mothvalentino · 3 months
@discoinfernos redemption starter
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By some merciful miracle, the princess actually allowed him to stay at the hotel. Under several conditions, of course, trust needed to be earned and he would be under constant surveillance by the other residents. However, Charlie had made it very clear that one of those conditions had to be fulfilled before he could move in, otherwise, Val would have to leave immediately.
She told him to talk to Angel first and ask him if he would even be okay with Val living under the same roof. And so, the moth knocked on his door, tension seizing his entire body in anticipation. If the spider didn't agree to him staying, he would have to find another safe haven in the city, which wouldn't be easy.
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infernal-blaze · 3 months
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@discoinfernos asked: ❛  Alastor, i promise i'll be back. please don't die.  ❜ (from Charlie)
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Alastor narrowed his eyes, ears pinned to the back of his head. Blood stained the front of his coat as the vicious liquid soaked through his layers of clothing.
He was annoyed that Charlie had found him in such a state. Apparently, disappearing shortly after they finished building the new hotel was.. concerning to the princess. She had hunted him down and found him hiding within the depths of his new radio tower. Unfortunately, Alastor had left because the holy wound along his chest had begun to bleed through the bandages he had applied.
When Charlie had barged into the room, Alastor had recently collapsed onto the floor as blood oozed from his mouth, and from in-between his fingers, which were clutched against his chest.
Static and feedback filled the air as Charlie rushed off, supposedly on her way to find medical supplies of some sort. "Don't tell anyone," he hissed, just before she could leave. He didn't need more eyes on the situation than necessary.
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grimowled · 3 months
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the irresistible @discoinfernos said: “ it’s — getting a bit out of hand now. ” (from Blitz) ☽ secret relationship - accepting !!
WAS IT REALLY this clandestine ? the dark prince couldn't deny the ravenous passion that had taken over him, where it concerned his darling little imp, and, admittedly, his public image and decorum had ... slipped as of late - much to stella's chagrin.
(control is just another illusion when one is in the throes of such sinful bliss!)
but the statement made him pause, ancient mind turning to careful thought.
(surely he wasn't intending to break it off!)
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"oh, darling!"
he finally broke the silence with an amused hoot, mischief and devotion adorning the sharp crescents of his eyes in equal measures, long talons gently reaching for blitzø's cheek in a lover's caress; yet there was something sinister to it, as if he was ever considering whether to kiss or eat him.
"for someone who makes life-threatening danger a habit, this should be right in your ... arsenal, so to speak. do you wish to be more ... careful?"
(seemed to be a bit late to notice that, after scandalously declaring their dalliance in front of his wife and her friends at her tea party, in broad daylight. didn't he relish in the excitement of it all?)
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angie-long-legs · 24 days
“i know you think you have to get through this by yourself, but you have people here to help you.” (from Charlie)
"Leave me alone," Angel spat, shivering where he sat on the edge of the bathtub. Fingers drummed against the porcelain, his usual gloves discarded, his blazer undone and hanging open. He pulled it around himself as though trying to stay warm, yet his fur shone with sweat, patches soaking through the fabric of his clothes. His heart pounded in his chest; a warning, a war cry. Fighting, failing. This isn't working. This is too much. I can't do this.
It wasn't the first time he had gone through withdrawal, and it no doubt wouldn't be the last - but it was the first time he'd had a group of friends that truly cared about him while he was going through it. And that, he found, was its own kind of terrifying.
The expectation was too high, he couldn't let them see him like this. He couldn't be who he needed to be: the version of Angel Dust that had integrity, who was sharp and animated and determined to a fault. Right now, he was weak. He was a pitiful, snivelling thing that shrivelled in shame under the gaze of those who cared about him. And, even if he did get through the detox, he wouldn't stay sober. He never did. His new friends were just new people to disappoint.
He let his head droop, two fists balling into his hair and squeezing. "I just... I just need... Fuck, Charlie, I can't do this. I can't."
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madefate · 2 months
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“ N.. no, no, no, no, hey. Blitz? It’s alright, I’ve got you. ” (from Stolas) / @discoinfernos
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❝ I'm fine, I'm fine - ❞ The point is that he isn't, or he wouldn't be here - at least not like this - but the denial comes as instinctually to Blitz as breathing. He barely registers that he's saying it, the same way he barely registers that he's at Stolas' front door instead of around back - where it's safer, to scale the walls in the dead of night - and he barely registers that he's definitely fucking the pristine of Stolas' entranceway with black, dripping blood.
Honestly, his head is still fucking spinning ; Blitz is well aware that he has a reputation - some of it that he's proud of, some that he carries the shame for, and some that's simply a necessary evil. You don't get into this line of work without making some enemies, but he likes to think he's at least aware of who's out to get him. This was - entirely fucking unexpected and he's more than a little ashamed at being caught so unawares.
Blitz clings to the details he can remember - he'd recognized none of them, and they'd been prepared, professional even - but he's not really at the stage of starting a manhunt to kick someone's ass right now. Right now, he's - he's at Stolas', right. He's at Stolas' ? - Oh, right, it had been ... closest, right? That was all -
❝ 'M sorry I didn't - know where else to go - ❞ his claws dig into the wood and stone of the doorframe, but he doesn't notice it enough to feel bad. His good eye is still clouded with blood, so Stolas is tinged in grayscale when he looks up at him, trying for some kind of grin to prove that he's fine, actually. ❝ If I could just - crash here for a sec - ❞
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voxxcd · 3 months
  【      @discoinfernos from here     】
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Vox held no desire, fondness, or attachment to the idea of a traditional married life. He had, quite literally, done the white picket fence thing. Those expectations in hell wasn't something he was all that interested in, along with whatever extra shit the royal aspect added to all of this. The deal was done, he felt mostly secure in everything he got from it but this was still essentially an experiment. So he went ahead and set things up for whatever a married life was supposed to look like. Except it didn't seem like Stolas was enjoying himself much either. It was almost too bad, he looked good in Vox's bed.
One consistency from his life as a husband, he worked late. It was only a few hours until morning when he walked in the room and noticed his husband seemed off- or at least not like he was resting. He sat on the edge of the bed, taking a long drag from the cigarette and blowing cyan smoke off into the room. He reaches over to tap the ashes from the cigarette onto the ash tray by his bed.
"Would you rather have your own room? Or I can set up an apartment for you,"
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micsmasmuses · 3 months
@discoinfernos liked for a Striker starter.
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There’s a grin as he sees the imp again. Tail whipping about as his gaze narrows on him. Been a while since he’s seen that face. There’s a rattling from his tail as he inches closer. A rumbling hiss from his chest as he looks Blitz in the eyes.
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“Well if it isn’t Blitzy, the last person I wanted to fuckin see.”
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poisonedspider · 3 months
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Continued for @discoinfernos
"Don't yeh' get tired of it, Cher?" He stressed, hands folding behind his head as he stared at her, eyebrow raised. "Ah' mean, yeah a good one nighta' is great and all, but don't yeh' want somethin' more sometimes?" From the outside, people would probably think that top porn star Angel Dust had lost his mind. Speaking about things like wanting to be tied down. But to anyone that knew him best - aka Cherri Bomb - they would know that he had always been a bit of a romantic. All he had ever wanted was to be loved.
"At th' end a' th' day, babes, yeh' a catch. And ah' ain't just sayin' that because yeh' mah' best bitch. If ah' was inta' tits at all, ah'd be workin' tah' woo yeh'." He grinned, blowing her a teasing kiss, leaning back slightly in his chair at the bar. Nights out with Cherri were great, but damn if his best friend didn't ditch him half the time to go and fuck the first man she saw. Not unlike Angel had. Before the hotel had changed things.
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He kicked his little legs in his heeled boots, taking a sip of the cocktail in front of him, before a grin crossed his features. Sappy, dorky, very unlike the front he put on. "Ah' might be thinkin' a settlin' down mah'self. Ah' mean....again. But it would be th' first time ah've tried since - " Valentino. His stomach rolled at the thought, heart squeezing slightly. Cherri knew all about that disaster of a relationship.
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mothvalentino · 6 months
@discoinfernos @pcisin @hazbintales @tangledfate @arachn0philia @angelindust @angxldustxd @overangeled
ཐིཋྀ "You didn't think I'd forget, right? This is for you."
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"Happy Birthday, amorcito~"
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diresang · 5 months
            ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅 ✦․⁺  ↳ @discoinfernos
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the difference in their stations was a constant nag in the back of blitz's head. it didn't matter his feelings towards stolas, his feelings on the matter itself━ he was a plaything, something to keep stolas entertained. it's how it was when they were kids, it's how it was when they first reconnected, it's especially how it was now. in his own head, of course. it was the only way to prevent harm to himself━ performing, the one thing he knew best.
shoulders tense, and blitz isn't looking anywhere in stolas' direction. he's avoiding his eyes, he doesn't notice the way stolas had reached out to him. would he have taken it, anyway ? perhaps it was better that blitz hadn't seen it, to prevent any type of rejection.
but he finally glanced up when stolas spoke again━ " is that all this was to you ? ", said so softly, so sadly that blitz's shoulder fell. of course not, deep down blitz knew it was always more than that━ the show was for stolas, not him.
            ❝ don't do that, stolas. ❞ blitz snapped back, watching the owl hug himself. for as much as he wanted to believe it wasn't that to stolas, blitz just couldn't bring himself to.
            ❝ don't act like it was anything more than that to you. ❞
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tangledfate · 6 months
Continued for @discoinfernos from this
Naked and mussed, she rolls over, awoken by his movement as he scrambles from her arms and around the room. Gathering hi clothes and trying to dress as quickly and quietly as he can. Obviously he hadn’t realized she was awake until she speaks and then he freezes–groaning and turning back to answer her.
Crossing her arms and laying her face into them; smiling at him.
“Whatever you say, darlin’, I was just gonna ask if you wanted another go~”
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queenhells · 6 months
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❝ when you close your eyes and you fall asleep, ❞ this hotel, her project, what was supposed to be a second home for them. it all feels so damnably empty. empty without charlie, empty without lucifer. where is her family? she has never understood charlie, not really. always has she struggled against the tides of change, of the nature of a man. but, regardless, lilith offers a reassuring placement of her hands on the others shoulders, a soft smile that is wistful for times they will never have. ❝ everything about you is a mystery. ❞
@discoinfernos' charlie attended a showing! ⤷ talking in your sleep, the romantics.
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angie-long-legs · 25 days
“It’s OK. I’m here” (from Cherri)
"No, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO-"
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Angel bolted upright, yanked out of the horrors in his head without warning, unable to tell if the heaving scream ripped from his lungs was happening inside his mind or out of it. Soaked in sweat and surging with adrenaline, he whipped around in the dark in search of the terrifying scene he had just been expelled from, mind half-ruined from sleep and fear and morbid imaginings. Was he awake? Had this all been a dream? Was this even real?
Heart hammering as his eyes adjusted to the gloom of his surroundings, Angel ascertained that he was not in Vee tower, nor was he home in his hotel room. He was... this was Cherri's room. He was in Cherri's bed. Which meant...
Looking to his left, Angel came face to face with the pink-haired sinner herself, her singular eye wide with worry. She looked as though she was waiting for him to say something, though he hadn't been aware of her speaking to him. Still hyperventilating, Angel let his head fall forward, clutching at his chest. "Cherri," he croaked, mouth dry and voice raspy. "Shit. Fuck, Cherr, am I awake? Is this real? Please fuckin' tell me this is real."
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infernalight · 6 months
@discoinfernos | continued.
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He watched him, admiring the way he looked even if he wasn't his normal self. He can tell there's something going on with him. When he said he wasn't happy, Blitz looked away. Was that his fault? "Oh." He said, eyes looking down at the floor, moving towards the owl, arms wrapping around his neck in a small hug. "I'm sorry."
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madefate · 3 months
Despite his dirty talk - which Blitz prides himself on and willy continue to do so - his motions are always careful ; tonight, they're extra soft. Tender, meticulous, checking a little more than he usually does when he's tying or rigging - thorough checkins are a must whenever you're doing something like this and he never slouches on safety, but tonight it's more than that. It's the quiet, reassuring touches - tender brushes against Stolas' arm, holding his hand before and after he finishes a tie, even idly talking through what he's doing, tone light and easy and nothing like the fuckery they've notoriously made their own.
Stolas hasn't said much about Striker and that fucking ordeal, and Blitz hasn't said much about his guilt and his worry - the gut punch that was realizing what it meant when an immortal prince was at the mercy of angelic weapons. - When he'd learned that Stolas could get hurt. If that wasn't enough to sign Striker's death warrant in his own mind, targeting Fizz not that long after was the nail in the goddamn coffin. Honestly, the dark, bitter, protective instincts that flared up when he'd thought about Striker getting his hands on Stolas - when he'd been willing to drive against traffic to put an end to it - should have made his feelings obvious to himself.
But at least they're here, now. As he finishes, he quietly thanks Stolas for trusting him - not just in this moment, but after ... everything. After every way that Blitz has failed, has brought more pain into his life - has made Stolas feel, even for a moment, less than when he was the one that deserved better.
At Stolas' gratitude, Blitz's expression softens. ❝ I'm coming up behind you, ❞ he says gently, then drapes his arms over Stolas' shoulders and brings him back against his own chest, careful not to put too much pressure on his bound arms, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek when he's close enough, feeling the spot where downy feathers give way to the silkiest blindfold he's ever used ( having connections to the best purveyor of sex toys in all the rings is actually pretty damn nice ).
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❝ I mean it, Stols. I don't - take this shit lightly. ❞ He runs a hand down Stolas' arm, hoping to find the muscles relaxing at least a little. ❝ You're in charge, here. You always are - always have been. If you want to stop, just wanna break, wanna change it up - that's your call. I'm going to take care of you tonight. ❞
// @discoinfernos &. cont.
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radiomurdeer · 6 months
🐾 charlie boops alastor
Send 🐾 to boop my muse!
It was unexpected, and he suspected it was some sort of new form of therapy he was getting suckered into. Whatever, he was in a good mood and nothing much had been going on, he could indulge her. He found himself doing that often anyway.
"Like this?" he asked, returning the gesture with a playful grin.
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