#disclaimer mahiru is my beloved daughter calling her a bitch is solely for narrative-within-the-headcanon reasons
danggirlronpa ยท 5 months
Hmm, do you have any ideas how Natsumi and Junko would interact? I feel like it could be very fun. Another toxic Yuri win, with both being very brash and outspoken but Natsumi having her insecure side Junko could totally take advantage of.
It has actually always been my long-held headcanon that Junko 1. has connections somewhere in the Kuzuryu clan, 2. initially encouraged Natsumi to escalate to death threats against Mahiru, and 3. would've incited Sato to kill Natsumi if she had murdered Mahiru. I sometimes like to think that Junko is the one who both instigated and Natsumi and warned Sato, and then just sat back and watched to see who would walk out of that wreckage alive, if anyone.
Not that Natsumi wasn't perfectly capable of murder all on her own - we know from Fuyuhiko that she's so cruel, she's considered the reincarnation of a famous yakuza boss. That girl absolutely could have and would have committed murder for a small infraction.
But she also loves her brother, and would want to respect his desire to keep out of his school life. Fuyuhiko is someone who obviously wants to keep his life at school and life with the clan separate, and I think that, despite her attitude, Natsumi would still acquiese, because she truly does want to make him happy. But Fuyuhiko's cute underclassman (maybe the one whose sister trained under her family? maybe the one she's just met for the first time but likes the glint of murder in her eyes?) coming over and telling Natsumi that she's worried about how much some bitch is bothering her precious older brother digging up dirt about him? That is worth kicking the door in on. And Junko just has to sit back in her cozy little movie theater and let it all happen.
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