#disciple lejion
aquarii-doodles · 1 year
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Just realized that I never posted my Dualscar or Discple doodles. Did these back in march or so. Below are the refs for both doodles
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honey-makes-mogai · 11 months
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[Image ID: A MOGAI flag with ten horizontal stripes. From top to bottom the colors in order are: black, light gray, dark green, bright blue, yellow, orange, bright blue, dark green, light gray, black. The yellow and orange stripes are thinner than the rest, which are all equally sized. In the middle of the flag is a symbol resembling a 5 pointed star, the lines making each point turn into a spiral as they reach the next point. The symbol is off white outlined in black with a semi transparent off white circle behind it. /End ID]
NepetaLejionstelic -
[PT: NepetaLejionstelic -]
A constelic term for those who stel Nepeta Lejion from Homestuck!
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[Image ID: A MOGAI flag with ten horizontal stripes. From top to bottom the colors in order are: black, light gray, green, dark blue, yellow, orange, dark blue, green, light gray, black. The yellow and orange stripes are thinner than the rest, which are all equally sized. In the middle of the flag is a symbol resembling a 5 pointed star, the lines making each point turn into a spiral as they reach the next point. The symbol is off white outlined in black with a semi transparent off white circle behind it. /End ID]
MeulinLejionstelic -
[PT: MeulinLejionstelic -]
A constelic term for those who stel Meulin Lejion from Homestuck!
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[Image ID: A MOGAI flag with ten horizontal stripes. From top to bottom the colors in order are: black, dark gray, green, dull green, red, orange, dull green, green, dark gray, black. The red and orange stripes are thinner than the rest, which are all equally sized. In the middle of the flag is a symbol resembling a 5 pointed star, the lines making each point turn into a spiral as they reach the next point. The symbol is off white outlined in black with a semi transparent off white circle behind it. /End ID]
TheDisciplestelic -
[PT: TheDisciplestelic -]
A constelic term for those who stel The Disciple from Homestuck!
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[Banner ID: A pastel yellow banner with a sunflower on either side. In brown text with a white outline, it says "- Please let me know if this has been coined before! -" /End ID.]
[DNI transcript: "-DNI- Basic criteria, anti-mogai, proshippers, ableists, aphobes, racists, zoophiles, rpf shippers, fandom discourse, under 13, transid/transx". /End transcript.]
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quintilli0n · 5 years
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f1tzpleasure · 4 years
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new mini lyric comic!!!! wanted to show my love for the disciple
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dazedamazonmilk · 7 years
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Olive Scribe
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hskinhome · 7 years
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An aesthetic for the Leijons in a black relationship with the Amporas using gills and teeth.
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stimforkin · 7 years
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Disciple stimboard for a new friend.
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himilope · 7 years
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Free icons for you and your rebelion
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moonchild-starlight · 7 years
Humanstuck Headcanons
No one wanted this but me but here we go anyway. Super long post so I’m putting the rest under a readmore
The Vantas Family
Jewish bc Signless is supposed to be Troll Jesus and Jesus was Jewish
But also tan skin and black hair with gray eyes bc I saw fanart of them like that and it was rly good
The Signless
Silas Valantina if you want regular human names
Was raised in foster care by the Dolorosa alongside Disciple and Psiioniic and Porrim
Is actually a pretty cool dad? He’s like super chill and stuff. He supports his kids and everything
Married to Disciple so Meulin and Nepeta are also his kids but more on them later
Kankri Vantas
Keith Valentina
If you actually read what he says he’s actually a huge asshole so everything supported by canon I’m going to put an asterisks next to
Doesn’t really think women are oppressed*
Thinks Mituna is choosing to flail about and not really trying to get better or anything*
Like, pretends that he care about stuff but if you actually listen to his lectures he doesn’t* but no one listens so no one ever catches him*
Karkat Vantas
Kayden Valentina
Albino human, so pasty white skin and hair and red eyes. Wears long sleeves and a lot of sunscreen no matter the season to prevent from sun damage to his skin
Pan and proud but not out because he doesn’t quite know how his family will react? Like out to his friends and dating Dave but not to his family
His family would be cool with it and he knows this consciously but it’s that nagging “What If, What If, What If?” voice in the back of his mind that gets him
Once he had Dave over for dinner so his family could meet his boyfriend but pretended it was just normal
Auntie Porrim started quizzing Dave on how respectful he was of women and Dave kept getting more and more flustered until he shouted I’M BI AND DATING A GUY
At Karkat’s panicked expression, Sollux got up and yelled DAMNIIT 2TRIIDER II WA2N’T READY TWO TELL THEM
So now KK’s family thinks his boyfriend is actually dating his best friend and how the hell is he going to tell them now
The Megido Family
Spanish and Japanese, though the Japanese is more prominent but the name “Megido” kind has a Spanish ring to it
The Handmaid
Hachinoko Martinez
Secretary to this huge corporate asshole who kinda really actually gave her the job to fetishize and ogle her
Pretty void of emotion other than Done™
Lets her daughters do whatever the hell they want
Damara Megido
Daria Martinez (can you tell that I’m bad with names?)
Tbh I don’t know a whole bunch about Damara other than she’s pretty and Japanese and there was a thing with Rufioh and Meenah and idk so I guess all of that except nothing lethal happened and human
Aradia Megido
Arabella Martinez
Used to like LARPing and stuff until one day during a LARP when she was twelve she suffered mysterious head trauma and fell into a coma that she stayed in for a year
When she woke up she had a little memory loss so when Equius told her that she was his girlfriend she believed him for a little but when she got her memories back she shouted at him and punched him a few times (although it didn’t do much damage)
Now she’s dedicating every waking minute to hanging out with her friends and making as many memories as possible
The Nitram Family
Also Spanish because my friend was like “Hey everyone’s names sound kinda Spanish” and i was like “yeah you right”
The Summoner
Santiago Narvaez (again, bad at names. help)
Divorced dad married to a divorced woman and has two stepdaughters he doesn’t quite know how to interact with
Has faith in his kids to do the right thing and so doesn’t really “parent” much anymore but his kids turned out pretty good for the most part so hey
Once organized a city-wide boycott of Crocker products because they were monopolizing hundreds of industries. It only attracted more publicity to Crocker Corporations but it was still an impressive feat
Rufioh Nitram
Rafael Narvaez (someone stop me)
Uh… pretty much the same with Damara. He’s pretty cool? tbh I just like him because Hook is a beloved movie from my childhood I know nothing about this guy.
How dare they take Hook off of Netflix
Tavros Nitram
Teo Narvaez
Sweet summer child
Was once “accidentally” (we are not so sure) run into by his stepsister in the family car and paralyzed from the waist down. Doesn’t hold this against her
Best friends with Gamzee obvs and prolly a little gay for him
Unsure of his romantic/sexual orientation but sure that everything will work itself out
The Captor Family
One of my faves tbh
White with freckles an honey-blond hair. One brown eye, one blue. Glasses. Some sort of weird genetic mutation that spits their tongues in half and causes them to speak with a lisp
The Psiioniic
Philip Candor
Never married, but the mother of his children used to live with them until Mituna’s accident. Then she just up and left. She was a pretty shitty mom anyway they’re better off without her
Programmer for Crockercorp gear
Fed up with his boss’s incessant flirting (the Condesce). Annoyed by her and clearly not into her
Will take any and every opportunity to gush about his sons and show you their baby pictures and tell you everything about them
So proud of his boys
Raised with Signless and Disciple and Porrim but when Dolorosa wanted to adopt him he had a slight crush on the both of his foster siblings and was like “I love you but no thank you”
Over those crushes now and kinda regretting letting them influence such a big decision in his life but Signless and Disciple both think of him as a brother anyway so it doesn’t matter that much anyway
Mituna Captor
Michael Candor
Such a cutie
His hair is curly, unlike his father and brother’s, and his bangs cover his face
He actually doesn’t need glasses, also unlike his father and brother
When he was ten he was trying to do a complicated skateboarding trick and when he wiped out he his his head on the pavement really hard and wasn’t wearing a helmet. He suffered permanent brain damage and is mostly blind in one eye
The doctors said he was bleeding so much that if Kurloz hadn’t been there and called 911 he would have been dead by the time anyone found him
Still scored Latula in freshman year though so he’s doing just fine
Sollux Captor
Seth Candor
Taking after his father as a programmer extraordinaire
Nerdy, snarky, sarcastic, selfless
Buuut once spent three days rewriting the entire bee movie script in his typing quirk so he could send it to others “accurately”
Remember the dinner at Karkat’s house? Yeah he didn’t want Karkat to come out until he was ready even though he himself wasn’t quite ready. Selfless.
Everything turned out okay though
He and Karkat play each others’ Mario Maker levels and his are so difficult Karkat can’t play them around other people for risk of violence
Actually super close friends with Dave because the biggest tragedy in Homestuck is that they never got to have a conversation
They fucking Rick Roll each other all the time but with shitty recorder versions of “My Heart Will Go On” to the point where it’s just videos of each other screeching something that maybe sounds like it?
Used to date Aradia but then she fell into a coma and they just… never picked it back up
Not romantically into Feferi but lets Eridan believe it to make a fool of him
Identifies as agender but uses him/his pronouns because he honestly doesn’t fucking care what pronouns you use, he doesn’t mind, him/his are just the default
And then of course there are days when he does mind and will go off on you for it but eventually just apologizes and recognizes that you didn’t do anything he didn’t say was okay and reinforces that yeah, you can still use him/his or they/them or even she/her if you want
Is hella bi and maybe into Dave???? Just a little????? but would never admit to it because that’s Karkat’s man and also because he’s not so sure he actually is in the first place
Is an asshole, but a nice asshole? Will stick up for you from bullies but immediately afterwards start teasing you. Will steal your fries or chips at lunch while you’re not looking but will give them back if you ask him to
Bipolar, poor son
God I love him
Man there’s a lot just wait til i get to Kurloz
The Leijon Family
Have a lot of French blood in them
White with olive green eyes and light brown hair
the house where stray cats come to be fed and possibly adopted if they like the house’s residents enough
The Disciple
Desarae Leijon (because Leijon sounds hella french yo)
Raised with Porrim, Signless, and Psiioniic
Also denied adoption because she had a crush on Signless but her choice worked out for her
Has four children that she loves very very much but she is a busy journalist
She always makes time in her schedule for her family though
Just an awesome mom
Oh yeah was born in France and spent most of her formative years there but shortly after her family moved to America they died from some illness and she got put into foster care
Meulin Lejion
Marinette Leijon (Miraculous, simply the best, put to the test when things GO WRONG)
Born partially deaf, can hear loud noises but can’t make out words
Uses a hearing aid… when she wants to
Dated Kurloz for a few years but they broke up amicably after deciding they were better as friends and have stayed friends
People think they’re together when they hang out but nah
Likes to ship her friends
Even though she can’t hear it most of the time, her text alert noise for Kurloz is “Spooky Scary Skeletons”
Lowkey stoner and got Kurloz into it
Helped him kick the harder stuff though, but never did any of that shit herself
Nepeta Leijon
Nadine Leijon
She’s actually autistic in canon, Karkat says so in the first conversation with see her have with him and I don’t think he’s the type to use the exact word “autistic” as an insult
Also sometimes I picture her like five or six and sometimes the same age as everyone else I can’t decide but is pretty badass for her small size either way
She is tiny but Buff
She can kick your ass and steal your lunch money but she won’t because she’s super nice and wants to be your friend
The Maryam Family
Caucasian but like your stereotypical vampire
Pasty white with dark hair
and pretty green eyes
And they all are tall and elegant and have aged so gracefully
The Dolorosa
Delores Maiden
Widowed while she and her husband were trying to have children. She had Porrim and was like “I want to help all the children in the world”
Raised Signless, Disciple, and Psiioniic all along with her biological daughter Porrim
When they reached their teens she asked them if they wanted her to adopt them since it was highly unlikely that they’d be adopted out of the system by now but only Signless agreed
Had a change-of-life baby (with her husband’s sperm from a sperm bank they’d stored it in before he died) as her kids reached adulthood and started having their own kids, right before she got to old to have children
Owns a tailor shop
Porrim Maryam
Portia Maiden (yeah I couldn’t find a good P name)
Is an Adult and a tattoo artist at a feminist tattoo parlor
Chose not to have children because she didn’t want them herself but Loves and Supports her sister and niblings (nephews and nieces)
Chose not to have a steady partner because she doesn’t want one but keeps her revolving doors open
Pan and beautiful
Strong, independent woman who don’t need no man or woman or nonbinary person but isn’t opposed to spending a night or two with one
Kanaya Maryam
Karen Maiden (eeesh)
Likes sewing and fashion and trying to help her friends
Lesbian and in love with her beautiful gf Rose Lalonde
Y’know pretty much perfect, canon Kanaya
So beautiful
The Pyrope Family
Freckled caucasian redheads
Neophyte Redglare
Rebecca Paigne (now i been reading “Common Sense” by Becca Paigne, so men say that i’m “intense” or “unsane”)
Badass lawyer
Like, the best in the state
Super awesome mom, too
On her days off she dedicates the entire day to her girls and just doing things with them
She and Disciple tie for best mom
Well aside from Dolorosa
anyway super cool
Latula Pyrope
Layla Paigne
Pretty much canon Tula she’s perfect
Just so great and also great with Mituna
They’re seriously Goals
Terezi Pyrope
Teresa Paigne
Has synthesia . Her friends’ voices trigger a specific color that triggers a specific scent. Even after she went blind because of glaucoma, she can still see the colors against the darkness (note to self: research to see if this can happen and then edit the post) (just researched it and yes, that indeed can happen)
Had a crush on Vriska, then Karkat, then Dave, and is now footloose and fancy-free without any crushes on anyone.  Just let her be happy
Pretty close with Nepeta
The Serket Family
Caucasian with blue eyes and blonde hair
Marquise Spinneret Mindfang
Sonya Maya Sanders
Divorced Dualscar, and her daughters decided to stick with her
Remarried to Summoner in a much healthier relationship
They create chaos together it’s cute but terrifying
Doesn’t talk with her stepsons much but supports them
Is a pretty aggressive driver tbh
Has a sign in her backseat that says “If you’re going to ride my ass then at least pull my hair, dickweed” and whenever any car drives too close to her she has someone put it up in the back windshield for a little while
Aranea Serket
Anna Sanders
Don’t know much about her either
I avoided all of the characters I didn’t care about I’m sorry
Vriska Serket
Victoria “Vicky” Sanders
Accidentally-on-purpose hit Aradia in the head with a shovel and put her into a coma when she got too passionate during LARPing
Was driving the family car when she wasn’t supposed to and accidentally or purposefully (even she’s not sure) hit her stepbrother, paralyzing him from the waist down
Can get people to do what she wants and usually uses this power for lowkey evil, like getting out of classwork and setting people against each other
But is super protective of her friends and family
No one but her is allowed to fuck with Tavros, who do you think you aaaaaaaare????????
The Zahhak Family
I got “Horace” and “Ezekiel” for names but i have no idea for their ancestor
Seriously all of them make me so uncomfortable
I saw fanart of Equius as an African American dude and it was rly good and it’s been my headcanon for them ever since
That’s completely separate from the reason they make me uncomfortable
Equius is kinda classist but adores Nepeta and protects her even though she doesn’t really need to be protected
The Makara Family
Awwwwwww yeeeaaaaaaah here we go motherfuckers
My other favorite fam
Hispanic with vitiligo and pretty purple eyes
V tall and hella intimidating? they have this terrifying aura around them that gets people to literally run out of their way, crowds part like the red sea around them
But they’re literally the nicest people you could ever meet
They have some sort of weird religion that borrows from a lot of different religions, but mostly non-theistic Satanism
They don’t worship Satan, that’s what non-theistic means, so their religion is more about following your own path, self-worship, and doing what makes you happy as long as it harms no one else
Their house looks like an occult shop fucked a rock concert and it’s beautiful
The Makaras we know and love are actually part of a huge extended family, but GHB is sorta technically illegitimate and also they’re terrifying, so no one else really wants to associate with them, and our Makaras all think the rest of them are assholes and don’t want to associate with them either so they only time either side acknowledges the other’s existence is at the annual family reunion, during which Gamzee and Kurloz shit talk the others in sign language and GHB interacts politely with the other adults and slips them underhanded insults that nobody’s really sure if it was meant to be an insult or not.
They’re all really good at rapping (well, Kurloz would be if he chose to speak)
Genetic anger issues that will be elaborated on later
They own all of the Darren Lynn Bousman movies (Devil’s Carnival 1 and 2, Repo! The Genetic Opera)
The Grand Highblood
Abaddon Makara
Used to be a bodyguard for the Condesce but worked his way through the ranks and now he owns the damn bodyguard company
he is fucking Built my man he’s stronk
Has one of those faces where you can’t tell how old he is? he could be in his early twenties or his early fifties you have no idea but women from all of those ages flirt with him
He playfully flirts back but rarely ever takes someone home
Had an abusive dad
his dad actually may have raped his mom and that’s how he came to be but things are very vague and no one talks about it
Has an older half-brother (goatdad) who he hasn’t spoken to in years
Really protective of his sons and his sons’ friends
Befriended Signless and Disciple but is more acquaintances with Psiioniic
Super cool man
So awesome
Once in his teenage years he almost killed a man
He got out of there before the cops could show up and no one knew it was him but then he was horrified about what he did and decided to get help
ties his hair back I to a ponytail with a single hairband, which should be impossible and only adds to the impossility of this family
takes the hairband out to look more intimidating with all this hair and once did this to intimidate the PTA to start cracking down in bullying when Gamzee was younger and getting his ass kicked because the poor kid was too nice to fight back when he was younger
Kurloz Makara
My husband
Carlos Makara (you had to have seen that coming)
okay so he has like no gag reflex
he found this out at age seven and freaked out, running around the house shoving things down his throat
Now that I think about it that would have been a good way for him to damage his vocal cords and go mute but my way is angstier to that’s what I’m going with
His mom died in a car crash when he was twelve and the last thing he said to her was “I hate you” because they were having an argument
He’s barely spoken since and it’s more about self-forgiveness than anything else
Actually really hates himself
The only things he’s said since his mom died were “I love you” once you Meulin and then when Cronus was fucking with Mituna he kicked the shit out of the fucker and growled in his ear “If you so much as speak to Mituna again, I will kill you”
Cronus now pretends that Mituna doesn’t exist
Has piercings around his lips with strings tied to them to make them look like stitches
He takes them out to eat, brush his teeth, wash his face, and when getting into fights
Dated Meulin for a while but they decided they were better off as friends (because I don’t want tradgedy to strike my kids I love them too much)
Used to have a crush on Mituna when they were younger but currently has a crush on no one
Plays the cello
Actually mastered the cello
Actually is a musical prodigy he plays like a hundred intruments and the string intruments are his favorites, especially the cello
He’s super great i lov ehim
Is a year older than everyone else but in the same year as them
He had to repeat his junior year because he missed so much school
He missed so much school because he had a drug problem
No one talks about it
It’s not a sensitive subject or anything, it’s just that everyone knows he’s clean now and that he’s wiser and stronger for the experience so they’re like “meh, it happened. tell me something I don’t already know about”
Well, mostly clean. He still smokes weed but that’s pretty much harmless sooo
Oh, is actually pretty casual about sex
Like, is a fan of casual, platonic sex. It’s more of an expression of emotional intensity, be that emotion be romantic or platonic or (as is rumored) hatred
Was both Mituna and Meulin’s first, actually
Doesn’t really have sex with Mituna anymore since Mituna has a girlfriend but he and Meulin sometimes do
Oh, his ringtone and notification for her is Nyan Cat so when they get into long conversations you just hear the nyan cat song nonstop and see GHB hitting his head against a wall
Unironically likes Spooky Scary Skeletons
Unironically likes Tim Burton movies
Has insomnia, and nights when he can’t sleep he drives around town aimlessly
Deals with his anger by bottling it up until it bursts (usually because of Cronus) and he has to take it out on something (usually Cronus)
Occasionally manages to vent it in his poetry, which he then turns into songs, and he never shows them to anyone because they’re none of anyone else’s business
Doesn’t just smoke pot, but the occasional cigarette
his hair is roughly shoulder-length and he will also pull his hair back into a ponytail, either for aesthetic or when he’s doing something and it’s getting in his face
also wears stuff like crop tops and leggings and tights and stocking and pulls them off like nobody’s business guys in crop tops and leggings and stocking and stuff are cute as hell
See i told you I’d write a lot about him
Gamzee Makara
James “Gamzee” Makara
actually isn’t GHB’s son
GHB is his uncle but his dad, GHB’s half-brother (goatdad), abandoned him on GHB’s doorstep without a word when he was two and never came back so GHB adopted him and raised him as his own
Plays guitar
Isn’t really stoner but uses pot to pacify his anger and it works
Has a crush on the Graverobber from Repo! The Genetic Opera
Friend of the world
Is a hug dealer at school
kids come up to him like “hey can I buy some pot” like around finals and stuff but instead he just kinda
hugs them
and reassures them that everything is going to be okay and they’re going to do great things
so everyone loves my son
When he has movie night with Tavros you’re supposed to close your eyes and pick one but he always cheats and picks a Peter Pan movie
Tav hasn’t caught on yet
The Ampora Family
Scottish, freckled and redheaded with thick accents
I actually have a lot to say about them
Orphaner Dualscar
Owen-Daniel Abernathy
Owns a huge and profitable fishing company
When he was younger was more like Cronus, a perverted asshole who refused to take “no” for an answer, but when he was chasing after the Condesce he got the shit beat out of him by her bodyguard (GHB), resulting in his two scars across his face, and took it as a wake up call
Completely changed his life around and is a really cool, decent person who wants his sons to be good people
disappointed with Cronus but is still trying to shape him to be a better person while maintaining the boy’s individuality
Married Mindfang and had four kids but it was not at all healthy for anyone involved and eventually they just hated each other so much
They battled for custody over the kids until they were like “why not let them decide” an the girls decided to live with mom and his sons decided to live with him
The kids visit the other parent every other weekend but hardly see each other, but they don’t mind
Cronus Ampora
Colin Abernathy
I don’t understand why everyone is in love with him the guys literally sexually harasses Mituna (even if it’s “just a shoulder touch” sexual harassment is defined as any unwanted physical contact) and you bet your sweet ass this shit goes down in this humanstuck au
That’s actually why Kurloz beat the fuck outta him
He’s the type of guy, even in canon, who thinks he’s owed companionship for acting nice
Is actually pretty rude
Uses suicide threats to get attention
Doesn’t give a shit about personal space
I’m not joking guys this all happens in canon
He’s shit
He’s actually really hot but he’s actual, non-ironic trash
He’s a hobo fire
He’s going to get his ass majorly handed to him one day but unlike his father he won’t change at all
Someone is going to kill him and no one will be surprised
his family will mourn but agree that he kinda had it coming to him
I honestly can’t think of a redemption arc for him but I’m open to suggestions
Eridan Ampora
Eric-Daniel “Eridan” Abernathy
Is kinda arrogant and full of himself
More in love with the idea of Feferi than actually in love with Feferi
But he! Has! Potential!
He definitely has the potential to be a good person! He’s lonely and geeky and passionate about nerdy things and if he uses his dad as a role model and not his brother, when he matures a little I can definitely see him becoming pretty cool
It’s a shame he never got a canon redemption arc
I’ll let you in on a secret: He gets a redemption arc here
I’m not sure what it is yet, but as he gets older and more mature he becomes a better person with many friends and maybe ends up with Fef idk yet
The Peixes Family
I had this headcanon way before Moana was announced btw
Also I couldn’t find any Samoan names starting with C for the Condesce so I went with I because Her Imperious Condescension
Her Imperious Condescension
Iosefina Paema
Runs Crocker Corp. for the owner, a Mr. English who demands everyone call him “Lord” for one reason or another
Actually kinda hates him
Hates his secretary more
Okay but I headcanon her to be super maternal so she’s like the ultimate soccer mom
She attends every PTA meeting and is on the verge of physically fighting Linda
Screeches at Helen because your kids need to be vaccinated, beach! Are you honestly tellin’ me you’d rather let your kid glubbin’ die of an easily-preventable fatal illness than be autistic?! That’s cod-dam false science anyway!
etc., etc
Kinda into Psiioniic but mostly just likes to irritate him
Sassy and elegant, but also a bad bitch fuckin’ queen I love Condy
Meenah Pexies
Malia Paema
She’s a boss ass bitch and super awesome
I don’t know much about her whole storyline but I fuckin’ adore her
She adores her lil’ sis and would do anything for her
Takes every opportunity to remind Eridan that no mater what nobody says, he will never be as shitty as his brother
Feferi Pexies
Pretty good friends with Sollux. She has a budding crush on him but can tell that he’s not into her so she’s content just being his friend
Fa’auma Paema
tbh I never paid much attention to Feferi, I found her insufferably annoying because she’s constantly happy but you know what, that’s a good quality
She’s pretty cool
She can see right through Eridan but she wants him to be a good person so she hangs out with him
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motherly disciple who raised eridan and nepeta aesthetic -mod d
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sky-chau · 6 years
Karkat is not Yelling
I've always hated the idea that Karkat yells all the time,  people who take that aspect of him super seriously tend to read him as angry all the time and, in my opinion, when you look at the words hes actually saying in a lot of cases hes not actually angry, at least not in the sense that he would shout it but then theres this:
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look at the word choice here, it doesn't use the word quirk or any reference to typing at all outside of the trolltags even then its separated with the word “and” which could mean these are relatively unrelated facts. The fact that hussie uses the word,” speak “  implies that this is verbal and then we get to “ornery” which is synonymous with odd, or offbeat.  So what Karkat is loud big news but ORNERY, thats not a description typically used for loud. 
also notably none of the other trolls introductions have any mention of speaking their quirks verbally,(however sollux does mention his lisp when he looses his teeth. )  
So consider this: Karkat is hard of hearing. 
To clarify, I’m not saying karkat is deaf, I’m saying karkat may not be able to hear all that well. I’m not going to try and specify what kind of hearing loss he has or exactly how bad his hearing is. However I am going to point out that a few very particular things make more sense. 
So back to the word “Ornery”, the deaf and hard of hearing, particularity those born with said disabilities are often described to have an accent, or strange pronunciations that range from unnoticeable to hard to understand depending on how well the person can hear themselves and what all the person can hear from others. I personally have known a lot of hard of hearing people who got hearing aids for school and, I've noticed that some of them got quieter after they got their hearing aids and a few got louder, but without hearing aids these kids tend to compensate in one of two ways :
get louder because they cant hear themselves
get quieter in fear of unknowingly using an “outside voice”
I think Karkat is loud and “ornery” in verbal conversation because he cant hear himself.  
when trying to be quiet he holds his breath, at first glance this is just really stupid of him but when you think it through the hard of hearing lens, the only way he knows for sure hes not panting, gasping or otherwise making noise with his breathing is to hold his breath. cant whistle through your teeth if theres no air passing through. 
but how did he loose his hearing?
Well I dont think he lost his hearing so much as never really had it in the first place. Hes hard of hearing via heredity.  As we all know grubs are the product of combined genetic material prossessed by the mother grub, what we know about how this factors into is lacking but there is some minor evidence that the close bond between the signless and the disciple may have allowed for some stronger variations in their descendants.karkat  looks like a carbon copy of signless but has lejions temperament but thats not really tangible proof that he could be hard of hearing like his ancestors mate. The only way to really prove this would be to find some feature on nepeta that the signless had and the disciple didn't.
and huh?
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don’t those horns look a  little, blunt
might one go so far as to describe them as nubby
at least in comparison to other trolls
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like terezi
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or kanaya
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the only trolls with anywhere near that amount of nub are the sea dwellers, and karkat.
so then lets compare nepetas to the disciples and signlesses and see where she gets that bluntness from
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and oh whats that 
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miss lejion looks like she could impale a bitch on those, so it  looks like nepeta got her nub from signless. 
so if certain traits from the signless made their way into nepeta, it would only be fair to assume, that karkat could potentially have inherited poor hearing from the disciples deafness.
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drillsheetstuck · 6 years
Here’s the lineup for Drillsheetstuck! If you want to know the reasoning behind placing a character in a certain section, send an ask. The same goes for suggestions about section dynamics or just headcanons in general!
John Egbert- Bass Clarinet, Sophomore
Rose Lalonde- Mellophone, Sophomore
Dave Strider- Battery, Sophomore
Jade Harley- Color Guard, Sophomore
Jane Crocker- Flute, Junior
Roxy Lalonde- Trumpet, Junior
Dirk Strider-  Pit, Junior
Jake Harley- Color Guard, Junior
Aradia Megido- Clarinet, Sophomore
Tavros Nitram- Sousaphone, Sophomore
Sollux Captor- Trumpet, Sophomore 
Karkat Vantas- Mellophone,  Sophomore
Nepeta Lejion- Battery, Sophomore
Kanaya Maryam- Color Guard, Sophomore
Terezi Pyrope- Pit, Sophomore
Vriska Serket- Flute, Sophomore
Equius Zahhak- Baritone, Sophomore
Gamzee Makara- Bari Sax, Sophomore
Eridan Ampora- Alto Sax, Sophomore
Feferi Peixes, Bass Clarinet, Sophomore
Damara Megido- Clarinet, Junior
Rufioh Nitram- Sousaphone, Junior
Mituna Captor- Trumpet, Junior
Kankri Vantas- Bass Clarinet, Junior
Meulin Lejion- Pit, Junior
Porrim Maryam- Color Guard, Junior
Latula Pyrope- Battery, Junior
Aranea Serket- Piccolo, Junior
Horuss Zahhak- Baritone, Junior
Kurloz Makara- Alto Sax, Junior
Cronus Ampora- Tenor Sax, Junior
Meenah Peixes- Drum Major, Junior
The Handmaid- Clarinet, Senior
The Summoner- Sousaphone, Senior
The Psiioniic- Trumpet, Senior
The Signless- Drum Major, Senior
The Disciple- Pit, Senior
The Dolorosa- Mellophone, Senior
Redglare- Battery Captain, Senior
Spinneret Mindfang- Flute, Senior
Darkleer- Baritone, Senior
Grand highblood/G- Tenor Sax, Senior
Dualscar- Alto Sax, Senior
HIC- Color Guard Captain, Senior
Doc Scratch- Drum Major, Senior
Joey Claire- Bass Clarinet, Freshman
Jude Harley- Baritone, Freshman
Xefros Tritoh- Sousaphone, Freshman
Dammek- Pit, Freshman
Trizza Tethis- Color Guard, Freshman
Diemen Xicali- Sousaphone, Freshman
Fozzer Velyes- Battery, Freshman
Marsti Houtek- Color Guard, Freshman
Skylla Koriga- Trumpet, Freshman
Vikare Ratite- Baritone, Freshman
Chixie Roixmr- Flute, Freshman
Zebede Tongva- Trumpet, Freshman
Folykl Darane- Baritone, Freshman
Kuprum Maxlol- Baritone, Freshman
Cirava Hemrod- Color Guard, Freshman
Azdaja Knelax- Trumpet, Freshman
Charun Krojib- Alto Saxophone, Freshman
Polypa Goezee- Clarinet, Freshman
Boldir Lamati- Pit, Freshman
Konyyl Okimaw- Battery, Freshman
Daraya Jonjet- Pit, Freshman
Lynera Skalbi- Clarinet, Freshman
Wanshi Adyata- Clarinet, Freshman
Bronya Ursama- Baritone Saxophone, Freshman
Lanque Bombyx- Piccolo, Freshman
Tysias Entykk- Trumpet, Freshman
Tegiri Kalbur- Color Guard, Freshman
Tirona Kasund- Bass Clarinet, Freshman
Tagora Gorjek- Alto Saxophone, Freshman
Stelsa Sezyat- Clarinet, Freshman
Mallek Adalov- Alto Saxophone, Freshman
Elwurd- Flute, Freshman
Ardata Carmia- Piccolo, Freshman
Remele Namaaq- Color Guard, Freshman
Nihkee Moolah- Baritone, Freshman
Amisia Erdehn- Mellophone, Freshman
Galekh Xigisi- Trumpet, Freshman
Zebruh Codakk- Sousaphone, Freshman
Barzum Soleil- Pit, Freshman
Baizli Soleil- Pit, Freshman
Chahut Maenad- Tenor Saxophone, Freshman
Marvus Xoloto- Color Guard, Freshman
Caprira/Who is this- Sousaphone, Freshman
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findinyourkin · 3 years
this! may seem weird, but im a bloodswap eridan (eridan captor) looking for uh... anyone who remembers a gold bitch!! i dont remember anything but my general feelings around my vantas and that we... were the ancestors? as in, i became the helmsman, vantas became the signless, lejion became the disciple. i also remember being very... stoic? stone faced? i didnt emote much and was far too much of a killjoy than i should have been! i also had two streaks in my hair, one red and one blue, above the opposite eye with a streak of black down the center. anyway!! feel free to interact if you want to or reach out at r4gn0r0k#2678 on discord :)!
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tiip2ydoodles · 6 years
Chapters: 9/9 Fandom: Homestuck Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Cronus Ampora/Kurloz Makara, John Egbert/Dave Strider, Cronus Ampora/Porrim Maryam, The Disciple/The Signless | The Sufferer, Cronus Ampora/Kankri Vantas, Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas Characters: Cronus Ampora, Kurloz Makara, John Egbert, Dave Strider, Porrim Maryam, The Disciple, The Signless | The Sufferer, Kankri Vantas, Karkat Vantas, The Condesce (Homestuck), Rose Lalonde, Meulin Lejion, Jade Harley Additional Tags: Ficlet Collection, Tumblr Prompt, Nsfw in a few chapters, Cumdump, Pegging, Masturbation, implied blackrom, Therapy, Brief mentions of past trauma, This really bounces around honestly, Sadstuck, so much sadstuck, Violence, Crossdressing, put that in there too i guess Summary:
A collection of prompts and associated ficlets from Tumblr.
Posted all my prompts in one place!
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hskinreadings · 7 years
am i kin with any of the lejions?
you are kin with the disciple!- mod k
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gayboyselfinserts · 7 years
Who do you ship yourself with in the quadrants?
Oooo get ready for a long list. This list applies to Human me and my Trollsona me. Also some people might show up in two different quadrants cause I feel it could work either way.
1: Who am i shipped with Matesprite wise? (Romantic)
A: Here is a list of characters i ship myself with. [Feel free to ask relationship questions about any of these characters]
- Tavros Nitram
- Sollux Captor
- Feferi Peixes
- Karkat Vantas
- Eridan Ampora
- Jade Harley
- The Signless and Disciple (Poly)
- Kankri Vantas
- Dualscar and Condescension (Poly)
- Latula and Mituna (Poly)
- Cronus Ampora
- Kurloz Makara and Meulin Leijon (Poly)
- Psiioniic
 - Porrim Maryam
- Rufioh Nitram
- Aranea Serket
2: Who am i shipped with Moirail wise (Platonic)
A: Here is a list of people i ship me with:[Feel free to ask relationship questions about any of these characters]
- Equius Zahhak
- Gamzee Makara
- Nepeta Leijon
- John Egbert
- Mituna Captor
- Meulin Lejion
- The Summoner
 - Dolorosa
- Horuss Zahhak  
- Rose
- Sollux Captor
3: Who am i shipped with Kismesis wise (Hatred/Worst ememy)
A: Here is a list of people i ship me with:[Feel free to ask relationship questions about any of these characters]
- Vriska Serket
- Kanaya Maryam
- Grandhighblood 
- Damara Megido
- Terezi Pyrope
- Meenah Peixes
- Darkleer
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