#din djarin soulmates au
chiriwritesstuff · 11 months
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Din, Grogu & Starshine at Maria’s Curiosity & Books, Halloween 2023
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din djarin x female!reader
warnings: language, mild self loathing, mentions of the slave trade
word count: 3,679
Summary: It was like fate or destiny had planned from the beginning for you to be on the run from the law. With the words 'I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold’ adorning your rib cage you always wondered what was worse: Knowing you were bound to being wanted or realizing your soulmate was a cursed bounty hunter. You had a mission to finish and no bounty hunter, soulmate or not, was going to stop you.
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a/n: The soulmate!AU won the poll (sort of, i know there's 8hrs left but i don't foresee the other competitors having an underdog moment here)! Happy 500/1000 followers celebration!! I'm thinking this will be less than 10 chapters, but it def will be more than the 3 I promised. B/c despite knowing I have no self control and learning from that I continue to make the same mistakes smh. Drabble ideas always turn into full length stories in my dumb head🤡 but I'm excited for this one.
"a soulmate isn't someone who completes you. no, a soulmate is someone who inspires you to complete yourself. a soulmate is someone who loves you with so much conviction, and so much heart, that it is nearly impossible to doubt just how capable you are of becoming exactly who you have always wanted to be." ⏤ b.s.
You weren’t sure what was worse: knowing for most of your life that you were destined for a life on the run, or knowing that the universe deemed your soulmate to be a bounty hunter. It was some cruel twist of fate, you supposed. The galaxy was bored and decided to entertain itself by creating the most ironic coupling of all time. Honestly, if you weren’t one half of the said coupling you’d probably find it funny.
The cantina you sat in was like any of the other thousand you had sat in before. Messy, loud, and filled with people you had no desire to speak to. This one was especially worse because it was situated in Cratertown on Jakku of all places. It was a scud cantina in a scud city on a scud planet. The only reason you were still here was because you were desperate⏤ desperately searching the entire galaxy for a person who may or may not exist. You just wished this mysterious figure hadn’t picked cantinas as their signature hideaway spot.
You tapped the table twice, and the server passed by to fill your drink once more. You shot them a grateful smile and thanked them. Despite having barely any credits left in your pocket, you’d have to leave the server a hefty tip. You’d been here hours now, and he had put up with you the entire time. With a grumble of annoyance, you pulled a crumpled paper out of your jacket’s inner pocket and began to scratch out the last cantina on this damned planet. Bad news, this was a bust. Good news, you’d never have to step foot on Jakku again. 
“I can bring you in warm,” A voice spoke from behind you, “or I can bring you in cold.”
There they were. The words imprinted on your left rib cage since you turned thirteen. 
If this wasn’t your twentieth time hearing it then you might be impressed.
You slowly turned in your chair, hands raised, and stood. Now, you faced the Trandoshan bounty hunter holding you at blaster point. He chuckled as if he had already won. You shook your head, feigning disappointment, “Would you really arrest your soulmate?”
The Trandoshan narrowed his eyes at you in confusion. “What?”
“Well,” You shrugged, “It’s bound to work and get me out of a mess one day.”
You kicked the chair forward causing it to slam into the bounty hunter’s legs. He stumbled, grunting in pain, and you grabbed his hand to twist the blaster in a direction that wasn’t your face. He tried to reach out to hit you with his other hand. Before he could land a blow, you tucked your boot under the chair and kicked it up so it slammed into the Trandoshan’s jaw. He fell back, the blaster coming loose in his hand so you could snatch it away, and then it was you holding him at blaster point. 
“First off, you bounty hunters need to get more creative with your opening line.” You said. The bounty hunter growled and began to sit up. “Second, I’ll give you only one opportunity to walk away with your life. It’s your choice⏤” He jumped up to lunge at you, and without blinking you fired his blaster into his chest three times. When his body lay on the cantina floor, twitching, you sighed and tossed the blaster to the ground. “You literally didn’t even let me finish my offer, you ass.”
You glanced around, dusting off your hands, and realized the entire cantina was staring at you. With an awkward chuckle, you raised a hand and offered a sheepish smile. “My bad. Sorry.”
Knowing it was past time for you to get the kriff out of here, you bent over and rifled through the Trandoshan’s jacket. You found the holopuck and rapidly blinking tracking fob⏤ tossing both into your pockets. Then you rose only to kneel down again and steal the man’s credits. You threw the entire bag of coins onto the table you were sitting at and waved at your server who stood behind the bar with wide eyes. It’s not like the bounty hunter needed them anymore.
Hopefully, you’d be done fighting bounty hunters for the night. As you stepped out into the chilly, desert night air you paused to scoop the tracking fob out. The holopuck you would keep to add to your growing collection, but the fob was better off destroyed. You slammed it into the side of the cantina and let the broken pieces fall into the sand.
Maybe the galaxy had actually done you a favor. You stopped believing in the magic of soulmates a long, long time ago. So fate choosing to make your supposed soulmate the worst kind of being who floated around the universe was the best deterrent you could think of.
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Din Djarin wasn’t sure what was worse: knowing for most of his life that his soulmate was going to be a criminal of some kind, or knowing that it was going to be his job to bring you in. If he really thought about it, took the time to write out a pros and cons list, then he’d have to choose the former rather than the latter. Din didn’t like thinking about it for very long though because the thought that fate deemed him the kind of person only worthy of love from someone who had done something to make them deserving of a bounty was a bit depressing. For the longest time, Din liked to pretend that maybe it was all some kind of misunderstanding. Maybe you were an Empire bounty and the reason you were wanted was because you fought against some Imps. It wasn’t a solid theory because he had only picked up a bounty for the Empire once and it had been Grogu’s. Din didn’t plan on picking up an Empire bounty ever again⏤ not that they’d want him to considering his history with Moff Gideon and the absolute pain he’s caused them since finding Grogu. 
That didn’t leave Din with many better options.
For the longest time, Din had been nervous before a hunt. What if this was the time he ran into the person fate chose for him? After a while, he grew a bit numb to it. Hardened. The longer he worked as a bounty hunter the more okay he was with being on his own. The thought of having to care for a soulmate exhausted him. Din started to hope he’d find you just so he could be rid of the entire situation. After Grogu came into his life, he realized what a lonely existence he had backed himself into. Things changed then, but having a foundling⏤ having a clan⏤ was more than he had ever hoped for in life.
Now, Din just ignored the words carved into the skin overlying his left rib cage.
“Patu.” Grogu cooed from the satchel hanging from his shoulder. Din glanced down to see the little boy trying to wiggle out to reach for a stand where a merchant was grilling some kind of meat. Din chuckled and paused long enough to buy two sticks. Grogu chirped happily when he handed both to the boy, and then he kept on his way.
Nevarro had certainly improved since the shoot out with Moff Gideon ages ago, and according to Karga it was only supposed to get better. Speaking of, he finally spotted the man standing in a plaza where⏤ Din paused and tilted his head. Even Grogu stopped eating to stare up at the statue. IG-11 was coated in bronze and stood tall in the middle of the plaza like decor.
“Ih.” Grogu chirped.
“Huh.” Din added. This was a new addition to Nevarro.
“Mando!” Karga cheered and he turned to greet the man who was dressed in ornamental robes. Din smirked to himself. It was good to see the power hadn’t gone to Karga’s head. “Welcome!” When Karga was close enough he held an arm out and Din didn't hesitate to clap his arm in a shake for greeting. “What brings you here?” Din didn’t respond and just tilted his head. “Right. Of course. How about we… handle these matters inside?”
Din motioned for the man to lead the way then followed. The building Karga led him into was just as ornamental and fancy as the robes he wore. Din once again had to resist the urge to laugh under his breath. They went all the way up to what he was assuming was Karga’s office.
“This is nice.” Din nodded.
“It is, isn’t it?” Karga dropped into his desk chair with arms outstretched. Din stayed silent and Karga’s grin and arms both fell. “You’re mocking me, aren’t you?”
 Din shook his head, glad to have his helmet covering his wide grin and keeping his tone dry, “Mocking the Magistrate of Nevarro is beneath me.”
“High Magistrate.”
“Mhmm.” Karga waved his simple response away and dug through a drawer to find a few holopucks.
Din nodded toward them. “So, is it normal for the High Magistrate to still dabble in guild work?”
Karga shuffled through them. “Only sometimes, and only for my favorite hunters.” 
“Well, in that case, I’ll take the one that pays the most.”
“You always do.” Karga picked one puck out of the masses and activated it. A woman’s picture appeared and Din’s first thought was that you were pretty⏤ beautiful even. The High Magistrate said your name and Din wondered if he had heard it before. Something about it felt… familiar? No, that wasn’t it. Din shook his head. It hardly mattered. “She’s a tricky one, I should warn you. Many hunters have tried and failed, Mando. She works in the slave trade.”
Din huffed. That was proof that a pretty face wasn’t everything. No amount of good looks could wash away the sins of someone dealing in flesh. If Din had to pick a flavor of quarry he hated the most, it would be this kind.
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The sound of laughter followed you down the ship’s ramp as you trailed out with a smile. The Mon Calamari crew you had managed to hitch a ride with gave you a hearty farewell, and when your feet hit the landing pad you spun to point at them with a smile of your own.
“Thanks for the ride, you guys! Stay safe, and keep Horchobua away from the spotchka,” You teased the navigator of the ship’s crew, “He was one bad round of sabacc away from owing me his first born.”
Another rowdy laugh from the crew, and the captain called back, “Stay out of trouble!”
“I always try!” You replied. It just never seemed to work.
The stars had aligned and luck was in your favor when you left Jakku. Circumstances that had startled you as it was far from the norm in your case. You had been able to get a lift from Jakku to Bespin. The city in the clouds that the Mon Calamari crew had dropped you off on was gorgeous. Though maybe you were that much more impressed since you were coming from a shitty desert world that made Tatooine look clean.
You readjusted the small cross body bag you wore over your jacket. The triangular shaped bag held literally everything you owned. A spare set of clothes, a cloth bag filled with a dozen holopucks, a datapad that only held a simple map on it, some toiletries, and a small, silver jewelry box you couldn’t get open. Everything else you owned was on your person. A simple, worn down shirt and pants that had seen better days. A thick jacket that you were able to strip on and off based on the weather⏤ though you usually kept it on since the back and arms had some armored padding. Boots that were close to falling off your feet from use. A metal dagger strapped to your right thigh, and a weapon tucked away into a shoulder holster under your jacket that you never used. It was a simple existence, but you didn’t mind it. Growing up with absolutely nothing to call your own, this was actually an example of you thriving. 
Over the last seven months, you had gotten very good at sniffing out cantinas. It was a gift. Some people could sing, some could paint, you could be dropped off into any city in the galaxy and you’d be able to find a cantina in under half an hour. It was a bit of an old talent to claim, but you’d take what you could get. When you stepped into the cantina, eyes drifted to stare at you. Unbothered by the attention, you winked at the closet patron and pressed in further. 
At the bar, you claimed the attention of the Twi’lek working today and ordered a drink. While he poured it, you leaned forward. “I’m looking for someone. A man named Reaper.” 
The bartender set your drink in front of you. His eyes darted to your neck before darting back up to your eyes. He shook his head. “No.” You tossed the right amount of credits on the bar along with a small tip. Before you could walk away, the Twi’lek stopped you. “Hey, that it?”
Rather than cause a scene, you tossed a few more credits on the bar and wandered away while the Twi’lek muttered in his native tongue behind you. You dropped down at a table in the back of the room which would give you a clear view of the entire space. Absentmindedly, your hand lifted to brush against the band of solid gold wrapped around your neck. Anytime people saw it they assumed you had more credits than you actually did. That wasn’t even the part that bothered you most. What you hated was the fact that the attention it drew made it very hard for you to forget about it.
You took a large swig of your drink and then leaned back in your seat to wait. The information you had included three facts. The informant you needed to find was called 'Reaper' which you personally thought was obnoxious. He was hiding away in a cantina every day for the same amount of hours waiting for customers. And, he would only offer you the information you wanted in exchange for information of equal value. You had the right kind of tip to trade, now you just needed to find the bastard.
For the first couple of hours, you just sipped on your drinks and people watched. It was how you killed time while in these cantinas waiting for a person who might not ever come. Right now, the bartender was hitting on a human woman who had absolutely no desire to reciprocate the action. Two Rhodians sat at the table beside you gossiping about work. The back booth had a Wookie, who you initially was concerned would be after you, but a Trandoshan had joined them and their interaction had all their attention on one another. Most, if not all, the patrons of this cantina were of the upstanding citizenship kind. The exact opposite of Jakku. In fact, you were the only armed person in the room. 
It was during that third hour that a new face wandered into the room. Though, calling this stranger a new face seemed redundant considering the helmet he wore left him faceless. A thrill went down your spine at the sight of him. Wow. Mandalorian. You had met a man in Tatooine who wore Mandalorian armor, but he told you it didn’t belong to him so you assumed that didn’t count.
This man was covered head to toe in polished, silver beskar armor. Seeing the rare metal made you realize why it was valuable. A cloak, shredded and torn at it’s end, hung from around his neck and you clocked every weapon you saw. Blaster on his hip. Incendiary grenades on his belt. Rifle shells on the bandolier across his chest and around his right calf⏤ though you saw no rifle. Vambrace with no visible weapon, but you’d garner a guess it hid one. Floating in behind him was a circular egg shaped pram. It was closed and you wondered what kind of dangerous tool he hid away in there.
The darkened, t-shape visor scanned the room and you realized it stopped right on you. What were the chances this dangerous looking Mandalorian, who wore a pair of binders on his belt next to the grenades, wasn’t here for you? 
You hadn’t been the only one to stop and stare at this towering man, and eyes seemed to follow him as he slowly crossed the room. Honestly, you were a bit insulted. He wasn’t even trying to be subtle. Did he think so little of you as a quarry? You knew you had a reputation. You had killed and escaped enough hunters to earn one. Yet, this bounty hunter didn’t hesitate while walking through a crowded room to arrest you. The absolute gall of this shiny Mandalorian.
He stopped right in front of your table⏤ a silent statue. You shifted on the bar stool and sat forward so your back wasn’t pressed against the wooden backing and the balls of your feet were planted on the floor. Your hand lifted out to your glass, and the Mandalorian reached for his blaster at the same time. You raised an eyebrow in question while slowly bringing the drink to your lips. As much as this last drink had cost you, you weren’t about to let a drop go to waste. The Mandalorian continued to stand stiff as his hand rested on his still holstered blaster.
Then came the words.
“I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold.” 
The Mandalorian’s hoarse voice drifted through a modulator and you felt the hairs at the back of your neck rise in response. It was silly what this man’s voice alone had done. A whisper at the back of your mind said this was different. This was not the same as every other encounter you had with those words. Your stomach churned nervously. Fear clawing its way up into your chest. Please, no. Maker, no, no. Not now. Don’t let this be the moment. 
“Would you really arrest your soulmate?” You replied, and you hated how the words came out hushed and quiet rather than confident and bold like you usually said them. The Mandalorian didn’t flinch. He didn’t do anything. The fear began to diminish and you let out a sigh of relief. Thank the Maker. He wasn’t your soulmate⏤ he was just an intimidating Mandalorian with a very attractive voice. You knew how to deal with that. Pasting a smirk on your lips, you shrugged. “You scared me for a second there, Mandalorian.”
You shoved the table forward, as hard as you could, while leaping up. It slammed into the man’s abdomen right below where his beskar chest plate provided protection. A grunt of pain left him as he doubled over, and you quickly grabbed the bar stool you sat on and swung it around to hit the Mandalorian. It made contact with his shoulder’s pauldron and helmet. The bar stool exploded into shards of wood⏤ losing it’s battle against the beskar⏤ but it succeeded in knocking the man to the ground. Without missing a beat, you sprinted for the door and then out into the night air. Based on that interaction, Mandalorians weren’t nearly as tough as the rumors stated, but, unlike him, you weren’t going to underestimate your opponent.
You didn’t slow your pace, slipping in and out of darkened alleys, and breathed a sigh of relief.
That had been close.
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The pram floated closer, doors open, and Grogu leaned out to stare down at him in question, “Buir?”
Din laid on his back staring up at the ceiling in shock. ‘Would you really arrest your soulmate?’ Dank farrik. Shit. He let every single other curse word he knew ring through his mind and still it wasn’t enough. Soulmate. He found his soulmate. Din had a bad feeling the moment he stepped into the cantina and spotted you sitting at a table alone. The bounty puck didn’t do you justice, and Din had felt drawn in by your magnetic gaze. It only got worse when he got closer. He should’ve taken that as a hint and left⏤ called Karga from hyperspace and let the man know that he was turning down the bounty.
But, no. Din made the egregious mistake of speaking to you, and his punishment had been your timid response. Your voice was quiet, and it felt like a soft caress. An intimate whisper. In moments of weakness, he always wondered what those words would sound like, but he never imagined what fate actually gave him. Din had been starstruck. Face bright red in warmth yet frozen in disbelief as his mind reeled for an answer. 
You spoke once more, this time voice filled with confidence that matched the smirk you suddenly adorned, and before he could even register your words you were attacking him. If anybody Din knew had seen the fight⏤ if it could even be called that⏤ he’d have to hang up his armor and die in shame. It was embarrassing how easily you bested him with a table and bar stool, and if you hadn’t caught him so off guard it never would've happened. 
Grogu had hopped out of his pram and now stood on Din’s chest so his small, green hand could repeatedly pat his helmet in question. Technically, his son had seen that display, and for the first time he was glad Grogu wasn’t fluent in Basic.
“Yeah, ad’ika.” Din groaned. “I’m okay.”
He rolled to sit up and realized the entire room was still staring at him. Din rose stiffly and set Grogu back into his pram. Awkwardly, he gave the room a small wave and cleared his throat. “Sorry.” For good measure, he tossed a few credits on the table that had knocked the wind from him and made his leave. Din paused outside the cantina and opened his mouth to heave an annoyed sigh, a curse slipped out with it, “Dank farrik.”
Din Djarin had found his soulmate.
Well, fuck.
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mando'a translations:
ad'ika: little one /// buir: parent (father)
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taglist: @onceinamando @hrtsforpascal @lil-dragon-draws @harriedandharassed @aheadfullofsteverogers @elfamosotoga @the-anchored-sailor-girl
(i've decided to start a separate list for this story b/c i just can't bring myself to post the AFS taglist in fear that someone on there doesn't want me spamming them with this story sorry i have anxiety lol)
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[next chapter]
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mccn-bcys · 9 months
thank you for the tag @spacecowboyhotch ❤️ rules: Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍
1. Just A Touch Of Your Hand
this fic is actually my first multi-part fic. it didn't start out meaning to be multi part but it is and I'm actually very proud of it. it's angst but also so fluffy and I love it.
2. First Date
my first javi peña fic. I love this one a lot actually. it took me literal months trying to get it just right. I adore nervous javi and I wanted to showcase him.
3. Final Arcade Token
I think this was my first moon knight fic. it's cute little marc fic, tiny bit of angst but super fluffy. it's super cute I love it so much
4. Hold My Hand
my first din djarin fic. I was nervous writing this one but it's actually pretty good! it's super cute, we see din being in love (as he should be)
5. Sensual Pleasure
this one was for a fic exchange with the girls in the marc's queens server. this one also took me a little while to write but finally the right idea struck me. I adore steven grant and he's so cute in this one.
no pressure tags: @luvpedropascal @marshmallow--3 @marc-spectorr @romanarose @leh2393 @bibli0thecary
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Sincerely, Yours 💌
AN: Okay so here's the thing. I'm a sucker for soulmate au ideas. I always have been. So, I decided to try writing one myself. Check out more soulmate au ideas from @ausforsoulmates (p.s. this is where I got the soulmate au from, the Now or Never AU).
Pairing: The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x Male!Reader
Summary: You received your soulmate letter over 20 years ago. The vaugeness of it kept you on a wild goose chase around the galaxy for years. After so many failed leads you return home. Only to find a small green child being watched by a Mandalorian.
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"It's you." You whisper the moment you see the child.
Child of green shows he's not mean.
A line from the piece of paper that sat closest to your heart.
Honestly, the first time you had read over the paper, you grimaced.
Vaguely written was an understatement when it came to your soulmate letter. The thing looked as if it had attempted to make itself rhyme alongside being vague. And only that single line stood out to you the most.
Well, it had at one point. Until you realized the galaxy had a multitude of green children.
The part you never focused on was the shows he's not mean one. Which you most likely should have until now.
But it didn't matter anymore because you understood.
A Mandalorian, for Maker's sake, stood close to the child. One of the fiercest known warriors in the galaxy.
Shows he's not mean.
He was listening to a woman you faintly recognize, yet you couldn't put a name to her face. She looked as fierce as the Mandalorian even without the beskar armor.
They both seemed relaxed for the most part.
Something that was bound to change now that you were there.
"Uncle, you're back!" The bright cry of Winta tore you from your thoughts as the little girl jumped into your arms. Warmth flooded your chest when she nuzzles into your shoulder. It felt like ages since you had last seen your niece.
"Ah, starflower. Look how much you've grown."
Pride was an understatement when you looked at her. She was growing into those rich eyes of hers and the too-big ears.
A chuckle rumbles from your chest as you ruffle her hair.
"Uncle, look, look! A nice man saved the village. And look at the monster he helped us beat." She motions towards the Mandalorian before bouncing in your arms and pointing at the AT-ST.
It was the soft tug at your pants that drags your attention down from trying to follow Winta's wild gestures.
The small green child peers up at you. His tiny three-clawed hands grasp your right leg. The trust he held in his deep galaxy eyes made your heart ache.
So, it begins. You couldn't help thinking as you hum.
"Well, what do we have here?" You knelt down by the child as Winta giggles at the movement. "Who is this little tooka kit?"
Winta tugs on your sleeve, saying, "It's the nice man's son. Isn't he cute?" She continues babbling about the child as your sister approached.
Omera was as beautiful as you remember her being. Elegant, yet simple as always.
It seems the ache of her husband's death still haunted her. You could tell from the relief that swam in her eyes at seeing you. A relief that only one who experienced tremendous loss could have.
"You're home." You settle Winta on the ground next to the child before straightening up.
It didn't take long for Omera to step forward to wrap her arms tightly around you, crushing you in her embrace. For such a delicate-looking woman, she was unbelievably strong.
"Thank the stars..." She murmurs before relaxing her hold on you. "So much has changed since you left."
Your eyes flick to the Mandalorian as he starts making his way over.
"I see," You raise a hand in greeting when the warrior got close enough. "You have my thanks, Warrior. Winta told me you helped our village."
The Mandalorian tips his helmet down enough for you to see before Omera hums, "Come, sit. I'm sure you're tired. And there's much to tell you."
You made your way over to a small bonfire, letting the familiar smells of your homeworld soothe you.
The rich fish-like scent from the krill ponds wasn't particularly one you missed, but the earthy mesh of the forest surrounding the small village was. Especially the hint of native flowers.
Once you settle down, Omera began to explain the events of how the Mandalorian and Cara Dune trained the people enough to fight back. Their plan went surprisingly well for what little time they had to initiate it.
"It seems what you taught me finally came in handy." Omera's tone was warm as she smiles sweetly.
The Mandalorian, who sat across from the both of you with the child sitting between his boots, cocks his head.
"You taught her how to handle a blaster?" His timbre reachs you even through the vocoder. The smoothness of it sent pleasant shivers down your spine.
"I did. It was something I picked up along the way with my travels. Searches, really." For him.
But you wouldn't admit that out loud.
"I'm sure you know how inhospitable the outer rim planets are, Warrior." A sad smile spreads across your lips when you meet his T visor. "I had to learn how to fight to survive."
You weren't the best at fighting or shooting, really. If the scars you bore were anything to go off of. You knew you had a lot to learn about fighting and shooting. And you hope your soulmate would teach you, when the time came.
Something about how his T visor bore into you urges you to speak more. You felt as if he deserved to know he wasn't alone in these dangerous travels.
"But I am glad at least." The Mandalorian leans forward a bit, almost as if he were curious to hear what you had to say. "Learning how to fight seems to have helped my sister protect the village alongside help from you and Ms. Dune."
Cara laughs a deep boisterous laugh as she relaxes against one of the logs further to your right.
"Please, just Cara is fine." You send her a smile and nod before looking back at the child who had managed to make his way towards you.
Just as he reached your boots you see a small red dot appear on his back.
It was small enough not to go noticed by many. But you had seen it enough times to know what it was by now.
You move faster than you ever have in your life to grab the child and twist to the side as a loud bang echoes through the once silent forest. Cara takes off in the direction the shot came from as the Mandalorian moves to shield your body with his own.
Your heart thunders in your ears as you stare down at the child. Shaky gasps leave you when his wide eyes peer back up at you and he cooes.
You scan him for injuries, thinking that maybe he still got hurt and you didn't move fast enough. Yet when you see that he is fine, you heave a sigh. The kid was more amused by the sudden roll than anything.
Warm hands tug you up as the Mandalorian takes the child from you. Giving him a good look over himself before turning his attention to you.
"You're hurt," The Mandalorian sets the child back down before kneeling beside you. "Let me see."
He firmly yet gently grips you right shoulder as you start to notice the white hot agony in your left. A yelp of pain escapes when the Mandalorian grazes his gloved finger over the blaster burn. He retracts his hand immediately murmuring an apology.
Omera is by your other side tightly gripping your hand as she weakly asks if you're alright. You can see her starting to panic.
Her husband had died due to a blaster shot. If she were to loose you too, it would definitely break her heart and Winta's.
"I'm fine sister," You squeeze her hand back gently. "This is not the worst wound I've had before."
The Mandalorian had started moving as you reassured Omera. He held the child lightly in one arm as he stalked to the small barn your sister had set him up in. You watch him go feeling a dull ache appear in your chest.
Focusing back on Omera you see how she seems to put the pieces together. Her earlier panic having faded. Eyes widening a fraction she looks up at you.
"He's your soulmate." The moment the words are spoken to the still air you close your eyes. The truth settles on your shoulders like a warm blanket on a cold night. Soothing the ache and numbing the pain in your shoulder a tad.
You say nothing to Omera as the Mandalorian reappears carrying a small box in his hands. He kneels next to you again and rifles through the box pulling out a bacta spray. Meeting his T visor you hum.
"Is the child okay?" He nods as Omera stands up stating she was going to get you a new shirt. Since the shot burned a hole in the shirt you currently wore.
Cara appears from the woods a frown hardening her features as she approaches you and the Mandalorian.
Unease trickles down your spine as she mutters, "It looks like it's time for you to go, Mando." She holds up a crushed tracker before tossing it next to his knee.
You glance at it before looking over to the barn the child was in. He was in danger here. Because if one bounty hunter knew he was here then many others did as well.
"Do you have a ship?" The Mandalorian turns to look at you just as you're tugging off your shirt to have better access to your shoulder. Heat crawls up your neck as you ball the shirt in your hands.
You had at one point had a ship, but sold it due to not having enough credits for fuel to make it back home. You ended up bumming a ride from a small freighter just to return to Sorgan.
When you shake your head the Mandalorian moves back to clean your wound and spray bacta on it.
Little did you know you earned his trust quite quickly. There was something about you protecting the kid even when you just met and the burning of his own soulmate letter near his heart that made him ask.
"Well, how do you feel about coming with me? I can help you find what you're looking for. It's the least I can do since you saved my Foundling."
The moment he asked that single question in his low baritone voice your fate was sealed. Because he had already helped you find what you were looking for.
"I'd be honored, Warrior."
Closer than what's been told. Heart of gold buried beneath cold. Child of green shows he's not mean. Austerely endures sincerely, yours
AN: I know it's pretty bad but I thought some of it made sense. 🤷 I'm not good at rhyming.
Star Wars Masterlist
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wxckedwxrld · 1 year
• Harry Potter
• law & order: svu
• marvel
• narcos
• narnia
• peaky blinders
• riverdale
• 7ds
• Star Wars
• Stranger Things
• Supernatural
• celebrities
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luciif3r · 2 years
I NEED more boba x din soulmate au content
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marisferasiop · 2 years
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Y'all I am exhausted and disgusted with this fic but I know it's the imposter syndrome and the fact that I've been chipping away at it for a month that has me down.
Also I had a pretty fuckin' shitty day.
Final edits under way, hopefully posting this weekend.
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saradika · 7 months
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— beneath the mask
din djarin x f!reader
rated t - 1.3k
tags: medieval!au, light angst, anxiety, arranged marriage, soulmate au, reader has a mother & father
prompt: "I wanted it to be you, I wanted it to be you so badly” from the writing challenge hosted by the amazing and lovely @moonlight-prose 💖
when a mysterious stranger wins your hand at the tournament, you can't help but wonder about his intentions
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With each step down the aisle, your legs threaten to give out.
A clicking of your teeth as you tremble, before you're gritting your jaw, biting your anxiety back. You have a reputation to uphold, even if you're only the daughter of a lord from a lesser house.
You're still a lady.
And this marriage would ensure a home for you. Protection. More than, if this man is what he says he is.
But a part of you desperately wishes that it was someone else at the end of the aisle.
You'd searched for a long time. For the glimpses that flash in your dreams at night. Knowing that he was out there - the one you had begun to think of as yours.
Your soulmate.
Never managing to meet the same eyes that reflect back at you in the darkness, just before you wake. Not once in the hundreds, thousands of people you’ve looked at, throughout your years.
And when none were found, you slowly gave up. Knowing the world was too large and you were too small, too poor, to seek them out.
Eventually agreeing to the match that your mother and father arranged.
If you could not have him, then you did not want anyone.
And now - the figure that waits for you stands tall.
Encased in gleaming armor, showing none of the nerves that wrack you. Making you wonder if you should have protested. Taken the path of the unwed, even if there was hardship in your future.
The stranger had won your favor, in the tournament. That is how the story will be told, passed on by your father.
Looking back, you remember very little from it. Knowing deep down that the winner would be the one to have your hand, whether you liked it or not. So much of it had turned to haze, as you had sat frozen there.
All but too nervous to watch, as weapons clashed, shields splintering.
Men you had known and grown up with falling beneath the sword of the mysterious man, clad in silver armor.
A Mandalorian, it was rumored.
Something from stories, you didn't know they still existed. An ancient clan of knights and warriors, honoring weapons and myths over sworn deities. Never revealing their faces to outsiders, and sometimes even to their own.
He had never killed any of them, and there was some comfort in that.
But that didn't mean he did not wound.
That he wasn't vicious, ferocious on the battlefield. Driven by an unseen force. Unrelenting, even when blood was drawn - splattering a bright crimson against his armor.
Showing just how he came to earn his station. The leader of his tribe, from the whispers you heard. Traveling far - slipping into the last few open brackets in the tournament, just as the first morning was starting.
Ripping through them all, in the days that followed.
You were given as the prize, in the end.
Even before the day ends, you would belong to him - ferried off to a new life tomorrow.
And this is what also slows your feet.
Wondering why such a man would come for you.
At the end of the aisle, you halt. The clergymany is speaking, but it's all white noise. Your own eyes wide and face solemn as you stare at your betrothed - your features reflected back at you in the tinted glass of his visor.
Acutely aware that you haven't seen his face. Not knowing what your husband was to look like.
Was he younger than you? Or older... older than your father?
Was his face kind, or was it as sharp as his movements? Was it all snarling teeth, beneath?
Were his eyes blue, or green, or just maybe... brown? Like his?
You don't know. You think not. Leaving you to wonder how you will bear it - to spend each day staring into their eyes while dreaming of anothers.
It's only when a voice raises that you're snapped from your thoughts. Realizing that the ceremony is waiting for you.
Managing, with a stammer, to repeat the words. To pledge yourself - your life and love - to this stranger.
The words repeated after, a low voice layering with metal. The shaking of your hands is still visible when they reach out to meet his, the tips of yours resting against wide, steady palms.
Covered in gloves but solid, like the rest of him.
Only the peek of tanned skin visible when he peels the glove from his hand. A small comfort coming in the warmth of his hand, as you slip the ring on his finger, settling it just above a scarred knuckle.
The careful brush of his fingers - a calming stroke against your skin, when he slips a matching one on yours.
Gentle, after everything.
Not him.
But perhaps, not a monster.
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The celebrations swirl past you. There's music you don't remember. A meal that sits heavy in your stomach, from the meager amounts you managed to swallow.
A smile plastered on - assuring your excitement to family and friends - all while you worry about the hours to come.
Will he be as gentle as he was during the ceremony?
Or will it be more like the battlefield?
These thoughts linger, as the hours pass. Until the sun dips below the horizon, until the stars blanket the sky.
And then, you're alone.
Waiting in the finest room prepared for him in the guest wing. The pretty, ivory gown stripped from you, replaced with something thin and fine and silver - hand-sewn and intended to please him.
Pacing, until you hear the heavy steps approaching - as he returns from a meeting with your father, your dowry and your life handed over.
Leaving you frozen in place, as the door opens. Where he lingers, filling the space.
A different man than before, you think.
There had not been a slope to his shoulders, the way he moves as if afraid to frighten you.
His voice is different too - soft now, coaxing.
"I wish our meeting had been under more pleasant circumstances." Your husband tells you, as the door slowly shuts behind him.
Trapping you, now. The iron latch heavy, as it locks into place.
"But I could not bear to stand by." He continues, that hard edge creeping into his voice again, "You must understand."
"I don't." You manage - your brow pinched, shifting the smallest step backwards as he moves forward.
He goes still, at your retreat.
"Do you not, ner kar’ta?" His head tilts, "Do you not know why I have come?"
The shake of your head is small. Not understanding the name he calls you, his intentions.
He hesitates then, for a second. Before his hands are reaching - grasping the edge of his helmet. Slipping it from his head, as his head dips.
His hair is dark, beneath. Messy and curling, greying at the temples, down to the scruff that lines his jaw beneath plush lips and the curve of his nose.
And his eyes. That pretty shade of brown, the dark fan of his eyelashes.
You know them. Though you've never seen them, yourself.
For a moment, you can't breathe. Frozen for an entirely new reason - starting back at the eyes that you've seen so often.
"It's you," You manage. The words are no more than a soft gasp.
He lets you touch him, then. Fingertips tracing his jaw, those eyes slipping shut when your fingers brush the nape of his neck. Somehow knowing how the curls would feel against your fingers, already knowing each detail of his face.
Hidden deep down, revealed bit by bit in your sleep.
Only now, do you see all of him.
And only now, do you lean in. Your head tipping towards him, just as his forehead presses against yours. And it's now that you understand the warmth of his touch - the way it seems to soak into your skin. A lost piece of you, now becoming complete.
You hadn’t been able to find him - so he had found you, instead.
Unable to help the smile, as the dark pit in your stomach blooms into spring.
I wanted it to be you, you think - as your heart finally starts to beat again. I wanted it to be you so badly.
There's a hitch in his breath, with your touch. Fingers that stretch out and then curl, until you're taking them yourself, slipping yours between them.
"Now do you know?" Your husband murmurs, in the voice that you know as well as his eyes.
And you do - the answer coming easily, as you nod, "Because you're mine."
"Yes," He smiles.
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i cant stop writing soft!soulmate din 💖 thank you for reading!!
ner kar’ta - my heart
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burntheedges · 29 days
Roll-A-Trope Challenge Masterlist
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Y'all the response to this challenge blew me away!! 🥺🥰 We are going to have so many amazing fics to read! 🧡 Check here for all of the character/trope pairings from when people joined.
I'll link each one as they're posted. Under the cut you'll soon find fics for Dave York, Dieter Bravo, Din Djarin, Dio Morrissey, Ezra (Prospect), Frankie Morales, Jack Daniels, Javi Gutierrez, Javier Peña, Joel Miller, Marcus Acacius, Marcus Moreno, Marcus Pike, Max Phillips, Nathan Landry, Oberyn Martell, Pero Tovar, and Tim Rockford! And so many amazing tropes!!
Last updated: 9/22 | Fic count: 27
Dave York
Audience of One by @katareyoudrilling | 3k | Dave x f!reader Trope: famous person AU
Can You Remember Who You Were? by @punkshort | 9.1k | Dave x f!reader Trope: reincarnation
Dieter Bravo
Just like the Picture by @nerdieforpedro | 936 | Dieter x gn!reader Trope: landlord
Din Djarin
Familiar yet Foreign by @whxtedreams | 3.7k | Din x f!reader Trope: fake marriage
New Home (Part 1) by @weirdoneattheparty | 2.1k | Din x f!reader Trope: friends to lovers
The Long Way Round by @din-cognito | 3.17k | Din x gn!reader Trope: road trip
Ezra (Prospect)
To Leave the Green by @cas-readsandwrites | 2k | Ezra & Cee, gen Trope: time loop
Frankie Morales
GOING DOWN by @aurorawritestoescape | 3.4k | Frankie x f!reader and Joel x f!reader Trope: exes
I Like You A Latte by @inept-the-magnificent | 752 | Frankie x f!reader Trope: coffee shop AU
Jack Daniels
If I should die before you do by @maggiemayhemnj | 1.7k | Jack x f!reader trope: soulmates
Lucid Dreams by @fhatbhabiee | 3.2k | Jack x reader Trope: friends to lovers
Javi Gutierrez
Things You Knew by @eff4freddie | 8k | Javi G x reader Trope: soulmates
To Make a Day for You by @yopossum | 3k? | Javi G x f!reader Trope: stuck in an elevator
Javier Peña
3 sides of a man by @milla-frenchy | 3.3k | Javi x f!reader Trope: secret relationship
between two floors by @glowingxeyes | 1k | Javi x f!reader Trope: stuck in an elevator | there’s a part 2 and 3!
GOING DOWN by @almostfoxglove | 3.3k | Javi P x f!reader Trope: stuck in an elevator
good guys, bad deeds by @miss-oranje-disco-dancer | 3.9k | Javi x f!reader Trope: only one bed
Joel Miller
Birds of a Feather by @whocaresstillthelouvre | 5.3k | Joel x f!reader Trope: snowed in
Besties by @butterphii | >1k | Joel x f!reader
Fragile State by @galway-girlatwork | 2.5k | Joel x OFC!Tara Trope: amnesia
Galway Girl by @yxtkiwiyxt | 7k | Joel x f!reader Trope: soulmates
It Had To Be You by @jobean12-blog | 4.8k | Joel x f!reader Trope: enemies to lovers
Marcus Pike
Pike's Place by @pedges-world | Marcus x reader Trope: snowed in | series!!
Max Phillips
A Little Broken by @clawdeewritesfanfic | 3.2k | Max x f!reader Trope: pining
Nathan Landry
consensus ad idem by @sunshinehaze1 | 4.9k | Nathan x f!reader Trope: snowed in
Oberyn Martell
The Correspondence of the Contagious by @crowandmousewritingco | 1.4k | Oberyn x gn!reader x Ellaria Trope: epistolary
Pero Tovar
Memories made, memories lost by @avastrasposts | 7.9k | Pero x f!reader Trope: amnesia
Tim Rockford
When Only Memories Remain by @artsy-girl-76 | 3.4k | Tim x f!reader Trope: "shop" AU
Coming soon:
Dio Morrissey
Marcus Acacius
Marcus Moreno
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Hey lovely! How are you? I was thinking of requesting some sort of soulmate au with a protective soft din djarin x reader? I’m a big fan of the au where you share an eye color with your soulmate as in one eye is yours and the other is theirs so that would mean din would know before reader and you can choose to have them find out or keep it a mystery! I just know you’ll do great!
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AN | I don’t think I’ve tackled a soulmate!au before but this was so much fun! Enjoy🥰
Warnings | None
Pairing | Din x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 3.1k
Masterlist | Din, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Din Djarin had never seen his eyes in anyone else. 
And he looked - he spent so many years looking for them but he had yet to find his soulmate. 
The advantage of being behind a mask meant that no one could ever see the disappointment on his face when he realized they weren’t the one. 
As time wore on he started to wonder if the one was out there for him. He’d heard tales of poor unfortunate souls that were destined to be alone. Maybe their soulmate had met an early end or maybe they never wanted to be found. He was almost positive that was going to be him as well. It was rare for people to get so far in years and still remain without their soulmate.
He was a lone Mandalorian making his way through the galaxy and life with only his son at his side. Maybe his heart was meant to be alone too. 
He hated the idea of that.
So much that he was completely lost in his own thoughts as he followed Grogu through one of Nevarro’s markets. So lost that he didn’t even notice you until he walked right into you and knocked you over.
You landed on the ground with a soft oof as Grogu babbled at his father in what could only be described as a scolding tone.
“I am sorry,” and he felt genuinely terrible. He was no small man and covered in armor made it only that much worse. He crouched down in front of you held out a gloved hand, “are you alright?”
“I think so,” you felt dizzied but alright otherwise. You looked up at the Mandalorian and offered a small smile in response, “nothing hurts so that’s a good sign.”
You put your hand in his outstretched one but he was frozen and didn’t help to pull you up to your feet. You raised an eyebrow in concern - maybe he was the one that needed help.
“Are you alright?” your soft question seemed to pull him out of his trance as finally hoisted you up. You could tell that he was studying you intently and that made your entire face flush with warmth, “thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he almost choked on the words as Grogu looked between the two of you. The little one was already well aware of what was happening, “sorry again, it was my fault.”
“No worries,” you looked between the two of them before taking a step back, “I, ugh, I should go. Take care, Mandalorian.”
He watched you go for a moment before Grogu’s soft protest urged him to move forward, “wait!”
You turned around at the sound of his voice, a bemused little smile on your face, “Din Djarin. My name is Din Djarin. And this is Grogu.”
“Hello Grogu and Din Djarin,” you repeated and oh. He liked the sound of you saying his name. In exchange you offered your name and gave him a proper handshake, “is there something I can help with?”
“Do you live here?” you thought the question was odd, but you received no bad feelings from him so you didn’t think anything of it. He fell into step with you and you felt a jolt of electricity run through you.
“I do,” you stopped to look at some fresh fruit, “you are not from here.”
“I am not,” he confirmed, “but we live here now.”
“Welcome to Nevarro,” you quickly bought some of the fruit and handed a piece to the excited and curious looking child, “I hope you’ll like it here. If you need anything, I’m around.”
You turned to leave again and this time Grogu pulled on your pant leg to hold you back.
“Your eyes,” he blurted out suddenly and that caused you to stiffen in surprise, “the color-”
“I don’t have a soulmate,” you answered without another word before turning on your heel. You were most decidedly not going to do this right now with a virtual stranger, “take care Din Djarin.”
He opened and closed his mouth a few times, unsure of what to think or feel at that moment. That was not how he had expected this to go. 
Maybe he was wrong, maybe you - no. He wasn’t wrong, he was a lot of things but not wrong. Your eyes were just like his, mirroring them almost exactly. 
You were his soulmate.
And yet you didn’t believe you had one. 
He was going to change your mind…hopefully.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You didn't look back until you were home and alone. Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest and your mind was racing.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, taking in your wild and frazzled appearance before staring at your eyes. You'd looked at them a hundred million times before but never like this. Dark brown but golden and honeyed with flecks of warmth. They'd always been unique and you'd never see another pair before.
And yet…maybe you'd just met your soulmate. It wasn't totally out of the question, right? The universe usually worked to push soulmates together. Maybe that was what was happening now? Maybe - no.
You hadn't even seen his eyes. What if he was just making a comment about yours?  But…you'd felt so drawn to him, so safe and comfortable without hesitation. Like your heart felt at home.
You gasped out loud at the revelation. After so long of searching and waiting and hoping you actually have a soulmate, your wish might have come true.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I know," the Mandalorian looked at his son and sighed in exasperation, "I didn't know what to do in the moment."
Understanding babbles met his ears as he picked Grogu up and started to walk to his bedroom. He settled him gently in his bed and looked at him fondly, "perhaps I am wrong-"
Grogu blinked at him owlishly, absolutely telling him off. The little one was far wiser than people gave him credit for.
"Even if I am not, I can't just…" he waved his hand around, at a loss for words, "I have to figure it out. If I even see her again."
He bade his small son a good evening, mind anymore but in the present moment. When he walked into the fresher, he stood in front of the mirror and studied himself. He looked the same as always, or so he supposed, as he didn't tend to look extremely closely most days, but his eyes seemed to stand out a little more.
With hands braced on the counter, he leaned and looked at their color and depth. There was no mistaking it - you had the same eyes.
You were his soulmate.
Now he just had to convince you of the same…somehow.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Several days passed before you came across the Mandalorian alone. You felt relieved at not having seen him, but felt an even larger rush of relief when you did see him. 
He found outside of the small shop you worked, his son in tow. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of them. Oh. Something was definitely going on.
"I'm sorry," was the first thing he said as he looked at him in surprise, "for the other day. I didn't mean to scare you off."
"It's okay," you promised softly, "I'm sorry for how I acted too. I shouldn't have…done that."
“You were scared,” he hated the idea that you were scared in general but especially of him. He felt the urge and pull to protect you, and he’d vowed to himself to do that, whether you accept him at your side or from a distance, “I’m sorry.”
“I wasn’t scared so much as…surprised,” you shrugged sheepishly, “no one’s ever said anything about my eyes before so I just assumed that you were…anyways, it doesn’t matter.”
“You can tell me,” he gently encouraged you, desperate for you to say the words he was yearning to hear, “you don’t have to be worried.”
“I shouldn’t have assumed that you were going to say you were my soulmate,” your cheeks warmed up and you bit the inside of your cheek, keeping your gaze focused on the ground, “I don’t think that person exists. It’s been so many turns that I’m sure I would have met them already.”
“And what if I told you I was?” that piqued your interest and you looked at him in wonder. Your lips formed a pretty little pout and he couldn’t help but already dream of kissing them. 
“I wouldn’t believe you,” you admitted quickly, “it would be too…I can’t see your eyes. How would I know without seeing you? I know you cannot take off your helmet in front of me, Din Djarin. I’d be going on your word only.”
“I would not lie to you-”
“I want to believe that you would not,” more so you didn’t want to be some sort of mistake because that might crush your heart, “as far as my understanding goes, you can only show your face to your spouse or children.”
“You are correct,” really he was ready to whip off the mask and show you his face but he refrained, “let me prove it to you.”
You laughed, a lovely, magical sound that went straight to his heart, “you want to prove you are my soulmate?”
“I do,” he promised with a fervent nod, “because I am not wrong.”
“Say you manage to… convince me that you are right,” you articulated a lot when you spoke, a trait that he found endlessly endearing, “and we…marry or whatever allows me to see you fully and we find out we’re not soulmates, what then? Have we wasted our time on each other and set up the possibility for a lifetime of broken hearts?”
“You think people who are not soulmates can fall in love?”
“I believe that anyone can fall in love,” you shrugged, “there have been instances when soulmates weren’t right for each other.”
“And what if we fall in love despite not being soulmates?”
“What if we did and then one day one of us meets our intended soulmate?” you hated that idea almost as much as you disliked the idea that he wasn’t your soulmate, “that might be even worse.”
“We would have to figure it out then,” he mused in agreement, “but you don’t have to worry - that will not happen.”
“You are so convinced,” you did enjoy his persistence, you would not deny that, “are you always right? Or just stubborn?”
“Perhaps a bit of both,” you looked into the black T of his visor and you just knew that he had a smile on face, “what do you say? Let me try to show you.”
You inhaled deeply before slowly exhaling. This was a lot he was asking of you, but also a lot he was doing as well. But you couldn’t deny the pull you felt towards him either…maybe that was something after all.
“Yes,” you whispered softly, “show me.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
And show he did. 
It started out slowly at first, the two of you forming a friendship that felt so natural and easy - like you’d always been friends. The two of you had a lot in common, but were also very different but found that you fit together almost perfectly. One of the things you both shared was the love for his son. And Grogu loved you just as much in return.
You realized soon just how very much you cared for them the first time they left to go on a job. The idea of them being gone for any amount of time was enough to make your heart ache, but it wasn’t like you could do anything. You had thought about asking to go with them but he quickly shut that idea down; he insisted you stay behind where it was safe and he knew you’d be taken care of. He promised the next time he was certain there was no danger you could go with them. 
You never argued and the few times you had disagreements it was over something silly or trivial, and it was resolved quickly. You liked being around the two of them and found yourself always gravitated towards them as they often did to you. 
They were gone for a little over two weeks; you felt like a part of you had gone with them and you were left to wait and wander listlessly. When they got back you almost refused to leave them. 
You’d experienced such a pull towards the Mandalorian from the start and that feeling was only growing, day by day and bit by bit. Part of you was ready to give in and admit that he had been right from the start but another part of you was still scared to have everything fall apart. So you danced around each other, but over time it was becoming harder and hard to ignore. Something was going to have to give. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
And something did, about a year after you’d meet the strange Mandalorian and his son. 
“I-I think you might be right,” the two of you were sitting around a fire in the backyard, enjoying the cool shift of summer into fall. Grogu still had enough energy to be running around and playing with some stray lothcats. Din regarded you curiously, tilting his head in your direction. 
“About what?” you knew that he knew exactly what you were talking about. You huffed lightly before gesturing vaguely. He wasn’t going to give you the easy way out on this one. 
“Stop,” you buried your face in your hands, feeling butterflies flutter wildly in your tummy as you tried to tone down your nerves, “you know what I mean.”
“I do,” he nodded in agreement, “but I want to hear you say it. Please.”
“I think you are my soulmate,” you whispered just loud enough for him to hear over the merrily crackling fire. For a moment he almost wasn’t sure if you’d said anything but he heard you loud and clear. When he remained silent you began to panic…maybe he’d changed his mind and just hadn’t told you. You swallowed thickly and tried to get a read on him, “say something, Din, please.”
“What made you change your mind?” he slowly rose to his full height before walking over to you and sitting down at your side. You could practically feel the excited but nervous energy flowing off him. You shifted slightly so you could face him, “hmm?”
“It’s just…everything,” you reached up and touched his helmet, right where his cheek would be, “I think I’ve always known. When I didn’t realize.”
“Are you not afraid of being wrong?” but he didn’t ask it in a cruel way. He was genuinely curious and wanted to make sure you knew the potential implications of what you were saying.
“I was,” you confessed softly, “but I realized that even if for some reason, we weren’t…that whatever we had was still real. But I’m also sure you’ve been right all along.”
And yeah. It was all really real.
“Do you trust me?” this time he touched your face, after pulling off his gloves and letting his warm skin touch yours. You’d gotten peeks of his skin here and there but having him touch you so tenderly was an entirely different thing. He’d grown more physically affectionate with you over time, but something about this felt so different, “even if-”
“I do,” you leaned into his touch as he brushed his thumb over your cheek, “I trust you more than anyone else. I think the rest, Din Djarin, is up to you.”
“It is not just up to me to decide if we should marry,” he insisted gently, “you have to be part of that decision as well. I’m sure, cyar’ika, you know what my answer is.”
Your whole expression softened as you looked at him and nodded softly, “I want that too.”
“Even if you haven’t seen the proof yet?”
“Even if I haven’t seen the proof,” you laughed softly, “I know you’re right.”
He put his hand under your chin and turned your face up to his, “close your eyes.”
You wanted to protest, to give him a little bit of push back as you loved to do. But this time you decided not to do it, to just go with it. You breathed out softly before closing your eyes. He pulled his hand away from your face and you frowned at the loss of his touch. It was quiet for a moment before you heard him moving around and setting something down. Oh.
Your heart was beating so wildly it felt like it was going to burst out of your chest. 
“Open your eyes.”
You inhaled sharply, taking a moment to breathe before doing as he said. Slowly you opened your eyes and you were pretty sure you stopped breathing.
Looking back at you was a sight you had never expected to see - your own eyes reflected in your soulmate’s face. 
You gasped in surprise before leaning in and taking his face in your hands. He’d been right this whole time; he’d always been meant for you. You’d been made for each other. 
“Wow,” the whisper escaped your lips despite your best efforts and Din couldn’t help but chuckle fondly. He turned his face slightly and pressed a kiss to your palm, “your eyes…you were right. Maker. You’re so handsome…on top of everything else.”
“I told you I’d prove it to you,” he sounded even more golden and honeyed when he was unmasked. You could definitely get used to hearing it for the rest of time, “do you believe me now?”
“Yes,” you beamed at him, “I think I did from the beginning, even if I didn’t fully realize it. But wait - your face! We - we’re not-”
“Will you marry me?” he asked and you nodded without hesitation, “then I believe this is allowed.”
“Says who?” your eyes widened as he grinned at you.
“Says me,” he leaned in so his lips were almost brushing against yours. Your heart felt like it was going to burst with pure unadulterated happiness, “what do you say?”
“Yes. A million times yes.”
“Then I have one more question for you,” he ghosted his fingers along your jaw as you made a small sound, “may I kiss you?”
And you definitely knew the answer to that, just like you’d known all along. 
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din djarin x female!reader
warnings: language, mentions of the slave trade, canon violence, blood and injuries, PTSD flashback, mention of torture
word count: 6,183
Summary: It was like fate or destiny had planned from the beginning for you to be on the run from the law. With the words ‘I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold’ adorning your rib cage you always wondered what was worse: Knowing you were bound to being wanted or realizing your soulmate was a cursed bounty hunter. You had a mission to finish and no bounty hunter, soulmate or not, was going to stop you.
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"luck is my middle name. mind you, my first name is Bad."
⏤terry pratchett
Every blow to his body made you flinch as if you had been hit yourself. Blood splattered into the air, raining down into the already formed pool, and your cries of desperation had morphed into moans of mourning. Rough fingers dug into your cheeks holding you in place and keeping you from turning away from the assault. Lips pressed against the shell of your ear. Poisonous words hissed out in a voice that made your blood run cold.
‘No, no. You keep watching. I want to make sure this lesson sticks. I want to make sure you know who you belong to.’
You startled awake with a gasp⏤ eyes wide and searching for Viktor. His cruel, cold laugh lingering at the back of your mind. But, he was nowhere to be seen. You weren’t in his palace. The cockpit surrounding you was silent. The lines of hyperspace casting a soft, blue light on everything it touched. The Mandalorian. A breath of relief left you as you sunk in your seat. You were safe. Well, maybe not safe. You didn’t exactly trust your new captor. 
The room was empty save for you and as you sat up you realized the binders were gone from your wrists. Now, you trusted Mando even less. Who in their right mind captures a bounty and then leaves them unrestricted in their ship’s cockpit? You jumped up, staying quiet, and stepped over to glance over the blinking control panel. You were no pilot, but you knew the basics in case of emergency⏤ not that you’d ever put those skills to the test. How hard could it be? You pressed a button and when nothing happened you hit it twice more.
“It’s locked.”
You cried out in surprise and spun. Mando had climbed up the ladder right outside the open cockpit door but he only rose enough to rest his arm on the floor. You set a hand to your chest to try and calm your racing heart. “Maker, bucket head. You’re quiet.”
“You’re not.” He replied, then tilted his head. “Come down.”
Mando disappeared from view and you huffed in annoyance at how cool and collected the guy seemed. You rushed forward, sliding down the ladder, and when your boots hit the floor you spun to give him a piece of your mind⏤ determined to get under his skin. However, your eyes landed on the small, green child sitting on top of a crate now staring at you while his father rummaged through a weapons locker. Mando shifted enough that you were able to see your firearm hanging in the locker.
“Hey, that’s mine.” You barked. You had only gotten a step closer when Mando turned around and hit a button on his vambrace to close the doors. The tell tale sound of a lock being clicked into place. “Give it back.”
“Why do you only have one slug?” Mando asked.
“Why did you take off my binders?” You countered. It wasn’t something you expected to be answered, you just wanted to answer his question with a question.
The man shrugged. “You looked uncomfortable.” You blinked in surprise. “Where did you get the slugthrower?”
“It was…” His first answer had caught you so off guard that you nearly answered his own without thought. You caught yourself at the last minute and shook your head. “I found it at the bottom of a cereal box. I’m trying to collect the whole set.”
Mando sighed irritably and you took that as a victory. Although as great as it felt annoying Mando and getting a rise out of him, you realized that these moments you called ‘victories’ could possibly add up until the Manalorian snapped and murdered you. This scenario was like any other involving a bounty hunter. You had a person to escape from, and though it was a bit unconventional than your usual situation, you were nothing if not flexible.
“Alright Mando,” You crossed your arms and placed emphasis on the name he told you to call him, “What do you want?” He tilted his head and you shrugged. “Everybody wants something. What’s your price? What do I have to pay to get you to crush my fob and taxi me to Corellia?”
“It’s next on my list.”
“Why are you⏤”
You forced a frustrated laugh. “Why does it matter? Just tell me what you want and I’ll⏤”
“I already told you, I want answers.” He replied sharply. A soft coo came from the child, and Mando drifted closer to you. “I want to know who you are. I need to know.”
It was confusing as to why he seemed so desperate for something that had nothing to do with him. You rolled through the facts you had gathered. If rumors were true, Mandalorians were all about honor. You had saved his son⏤ sort of. He could’ve done it himself with that jetpack, but you hoped the intention was enough in this case. He didn’t shove you in carbonite, he let you sleep in his cockpit, removed the binders… Even now, he made no move to detain you. Did the Mandalorian want to help you? Was that it? Maybe he wanted to help you, to settle any debt he thought he may owe you, but he wanted to know he wasn’t aiding the scum of the galaxy. 
“You’re not a slave trader.” Mando said. He nodded in your direction, “Not with that collar.”
Your eyes widened, hand shooting up to touch the metal welded around your neck, and gaped, “How… You don’t know that.” You pushed the words out firmly. Nobody assumed the gold choker was what it truly was. “It’s a necklace, bucket head. You⏤”
“No, it’s not.” He replied, his tone leaving no room for argument. “Not with those scars. Nobody claws at a necklace.” 
Mando’s words were jarring. It would’ve been easier to handle him just punching your lights out. There was a slight tremble in your hands and you forced them into fists at your side to compensate. How had he even noticed? Nobody looked close enough to puzzle that out. They saw gold and assumed wealth. Any normal slave’s collar was made of scrap parts. Plus, Viktor had ensured that most of the marks you left had been healed properly. The only ones who hadn’t just lingered right under the band itself.
“Fine.” You forced all your emotions into the back of your head, out of the light, where it wouldn’t been seen or felt. You absolutely hated that this man was able to so easily get under your skin.“I’m a slave seeking revenge, Mando. Searching the galaxy for the man who used to own me so I can put a slug in his head.” He remained a statue as always. “Is that what you want to hear?”
“If it’s the truth, then yes.”
“Well, it is.” Sort of. More or less. That was the quick description of your mission, at least.
“Then why are you visiting cantinas? I can’t imagine a slave trader who is rich enough to decorate his slaves in gold would be hanging around the places you’re searching.”
Again, the Mandalorian wasn’t wrong. Viktor would never set foot in a public cantina, and you knew exactly where he was. Canto Bight. The issue was, in order to get to him you needed to find the ‘Reaper’ for information. Otherwise you’d never get close enough to pull the trigger.
“You’re right.” You said slowly.
Mando tilted his head. “Then who are you looking for?”
“A guy.”
“That’s vague.”
“Yeah,” You snorted, “It’s almost as if I’m being vague on purpose to avoid connecting to you in any way. Funny, huh?”
The cargo hold was filled with an uncomfortable silence. You couldn’t see the Mandalorian’s eyes, but you could feel his heavy gaze cutting straight through you. Growing up the way you did, born from a slave and raised with only one destiny for yourself, you had gotten used to being seen but not acknowledged. The places you worked equated you to a house plant or a piece of furniture.
Then Viktor saw you. He saw you. And the words scrawled on your ribs made you precious to him. He got some sick kick out of owning something fated to another. You joined a collection of others and you were no longer a piece of furniture to be ignored, but rather you were a trophy. An item to be seen and not touched. Admired but not connected to. As Mando guessed, Viktor dressed you in gold and flaunted you to every ne'er do well who visited him. That was your life for years, and it hadn’t changed until six months ago.
Six months ago you ran and your face decorated bounty pucks all over the galaxy, but you felt invisible. Nobody, save for a bounty hunter here or there, sought you out. You were a stranger on the street, a random face in the crowd, and you could live with that. It was better than the alternative.
Right now though? Standing in front of the Mandalorian you felt seen. Mando was actively seeing you at this moment, taking in details nobody had noticed before, and it unnerved you. He wasn’t looking at you like house decor or a trophy. He wasn’t looking at you like you were his next pay day like the other hunters had. Mando was treating you like another living soul and it bothered you that the sensation felt so foreign. How could a man who hid behind a wall of metal see you so clearly?
“If I told you that you could trust me,” Mando said slowly, hesitantly, “Would you believe me?”
“No. But it’s cute that you asked.”
Mando took a step toward you and your confidence faltered. You stumbled back a half step and spat a curse at yourself in your head. If he noticed your slip up, he didn’t comment on it. Instead, he heaved a sigh. “I’ll take you to Corellia, with the promise of safe passage, on one condition.” You nodded. “When I drop you off, you don’t contact me again. This? This never happened. We never met. I’ll crush your fob and tell the guild you weren’t worth my time.”
You snorted in amusement. “Deal. That’s a win-win situation for me, bucket head.”
Maybe you weren’t the unluckiest son of a bitch on this side of the galaxy.
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Din was tiptoeing through a minefield. And, the only person he had to blame for being stuck here was himself. He shouldn’t have kept you on the ship. Kriff, he shouldn’t have brought you on in the first place. Din should’ve shot you a quick ‘thanks for the help’ and left you behind in Bespin. But, no. Like the karking idiot he was, he brought you along and worse he spoke to you.
There was still a lot he didn’t know. He’d be foolish to think otherwise, but he felt a tinge of truth with your admittance a day earlier. For years, for most of his life, he cursed his soulmark and he loathed the idea of ever meeting his criminal soulmate. Now, he knew differently. Not a criminal, just a person seeking vengeance. Din was aware that a bulk of the galaxy would still consider someone with plans of homicide to be a criminal, but from where he sat Din could hardly judge. He was by no means a good man, without sin, and he had very recent memories of mowing down Imperial after Imperial for the sake of his son. So, your half truth didn’t shock him or fill him with disgust.
No, what Din felt disgusted over was the knowledge that his soulmate had been wronged. The word ‘wronged’ didn’t even begin to cover the atrocity you must have endured. His soulmate. You had been a slave, treated as such by society and owned by some bastard, and that made every single molecule of his body vibrate with rage. 
Mandalorians' belief in soulmates was by no means unique. They were very much like the rest of the galaxy in their reverence for the words. Maybe the one trait Mandalorians shared with the majority.
However, Aq Vetina was different. The culture nearly worshiped the concept of soulmates⏤ saw it as a true blessing and treated it as such. Din didn’t have a lot of memories of his home world. Didn’t have a lot of memories of his parents either. The memories he did have though he treasured, and one of the more prominent ones was this: his parents were soulmates. The reality of soulmarks was more dim than most would like to believe. Soulmates didn’t always end up together. For hundreds of different variables, but just because fate had scrawled words on a person’s skin didn’t mean it guaranteed them a happy ending.
His parents adored one another. Din remembered that. He grew up in a house filled and overflowing with love. An emotion as strong as that wasn’t easily forgotten. Hell, it felt like it was ingrained into his own soul. Tangled with his DNA. When Din lost his parents, he lost everything. Including his culture. The one comfort Din always took was who his soulmate would be. He knew he’d have a soulmark once he hit puberty, with both parents bearing it the chances of him not having one was incredibly low, and though it bothered him his parents would never see his mark he’d still take comfort in it. Just as every man from Aq Vetina before him, just as his father had, he’d find his soulmate and shower them with every ounce of love and adoration he could squeeze from his being. Din would find his soulmate and he would have a family once more. He’d have that love again.
There was no doubt of the love and care his Mandalorian buir and teacher had for him. Din owed the man everything. But the love was different. Not worse, not better, but different.
When his words formed on his skin, Din had never felt such joy and had never felt it turn sour so quickly. It was why the insult of who he thought his soulmate would be stung even worse. It felt like the last bit of his culture, the last shred of his parents he had left, was being taken. Insulted. Spat on. He spent years after convincing himself that a soulmate wouldn’t be worth his time and he was better on his own. Din didn’t seek relationships beyond flings and one night stands across the galaxy because any relationship would be a sad ghost in comparison to the memory of what his parents had. A reminder of what fate took from him.
Now, he sat in the same ship as his soulmate and it felt like so many of his years were wasted on an assumption.
Din was angry that his first words to you were a threat.
He was angry you grew up with that on your skin.
He was angry the mystery and excitement of having a soulmate had been taken from you as well.
He was angry you were treated as lesser than by the people surrounding you.
He was angry that someone had the audacity to put a collar around your neck.
Din was fucking angry.
It burned through his veins and had him seeing red. He was no stranger to anger, but this was overwhelming. And, the worst of it, the thing that made him burn alive from the inside out was the anger he had for himself.
Din never sought you out. He mentally and emotionally tossed you aside without even an attempt to understand. Din gave up on you. His soulmate.
The only thing keeping him from exploding and destroying everything in his radius was the depressing and mellowing thought of his father. His father would be so disappointed in him. His mother would be so disappointed in him. His buir would be disappointed in him. 
Din’s spiraling mind tried to comfort itself. It told him that he was doing better now. He knew better now. He was going to get you to where you needed to go and tell Karga to drop the bounty. He’d separate himself from you and then he’d never have to think of you again. You’d be better off without him. All those thoughts only worsened his shame.
What else could he do? It wasn’t just a thought. It was a prayer to the universe, to fate who got them stuck like this to begin with. What else could he do? Din wasn’t the wide eyed little boy starstruck at the notion of a soulmate anymore. The years had changed him into someone that didn’t deserve that. That left him pleading as he sat in the cockpit fuming silently. What else could he do?
The answer given to him was the sound of your feet climbing the ladder to meet him. He huffed out a quiet sigh and when you entered his peripherals he questioned your presence, more gruff than he intended, “What?”
“Maker, relax.” You dropped into the passenger seat with a scoff. Din cursed himself. Again. “Your kid fell asleep downstairs and I’m not desperate enough to start talking to your walls.” He stayed silent and you let out a chuckle. “Although, maybe your walls would be a better conversationalist.”
“You should sleep.” Din replied. It was his best case scenario right now.
“Not tired.” You slouched in your seat, finding a comfortable spot, “So what’s your kid’s deal? You have a mid-life crisis and find the closest kid to adopt?”
You were annoying. You never shut up. Din liked the sound of your voice way too much.
“Then how’d you end up with him?”
“It’s a long story.”
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s still two days until we reach Corellia.”
Din shouldn’t answer. The less he knew about you, and the less you knew about him, the better. He should keep his mouth shut, get you to the world you wanted, and speed away as fast as he could. Travel to the clear other side of the galaxy. He knew all of this, and yet his mouth opened. “He was a bounty.”
“Seriously?” You chuckled. “Why would there be a bounty on a kid?”
“It’s hard to explain.” And Din really didn’t want to. “Empire wanted him.”
You hummed and he was caught off guard when you didn’t ask any further questions on his vague statement. He was surprised further when you chuckled, “Good for you.”
Din turned in his seat to look at you. “I turned him in.”
“And then obviously went back for him, I’m guessing. Since he’s, you know, here.”
“That doesn’t change what I did⏤”
“We’re all assholes and it’s human nature that the first thing our brains think to do, our instinct, is sometimes selfish and stupid. It happens.” You said without missing a beat. “The only thing that matters at the end of the day is if you’re willing to fix what you fucked up and the conscious decision you make from there.” Din could only stare at you in response as your words rolled around in his head. You said it so simply, like an offhand comment or passing thought, but it felt so profound to him. You shrugged. “I know, I know. I can be inspirational sometimes. It happens.”
Din found his lips twitching up into a small smile and he forced himself to look away. The only safe spot to stare was the control panel. You stayed silent and Din realized that if he focused hard enough he could see your reflection in the glass panel that sat in front of you. Without any attention on you, without the business of a conversation, Din watched your features soften. There was a melancholy in your gaze that stirred something in his chest. 
“I can…” Din began and your eyes darted to look his way while he stayed facing forward, “I can remove that for you.”
Din spun in his chair so he faced you, and he motioned to your neck where that damned collar sat. “That. I can remove it. If you’d like.”
Your eyes widened marginally and the surprise dissipated as quickly as it came. You shook your head. “No. I don’t want it off.”
“You don’t…” Din tilted his head in confusion. “Why wouldn’t you want it off?”
“It’s a story for another day.” You mumbled.
“But, I don’t understand.” Din blurted before he could reign it back. Never, ever would anybody in the entire galaxy claim him to be the nosy type of person. Din kept to himself and expected others to respect him in that same way. Silence never bothered him. Yet, that same sensation that stirred in his chest, urged him to learn more. It was the most unfamiliar feeling he’s ever had.
You shook your head. “You never take your armor off, right? Even when it’d be more comfortable to shed it all?”
“My armor is not the same as a slave collar.” Din bristled.
“You wear your armor because it stands for something. It represents a part of you, and carries a belief.” You replied sharply. “Right now, this collar serves the exact same purpose for me.  So, no, I don’t see a difference.”
Din leaned back and found himself speechless. That was all true of his armor, but he couldn’t fathom a person feeling similarly to the kind of metal soldered to your neck. He cleared his throat and leaned forward on his elbows. “I chose to wear this armor. I put it on willingly.”
“Who says I didn’t choose to put this collar on? Who said I wasn’t willing?” You replied and Din found himself floored again. The melancholy in your eyes hardened and turned to something sharp, mean, and cold. “You can find a sense of protection, of belonging, and what once brought you comfort can just as easily turn into a prison.” You stood up abruptly and Din’s gaze followed you. You motioned to him, “Are you telling me that beskar never feels like a prison?”
You turned on your heel and left. Din didn’t understand how easily you were able to spin him in place. The question you left him with felt like a blow to the chest. Din stiffened in his seat and shook his head. He needed to get you off this ship as quickly as he could.
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“You’re kind of a weird kid, you know that?” You were laying on your stomach in the cargo hold, kicking your legs in the air, while leaning on one fist. The child, Grogu, sat in front of you munching on a ration bar that you had scavenged for him in all the the Mandalorian’s supply. You hadn’t asked permission, but you figured Mando couldn’t be upset at you for feeding his child. “Not because you’re green with giant ears. I have no issue with that.” You continued. “You’re just an oddball. In a good way, I mean.”
The boy babbled between bites and you nodded your head as he spoke.
“Mhmm.” You agreed to whatever he was saying. “Yeah. Yeah. Tell me about it.”
Three days on this ship with the Mandalorian and his son hadn’t been the worst thing in the galaxy. You were fed, you had a place to sleep, and the walking tin can hadn’t murdered you. It had been a while since you came away with this many wins back to back. The last bit of real tension you dealt with was when Mando offered to take the golden band around your neck off. You hadn’t meant to take it so personal or make it personal back. You must have seriously pissed the guy off though because since then he had maybe only spoken a total of ten words to you. Even when you tried to egg him into an argument. You found you missed talking to him which meant you must have been more desperate for interaction than you thought. Why else would you crave to hear his voice? 
You could always apologize for comparing his armor to your collar. The dig had been a guess. An attempt to get under his skin as he had gotten under yours. You pushed yourself up off the floor to sit criss cross and your hand drifted to the gold band around your neck. It’d be nice to have it off, but you couldn’t yet. Not until you dealt with Viktor. For now, you would just have to daydream about the day you’d walk around with a bare neck.
“I’m sorry.”
The sound of the modulated voice had you whip around in surprise, eyes wide and heart racing. Mando was leaning against the wall behind you. He must have come from the kitchen area or fresher, but considering you thought he had been up in the cockpit it really caught you off guard.
“Maker, how are you that silent? You’re basically covered in pots and pans.”
“Practice.” Mando shrugged. His hands were resting on his belt. “I’m sorry about,” He paused and nodded toward you, “you know.”
Your hand fell from your neck. “Why are you apologizing? That was like 48 hours ago.”
“We’ll be landing in Coreilla soon. It’s now or never.”
“Okay.” You mumbled. It surprised you again when the child waddled from around you and crawled into your lap. You scratched his head while he continued to eat. “I’m sorry too then. I didn’t have to drag your armor into it.”
“You weren’t wrong.”
Your eyes widened at his admission, and you weren’t quite sure what to do with it. There was an energy between you and the Mandalorian you couldn’t quite explain. The close quarters made you naturally want to bond, but from experience you knew that was a poor plan. Plus, Mando didn’t seem all that interested in starting up any kind of friendship. Which made sense. You’d be out of his life soon enough. You just wondered if you had gone too long without any real social interaction. Back when you were with Viktor, he had others in his collection that you had grown close to⏤ like sisters. You missed being social.
Before you could think of a bridging conversation, Mando pushed off the wall and climbed up into the cockpit. You blew out a breath of air as soon as he was out of view then glanced down at the kid in your lap.
“Why is your dad so hard to talk to?” You asked. “I can talk to anyone and anything, but that beskar may as well be a wall.” Grogu babbled another string of nonsense and you nodded. “Yeah, I mean he probably doesn’t make a habit of befriending quarries, huh?”
It was fine. It didn’t matter.
And, a few hours later when the ship was landed on the tarmac and the ramp was lowering you repeated those phrases to yourself again. 
“Well, uh, thanks.” You nodded. Mando had given you back your weapons and he now stood inside the cargo hold with his son in his arms while you drifted down the ramp. You paused at the bottom. “It’s been fun, bucket head.”
Mando didn’t reply, but Grogu did offer you a wave which you cheerily returned. With one last nod, and a mocking salute, you spun on your heel and began to tread away. You had only gotten a few feet from the ship when you heard Mando call out after you. The sound of his voice calling out your name grinding your feet to a halt.
“Just…Be careful.” Mando said tensely. 
“I always try.” You replied with a grin and a shrug.
As you continued to leave, your stomach churned in discomfort. The Corellia shipyard was dreary and gray which could sour anyone’s mood. When you reached the gates, the overwhelming urge to look back slammed into you. In fact, you nearly turned on instinct alone. A moment of weakness born from a desperation to connect to someone again. Shoving it as deep down into yourself as you could, burying it with the bloody memories and traumas in the graveyard of your mind, you pushed forward deeper into the city of Corellia. 
It took you only ten minutes to travel through the city and find the first cantina of many. By time you arrived thoughts of the Mandalorian had been successfully shelved and you were seriously craving a strong drink. The bartender was kind and cheerful, the opposite of how this city of Corellia looked, and after he poured you a drink you drifted to a back table. 
You decided this was going to be your least favorite world. Even in comparison with Jakku. Never before had entering a city filled you with such dread and distaste. Like a cloud of darkness had rolled over your mind to match the stormy clouds above the city itself. You were honestly just in shock that there could be a place worse than Jakku. That rolled into the realization that the galaxy was a big place and you still had a lot of ground to cover. There was a chance you had yet to see the worst this universe had to offer. That only worsened your misery.
Something solid, something you unfortunately recognized as the end of a blaster, pressed against your spine. “I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold.”
Fate just couldn’t give you a fucking break could it?
With a sigh, you turned around and began to mumble your usual spiel, “Would you really arrest your⏤” The words died in your mouth as your eyes landed on the man standing behind you. A Nikto wearing a grin filled only with malice and eyes that shone with rage. One who gripped the blaster tight in one hand while his other hung loosely at his side with three missing fingers. You grimaced, “Oh, my luck can’t possibly be this bad…”
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Din was pacing the cargo hold while Grogu watched him curiously from the cot. Already he had climbed up to the cockpit just to immediately come down twice. He wanted to leave this kriffing planet. Why couldn’t he leave this kriffing planet? He mumbled a string of curses after the rhetoric question. Of course he knew why. 
“This is a bad idea.” Din scoffed aloud. Grogu chirped and his feet came to a stop so he could stare at the kid. His son. Saving Grogu had been a bad idea too. A life changing one at that. That didn’t make it any less important that he went through with the rescue. Din had gambled, taken a chance, and his pay out had been worth more than he could’ve ever imagined. Could he take a gamble on you?
Considering how quickly he had given up on you years prior, taking a gamble was the least he could do.
Din sighed and grabbed his satchel to place Grogu in before hurrying off the ship. He didn’t have a plan. Then again, he rarely did. What would he say to you? Admit that he was your soulmate? Din probably should have done that three days ago. But with the way you had blown off the idea of soulmates, he had a high suspicion that telling you the truth would only worsen the situation. Besides, he was not interested in exploring the soulmate relationship further. Din didn’t deserve that. What he could do, what he owed you, was help in your mission. If he told you the truth, you wouldn’t let him help. If he kept it to himself, then maybe he could help you meet your goals and put you on a path to a better life. One you deserved.
There. Plan made.
Din knew he needed to find a cantina but he wasn’t sure which you’d be in since there were a few in this city. He picked the closest one and hoped for the best. 
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The hand knotted in your hair roughly threw you back to the asphalt ground of the alley behind the cantina. You landed on your back, the air briefly leaving you, and you stared up at Nivor. With a wince, you spoke, “You know, for only having two fingers you got a pretty tight grip.”
A boot slammed into the side of your rib cage before Nivor knelt down and pressed his knee against your sternum. Your hands reached out to claw at him, shove him off, but he grabbed your wrists with his one good hand and pinned it to the ground above your head.
“You always have something to say.” Nivor spat. “Don’t know why Viktor liked you so much.”
“You and me both.” You replied.
He applied more pressure to your chest with his knee and you clenched your teeth to bite back a moan. Nivor chuckled, “He wants you back.”
“I’m aware.” You snapped, breathless.
“Told him I’d bring you back, but I don’t think he’d mind a few missing pieces.”
“Wrong.” You glared up at him. “You bring me back less than whole and he’ll rip your head off.”
Nivor shook his head, “You’re overestimating your worth, little bird.” Your glare deepened at the nickname. “Viktor’s found a new favorite plaything.” The Nikto pulled a vibroblade from his belt. “Besides, you owe me some parts.”
“Is this about the fingers thing?” You replied. “That was an accident. I wasn’t trying to shoot off half your hand, I was trying to kill you.” You couldn’t help but paste on a smug smirk. “So really you should be thankful.”
“What is it they say? A leg for a leg.” Nivor dragged the blade up from your knee to your hip. Not deep enough to cut through your clothes, but enough to make you uncomfortable. “An eye for an eye.” The blade kissed the skin of your cheekbone as it circled around your eye softly. “How about a hand for three fingers?!”
You shook your head. “The math is not adding up there, buddy.”
With a cry of anger, Nivor lifted the blade in the air and at the motion his knee lifted off your chest. Using the window of opportunity, you rolled into him as hard as you could and he fell back on his ass. However, though his grip had loosened some, he still had a tight hold on one of your wrists and it kept you from running. You tried to twist out of his grip to avoid the blade he was swinging wildly now, and your free hand shot to grab your own dagger. Nivor was stronger than you gave him credit for, and once he gained his footing he was able to yank you back to the ground. The dagger you managed to grab clattered away from your grip when your chest slammed into the asphalt and a cry of pain slipped from your lips as Nivor twisted your arm back to keep you pinned down. Now, his knee dug into your spine.
You tried to reach around and grab him, but your fingers only grazed the leather of his jacket.
“For that, you’re losing your whole arm.” Nivor chuckled. 
His blade pressed into your shoulder and panic flooded your entire body. No, no, no. This was your dominant arm. This injury would put an abrupt end to your mission and that was only if you survived it. Between blood loss and Nivor choosing a grimy alley to operate, your chances were slim. With another scream, you tried to shake your entire body in a poor attempt to knock him off of you, but you only felt his blade begin to dig in deeper. Heat flare in your shoulder as Nivor deliberately sunk it in as slowly as possible. 
“Stop!” The plea left your lips and you immediately felt shame for begging this man for mercy. You heard his chuckle, the blade sunk a bit deeper, then with the familiar sound of a blaster going off the weight suddenly fell from your back. You were gasping for air, your heart still pounding as you felt hot blood drip down your back and shoulder, and when you glanced to the side you saw Nivor slumped to the ground. The sinister light in his eyes was gone and his features were slack. There was still smoke rising from the blaster burn in his back.
You turned the opposite way, whipped your head in that direction more like, and there stood the Mandalorian now holstering his weapon. You had tucked his memory away, sure you’d never see him again, but now you felt so relieved to be wrong. Seeing that shine of silver may as well have been the glowing end of a long tunnel. The little green child, resting in his bag by his side, lifted his hand and gave you a small wave.
With the arm that wasn’t numb with pain, you waved back.
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@onceinamando @hrtsforpascal @lil-dragon-draws @harriedandharassed @aheadfullofsteverogers @elfamosotoga @the-anchored-sailor-girl @garbo-lesbo @moonlqghts @stokeholdsblog @morks-watermelon @http-onie @chonkercatto @xalphafox @pedrojoe @zarahbronstein @cockscombkingdom @ale0m @shelbyteller @fallinallinmendes @grandtheoristpeach @perilous-pasta @love-the-abyss @kneelforloki @insomniac-nerd-posts-things
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a/n: this was supposed to be my silly, funny, light hearted story, but the reader in this grabbed me by the shirt collar and went 'bitch nah'. soooooo here we are :)
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chiriwritesstuff · 11 months
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christine ➫ 38 ➫ HNL, HI / PNW (Seattle, Mostly) ➫ full-time baby girl, part-time feral gremlin. architectural designer by day, fanfic writer by night. This is an 18+ Blog, please, MDNI.
Chiri's Socials ➫ AO3 ➫ Pinterest ➫ Insta ➫ Spotify
➫ Recent Releases / WIPs:
Hometown Glory; 1. Back to the Old House │ Frankie Morales x F! Lawyer Reader 'Glory'
… in Every Universe; 1. Let Me In (Sneak Peek) │ Modern! Din Djarin x F! Reader
Constellations; From The Vault │ Lucien Flores x F! Reader One Shot / Drabble
The New Girl in Tinseltown; 3. Fake Smile │ Dieter Bravo x F! Actress Reader
The Girl in IT; 8. The Panic! in the Breakroom (Christine's Version) │ Joel Miller x F! Reader
➫ Upcoming Fics / On the Docket:
'Kintsugi' - a 'Meet Me at the Farmers Market' trilogy - Joel Miller x Plus Size! F! Reader
'My Wife in IT' (a 'The Girl in IT' Sequel!) - CEO Joel Miller x Wife! Reader
'Ghost in the Machine' - Marcus Moreno x F! Heroic Reader
'Return of Saturn' - a Pedro Boys! collective of one-shots inspired by No Doubt's Return of Saturn album
➫ Full Masterlist under the cut!
'Hometown Glory' - Frankie Morales x F! Lawyer Reader 'Glory' 👀 ➫ In Progress!
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Series Masterlist
Series Summary: You're thriving in your career, having established yourself as a sought-after family lawyer in the bustling city. But there's a pull back to your hometown, a longing for roots and a sense of belonging that drives you to open your own firm there. Just as you're settling into this new chapter, a blast from the past walks through your office doors. It's him—the man who unknowingly held your heart, the one you never quite got over. A face you swore you would never see again... and he's seeking your legal help for his divorce and custody battle from the girl you believed to be your best friend. You two never officially dated, but the chemistry between you was undeniable. Yet a string of misunderstandings and missed chances kept you apart, leaving you with lingering feelings and unanswered questions. Now, as you find yourself face-to-face with him again, old emotions resurface, along with memories of what could have been. But amidst the legal complexities of his divorce, you realize this might be the opportunity you've been waiting for—to finally address the lingering feelings between you and uncover the truth that has kept you apart for so long.
'... in Every Universe' - A Roswell-inspired Modern! Din Djarin x F! Reader Soulmates AU 👀 ➫ In Progress!
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Series Masterlist
Series Summary: At five years old, you're found wandering alone in a weird town called Roswell and have no recollection of how you got there. 20 years later, you're working at your adoptive family's diner and you can't help the connection you feel with the town's bounty hunter, who just can't stop staring at you... what happens when you're on the brink of death and the man in question saves you in a way you can't explain?
'The New Girl in Tinseltown' - A Dieter Bravo x Actress! Reader PR Marriage AU 👀 ➫ In Progress!
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Series Masterlist
Series Summary: What happens when America’s New Girl-Next-Door is caught canoodling with a semi-washed up actor who is on the verge of losing his next movie role? You strike up a mutually beneficial PR relationship, of course! It’s all pretend, right? It’s not like you could actually fall for Dieter fucking Bravo… or can he convince you to take a chance?
'Call it fate, call it karma' - Javier Pena x F! Reader 👀 ➫ In Progress!
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Read it here!
Summary: Two broken people on New Years Eve.
'The Girl in IT' - Boss! Joel Miller x IT Specialist F! Reader 👀 ➫ In Progress!
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The LIST │ Series Masterlist
Series Summary: When an IT specialist who feels behind in life stumbles upon a sexual bucket list on her boss's computer one night, what will she do once she finds out that it was written about her?
Meet Me at the Farmers Market - A Farmers Market! Joel AU - 👀 ➫ Updates Sporadic!
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Series Masterlist
Series Summary: What does a Contractor do in his spare time? Sell his wood carvings at the Saturday Farmers Market, of course! A Grumpy x Sunshine Joel Miller series collective of one shots, coming this November!
The Impossible Man - Modern-Day Detective! Din Djarin x Witchy! Reader (Soulmates! AU) - 👀➫ On Hiatus!
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Series Masterlist
Series Summary: For someone being born into a magical family, a curse placed on the women of your bloodline means you have mostly avoided witchcraft and its calling for the majority of your life. After a life-altering tragedy, you turn your back on your family and your gift and seek out a more normal, boring existence, devoid of magic, and mostly, of love. What happens when the ghosts of your past threaten your peaceful existence and you are forced to reconcile all that you have lost? Will you let the people you have abandoned in your past life back into your heart? Will the appearance of an impossible man you have unknowingly cursed yourself break the chains of love? Will you let him?
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wxckedwxrld · 1 year
• harry potter
• law & order: svu
• marvel
• narcos
• narnia
• peaky blinders
• riverdale
• 7ds
• Star Wars
• supernatural
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livingbreathingdreams · 10 months
Pedro Pascal Character Fics 💖
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🌸 Slow burn [because I’m a sucker for endless buildup] ⎮ ⚪️ Friends to lovers ⎮ 🧡 Personal favorite ⎮ * There is cheating (by the main characters, which I don't condone, but the story is so good I'm making an exception)
Din Djarin
❤︎ A Fresh Start @theidiotwhowritesthings 🌸🧡
When you made plans for your future they never involved being hired by a Mandalorian to baby-sit his adorable, green gremlin of a child. However, after your life fell apart in the span of one disastrous night, you found it to be the only feasible option you had left. Nevarro was a far cry from Coruscant, but the thriving community turned out to be exactly what you needed. Every day you spend in Nevarro you fall more and more in love with your new life, but when your past rears its ugly head you find that perhaps peace wasn’t meant for everyone.
❤︎ To the Bone @honeydjarin 🌸
Your soulmate is a bounty hunter, one who intends to collect the price on your head, even if that means bringing you in cold. You can’t run, can’t hide, can’t avoid the inevitable, so you intend to weaponize your silence.
❤︎ home is wherever I'm with you @saradika
When it appears the droid repair will take longer than expected, Din finds himself taking Karga up on his offer for the parcel of land. And when you go to give your new neighbor a warm welcome - you never imagine that it would be the very man you haven’t been to stop thinking about.
❤︎ Of Constellations & Creeds @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa 🌸
Everyone loves the Alpha and Omega Fated Mates for Life troupe so, what if The Mandalorians were a society of Alphas, a dying race because your sisterhood of Omegas are becoming more and more rare by the day? You and Din were mated before you were born, your futures written in the stars–and that pissed you off, both of you. At least in the beginning.
❤︎ of beskar and kyber @penvisions 🌸
You’ve been on the run for as long as you can remember, from a lot of different people and a lot of different things. Everyone seems to see you as either a prize to show off or a captive to exploit. You had been successful in keeping a low profile and evading brief captures. That is until your mother contracted the Guild and the Mandalorian came to possess your tracking fob. Will he be the reason your freedom is no longer something attainable or will he be the one to help you achieve it in ways you never anticipated? 
❤︎ unearthed @grippingbeskar
Royal!Reader, arranged marriage, need I say more?
Javier Peña
❤︎ Teach Me Tonight @storiesofthefandomlovers ⚪️
Y/N and Javier both have things to talk about when he visits her apartment one night. Y/N tells her partner about her crush on Brad from the CIA and reveals that she is a virgin and has barely been kissed. She wants to make sure she can impress Brad and asks Javier to educate her on all things sex and seduction.
One Shots
❤︎ going slow @ezrasbirdie sex hurts and Javier is an angel 🌶
❤︎ Favours Repaid @pascalispretty Javier doesn't like leaving a lady unsatisfied 🌶
Joel Miller
❤︎ Honeyed @softlyspector Tattoo Artist!Joel AU 🌸⚪️🧡
You hate being touched, but you might be willing to put aside your discomfort for a tattoo from Joel.
❤︎ a stranger's heart without a home @morning-star-joy 🌸⚪️🧡
Sleeping with Joel Miller was supposed to be a one time thing. When the older brother of your closest friend showed up in Jackson, you hadn't expected him to stay more than a day. You'd both given into a brief moment of passion before he left, and that was the end of that. It didn't matter, you were never going to see him again. Then Joel returns a few months later, and screws up everything about the comforting life you had established in Jackson.
❤︎ Yearling @justagalwhowrites 🌸⚪️
After years of surviving in the wilds of Wyoming after the cordyceps outbreak, you find yourself in Jackson. It's a town filled with friendly faces and the kind of world you hardly remember, let alone can connect with or understand. But one man - Joel Miller, another loner, like you - makes you think that trying to find your place in society again might be worth it.
❤︎ SOMETHING TO FIGHT FOR @auteurdelabre 🌸* [buckle up this one is devastating friends]
After a disastrous blind date you decide to stay away from the miserable Joel Miller forever. The only problem is your best friend Maria is dating his brother and their construction company has been hired to renovate where you work. In an effort to support your friend, you’re thrust into the unwanted job of babysitting Joel’s young daughter one night. As time goes on you’re not expecting to find a confidant in Joel Miller but when you do, you wonder how you ever survived without him.
❤︎ Maintenance Request @burntheedges Modern AU 🌸
Hot Construction Guy is the bane of your existence - he seems to only pop up at the worst possible moment for you, every time you see him. There’s no way there could be something more there. Right?
❤︎ Roommates @punkshort Pornstar!Joel AU 🌸⚪️*
Your roommate, Maria, introduces you to her boyfriend's brother. You hit it off immediately, but when you find out the true nature of his profession, you both decide to remain just friends. But once the four of you eventually move in together, things get... complicated.
One Shots
❤︎ Good as New @forever-rogue Joel stitches you up
❤︎ Body of Water @lambsigh body hair insecurity, soft!Joel
❤︎ skinny dipping with Joel @swiftispunk shy/innocent reader
❤︎ give in @futureman Joel shows you how to love yourself 🌶
❤︎ adoration @morallyinept cancer/mastectomy 🌶 [part of BODIES a Collection of Pedro Boy & Real Body Reader One Shots]
Frankie Morales
❤︎ the layover @goodwithcheese 🌸
One night can change everything. (Frankie and reader are both parents so children will be present occasionally, Frankie is such a good dad.)
❤︎ Shared Breaths @frenchiereading 🌸
On the first day of school you meet single dad Frankie Morales and his daughter who is enrolled in your first grade class. As the year progresses, what started as parent-teacher conversations grow deeper, your encounters grow more frequent and feelings that you shouldn’t entertain for a student’s parent are becoming harder and harder to ignore. 
One Shots
❤︎ acts of service @swiftispunk you've never had your pussy ate and your best friend Frankie helps you out 🌶
Jack Daniels
❤︎ Palomino @fuckyeahdindjarin 🌸🧡
Unable to get a refund for a week-long horse-riding pack trip you'd booked with your ex, you decide to go solo. As it turns out, a rebound with a cowboy named Jack while traversing the wild landscapes of Wyoming might just be what you need.
Dieter Bravo
❤︎ Celestial Navigation @write-and-buried 🌸🧡
Dumped and drowning in a summer storm, you duck inside a coffee shop to hide from your broken heart. Covered in plants and hand drawn images over exposed brick, it seems like a slice of heaven. The owner brings you a blueberry muffin and a promise; you'll fall in love with him before the new year.
❤︎ Sweet Creature @wildemaven 🌸
A washed up movie star with a failing career, fresh out of rehab and looking to turn his life around. He moves back to his small hometown to take a break from stardom and help his sister out with his niece— He’s traded the high-life for school runs and crafting. What he doesn’t except is to meet you, his niece’s school teacher who couldn’t care less about his extensive filmography or his dwindling fame.
❤︎ starstruck @ezrasbirdie ⚪️
What happens when a lonely dieter bravo actually answers an Instagram message from a fan?
❤︎ A LITTLE SUN @auteurdelabre 🌸⚪️
As a PA to megastar and mega man-child Dieter Bravo you've had your fair share of headaches. Getting accidentally pregnant with his baby however takes the cake, especially when he offers to pay you to be his surrogate. You just weren't expecting to fall in love with him along the way.
❤︎ bright lights @ezrasbirdie 🌸 Neurodivergent!Reader
Dieter Bravo is a man so complicated that his personal assistant needs her own personal assistant just to keep up with his demands, and that’s where you come in. Part time, flexible hours, and a free place to live—you can’t imagine a more perfect gig. You don’t even mind the budding crush you have on Mr. Bravo; that is, until your boss falls ill right before awards season, leaving you to pick up the slack.
One Shots
❤︎ Puppy Love @deakyjoe 🌸 Your neighbour Dieter's dog is the only comfort you need during stressful days. Well, maybe her and her owner.
❤︎ Love To Hate @deakyjoe 🌶🧡 You hate Dieter Bravo more than anything. So why are you asking him to sleep with you? coworkers to lovers
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captainkirkk · 1 year
I'm cleaning out my old writing notebooks and found a bunch of fic prompts that never went anywhere:
AU where the Avatar always has four soul-mates (one from each element) and there are as many legends/folk tales about them as there are about the Avatar
AU where soulmates don't get their marks until they "come into their own" so Zuko doesn't get the gaang's marks until he confronts Ozai and decides to teach Aang
Aang stuck in a time loop during Sozin's Comet
Din Djarin's ongoing attempt to baby-proof the Razor Crest
5 times Ladybug called Chat Noir's dad a motherfucker (without knowing he was Hawkmouth) + 1 time Paris did it for her
Gotham's POV of Superboy hanging out in Gotham more often now that he's dating Red Robin. He's not one of their Bats but there is a grudging tolerance there. He's their superhero-in-law.
Tim is THIS CLOSE to turning into a villain and Kon... doesn't hate it as much as he should
Midoriya is a popular kid at UA and has no idea. He can't even imagine being popular after years of being bullied. Him? Well liked? Surely you're mistaking him for someone else...
Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua became gods when they transmigrated and they have no idea
Prince Shen Qingqiu with manservant Binghe (who ends up being the lost heir to another kingdom)
Stranger things AU where Steve + the kids get caught in the upside down. Cue platonic cuddling for warmth.
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lincolndjarin · 6 months
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socials, etc. .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ao3 ☆ insta ☆ kofi mdni, my entire blog is 18+ please read all tags and warnings, dddne fics are tagged accordingly follow @lincolndjarinnotifs for fic updates
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navigation :
I - series, completed & ongoing
II - one off's
III - drabbles
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I - series (in order of release)
Best Kept Secret [ completed series ] .𖥔 ݁ ˖ 195k words
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bodyguard!Din Djarin x princess!reader
summary : Married off to a prince on a planet that you hate? New husband doesn't know you, and doesn't want to know you? New husband gifts you a personal Mandalorian body guard as a wedding present? Mandalorian is a wiseass who won't leave you alone? Lucky you.
tags: : enemies to friends to lovers, arranged marriage, forbidden love, smut, angst, canon-typical violence, eventual happy ending
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Oh Honey [ completed series] .𖥔 ݁ ˖ 56k words
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monster!Joel Miller x mortician!reader
summary : you’ve been given a gift. a fresh start in a brand new place, the sleepy little town of Honey, WV. a distant aunt has passed away and left you a little plot of land and her camper, the stars must be aligning for you because the local mortician is looking for an assistant and you’re desperate for the work experience. your new employer even offers to set you up with her brother-in-law! things are looking up, you’ve got a brand new home, a new town, a hot date, (and thanks to a series of bear attacks that started immediately after your arrival) you have more than enough work to keep you busy!
tags: : horror/mystery, angst, monster fucker, soulmates au, graphic descriptions of violence, body horror, gore
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Every Now and Then [ ongoing series]
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Joel Miller x f!reader
summary : Joel Miller destroyed you. He loved you, then he left, leaving you in the New York City, QZ. But he's a good southern gentleman, so of course he didn't leave you without a reminder of the time you spent together. Four years later you're living in Jackson, in a lovely little ranch house. (With your reminder.) The last person you want to see is Joel Miller, unfortunately you've never been particularly lucky.
tags: : angst, toxic relationships, unplanned pregnancy, possessive behavior, healing, extremely complicated relationships
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Sparrow's Spectacles [ ongoing anthology ]
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summary : a series of horror one shots based around different pedro characters. be warned, the dead doves are going to be remarkably inedible. installments will be tagged accordingly, all stories will be 18+ and dddne.
tags: : dead dove do not eat, horror, dub/noncon
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Venus [ coming soon ]
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Din Djarin x cyborg!reader
summary : this may be your only chance to explore the galaxy, even if you aren't fond of the man who's been tasked with protecting you. leaving your chosen family of a crime lord and a master assassin to join a stranger on his run down razor crest. you've been guaranteed safe passage to any planet you can dream of, all you have to do is watch his kid while he's working. it wouldn't be that bad of a gig if it weren't for your arm. and your leg. and your stomach. turns out the man eternally covered in steel loathes the fact that parts of you are made of metal. one ship, one bunk, one green baby, and a man who refuses to see you as anything other than a monster. what could go wrong?
tags: : enemies to lovers, slow burn, the razor crest lives, canon typical violence, eventual smut
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II - one off's (in order alphabetically)
A Little Mishap [francisco morales x f!reader]
tags : dead dove do not eat, noncon, bondage
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Bound in Beskar [din djarin x f!reader]
tags : armorer!mando, dom/sub vibes, pwp, blacksmith bondage
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Constructive Criticisms [javier peña x f!reader]
tags : virginity loss, fluff, mutual masturbation
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the Dragonfly & the Moon [joel miller x f!witch!reader]
tags : ritualistic sex, knife play, blood
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More & More & More [jack daniels x f!reader]
tags : dead dove do not eat, noncon, bondage
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My Sister Lives in the Attic [joel miller x f!reader]
tags : grief, angst, child loss
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My Way [oberyn martell x wife!reader]
tags : married fluff, pegging
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Not So Secret Santa [javier peña x f!coworker!reader]
tags : enemies to lovers, semi-public sex, christmas
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Pretty in Pink [joel miller x f!reader]
tags : fluff, breeding kink, lingerie
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Ride Cowgirl! [jack daniels x f!reader]
tags : unprotected sex, bondage
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Sweet Boy [din djarin x gn!reader]
tags : sub!din, pegging
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the Thing That Gives [ezra x f!reader]
tags : dead dove do not eat, noncon, tentacles
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III - drabbles (under 1k words)
sub!din x f!reader
dieter bravo x f!reader
comandante veracruz x f!reader
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