#dinnar once more ....
nomaishuttle · 1 year
okie i made a grocery list :]] i kind of also want to get chicken but i think ill wait on that 4 a while.. ik logically i should try n get more diverse ingredients/raw ingredients so i cn like Cook more bc i wanna start cooking more but. well atm im just trying 2 have food LOL.
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commander-gloryforge · 4 months
so, whats the deal with demian anyways?
long story short: was born and instantly abandoned, fed power by a demon for long enough to survive, grew up to be the worlds biggest asshole selling drugs, ended up fighting a huge demon threat, got gay.
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long story long: demian was born somewhere in the shiverpeaks to two priory explorers that kind of did an oppsie while huddling for warmth, and they're really not in the mood to raise a child while exploring ancient tombs. so like, it's not like anyone knows about this kid, they may as well leave it in some cave and just piss off. so they did that. its whatever.
so we have a little asura newborn in a scary old cave in the shiverpeaks, and the baby should probably die any moment now. well, she doesnt, for some fucking reason. turns out some mysterious demonic entity was so attracted by the yummy smell of a sad lonely abandoned left to die little baby, and was like. fuck yea. dinnar🔥but like, thats a baby, and despite all that distress and fear its feeling, thats not a good snack, so the demonic entity just decided to chill within that baby for a while. maybe once she'd grow she makes a better snack.
so now we have a baby that is also possessed by an unknown demon, and it kind of can't die from hunger or thirst or cold, and it takes a while, but other explorers find the child, pick it up, take it to safety, and now it grows up somewhere between hoelbrak and lions arch, she never really has a home or a family, just gets nursed to health by someone who was kind enough to take her in for a while, but otherwise she's just being fed by everyone she comes across like a stray cat.
she gets older and finally chooses a name, demian. she begins to make money, selling people things she found on the ground and pretending like theyre worth something, swearing that they have some special powers. demian is a little odd, she senses things that others dont, she looks strange, sometimes it seems as though shes seeing things, so that alone often convinces people that maybe her snake oil does work.
silly rocks she found on the ground turn into vials of river water with supposed healing powers, then into strange mushrooms she found. she knows how to make money, shes oddly charismatic yet scary at the same time. shes a businesswoman at its finest, she cares about her survival and making money and nothing else. she grows up to be ruthless, and really fucking mean.
youd think the demon wouldve eaten her by now. well, as you can tell, it hasn't. its still there in her head or her body or wherever, and it doesnt seem like it wants to leave. instead, its feeding demian power. its giving her abilities to see and sense things, other demons of whatever kind, and to fight them. not kill them, probably, but to banish them somehow. demian doesnt know what exactly her powers do, but she seems to attract demons, and this is just a way to get rid of them and protect herself. like everything she does. she doesnt question things, pretends like these moments of possession are normal or not happening at all. whatever. its whatever, really.
somewhere in lions arch, she finds an empty structure, left in a hurry, rotting and abandoned. theres an odd smell to it. theres something in there. demian doesnt mind. theres something in her too, and its never bothered her. she opens the haunt, a club and means to sell more alcohol.
so there are demons! so what! yea theres a portal that lets in literally every bad demonic entity you can think of! demons feed on emotions and opening a club in a demonic hot spot is GREAT because if you get drunk or high or whatever, the demons will FEAST! and that will make you miserable, and then you buy more! fantastic! demian can easily "banish" the demons and cleanse her club if things get too bad, so its no problem, really! whatever!
so, now we have demian, the club, the demonic portals. its whatever, really. aaand there comes another demon out of another portal. eeewww its fleshy. well demian takes care of it, its no big deal, as always. the threat is dealt with.
and them some weird fucking wizard bursts in and thinks she can "help" with the "danger to tyria" pfff. okay girlypop whatever you say. oh the "rift needs to be closed" yea sure what the fuck are you doing in my club though. "this is a serious matter" uhu okay. "the astral ward will deal with this" okay do you even have a job. lol. fucking loser.
"rifthunter" lmao what a weird fucking title. i dont care. get out of my club we arent open. i said get out.
oh no shes not getting out.
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 4 years
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Congratulations the birth anniversary of Imam Ali Naqi (as) 🎂❤️
Who is imam Ali Naqi (as)??
Imam Ali un-Naqi (A.S.) known as Hazrat Hadi was born in the mid of ZilHajj, 212 Hijrah in the vicinity of Madina, and and according to another tradition 8 September 829 CE
(5 Rajab 214 AH) at a place known as Surya.
His father is Imam Jawad (A.S.) his mother Samana was a maid with excellence, virtue and piety. Imam (A.S.) got the post of Imamate after the martyrdom of his father in the year 220 Hijrah.
Although he was not more than 8 years of age, yet he was the focus of the attention of Shias and the Abbasade caliphs were extremely scared and afraid of him. They set their hand to his exile and torture. Such as "Mutawakkil" brought Imam (A.S.) from Madina to Samarra and he stayed then till the end of his life.
The Special Moral Features of Imam (A.S.) ❤️
Imam (A.S.) was unique in asceticism, devotion and prayers. So that, when the agents and officials of Mutawakkil attacked his house, they saw him busy praying in a simple room.
He had a great attachment and affiliation with the holy Quran. Whenever he was free from the works of the people he would recite Quran. He conducted people with smiling and bloomed face and when he walked he took slow steps.
He attended and helped the afflicted ones. Sometimes, he would grant up to thirty thousand dinnars to the have nots, needy and problem stricken people. So that when "Mutawakkil" sent thirty thousand dinnars for him he gave all of it to a needy and poor Arab.
The mother of "Mutawakkil" had become enamored and fascinated by the devotion and asceticism and faith of Imam Hadi (A.S.).
On the day when Mutawakkil fell ill, his foot was injured and the physicians got unable and helpless regarding his treatment. His mother sent "Fatah bin Khaqan" to Imam's (A.S.) house to request him for a medicine.
Imam (A.S.) recommended a medicine to him by which Mutawakkil was treated and cured and all the physicians were astonished at it. His mother send a thousand dinnars as a gratitude in connection with his being cure. He distributed all of that money among the afflicted ones.
Imam's (A.S.) Attends the Distressed ❤️
Once "Younas Naqqash" came terrified and trembling to see Imam (A.S.) and said, "Oh the son of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) I am at the verge and threshold of death, you help my family."
Imam (A.S.) asked him as to what was the matter. He said so, "one of the courtiers of Abbasade caliphate has given me a gem to engrave a design upon it.
During the work, the gem broke into two pieces. Tomorrow, he will send someone to collect the gem. If he comes to know about the matter he will kill me."
Imam (A.S.) bent his head downward then he raised it saying, "I prayed for you, be satisfied no harm will reach you from him, instead, this work will end to your benefit. Get up and go you will face no trouble tomorrow."
The next day Younas moved towards the house of that man with trembling legs along with one of the officials deputed.
Not very long afterwards, the owner of the house arrived and said, "Oh younas it was settled that you engrave a design over that gem but two of my daughters have a conflict upon this gem."
If it is possible, break the gem into two pieces, and engrave the design on each of the two parts of it. I will give you a reward too, for that, Younas said, "Permit me to think about this matter."
He came out of that place and returned happily to Imam (A.S.) and expressed his gratitude and thankfulness over the kindness he had shown to him.
The Hardest Period 😢
The continuation of combat and opposition of Imams (A.S.) to the tyrants and the brutal rulers is one of the pride and passions of the history of Islam and Shiite school.
They, by their un-comprising attitude toward tyranny and siding with the poor and desperate flared up the anger of the tyrants and cruel to the extent that they deprived them off their sleep and comfort.
Although Imam's (A.S.) period of life was coincident with seven of the Abbasade Caliphs, yet the hardest and toughest period of his life as that of the caliphate of "Mutawakkil" because he was a fame fan, wicked and faithless person.
If he posed to be religious that was only in view of promoting his political causes.
In the year 226 Hijrah, Mutawakkil ordered that the grave of Imam Hussain (A.S.) be washed away by diverting (river) water and the place be ploughed for agriculture so that people may be deprived of the visiting the martyrs of Karbala.
Mutawakkil knew pretty well that each of these graves was a strong fortress against him, which continuously attracts the self-sacrificing and devoted soldiers, and heart burnt lovers from all over the world towards itself. So far so, that Mohammad Ibn-e-Idrees, one of the scholars sided by Mutawakkil.
He instigated people to ask the solution to their (religious) problems from Mutawakkil so that they may gradually take distance from the family of Ali (A.S.).
Following the terrible crime of martyring the Imam (A.S.) Mutawakkil never had peace of mind and remained continuously sad and gloomy till the Turks killed him.
Imam (A.S.) and Unseen Aids ❤️
One day one of the flatterer and glib tongued person said to 'Mutawakkil', "Why do you command your court offices to honor Imam, and when he arrives they must raise the curtains and open the doors for him.
This itself is against your conduct. Let Imam (A.S.) come and go like the rest of the people so that he looses his worth in the eyes of people."
Mutawakkil agreed to his demand and ordered his officials not to hold the curtains and open the doors while Imam (A.S.) comes or leaves.
One day, one of his servants came rushing to him and said: "Imam (A.S.) is coming and to whichever part of the court he arrives, the doors open and curtains are drawn automatically.
This thing attracted the attention of all and if this continues on the superiority and supremacy of Imam (A.S.) will become clear and evident to all, thus your government will be endangered.
Mutawakkil at once ordered that the officials must adopt the previous conduct with Imam (A.S.) and honor him more than ever.
Martyrdom Due to Truthfulness 😢
One day Mutawakkil asked Ibn-e-Sikkit the tutor of his sons, "Do you love my sons more than you love the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)." He at once answered with valor and bravely, "I love Qambar the slave of Ali (A.S.) more than I love your sons."
Mutawakkil was enraged and furious like an injured wolf and ordered that the tongue of this man be extracted and pulled out of the back of his head (neck) and so that great man died at the age of 58 years.
Mutawakkil Pressurizes the Family of Ali(as) ❤️
Mutawakkil got famous and well known for his extravagant and lavish expenditure and misusing people's wealth so that he spent one million and seven hundred golden dinnars for building a strong fortress which is present to this date in Samarra.
With all these extravagancies and plundering people's wealth he was so very strict in his behavior with the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.).
So that the daughters of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) led their lives by yarn spinning in Madina and did not even have a pair of new dress to wear. Mutawakkil had a bad and ill conduct with the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.).
He got friendly with the enemies of Ali (A.S.) and gave them money to make fun of Ali (A.S.) and his family such as he was always accompanied by a stooge who cut jokes and made fun of Ali (A.S.) and made him laugh. He would laugh loudly and lunatic ally.
The rigid, tough and harmful attitude of Mutawakkil regarding sons of Ali (A.S.) went to the extent that he wrote to the governor of Madina, "whosoever wishes to help the family of Ali (A.S.) or visits them, punish him severely."
Mutawakkil banished the Imam (A.S.) through one of his officials from Madina to Samarra in the year 243 Hijrah.
He accommodated him along with his son Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) in a military camp near his palace. And kept him under observation till the end of (Imam) life. This is the very reason why Imam (A.S.) got known by the title of Askari, became Askar means army or military.
To be continues...
Reference :
AL Hayatt imam Ali al Hadi (as) vol01 page 21
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SENTRO Multi Level Membership Shopping and Distribution System
Earn unlimited income from your usual spending. Get your profits from all FMCG’s and top Multi National Company’s in the world, i.e., Coca-cola, Nestle, Procter and Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, Pepsi, Unilever,  Mondelez, L’Oreal, Nike Inc., Samsung Group, Philip Morris, AB inBev and Apple Inc., etc. etc. Campaign overview Earn from your own expenses and from the expenses of thousands of others. Join Sentro's unique design of innovative distribution and consumer empowerment system. Experience like a part owner of all Top Multi National Company and Fast-Moving Consumer Goods/ Products (FMCG's) in the world.   The Supermarket and Distribution system of the future generation using blockchain technology. By supporting Sentro, You can own a huge business patronized by the vast majority of consumers. Join a whole new breed of empowered consumers all over the world. The Greatest Evolution Ever! Sentro Multi-level Membership Shopping and Distribution System You are a consumer, you consume your basic needs such as food, drinks, medicines, clothing and hundreds of others to make a short list. Many of you doesn’t know, you are a big investor! Really big, bigger than what you think and imagine.  You invested your time, effort, knowledge, profession, expertise and many more. THE BIGGEST OF THEM ALL IS YOUR PURCHASES!!! As human beings, it is part of our nature to seek comfort, convenience and satisfaction in life. Let’s go back to the very basic to expound further. It is natural for you to “look for the freshest and most delicious food, in a nearest store in your place at the cheapest price possible”. You may get all these wants and needs of yours, but you can’t have all of these for FREE! All of these things will surely cost you. Nothing in this world is for FREE, everything has its cost even to the very basic of your needs. That is the realities in life. But, what if…..someone tells you that it is more than possible and they experienced it. Will you listen to their story? What if…..someone can prove to you, all of those are FREE.  It's just a part of your profits! Will you give your littlest support or your biggest damn on it? SENTRO TOKEN (Cryptocurrency) Using Ethereum Blockchain Technology The Promising token or surely the dominant in the near future? Many has been written and said about Cryptocurrencies- its existence, significance, importance and predictions are no questions at all. Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology will change our traditional financial system to the next level. Today, there are many cryptocurrency’s exist in the market with its own use and purposes. We will try our simplest way to explain why Sentro Token is very potential. Sentro will use this technology to take the benefits of this platform. Sentro Token will served as a storage of value for the use of (1) stocks for shareholders, investors and key employees, (2) incentives and (3) as a payment for members who participated in membership shopping such as Points Value (PV). Since we are talking of currency/money, let us begin with the evolution of economy. Today, the dominant traditional currency is U.S. dollar. It is the basis of all the trading and commercial activities in the world.  Some of the reasons are; for being stable, establish and because of a very strong foundation and many more. There are some few traditional currencies which is more valuable than U.S. dollar, such as pound, euro, and some dinnar. Question- why are they not the basis of trading activity in the world? The answer is up to you. Since we are talking of evolution, let us go back a little bit farther sometime during the Roman Empire. It is their currency that dominates the world for many centuries.  Today, all their currencies are of no value at all.  Please don’t misunderstood-we mean currency issues alone, not as a souvenir or collector’s item if you have some. It is very clear, the one that dominates the economy dominates the currency.  The same philosophy with many cryptocurrencies. Before we conclude, let’s discuss a little bit more.  The combined assets and value of the top FMCG’s and Multi National Company’s is no doubt dominating the world economy today and will surely dominate world for another hundreds of years. We’ll give you an exact detail and example. What if Coca-Cola created their own cryptocurrency?  Which no one can prohibits them to do so, will you buy a token as an investment? Surely a lot of people will speculate what’s the plan of Coca-Cola if they runs an ICO.  Assuming they did, (Coca-Cola Token) it’s for their company’s gain. With this, comes now the COMPETITION, in the culture and tradition of trade and commerce, it’s a natural instinct for Pepsi Cola Company to do the same, create their own token. Same thing with Nestle and Mondelez (Kraft), with Procter & Gamble and Unilever and so on and so forth.  Lastly, we’re just assuming if they did it, what if they don’t? Does it make any difference at all?
This is where the secret lies behind the creation of SENTRO TOKEN. THE TOKEN WITH THE COMBINED WORTH OF ALL MNC’s products and FMCG’s COMPANY'S IN THE WORLD!!!
Once we raised the sufficient funding and put Sentro into the mainstream of operation, SENTRO TOKEN will prove its worth.
As of this writing, our exchange rate = $1.00 for 50 Sentro Token. Contribute now and help us build the next generation supermarket, distribution system and membership shopping. Like and share our Facebook and claim your 1 Sentro token.Date of ICO will be announce after our Indiegogo campaign.
This is our inspiration why Sentro was conceived and founded in 2015. SENTRO (Stands for Center for Trade and Commerce) is a trade mark with a pending Intellectual Property Rights in the Philippines owned by Fountain of Graces Marketing Inc. It was conceived and organized by a young entrepreneur supported by his friends of a group of energetic and experienced young men and women comprises of entrepreneurs, marketing professionals, financial planners and IT professionals with their common outlook in life, due to a lot of learned experiences in their own field of profession respectively. They foresee that evolution in the field of trading, marketing, selling, banking and finance is enevitable.
Our Relevant Story In 1999, the proponent started a very small trading entity selling unbranded products produce in the countryside such as rice, meat, processed fish and many others.  During this time as a single proprietor, he tied-up his small business with a courier services company, particularly delivering mails. Some of them are billings of credit card holders, household electric bills, household water bills, bills of TV network service provider and many others. From this tie-up, he got the data base of more than a hundred of thousands of individuals were he offered his products on a door to door delivery scheme. The business grow rapidly—they received hundreds of calls of orders per day. This synergetic tie-up was the start of The Greatest Evolution. Challenges and risk arises, suggestions and demands from the consumers began in every aspects, i.e. production, supply, more availability of basic products, quality issue and delivery service must be take into consideration as priority or else. This is when they decided to set-up a company and apply for a distributorship of the largest food and beverage conglomerate in the Philippines to consider suggestions and   demands of consumers. Even to this day, traditional distributorship in the Philippines and many other countries of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG’s) products requires so much and bounded by their company’s laws, rules and regulations. To mention a very important few, these are:   a) It must be regulated by territorial boundaries; b) Must be particular of product brands to be carried; c) Exclusivity to their own brands, products and company; d) Strict compliance on their pricing scheme. The proponent’s application for distributorship was approved and gained full satisfaction from their customers but it serves only a few of them due to distributorship territorial boundary issues or suffer the penalty of encroachment. Take note, their customers are spread out nationwide. The proponent was then in a dilemma. To give-up the distributorship contract and or to produce and develop its own products and brand just to serve their nationwide customers. Or let the mother company appoint other traditional distributor to serve their own client in other places. It is in this time, when proponent took the courage to do the impossible!!! That is to seek the approval of the mother company to allow them to do the business scheme without territorial boundaries.
Doing the impossible took 3 long challenging years. Meetings, series of presentations, politicking, rapports, and public relations are part of their day to day life. Believed it or not, the proponents risk everything- money, property, belongings and even their lives just to make things done and make it happen. It was in year 2004 when the impossible became possible. Appointment from the mother company has been made and issued, and contract has been signed and executed. It is the first and only one of a kind distribution appointment and contract the mother company issued in their more than a hundred of years in existense. The business was in all sorts superlatively successful. With the mother company’s support as being their official partner and the only accredited door to door and home delivery service distributor, proponent gained so much, much more than they expect during those 3 long challenging years of application process. (Please see Sentro.ph)
After 2 years of a very fruitful operations, the proponents has to experience another challenges in life, it is then when they are notified to just go back to the traditional way of distribution and their existing contract will not be allowed to renew. Obviously, it is because of a lot of compelling reasons on the part of the mother company. The mother company tried to do the same business scheme, but only in less than a year they failed and stopped.
The rest is history and it is up for the proponents to tell. For them, it's just the start of The Greatest Evolution. Looking back, from an impoverished trader of meat, fish and rice and became the largest distributor of the largest food and beverages conglomerate in Southeast Asia in a matter of 3 years is something that we should be very thankful of.
The business was very successful in general, but has a lot of limitations and stumbling block from the traditional system of marketing, trading and distribution. One main reason, the said systems is not yet ready or maybe, will never be ready in this kind of evolution in technology. The evolution we are referring to is inevitable (The Blockchain Technology).  We pray to God that we are the destined one to lead this evolution, but if we are not the lucky one, we are 100% sure somebody will succeed to do this sooner or later.
As a supporter and contributor. Just imagine, you will be part of the Greatest Evolution!? Evolution in whatever kind has a superb feeling of satisfaction. From now on, you will be feeding millions of people suffering from hunger. You will give permanent jobs and livelihood opportunities to those millions of people. As contributor, it is you who will transformed them to become part-owner of the largest bank in the world in the near future!!
This is not yet the magnitude of your contribution and support. It is only a portion of it. There is much and much more unmentioned and unexplained benefits to this Greatest Evolution. Ask yourself, if you can do this for those millions of people, how much more to yourself and your loved ones?
What We Need & What You Get We need to raise $600,000 to set up one Sentro Supermarket which will also serve as distribution center and warehouse. (Please watch the video presentation provided and visit our Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and website. Copy of the detailed Capital Expenditures Budget is available, we can email it to you upon request).
We gladly accept contribution and support in kind (products). Especially products from this crowdfunding  community that we can sell and turn into cash or as demo sample products for us to promote, market and accept orders in your behalf on the premise that you will appoint us as your authorized distributor in the Philippines.
Sentro has created its own token (cryptocurrency/Sentro Coin) using Ethereum Blockchain technology, which we are not only certain that it will appreciate rapidly in value, but we are also 100% confident.  Why? Because of the inevitable evolution.   A TOKEN OF A COMBINED WORTH OF TOP MNC’s and FMCG's IN THE WORLD!!! Sentro offers you the following: A. Sentro will issue to a backer 50 Sentro Token equivalent for every dollar support     & contribution. B. Payback plan – On top of A., for every dollar contribution & support, Sentro will payback the backer the amount plus 100% after the ICO based on the prevailing market price. C. A backer/s with $10,000.00 support/contribution will be entitled as priority franchisee or have the rights of first refusal in his/her chosen area. Subject to franchise fees and other related fees. D. A backer/s with $20,000.00 is entitled as priority franchisee or have the rights of first refusal in his/her chosen area without franchise fees or any other fees. E. Like and share our campaign on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn and claim 1 Sentro Token. Note: We will use this plattform and other Ethereum plattforms  to raise the necessary funds and capital to set-up Sentro Supermarket and Distribution Center for the candidate franchisee in C. and D. in last quarter of 2019. If we don't reach the target amount, we will still continue to source out funds in other ways.  We will still continue working on it until it will become a reality. The Impact All projects, big or small, business or social cause are valuable and deserves the support and prayers from contributors. We are just one of them, but once this project is carried out and put into the mainstream of operation, we will be the one to support and welcome you all, should you need our services to sell, promote and distribute your projects, products, services, appeal, messages and even your dreams and aspirations to the millions of people all over the world. Once these programs are carried out by SENTRO, their implementation will certainly improve the sales of basic goods and FMCG’s products geometrically.  This will indeed be beneficial prospects not only for the owners of SENTRO but also for the outlet owners (franchisee) and consumers (members). 1. Advertising in the highest order: This will ensure the marketability of any products and a full conquest of the hearts & mind of the people. 2. Promotion at its fullest: SENTRO points and rewards system is designed to excite and allow sharing of benefits to their consumers by providing useful products or service for either free, big discounts or ultimately beneficial. 3. Sales revolution: Redefine and convert traditional salesmanship and transform standard services to a more responsive system suited to individual & household needs. 4. Marketing & Distribution: The system of the now and future generation provides for the adaptability to the advancement in technology.  Letting the people experience the ultimate benefits of the internet while consuming.  Note: These impact is beneficial not only for SENTRO, its franchisee partners and its members, but also for all products/brands and companies that will join the SENTRO rewards system. 5. Economic/Social Impact: The system adds to a tremendous labor absorption capacity of the economy and at the same time creates an acceptable method of transformation and innovation, shopping & distribution. *The Multi-Level Membership Shopping & Distribution system of SENTRO is highly profitable venture.  Please see attached financials and profit and loss projections. Risks & Challenges There are a lot of obstacle and challenges in every evolution and we are not exempted from this. But every evolution solved its own obstacle and overcame their challenges. The only challenges we foresee and currently experiencing is that many companies (suppliers of products to Sentro) are not ready or may not be amenable at this time to transform their traditional system to this evolution. But the “competition issue” of the products and brands of different manufacturers is the solution itself. They will be forced to join Sentro Marketing System to patronize their products by the consuming public or else they will be left behind in terms of sale. Based on the many years of experience in the distribution business, this will qualify us to handle risk and challenges. Plus the advantage of using the latest and advance technology that other supermarkets and distributors do not. This will complete the plan to overcome all these challenges.   Other Ways You Can Help Please join us and be part of this Greatest Evolution. We promise to reach you out in return with heart and soul fulfillment. We are also looking for a donor or a lender of supplier / manufacturer of electric motor for our cargo vehicles/ trikes that we will use for delivery and distribution of products. Please share our campaign and videos to your friends and associates.
Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world... You... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one                                                                    
 - John Lennon-
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isiyasy · 5 years
Wiladat Anniversary of 10th Imam Ali an-Naqi (A.S.)
Birth Imam Ali un-Naqi (A.S.) known as Hazrat Hadi was born in the mid of ZilHajj, 212 Hijrah in the vicinity of Madina, at a place known as Surya. His father is Imam Jawad (A.S.) his mother Samana was a maid with excellence, virtue and piety. Imam (A.S.) got the post of Imamate after the martyrdom of his father in the year 220 Hijrah.
Although he was not more than 8 years of age, yet he was the focus of the attention of Shias and the Abbasade caliphs were extremely scared and afraid of him. They set their hand to his exile and torture. Such as "Mutawakkil" brought Imam (A.S.) from Madina to Samarra and he stayed then till the end of his life. The Special Moral Features of Imam (A.S.) Imam (A.S.) was unique in asceticism, devotion and prayers. So that, when the agents and officials of Mutawakkil attacked his house, they saw him busy praying in a simple room.
He had a great attachment and affiliation with the holy Quran. Whenever he was free from the works of the people he would recite Quran. He conducted people with smiling and bloomed face and when he walked he took slow steps. He attended and helped the afflicted ones. Sometimes, he would grant up to thirty thousand dinnars to the have nots, needy and problem stricken people.
So that when "Mutawakkil" sent thirty thousand dinnars for him he gave all of it to a needy and poor Arab. The mother of "Mutawakkil" had become enamored and fascinated by the devotion and asceticism and faith of Imam Hadi (A.S.). On the day when Mutawakkil fell ill, his foot was injured and the physicians got unable and helpless regarding his treatment. His mother sent "Fatah bin Khaqan" to Imam's (A.S.) house to request him for a medicine. Imam (A.S.) recommended a medicine to him by which Mutawakkil was treated and cured and all the physicians were astonished at it. His mother send a thousand dinars as a gratitude in connection with his being cure. He distributed all of that money among the afflicted ones.
Imam's (A.S.) Attends the Distressed
Once "Younas Naqqash" came terrified and trembling to see Imam (A.S.) and said, "Oh the son of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) I am at the verge and threshold of death, you help my family." Imam (A.S.) asked him as to what was the matter. He said so, "one of the courtiers of Abbasade caliphate has given me a gem to engrave a design upon it. During the work, the gem broke into two pieces. Tomorrow, he will send someone to collect the gem. If he comes to know about the matter he will kill me." Imam (A.S.) bent his head downward then he raised it saying, "I prayed for you, be satisfied no harm will reach you from him, instead, this work will end to your benefit. Get up and go you will face no trouble tomorrow." The next day Younas moved towards the house of that man with trembling legs along with one of the officials deputed.
Not very long afterwards, the owner of the house arrived and said, "Oh younas it was settled that you engrave a design over that gem but two of my daughters have a conflict upon this gem." If it is possible, break the gem into two pieces, and engrave the design on each of the two parts of it. I will give you a reward too, for that, Younas said, "Permit me to think about this matter." He came out of that place and returned happily to Imam (A.S.) and expressed his gratitude and thankfulness over the kindness he had shown to him.
The Hardest Period
The continuation of combat and opposition of Imams (A.S.) to the tyrants and the brutal rulers is one of the pride and passions of the history of Islam and Shiite school. They, by their un-comprising attitude toward tyranny and siding with the poor and desperate flared up the anger of the tyrants and cruel to the extent that they deprived them off their sleep and comfort.
Although Imam's (A.S.) period of life was coincident with seven of the Abbasade Caliphs, yet the hardest and toughest period of his life as that of the caliphate of "Mutawakkil" because he was a fame fan, wicked and faithless person. If he posed to be religious that was only in view of promoting his political causes. In the year 226 Hijrah, Mutawakkil ordered that the grave of Imam Hussain (A.S.) be washed away by diverting (river) water and the place be ploughed for agriculture so that people may be deprived of the visiting the martyrs of Karbala.
Mutawakkil knew pretty well that each of these graves was a strong fortress against him, which continuously attracts the self-sacrificing and devoted soldiers, and heart burnt lovers from all over the world towards itself. So far so, that Mohammad Ibn-e-Idrees, one of the scholars sided by Mutawakkil. He instigated people to ask the solution to their (religious) problems from Mutawakkil so that they may gradually take distance from the family of Ali (A.S.).
Following the terrible crime of martyring the Imam (A.S.) Mutawakkil never had peace of mind and remained continuously sad and gloomy till the Turks killed him.
Imam (A.S.) and Unseen Aids
One day one of the flatterer and glib tongued person said to 'Mutawakkil', "Why do you command your court offices to honor Imam, and when he arrives they must raise the curtains and open the doors for him.
This itself is against your conduct. Let Imam (A.S.) come and go like the rest of the people so that he looses his worth in the eyes of people." Mutawakkil agreed to his demand and ordered his officials not to hold the curtains and open the doors while Imam (A.S.) comes or leaves. One day, one of his servants came rushing to him and said: "Imam (A.S.) is coming and to whichever part of the court he arrives, the doors open and curtains are drawn automatically.
This thing attracted the attention of all and if this continues on the superiority and supremacy of Imam (A.S.) will become clear and evident to all, thus your government will be endangered. Mutawakkil at once ordered that the officials must adopt the previous conduct with Imam (A.S.) and honor him more than ever.
Martyrdom Due to Truthfulness
One day Mutawakkil asked Ibn-e-Sikkit the tutor of his sons, "Do you love my sons more than you love the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)." He at once answered with valor and bravely, "I love Qambar the slave of Ali (A.S.) more than I love your sons." Mutawakkil was enraged and furious like an injured wolf and ordered that the tongue of this man be extracted and pulled out of the back of his head (neck) and so that great man died at the age of 58 years.
Mutawakkil Pressurizes the Family of Ali (A.S.)
Mutawakkil got famous and well known for his extravagant and lavish expenditure and misusing people's wealth so that he spent one million and seven hundred golden dinars for building a strong fortress which is present to this date in Samarra. With all these extravagances and plundering people's wealth he was so very strict in his behavior with the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.).
So that the daughters of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) led their lives by yarn spinning in Madina and did not even have a pair of new dress to wear. Mutawakkil had a bad and ill conduct with the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). He got friendly with the enemies of Ali (A.S.) and gave them money to make fun of Ali (A.S.) and his family such as he was always accompanied by a stooge who cut jokes and made fun of Ali (A.S.) and made him laugh. He would laugh loudly and lunatic ally.
The rigid, tough and harmful attitude of Mutawakkil regarding sons of Ali (A.S.) went to the extent that he wrote to the governor of Madina, "whosoever wishes to help the family of Ali (A.S.) or visits them, punish him severely." Mutawakkil banished the Imam (A.S.) through one of his officials from Madina to Samarra in the year 243 Hijrah. He accommodated him along with his son Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) in a military camp near his palace. And kept him under observation till the end of (Imam) life.
This is the very reason why Imam (A.S.) got known by the title of Askari, became Askar means army or military.
Imam's (A.S.) Knowledge Status
Since the knowledge of Imam Hadi (A.S.) originated from the Prophetic school thus the light of knowledge shone over his heart and made him aware of the secret of creation.
1. One day, the emperor of Rome wrote to one of the caliphs of Bani Abbas, "We have read in Bible that there is one Surah (Chapter) of the heavenly Surahs, which if read by anyone and practiced upon it's content God will not send that person to the Hell. You write me as to which one is that Surah? Because we did not find it in Bible." The Abbasade Caliph gathered all the wise men and asked them the question and all of them failed to answer it.
The Caliph summoned Imam Hadi (A.S.) and put to him that question Imam (A.S.) opened his lips for the reply and said, "That surah is Surah "Hamd" which every Muslim recites a number of times in his prayers at day and night time." Then Imam (A.S.) gave some explanations about it, which surprised and astonished all the wise men. The answer of Imam (A.S.) was sent to the emperor of Rome who, having read it, was much pleased and embraced Islam.
2. "Yahya bin Aqsam" who was one of the wise men of Mamoon's age and the caliphs afterwards asked Imam (A.S.) many questions through a letter which were replied by him. The questions of Yahya and the response given by Imam (A.S.) are as under: 
Question No.1. When "Sulayman (A.S.)" demanded the throne of queen "Bilqees" of "Sheba" his minister "Asif Barkhia" said, "I can bring the throne for you in the time of winking of an eye" why did Sulayman (Solomon) (A.S.) himself not do that? Did he himself not have the knowledge? Answer: Whatever Asif did was through Sulayman (A.S.) and he had received his wisdom and knowledge from him since, Sulayman was a Prophet he had the capacity and power to perform all these works. But because of it, that he wanted to introduce his successor to the people and make them aware of his station he assigned him this work.
Question No.2. On the basis of Quranic version when Yaqoob (Jacob) (A.S.) went to Kanaan along with his sons to see Yousuf (A.S.) all fell down into prostration before Yousuf (Joseph) (A.S.). Why did a Prophet like Yaqoob (A.S.) performed prostration for Yousuf (A.S.). Whereas, prostration is specified only for God? Answer: This prostration was not for Vousuf (A.S.) but as a thanks giving to God, just like the prostration of the angels for Adam (A.S.) even though, they did not perform it for Adam (A.S.), but prostration to God as a gratitude and thankfulness, regarding this creation, to Him.
Question No.3. Based upon the Quran's narration, if the edibles and beverages of Paradise are for the sake of pleasure then, why was Adam (A.S.) forbidden to eat the grapes and was expelled from Paradise? Answer. As God wanted to try and test Adam (A.S.), He commanded him not to obey his wife Hawwa (Eve) (A.S.) and not to eat from that tree. But he opposed it and as a result he was ousted from the haven.
Question No.4. Why did Ali (A.S.) order his men in the battle of Jamal (Camel) to chase and bring into effect the pursuit of only "the warriors" and not to kill those who ran away, or were not armed, or injured? But in the Siffeen battle he ordered to kill them all, whether armed or unarmed, injured or uninjured, whomsoever they found and laid hands upon. Why was this difference in the order? Answer: Since, the battle of Jamal was a battle of Islam verses Islam and a battle between a deceived Muslim against another Muslim but the battle of Siffeen was a battle of infidels against Islam. 
It was a combat between Muslim appearing infidels and the real Islam. The next day Yahyah bin Aksam asked all the wise men present in the assembly of Haroon: When Adam (A.S.) went to perform Hajj and visit the house of God, who shaved his head off? All of them were unable to give an answer to him. Then they put question to Imam Hadi (A.S.). He said, "Gabriel the angel of God." Yahyah took pleasure and enjoyed the answers of Imam (A.S.) and admitted to the knowledge station of Imam (A.S.) in the presence of all.
The Imam's (A.S.) News about the unseen
People observed from lmam Hadi (A.S.) due to his connection with God and the unseen world, works which were considered to be the specimen of God's might and power. One of the friends of Imam (A.S.) traveled from Iraq to Madina and had the honor to visit Imam (A.S.). Imam (A.S.) enquired from him the condition of Al-Wasiq the Abbasade caliph and he replied, "when I left Iraq he was fit and fine, and Mutawakkil was in prison and Ibn-e-Zayyat had become famous and well known among the people. Imam (A.S.) after a moment's silence said, "That which is God's will, shall take place, and there is no way to stop his orders and commands. Oh my friend be aware that Wasiq has passed away and Mutawakkil has succeeded him and Ibn-e-Ziyyat has been slain upon the behest of Mutawakkil."
I asked, "When was it?" He said, "Six days after you moved out of Baghdad."
Imam's (A.S.) Judgment
In the age of Mutawakkil regime a lady claimed that she was Zainub the daughter of Fatima. He said, "Many long years have passed since that period when Zainub lived and you are quite young." She replied, "Yes, but the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) drew his hand upon my head and prayed for me to remain young for ever. As such, after every forty years I turn back to become young." Mutawakkil called upon all the wise men to visit him and enquired from them, "What do you say about the claim of this women" All of them said, "she tells a lie." 
Mutawakkil said, "I know that she is lying, but what proof and logic do you have to condemn her." They said, "We do not know, Imam Hadi (A.S.) should solve this problem." Mutawakkil at once summoned Imam (A.S.) and told him about that matter.
Imam (A.S.) said, "send her to the cage of the lions, if she is telling the truth, because the beasts do not molest the children of Fatimah (S.A.) and do not eat their flesh. Mutawakkil said to the woman, "what do you say?" She said, "This man wishes that I may be killed. If he is right then let him do it himself." Mutawakkil said, "she is right, you must do it first yourself." Imam (A.S.) replied, "There is no hurdle to it" He went to the lions in the cage and sat among them. All observed with amazement, that the lions sat very respectfully before the Imam (A.S.) and sometimes caressed themselves against his body and he caressed their bodies with his hand, affectionately. When Imam (A.S.) ordered that they might move to a corner, all of them crept to a nook. Then Imam (A.S.) came out of the cage and went to Mutawakkil and said, "Oh woman now it is your turn." The woman started crying and begging saying, "I told a lie, I am the daughter of such and such man, and wanted to play a trick and a hoax but it did not work."
Imam (A.S.) in Mutawakkil's Assembly
Mutawakkil, who was a self conceited and egoist Abbasade caliph, was much annoyed about the attention of the people focused upon Hadi (A.S.) and was all the time immersed in the thought of annihilating Imam (A.S.). One day, he was informed that Imam (A.S.) wanted to bring about a revolt and has gathered money and weapons, for this purpose, in his house. Mutawakkil ordered the officials to attack and break into the house of Imam (A.S.) at midnight and search it and whatever money and weapons are discovered be brought to him along with the Imam (A.S.).
Mutawakkil had arranged a merry making party in his palace for his own relaxation and amusement and the musician played music and the singers sang sons for him. He was counting moments and waiting anxiously for Imam to be showed in. The agents and officials climbed the roof from the backside of the Imam's (A.S.) house and break into it. They found Imam (A.S.) busy in offering his prayers in a room. 
Howsoever, they searched the rooms but could not find anything except a certain amount of money and one sword. They picked these up and presented to Mutawakkil along with the Imam (A.S.). When Imam (A.S.) arrived Mutawakkil seated him beside himself and presented the dirty drink (wine) to him and asked him to take it. Imam (A.S.) said, "By Lord, I shall never at all touch my lips with it." Mutawakkil who was intoxicated and did not have attention towards anything turned his face to Imam (A.S.) and said, "Thus you must recite some poem (rhymes) for me." Hazrat Imam (A.S.) said, "I do not know any of them except for a number of them, which are left over as a monument of my grandfather Ali (A.S.)." Mutawakkil said, "Recite that" Imam (A.S.) recited the rhymes, of his forefather Ali (A.S.), which were striking and awareness creating. A tempest took shape in his interior. So that he came to his senses, out of intoxication. He wept and ordered that Imam (A.S.) may be sent back to his house respectfully.
The money, which was brought from his house, may be returned with sane addition to it.
The Translation of the rhymes is as under:
1. They made the high peaks, their residence, and permanently and always, stationed armed guards to watch that. But none of them could stop the death from approaching them.
2. Finally and consequently, they were dragged from their grand palaces into the ditches of graves and with how unfortunately they arrived it.
3. At this time, the voice of the caller of God raised which said, "Where did those decorations, crowns, magnanimity and ostentation and grandeur go?" Where did those faces brought up in coquetry and endearment and which were nurtured upon the wealth of others, and showed their pride and mincing air to them, go.
4. The grave made them anonymous and their faces turned into the fields of attacks of the insects and worms.
5. One day they ate and drank whatever they desired, without any care but today they have themselves become food of the animals. The rhymes, which were totally admonitions and advices, hammered the brain of Mutawakkil, and made him so ecstasies that he was awakened from the deep slumber and threw his cup of wine upon the earth and his eyes shed tears like it was raining.
Imam's (A.S.) Martyrdom
After the tyrant caliph Mutawakkl's death Imam (A.S.) was still in agony, pain and discomfort till the time he was martyred by "Mutaz" at the age of 42 and was buried in the land of Samarrah.
The Pupils of Imam (A.S.)
Although Imam (A.S.) was strictly under observation and he was being put under vigilance from all aspects but a group of his lovers, enthusiastic and amorous lovers of the spring of his knowledge contacted him confidentially and secretly and used to quench their thirst from that spring up to their utmost means. Some of his friends were:
1. Abdul Azim Hasani: He was one of the great and wise men of his age and was much renowned for his piety. Imam Hadi (A.S.) would usually say to his friends "whenever a difficulty crops up for you ask Abdul Azim and convey my Salam and Salutation to him." Once, he put forward his beliefs before Imam (A.S.). Imam (A.S.) said, "By Cod, these are the same beliefs which God has liked (approved) for His slaves."
This son of Imam (A.S.) was pursued and followed up very strictly and severely and concealed himself in the city of Rai and sometimes he came to visit the grave of Hamza, which is situated near his own. After sometime he fell ill and passed away and was buried at the same place.
2. Hasan Ibn-e-Saeed Ahwazi: Who was one of the friends of Imam Reza (A.S.), Imam Jawad (A.S.) and Imam Hadi (A.S.) and narrated traditions from all of them, lived in the beginning in Kufa then he left along with his brothers for Ahwaz and from there he shifted to Qum. He died over there. He authored about 30 books regarding Jurisprudence and the Islamic ethics and morality. The wise men accept the tradition narrated by him. Allamah Majlisi and Allamah Hilli had mentioned him with great respect and held him in high esteem.
3. Fazl bin Shazan Nishapuri: He was an informed, knowledgeable and strong jurisprudent and orator. He always had confabulation with the friends of Imam (A.S.) and benefited from them. He himself is considered one of the companions of Imam Hadi (A.S.). He wrote a large number of books, which attracted the attention of the wise men. Some of them say he wrote as many as a hundred and eighty books.
Following the demise of Imam Hadi (A.S.), he became a part of the companions of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.). One day, when he visited Imam's (A.S.) assembly, he praised and recommended him to the people of Khorrasan so that they may get benefited from his books. Since he was pursued on account of his being a Shia, he traveled to Behaq and after a period he became ill and died in the age of Imam Askari (A.S.). Brief Sayings of Imam (A.S.)
1. The one who spends his life in refuge of God, world's discomforts will become easy for him.
2. The one who carelessly commits sin and throws away the curtain of modesty, God will make him ignanimous, desperate and wretched.
3. The one who does not counsel with others in his matters will be harmed.
4. World is a bazaar in which one group makes benefit and the other faces loss.
5. Cutting jokes and mockery is the activity and enjoyment and amusement of foolish ones.
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isiyasy · 5 years
Birth Imam Ali un-Naqi (A.S.) known as Hazrat Hadi was born in the mid of ZilHajj, 212 Hijrah in the vicinity of Madina, at a place known as Surya. His father is Imam Jawad (A.S.) his mother Samana was a maid with excellence, virtue and piety. Imam (A.S.) got the post of Imamate after the martyrdom of his father in the year 220 Hijrah. Although he was not more than 8 years of age, yet he was the focus of the attention of Shias and the Abbasade caliphs were extremely scared and afraid of him. They set their hand to his exile and torture. Such as "Mutawakkil" brought Imam (A.S.) from Madina to Samarra and he stayed then till the end of his life. The Special Moral Features of Imam (A.S.) Imam (A.S.) was unique in asceticism, devotion and prayers. So that, when the agents and officials of Mutawakkil attacked his house, they saw him busy praying in a simple room. He had a great attachment and affiliation with the holy Quran. Whenever he was free from the works of the people he would recite Quran. He conducted people with smiling and bloomed face and when he walked he took slow steps. He attended and helped the afflicted ones. Sometimes, he would grant up to thirty thousand dinnars to the have nots, needy and problem stricken people. So that when "Mutawakkil" sent thirty thousand dinnars for him he gave all of it to a needy and poor Arab. The mother of "Mutawakkil" had become enamored and fascinated by the devotion and asceticism and faith of Imam Hadi (A.S.). On the day when Mutawakkil fell ill, his foot was injured and the physicians got unable and helpless regarding his treatment. His mother sent "Fatah bin Khaqan" to Imam's (A.S.) house to request him for a medicine. Imam (A.S.) recommended a medicine to him by which Mutawakkil was treated and cured and all the physicians were astonished at it. His mother send a thousand dinars as a gratitude in connection with his being cure. He distributed all of that money among the afflicted ones. Imam's (A.S.) Attends the Distressed Once "Younas Naqqash" came terrified and trembling to see Imam (A.S.) and said, "Oh the son of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) I am at the verge and threshold of death, you help my family." Imam (A.S.) asked him as to what was the matter. He said so, "one of the courtiers of Abbasade caliphate has given me a gem to engrave a design upon it. During the work, the gem broke into two pieces. Tomorrow, he will send someone to collect the gem. If he comes to know about the matter he will kill me." Imam (A.S.) bent his head downward then he raised it saying, "I prayed for you, be satisfied no harm will reach you from him, instead, this work will end to your benefit. Get up and go you will face no trouble tomorrow." The next day Younas moved towards the house of that man with trembling legs along with one of the officials deputed. Not very long afterwards, the owner of the house arrived and said, "Oh younas it was settled that you engrave a design over that gem but two of my daughters have a conflict upon this gem." If it is possible, break the gem into two pieces, and engrave the design on each of the two parts of it. I will give you a reward too, for that, Younas said, "Permit me to think about this matter." He came out of that place and returned happily to Imam (A.S.) and expressed his gratitude and thankfulness over the kindness he had shown to him. The Hardest Period The continuation of combat and opposition of Imams (A.S.) to the tyrants and the brutal rulers is one of the pride and passions of the history of Islam and Shiite school. They, by their un-comprising attitude toward tyranny and siding with the poor and desperate flared up the anger of the tyrants and cruel to the extent that they deprived them off their sleep and comfort. Although Imam's (A.S.) period of life was coincident with seven of the Abbasade Caliphs, yet the hardest and toughest period of his life as that of the caliphate of "Mutawakkil" because he was a fame fan, wicked and faithless person. If he posed to be religious that was only in view of promoting his political causes. In the year 226 Hijrah, Mutawakkil ordered that the grave of Imam Hussain (A.S.) be washed away by diverting (river) water and the place be ploughed for agriculture so that people may be deprived of the visiting the martyrs of Karbala. Mutawakkil knew pretty well that each of these graves was a strong fortress against him, which continuously attracts the self-sacrificing and devoted soldiers, and heart burnt lovers from all over the world towards itself. So far so, that Mohammad Ibn-e-Idrees, one of the scholars sided by Mutawakkil. He instigated people to ask the solution to their (religious) problems from Mutawakkil so that they may gradually take distance from the family of Ali (A.S.). Following the terrible crime of martyring the Imam (A.S.) Mutawakkil never had peace of mind and remained continuously sad and gloomy till the Turks killed him. Imam (A.S.) and Unseen Aids One day one of the flatterer and glib tongued person said to 'Mutawakkil', "Why do you command your court offices to honor Imam, and when he arrives they must raise the curtains and open the doors for him. This itself is against your conduct. Let Imam (A.S.) come and go like the rest of the people so that he looses his worth in the eyes of people." Mutawakkil agreed to his demand and ordered his officials not to hold the curtains and open the doors while Imam (A.S.) comes or leaves. One day, one of his servants came rushing to him and said: "Imam (A.S.) is coming and to whichever part of the court he arrives, the doors open and curtains are drawn automatically. This thing attracted the attention of all and if this continues on the superiority and supremacy of Imam (A.S.) will become clear and evident to all, thus your government will be endangered. Mutawakkil at once ordered that the officials must adopt the previous conduct with Imam (A.S.) and honor him more than ever. Martyrdom Due to Truthfulness One day Mutawakkil asked Ibn-e-Sikkit the tutor of his sons, "Do you love my sons more than you love the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)." He at once answered with valor and bravely, "I love Qambar the slave of Ali (A.S.) more than I love your sons." Mutawakkil was enraged and furious like an injured wolf and ordered that the tongue of this man be extracted and pulled out of the back of his head (neck) and so that great man died at the age of 58 years. Mutawakkil Pressurizes the Family of Ali (A.S.) Mutawakkil got famous and well known for his extravagant and lavish expenditure and misusing people's wealth so that he spent one million and seven hundred golden dinars for building a strong fortress which is present to this date in Samarra. With all these extravagances and plundering people's wealth he was so very strict in his behavior with the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). So that the daughters of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) led their lives by yarn spinning in Madina and did not even have a pair of new dress to wear. Mutawakkil had a bad and ill conduct with the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). He got friendly with the enemies of Ali (A.S.) and gave them money to make fun of Ali (A.S.) and his family such as he was always accompanied by a stooge who cut jokes and made fun of Ali (A.S.) and made him laugh. He would laugh loudly and lunatic ally. The rigid, tough and harmful attitude of Mutawakkil regarding sons of Ali (A.S.) went to the extent that he wrote to the governor of Madina, "whosoever wishes to help the family of Ali (A.S.) or visits them, punish him severely." Mutawakkil banished the Imam (A.S.) through one of his officials from Madina to Samarra in the year 243 Hijrah. He accommodated him along with his son Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) in a military camp near his palace. And kept him under observation till the end of (Imam) life. This is the very reason why Imam (A.S.) got known by the title of Askari, became Askar means army or military. Imam's (A.S.) Knowledge Status Since the knowledge of Imam Hadi (A.S.) originated from the Prophetic school thus the light of knowledge shone over his heart and made him aware of the secret of creation. 1. One day, the emperor of Rome wrote to one of the caliphs of Bani Abbas, "We have read in Bible that there is one Surah (Chapter) of the heavenly Surahs, which if read by anyone and practiced upon it's content God will not send that person to the Hell. You write me as to which one is that Surah? Because we did not find it in Bible." The Abbasade Caliph gathered all the wise men and asked them the question and all of them failed to answer it. The Caliph summoned Imam Hadi (A.S.) and put to him that question Imam (A.S.) opened his lips for the reply and said, "That surah is Surah "Hamd" which every Muslim recites a number of times in his prayers at day and night time." Then Imam (A.S.) gave some explanations about it, which surprised and astonished all the wise men. The answer of Imam (A.S.) was sent to the emperor of Rome who, having read it, was much pleased and embraced Islam. 2. "Yahya bin Aqsam" who was one of the wise men of Mamoon's age and the caliphs afterwards asked Imam (A.S.) many questions through a letter which were replied by him. The questions of Yahya and the response given by Imam (A.S.) are as under:  Question No.1. When "Sulayman (A.S.)" demanded the throne of queen "Bilqees" of "Sheba" his minister "Asif Barkhia" said, "I can bring the throne for you in the time of winking of an eye" why did Sulayman (Solomon) (A.S.) himself not do that? Did he himself not have the knowledge? Answer: Whatever Asif did was through Sulayman (A.S.) and he had received his wisdom and knowledge from him since, Sulayman was a Prophet he had the capacity and power to perform all these works. But because of it, that he wanted to introduce his successor to the people and make them aware of his station he assigned him this work. Question No.2. On the basis of Quranic version when Yaqoob (Jacob) (A.S.) went to Kanaan along with his sons to see Yousuf (A.S.) all fell down into prostration before Yousuf (Joseph) (A.S.). Why did a Prophet like Yaqoob (A.S.) performed prostration for Yousuf (A.S.). Whereas, prostration is specified only for God? Answer: This prostration was not for Vousuf (A.S.) but as a thanks giving to God, just like the prostration of the angels for Adam (A.S.) even though, they did not perform it for Adam (A.S.), but prostration to God as a gratitude and thankfulness, regarding this creation, to Him. Question No.3. Based upon the Quran's narration, if the edibles and beverages of Paradise are for the sake of pleasure then, why was Adam (A.S.) forbidden to eat the grapes and was expelled from Paradise? Answer. As God wanted to try and test Adam (A.S.), He commanded him not to obey his wife Hawwa (Eve) (A.S.) and not to eat from that tree. But he opposed it and as a result he was ousted from the haven. Question No.4. Why did Ali (A.S.) order his men in the battle of Jamal (Camel) to chase and bring into effect the pursuit of only "the warriors" and not to kill those who ran away, or were not armed, or injured? But in the Siffeen battle he ordered to kill them all, whether armed or unarmed, injured or uninjured, whomsoever they found and laid hands upon. Why was this difference in the order? Answer: Since, the battle of Jamal was a battle of Islam verses Islam and a battle between a deceived Muslim against another Muslim but the battle of Siffeen was a battle of infidels against Islam.  It was a combat between Muslim appearing infidels and the real Islam. The next day Yahyah bin Aksam asked all the wise men present in the assembly of Haroon: When Adam (A.S.) went to perform Hajj and visit the house of God, who shaved his head off? All of them were unable to give an answer to him. Then they put question to Imam Hadi (A.S.). He said, "Gabriel the angel of God." Yahyah took pleasure and enjoyed the answers of Imam (A.S.) and admitted to the knowledge station of Imam (A.S.) in the presence of all. The Imam's (A.S.) News about the unseen People observed from lmam Hadi (A.S.) due to his connection with God and the unseen world, works which were considered to be the specimen of God's might and power. One of the friends of Imam (A.S.) traveled from Iraq to Madina and had the honor to visit Imam (A.S.). Imam (A.S.) enquired from him the condition of Al-Wasiq the Abbasade caliph and he replied, "when I left Iraq he was fit and fine, and Mutawakkil was in prison and Ibn-e-Zayyat had become famous and well known among the people. Imam (A.S.) after a moment's silence said, "That which is God's will, shall take place, and there is no way to stop his orders and commands. Oh my friend be aware that Wasiq has passed away and Mutawakkil has succeeded him and Ibn-e-Ziyyat has been slain upon the behest of Mutawakkil." I asked, "When was it?" He said, "Six days after you moved out of Baghdad." Imam's (A.S.) Judgment In the age of Mutawakkil regime a lady claimed that she was Zainub the daughter of Fatima. He said, "Many long years have passed since that period when Zainub lived and you are quite young." She replied, "Yes, but the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) drew his hand upon my head and prayed for me to remain young for ever. As such, after every forty years I turn back to become young." Mutawakkil called upon all the wise men to visit him and enquired from them, "What do you say about the claim of this women" All of them said, "she tells a lie."  Mutawakkil said, "I know that she is lying, but what proof and logic do you have to condemn her." They said, "We do not know, Imam Hadi (A.S.) should solve this problem." Mutawakkil at once summoned Imam (A.S.) and told him about that matter. Imam (A.S.) said, "send her to the cage of the lions, if she is telling the truth, because the beasts do not molest the children of Fatimah (S.A.) and do not eat their flesh. Mutawakkil said to the woman, "what do you say?" She said, "This man wishes that I may be killed. If he is right then let him do it himself." Mutawakkil said, "she is right, you must do it first yourself." Imam (A.S.) replied, "There is no hurdle to it" He went to the lions in the cage and sat among them. All observed with amazement, that the lions sat very respectfully before the Imam (A.S.) and sometimes caressed themselves against his body and he caressed their bodies with his hand, affectionately. When Imam (A.S.) ordered that they might move to a corner, all of them crept to a nook. Then Imam (A.S.) came out of the cage and went to Mutawakkil and said, "Oh woman now it is your turn." The woman started crying and begging saying, "I told a lie, I am the daughter of such and such man, and wanted to play a trick and a hoax but it did not work." Imam (A.S.) in Mutawakkil's Assembly Mutawakkil, who was a self conceited and egoist Abbasade caliph, was much annoyed about the attention of the people focused upon Hadi (A.S.) and was all the time immersed in the thought of annihilating Imam (A.S.). One day, he was informed that Imam (A.S.) wanted to bring about a revolt and has gathered money and weapons, for this purpose, in his house. Mutawakkil ordered the officials to attack and break into the house of Imam (A.S.) at midnight and search it and whatever money and weapons are discovered be brought to him along with the Imam (A.S.). Mutawakkil had arranged a merry making party in his palace for his own relaxation and amusement and the musician played music and the singers sang sons for him. He was counting moments and waiting anxiously for Imam to be showed in. The agents and officials climbed the roof from the backside of the Imam's (A.S.) house and break into it. They found Imam (A.S.) busy in offering his prayers in a room.  Howsoever, they searched the rooms but could not find anything except a certain amount of money and one sword. They picked these up and presented to Mutawakkil along with the Imam (A.S.). When Imam (A.S.) arrived Mutawakkil seated him beside himself and presented the dirty drink (wine) to him and asked him to take it. Imam (A.S.) said, "By Lord, I shall never at all touch my lips with it." Mutawakkil who was intoxicated and did not have attention towards anything turned his face to Imam (A.S.) and said, "Thus you must recite some poem (rhymes) for me." Hazrat Imam (A.S.) said, "I do not know any of them except for a number of them, which are left over as a monument of my grandfather Ali (A.S.)." Mutawakkil said, "Recite that" Imam (A.S.) recited the rhymes, of his forefather Ali (A.S.), which were striking and awareness creating. A tempest took shape in his interior. So that he came to his senses, out of intoxication. He wept and ordered that Imam (A.S.) may be sent back to his house respectfully. The money, which was brought from his house, may be returned with sane addition to it. The Translation of the rhymes is as under: 1. They made the high peaks, their residence, and permanently and always, stationed armed guards to watch that. But none of them could stop the death from approaching them. 2. Finally and consequently, they were dragged from their grand palaces into the ditches of graves and with how unfortunately they arrived it. 3. At this time, the voice of the caller of God raised which said, "Where did those decorations, crowns, magnanimity and ostentation and grandeur go?" Where did those faces brought up in coquetry and endearment and which were nurtured upon the wealth of others, and showed their pride and mincing air to them, go. 4. The grave made them anonymous and their faces turned into the fields of attacks of the insects and worms. 5. One day they ate and drank whatever they desired, without any care but today they have themselves become food of the animals. The rhymes, which were totally admonitions and advices, hammered the brain of Mutawakkil, and made him so ecstasies that he was awakened from the deep slumber and threw his cup of wine upon the earth and his eyes shed tears like it was raining. Imam's (A.S.) Martyrdom After the tyrant caliph Mutawakkl's death Imam (A.S.) was still in agony, pain and discomfort till the time he was martyred by "Mutaz" at the age of 42 and was buried in the land of Samarrah. The Pupils of Imam (A.S.) Although Imam (A.S.) was strictly under observation and he was being put under vigilance from all aspects but a group of his lovers, enthusiastic and amorous lovers of the spring of his knowledge contacted him confidentially and secretly and used to quench their thirst from that spring up to their utmost means. Some of his friends were: 1. Abdul Azim Hasani: He was one of the great and wise men of his age and was much renowned for his piety. Imam Hadi (A.S.) would usually say to his friends "whenever a difficulty crops up for you ask Abdul Azim and convey my Salam and Salutation to him." Once, he put forward his beliefs before Imam (A.S.). Imam (A.S.) said, "By Cod, these are the same beliefs which God has liked (approved) for His slaves." This son of Imam (A.S.) was pursued and followed up very strictly and severely and concealed himself in the city of Rai and sometimes he came to visit the grave of Hamza, which is situated near his own. After sometime he fell ill and passed away and was buried at the same place. 2. Hasan Ibn-e-Saeed Ahwazi: Who was one of the friends of Imam Reza (A.S.), Imam Jawad (A.S.) and Imam Hadi (A.S.) and narrated traditions from all of them, lived in the beginning in Kufa then he left along with his brothers for Ahwaz and from there he shifted to Qum. He died over there. He authored about 30 books regarding Jurisprudence and the Islamic ethics and morality. The wise men accept the tradition narrated by him. Allamah Majlisi and Allamah Hilli had mentioned him with great respect and held him in high esteem. 3. Fazl bin Shazan Nishapuri: He was an informed, knowledgeable and strong jurisprudent and orator. He always had confabulation with the friends of Imam (A.S.) and benefited from them. He himself is considered one of the companions of Imam Hadi (A.S.). He wrote a large number of books, which attracted the attention of the wise men. Some of them say he wrote as many as a hundred and eighty books. Following the demise of Imam Hadi (A.S.), he became a part of the companions of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.). One day, when he visited Imam's (A.S.) assembly, he praised and recommended him to the people of Khorrasan so that they may get benefited from his books. Since he was pursued on account of his being a Shia, he traveled to Behaq and after a period he became ill and died in the age of Imam Askari (A.S.). Brief Sayings of Imam (A.S.) 1. The one who spends his life in refuge of God, world's discomforts will become easy for him. 2. The one who carelessly commits sin and throws away the curtain of modesty, God will make him ignanimous, desperate and wretched. 3. The one who does not counsel with others in his matters will be harmed. 4. World is a bazaar in which one group makes benefit and the other faces loss. 5. Cutting jokes and mockery is the activity and enjoyment and amusement of foolish ones.
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isiyasy · 5 years
Birth Imam Ali un-Naqi (A.S.) known as Hazrat Hadi was born in the mid of ZilHajj, 212 Hijrah in the vicinity of Madina, at a place known as Surya. His father is Imam Jawad (A.S.) his mother Samana was a maid with excellence, virtue and piety. Imam (A.S.) got the post of Imamate after the martyrdom of his father in the year 220 Hijrah. Although he was not more than 8 years of age, yet he was the focus of the attention of Shias and the Abbasade caliphs were extremely scared and afraid of him. They set their hand to his exile and torture. Such as "Mutawakkil" brought Imam (A.S.) from Madina to Samarra and he stayed then till the end of his life. The Special Moral Features of Imam (A.S.) Imam (A.S.) was unique in asceticism, devotion and prayers. So that, when the agents and officials of Mutawakkil attacked his house, they saw him busy praying in a simple room. He had a great attachment and affiliation with the holy Quran. Whenever he was free from the works of the people he would recite Quran. He conducted people with smiling and bloomed face and when he walked he took slow steps. He attended and helped the afflicted ones. Sometimes, he would grant up to thirty thousand dinnars to the have nots, needy and problem stricken people. So that when "Mutawakkil" sent thirty thousand dinnars for him he gave all of it to a needy and poor Arab. The mother of "Mutawakkil" had become enamored and fascinated by the devotion and asceticism and faith of Imam Hadi (A.S.). On the day when Mutawakkil fell ill, his foot was injured and the physicians got unable and helpless regarding his treatment. His mother sent "Fatah bin Khaqan" to Imam's (A.S.) house to request him for a medicine. Imam (A.S.) recommended a medicine to him by which Mutawakkil was treated and cured and all the physicians were astonished at it. His mother send a thousand dinars as a gratitude in connection with his being cure. He distributed all of that money among the afflicted ones. Imam's (A.S.) Attends the Distressed Once "Younas Naqqash" came terrified and trembling to see Imam (A.S.) and said, "Oh the son of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) I am at the verge and threshold of death, you help my family." Imam (A.S.) asked him as to what was the matter. He said so, "one of the courtiers of Abbasade caliphate has given me a gem to engrave a design upon it. During the work, the gem broke into two pieces. Tomorrow, he will send someone to collect the gem. If he comes to know about the matter he will kill me." Imam (A.S.) bent his head downward then he raised it saying, "I prayed for you, be satisfied no harm will reach you from him, instead, this work will end to your benefit. Get up and go you will face no trouble tomorrow." The next day Younas moved towards the house of that man with trembling legs along with one of the officials deputed. Not very long afterwards, the owner of the house arrived and said, "Oh younas it was settled that you engrave a design over that gem but two of my daughters have a conflict upon this gem." If it is possible, break the gem into two pieces, and engrave the design on each of the two parts of it. I will give you a reward too, for that, Younas said, "Permit me to think about this matter." He came out of that place and returned happily to Imam (A.S.) and expressed his gratitude and thankfulness over the kindness he had shown to him. The Hardest Period The continuation of combat and opposition of Imams (A.S.) to the tyrants and the brutal rulers is one of the pride and passions of the history of Islam and Shiite school. They, by their un-comprising attitude toward tyranny and siding with the poor and desperate flared up the anger of the tyrants and cruel to the extent that they deprived them off their sleep and comfort. Although Imam's (A.S.) period of life was coincident with seven of the Abbasade Caliphs, yet the hardest and toughest period of his life as that of the caliphate of "Mutawakkil" because he was a fame fan, wicked and faithless person. If he posed to be religious that was only in view of promoting his political causes. In the year 226 Hijrah, Mutawakkil ordered that the grave of Imam Hussain (A.S.) be washed away by diverting (river) water and the place be ploughed for agriculture so that people may be deprived of the visiting the martyrs of Karbala. Mutawakkil knew pretty well that each of these graves was a strong fortress against him, which continuously attracts the self-sacrificing and devoted soldiers, and heart burnt lovers from all over the world towards itself. So far so, that Mohammad Ibn-e-Idrees, one of the scholars sided by Mutawakkil. He instigated people to ask the solution to their (religious) problems from Mutawakkil so that they may gradually take distance from the family of Ali (A.S.). Following the terrible crime of martyring the Imam (A.S.) Mutawakkil never had peace of mind and remained continuously sad and gloomy till the Turks killed him. Imam (A.S.) and Unseen Aids One day one of the flatterer and glib tongued person said to 'Mutawakkil', "Why do you command your court offices to honor Imam, and when he arrives they must raise the curtains and open the doors for him. This itself is against your conduct. Let Imam (A.S.) come and go like the rest of the people so that he looses his worth in the eyes of people." Mutawakkil agreed to his demand and ordered his officials not to hold the curtains and open the doors while Imam (A.S.) comes or leaves. One day, one of his servants came rushing to him and said: "Imam (A.S.) is coming and to whichever part of the court he arrives, the doors open and curtains are drawn automatically. This thing attracted the attention of all and if this continues on the superiority and supremacy of Imam (A.S.) will become clear and evident to all, thus your government will be endangered. Mutawakkil at once ordered that the officials must adopt the previous conduct with Imam (A.S.) and honor him more than ever. Martyrdom Due to Truthfulness One day Mutawakkil asked Ibn-e-Sikkit the tutor of his sons, "Do you love my sons more than you love the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)." He at once answered with valor and bravely, "I love Qambar the slave of Ali (A.S.) more than I love your sons." Mutawakkil was enraged and furious like an injured wolf and ordered that the tongue of this man be extracted and pulled out of the back of his head (neck) and so that great man died at the age of 58 years. Mutawakkil Pressurizes the Family of Ali (A.S.) Mutawakkil got famous and well known for his extravagant and lavish expenditure and misusing people's wealth so that he spent one million and seven hundred golden dinars for building a strong fortress which is present to this date in Samarra. With all these extravagances and plundering people's wealth he was so very strict in his behavior with the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). So that the daughters of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) led their lives by yarn spinning in Madina and did not even have a pair of new dress to wear. Mutawakkil had a bad and ill conduct with the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). He got friendly with the enemies of Ali (A.S.) and gave them money to make fun of Ali (A.S.) and his family such as he was always accompanied by a stooge who cut jokes and made fun of Ali (A.S.) and made him laugh. He would laugh loudly and lunatic ally. The rigid, tough and harmful attitude of Mutawakkil regarding sons of Ali (A.S.) went to the extent that he wrote to the governor of Madina, "whosoever wishes to help the family of Ali (A.S.) or visits them, punish him severely." Mutawakkil banished the Imam (A.S.) through one of his officials from Madina to Samarra in the year 243 Hijrah. He accommodated him along with his son Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) in a military camp near his palace. And kept him under observation till the end of (Imam) life. This is the very reason why Imam (A.S.) got known by the title of Askari, became Askar means army or military. Imam's (A.S.) Knowledge Status Since the knowledge of Imam Hadi (A.S.) originated from the Prophetic school thus the light of knowledge shone over his heart and made him aware of the secret of creation. 1. One day, the emperor of Rome wrote to one of the caliphs of Bani Abbas, "We have read in Bible that there is one Surah (Chapter) of the heavenly Surahs, which if read by anyone and practiced upon it's content God will not send that person to the Hell. You write me as to which one is that Surah? Because we did not find it in Bible." The Abbasade Caliph gathered all the wise men and asked them the question and all of them failed to answer it. The Caliph summoned Imam Hadi (A.S.) and put to him that question Imam (A.S.) opened his lips for the reply and said, "That surah is Surah "Hamd" which every Muslim recites a number of times in his prayers at day and night time." Then Imam (A.S.) gave some explanations about it, which surprised and astonished all the wise men. The answer of Imam (A.S.) was sent to the emperor of Rome who, having read it, was much pleased and embraced Islam. 2. "Yahya bin Aqsam" who was one of the wise men of Mamoon's age and the caliphs afterwards asked Imam (A.S.) many questions through a letter which were replied by him. The questions of Yahya and the response given by Imam (A.S.) are as under:  Question No.1. When "Sulayman (A.S.)" demanded the throne of queen "Bilqees" of "Sheba" his minister "Asif Barkhia" said, "I can bring the throne for you in the time of winking of an eye" why did Sulayman (Solomon) (A.S.) himself not do that? Did he himself not have the knowledge? Answer: Whatever Asif did was through Sulayman (A.S.) and he had received his wisdom and knowledge from him since, Sulayman was a Prophet he had the capacity and power to perform all these works. But because of it, that he wanted to introduce his successor to the people and make them aware of his station he assigned him this work. Question No.2. On the basis of Quranic version when Yaqoob (Jacob) (A.S.) went to Kanaan along with his sons to see Yousuf (A.S.) all fell down into prostration before Yousuf (Joseph) (A.S.). Why did a Prophet like Yaqoob (A.S.) performed prostration for Yousuf (A.S.). Whereas, prostration is specified only for God? Answer: This prostration was not for Vousuf (A.S.) but as a thanks giving to God, just like the prostration of the angels for Adam (A.S.) even though, they did not perform it for Adam (A.S.), but prostration to God as a gratitude and thankfulness, regarding this creation, to Him. Question No.3. Based upon the Quran's narration, if the edibles and beverages of Paradise are for the sake of pleasure then, why was Adam (A.S.) forbidden to eat the grapes and was expelled from Paradise? Answer. As God wanted to try and test Adam (A.S.), He commanded him not to obey his wife Hawwa (Eve) (A.S.) and not to eat from that tree. But he opposed it and as a result he was ousted from the haven. Question No.4. Why did Ali (A.S.) order his men in the battle of Jamal (Camel) to chase and bring into effect the pursuit of only "the warriors" and not to kill those who ran away, or were not armed, or injured? But in the Siffeen battle he ordered to kill them all, whether armed or unarmed, injured or uninjured, whomsoever they found and laid hands upon. Why was this difference in the order? Answer: Since, the battle of Jamal was a battle of Islam verses Islam and a battle between a deceived Muslim against another Muslim but the battle of Siffeen was a battle of infidels against Islam.  It was a combat between Muslim appearing infidels and the real Islam. The next day Yahyah bin Aksam asked all the wise men present in the assembly of Haroon: When Adam (A.S.) went to perform Hajj and visit the house of God, who shaved his head off? All of them were unable to give an answer to him. Then they put question to Imam Hadi (A.S.). He said, "Gabriel the angel of God." Yahyah took pleasure and enjoyed the answers of Imam (A.S.) and admitted to the knowledge station of Imam (A.S.) in the presence of all. The Imam's (A.S.) News about the unseen People observed from lmam Hadi (A.S.) due to his connection with God and the unseen world, works which were considered to be the specimen of God's might and power. One of the friends of Imam (A.S.) traveled from Iraq to Madina and had the honor to visit Imam (A.S.). Imam (A.S.) enquired from him the condition of Al-Wasiq the Abbasade caliph and he replied, "when I left Iraq he was fit and fine, and Mutawakkil was in prison and Ibn-e-Zayyat had become famous and well known among the people. Imam (A.S.) after a moment's silence said, "That which is God's will, shall take place, and there is no way to stop his orders and commands. Oh my friend be aware that Wasiq has passed away and Mutawakkil has succeeded him and Ibn-e-Ziyyat has been slain upon the behest of Mutawakkil." I asked, "When was it?" He said, "Six days after you moved out of Baghdad." Imam's (A.S.) Judgment In the age of Mutawakkil regime a lady claimed that she was Zainub the daughter of Fatima. He said, "Many long years have passed since that period when Zainub lived and you are quite young." She replied, "Yes, but the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) drew his hand upon my head and prayed for me to remain young for ever. As such, after every forty years I turn back to become young." Mutawakkil called upon all the wise men to visit him and enquired from them, "What do you say about the claim of this women" All of them said, "she tells a lie."  Mutawakkil said, "I know that she is lying, but what proof and logic do you have to condemn her." They said, "We do not know, Imam Hadi (A.S.) should solve this problem." Mutawakkil at once summoned Imam (A.S.) and told him about that matter. Imam (A.S.) said, "send her to the cage of the lions, if she is telling the truth, because the beasts do not molest the children of Fatimah (S.A.) and do not eat their flesh. Mutawakkil said to the woman, "what do you say?" She said, "This man wishes that I may be killed. If he is right then let him do it himself." Mutawakkil said, "she is right, you must do it first yourself." Imam (A.S.) replied, "There is no hurdle to it" He went to the lions in the cage and sat among them. All observed with amazement, that the lions sat very respectfully before the Imam (A.S.) and sometimes caressed themselves against his body and he caressed their bodies with his hand, affectionately. When Imam (A.S.) ordered that they might move to a corner, all of them crept to a nook. Then Imam (A.S.) came out of the cage and went to Mutawakkil and said, "Oh woman now it is your turn." The woman started crying and begging saying, "I told a lie, I am the daughter of such and such man, and wanted to play a trick and a hoax but it did not work." Imam (A.S.) in Mutawakkil's Assembly Mutawakkil, who was a self conceited and egoist Abbasade caliph, was much annoyed about the attention of the people focused upon Hadi (A.S.) and was all the time immersed in the thought of annihilating Imam (A.S.). One day, he was informed that Imam (A.S.) wanted to bring about a revolt and has gathered money and weapons, for this purpose, in his house. Mutawakkil ordered the officials to attack and break into the house of Imam (A.S.) at midnight and search it and whatever money and weapons are discovered be brought to him along with the Imam (A.S.). Mutawakkil had arranged a merry making party in his palace for his own relaxation and amusement and the musician played music and the singers sang sons for him. He was counting moments and waiting anxiously for Imam to be showed in. The agents and officials climbed the roof from the backside of the Imam's (A.S.) house and break into it. They found Imam (A.S.) busy in offering his prayers in a room.  Howsoever, they searched the rooms but could not find anything except a certain amount of money and one sword. They picked these up and presented to Mutawakkil along with the Imam (A.S.). When Imam (A.S.) arrived Mutawakkil seated him beside himself and presented the dirty drink (wine) to him and asked him to take it. Imam (A.S.) said, "By Lord, I shall never at all touch my lips with it." Mutawakkil who was intoxicated and did not have attention towards anything turned his face to Imam (A.S.) and said, "Thus you must recite some poem (rhymes) for me." Hazrat Imam (A.S.) said, "I do not know any of them except for a number of them, which are left over as a monument of my grandfather Ali (A.S.)." Mutawakkil said, "Recite that" Imam (A.S.) recited the rhymes, of his forefather Ali (A.S.), which were striking and awareness creating. A tempest took shape in his interior. So that he came to his senses, out of intoxication. He wept and ordered that Imam (A.S.) may be sent back to his house respectfully. The money, which was brought from his house, may be returned with sane addition to it. The Translation of the rhymes is as under: 1. They made the high peaks, their residence, and permanently and always, stationed armed guards to watch that. But none of them could stop the death from approaching them. 2. Finally and consequently, they were dragged from their grand palaces into the ditches of graves and with how unfortunately they arrived it. 3. At this time, the voice of the caller of God raised which said, "Where did those decorations, crowns, magnanimity and ostentation and grandeur go?" Where did those faces brought up in coquetry and endearment and which were nurtured upon the wealth of others, and showed their pride and mincing air to them, go. 4. The grave made them anonymous and their faces turned into the fields of attacks of the insects and worms. 5. One day they ate and drank whatever they desired, without any care but today they have themselves become food of the animals. The rhymes, which were totally admonitions and advices, hammered the brain of Mutawakkil, and made him so ecstasies that he was awakened from the deep slumber and threw his cup of wine upon the earth and his eyes shed tears like it was raining. Imam's (A.S.) Martyrdom After the tyrant caliph Mutawakkl's death Imam (A.S.) was still in agony, pain and discomfort till the time he was martyred by "Mutaz" at the age of 42 and was buried in the land of Samarrah. The Pupils of Imam (A.S.) Although Imam (A.S.) was strictly under observation and he was being put under vigilance from all aspects but a group of his lovers, enthusiastic and amorous lovers of the spring of his knowledge contacted him confidentially and secretly and used to quench their thirst from that spring up to their utmost means. Some of his friends were: 1. Abdul Azim Hasani: He was one of the great and wise men of his age and was much renowned for his piety. Imam Hadi (A.S.) would usually say to his friends "whenever a difficulty crops up for you ask Abdul Azim and convey my Salam and Salutation to him." Once, he put forward his beliefs before Imam (A.S.). Imam (A.S.) said, "By Cod, these are the same beliefs which God has liked (approved) for His slaves." This son of Imam (A.S.) was pursued and followed up very strictly and severely and concealed himself in the city of Rai and sometimes he came to visit the grave of Hamza, which is situated near his own. After sometime he fell ill and passed away and was buried at the same place. 2. Hasan Ibn-e-Saeed Ahwazi: Who was one of the friends of Imam Reza (A.S.), Imam Jawad (A.S.) and Imam Hadi (A.S.) and narrated traditions from all of them, lived in the beginning in Kufa then he left along with his brothers for Ahwaz and from there he shifted to Qum. He died over there. He authored about 30 books regarding Jurisprudence and the Islamic ethics and morality. The wise men accept the tradition narrated by him. Allamah Majlisi and Allamah Hilli had mentioned him with great respect and held him in high esteem. 3. Fazl bin Shazan Nishapuri: He was an informed, knowledgeable and strong jurisprudent and orator. He always had confabulation with the friends of Imam (A.S.) and benefited from them. He himself is considered one of the companions of Imam Hadi (A.S.). He wrote a large number of books, which attracted the attention of the wise men. Some of them say he wrote as many as a hundred and eighty books. Following the demise of Imam Hadi (A.S.), he became a part of the companions of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.). One day, when he visited Imam's (A.S.) assembly, he praised and recommended him to the people of Khorrasan so that they may get benefited from his books. Since he was pursued on account of his being a Shia, he traveled to Behaq and after a period he became ill and died in the age of Imam Askari (A.S.). Brief Sayings of Imam (A.S.) 1. The one who spends his life in refuge of God, world's discomforts will become easy for him. 2. The one who carelessly commits sin and throws away the curtain of modesty, God will make him ignanimous, desperate and wretched. 3. The one who does not counsel with others in his matters will be harmed. 4. World is a bazaar in which one group makes benefit and the other faces loss. 5. Cutting jokes and mockery is the activity and enjoyment and amusement of foolish ones.
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