pacificremains · 11 months
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Young cow skull. I believe the dark marks on the horn remnants are from disbudding.
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weedhillfarm · 17 days
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Precious little Agnes
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horsesarecreatures · 8 months
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RS Aquamarine is still blooming nonstop. It's really unusual to have a violent with blooms this big that also puts out huge clusters of buds and has individual flowers that last a long time. I think it is my favorite violet. I'd better root myself a second because if something happens to it I'm going to be heartbroken. The phone camera isn't doing the colors justice. In real life it's sky blue, not light purple.
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plantanarchy · 1 year
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Even the trash is pretty this time of year
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eighthdoctor · 1 year
Book Review 52/60
Do Unto Animals: A Friendly Guide to How Animals Live and How We Can Make Their Lives Better by Tracey Stewart
This book lost 1 point for a problem which would plague almost any pop culture animal book recommended to me, which is that it is a very broad, simplistic look at animal care that boils matters down to a black-and-white morality without any real examination of the issues. In most cases it's not that this is harmful to the book's message (we should perhaps care more about non-human animals than we do, or at least think a little bit about the consequences of our actions on them), it just makes me feel like I'm reading a 101 level essay and drives me nuts. For your average reader this is not an issue, and so for most of my followers I would say it's a solid 4/5.
The other problem is that there is absolutely no attempt made to understand why certain decisions are made around livestock welfare, and while I agree that things like disbudding and unanesthetized castration are cruel, before we can outlaw them, we need to understand why they are done in the first place. There's a difference between simplifying complex issues for the average reader, and deliberately presenting only one side of the issue in order to make the opposition look callously evil. This is the latter.
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flowerdeliver · 1 month
Disbuds Flower: Understanding the Impact and Representation in Art and Cultutre 
Disbuds flower has a profound effect on your mental health and overall attitude. According to scientific research, being near flowers can make people feel happier, more relaxed, and less stressed. The aromas and hues of flowers appeal to our senses, infusing your home with a cheerful, peaceful atmosphere.
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Improving the Quality of Indoor Air and Elevating Emotion
The overall cleanliness of the air you breathe in your house might be improved with the help of Altona florists since they are natural air cleaners. They contribute to air freshening by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. It has been discovered that some flowers, such as peace flowers and orchids, may eliminate typical indoor air pollutants, improving the health and ventilation of your home.
Flowers Can Provide A Healthy Environment and Help Reduce Stress:
Flowers are proven to improve mood and reduce stress since they are natural antidepressants. When workers view the lovely flowers, their worries will subside, and they will feel at ease. Flower arrangements set thoughtfully by a Prahran florist can benefit workers' psychological well-being. Stress-free, happy, and healthy workers perform better at work and are typically more productive.
Exploring The Advantages of Fresh Flowers in Your Home for Your Health
In the modern, technologically advanced society, feeling cut off from the natural world is simple. You may add a little bit of nature to your living area by adding fresh flowers. Flowers' beauty and vitality inspire wonder and gratitude, connecting us to the natural world and serving as a constant reminder of its magnificence all around us.
The appearance of fresh flowers on your desk may boost your productivity and creative thinking. According to research, having flowers nearby can boost concentration, foster creativity, and improve cognitive function. Adding flowers to your workstation, whether at home or in a business, may create a positive and motivating environment.
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mxq0scethxvo · 1 year
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obsessedwithegos · 2 years
Why did Mylien have to talk his way out of being disbudded?
[Referring to this line in this BTHB fic: He managed to talk his way out of his antlers being disbudded for now.]
In Briarcerus there's a beauty standard where masculine presenting people/men that have no antlers or small antlers are seen as very beautiful/handsome/desirable and so are feminine presenting people/women with large and/or ornate antlers!
Most people are allowed to decide if they're going to be disbudded or not. However in the royal family it's not as much of a choice! Despite Mylien having small antlers, they believe it'd be better if he had no antlers at all!
Kados was disbudded when he was really young, which is why he doesn't have antlers!
Galaera was willing to put off Mylien's disbudding bc she was counting on Kados showing up.
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nikishara · 2 years
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Astronaut in the ocean #disbud #disbudflowers #cremone #chrysanthemum #chrysanthemums #chrysantemums #chrysantheme #chrysanthèmes #flowermacroshot https://www.instagram.com/p/CjGYL49rNQk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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satumaluku · 2 years
Disbud Maluku Utara Apresiasi Lurah Masuk Perangkat Adat Kesultanan Ternate
Disbud Maluku Utara Apresiasi Lurah Masuk Perangkat Adat Kesultanan Ternate
satumalukuID – Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Ternate, Maluku Utara (Malut) mengapresiasi kemitraan dengan Kesultanan Ternate sehingga memasukkan lurah dan camat masuk dalam perangkat adat Kesultanan. “Tentunya, para lurah dan camat yang masuk dalam perangkat adat Kesultanan Ternate membuktikan kalau kemitraan antara pemerintah dan Kesultanan akan selalu bersinergi dalam membangun program-program untuk…
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jillraggett · 6 months
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Plant of the Day
Sunday 24 December 2023
In the autumn and winter Chrysanthemum cultivars are a great glasshouse cut flower crop. These perennial plants, depending on the variety, can be hardy or half-hardy and thrive in a moist but well-drained soil with added compost or well-rotted manure. For larger single flowers the side-shoots are removed (known as disbudding) and plants will need staking.
Jill Raggett
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sea-lanterns · 6 months
The horns got me curious about how one would manage them, so I looked some stuff up and I got bad news (don’t look any further unless you’re willing to accept your dreams of adorable part-goat children with pool noodles on their horns being destroyed, and also some vague descriptions of the potential side-effects of having horns. Theresa a TL;DR at the end if you want to skip the very unwholesome details, while also leaving you on a far more wholesome note):
As it turns out, unless they’re using their horns for self-defense (not very useful if you already have opposable thumbs) or heat regulation (which wouldn’t be necessary in this case, as the kid’s part-human nature means she probably already regulates temperature very efficiently via sweating, and even most actual goats don’t have dense enough fur for overheating to be an issue outside of environments that even normal humans would consider worryingly hot) there is literally no good reason for a goat to have horns. Because as it turns out, while incidents such as accidentally breaking your own neck after getting your horns stuck in a fence aren’t much of an issue for something with human intelligence, unless trimmed regularly (which can be incredibly painful unless done very carefully and skillfully) horns can still grow around and eventually circle back into the animal’s own skull!
The humane thing to do is to burn to death the tissue that would otherwise eventually grow into the horn. It’s fairly painful for the kid, since it’s usually done as soon as kid has developed enough for one to tell where the tissue is so as to be sure the tissue is killed before the horn can start to grow, meaning that the kid is usually too young to safely take very strong anesthetics (AFAIK, at least—I’m neither a veterinarian nor a farmer).
However, although ‘disbudding’ (as the process is called) can be quite painful, ‘dehorning’ (which is required if the horn has already formed), while more likely to occur at an age when the kid can safely take very strong anesthetics, is also far more risky. This is because dehorning both requires a specially trained veterinarian and is far less reliable than disbudding even when done by such a professional, as there’s always the risk that the horn will just grow back anyways—except now they’re deformed and far more immediately threatening.
TL;DR: On the human body (or even on most domesticated goats) horns lose all the advantages they give to wild goats while still retaining some major risks, so you want to do everything you can to keep the horns from developing in the first place—otherwise they’ll end up having to deal with the risky and nail-biting process of carefully shaving down those horns down to just before the horn’s very sensitive bony core every few months, like Ganyu presumably has had to do hundreds of times throughout her very long life. On the upside, at least horn shaving is a good bonding experience with Ganyu, kinda like how getting a shave means trusting somebody enough to let them put an extremely sharp blade directly against your throat without fear of harm, accidental or not.
Well, as terrifying as this all seems, horns growing close to the goat’s eyes can be fixed by the occasional trimming with a saw wire. When the horn grows too close to the eye, I believe people use a saw wire to cut off the tip, but not deep enough where it would hit a nerve/blood vessel. I don’t think it hurts when you trim it just at the tip, but the goats do feel a big vibration through their horns :0
I’m no sheep/goat expert though, just a city girl who watched a few goat trimming videos before lol. Either way, I don’t think Ganyu’s baby would have their horns grow too close to their face. Ganyu is more than capable of taking care of their horns (this includes shaving it when needed) and making sure they don’t grow too long in the first place :)
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weedhillfarm · 2 months
We’re going to go get Esther disbudded tonight aaaaand princess had her kids!! Two does!! Im soooo excited to see her and them!!
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plantanarchy · 1 year
my one coworker becomes distressed by the concept of being asked to disbud and cut back young plants and i'm like please, you have to understand!!! they will bloom all the more beautifully after a good thwacking!! just a good healthy snipsnip and they'll put their energy into growing strong roots. something something a smidge of adversity now will mean a defiant explosion of flowers later.
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spookykestrel · 2 months
Lets Talk Farm Terminology!
Yay! I'm here to answer all the simple farm animal questions and misconceptions you've been too afraid to ask! Why? Because im bored and have thoughts and am reading Watership Down and want people to know the difference between "bunny," "rabbit," and "hare."
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You're probably thinking wow kes how bold of you to start out not only with an animal uncommonly kept by farmers but also starting with a scientific name few will know! And you're right, but I don't care! The Leporidae family includes rabbits and hares, and yes! they are different. Very closely related as they belong to the same family, but rabbits and hares are not the same thing. Simply: hares are bigger and wilder than rabbits. There are no domestic species of hare and they are more adapted to solitary life than living in groups/colonies. Looking at the image above you can note slight differences in facial structure and build, as well as most notably the ear length, with the smaller rabbit on the left and the larger hare on the right. Most Watership Down art features hares but I don't mind it all that much as the hare anatomy is more fun lol.
Now, what's a bunny? Bunny is an informal term used to refer to rabbits, especially young ones. It wouldn't be incorrect to refer to the long eared friend in your yard as a bunny but if you were writing a paper or just want to sound more serious, it would be better to say rabbit (as you notice, I am refraining from calling them bunnies in this post).
When referring to rabbits, their terminology is similar to other familiar animals. A male rabbit is called a buck and a female rabbit is called a doe, like deer or goats. However, a baby rabbit is called a kit or kitten and a group of siblings is called a litter, just like cats.
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Aw no more latin? As the domestic breeds of goat all come from the same species, there's no need for a broad scientific name as we all have an idea of what to picture, unless you're thinking of a mountain goat which are not considered true goats and are considered a goat-antelopes, making them closer in relation to muskoxen! Which is a whole different topic! Regardless, there's lots of different breeds of domestic goats (Capra hircus), like dogs and cats. Some are better suited for dairy production, some for meat, others are bred for their cashmere! Pictured above is a Saanen goat, one of, if not the most popular dairy goat breeds (in the US at least), known for their high milk production.
Many goat breeds have horns, which vary from antlers bc of how they grow and their composition. Horns can be removed when the goats are young, in a process called dehorning or disbudding. When horns are removed, their growth is stunted and they will not grow back once the animal is older. However, disbudding is a controversial topic as it is not painless and often unnecessary (really the only reason to dehorn would be safety towards others). Both male and female goats can have horns, although their appearance may differ.
I mentioned above that (mature, uncastrated) male goats are called bucks and females are called does. Many, many people use the terms billy and nanny to refer to goats. However, the better term would be buck/doe, and when people use billy/nanny it does peeve me. You may also hear the word wether to refer to castrated goats. Baby goats are called kids.
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My favorites of the post, let's finish with cattle (Bos taurus)! Same as goats, cattle can be bred and used for many purposes like the lovely Brahman I've included above, a very recognizable meat breed. Cattle terminology can get a little tricky as its not as straightforward as some other animals.
Cattle is the correct term for these animals, as cow technically refers to a mature female (has been bred). No one's going to freak out if you say cows instead of cattle, myself included, especially because if you dont know the specific details of the animal its hard to know whether to say cow or heifer or bull or steer.
So, a cow is a mature female, and a mature male is called a bull. An immature, young female is called a heifer. A castrated male is called a steer. When referring to an immature male you can use bull or bull calf.
Many places you will see the term "ox" thrown around (not to be confused with a MUSKox mentioned previously) and there's a lot of misconceptions surrounding the name. An ox is a specially trained bovine. That's all it is. There's lots of regulations on how they are trained and all that, but that's the basics of it. It is most common and recommended to use castrated males (steers) because castration should temper their aggression and testosterone production; additionally, males are typically larger than the females. However! Female cows can be trained as oxen, as can bulls.
Technically an ox should not be referred to as such until they have completed their training, which can take years. Typically oxen are selected at a young age and routinely worked to develop good skills. They are used for tasks plowing or pulling carts, and as modern technology has improved, use of oxen has declined.
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Thaaaat's all I have to say about that today, I sort of led into each topic in little ways and I've nothing more to mention. Hopefully you learned a little, I think livestock are cool 👍
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incognitopencil · 4 months
The last living elders are the only ones where you can see that these fairies would actually have horns if they were left to grow. The younger generations are all disbudded as infants for certain practicality reasons.
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