Dimileth and f!Dimileth artists, writers, as well as digital merch. 💙💚
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Additional links and info available in the header and sidebar.
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faedimilethzine · 1 year
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Hello everyone, excellent news! Books have finally arrived, and everything appears to have turned out well ✨
Due to the amount of time that has passed, we’re aware that some people might have changed their address, so if that’s the case I would like to ask you guys to fill out this form to make sure the package gets sent to you correctly https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf5OEZdYi0DhIvRTGf6x-EYSAfvfGHAERxV0kVS12BCuAR1VQ/viewform
Thank you all so much for all your patience. I will keep the form open for a couple of weeks and start shipping these as soon as possible 💙💚
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myrhhi · 1 year
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late posting bc i am bad at organising things but here’s my pieces for the M!Dimileth zine!! one is the artwork above, the other is a fic (which you can find here) and these cute little bookmarks (which you can download here)!!
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agre-sora · 2 years
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As their bodies adjusted to the water neither said a word. Instead the two lovers observed the peaceful scene around them.
This is the piece matching with the lovely fic of @saint_fanta, we were assigned june for @DimilethSeasons, and I couldn't be happier than doing something for LGBT month haha.
Our pice is bassed on midsommar traditions, celebrating summer solstice and the longest day of the year, also considered a magical night.
It's a free zine with amazing ilustrations, so let us accompany you next year too! Here it's the dowload link for easy.
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wilberia · 1 year
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Perfect spring picnic 🌸
Illustration for Dimileth calendar zine
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