#dinellie week
elliedina-week · 1 year
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Hey folks, we’re so excited to announce the third annual Elliedina week!! We know it’s a bit late this time around, but we figured better late than never! Below you will find our list of prompts. As a reminder, any form or medium is accepted, from fanfiction to art to photomodes to playlists! We look forward to seeing what you’ll come up with during the week of June 4 - 10. 
Please use the tag #elliedina week so we can find it!
Endure and survive, and we’ll see you soon!
Here’s the themes for this year:
Day 1: Hero
Day 2: Destruction
Day 3: Rebirth
Day 4: Regrets
Day 5: Devotion
Day 6: Faith
Day 7: Endure and Survive
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veggiehotdog1 · 1 year
Day 6: Faith
A cheeky, dark humor take on the prompt (veering off course from hope-inspired)
This is what Dina probably said to Ellie upon regaining consciousness.
Ao3 link to all days
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sci-firenegade · 1 year
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More Welsh Theaatre Company stuff. Less plays than usual for repertory theatre, but they, hopefully, have more quality.
Sadly, that won't mean they'll break even. It's been almost 60 years, but the culture sector being underfunded and disregarded... things haven't changed much.
North Wales Weekly News - Thursday 15 June 1967
Season of plays, a 'challenge'
All aboard... Members of the company report for rehearsal.
Welsh Company at Colwyn
The curtain goes up on Monday, at Volwyn Bay's municipally-owned Prince of Wales Theatre, on the Welsh Theatre Company's first summer season of repertory.
It will also be their first permanent summer season at any resort. "An interesting and exciting challenge," said the company's Welsh producer, Mr. Gareth Morgan.
"The theatre is first and foremost to entertain and to stimulate the imagination, and we hope to do this. We have arranged a good crossection of British Theatre for our audiences and all the plays are classic fare," he said.
Unlike previous summers, however, Colwyn Bay theatregoers will see only six plays. Past repertory companies have done seasons of 19-21 plays.
"We don't think this will affect our audiences. We are hoping to attract peoole from many parts of North Wales and not only residents and holidaymakers in Folwyn Bay," said Mr. Morgan.
"One thing is certain," he said, "the standard of productions must improve because we are putting on fewer plays. In my opinion it is virtually impossible to put on a play in one week with any degree of quality. I suppose one might say we are doing a repertoire of plays rather than a repertory season."
Mr. Morgan was with the Royal Shakespeare Company for seven years. Conditions in Colwyn Bay, he said, were ideal.
"I believe that actors are very sane people and they cannot give of their best unless they are working under the right conditions. Here in Colwyn Bay I think we have the right conditions."
The company opens their season with "Rookery Nook", Ben Travers' farce, and the other plays will be the thriller "The Man" (Mel Dinelli), a new comedy by Roger Milner; "How's the world treating you?"; the popular North country comedy "Billy Liar" (Keith Waterhouse and Willis Hall); "Rattle of a simple man", the brilliant play by Charles Dyer, and finally Bridget Boland's "The prisoner", described as the most serious play in the repertoire.
Even before the curtain goes up one thing is certain—financial loss. "A profit is impossible and we can't break even either," said the company manager, Mr. John Charnley.
"But all arts run at a loss. If people were to pay a true price for a theatre tocket it would be something between 30s. and 40 shillings. The whole image of the theatre in changing and local authorities and other commercial bodies are recognising the need to subsidise the theatre to keep it alive. If they did not recognise the theatre and it were allowed to die this country would be a far poorer place."
Mr. Charnley added it was the company's intention to provide the people of Wales with the best theatre that was possible and that by the end of the season the Welah Theatre Company would have developed a group of actors and technicians worthy of the theatre.
The season at Colwyn Bay is being sponsored by the borough council and the Welsh Arts Council. In an attempt to attract parties from all over North Wales, the Welsh Theatre Company, with the borough council, have devised a "package deal". Parties will be provided with a reserved theatre seat and a pre-play supper at one of the corporation's cafes for 14 shillings. In addition, the company will pay one-third of the cost of coach-hire for parties of over 20 people.
"This will help people who live outside Colwyn Bay and, after all, it is our duty to serve the whole of Wales," said Mr. Charnley.
There are 19 members of the company, many of them are well-known and accomplished. One of the leading male members is William Russell, probably best remembered as Sir Lancelot in the ITV series.
Mr. Russell has also starred in several films for the Rank Organisation and in 1961 toured Russia with the Old Vic Company.
With such an experienced company and an excellent variety of plays, the season at Colwyn Bay, in the words of Mr. Gareth Morgan, promises to be "interesting and exciting".
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hatosaur · 4 years
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elliedina week day one -- ache.
oh to be in love with your best friend who surely couldn’t like you back
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skribbz · 4 years
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day 5: abandonment
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thereyoflights · 3 years
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on capitol hill
On Capitol Hill, Ellie spares a WLF soldier and pays for it in blood. Dina helps treat her wounds, but not without some trouble along the way.
My very late submission of Day Three: Trouble for EllieDina week!
Read it on AO3 here
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merrique-bathory · 4 years
elliedina week day 4: Family
Playlist for this day, had to put 2 cute ones in the end because I think it’s needed - we need cuteness because tomorrow it’s going to hurt
You and me - Cranberries Fix you - Coldplay Through it all - Leftover cuties
Fragile - Poets of the Fall To build  a Home - The Cinematic Orchestra
These last 2 I put here because I imagine Ellie playing versions of her favorite songs as lullabies Home sweet home - Jammy Jams 80's Parody mashup - Sesame street
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dissonantdreamer · 3 years
Do you have any plot ideas for your future last of us works? I’m currently reading your work “Nail in my Head” and oh man it’s so good but really emotional 🥺
Ohhhh man, i have not opened up ao3 or looked at my work in months due to depression and a general "we we're foolish enough to open up bars again and i need to work" scramble that's left me with odd hours to do any work if i feel like it. but fuck yeah do i have so many plot ideas for future work!
i've got the epilogue for nail in my head almost entirely finished, i just have to write the final chapter (which is scattered among notes in my laptop, several random notebooks, note app on my phone, and a few drafts on here because i am a nightmare when it comes to organizing) and then edit the fuck out of everything, but i do plan on finishing it before the end of the year. i'm hyped you've liked the story enough so far to reach out. it's not an easy read at times so it truly means a lot to me to get feedback <3
I really do appreciate people reading and being patient with Nail in my Head getting finished. At it's core it is about community and healing and when i started writing it, the one rule was that i always approach each chapter in good mental health, which i'm working on!
as far as future works go: i do have some plot points for nail in my head that i've not so cleverly hidden in my dinellie week fic decorating the darkness like stars if you catch up and want something to hold you over
i also have an exploration of dina's past interwoven with ellie's present one (possibly two) shot in my wip folder along with some team jackson stuff and a joel & tommy centric exploration of post austin that i gotta like compile all my notes for. i also have some abby stuff i want to explore (namely a point in her life where issac was her father's friend and not the man threatening to kill her if she doesn't move) however writing in her voice doesn't come as easily for me as ellie does. there are a few ficlets i might post on here as well. my brain has so many thoughts and ideas all the time, so eventually you'll get something out of me XD
thank you so much for reaching out anon i hope you enjoy Nail in My Head and anything else of mine you stumble across and that today treats you kindly
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meanstreetspodcasts · 4 years
“Crime is a sucker’s road...”
“There was a rough desert wind blowing into Los Angeles that evening. It was one of those hot, dry Santa Ana's that come down through the mountain passes and curl your hair, make your nerves jump and your skin itch. On nights like that, every booze party ends up in a fight. And meek little housewives feel the edge of a carving knife and study their husband's necks. Anything can happen when the Santa Ana blows in from the desert.”
With those vivid and evocative lines pulled straight from the pages of Raymond Chandler and richly delivered by Van Heflin, The Adventures of Philip Marlowe came to radio on June 17, 1947.
Chandler was thirty-nine when The Big Sleep, the first Philip Marlowe novel, was published and the world of detective fiction was never the same. It’s Chandler who gives us the archetypal private eye as knight errant, working his way through a world of corruption and vice while he is guided by his own moral compass. Along with Dashiell Hammett, Chandler invented and popularized the “hard-boiled” style of detective fiction, and his signature character proved to be one of the most popular detectives to solve cases during the Golden Age of Radio.
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In the years between the publication of The Big Sleep and the premiere of Marlowe’s weekly radio adventures, Chandler’s novels were adapted to the screen six times. Farewell, My Lovely and The High Window were retooled for other cinematic detectives (The Falcon and Michael Shayne, respectively); and Marlowe himself was played by four different actors in four films (Dick Powell in Murder, My Sweet; Humphrey Bogart in The Big Sleep; Robert Montgomery in Lady in the Lake; and George Montgomery - no relation - in The Brasher Doubloon, another adaptation of The High Window).
On radio, Dick Powell recreated his role for Murder, My Sweet productions on The Lux Radio Theatre and Hollywood Star Time, and The Big Sleep was adapted for a (sadly lost) broadcast of The Mollé Mystery Theater. But Marlowe wouldn’t headline his own series until the summer of 1947 when the detective was hired as NBC’s summer replacement for Bob Hope. MGM contract player and Academy Award winner Van Heflin starred as Marlowe, with scripts based on Chandler’s own stories. Writer Milton Geiger adapted “Red Wind” for the first episode, and it was a perfect story to introduce Marlowe to radio audiences. Set against the howling Santa Ana wind blowing through the streets of LA, it’s a story of murder, blackmail, two affairs, and old secrets coming to the surface. And wisely, Geiger kept Chandler’s signature dialogue and narration for Heflin to deliver.
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Heflin prepared for the role by riding along with Los Angeles police officers before and during the run of the show. Heflin was a fine Marlowe; though he was just under 40, he sounds older, world-weary and cynical. But he also has good timing with a quip, and we see the romantic errant knight described by Chandler come through. He’s tough, but also tender; when he learns that the cherished pearl necklace given to his client by her late lover is a string of glass beads, he doesn’t tell her. He concocts a story about her blackmailer pawning the original pearls and he saves her from losing the memory that’s kept her going since her lover’s death. Despite his strong performance, Heflin failed to win over Chandler. In a letter to fellow mystery writer Erle Stanley Gardner (creator of Perry Mason), Chandler described the series and Heflin as “thoroughly flat.” Obviously, he’s the expert when it comes to Mr. Marlowe, but I have to respectfully disagree with him on this call. The NBC series lasted thirteen weeks, and when the time came for more episodes, Heflin’s film career prevented his participation. Only a handful of episodes survive; in addition to “Red Wind,” there are two other Chandler adaptions – “Trouble is My Business” and “The King in Yellow,” an episode that co-stars future radio Marlowe Gerald Mohr.
One year later, Philip Marlowe returned to radio in another weekly series of adventures. Producer/director Norman Macdonnell, a veteran of Escape and other programs, oversaw the production of the new show, which premiered on CBS on September 26, 1948. Stepping into Marlowe’s shoes was actor Gerald Mohr, a regular presence on Suspense, Escape, Our Miss Brooks, and The Whistler. Mohr brought a hard edge and a grim determination to Marlowe’s voice; his booming, powerful delivery was a contrast to Heflin’s approach. Mohr’s Marlowe used his fists (and his .38 tucked away in shoulder holster) when necessary; he marched through his cases and  bellowed the show’s legendary opening week after week: “Get this and get it straight…crime is a sucker’s road, and those who travel it wind up in the gutter, the prison, or the grave!”
The Adventures of Philip Marlowe was a hit, with scripts by Mel Dinelli, Robert Mitchell, and Gene Levitt.  By 1949, the series was attracting 10.3 million listeners a week, and Gerald Mohr had been named Most Popular Male Actor by Radio and Television magazine.
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Like Dashiell Hammett and The Adventures of Sam Spade, Chandler’s name was all over the show (the broadcasts were billed as coming “from the pen of Raymond Chandler”), but the author was not involved in the actual scripts or broadcast. He did, however, have praise for the show’s star, declaring “Gerald Mohr’s voice is absolutely tops. A voice like Gerald Mohr’s gave you a personality which you fill out according to your fancy.” Mohr’s wasn’t the only strong voice; he was backed up each week by members of Macdonnell’s repertory company of actors, including John Dehner, Virginia Gregg, Jeff Corey, Larry Dobkin, Howard McNear, Parley Baer, Vivi Janiss, Georgia Ellis, and William Conrad. Many of those actors would join Macdonnell in Dodge City when he developed Gunsmoke, a program that grew out of CBS chairman William Paley’s request to Macdonnell for a “Philip Marlowe in the Old West.”
The Adventures of Philip Marlowe ran until September 29, 1950, and Mohr starred in every episode except for one. Future Gunsmoke US Marshal and TV private eye William Conrad played Marlowe in the April 11, 1950 episode “The Anniversary Gift” when Mohr was under the weather. The show was revived for a brief run in July 1951, with Mohr slipping back into the role of Marlowe as if he’d never left it. He hadn’t been out of the detective game in the interim; in early 1951, Mohr had a four-episode stint as Archie Goodwin opposite Sydney Greenstreet on NBC’s The New Adventures of Nero Wolfe. Philip Marlowe left the airwaves the same way he arrived on them: as a summer replacement series. This time, Marlowe kept the time slot warm for Hopalong Cassidy.
Nearly all the 114-episode Mohr series has survived in good condition, giving today’s fans a chance to thrill to the rough and tumble exploits of Philip Marlowe as radio audiences did from 1948 to 1951.
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edicolaelbana · 5 years
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Partite del Week End della Pallacanestro Elba
Trasferta difficilissima a Rosignano contro una delle squadre più forti della provincia di Livorno. Fisicamente superiori e tecnicamente molto bravi i nostri avversari ci mettono subito in difficoltà. I nostri bimbi non si sono mai persi d'animo e hanno dato il massimo su tutti i palloni. Pur perdendo tutti i tempini abbiamo cercato di far circolare la palla nonostante una difesa molto fisica.
Prima partita della loro giovane carriera per Nicolas , Nicola e Tommaso autori di prestazioni convincenti e senza timori. Bravi bimbi!! Cerchiamo di dare sempre il massimo e di fare del proprio meglio
Pallacanestro Piombino vs Pallacanestro Elba
Il primo derby del canale va agli elbani. Partita dai due volti non adatta ai deboli di cuore.
Partenza lanciata per i piombinesi che raggiungevano, dopo appena 4’ di gioco, ben 18 punti vantaggio sul 21-3, grazie ad uno scatenato Cenerini e al dominante Cerri sotto le plance.
La bomba sullo scadere del primo quarto di Silvino sembrava dare morale ai rossoblu, che si ripresentavano, all’inizio del secondo quarto, con un’altra faccia e venivano tenuti a galla dalle penetrazioni di Iacopini, molto preciso dalla lunetta, e dalle scorribande di Giulianetti. Dinelli e Tavolario davano man forte permettendo a coach Iacopini di allungare le rotazioni, aumentando l’intensità difensiva. Saranno solo 6, infatti, i punti concessi nel secondo quarto a Piombino. All’intervallo il tabellone dice 31-26.
Sulla stessa falsa riga anche il 3’ quarto, grande pressione difensiva e taglia fuori a rimbalzo, permettono all’Elba di rosicare ancora punti, anche se il prematuro terzo fallo di Iacopini, costringe il play elbano alla panchina, e sarà Puddu a dover gestire, anche con merito, palloni importanti. Il 45-44 di fine terzo quarto fa presagire un finale al cardiopalma. Gli elbani ripartono subito fortissimo, raggiungendo anche le 6 lunghezze di vantaggio sul 46-52 a 5’ dal termine. A questo punto il 4’ fallo di Giulianetti, potrebbe diventare molto pesante, se non fosse che Maroni e Saponaro, abbastanza silenti fini a quel momento, tirano fuori l’orgoglio siglando 3 canestri e raccogliendo diversi palloni vaganti di vitale importanza. Cenerini sale nuovamente in cattedra e, con 6 punti consecutivi, supportato da un ottimo Lachi, riporta i suoi a meno 2 a venti secondi dalla fine. Coach Iacopini è costretto a chiamare timeout disegnando una rimessa in zona offensiva volta a liberare Silvino su un quarto di campo. Tutto riesce molto bene, se non fosse che una evidente deviazione piombinese su un passaggio spedisce la palla fuori a 4” dalla fine. Gli arbitri non riuscendo a decidere optano per una palla a due e la freccia del possesso alternato dice Piombino. Pronto timeout di Baroni e rimessa in zona di attacco per i piombinesi. Ma qui Maroni tira fuori gli attributi impedendo la ricezione spalle a canestro a Cerri e Silvino intercetta un pallone fondamentale che significa vittoria!
Grandi festeggiamenti e soddisfazione sugli spalti a coronamento di una grande impresa che consente agli U13 di occupare il primo posto in solitaria nel loro girone.
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Pallacanestro Piombino
Giustarini 4, Barlettani 5, Biagioni 1, Gragnani 2, Cenerini 22, Lachi 12, Romiti, Mataloni 2, Tagliaferri, Naldini, Calice, Cerri 6.
Pallacanestro Elba
Saponaro 2, Giulianetti 19, Maroni 4, Silvino 20, Iacopini 11, Marinari, Puddu, Varolotti, Rossi, Dinelli, Tavolario, Frediani.
Prima storica partita per il nuovo gruppo femminile delle gazzelle nato da poco grazie al lavoro portato avanti da coach Pedrazzini Sergio con le bimbe di Marina di Campo , Marciana che unite a quello di Portoferraio hanno dato vita ad un gruppo di 15 meravigliose bambine agguerritissime.
Trasferta a San Miniato e bellissima partita delle nostre bimbe che hanno unito grinta in difesa a bel gioco passandosi spesso la palla e facendo divertire i genitori e tifosi presenti. Prima partita della loro giovane carriera per Jessica, Rebecca, Alissa, Giada, Claudia e Diamante tutte autrici di una prestazione sopra ogni aspettativa. Anche per le "veterane" Nicole , Viola, Giulia, Sophie , Elena e Inass bellissima partita e festa grande alla fine . Prossima partita domenica 17 novembre ore 14.30 al palazzetto contro Pontedera.
Pallacanestro Elba - Sei Rose Rosignano
Seconda vittoria consecutiva per i nostri under 14 che hanno battuto i pari età di Rosignano con un netto divario.
Nel primo periodo partenza sprint per gli elbani che con una difesa asfissiante a tutto campo piazzano subito il break decisivo e chiudono il quarto in vantaggio 35-3.
La partita scorre tranquilla con la squadra elbana che macina punti su punti continuando a difendere forte e ripartire in contropiede.
Da menzionare l’ottima prova di Carducci e Colombo sotto i tabelloni e Giannini in regia.
Buona prestazione di Marinari che rientrava in squadra dopo un lungo periodo di inattività e di Silvino che pur avendo giocato sabato con la nostra under 13 ha stretto i denti e superato la fatica distribuendo ottimi assist ai compagni.
Importante anche il debutto in campo per Marangon e Rotunno che hanno disputato la loro prima partita.
Formazione: Silvino Pablo, Colombo Davide, Carducci Andrea, Giannini Daniele, Rotunno Alex, Marinari Lorenzo, Randazzo Samuel, Battaglini Lorenzo (capitano), Di Giorgi Francesco, Fizzotti Andrea, Piacentini Matteo, Marangon Lorenzo
All. Marinari
Pallacanestro Elba vs Basket Donoratico
Prima vittoria per i ragazzi di Mansani che regolano Donoratico, allenato dall’amico Marco Prescendi, dopo una gara dura e nervosa.
Partono forte gli elbani che martellano la retina costantemente con Poli, difficilmente marcabile sotto i tabelloni a questi livelli.
Donoratico risponde aumentando la pressione difensiva e riuscendo a distendersi in contropiede, anche a causa di una pigra transizione difensiva degli isolani, riesci ad avvicinarsi 13-12 alla fine del primo quarto.
Il secondo quarto è tutto di marca gialloblù. Gravi disattenzioni difensive elbane e troppo precipitazione in attacco, permettono l’allungo di Donoratico che chiude il primo tempo avanti di 9, 13-22.
L’innesto di alcuni elementi dalla panchina, come Ballarini e Barsotti, da’ un po’ di respiro agli uomini di Mansani che progressivamente riducono lo strappo e piazzano l’allungo decisivo grazie alla grinta di Pieruzzini su entrambi i lati del campo, suo il canestro del vantaggio nell’ultimo giro di lancetta dopo aver catturato un fondamentale rimbalzo offensivo, Poli e Fiaschi, incontenibile in penetrazione e preciso dalla lunetta. I soli 5 punti concessi a Donoratico nell’ultimo quarto sottolineano come l’aggressività e la collaborazione difensiva siano la chiave per portare a casa il risultato a questo livello.
Pieruzzini M 10, Randazzo 1, Pastorelli 3, Di Giorgi 1, Poli 125, Lazzarini 2, Concu, Fiaschi 25, Ballarini, Pieruzzini A, Barsotti 2, Cottone.
Ringraziamo i nostri sponsor che ci sostengono sempre:
Chimica Elbana
Generali Assicurazioni
Bar La Posta.
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elliedina-week · 2 years
Hey everyone!
We were just wondering if you all would be interested in another elliedina week this year?
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veggiehotdog1 · 1 year
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Burn Ritual:
At first they were the most vile swears, your name a slur.
Ellie. Ellie. Ellie.
I was heartbroken.
Nearly every day I wrote you letters about how selfish you were.
Slowly time move, months passed.
JJ walked and said his first word: WOOF!
Must have been from when you'd pounce on your hands and knees and bark at him.
Woof was only a few weeks after you left.
And then you came back.
And I needed to let the anger go.
So I let you tell me why...
And eventually the resentment left.
And I cleansed myself.
And I forgave you.
Note: There's something therapeutic about letter writing, getting out all emotions, and then letting them go symbolically through their destruction.
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veggiehotdog1 · 1 year
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Ellie completes her collection with this ultra rare, pristine condition trading card! In the words of Dr. Daniela Star: Endure and Survive
My Elliedina week ends with Dina, who represents goodness, light, and HOPE.
Brains - 95
Brawn - 70
Affiliation - Jackson
AO3 link to all of Elliedina Week
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veggiehotdog1 · 1 year
🪬EllieDina Week🪬
Very short, quickly written stories each day. Specific tags in beginning notes of each chapter.
My personal theme for Elliedina Week 2023 is HOPE. Every story will have an undercurrent of hope and better days ahead.
Day 1: Hero
Ellie supports Dina during childbirth
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veggiehotdog1 · 1 year
Behind by a day (maybe, might make Day 6 in time), but here’s Day 5: Devotion
Dina and Ellie have their 10 year anniversary
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veggiehotdog1 · 1 year
Day 3: Rebirth
Ellie transitions from life on the road to settling in at Jackson
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