dianapopescu · 1 year
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22 august: Ziua Zânei Măseluță
Ziua Zânei Măseluță din 22 august celebrează anual incitarea și minunarea copiilor de a-și pierde dinții de lapte! Această zi amintește tuturor celor mici să trăiască sau să retrăiască distracția vizitelor făcute de Zâna Măseluță, când un nou dinte pierdut este schimbat cu o surpriză magică când aceștia se uită sub perna lor, dimineața! https://www.diane.ro/2023/08/22-august-ziua-zanei-maseluta.html
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marcosfrackles · 2 years
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Alternative sanatoase la pasta de dinti
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enhid-events · 2 years
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Alternative sanatoase la pasta de dinti
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frumusetesisanatate · 2 years
Sa ne ingrijim: zambetul, dintii, obrajii!
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Se stie ca de la varsta de 20 de ani, celulele incep sa piarda din vitalitate, iar in jur de 30 de ani, din lipsa de ingrijire sau datorita unei ingrijiri necorespunzatoare, pielea devine aspra, porii dilatati, apar riduri ascunse etc.Folosirea cremelor este necesara mai ales in cazul tenului uscat, deshidratant, cu conditia ca aceasta sa fie inofensiva. O crema cu lanolina, o cold-crema sau o crema cu eucerina, greseaza pielea bine, constituind o masura preventiva contra aparitiei ridurilor.
Mirosul neplacut al gurii datorita dintilor cariati sau a descompunerii resturilor alimentare neindepartate la timp, poate fi evitat prin spalarea si ingrijirea dintilor dimineata si seara. Ei trebuie sa fie frumosi, netezi, stralucitori si albi. Vizitati medicul stomatolog periodic. Nu incepeti sa fumati prea de timpuriu, caci dintii se vor ingalbeni, pe linga toate celelalte consecinte neplacute datorite fumatului.
O stare generala buna aduce si o buna dispozitie. Un caracter inchis, o dispozitie rea, nu fac casa buna cu un chip frumos. Daca sinteti bune, calme, ingaduitoare, daca vreti sa va pastrati aerul tineresc, nu va enervati pentru orice fleac, o enervare oricit de mica, va intuneca si va uriteste figura.
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nebulanightsky · 1 year
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Another silly doodles i made
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snow-au-love · 9 months
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I loooooove them!!!!!!!!!!FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Some Dreams and Nightmares do not have birthdays today)
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onebizarrekai · 1 year
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wanted to do some color-themed oc + otherwise groups… maybe got a little carried away!! 💦💦 I was just making these for fun, but now my brain is all over wondering what they'd be like working together on something. a game show. a social experiment on an island. they have to work together to solve puzzles or fight things and run into each other along the way. you know how it is.
I started thinking about how edward would immediately become the leader of team red, how drew is surrounded by a bunch of ladies with a thirst for violence plus an evil god chicken, how arthur would dedicate himself to protecting his group (and tolerating felix) and how he carries the entire team, how team green has the most argumentative people that are barely being held together, and how team purple is pretty good at getting along and has a comical dynamic considering it contains dez, monster people AND louis. I was gonna say team blue is the obligatory disadvantaged team, but they have the most hilarious family dynamic and are led by the biggest pacifists of everyone here and will probably end up befriending a dragon. also kage is there and he's the weird uncle.
list of characters:
team red: edward quinton (ibvs) 16 year-old with stringy powers ellie (fatal flaws/dreamswap) 25 year-old engineer kazune (hopeless) 25 year-old shady guy xaki (greyscale) 12 year-old violent runaway ari (reverie) 20 year-old mystery zinnia (???) 17 year-old mystery with an axe team orange: drew jovel (ibvs) 15 year-old with healing powers crystal mccrae (fatal flaws/dreamswap) 24 year-old bodyguard kevin (fatal flaws/dreamswap) chicken october (october) 16 year-old vampire katherine schultz (bizarre saga universe) 25 year-old evil fire demon noble team yellow: arthur von licht (fatal flaws/dreamswap) ?? year-old political fighter cassie blanchet (hopeless) 12 year-old traumatized child isaac beamer (ibvs) 16 year-old student with art-related powers madeline lockwood (bizarre saga universe) 24 year-old with ice magic felix wolfe (ibvs) 17 year-old student who keeps summoning demons team green: ani gautier (fatal flaws/dreamswap) ?? year-old craftsperson nevin jovel (ibvs) 15 year-old with self-destructive powers brooke (reverie) 20 year-old college student jet (dintis) ?? year-old evil noble joey (hopeless) ?? year-old shady guy saria (bizarre saga universe) ?? year-old maniac team blue: alix (greyscale) 12 year-old student blue lebeau (fatal flaws/dreamswap) 26 year-old yoga teacher dark (dintis) ?? year-old distressed gay man nick rivas (hopeless) 12 year-old traumatized child kage (kagehara cinematic universe) ?? year-old speedrunner team purple: dez gonzalez (ibvs) 16 year-old student with energy powers louis lopez (ibvs) 17 year-old student that is a demon-fighting wizard miles newton (fatal flaws/dreamswap) ?? year-old guy (criminal) endy (oldie) ?? year-old vampire with magic powers shima (kagehara cinematic universe) ?? year-old Demonic Being
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eazela · 3 months
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It was the best story ever! Thank you ,
Toasty Cinematic Universe!
I finally finished reading TCU!
On that note, congratulations on TCU's 3rd anniversary!
I continue to love them!
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And here lies my singular Tumblr post. That’s actually just gonna be my stuff as opposed to be reposting stuff. 😀👍
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The context of this is my discord server randomly started talking about TCU, and we all collectively agreed that we did not like Obsidian in that fic and have therefore decided that this is our server motto.
Dreamswap(Former)/Fatal Flaws (Current) by onebizzarekai
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retropopcult · 1 year
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August 1956
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samellia · 2 years
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Corrupt DS!Dream.
From Kai's 《The Mawwied Sage》
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softmofuwata · 8 months
Jet and black cat keychain
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75par · 8 months
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isame-allen · 9 months
Didn’t know what to do with the thing so I just put the dreams
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Horror dreamswap belongs to @/moonfurthetemmie
Jmv belongs to @/freyfall
Band au belongs to me :D
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whspermy-name · 8 months
My wife is so edible guys I love my wife
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nebulanightsky · 6 months
Redraw #5
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I don't even know why I let myself to draw this
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