#din jävla MES
Can I Comes Withs?
Skwisgaar had been laying in bed for what seemed like hours, after dinner he had excused himself and went straight to his room. He sighed as he closed his door, locking it and taking his boots off. He placed them by his door, making way to his bed. He’s done this routine before, after dinner, come into his room, play guitar for a bit, takes a shower and then go to bed but this time it was different. After his shower he couldn't seem to fall asleep, he brushed his hair, did some face masks and even painted his nails black just to try and tire himself out but nothing seemed to do the trick. Skwisgaar only had one thing on his mind and it was his fellow bandmate Toki Wartooth. The two were close with each other but there was an incident that caused Skwisgaar to become slightly distant with the brown haired man. The two had been palling around with everyone else, taking shots, drinking beer and smoking whatever Pickles would offer them, but this time it was different. Toki had taken Skwisgaar over to the hallway away from everyone, the pair highly intoxicated, Toki holding Skwigsaars his free hand running up against the wall to help guide him while Skwiagaar followed close behind, nearly tripping over the others feet. He wasn’t sure where Toki was leading him but he trusted his companion. “Ah Tokis where are we goings? The others are going to notice we are uh not with thems.” The blonde said quietly,now face to face with Toki, slightly looking down. “What is ah so importance that you had to drag me down here by the arms huh.” He complained slightly smacking Tokis head. Toki let go of Skwisgaar and smiled, “Wells I jus wanted some privacies for us.” He nodded, “There was somethings I want to tell you!” Toki said happily, his words slurring now as the alcohol in his system started to kick in. Skwisgaar raised an eyebrow, tilting his head a bit. “Oh Ja? Vell what is it?” He asked leaning against the wall, closing his eyes as he felt his head start to hurt. “Ah Tokis can this vaits for tomorrow I do not think i ams feeling goods, I think i drank too much.” He added, sighing and opening his eyes, Toki only a few inches away from his face. Toki pouted slightly, reaching to hold Skiwgaars face, the blonde swatted his hands away. “Don’t touch me! Hurrys up and tells me what you vants.” He said now annoyed and slightly pushing Toki away. Toki stumbled a bit and spilled a bit of his drink on Skwisgaar, he let out a small hiccup and looked at Skwisgaar. “Listens! Skwisgaar i want yous to know that…that i think you ams pretty ladys…and i want you to be my ladysfriend!” Toki cheered happily, his hands now messing with Skwisgaar's hair. Skwisgaar felt his face go hot, he was pissed that he was just called a lady, embarrassed that his bandmate was playing with his hair, and even a bit flattered that he was called a pretty lady.It didn’t hit him until Toki had tugged on his shirt that Toki just asked Skwisgaar to be his girlfriend. “No I’m nots! I’m nots a pretty lady Toki! I ams nots a lady Din jävla idiot!” He protested shoving Toki off and storming to his room. Toki fell on his ass when Skwisgaar shoved him, he grunted as he tried getting up, a confused Pickles walking over and helping Toki up. (bear with me idk how tumblr works)
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Trainwreck (OC fiction) - Part 5
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Roman spent the majority of his week-end trying to call Joyce and sending her messages that all went unanswered.
            The rest of it he spent ignoring Alma’s texts. He read them, and couldn’t fathom why he was with this girl in the first place. The poor excuse of an apology she sent him was nothing but condescending and put all the blame on him.
            He knew- godammit he knew he had messed up on both sides, but he hadn’t crossed any lines. Sure, it was unfair to Alma that he had started spending so much time with Joyce, and it had been terrible to hide Alma from Jo. He’d buried his own grave, there was no denying that now. The only thing left to do was clean up the mess.
            He rarely saw Joyce on Mondays; she had late classes while he was on campus in the morning. However, he could not avoid Alma, who knew his schedule and furiously strode in his directions right now. Roman sighed.
            He had known this was coming, although he had hoped to get a few more days of respite. He rubbed his chin, mentally preparing for the heated conversation to come. Alma would not go down easy.
“You fucking bastard!” she yelled at him the second she reached him, and shoved him in the chest, making Roman take a few steps back.
            He kept his hands in his coat pockets.
“You’ve got some nerve, you know that? You just left me up and hanging the other day even though I was there for you!” She was seething, and his lack of reaction only encouraged her in her anger. “And then you ignored my texts all week-end like some sulking child?”
“I needed a moment to think,” he told her calmly. “And if your texts were supposed to be apologetic, you’ll need to work on that.”
“Apologize?!” she nearly screeched. “I have nothing to apologize for, you fucking freak! You’re the one who forced me, your girlfriend, to spend an entire evening with your side piece.”
            Roman saw red but forced himself to swallow back the burning insult on the tip of his tongue. Balling up his fists but keeping his hands in his pockets, he took a beat to take a breath.
“Joyce is my friend, Alma-“
“Friends don’t look at you the way she does, and don’t even pretend you haven’t noticed, it’s written all over her face – and yours.”
            No, he wouldn’t deny it, that much he did owe her. He bit down on his lip.
“It’s actually pretty pathetic how obviously in love she is with you,” Alma kept pushing, spewing her venom, arms crossed over her chest. “I’d feel bad for her if I gave a damn how she felt.”
            Roman swallowed but didn’t let it show on his face that she said affected him in any way.
“You know, I find it awfully convenient that after barely seeing you for weeks, you suddenly take a renewed interest in me and our so-called relationship,” Roman laughed bitterly. “Looks to me like you’re only throwing a fit because you feel threatened.”
“Me? Threatened? By her?” Alma laughed one of her hateful laughs that Roman despised. He knew she had a side like this, a little bully inside her that mocked and ridiculed others to make herself feel better, but he had never been at the receiving end of it. “She wishes she were me. And not just because you’re screwing me.”
“Oh really? Very classy, Alma.” Roman snarled. “I don’t remember the last time I even touched you, she’s got nothing to be jealous of. Especially now that she realized just how ugly you are on the inside.”
            That seemed to get to her, and Alma even looked around for a heartbeat, making sure no one had heard him, as if she was more worried about what people thought of her relationship than by actually saving it.
            Not that there was much to save. He couldn’t believe how long it had taken him to see her for who she was. He shook his head.
“Is that it, then?” she continued. “You started talking to a discount store version of me because you didn’t get enough puss-“
“Håll din jävla käft![1]” Roman shouted suddenly, cutting her off.
“English, please! How many times do I have to tell you that I hate it when you speak a language I can’t understand?” she shouted right back, apparently not caring if they attracted attention now.
            Roman paused then. His mouth slowly turned into a little smile as he thought about the other day, when Jo had clumsily spoken Swedish to him. Of course, it had been to tell him that she left, but still, she had spoken his language. He hadn’t taught her anything – she hadn’t asked and although she had never said anything about his occasional exclamation in his native tongue, he never thought she’d take an interest in it.
“You can’t understand because you never tried, you’re too self-centered for that,” Roman finally told Alma, looking her dead in the eye. “We’ve been together for over a year and you have never cared. You don’t care about anyone but yourself, and I’m done with you.”
“What- What do you mean? You can’t just leave me,” she protested, not believing what she heard. “You’ll regret this,” she added, reverting back to threats.
“I don’t think I will. You know what I just realized?”
“What?” she spat out.
“I don’t even like you. It’s over Alma, go make someone else miserable.”
            The moment Roman turned his back on her and walked away, he felt the weight of the world disappear from his shoulders. He ignored her shouts of protest. At the same moment, his phone buzzed with a new notification.
            It was a text from Jo.
            The text had been brief, she only asked him to please give her some space because she needed to think. Not the kind of messages he preferred, especially since he needed to talk to her.
          �� Roman waits until the next day, because she always took the same train on Tuesdays, so he would hopefully be able to talk to her.
            She apparently decided to avoid him because she was not in their usual spot. Never mind, he would find her even if it took the whole trip – and find her he did, just fifteen minutes before arrival. She was sitting alone in a corner, headphones on, a book in her hands but she didn’t read it, she stared outside the window.
            She didn’t hear or see him coming, so she startled when Roman placed a hand on her shoulder to signal his presence.
“Shit! You scared me,” Jo said, closing her eyes. “W-what are you doing here?”
“Combed through every wagon until I found you,” he admitted sheepishly. “I got your text yesterday, but I can’t leave things the way we left them on Saturday.”
            There was a long silence during which Joyce swallowed thickly, already sensing that this conversation would be hard.
“Do you want to sit down?” she still asked. And the moment he was sitting next to her, it was like always – comfortable, natural.
“I’m so sorry about what happened. I know Alma is difficult, but I never expected her to-“ He closed his lips in a tight line and shook his head, eyes closed. “Never mind. Let’s not talk about her, she’s done enough damage.”
“Actually, I do want to talk about her,” Joyce said, surprising him. “Not talking about her is the reason why we’re in this situation in the first place.”
            Not particularly happy about this, Roman still nodded in agreement, understanding what she meant, where she came from. She was right, of course. He had started this by not telling her about Alma, so if she wanted – needed – to know more now, he would answer all her questions.
“What do you want to know?” he asked her. “I’ll answer anything you want. I feel so bad about all of it, you can’t imagine.”
            She seemed to ponder the matter.
“Why on earth are you dating the Wicked Witch of the West?”
            Roman stared at Joyce for a beat, then laughed.
“What? That’s your question?”
“I’m serious. In all the time we’ve spoken, you’ve always been nice, well-mannered, put together – probably due to your royal upbringing even if you deny it – so how did you end up with this viper?” Even now, Jo couldn’t help teasing him a bit, and it warmed his heart.
            But his smile slowly dropped, while Joyce’s stare on him didn’t waver.
“Honestly?” He sighed deeply, rubbing his droopy eye with his thumb, then looking into the distance. “Our relationship has always been complicated, but you have to understand, I wasn’t with her because I loved her. I was never in love with Alma, it wasn’t like that.”
            If there was one thing she had to take away from this conversation, that was it. He needed to make sure she knew he didn’t love Alma. They had something… shallow. Something so surface-level he didn’t think twice about leaving her when she showed her ugly side to Joyce. Joyce, who deserved to much better, so much more.
            Jo’s frown deepened and she seemed more lost than ever. Roman glanced at his phone and saw there wasn’t much time left until the train reached its destination, and he still had a lot to tell her.
“Then why?”
“I don’t know. I’m not sure how it happened.”
“I don’t follow.” Joyce crossed her arms over her chest, but the gesture had nothing to do with the defensive stance Alma had taken during their fight yesterday. Jo held onto her sweater like it was the only thing holding her together.
“We- well, we started seeing each other casually, at first,” Roman began hesitantly. “Nothing serious, just… for fun, you know? I don’t remember the exact moment it happened, I don’t recall ever asking her out or anything, we just- sort of… ended up together.”
            He looked at her and saw she was holding her breath, waiting for him to say more.
“I guess it felt like the logical thing to do after a while, I didn’t really question it when she started hanging out with me more, or introduced me as her boyfriend. I didn’t mind.” He hadn’t had anything to lose by being with her, not until he met Joyce. Not until he got a taste of what it could feel like to be with something he truly got along with, someone who felt like his person. “But it quickly became mechanical. She gets bored easily and I often didn’t hear from her for days. Until her little display last week, I hadn’t even gotten a text from her in two weeks. Two weeks.”
            Joyce looked outside again, watching the landscape go by as she took in what he was telling her. Her eyes seemed a little glassy now, so maybe she needed to look away from him to recompose herself.
“What does it mean now? You’re going back to your fucked-up relationship with your psycho girlfriend and we pretend you’re not already taken and that it doesn’t hurt?” Her voiced cracked on the last word, and Roman had never fought himself so hard not to take her in his arms – and he had wanted to more than once since they met. “Because it does hurt, Roman. I’m not sure I can go back to how things were before finding out.”
“I’m not asking you to.”
“Then what am I supposed to d-“
            Her sentence was interrupted by the announcement that their train was arriving at their stop. His time was up. Joyce seemed to give up on what she was going to say and began to put her belongings back into her bag.
“I broke up with her yesterday,” Roman blurted out before Jo could run off away and he had to wait another week to see her again. “I couldn’t stand the thought that she had gotten between us.”
            Jo nearly dropped the entire contents of her bag on the floor but Roman’s reflexes prevented the catastrophe and caught it. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out.
“I should have done it months ago,” he continued as they walked towards the exit, slowly stepping out of the train and onto the platform. “Alma and I had never been happy, we were just used to being together by now. But I knew it was over after the first time you sat next to me.”
            Jo was shaking her head as she stepped out of the way to avoid the sea of people exiting the train and rushing towards their bus or metro connection.
“Don’t say things like that if you don’t mea-“
“I mean it, Jo.” Roman’s hands shot out and landed on her shoulders. “I don’t think I’ve ever had such a physical reaction to meeting someone. I just couldn’t stay away from you, even knowing Alma would be mad, and it was wrong, and we might all get hurt in the process. Seeing you… talking to you... it was all worth it.”
“Are you trying to make it worse?” she shouted, suddenly angry. She shook him off and took a step backwards. He could tell she was holding back tears now, and perhaps he had pushed too far. Perhaps he had already ruined this beautiful thing they had. “Because right now, it feels like you’re doing everything you can to make it hurt more.”
            It hit him in the chest like a head-on collision, knocking him breathless for a second.
“I- I..” he stammered, unable to find the right words. “I thought-“
“Well, that’s just the thing, isn’t it?” Jo cut him off. “You didn’t think. You acted regardless of the consequences. What do you expect me to do now? Invite you into my bed because you’ve broken up with your girlfriend, whom you’ve hid from me for months, making me believe there was something between us?”
“There is something between us!” Roman exclaimed. Whatever he said, he knew she would take it the wrong way, he was only digging his own grave at this point. His shoulders sagged. “I deserve your anger. But I’ll prove you that I’m serious. I won’t give up on us.”
            She tried not to let is show that it touched her, that he said it out loud that there indeed was something going on between them, that it wasn’t just in her head. Her bout of anger deflated as quickly as it burst out. Joyce rubbed her mouth with one hand, sighing.
“There is no us!” Jo countered half-heartedly, brushing away a stray tear running down her cheek. God, wasn’t that fantastic? Now everyone would see she had cried with her smudged makeup.
“But there could be,” Roman insisted. “I can almost touch it.” He tentatively reached out, but thought better of it just before their hands brushed. Jo shuddered as Roman’s fingers curled into a fist. “Don’t you want to find out what we could be together?”
            He had the voice of a mad scientist of the verge of a breakthrough – of someone so close to his goal he grew desperate. And for the first time, Joyce wondered if maybe, he wasn’t hurting more than her. She shook away that parasite thought before it could take root.
“I want to be with you,” she stated, clearly enunciating each syllable. “Do you understand that? Do you understand that if you push, I will give in?” Her voice was getting raspy now, she found it harder and harder not to burst into tears and run back home.
            Roman’s chest swelled with so much hope, he thought he might burst, but his joy was short-lived.
“Make sure you remember that next time you see me. Because whatever happens now, is on you.”
[1] ‘Shut the hell up’.
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amandaottilia · 2 years
Gjorde du något 2022 som du aldrig gjort förut? Jag har styrt möhippa, hållit tal på bröllop, blivit klassföreståndare, blåst glas, färgade håret hos en frisör haha
Vilka länder/städer besökte du? Åland som vanligt, Sthlm, Tallinn, Gbg jaoo och Västervik såklart!!!
Vad var din största framgång 2022? Att jag hade en bästa kompis som gifte sig, det har absolut med mig att göra 🤔🤔
Bästa köpet? Ny luftvärmepump lol
Gjorde någonting dig riktigt glad? Saras möhippa och framförallt var det ju otroligt att åka musikflotte!! Bröllopet!!! Min och Oskars helg i Örebro var väldigt mysig. Törebodafestivalen var skoj. Det var också väldigt myz att fira jul med Oskar på västkusten. Hade också en fin födelsedag med massa elever som firade mig
Och ledsen? Att Oskar jobbade så dåliga tider i somras och att vi haft mindre tid tillsammans överlag känns det som, att jag till sist fick corona var också en jävla förlust
Bästa matupplevelsen? Åt mycket gott i Örebro och det var gott i Sthlm, allt Oskar lagar
Bästa boken du läste i år? Har bara läst Sally Jones serien och den var ju mysig, den falska rosen var bäst tror jag.
Favoritserie? Kollat på många bra grejer i år, outer range, Ted lasso, Pørni och the boys är nog topp.
Årets låtar? Cure for me var min topplåt i år även lyssnat en del på Bleachers, men ingen slår ju dinglar ner på stan
Var du gladare eller ledsnare i år jämfört med tidigare år? Tror jag varit glad? Har varit väldigt stabil tror jag.
Är det något du saknar år 2022 som du vill ha år 2023? Mer ledig tid med Oskar. Ny bil. Försöka läsa mer böcker
Högsta önskan just nu? Att man kunde snabbspola fram till typ maj? Vill att det ska bli vår och fint väder och att den här terminen går fort.
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Dead writes here, I am sorry for my English, I have been learning now. I do not know how I am supposed to say this in any language. Det är inte död som kan ljuga för evigt, och med märkliga eoner kan även döden dö. Reincarnation happens to everyone if you do not meet your fate. That happened to me too. I do not know you, though you claim to know me. För att vara ärlig kan det vara läskigt. Jag har mer berömmelse än jag gjorde tidigare. You concern me. You put my nickname on your arms, you sleep with me on your walls. Jag vill inte ha dessa saker från dig. Jag vill inte att du ska vara grym mot andra. Jag vill inte att du ska vara grym mot dig själv. I would not ask for this from a girlfriend, if I had one. You have to understand I don't say this because I want to be cruel. I see how you feel and I know it is very real to you. That is not my problem. Din kärlek till mig är inte den skrämmande delen. Obsession and love can exist at the same time, but it is not good. Jag är ingen gud. Snälla behandla mig som en människa. Just because I have moved on from my body does not meaning I am a matyr. Endast döden är verklig. Inget annat spelar roll. Gör inte dessa saker. I have a sense that you will say " Nei, you are not him " and I can see why. I am a letter in a digital box. Jag har alltid hatat teknik. There isn't much I can do to prove it to you. If you love me like you say, you will know. Eller du kanske ljög.. I hope this means something to you. Gör vad du vill med den jävla saken. Jag hatar sådana här brev. - Dead
Wtf 💀 is this that one person who thinks that they are a reincarnation of Pelle. You’re not him buddy💀. I don’t believe in reincarnation and I know for a fact that you are definitely not Pelle. First of all he hates technology so he would never do this and if he did try to tell me this then I’m pretty sure he would have done it another way. Secondly he would probably just yell at me and not preach a life lesson to me because he wasn’t the type to do so. Thirdly he wouldn’t want this to be public if he was trying to talk to me. Fourth you are anonymous… so there are some tips on how to be more like Pelle. If you really want to give me a message then send me one privately.
Wannabe Pelle ohlin dickhead.
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crimedotnet-ask · 3 months
also i made enough for like, 4 people so no need to get possessive!
uh, is it safe for me to come over? i don't want to have to explain to dad and pops if my foot gets caught in a bear trap-
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oh yeah! ive been dropping hands into them every morning to throw Shade off!
Jaws. What do you mean by "hands" ( |:[
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JAWS?? >:(
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melodiark · 2 years
Fuck my ex friend I am always haunted by this I dream about it so often there’s no peace at all
Literally across the fucking atlantic having nothing to do with you at all i dream about you? fuck off mf leave me alone
I havent seen you in 5 years? I had 1 glimpse when your ass came in to where i work but that was it
fuck yourself
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fakeloveaskblog · 2 years
sometimes i forget tumblr exists and i was indeed away
i just caught up to the story and f uck it was an emotional journey i will never recover from
can os please have an infinite infestation of tiny snails just everywhere for the rest of time because i hate him more than virgil
the watchers gc is absolutely spooky, with lil cobwebs and that one halloween font with orange and black and such, but the ringtone is horrificly contrasting to the layout, like lady gaga or smth
im so proud of remus! that is always a hard realisation and acceptance process, and to tell virgil like that was stunning.
Lukas i freakin love your writing, characterisation and just your way of making me feel deep emotions. you are so cooll
janus calling virgil goofy. thats it.
fellow british??
remy should stay at rowans place, i would love to see the conversations that happen
I hope you enjoy your break/vacay!!!!! You definetely deserve it :)) hopefully i will send more asks if i remember, gotta love short term memory
(hello C: welcome baaack. I'm back from my break as well and my dad has covid so I got lots of indoor quarantine time to write. Also Thanks!! im so glad you like my writing <33 i was kinda nervous i wouldn't be able to make it like emotionally strong enough after all the buildup so its really reasuring to hear
With your vote it is now a tie. 1 for Remy staying with Janus and 1 for Remy staying with Remus & Rowan. Either another person votes or I'll have to flip a coin fhjdk
btw ive seen some askblogs have like taglists. i can make a taglist for this blog if y'all want to? for memory help nd stuff)
Oswald was in the middle of brushing his teeth when he first noticed a tiny snail crawl on his hand. It moved onto the toothbrush and stopped to turn it's small snail head towards him.
It surprised him enough to make him drop the toothbrush into the sink. He took a step back and saw an entire horde of similarly tiny snails moving around his feet.
It barely took him a second of thinking before he grabbed onto the nearest heavy object and started swinging against any snail he could see. When he thought he had smacked one into a gooey little puddle he did a small smile to himself. But when he looked again the snail was still there. It stood still and stared directly up into his eyes.
He smacked the snail again and nothing changed. It was like the object simply went through it.
Oswald looked between the object in his hand and the many many snails on his floor before deciding to simply have a cigarette break.
"Ozzie you wouldn't mind cutting the fish you're supposed to instead of the table?" Oswald's coworker asked "The feeding is in 5 minutes, you know this! Are you high. Please don't tell me you're high. Last time a coworker was high here he nearly cut off his hand"
"It's a bit hard to focus on cutting fish heads when there is an infestation of snails all around me Brenda" He replied.
He chopped off one of the dead fishes' head while looking at her. It was muscle memory by now. She squinted at him.
"What snails?"
"Oh ha ha. You got me. Everyone is laughing. Good joke"
"There are three buckets of dead fish on the table but no snails and you better be finished with those three buckets in 5 minutes because I have a school class out there waiting to see some sharks snack on fish"
The coworker hadn't even had time to fully leave the room when Oswald muttered out some very mean words about her quite loudly. Something like "Din jävla hora"
"I can tell management if you insult me" She said while leaving.
"You can't prove anything sweetie!" He loudly replied in a fake cheery tone "Especially if it's in another language!"
"Just as a warning here, you're not afraid of octopi are you? Because I do have a little fella" Oswald asked.
"How the fuck should I know. Never seen one"
"I will take that as a no"
He had his hand gently intertwined with a short person as he lead them to his apartment. They were 20 years old. Give or take a few years. Looked a bit younger because of how tiny they were. They’d met only a couple hours ago.
He only let go of them to unlock the apartment door before holding it open for them. They ooohed and aaahed at the clean home. 
"And it's still free? Like you haven't changed your mind in the latest minute since I asked? I can just like stay?"
"Of course. It's no trouble at all. I have people crashing at my place constantly" He sent them a warm look "I just can't stop myself from helping when I see someone in need. I barely use the couch anyway!"
They excitedly shook his arm around "Thanks Os!!! Just the thought of having to couch crush for like a month before being able to move into my new place was really tearing at my nerves!"
They threw their arms around him. He loosely hugged them back and moved one of his hands to pet the top of their head.
"Now you only have to crash on one singular couch. Or you can take the bed. I don't min-"
"Are those also your..pets?" They suddenly asked. They pressed themself a bit closer to him.
"What are you referring to dear?"
"The uhm the snails" They looked around the room "How are there so many. What the- Where- Why would you even have this many. And you let them just roam around? Don't they- Don't they like eat cables? And clothes? And uhh bite on human fingers?"
He let up into a laugh "Snails? Don't be silly. Look sometimes large amounts of stress can just make your brain go a bit weird. Make you see things that aren't there"
"THe snail just touched me! It touched me! I can feel it!"
He tightened the hug. Just enough so they wouldn't notice. "All you need is some sleep, dinner, maybe a warm bath. You'll feel muc-"
"I- I think I just remembered a friend of mine said I could stay with him- yeah- I'll just uhm like call him-"
They pushed themself away from him and shook a few snails away from their foot before letting out a hasty goodbye as they rushed out of the apartment.
Oswald let out a long sigh and rubbed his forehead as he could feel a headache start to kick in. He half assedly tried to step on one of the snails which of course didn't seem affected by it in the slightest.
"So now you decide to be visible huh" He muttered "Are you snails suddenly allergic to girls perhaps. Hopefully you're allergic to hammers as well"
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devilscreekballad · 3 years
i just gotta say that i LOVE all the ethnicity options! i legit SQUEALED when i saw that my mc could be swedish (like me!!!) and now i imagine him going around and cursing in swedish whenever he’s frustrated like
my mc: men vad i heLEVTE DIN JÄVLA IDIOT-
everyone else: i don’t know what he’s saying but i’m a little scared right now
and don't be surprised if Finn understand you. The kid's peculiar like that.
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a-blessed-feline · 4 years
Show me how those tits fart
Om tjugo jävla år så kommer du vittu att ligga vaken i din säng och undra vad fan det var som flög i dig och fick dig att skicka sådant här till dina medmänniskor, och du kommer att fråga dig själv vare sig det du gjorde var en början på något nytt eller ett slut på något gammalt. Det här är inte en anklagelse, det här är inte ett löfte, det här är vittu en profetia. Universell och ofelbar jävla sanning, sliten ur framtidens käftar. Tro mig eller ej.
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eleonoregustafsson · 5 years
Böcker jag läst 2016-2019
På den här bloggen har jag varje år lagt ut en lista på alla böcker jag läst ut från pärm till pärm under året som gått. Men 2016 blev det inte av, inte heller 2017 eller 2018. Framförallt för att listan inte kändes representativ. Under dessa år har olika jobbprojekt gjort att jag behövt ägna mig åt research där jag tvingats läsa utvalda delar i olika böcker istället för enskild bok i sin helhet. Under 2016-2017 läste jag t.ex. mycket om anabaptismen, men det är inget som märks i listan. Men nu har jag ändå bestämt mig för att lägga ut den. Kolla gärna in taggen #aureliaguläser på Instagram, där lägger jag ibland ut boktips och små recensioner (och där syns även de böcker jag inte läst från pärm till pärm utan bara utvalda delar). 
2019: 40 böcker
Böcker om Bibeln Sitting at the feet of Rabbi Jesus av Ann Spangler och Lois Tverberg A Life that’s good av Glenn Pemberton (om Ordspråksboken) Phoebe – a Story av Paula Gooder Hebrews av Mary Healy Priscilla av Ben Witherington III The Torah’s Vision of Worship av Samuel E. Balentine Reading Backwards av Richard B Hays
 Kristen ledarskapslitteratur If You Love Me av Matthw The Poor (på arabiska Matta-Al-Miskin) A Pastoral Rule for Today av Burgess, Andrews & Small
 Kristen uppbyggelselitteratur The Arena av Ignatius Brianchaninov How to be a Sinner av Peter Bouteneff 
Teologisk litteratur Paradiset åter av Tomas Einarsson Journyes of the Muslim Nation and the Christian Church av David W Shenk 
Kyrkohistoria The Patient Ferment of the Early Church av Alan Kreider 
Reportageböcker och dylikt Med Guds hjälp av Gabriel Byström Skärmhjärna av Anders Hansen Bön för Tjernobyl av Svetlana Aleksijevitj En piga bland pigor av Esther Blenda Nordström Tidens second hand av Svetlana Aleksijevitj A Time to Die av Nicolas Diat
 Romaner Beckomberga av Sara Stridsberg Bränn alla mina brev av Alex Schulman De kommer drunkna i sina mödrars tårar av Johannes Anyuru Vända hem av Yaa Gyasin Din stund på jorden av Vilhelm Moberg Den svalgula himlen av Kjell Westö Längtans flöde av Alva Dahl Pappaklausulen av Jonas Hassen Khemiri Sveas son av Lena Andersson Arv och miljö av Vigdis Hjort En dag i Ivan Deniosovitjs liv av Alexander Solsjenitsyn Konturer av Rachel Cusk Testamente av Nina Wähä Jag for ner till bror av Karin Smirnoff
 Biografier och självbiografisk litteratur Utan nåd – en rannsakan av Fredrik Virtanen Allt jag fått lära mig av Tara Westover Konsten att feja arabiska av Lina Liman Löparens hjärta av Markus Torgeby Vilket jävla solsken av Fatima Bremer En bokhandlares dagbok av Shaun Bythel
2018: 28 böcker
Romaner Never let me go av Kauzo Ishiguro Min kamp 3 av Karl-Ove Knausgård Mitt liv och ditt av Majgull Axelsson Min kamp 4 av Karl-Ove Knausgård Min kamp 5 av Karl-Ove Knausgård Min kamp 6 av Karl-Ove Knausgård Sågspån och led av Vibecke Olsson Amerikauret av Vibecke Olsson Själasörjaren av Christine Falkenland
 Kristen uppbyggelselitteratur Helig rot av Peter Halldorf (för 3e gången?) Hädanefter blir vägen väglös av Peter Halldorf  (för 4e gången?) Bottenkänning av Fredrik Lignell Through, with and in him av Shane Kapler 
Teologisk litteratur Välkomna varandra av red. Tomas Poletti Lundström 
Böcker om Bibeln Korsets mysterium av Agne Nordlander 
Kyrkohistoria The Forgotten Desert Mothers av Laura Swan Biskop Lewi Pethrus av Joel Halldof
 Självbiografisk litteratur Sorgens gåva är en vidgad blick av Patrik Hagman När livets stramas åt skärps blicken av Sofia Camerin När träden avlövas ser man längre från vårt kök av Tomas Sjödin (för 2a gången) Välkommen in i min garderob av Anton Lundholm Kristunge av Malin Aronsson En shetel i Stockholm av Kenneth Hermele Hur jag lärde mig att förstå världen av Hans Rosling Katolska läror av Gunnel Vallquist Livets ord: mina tio orimliga år som frälst. Del två, Förnyad & befriad av Tomas Arnroth 
2017: 32 böcker
Romaner Ta itu av Kristina Sandberg Den döende detektiven av Leif GW Persson Gilead av Marilyone Robinson De polygotta älskarna av Lina Wolff Tystnaden av Shusaku Endo Utvandrarna av Vilhelm Moberg (för 2a gången) Invandrarna av Vilhelm Moberg (för 2a gången) Nybyggarna av Vilhelm Moberg (för 2a gången) Bricken på Svartvik av Vibecke Olsson Min kamp 1 av Karl-Ove Knausgård Sista brevet till Sverige av Vilhelm Moberg (för 2a gången) Hemma av Marilynne Robinson Min kamp 2 av Karl-Ove Knausgård
 Reportageböcker och facklitteratur Halleluja Brasilien av Kajsa Norell Två systrar av Åsne Seiersdal Rom – en stads historia av Eskil Fagerström
 Självbiografiska böcker och biografier Letters from the Desert av Carlo Carreto Bonhoeffer av Eric Metaxas Det finns annan frukt än apelsiner av Jeanette Wintersson Livets ord: mina tio orimliga år som frälst. Del ett: de första åren av Tomas Arnroth Brev från en klostercell av Hans Gunnar Adén Århundrades kärlekshistoria av Märtha Tikanen
 Ledarskapslitteratur När du leder av Josefin Arenius Ledarens hantverk av Lennarth Hambre
 Kristen uppbyggelselitteratur Klostret av James Martin SJ (egentligen en roman) Kristliga råd och betraktelser av Fénelon Becoming Who You Are av James Martin SJ
 Teologisk litteratur Inte allena av Patrik Hagman & Joel Halldorf Martin Luther – hans liv, lära och influytande 500 år senare av Stephen J Nicholas Att älska sin nästas kyrka som sin egen av Peter Halldorf 
Böcker om Bibeln The Theology of the Letter to the Hebrews av Barnabas Lindars SSF
 2016: 38 böcker
Romaner Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar: Sjukdomen av Jonas Gardell Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar: Döden av Jonas Gardell Levande och döda i Winstord av Håkan Nesser Innan floden tar oss av Helena Thorfin Århundrades kärlekskrig av Ebba Witt-Brattström  Drömmen om Elim av Vibecke Olsson De ensamma av Håkan Nesser Flickvännen av Karolina Ramquist En mörderska bland oss av Hanna Kent Flykten av Jesús Carrasco De oroliga av Linn Ullman Glöm mig av Alex Schulman
 Facklitteratur Kunskapens frukt av Liv Strömquist
Reportageböcker Det heliga berget av William Dalrymple 
Självbiografisk litteratur, biografier, memoarer eller dylikt Brännpunkter av Thomas Merton  Jag sökte Allah och fann Jesus av Nabell Quresh Cigaretten efteråt av Horace Engdahl 96 lampor – om oss som brann och försvann av Jacob Langvik Min pappa Ann-Christine av Ester Roxberg Den sista grisen av Horace Engdahl Älskade terrorist av Anna Svadberg och Jesper Huor Och i Winerwald står träden kvar av Elisabeth Åsbrink Halvvägs av Fredrik Reinfeldt
 Kristen uppbyggelselitteratur Mellan skymning och mörker av Peter Halldorf Den brinnande busken av Lev Gillet Spår av den osynlige av Mikael Hallenius Den helige Ande i den kristnes personliga liv av Kallistos Ware Tron Allena av Bo Giertz (för 2a gången) Gud och intet mer av red. Ulrika Ljungman Contemplating the Trinity av Raniero Cantalamessa Du brinnande kärlekslåga av Peter Halldorf Den som hittar sin plats tar ingen annans av Tomas Sjödin
Kyrkohistoria Following in the Footsteps av Christ av Arnold Snyder Vindarna från väster av Per-Eive Berndtsson A Brief History of Spirituality av Pilip Sheldrake
Teologisk litteratur Som om allt förvandlats – Ekologi, ekonomi och eukaristi av William T Cavanaugh
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anastasiawinterbird · 6 years
Hi, If you’re a homophobe and reading this, I’m asking you kindly to fuck off and go back to the old cave you came from. Yes, this community has room for almost everyone don’t get me wrong, but you know, on the grand list of people we welcome, I can’t find homophobes anywhere on that list. Din jävla fitta.
Sincerely Anastasia Winterbird
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laurasroyalblog · 5 years
It takes a special type of bitch to complain about LGBTQ charities but if the shoe fits.
Din jävla idiot! It takes a special kind of dumb ass to go in someone’s asks and anonymously attack them for something they didn’t say.
You’ve given me a chance to practice my Swedish cursing so thanks anon! Run along now.
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Det är fan så jobbigt att möta sig själv ibland. Sådär fuck, känner jag sådär..?! Ja det passar ju inte alls. Jag kan ju försöka baka in det i halvsanningar och sånt som låter fint, men om jag Verkligen ser rakt in? Oh crap. Där är det en annan story. Det är den personen som nu med näbbar och klor försöker slå sig ut och jag håller emot med typ all min kraft and then some. Herregud, du kommer ju förstöra allt i din väg! Men Tobbe märker. Tobbe Vill att jag ska släppa ut mig nu och jag känner sådär ehe ...you don't know what you're saying...! Eller så gör han det. Men jag vet att jag kan vara en jävla ångvält och ibland har jag mosat sånt jag inte ville mosa. Så då stängde jag dörren. Låste in med 77 lås och det blev ju lugnare. Men samtidigt blev jag galet olycklig och drog på mig alla möjliga åkommor och andra saker. MUST FEEL. Vi såg galet duktiga kitesurfare igår, sådär riktigt up close som i nästan ovanför mitt huvud hoppade dem. I almost came. Eller ja nåt ännu bättre. Nån slags extrem glädje. Känslan av Alive fanns där. Jävlar...! Inte missa den liksom! Yikes! Det är lite små sprinkles av den här och där, deftones konserten va så stundtals och då va det sådär, åh fyfan ni får inte åka hem! Bara en timme till 🥰 Nåt djupt ner hörde hans skrik och bara njöt. Me too!! Sex har varit så men det var längesen nu. Och ärligt talat, jag vill waay mer än så. Jag vill åt...Alive. Mer av det please. Men alive är en beast som kan va så jäkla stark att jag efteråt inte känner igen mitt liv. Därför är den inlåst. Du kan ju inte kontrollera dig! Men ärligt talat...kontrollera? Det känns som att jag är rädd för att leva. Nänä inte mer än så, nu håller vi oss i lugna zoonen här, inga tokigheter här inte. Men jag älskar ju tokigheter.
Det är åt helvette för lite alive och för mycket av allt annat. Kloka saker, logiska val, rädslor och allt annat som gör att den där dörren hålls stängd.
Men jag kan inte heller spränga upp dörren och bara do you, old friend. Jag har aldrig funkat så, jag behöver öppna lite yttepytte på glänt och sen lite till och liiite till. . Om jag då känner mig trygg nog, Då...PANG. Men ja...Jag ja. Det är fan inte sant vad det pokear mig och påminner mig 77 gånger om dagen. Det är lite lätt insane. Det är kanske skriken jag hör. Gråten och kloandet på dörren av en förstörd varelse som mest vill leva och älska livet.
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fannynilsson · 3 years
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Det finns inte ord nog som kan beskriva hur hemsk Rolle var på dagens motionsrunda🥲 men några stödord som, #stegraöver #travaochstegrasamtidigt och #väldigtbrudintresserad beskriver en bråkdel. Hursom lyckades jag tämja bestjäveln och fick honom rätt så tam på slutet.
Såpass tam att jag fick sitta på honom för första gången idag 🥳🥲🥲🥲 en milstolpe check❤️
Misstänker att hormonerna börjar göra sig hörd nu, ett jävla snesteg till och han blir bollös😂 nä okej jag har mer tålamod än såhär, det kan ju vara vanlig hederlig överskottsenergi på unghäst också. Men har aldrig sett på maken till stök som idag! Fick använda hårdhandskarna idag o ha brottningsmatch. Har inte kört någon bestraffning alls på denna gröngöling men idag fick han fan 4 rapp på käften då han blir väldigt farlig när han halkar omkring på två ben😂 att vi blev jagad av en jävla skoteridiotjävel gjorde inte saken bättre heller för Rolle var en bomb. Hade önskat hästen hoppade in huven på dendär skoterjäveln i stridens hetta
Så jävla arj på att folk inte begrip att skotrar ska köras på snö inte plogade vägar vafan kör bil då eller flytta till spanien istället 🤣
Förlåt om du skoterjävel läser detta men ja bröstar fan mitt arj och står för att folk som kör skoter på vägen ist för leden som går längsefter vägen e idioter så dagens läxa går till dig din vägslickare hejdå
Ja begrip ju att de e lagligt att kör på väg för o ta sig till närmaste led men denhär jävla pellen körde typ E4 till skellefte me skotern för å gå på dollarstore hahah nä okej nu blir jag argöverdrivare 🤣 Han passerade iaf leder diken åkrar osv o slickade häströv från ridskolan ner till sågen o vi försökte trava ifrån och blocka vägen o allt för o slippa bli omkörda osvosvosv aja. tror budskapet framgick iaf, hejdå på riktigt
Roadrage existerar som kusk också hahahah
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stella-svensson · 6 years
“Din jävla idiot! Varför slösa jag bort min tid, om han bara kommer att ignorera allt jag säger till honom...” The words were mostly under her breath, but just loud enough that the man she was currently with, could hear her cursing him in her native tongue of Swedish. Somehow she had been given the responsibility of sponsoring a man twice her age in the AA program she had been attending going on four years. Sobriety is what had saved her life after watching alcoholism drive her parents apart, and later on, nearly driving her to her own death.
“If you’re not going to take this seriously, then how do you expect me to ever help you, you stubborn man?” Letting out a heavy sigh, Stella leaned back into the chair she had been currently occupying in the food court at Cool Springs Galleria.
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cb-143 · 7 years
XENO-T reaction: Their usually innocent s/o swears in their first language
Anon:  Reaction when their s/o is always really nice and never swears but then he/she hurts themselves (stubs their toe or something like this) and starts swearing like crazy in their native language (preferably German and please with jenissi) thank you~
Thank you @nas-is-a-unicorn, @huis-totally-innocent-smirk, @storyoflifethings, Ewie, @fransofran & Angel for telling me some really helpful phrases in your first languages :p
This was written a while ago, before Minsung’s text on ig~
Also, Ich hätte es gerne alles in deutsch gemacht, aber ich will dass sich jeder miteinbezogen fühlt, but I did include Jenissi!~
He was currently tidying up the living room, when he heard you trip and fall down the stairs. Instantly worried, he ran towards you, shaking your arm, and almost yelling his question of “are you okay??!” at you. You were already crying, holding your arm which hurt so much, it might be broken “Nein, verdammt!” you sobbed “Alles ist voll beschissen!” You couldn't stop crying, it just hurt too much. He was shocked at your words, even understanding some of them. He picked you up into his arms, his heart dropping as you winced from his touch. He carried you onto the couch, carefully setting you down. He inspected your arm, and you didn't know how, but he found out that there was nothing majorly wrong. Just from his touch, his help, you calmed down. “Al...les, okay?” He asked, using two words you had taught him. It was only after you nodded at him that he tilted his head a little, before asking the question that really mattered to him “Did you swear at me?” He couldn't help but to chuckle “You're my innocent little girl/boy, aren't you? You never swear, hm?”
He sat on the couch, watching you from afar as you attempted to do a thing. He watched you fail, try again and again. Sighing, he got up and went to help you. He didn't want to be a dick about it, you looked like you were generally struggling. He went ahead and took the thing out of your hand, making you slightly cut your finger at the edge. Frustrated, you said to him “ Pojeb sa ty kokot “ and went to slap the back of his head, but he was quicker, slapping your hand away from his head. He put the thing onto the table and towered over you, walking with you until your back hit the wall opposite the table. A smirk was plastered onto his face. “I have no idea what you just called me, babe,” He leaned in closer, his eyes firstly focusing on your lips, before meeting your own, “but that sounded way too hot. And then you try and hit me..? Tsk.. I think you should show me this new side of yours...”
You had been trying to work the whole day, and you actually were making progress, until your boyfriend decided that he needed your attention. He sneaked into the bedroom, tip toeing to the desk, in front of which you sat, and poked your sides. You screamed loudly, and jumped up from your seat. “Hojoon!” You scolded him for the first time, but he wouldn't listen. Again and again he came, poking you, whistling, singing, dancing weirdly behind and around you. He even laughed, he found it funny and adorable that you always let him do whatever he wanted, to shy and focused on your work to actually say or do something. Finally, after having been tortured by the one and only, the most annoying of them all, Jeon Hojoon, you've had enough. You turned around in your chair and yelled at him “Oh mein Gott! Verpiss dich, du gott verdammter scheiß Schwanzlutscher! Ich kann es echt nicht mehr ertragen! Geh mir einfach aus dem Blickfeld, sonst hack ich deinen scheiß schwanz ab und werfe ihn den Hunden zum fressen vor!” He didn't understand what you said, instead all he could do was stare at you in awe and wonder. On the one hand, he had no idea if you even realised the change of language, but at the other hand he was too shocked at your behaviour, and at those cool sounding death threads, to care about that. “That was sick. Can you teach me?” He asked, a sly smirk present on his face; but all it took for him was another glare, the next insults already making their way out of your mouth, before he fled out of the room.
He was humming to himself as he stood in the kitchen, peacefully trying to dry and put away the plates he had washed. You were in the living room, playing video games, as it was his turn to tidy up and clean the kitchen after cooking together that night. He stretched, trying to put the large bowl you had used onto the shelf, when he suddenly heard a horrifying, loud yell he didn't expect to hear: “Du scheiß verfickter Hurensohn, fick dich ins Knie!” He gasped loudly, and when he dropped the bowl onto his foot, he yelled as well, in his own language. The bowl shattered, and so did his image of you looking innocent. “Y/N! What was that?!” still in pain he ran towards you, his eyes wide... you did have to help the poor boy clean up the kitchen after all.
You had taken Yooncheol with you to a holiday in your home country! He seemed to be enjoying it, and so were you – you loved showing him around, going through the places you grew up in brought back so many memories! Unfortunately, it wasn't all good. On your fourth day back in your old city, you decided to have a nice lunch in a small café. On the table behind you sat a few other people; it was a wild mix of young men and women, all around your age. They seemed to assume you weren't from there, didn't know the language, as you had to speak in English with Yooncheol all the time. After a moment, they started talking about you, not only you, but Nakta as well. First, they insulted you, calling you names, and then they flirted with Nakta, without him knowing, they just said how handsome he was, what they'd do to him. Soon you've had enough. You turned around, throwing your drink in one of the girl's stupid faces. She gasped, too shocked about what had happened to react, you yelled at her “Άι γαμησου!” Turning to the other one you added “Είσαι μαλακας!” Nakta stood up, really shocked and confused at your actions. He didn't expect something like that from you. He seemed to be embarrassed, disappointed, maybe even angry. Not knowing what was going on, he fled from the café (of course y'all paid beforehand); only once you were back at home, he interrogated you about that event.
You two also were in bed, both just having woken up in each others arms. After minutes, hours of just being next to one another, stealing kisses here and there, and softly spoken words in husky morning voices, you decided it was time to get up. Minsung, your boyfriend, didn't seem to think so. Wanting to saviour the warmth and feel of closeness your body provided, he wanted to stay in bed with you and keep cuddling, so he pulled you back down as you were already half way up. This simple movement caused the back of your head to hit the headboard of the bed. You let out a groan and, tears visible in your eyes, shot him a glare, muttering “卧槽”He gasped at that, shocked. As he had studied the language, he knew exactly what that meant. He tried to apologise, but stumbled over his words, before just breaking out in laughter. “My love! I really didn't expect that from you!” He found it both funny and cute that you swore, he didn't even feel guilty about hurting you accidentally any more. “Now you'll have to stay in bed to rest and get better though~”
Carrying you in his arms, you squealed at him, begging him to let you go. You were outside in the park, and running around on the soft grass appeared to be a bit difficult for Byungjoo, as he stumbled over a twig. He 'dropped' you in the process, though with the strength that he had, and the velocity he was running with, he threw you several metres across the place. You ended up on your butt on the asphalt, but you were sure that you had broken several bones in your body from the way you had to roll yourself before you stopped. “Y/N ar-” your concerned boyfriend yelled at you, but you interrupted him by flipping him off and yelling, angry and in pain “Spierdalaj! Kurwa!” He had to laugh at that. You never acted that way, and those words sure did not sound like anything nice. While he was shocked, he thought it was hilarious. His worries about your well being were washed away for a moment. He laughed so hard, every time he tried to get up from where he had fallen into the grass, he fell down once more.
Trying to be romantic, Jiho carried you up the stairs. What neither of you knew was that some of his clothes, especially his and your shoes were still on them, for whatever reason. Apparently Jiho just liked to make a mess at your place. He didn't see the clothes and stumbled over them, dropping you in the process. You fell in a really unfortunate way, directly onto your private places. Before Jiho got to apologise, you yelled at him, in your pain you switched back to your own language “Min jävla Fitta! Din jävla Idiot!” Not expecting to hear such violent sounding words from you, he stumbled once more, falling onto his head. Soon, you were both throwing profanities at each other, even the clothes were flying down the stairs in an attempt to hit him, but it was all in good fun, as it ended with the both of you laughing, Xero on top of you, and even more clothes on the stairs than there were initially.
You were outside, running against each other to see who could run faster. Whoever was the slower one had to pay for that night's dinner. “Ready....Set......-” before he said 'go', Sanggyun already started running. He cheated the system and already gained so much distance. Not finding that fair at all, you yelled at him for the first time, all while trying your best to catch up to him “Estupida perra!” you barely got those words out through your heavy breathing. A-Tom had already passed half of the course you laid out for this challenge, you struggled to follow him. A few metres before half point, you seemed to struggle even more, stepping on your open shoe laces, which was your downfall (quite literally). You scraped your knee as it hit the hard ground of the street, and your palms didn't look any better. Already tearing up from the pain, you searched for your boyfriend who was still running up ahead, not noticing you being injured – until you yelled again “Maldito,” you had to sob “hijo de puta!!” You screamed so loudly, he turned around. Running back at you, he already had a worried expression on his face. “Are you okay? What happened? Can.. oh god did you hurt your brain? Why are you talking like this? Do you understand me? I-AM-SANGGYUN. Can you hear me?”
Sangwon already laid in bed, you were about to follow him, but had to stumble through the dark to find the bed first. “Love? You alri-” his question got interrupted by a loud bang followed by an even louder “Kut Tafel!” and then a moment later “godverdomme!” He used his phone to see you standing by the small table in the bedroom, on one leg, rubbing your obviously hurt toe with your hand. “what, uh, I mean, who-what just—what did you say?” He stumbled over his words, but then focused on what was most important of the subjects. “did you just-” His eyes went wide and he laughed. “Ohh my Y/N swore! What a bad girl.” He teased you and chuckled once more.
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