#diploid love
beforethepoison · 3 months
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die  on  a  rope | brody  dalle  live  @  rock  en  seine
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fiddleabout · 2 years
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hellsitegenetics · 7 months
this valentine’s day i would like to profess my undying, ardent love for the callistephus chinensis (china aster)! the flower that contributed to me giving myself my name!!
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not only are they a part of the (superior in my opinion) family of asteraceae, but also the genus’ (callistephus) etymology is derived from the greek words “kalli-” meaning “beautiful” and “stephos” meaning crown. they have beautiful chrysanthemum-esque blooms and come in all sorts of colours (my favourites being purple and white).
straying away from taxonomy a bit, asters in general are one of the birth flowers for september (my birth month!). they symbolise hope, faith and wisdom. and according to greek mythology, astraea (“star maiden”: goddess of purity, justice and innocence) cried because there weren't enough stars in the sky and when her tears hit the earth, they caused asters to bloom! continuing to follow the greek myth, she was the last goddess to live amongst the humans after the golden age, symbolising the decline of hope for humanity along with the decline of the ages. she left and became the constellation virgo i believe!
some more fun fun facts, asters have a most frequently observed number of n = 9 haploid chromosomes (2n = 18 for diploid). the numerology of the word “aster” also happens to be nine and guess what! september is the 9th month of the year! is it obvious i really like the number 9? almost as much as i love asters <3
String identified:
t at’ a t g, at t cat c (ca at)! t tat ctt t gg a!!
t a t a at t ( ) a ataca, t a t g’ (cat) tg t g “a-” ag “at” a “t” ag c. t a at cat- a c a t c ( at g a t).
tag aa ta a t, at ga a t t t ( t t!). t , at a . a accg t g tg, ataa (“ta a”: g t, tc a cc) c ca t 't g ta t a ta t t at, t ca at t ! ctg t t g t, a t at g t agt t a at t g ag, g t c at ag t t c t ag. t a ca t ctat g !act, at a a t t = 9 a c (2 = 18 ). t g t “at” a a t a g at! t t 9t t t a! t a t 9? at a c a at <3
Closest match: Caligus rogercresseyi isolate FCH chromosome 9 Common name: Sea louse
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jayrockin · 8 months
Oh I also have a less important scud question r.e. reproduction just because I'm not sure I fully understand the genetics there. Like I know how plants do it, I'm a full on botanist, so alternation of generations I get but like…so the haploid generation have two sexes which mate and I guess there's where chiasmata happens, but then one of those (the arguably female one) goes off and fertilises haploid eggs in the diploids?
Only way I can reconcile it is that the female haploids receive gametes from the male haploids, which combine to form a diploid zygote that subsequently undergoes mitosis and meiosis into new (haploid) gametes containing a random mix of genes from both haploid parents, which are then used to fertilise the haploid eggs of the diploid parent. Which also means that the male haploid stage are male, but the female haploid stage are sequentially female and then male in function.
Or, arguably, they've actually got three alternating generations involved, like whatever's going on with red algae on our world. With a second, highly reduced, diploid gen that exists only temporarily to enable the shuffling of genes from two haploid parents into new haploid gametes, that are delivered by the female haploid parents.
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Sorry I had to make a diagram to explain what I mean. Does this make sense or am I missing something and have charged off down a completely inane path?
I have a PhD in ecology and genetics and I just realised I drew all those chromosomes duplicated like they're ready for mitosis or meiosis 🙃
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I dislike this version but it's more accurate
Yeah that's basically it! Every scud has three parents, and the largest genetic donor is the egg-laying sex. Red algae were actually a major inspiration for this because I love their horrible convoluted lifecycle. Rhodophytes likely evolved it as compensation for losing sperm flagella (and thus, the ability to move their sperm). Maybe the same thing happened to the early ancestors of the "arthropodal" clade that scuds belong to.
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crevicedwelling · 7 months
You mentioned finding the "first" pink mutant outside your house, right? I'm very curious, how did you go about breeding more if you only started with one? Did you just plonk it in with some natural morphs and hoped the mutation remained strong enough to breed more pinks? I would love to breed morphs but if I found a single mutant im not sure what i should do with it to avoid losing the mutation to more natural colors
Mendelian inheritance operates on the fact that these organisms are diploid and get one set of genes from each parent, assorted randomly during development. you can use a Punnett square to diagram this:
every isopod has two copies of the gene “P”; the mutant allele (form of the gene) I will call “p.” you only get the pink color when the genotype is pp; all other combinations Pp and PP result in the typical gray color. this pattern is thus called recessive inheritance, since the mutant is “covered up” by the dominant trait. because of this you won’t know there are mutant alleles until you see a pp mutant pink phenotype.
first we cross pink (pp) x wildtype (PP): the only combinations possible when you take one from each parent is Pp; all phenotypes gray. the ratio is 100% of the offspring are gray but carry the pink gene (heterozygous).
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pp x PP = Pp Pp Pp Pp
next we cross heterozygote (Pp) x heterozygote (Pp); there are four possible outcomes. 25% will be PP with gray phenotype, 50% will be Pp with gray phenotype, and 25% will be pp with pink phenotype.
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Pp x Pp = PP Pp Pp pp
so, 1 mutant isopod crossed to 1 wildtype isopod might make 15-30 F1 cross babies, which might produce some 100 or so F2, and 1/4 of that will be mutants, so now there’s 25 new mutants to breed from. since female isopods can produce a clutch every couple months, and live for ~1y, it’s possible with careful feeding to produce a fully recessive mutant strain very quickly, and I have done so many times in the last few years.
of course, it’s not so clean as that, since not all mutations are simple recessive and female isopods can store sperm from multiple males for months and also isopods cannibalize one another, so results can vary a lot.
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locusfandomtime · 8 months
see the fandom has this thing where the hermits are different species and when they’re part animal/mob they’re a hybrid but nobody talks about the even funnier canon lore that they’re all the exact same species. Their species is hermit.
[long post - lots of worldbuilding and speculative biology below]
Jevin looks like a slime, Doc looks like that, most of them look human, but in actuality they’re all just hermits. The only information we have about this is that hermits are shorter than the average player, some references to hobbits, some references to hermits being hardworking, the fact that gem isn’t a hermit and had to wear antlers to pretend to be one, and that’s it.
I love biology and worldbuilding and this is fascinating to me. When you take into account previous seasons and events and throw-away lines this gets even more insane. Grian and Hypno are acknowledged to not have mouths (and even more hermits don’t have them on their skin). Mumbo turned into a potato. Cleo had snake hair at one point. There are a million other weird things I’m forgetting. You could handwave some of this with an explanation like “hermits are shapeshifters” or “hermits are gods” and that is a very valid and fun take but I think it is SO much funnier if these are just normal things that happen in the hermit species, which aren’t fantastical at all and are adaptations with elaborate mechanics and explanations.
Perhaps hermits, similar to bugs, regularly shed their skin (or a process similar to it) and change their appearance. Some insects change colours/appearance due to their environment rather than genetics, ie macleays spectre stick insects can turn lichen colours when raised around lichen. Maybe the hermits shed their skins on a regular basis, including during their adult life, and this allows them to better match their environment- causing physical changes related to what they have been exposed to. This causes potato Mumbo and medusa Cleo and DM Tango and any other example of a specific skin change. For more constant differences in appearance - maybe life cycles could be considered?
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this may be the weirdest thing I’ve ever made. For those that don’t know, “n” is the number of chromosomes, where n is the haploid number, so 2n is diploid. Diploid cells are necessary for sexual reproduction. Of course, a lot of these life cycles are centered around reproduction, as is the nature of a life cycle, but in reality the hermits are in no rush and are happy to stay at whatever point of the life cycle they’re at, this is just an outline of the species’ mechanics.
I mean, most of this diagram is conjecture… but I think it is interesting to consider! Jevin especially reminded me a lot of slime mould life cycles so this is heavily inspired off that, but also inspired by bug life cycles as well.
If you want to get even more indepth we can consider the gender roles of hermit society (remember that clip where Grian implied builders were housewives and redstoners were breadwinning husbands?). Perhaps we can get meta and consider respawn an aspect of being a hermit as well - are they able to regenerate after death? What is Cleo’s place in all this, being undead? Is arm thickness, where your arm can either be 3px or 4px wide, an example of sexual dimorphism?
but. well. tldr: the hermits being one species is a very fun idea we should be doing more with, i think
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warlock genetics
okay so this random post about fish got me thinking about warlock genetics again, particularly someone like tessa and what would happen if two shadowhunter-born warlocks were to breed: like @thevagabondexpress and I have discussed in a post i do not know how to find to link the Punnet Square that would cause the children to turn out to be (3 options, fractions given are the chance of each happening) 1/4 demon, 1/4 whatever james and lucie and mina are and 1/2 whatever their parents are. but that is assuming there is only one gene, which is likely false. it would be like saying if you breed two of a hybrid together you'd get children that are fully one species or the other. that doesn't happen. there are many different chromosomes involved so there is always going to be a mashup of both parent species.
so in order to address this I have to return to the existence of a warlock. with a human parent they are a sterile cross, like when you cross a guinea fowl with a chicken. some sterile crosses have low survival rates: warlocks are not like that. they actually live forever.
so in order for this to happen you either have to have demons with VERY similar genetic material to humans (to make offspring that are healthy and not just some Mixmatch of incongruent genes) OR you have to have them be able to do something to the genetic material of humans in order that one human parent plus Demonic Essence makes a whole, diploid (as in Normal Number of Chromosomes) humanlike being. I propose it is the latter. Why, you ask? Because of what happens when one parent is a shadowhunter: tessa. And her descendants, Jace and Julian and Ty and Livvy and Dru and Tavvy are her great-great-great grandchildren. Also, because the idea of demons going around with Similar Genetic Material to Humans scares the shit out of me. Also, because if they did there would be chimp and monkey and maybe dog and cat and hippo warlocks and that is terrifying.
No, I think that demons mimic all animals, eidolons mimicking humans, and with a Demonic Twist because they lie, they turn the familiar into scary and dangerous and they lie, and the pinnacle of that mimicry is when they create something very similar to sperm (for the sake of simplicity I am not going to discuss when a demon receives human sperm just yet) in order to fertilise an egg and have it grow into a child, with demon features. And if you looked at most warlocks, with their warlock marks and the Eldest Curses having less obvious features for them, you would think that it's just 50/50 human and demon DNA. It might be, I just hate the idea. And Jace and the Blackthorns would be carrying around Demon Genes and having it all breed out normally--no, I think this is why Tessa's existence disproves the most obvious and very uncomfortable theory.
Instead I think demons infuse their essence into a zygote. Perhaps one that has already been formed (meaning Magnus' stepdad's DNA is part of him too, which would explain why he looks more Indonesian than just a quarter but it does seem off canon from what Magnus says, I don't think he's ever studied biology though but i could be wrong). Perhaps they use whatever sperm is floating around from whoever the unsuspecting uterus-haver last had sex with, but again. same thing. same problem. I think demons infuse their essence into a zygote by going in there and putting the atoms that come from their home dimension together in the form of the DNA shapes they see in the egg. they mimic the nationality they see, and many features, except add their own little demonic bits and pieces by coding for New Proteins that make horns and new skin pigments and ideas they got from cats (magnus' eyes) and random decoratey shit like stars for Hypatia's eyes and claws and extra finger joints. demons love to have fun, and I think their little sperm essence carries that part of its parent (of course when the zygote develops it loses it and creates a personality that is fully human, as we see in the warlocks we know and love). this means there is no human sperm donor, only demon. james and lucie have half the dna that has been meddled with/looked at and mimicked by the demon. and because it mimicked it so well, in combination with the added strength of Shadowhunter DNA from Tessa's mother, but also Will and Cordelia and Jesse and heck all the way up to Imogen and Celine and Clary and Emma--they seem like normal Shadowhunters. the faked demon DNA is doing great, and only because Tessa's mother's Shadowhunter Essence was so strong that it was like, okay Demon Essence, you will not make your Extra Proteins to create weird shit that stop us being able to breed with a Human Person. but we will keep the Magical Stuff that allows us to do magic and prevent our telomeres and DNA and proteins from ever breaking down or becoming cancerous so we never age
(I wonder if james and lucie and mina are immune to cancer?)
and these traits will exist in all of the (warlock)'s DNA but only in half of their children's DNA, so the other half of DNA will break down and create proteins and that which lose fucntionality with age like normal causing them to age pretty much normally, a quarter in the grandchildren, an eighth in the great grandchildren and so forth, meaning Magical Infusion quickly becomes so dilute it's indistinguishable from Regular Magical Infusion of Shadowhunterness and the Little Bit of DNA That Doesn't Age also quickly becomes insignificant.
whereas if two people similar to Tessa were to procreate it would be 100% Warlock DNA and thus. More people like them. No ordinary shadowhunters or demon babies. I discard that old theory.
which leads me to, if it's the Weird Proteins that Don't Create Sperm and Egg Cells That Work But Create Cool Features that make most warlocks unable to procreate--if there were two warlocks with the Same Weird Features could they breed? possibly. unlikely I think. first of all I think each demon would do their Weird Proteins differently, and second of all, I think their existence in the DNA makeup is what causes meiosis to not work properly. perhaps an egg cell just ends up being Half A Cell and doesn't differentiate into an egg. perhaps sperm cells get weird features and no longer have the tail thing to swim properly. perhaps this changes every time. so maybe in the rare chance it's possible? and a child is conceived but the combination of the demonic features in proteins is Too Much To Handle and it will always get miscarried, same as that of a shadowhunter who's had their protective spells carrying a child with Demonic Essence
(which also leads me to think that if will and tessa were sex-swapped they would not be able to have children if will had had the protection ceremony but that's another theory. what about cordelia?? maybe she does miscarry a few times or at least have some unsuccessful fertilisations. maybe that's why there's no pregnancy scare in chain of thorns?? but the child/ren she does (??) have are born without magic powers, it's the only combinations of James' genetics that are viable and compatible with a protected shadowhunter's uterus. same goes with lucies daughters in law. maybe marjorie is so bitter bc she was never able to have children. idk)
anyway that's all my theories on warlock genetics so far
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genpact-kinfessions · 2 months
I know there is already an ask game going on, so Mod Lyney, feel free to delay this post until you think everyone has had a chance to answer the current one who wants to. That being said, I’d like to ask what everyone’s reactions were to their source character. Was it emotional? How did you first realize that you were kin?
I’d like to go first.
I had considered myself a Furina kin before plying through the Fontaine archon quest. I had her as a playable character, and had seen clips of the story all over the internet. It was spoiled for me, you see. So even though I have considered myself to be her for quite some time, it was only recently that I played through the story featuring her in full. At the time I am submitting this, it had been at most a couple of hours. I am still emotionally shaken even after the fact. There are just far too many parallels between me and her.
(I’ll basically be spoiling Fontaines story so if you haven’t played through then you have been warned :))
I had recently died my hair blue, and the hair dye had stained my white nail polish a sort of sky blue color in the days I started the Fontaine archon quest. It took me a couple days to get through it all. At first I was struck by how much the two of us were alike, the drama, the legal prowess, the feeling that we alone must shoulder the burden of our respective worlds. But as I started, I was hit with the weight of everything. The fear of losing the belief and trust of those around me was represented perfectly. I felt a stab of pain in my chest during Furina’s trail as the Fontainians called her an unworthy fraud. It’s one of the things I most fear—public humiliation. The desperation to prove my own worth, even at the risk of harming myself, just as Furina dipped her hand into the bowl of primordial seawater. The enduring panic and agony that hides just below the surface, endured by the glaring stage lights. Turn them off! Turn them off! At this point I was bawling my eyes out. I couldn’t read the diploide clearly and had to depend on the voice overs entirely. I struggled to fight the mekas. The realization that like Furina, I have been playing my role for far too long. I don’t know when it will end. I bury any sadness deep down. I am so so lonely. I lack the ability to be my true self to anyone, and I believe I am fully incapable of it. I don’t even know if I have a true self, but oh how I wish to share it with someone, someone who understands!
I needed to take a break so I went downstairs to eat a popsicle, where my mother places a tiara on my head. I had left it sitting on the table for months. It was a birthday present. I could feel her passing on the burden of sin to me. My parents where the ones who gave birth to me. Parents are the birth givers, the creators of humanity, the creators of sin. And the tiara also represented all the anguish and sorrow they couldn’t understand. I have always been to volatile and to sensitive. I have never been accurate enough or perfect enough at anything I have done. I am human, not a god. I am still wearing the tiara as I write this. I’m not sure if I can air it off.
And of course the game had the nerve to conclude by telling me thanks, and to live out my life happily as a human. I’m not sure I can do that, or that I even have it in me. I’m still playing my part. The 500 years are not up for me yet! But I do wish anyone else who kins Furina (or just anyone who reads this, including you, Mod Lyney) to be happy, to live life to the fullest. We don’t know when it will end. We are just fleeting specks of dust, and soon the flood comes for us all.
So anyways sorry for dumping this here but if anyone wants to answer the question I’d love to see your responses /gen
Playing my part as always,
Don't worry about delaying it, I have multiple running constantly 'cus I don't know when to end them /lh
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whatudottu · 1 year
It's been a bit since I've rambled about xenobiology headcanons, and this time because I've been thinking about Andreas I thought today's edition would be about talpaedans, seeing as how I made a list that I haven't put into a post yet-
Let's go!
Between all members of talpaedan youth and development, there is an innate basic understanding of construction, as comparable to human's ability to recognise patterns and facial language (give or take a few neurodivergencies). And specific construction comprehension is linked to whatever tool talpaedan youth are integrated in, which develops over time based on what materials are consumed (a diet of concrete may make cement mixers, or a diet that requires a lot of digging may develop jackhammers) as well of course the genes of the parent/s.
And on to that 'parent/s' thing, let's bring up haplodiplody again.
On Earth, haplodiplody is the system where one sex is developed from a fertilised egg (which tends to be the females) and thus are diploid with DNA of the mother and father, while the other sex is from an unfertilised egg (males would technically be the result of asexual reproduction) and thus is only haploid with only the mother providing DNA. Talpaedans are not an Earth species, but functionally that is the basis of their sex-determination, where females would be best translated as architects and males best translated as tradies, which in of itself is rather contextually slang in English.
And even with haplodiplody, talpaedans still have a bimodal sex distribution, though tradies are neither part of the equation. Instead, fertilised eggs though typically expected to produce architects also just as often produce workers, non-reproducing talpaedan youths that are born an raised to be the most common labourers of the colony they were born under and never leave the hive, as opposed to architects who work higher profile jobs and are in line to be promoted to site queens, and tradies who pre-war were lower rung workers who took to training younglings for work as well as in general raising them. Being bimodal it's not a perfect list of traits to be considered as either an architect or a worker, though there is a bias towards architects being able to reproduce as that would be the key factor needed in promotion. Tradies that are infertile or more characteristically architects would be considered workers and are more of a consequence of asexual reproduction and the lack of genetic diversity.
Talpaedan gender has been typically correlated with sex throughout most Poiana Lüncas colonies, with the architects being the talpaedan equivalent for women and tradies as the talpaedan equivalent for men, but workers have a more diverse gender identity even in more conservative colonies, either being a third gender or having men and women and in between identities being formally acknowledged as such in worker populations. There might be a few general issues about identity especially among architects and tradies, but colonies are less focused on the individual and most of their aggression is directed to other colonies rather than it's own population.
It is this tension towards other colonies that had eventually and near inevitably sent Poiana Lüncas into many wars, though the most recent one had been the worst and the last in many years, a war that fundamentally changed how intercolonial relationships worked. A very large colony had been expanding it's borders to accrue even more resources for it's ever growing population, in turn threatening the smaller colonies on it's outer borders, elevating tensions to an all time high. The whole shtick lasted for years until a few colonies realised that alone no one could stop this large megacolony from wiping out each of them one by one, but through an alliance they could stand together and beat the ever loving crap out of the aggressor.
And how their alliance worked was through the sharing of resources and ensuring the protection of youths especially, and so began the first war-era runs of arranged 'marriages' as tradies live up to their name in a more eh... dubious sense. By sending in tradies (who's lower rung work was mining for resources and food) from colonies not on the front line, the colonies along the border had assurances that their home had well fed and well protected populations - as well as a general diverting of power - to beat back the aggressor colony and in fact not only raze it to the ground, but dug it completely out and functionally turned it into a mass grave reeking of death; No Queen's Land it would later be named, for no surviving members of the colony were left alive to name it after themselves.
With a combination of a clearly war-created desert and the whole 'ant death smell' thing that exists in ants aka the big inspiration for my talpaedan headcanons, makes No Queen's Land an omen that trade routes never cross, instead creating what would be a ring road surrounding the outer reaches of the ex-colony that would direct trade routes through the border colonies one by one. Direct trade or travel between the colonies on complete opposite sides of the pock marked, crater desert is both impossible and otherwise detested by Queens and the architects responsible for trade routes, instead being a multicolonial multigenerational process that circles the border colonies until reaching the 'opposite side of the world'.
To this day (or at least to the day that exists universally in the moment that Andreas would consider a 'this day') the trade routes affect the lives of tradies post-war. Instead of being completely locked to the hive like workers and architects, tradies at a certain age are sent to travel in as both tradesmen and concubines to whatever colony they have been raised for, a fact that had been determined early on at the development of their tools and the needs of the recipient colony. The host colony would arrange their young to be raised by tradies that once came from their own host colony, determined by their last name of [birth colony-trade colony] (as opposed to architects and workers whose last names are simply [birth colony]) in order to be raised as bilingual to understand the majority language of their trade colony and to be an example of the future youth they would need to raise speaking their birth colony's language.
Andreas was on one such trade route when Aggregor snatched the talpaedan for materials in functionally a fusion experiment, being part of a group about to be married off to a queen, an architect or as a working tradie, technically 'divorcing' the deal when Andreas was stolen away. Considering that Poiana Lüncas isn't the most peaceful environmentally, the trade routes also serve as a double use, a sharing of resources and a preventative measure for overpopulation. I mean, a colony would be pissed if absolutely none of their trade gets to them - probably spark a conflict that may get hairy - but losing numbers is an expected consequence. Andreas doesn't expect anyone to particularly care that they're missing the one or few talpaedans that disappeared in the night, especially with the generally large number a trade route sends, and Aggregor isn't going to take out a whole line of talpaedans just to get to one; a simple 'cutting off from the group' works fine enough.
And one final thing to note, now more focused on Andreas as an individual rather than talpaedans as a species. I've mentioned death smell and thought to bring it up here since, if you've seen my stuff before or straight up follow me (for my rambling or long enough to see my rambling), I love stealing @kariachi's necromancer Argit and the whole idea of him killing, healing, and reviving Andreas in the titular episode Andreas' Fault. I looked up how ant death smell works and apparently it's a constant thing that's only combated by a constant flow of life smell, so with a brief touch of death even if Andreas doesn't REEK of death, a talpaedan would probably suspect Andreas stepped into No Queen's Land and got cursed by something. But for those of y'all buried deep enough in my rambling would be confused; 'if one can smell actual literal death and associate it as actual literal death why doesn't Andreas at least even slightly suspect the idea of being briefly dead when the castle crashed?'
Well babes, you know what's an easy simple solution for this? Andreas is anosmic :D! Of course Andreas would be the last to know, Andreas' would have no frame of reference for what a 'death smell' is. Could even be how Aggregor got Andreas separated, if everyone else can smell death smell they might notice the fact that No Queen's Land reeks of the stuff. Not a great way to find out that one is anosmic admittedly, but I mean if Ra'ad is finding out that among the many neurodivergencies he does have much of his overstimulated suffering is magic and mutation that he thought every other amperi had to deal with because you find out your husband died and now has a magical mind barrier well...
Okay okay, one more final note. Given that Andreas is a tradie, Andreas's full name would be [birth colony]-Andromeda after the name Andreas actually gets married into because Earth and especially English dominated areas of Earth like last names. And I guess if Andreas gets adopted into any Earth-based packs thanks to being attached to Argit like a puppy you can shove in another last name like [birth colony]-[pack]-Andromeda.
This has been in my notes since August woops-
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bonnieura · 8 months
I honestly agree with the clones looking mostly like their clone parents.
Personally the wording of "clone parent" isn't my thing. It isn't like they their kids (thing I have seen being mistaken), it is a copy, a literal clone
I see some clones having different appearance only in cases of burial bc it's makes sense idk or like the Marie Curie thing
If Cleo didn't date Frida on S2. I would like Cleo to date Caesar which is quite accurate maybe?? The actual ones did have a son together (who was a pharaoh I think) and it would be funny since Caesar is also one of JFK's friends in serie
Idk I just feel weird when they treat the clones as the clone parents kids in a more literal way? Bc is like a genetic copy
Idk ramble
this is a really interesting topic for sure! i agree with finding it a bit weird when people take ''clone parent'' literally LOL . personally i just use it to refer to the parent clone because its the most common way of saying the figure they were cloned from (as in, the original clone, like parent cells and diploid cells in mitosis or something idfk i didnt pass biology. parent cells are less of thr actual parents of the cell but rather just the original copy that got cloned.) <- but in this logic a lot of people tend to take the term literally when saying clone parent or clone father and i find it a bit silly LOL but each to their own
personally i dont really care what people do with the clones in clone high you could call them the second coming of christ and i wouldnt care. you do you as long as youre not being an asshole about it or something //its 8 am as im writing this? slept well but i have a social studies midterm exam soo
also i love the caesar thing i think its pretty funny //im also a bit shaken up by how they chose the relationships in the series [in S1 i mean] like okay who wouldve thought about a show where JFK x cleopatra is a thing. I think they came up with the designs first then started matchmaking?? or maybe it was the opposite. I dont know
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halt-kun · 1 year
Hunter x Hunter Chapter 214 Results
Back for some liveblogging
After a troublesome birth, the King is born
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URGH not this scene
Shaiapouf’s wings may look good I’m not ready
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POOF No head, no smoke nor mirror here ladies and gents
poor kid
At least they didn’t suffer
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Even if you strike the heart, death is not instant 
poor kid
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first you kill stuff and then waste food because of your bad taste
try cooking and using spices first
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The royal guards are durable and would be hard to kill even for the King
provided they actually want to resist him killing them which I doubt
Using Gyo isn’t sufficient for all nen users too
Some of them can hide it by controlling their aura flow
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Here is a taste of your own medicine
Bihorn is communist too, good to know, he and his comrads shall be safe if he behave, the revolution is nigh 
The chimera ants are also not british, as soon as their queen dies, they abscond : “no : long live King Charles here”
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When have you invented misogyny ? Unless you’re terfs and you just don’t like the only cis women who could procreate here ? Like, you only like women with working wombs and if not, they need to be able to fight ?
I have always headcannoned that all of them becoming kings is gender affirming Zazan could become a King too even if it’s not what she chose, she’s truly a trans Queen (literally)
I’m not really up to date in my knowledge of ants. I think most soldiers are usually diploid females (two copies of their genomes like us : thanks mom and dad) like with bees, males are usually haploid.
Most chimera ants appear male and are apparently able to reproduce like the King so by insemination. That role is typically male but not always like in at least one species of mosquitos where female have an appendage that penetrates the male and basically absorbs the semen.
Anyway CA might have some complications due to foreign genetic interference and horizontal transfers might be the reason most of its species workers are male. maybe sometimes it fucks up and you get females or maybe they just appear to have female characteristics of other species.
Most ants should have intersex variations to considering they also have interspecies variations like Leol here who is a mix of a tiger and a lion. In his case sex determination should be quite complementary between different mammals from the same family. Maybe not
Sorry : that’s what doing a PhD on plants sex chromosomes does to you
be careful
though I’d love to get my hands on such a species to analyze 
must be very interesting how sex works in this individuals.
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Then leave
especially mantis looking ant right there we’ll never see again
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all of them can become Kings, I bet Zazan is an intersex queen and she chose to be a queen instead of a king
I mean Togashi likes to sprinkle gender non conformity here and there since his beginnings
his wife Naoko Takeuchi does this too
They can be clumsy at times but their attempts to have a diverse and human cast of characters always made me so happy 
I’m still sad Trouble quartet is not a thing
I mean a manga about crossdressing gay footballers (soccer players for our fellow statesians) by Togashi would be fire
Level E is pretty fun too, I definitely recommend it and it has one of the most fire openings out there
Yu Yu Hakusho is just sooooo good and proto HxH, you can see the influence from older nekketsu shounen like DB and Jojo’s but also how it influenced Naruto and Bleach (just the beginning is a bit slow but it builds up like Bleach, with short stories at the beginning ending up in a full tournament arc)
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I love Colt
we never talk enough about him, he must have a nice hatsu too, I’d like to see it, we need more out of the box enhancers.
A flying enhancers is already quite an annoying opponent
I hope we see more of him in the future
yes Morel bet safely on his own pupils, the safest bet considering Gon and Killua’s strength when he saw them
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but Knov likes to take risks
four of them, not five
That panel is so good too
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It’s alright, we can trust Knuckle, he’s a dependable man
but you’re making me tear up Gon
I know how frustrating weakness can be, lack of control, lack of power over your life
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Poor Killua
this means something even worse for him
he can relate too despite being very strong
he’s never been strong in a way that allows living your own life and following your own path
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Killua really tries
he’s gone so far but he has yet to reach a point where he’s confident in himself
it’s alright my boy, Gon also has to grow
You’re 13 damn it
I’m not sure I’ll be able to liveblog again today 
this ended up taking quite some time
Have a nice saturday !
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ianpaisleylver · 3 months
Each book has a start
Beginning, middle, end
First you capture my heart
Then you were more than a friend
But you aren't my book
No, a chapter at best
Someone ill soon overlook
Not first love, instead the first test
I wont look back in disgust
I'll view you with apathy, instead
You were fwr from the perfect we discussed
Thinking back on your lies only fills me with dread.
So im turning the page
Fully renouncing our time
Nows the time for a new age
I'll love again, have someone new be mine
I know now what to avoid
And ive you to thank for that
Our relationship far from diploid
Frankly, you got on like a brat.
So goodbye, old flame
I look forward to my next
But i wish you love all the same
I hope you dont leave them as vexed ;)
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writer59january13 · 3 months
Pariah heap - savagely subjecting myself to humiliation
Outward slovenly appearance bespeaks volumes wordsworth their weight in gold (exhumed from the pith of these lovely bones - beclothed with mottled skin) presages afterlife of hellish horror (think Dante's inferno), nevertheless a respite from earthly torture wracking mein kampf since conception. I lived without great expectations diploid on an impossible mission set in motion courtesy triggered pleasure zones, when natural propensity toward mortality yielded mutual intense or paroxysmal excitement after unbridled love making between then young parents of mine approximately circa early/mid April nineteen hundred and fifty eight. Begot upon initial cleavage of two gametes genetic fate decreed upon yours truly, when nine months later a scrawny boy traversed thru the birth canal uneventfully into the hands of waiting obstetrician. Mother placed me near her bosom, where I busted thru ample cleavage nursed courtesy milk of human kindness until she became high and dry pacified scraggly baby, who screamed at the top of his little lungs possibly linked to submucous palate split uvula - diagnosed years later by specialist at Lancaster Cleft palate clinic. Severe nasality as Aladdin in grade school linkedin with extreme introvertedness grist for the role as scapegoat bully me pronounced major inferiority complex prevailed. Suicidal ideation throve as unhealthy psychological bumper crop: I cared not a whit for mine body, mind, and soul negligent hygienic habits - unkempt appearance abhorred cleanliness, greaseball outlier videlicet witnessed infrequent visits to bathing or showering facilities let hair grow long and ratty, and shaggy passive aggressive stance toward family of origin members sought refuge in mine bedroom remained metaphorically hermetically sealed until emerging adulthood entrenched, fixated, and glued to aforementioned behavioral traits. Challenged, piqued, and tested and tried patience of parents passed their threshold of tolerance. Overstayed welcome at 324 Level Road at the receiving end of hollow ultimatums browbeaten courtesy damning epithets fueled glowering hatred, issuing kickass brickbats, out the mouths of mommy dearest or papa, silently internalized their vicious wrath. Smoldering rage within me tamped down as brilliant comeuppance
did not visit mother on her deathbed,
nevertheless wept profusely
while wailing "I love you" over the telephone, and every May fourth -
since two thousand and five
crafted commemorative poems,
she always asked
for written acknowledgement
at the least remembering her birthday -
November thirteenth -
from second born and singular son.
No escape from
being called oppressive scatological names, neither at home nor at school, and including riding the bus
brutal, short and nasty invectives
assaulted my sensitive eardrums
of course with futility
impossible mission to deflect
blacked banal barbs,
whether besieging me
from so called wonderful,
albeit infuriated parents
continually wounding mine ego, which pride of self never robust
subsequently such regular
(unleaded) cruelty outsourced to every ogre witnessed an aggrieved boy
silently pained courtesy
whiplash of words accosting consciousness
submissively accepting battering
haranguing, poisoning, stinging standing stockstill forbearance vetting psyche, the tragedy exhibited
by stoic facade and charade
generating absolute zero responsiveness from an introverted
anxiety plagued youngster, who grew up emotionally,
physically and spiritually stunted
scratching out pathetic poetry.
0 notes
[ad_1] The Telomere-to-Telomere Consortium is sequencing entire chromosomes.Credit score: Adrian T. Sumner/SPL From gene modifying to protein-structure choice to quantum computing, listed here are seven applied sciences which can be more likely to have an affect on science within the yr forward.Absolutely completed genomesKind of one-tenth of the human genome remained uncharted when genomics researchers Karen Miga on the College of California, Santa Cruz, and Adam Phillippy on the Nationwide Human Genome Analysis Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, introduced the Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) consortium in 2019. Now, that quantity has dropped to 0. In a preprint revealed in Would possibly ultimate yr, the consortium reported the primary end-to-end series of the human genome, including just about 200 million new base pairs to the generally used human consensus genome series referred to as GRCh38, and writing the general bankruptcy of the Human Genome Mission1.First launched in 2013, GRCh38 has been a treasured software — a scaffold on which to map sequencing reads. However it’s riddled with holes. That is in large part since the extensively used sequencing generation advanced via Illumina, in San Diego, California, produces reads which can be correct, however quick. They don't seem to be lengthy sufficient to unambiguously map extremely repetitive genomic sequences, together with the telomeres that cap chromosome ends and the centromeres that coordinate the partitioning of newly replicated DNA all the way through mobile department.Lengthy-read sequencing applied sciences proved to be the game-changer. Advanced via Pacific Biosciences in Menlo Park, California, and Oxford Nanopore Applied sciences (ONT) in Oxford, UK, those applied sciences can series tens and even masses of hundreds of bases in one learn, however — a minimum of on the outset — now not with out mistakes. By the point the T2T workforce reconstructed2,3 their first particular person chromosomes — X and eight — in 2020, on the other hand, Pacific Biosciences’ sequencing had complicated to the level that T2T scientists may just locate tiny diversifications in lengthy stretches of repeated sequences. Those refined ‘fingerprints’ made lengthy repetitive chromosome segments tractable, and the remainder of the genome temporarily fell into line. The ONT platform additionally captures many adjustments to DNA that modulate gene expression, and T2T used to be in a position to map those ‘epigenetic tags’ genome-wide as properly4.The genome T2T solved used to be from a mobile line that incorporates two similar units of chromosomes. Commonplace diploid human genomes include two variations of each and every chromosome, and researchers at the moment are operating on ‘phasing’ methods that may with a bit of luck assign each and every series to the correct chromosome reproduction. “We’re already getting some lovely exceptional phased assemblies,” says Miga.This diploid meeting paintings is being performed in collaboration with T2T’s spouse group, the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium, which aspires to provide a extra consultant genome map, in accordance with masses of donors from world wide. “We’re aiming to seize a median of 97% of human allelic range,” says Erich Jarvis, probably the most consortium’s lead investigators and a geneticist on the Rockefeller College in New York Town. As chair of the Vertebrate Genomes Mission, Jarvis additionally hopes to leverage those whole genome meeting features to generate complete sequences for each and every vertebrate species on Earth. “I believe inside the subsequent 10 years, we’re going to be doing telomere-to-telomere genomes robotically,” he says.Protein constitution answersConstruction dictates serve as. However it may be laborious to measure. Primary experimental and computational advances prior to now two years have given researchers complementary gear for figuring out protein buildings with extraordinary velocity and determination.
The AlphaFold2 structure-prediction set of rules, advanced via Alphabet subsidiary DeepMind in London, depends on ‘deep studying’ methods to extrapolate the form of a folded protein from its amino acid series5. Following a decisive victory on the 2020 Essential Overview of protein Construction Prediction festival, wherein computational biologists check their structure-prediction algorithms head-to-head, AlphaFold2’s popularity — and adoption — has soared. “For probably the most buildings, the predictions are nearly eerily just right,” says Janet Thornton, senior scientist and previous director of the Eu Bioinformatics Institute in Hinxton, UK. Since its public unencumber ultimate July, AlphaFold2 has been carried out to proteomes, to decide the buildings of all of the proteins expressed in people6 and in 20 style organisms (see Nature 595, 635; 2021), in addition to just about 440,000 proteins within the Swiss-Prot database, very much growing the selection of proteins for which high-confidence modelling knowledge are to be had. The AlphaFold set of rules has additionally confirmed its skill to take on multi-chain protein complexes7.In parallel, enhancements in cryogenic-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) are enabling researchers to experimentally resolve even essentially the most difficult proteins and complexes. Cryo-EM scans flash-frozen molecules with an electron beam, producing photographs of the proteins in more than one orientations that may then be computationally reassembled right into a three-D constitution. In 2020, enhancements in cryo-EM hardware and tool enabled two groups to generate buildings with a solution of not up to 1.5 ångströms, shooting the location of particular person atoms8,9. “Previous to this, we bandied in regards to the time period ‘atomic solution’ with wild abandon, nevertheless it’s most effective been near-atomic,” says Bridget Carragher, co-director of the New York Structural Biology Heart’s Simons Electron Microscopy Heart in New York Town. “This actually is atomic.” And, even if each groups used a particularly well-studied style protein known as apoferritin, Carragher says, those research recommend that near-atomic solution is possible for different, harder goals as properly. Photographs from cryo-electron microscopy are serving to to resolve advanced buildings.Credit score: Paul Emsley/MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Many experimentalists who have been to begin with sceptical of AlphaFold2 now see it as a transparent supplement to experimental strategies akin to cryo-EM, the place its computational fashions can help in knowledge research and reconstruction. And cryo-EM can generate findings these days out of achieve for computational prediction. Carragher’s workforce, for example, is the use of ‘time-resolved’ cryo-EM to seize fast conformational adjustments that happen when proteins engage with different molecules. “We will entice issues and spot what’s taking place at the order of 100 milliseconds,” she says.There may be really extensive pleasure round a similar way, cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET), which captures naturalistic protein behaviour in skinny sections of frozen cells. However interpretation of those crowded, sophisticated photographs is difficult, and Carragher thinks computational advances from the machine-learning international might be crucial. “How else are we going to resolve those nearly intractable issues?” she asks.Quantum simulationAtoms are, properly, atomic in dimension. However underneath the proper prerequisites, they are able to be coaxed right into a highly-excited, super-sized state with diameters at the order of 1 micrometre or extra. Via appearing this excitation on moderately situated arrays of masses of atoms in a managed type, physicists have demonstrated that they are able to resolve difficult physics issues that push typical computer systems to their limits.Quantum computer systems arrange knowledge within the type of qubits.
Coupled in combination the use of the quantum physics phenomenon known as entanglement, qubits can affect each and every different at a distance. Those qubits can greatly build up the computing energy that may be completed with a given allotment of qubits relative to an similar selection of bits in a classical laptop.A number of teams have effectively used particular person ions as qubits, however their electric fees cause them to difficult to gather at excessive density. Physicists together with Antoine Browaeys on the French nationwide analysis company CNRS in Paris and Mikhail Lukin at Harvard College in Cambridge, Massachusetts, are exploring an alternate manner. The groups use optical tweezers to exactly place uncharged atoms in tightly packed 2D and three-D arrays, then observe lasers to excite those debris into large-diameter ‘Rydberg atoms’ that turn out to be entangled with their neighbours10,11. “Rydberg atom programs are in my opinion controllable, and their interactions can also be grew to become off and on,” explains physicist Jaewook Ahn on the Korea Complex Institute of Science and Era in Daejeon, South Korea. This in flip confers programmability.This manner has received really extensive momentum within the span of only some years, with technological advances that experience advanced the steadiness and function of Rydberg atom arrays, in addition to fast scaling from a couple of dozen qubits to a number of hundred. Early programs have interested by outlined issues, akin to predicting houses of fabrics, however the manner is flexible. “To this point, any theoretical style that the theorists got here up with, there used to be a option to put into effect it,” Browaeys says.Pioneers within the box have based corporations which can be creating Rydberg atom array-based programs for laboratory use, and Browaeys estimates that such quantum simulators may well be commercially to be had in a yr or two. However this paintings may just additionally pave the way in which in opposition to quantum computer systems that may be carried out extra in most cases, together with in economics, logistics and encryption. Researchers are nonetheless suffering to outline this still-nascent generation’s position within the computing international, however Ahn attracts parallels to the Wright brothers’ early push into aviation. “That first plane didn’t have any transportation benefits,” says Ahn, “nevertheless it in the end modified the arena.”Actual genome manipulationFor all its genome-editing prowess, CRISPR–Cas9 generation is best fitted to gene inactivation than restore. That’s as a result of even if focusing on the Cas9 enzyme to a genomic series is slightly exact, the mobile’s restore of the ensuing double-stranded lower isn't. Mediated via a procedure known as non-homologous end-joining, CRISPR–Cas9 maintenance are steadily muddied via small insertions or deletions.Maximum genetic sicknesses require gene correction slightly than disruption, notes David Liu, a chemical biologist at Harvard College in Cambridge. Liu and his workforce have advanced two promising approaches to do exactly that. Each exploit CRISPR’s exact focusing on whilst additionally restricting Cas9’s skill to chop DNA at that website. The primary, known as base modifying, couples a catalytically impaired type of Cas9 to an enzyme that aids chemical conversion of 1 nucleotide to every other — as an example, cytosine to thymine or adenine to guanine (see Nature https://doi.org/hc2t; 2016). However most effective positive base-to-base adjustments are these days available the use of this technique. Top modifying, the workforce’s more recent building, hyperlinks Cas9 to a kind of enzyme referred to as opposite transcriptase and makes use of a information RNA this is changed to incorporate the specified edit to the genomic series (see Nature 574, 464–465; 2019). Via a multistage biochemical procedure, those elements reproduction the information RNA into DNA that in the end replaces the centered genome series.
Importantly, each base and high modifying lower just a unmarried DNA strand, a more secure and no more disruptive procedure for cells.First described in 2016, base modifying is already en path to the health facility: Beam Therapeutics, based via Liu and in addition founded in Cambridge, were given the nod in November from america Meals and Drug Management to trial this manner in people for the primary time, with the purpose of repairing the gene that reasons sickle-cell illness.Top modifying isn't as a long way alongside, however advanced iterations proceed to emerge, and the process’s promise is apparent. Hyongbum Henry Kim, a genome-editing specialist at Yonsei College Faculty of Medication in Seoul, and his workforce have proven that they are able to succeed in as much as 16% potency the use of high modifying to right kind retinal gene mutations in mice12. “If we used not too long ago reported, extra complicated variations, the efficiencies can be advanced much more,” he says. And Liu’s crew has discovered that top equipment can help the insertion of gene-sized DNA sequences into the genome, doubtlessly providing a more secure, extra tightly managed technique for gene remedy13. The method is slightly inefficient, however even just a little restore can every so often move a ways, Liu notes. “In some instances, it’s identified that if you'll substitute a gene at a ten% or perhaps a 1% degree, you'll rescue the illness,” he says.Focused genetic remediesNucleic acid-based drugs could be making an affect within the health facility, however they're nonetheless in large part restricted when it comes to the tissues wherein they are able to be carried out. Maximum remedies require both native management or ex vivo manipulation of cells which can be harvested from after which transplanted again right into a affected person. One outstanding exception is the liver, which filters the bloodstream and is proving to be a powerful goal for selective drug supply. On this example, intravenous — and even subcutaneous — management can get the process executed.“Simply getting supply in any respect to any tissue is hard, while you actually consider the problem,” says Daniel Anderson, a chemical engineer on the Massachusetts Institute of Era (MIT) in Cambridge. “Our our bodies are designed to make use of the genetic data we've got, to not settle for rookies.” However researchers are making secure growth in creating methods that may lend a hand to shepherd those medicine to precise organ programs whilst sparing different, non-target tissues.Adeno-associated viruses are the car of selection for plenty of gene-therapy efforts, and animal research have proven that cautious collection of the proper virus blended with tissue-specific gene promoters can succeed in environment friendly, organ-restricted supply14. Viruses are every so often difficult to fabricate at scale, on the other hand, and will elicit immune responses that undermine efficacy or produce opposed occasions.Lipid nanoparticles supply a non-viral selection, and several other research revealed during the last few years spotlight the prospective to song their specificity. For instance, the selective organ focusing on (SORT) manner advanced via biochemist Daniel Siegwart and his colleagues on the College of Texas Southwestern Clinical Heart in Dallas, permits the fast technology and screening of lipid nanoparticles to spot the ones that may successfully goal cells in tissues such because the lung or spleen15. “That used to be probably the most first papers that confirmed that for those who do systematic screening of those lipid nanoparticles and get started converting their compositions, you'll skew the biodistribution,” says Roy van der Meel, a biomedical engineer on the Eindhoven College of Era within the Netherlands. A number of teams also are exploring how protein elements akin to cell-specific antibodies would possibly lend a hand the focusing on procedure, Anderson notes.Anderson is especially
fascinated about the preclinical growth in focusing on blood and immune mobile precursors in bone marrow demonstrated via corporations akin to Beam Therapeutics and Intellia in Cambridge, either one of that are the use of specifically designed formulations of lipid nanoparticles. Good fortune in focusing on the ones tissues, he says, may just spare sufferers from the gruelling procedure concerned with present ex vivo gene remedies, which incorporates chemotherapy to kill present bone marrow earlier than transplantation. “Doing this stuff in vivo may just actually exchange remedy for sufferers,” says Anderson.Spatial multi-omics The explosion in single-cell ’omics building manner researchers can now robotically derive genetic, transcriptomic, epigenetic and proteomic insights from particular person cells — every so often concurrently (see go.nature.com/3nnhooo). However single-cell tactics additionally sacrifice the most important data via ripping those cells out in their local environments.In 2016, researchers led via Joakim Lundeberg on the KTH Royal Institute of Era in Stockholm devised a technique to triumph over this drawback. The workforce ready slides with barcoded oligonucleotides — quick strands of RNA or DNA — that may seize messenger RNA from an intact tissue slice, such that each and every transcript may well be assigned to a specific place within the pattern in keeping with its barcode. “No person actually believed that lets pull out a transcriptome-wide research from a tissue segment,” says Lundeberg. “However it grew to become out to be unusually simple.”The sector of spatial transcriptomics has since exploded. More than one industrial programs at the moment are to be had, together with the Visium Spatial Gene Expression platform from 10x Genomics, which builds on Lundeberg’s generation. Instructional teams proceed to expand cutting edge strategies that may map gene expression with ever-increasing intensity and spatial solution. A CRISPR–Ca9 gene-editing advanced makes use of a information RNA (pink) to chop DNA (blue).Credit score: Mulekuul/SPL Now researchers are layering additional ’omic insights on most sensible in their spatial maps. For instance, biomedical engineer Rong Fan at Yale College in New Haven, Connecticut, advanced a platform referred to as DBiT-seq16, which employs a microfluidic gadget that may concurrently generate barcodes for hundreds of mRNA transcripts and masses of proteins labelled with oligonucleotide-tagged antibodies. This may give a a lot more correct overview of the way mobile gene expression influences protein manufacturing and process than may well be received from transcriptomic knowledge on my own, and Fan’s workforce has been the use of it to analyze processes akin to immune mobile activation. “We’re seeing early indicators of the way immune cells within the pores and skin react to the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine,” he says. Some industrial programs too can seize spatial knowledge from more than one proteins in parallel with transcriptomic insights, together with the Visium platform and Nanostring’s GeoMx gadget.In the meantime, Lundeberg’s crew has delicate its spatial transcriptomics way to concurrently seize DNA series knowledge. This has allowed his workforce to begin mapping the spatiotemporal occasions underlying tumorigenesis. “Shall we observe those genetic adjustments in house, how they evolve into further genetic variants that at last result in the tumour,” he says.Fan’s workforce has demonstrated spatial mapping of chromatin adjustments in tissue samples, which is able to disclose the mobile gene regulatory landscapes that affect processes akin to building, differentiation and intercellular communique17. Fan is assured that the process can also be paired with spatial research of RNA, or even proteins. “We now have initial knowledge appearing that that is utterly possible,” he says.CRISPR-based diagnosticsThe CRISPR–Cas gadget’s capability for exact
cleavage of particular nucleic acid sequences stems from its position as a bacterial ‘immune gadget’ towards viral an infection. This hyperlink impressed early adopters of the generation to consider the gadget’s applicability to viral diagnostics. “It simply makes a large number of sense to make use of what they’re designed for in nature,” says Pardis Sabeti, a geneticist on the Huge Institute of MIT and Harvard in Cambridge. “You could have billions of years of evolution for your facet.”However now not all Cas enzymes are created equivalent. Cas9 is the go-to enzyme for CRISPR-based genome manipulation, however a lot of the paintings in CRISPR-based diagnostics has hired the circle of relatives of RNA-targeting molecules referred to as Cas13, first recognized in 2016 via molecular biologist Feng Zhang and his workforce on the Huge. “Cas13 makes use of its RNA information to acknowledge an RNA goal via base-pairing, and turns on a ribonuclease process that may be harnessed as a diagnostic software via the use of a reporter RNA,” explains Jennifer Doudna on the College of California, Berkeley, who shared the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Emmanuelle Charpentier, now on the Max Planck Unit for the Science of Pathogens in Berlin, for creating the genome-editing features of CRISPR–Cas9. It's because Cas13 doesn’t simply lower the RNA centered via the information RNA, it additionally plays ‘collateral cleavage’ on another within sight RNA molecules. Many Cas13-based diagnostics use a reporter RNA that tethers a fluorescent tag to a quencher molecule that inhibits that fluorescence. When Cas13 is activated after spotting viral RNA, it cuts the reporter and releases the fluorescent tag from the quencher, producing a detectable sign. Some viruses go away a powerful sufficient signature that detection can also be completed with out amplification, simplifying point-of-care diagnostics. For instance, ultimate January, Doudna and Melanie Ott on the Gladstone Institute of Virology in San Francisco, California, demonstrated a fast, nasal-swab-based CRISPR–Cas13 check for amplification-free detection of SARS-CoV-2 the use of a cell phone digital camera18.RNA-amplification procedures can spice up sensitivity for hint viral sequences, and Sabeti and her colleagues have advanced a microfluidic gadget that displays for more than one pathogens in parallel the use of amplified genetic subject matter from only some microlitres of pattern19. “At this time, we've got an assay to do 21 viruses concurrently for not up to US$10 a pattern,” she says. Sabeti and her colleagues have advanced gear for CRISPR-based detection of greater than 169 human viruses without delay, she provides.Different Cas enzymes may just flesh out the diagnostic toolbox, Doudna notes, together with the Cas12 proteins, which show off an identical houses to Cas13 however goal DNA slightly than RNA. Jointly, those may just locate a broader vary of pathogens, and even permit environment friendly prognosis of alternative non-infectious sicknesses. “That may be very helpful if it's worthwhile to do this slightly temporarily, particularly as other most cancers subtypes turn out to be outlined via explicit varieties of mutations,” Doudna says. [ad_2] #applied sciences #watch
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pochaunnuswalker · 2 years
Watch "Vibes 😁" on YouTube
What are you doing today love diploids in the fucked up ass army im coping with your absence but if you tell me your going to hit me in my mouth again
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djlyer · 2 years
Last one of 2022! December 27, 2022
This is a nice little lone set list to get you into 2023 and then while your there look around for more.  It’s more of a look ahead kind of show and that’s what I’m up to in 2023,  best of health and happiness to you in the New Year!
Bjork - Fossora - Fossora (ft. Kasimyn)
Jake Bugg - The Happiest Man in the World -  Samba Jazz
Brody Dalle - Diploid Love - Carry On
Paramore - After Laughter - Caught in the Middle 
The Specials - Protest Songs - I Don’t Mind Failing in This World
The Tragically Hip - The Tragically Hip  -Killing Time
Mark Lanegan - Straight Songs of Sorrow - Internal Hourglass Discussion
Snarky Remarkable - A Concept Album...But like...There’s No underlying Concept... - Pens 
Snotty Nose Rez Kids - I’m Good, HBU? - PAINT THE TOWN RED 
Grotoko - Periwinkle - Sardines 
Amyl and The Sniffers - Comfort to Me - Snakes 
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