toknowbeauty · 7 years
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⛅ #mentalhealthmonth ⛅ #mentalhealthweek ⛅ Every person needs to take one day away.  A day in which one consciously separates the past from the future.  Jobs, family, employers, and friends can exist one day without any one of us, and if our egos permit us to confess, they could exist eternally in our absence.  Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for.  Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us. - Maya Angelou ⛅ #GetLoud #MentalHealthMatters #HorseshoeCanyon #ADayAway #Staycation #RainyDayAdventure #GetOutThere #AfterTheRain #FiveMinutesOfSunshine #ExploreAlberta #DinosaurCountry #Badlands #TheViewFromHere #NatureLovers #Canada150 #Canada #Drumheller #AlbertaTourism (at Horseshoe Canyon)
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thenightmareclub · 8 years
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brentbutt · 8 years
Horseshoe Canyon, outside Drumheller, Alberta. Hoodoos in the Badlands. #dinosaurcountry
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dinosaurcountry · 8 years
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Looks like you've reached the last stop train headed West. Well, we suggest you swing by the saloon and kick up your feet, but if you're headed to the next town, you better get to work. Best start by finding a scaly beastie. You’re going to need a couple of two-ton friends on your hitching post if you want to cut it out here, in Dinosaur Country.
Dinosaur Country is a no word count alternate history RP with writer-friendly game mechanics. Join us for our grand opening today!
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dinosaurcountry · 8 years
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Red Hand Gang
The original Red Hand Gang was founded by Norma “Red Hand” Jackson, nicknamed for her habit of getting ‘caught red-handed’ then shooting her way back to freedom. They rose to infamy about five years ago, but nobody has seen or heard from Red Hand Jackson in over a year. Nobody is sure if she is retired, in hiding, or dead.
Her original crew has since splintered and spread across the west. Some new gangs have even formed up just around the name “Red Hand Gang” and the fear that it strikes. They all continue to leave their trademark sign at their crimes, a red handprint, in paint, dirt, or even blood. There is a vague sense of comradery between the different chapters of the gang, and many members travel between local gangs if they need to split town, and can generally count on gang members for protection, even if they have never met. They’ll accept any into their own if they trust the person enough, and recently that has meant a lot of plague survivors that can’t find honest work elsewhere.
Different chapters dabble in different sorts of crime, depending on the makeup of the members. Rustling, theft, destruction of property, extortion, kidnapping, holdups, shootouts, and even murder. With their vast network, the Red Hand Gang has potential for organized crime, but most of their activity seems to be driven by local bands or leadership.
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dinosaurcountry · 8 years
Prompt: A New Start
Hey folks!  We have been busy adding the final touches to the site, and we anticipate opening it very soon!  So far, we have revealed a lot of the world information (we still have a couple of optional player factions to reveal), and we’re excited to hear more about the characters that are going to populate it!
- Jak & Grizz
RPers who compete a drabble based on this prompt will be able to reserve a face claim for Dinosaur Country!
Great innovations appear every day, from the marvels of modern medicine, to new machinery and technology for farm and industry alike, and from that, the most shining achievement of all: the steam-powered locomotive, and the railroad headed out West!
Accessible and affordable travel has meant a fresh start for many. New friends, relationships and children; new homes and new shops. Some came for adventure, discovering incredible new dinos, finding new towns and learning new cultures, for many others, change was brought by fear. The plague changed the lives of many folks, shifting jobs to fight it, or avoid it, seeing loved ones catch it, or reviving a brush with death themselves and the scars and lost limbs that come with it. Change has been kinder to some than others, some reject it, others embrace it, but for anyone willing to take it, there is a new start waiting for them out West!
Discover a new view! It can be a physical view, like a vista of a new place, or something that has changed about somewhere familiar.  It can also be a change in viewpoint, seeing something in a new way, such as themselves, someone they know, something happening in the world, or somewhere familiar they are leaving behind.
Claims can be professional entertainers (actors, models, singers, etc) or classic paintings!
Simply reblog with your drabble, your nickname, and the faceclaim you would like to reserve! Don't have a faceclaim in mind yet? No worries, we would still love to see your take on the world of Dinosaur Country!
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dinosaurcountry · 8 years
Dinosaur Preview: Spry
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Hadrosuars of all kinds are the quintessential mount of the Western explorer.  They have unparalleled endurance, large carrying capacities for long journeys, and dexterous maneuverability over rough terrain.  They are often warm towards their riders and other dinosaurs, making them far less dangerous than Raptors but just as spirited.  Haddies have a wide variety of head crests, and unique calls that both help their riders locate them and even communicate to other riders across miles.
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A natural predator and notoriously cunning, a Raptor makes for a dangerous animal to ride.  They are particularly social with strong personalities that get bored quickly, and famously the fastest mount for folks on the move.  They are quite common out west, where everyone from Ranchers to rustlers use them to drive herds and keep them safe from other predators.  However, due to their unpredictability they are often banned inside town limits.  Post is often delivered via the Raptor Express (Raptors being a common, but not exclusive mount), employing some of the fastest long-distance riders.  They struggle with carrying a load beyond a single person, however, so they do not make for good pack or work animals.
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dinosaurcountry · 8 years
Intro Posts!
Hey folks!  It has been awesome to see your questions roll in!  Thank you, and thank you also for your enthusiasm for the site!
Now, we’ve got some questions for you!  We’d love to get to know you better and find out what drew you here and what you’re hoping to get out of Dinosaur Country!
Tag your posts with #dinosaurcountry and #welcometodinosaurcountry so we can find you!  Here is mine to kick it off!
Alias: Timezone: Favorite Types of Characters to Play: What kind of plots are you most excited to try? The Good, the Bad, or the Ugly? GPOY Gif:
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dinosaurcountry · 8 years
Hi!!! This rp seems so cool and I'm super hyped for it! I have one question, what time/year is it supposed to take place? And is history kind of playing out as normal (besides the whole dinosaur thing)?
Thanks so much! We can’t wait to get started too!
Dinosaur Country is set in the time of the wild west. Cowboys and gun fights, covered wagons and settlers, and the transcontinental railroad; anything that looks fun in western movies, or Back to the Future III for that matter, all that is fair game – and with Dinosaurs!! 
Speaking of the railroad, the railroad will be one of our main features on the site. We will talk more about it later, but working as a team on site and in-character will lead to the expansion of the railroad and reaching new places on the map. There will be a varied Western inspired terrain in which to play, from homey western towns like Fossil Creek to rough tough shoot-em up places where the saloons always full and the guns smoking. The train will take you from the grand buttes of Monument Valley, mining towns, snowy pine-covered mountains, geysers, and beautiful plains.
Along the way various groups will be introduced, from early settlers, to tough wilderness explorers, to bands of outlaws and gangs. In many places as well people native to this land have settled. Each band, tribe, or city is different, with values and customs based on their history and location. Some of these groups will have information when the site opens, and others will be unlocked as the railroad continues West. Either way, the West will be alive with plenty of personality and people to play with in new ways!
There’s more than the West as well. Eastern towns include the USA’s North-East inspired Haverton, with everything from ports and factories and tightly built brick city, to snowy winters and apple orchards; and the Southern Ellisport with large plantations and luxurious homes, friendly towns and balmy weather, hanging mosses and stagnant swamps.
There are some important differences from history. While the land that Dinosaur Country is largely based off of is the United States of America, it is not the USA. Most notably, there was no American Civil War, nor the problems that mounted to cause it. Apart from lifestyle differences, and the usual judgement that comes from pride in where you live, the North and South hold no prejudice against one another. That is not to say this is a land without prejudice, rather that prejudice runs along class, status, and job lines, where you come from, or fear of the plague, rather than along racial lines. As such the land of Dinosaur Country is highly diverse with opportunities regardless of ethnicity.
What this means for play is that characters will not be coming out of a time of extreme violence, post-war recovery, and the aftermath of emancipation. Rather, military experience is very rare, and those trained by the military are not likely to have seen action outside of local enforcement or dangerous dinos. That is not to say characters have not seen hardship. The plague took many lives before their time, and left many permanently disfigured and scarred. For some it caused fear and prejudice, other have been brought closer together against it.
Let us know if you want to know more!
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dinosaurcountry · 8 years
What time is this set? Like years? Is it colonial, 1800s esque?
It is set roughly in the 1860s.  A major plot point is the building of a Transcontinental railroad.  About 30 years prior there was a gold rush, that ended in a bit of a bust because the terrain was too dangerous to effectively make money off trading any discovered gold.
That said, this is a unique world with fictional cities and geography.  There was no American Civil War, that would have been just ending in the real 1860s.    There is, however, a dangerous plague that has rapidly advanced medicine.
It is basically pulpy old-west: the time period.  ^__^
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dinosaurcountry · 8 years
Could you explain a little how the dinosaurs would work in-character? Like, would we be playing them as a sort of "pet" alongside our own characters?
Sure thing!
Each character can have their own 'herd' of dinosaurs, as far as game rules are concerned.  People in Dinosaur Country ride dinos instead of horses, and raise herds of giant reptiles instead of cows.
How you roleplay the dinos that belong to your character is up to you!  You can basically ignore them, referencing them only as often as someone would reference livestock they own. Your character can have a dinosaur that is an inseparable companion, like the Lone Ranger and Silver. The dinosaurs your character has in their gameplay herd might represent only the prize animals among a large in-character ranch.  They are about equivalent intelligence of dogs, horses, oxen, ect. Each species has a reputation, but how you characterize your dinosaurs is left up to your creativity.
I hope that answers your question!  There is also some gameplay significance to what kind of dino your character has with them, since we use very light game mechanics on the site.  ^__^
tdlr; you can ride dinosaurs and it is going to be awesome.
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dinosaurcountry · 8 years
I AM SO PUMPED! Will we get previews of dinosaurs?? Are there particular dinosaurs that do like different jobs??
Yes! I just finished up the art for the dinosaurs, so I can share them when I get home tonight!  Characters can start with one of six species.
Each species has a unique disposition, and role they play in society. We break up the species into three classes.
Hardy dinos are tough and strong. They are used for a of heavy lifting, mass transportation, and building.
Stately dinos reflect social status and extravagance. They can be trained to be well mannered and are well adapted to live side by side with settlements and urban centers.
Spry dinos are fast and nimble, equipped for personal transportation, ranching, and exploring.
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dinosaurcountry · 8 years
Hello, this site looks fantastic! Do you by any chance plan on allowing face claim reserves before opening?
We will post a short prompt before we open, and completing it will allow you to make an early reserve. In the meantime, we’ll continue posting world lore and answering questions so you can think about what kind of character you’d like to make!  If there is something you are curious about in particular, let us know and we can post about it sooner rather than later.
Also, as a side note, face claims aren’t a requirement. If you have a great idea for a character and can’t find a face to match, go for it!
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dinosaurcountry · 8 years
Howdy All!
Jak and Grizz here to officially welcome you to Dinosaur Country!
We’re the creators and moderators of the site, and are just now adding the finishing touches! In the meantime, we would like to get to know you and answer any questions you have about us, the site, characters, and the world. Our ask box is open so let us know what’s on your mind!
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