#dio x sieghart
lovelynim · 1 year
TickleTober2023/Day 14 - Roleplay
Grand Chase - Sieghart x Dio
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“Are you done laughing?” Dio groaned, already regretting starting this conversation. It took every ounce of control over his body to not show the embarrassment he felt seeing Sieghart laugh at him like that, but still, if there was someone who knew how to avoid work, it was that immortal bastard.
Sieghart, with arms wrapped around his stomach - as if it was hurting from laughing - slowly raised a hand to his face, wiping out the small tears on the corner of his eyes. “S-so, hah… can’t you just say ‘no’ to Ley?” The highlander sighed, standing up straight as he continued to smile charmingly. “Is it really that hard?”
“Yes, it is,” Dio insisted, looking away. “She is… difficult to deal with, but you always manage to avoid work, so I considered asking you for advice would be a good idea.” As the demon finished talking, he lifted his face to look Sieghart in the eyes, a mix of frustration and embarrassment in his face. “But it seems I was wron-”
“Hey, hey, hey, wait a second right there!” Sieghart interrupted, crossing his arms, “first,” he lifted one finger, giving Dio a stern look, “I don’t avoid work, I just spare myself from wasting time on meaningless activities.”
“Same thing,” Dio rolled his eyes at the excuse. Sieghart faked a cough and then continued, “second, who says I’m not helping you?”
The Burning Canyon raised his eyebrows, surprised by the immortal’s answer. “Are you for real?”
“Yes,” Sieghart sighed, looking around, “you just need to… loosen up a bit, if you keep being too serious, you won’t be able to deal with Ley,” he started and, for the first time in ages, Dio was actually paying attention. “Let’s do some roleplay,” Sieghart suggested, spotting the confused look on the other’s face. “Pretend I’m Ley. You have to keep saying no to me no matter what. Got it?”
“Whatever, if it works,” Dio shrugged, watching as Sieghart prepared himself to get “in character”. So stupid.
“Dio ~” Sieghart said in a higher-pitched tone and the demon had to restrain himself from laughing at the sight of him acting like that. “Where were you? ~ I want you to come shopping with me ~ I will buy so much stuff that Jeeves alone won’t be able to carry it and- hah?!” Sieghart stopped, surprised when he saw a smile threatening to form on Dio’s face. “What’s so funny, huh, you brat? ~”
“Pfft… s-sorry, it’s just thaAHAH- Sieheheghahart, whahAhat are yohohou doing?!” Before he could explain himself, the immortal had already pulled him into his arms, beginning to dig into his side with one hand while holding wrists with the other.
“Sieghart? ~ Do you seriously just mistook me, Ley, for that fool? ~” Sieghart continued, not dropping his act as he clawed at Dio’s exposed stomach, taking advantage of his revealing fashion choice.
“Yohohou bastahahard!!” Dio laughed, pressing his eyes shut as he tried to squirm away when he felt Sieghart drumming his fingers along his lower ribs, “lehehet me go!”
“Geez, how can you be this bad? I think we will need a more thoroughly lesson until you start grasping the concept of it, Dio,” Sieghart grinned, already thinking that he was going to enjoy it more than he expected.
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A/N: I love these sillies, so I decided to indulge me and the other 3 people in this fandom with this prompt, ehe
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leornadodabvinci · 5 years
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Sieg + DioSieg doodles
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creamxgrim · 4 years
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Sieg was curious whether that douchebag Dio’s horns were as sharp as his tongue. He absolutely didn’t need an excuse to let the filthy demon take a nap on his lap.
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silverxblade · 8 years
Rufus x Lass.
send me a ship and i’ll tell you ||  Meme (Accepting)
「 Rufus 」
@themysteriousbountyhunter    ((Under read more due to sheer length.))
who hogs the duvet:None, Rufus would easily grabbed the cover enough to wrap around the two of them. If not, spoon Lass from behind and then wraped the blanket over them. he’s very attentive and makes sure Lass is happy and dandy, and Lass would always preferred to cuddling into Rufus than some duvet. Rufus is a human heater after all. xD.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going:Rufus, he’ll constantly texting Lass, or calling him and whining, because he misses him. or wants some cuddles, hugs and kisses, even if Lass is in the middle of a meeting. Either that, or texting and spam calls asking how long until Lass is back home. Constantly and constantly. Until Lass gives in and comes home.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts:Either. Rufus doesn’t know what to get Lass, simply because Lass is a complex person and doesn’t value materialized items. instead, he’s more appreciated of Rufus being there for and with him. And the fact Rufus is stingy when it comes to spending his money. Lass is the one that mostly have the most thoughtful gifts, upgrading parts for Rufus, or new guns, etc, anything to keep Rufus happy with his weaponry.
who gets up first in the morning:Lass. He’s an early riser and an early bird, although he gets good amount of sleep, he simply cannot oversleep like Rufus can, and often he’s dragged back to bed by Rufus. Lass would have to kick him out of bed 24/7.
who suggests new things in bed:Lass, and Rufus would happily complies, because he’s that needy of a bunny. Although they keep it traditions, occasionally Lass props something to spice their sex life.
who cries at movies:None, either of them are interested in movies. They’ve rather head on action, or just being fun outdoors. if not outdoors wandering aimlessly, they would go somewhere to add more honeymoons, missions together… anything together.
who gives unprompted massages:Lass, who would have his brother relaxed and lying down for a unclogging massage from a hard Bounty hunting. Pampering Rufus with food, feed him even, draw him a bath and anything to have his mate less stressful. Somehow, it’ll just ends up them having sex, considering how Rufus is always insatiable. 
who fusses over the other when they’re sick:Rufus. He would fuss and runs around in panic if something is wrong with Lass, or if he’s injured. Not knowing what to do and keep on trying to make sure, Lass is okay and not leave him. Even a common cold would have Rufus triggered, although it’s mostly inwardly he’s a headless chicken, outward he’s… stiff. Lass is more calm. He’ll just nurse Rufus back to health, and the one who knows exactly what to do to heal his brother.
who gets jealous easiest:Rufus. Rufus would ban Lass from interacting with other male or female members of the GC too. Especially Jin or Ronan. He’ll ban Lass from interacting anyone, whom he thinks challenging him to steal Lass away. Rufus is obsessive and will do whatever it takes to keep his cat away from others. The protectiveness and possessiveness does makes Lass feel loved, but he found it both ridiculous and amusing.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music:Lass, rather than embarrassing, he has selection of music that Rufus wouldn’t be fond of. Rebellious rock, heavy rock, punks and whatnot. Even a few musics Amy would appreciate and likely to blow Rufus’ ears away with the sheer volume of it.  Although, Lass does like the music Rufus chosen... something vice verse, it’s mostly give and take. Fifty fifty rather odds and ends.
who collects something unusual:Either.... both of them collects what’s essential, although Lass can keep boxes of machinery parts and weaponry upgrades and parts. Deconstruct and reconstruct them again, as... Mar had a helping part in discovering Lass’ hobby as an engineering department. Again... the amount of pet collection in Lass’ possession would raise Rufus’ eye brows... over a hundred of them loitering in their house if summoned.
who takes the longest to get ready:Probably Lass, considering Rufus’ five minutes in the shower shocked him. Forcing Rufus to get back there and scrub himself raw and squeaky clean. Regardless, either of them takes long to get ready, but Rufus doesn’t care about polish and presentation as much as Lass does.
who is the most tidy and organised:Lass... Rufus has no care about a messy room and Lass hates disorganization and mess. He would ends up cleaning the house sparkling clean, until Rufus could see his reflection and so clean he’ll slip too. xD
who gets most excited about the holidays:Mostly Lass, Rufus didn’t care about holidays.... at least not. But Lass would drag him and be the one to bring the cheers. Either celebrating Christmas or dragging Rufus to festivals. A change of pace in their routine life... or a change of pace.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:Isn’t it obvious? Rufus the alpha and dominant, so the big spoon, and Lass the little spoon as the submissive in the relationship. Although, if this AU, Lass can be the dominant and Rufus the submissive~ Yet, majority, Rufus, Luxus and Lupus are all big spoon.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports:Both or either. Rufus doesn’t care about something as sports or games. It’s always business or pleasure (With Lass in his laps). Taunting him gets no where, he’ll do it if Lass coax him to. Unlike Rufus, Lass is competitive in certain aspect, such as speedy games or general fair... just to make a point half demon aren’t inferior.
who starts the most arguments:Oh lords xD, they both ends up arguing... a lot, and it is often not known who started. It is mostly dependent on situation. They both argue so much, they have ups and down, eventually, just makes up with angry sex... or with Rufus asserting his dominance over Lass. Even if they do bicker and gets into foul moods, they are still compatible and Lass would either ends up caving or Rufus chasing after him.
who suggests that they buy a pet:Both. A cat and rabbit, to represent each other. Most of the time, it is Rufus who conjured up this dream of having a family with Lass, a big house, kids and pets. No matter how mushy or a cinnamon roll Rufus to be, Lass loved the idea and find it utterly adorable.
what couple traditions they have:They got to have sex in between... a day without sex, Rufus wouldn’t leave Lass alone to do his work. Either a quickie whenever they can. Always having strawberry in their dishes, courtesy of Rufus, Rufus being a needy and attention demanding rabbit to pester Lass and Lass ends up giving in. Yeah, that’s their normal tradition life.
what tv shows they watch together:They don’t watch TV as much as it being left abandoned in the living room, even the dust won’t dare to enter their home, due to a neat freak. Their life is busy with breakfast, work, cuddle, quickie, work, lunch, sex in the office, work, home, sex, dinner, sex, sleep, wake up to the cycle repeating... if not, they go on missions together. Where’s the time for TV? 
what other couple they hang out with:Rufus. Does. Not. Allow. Lass. To. Hang. With. Others. Full stop. But speaking if Lass could, he would hang around Elesis and Ronan, or Jin and Amy... or Sieghart and Mari... even Uno and Dio. That is  I F  he could.
how they spend time together as a couple:Sex. A lot of sex. Kinky stuff like Lass in dress or costumes. Either they can do it everywhere and anywhere in the house or in the forest, lake.... anywhere xD. if not, they just cuddles and a lot of kissing. Rufus that’s a lot of sex... how does Lass puts up with you.
who made the first move:Rufus, he would make the first moves and often shies away. Initially, Lass thought Rufus was having head injuries. Because he wasn’t exactly comfortable with incest, and they didn’t exactly have the best of relationship in general wise. It was a shocking discovery that Rufus joins GC because of him, Rufus would watch and looks after him in the shadows. Being demon and half demon, incest wasn’t a taboo, and Lass gave Rufus a chance... after all Rufus Wilde did win Lass Isolet’s heart.
who brings flowers home:Rufus. He’ll bring flowers to surprise Lass, or in general of the special occasion. Although Rufus didn’t need to, the thought was greatly appreciated. Lass would use those flowers and put them into their large indoor bath and have flowery scent bathtime together. In a more romantic term. Secretly, Lass still waits for the day Rufus would have flower petals rain down on him upon waking up. Like a dream.
who is the best cook:Lass obviously... Lass will not allow Rufus to set foot into the kitchen if he cooks anything like Elesis. Not to say Rufus can’t, Lass just find Rufus’ food bland. Regardless, Rufus cooking him meals means a lot, earning brownie points considering Rufus Wilde is doing something romantic.
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