#discord threads ;; isaac
catherine-bisset · 7 months
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Reunion In Due Course
In which Cat and Isaac are reunited after two years
TW: Discussions of kidnapping, cults, torture
Catherine -
Two winters, skin bit by cold. Two summers of last year's rot thawing to cook all over again. Too many nights stubbornly pushing away what-ifs. The singular drive to get back - get revenge - to find the one soul in the whole bleak world who treated her like she wasn't some tainted *thing*.
Sitting on the holding cell floor, back to the far wall and knees hugged to chest, Catherine passed into and out of unwanted sleep. Any noise, movement, stir of air jerked her head up anew. She'd let them take her here, handed over weapons, endured touch, let their questions fall upon her.
In return she just needed to know. Was Isaac still here? Had they deserved him?
Isaac -
"Hey there." Ike wasn't surprised that just the shift of pressure in the building was enough to alert Cat to his presence; she'd been like that before him, of course she'd be like that after him. The surprise was that she looked so much like the last time he'd seen her; for some reason it felt like so long, it felt like an eon. He'd only caught a glimpse of her on the way in but here she was, and he crouched down on the other side of the bars, holding out his hands to her between them. "Come over, kitling. Lemme get a good look at you, see what's happened with my girl."
Catherine -
The tremble started in her hands. His voice was different - tired? New scars, different weight distribution. Someone hadn't backed him in a fight like they should have. Catherine's eyes couldn't stop darting, trying to look the entirety of him over in a moment's opportunity.
Standing on shaking legs, Catherine commanded them to stop before crossing the space. She would keep herself together where other eyes could see.
A crouch to accept his hands, and Catherine's voice was a croak. "Sorry I took so long."
Isaac -
A grin spread across Ike's face at that and he folded her hands in his own, tugging one up to bump against his forehead. "Always did have something else catching your attention and taking you scampering off," he said, and then slid one hand up to her elbow, clasping their forearms together. This felt familiar too; the two of them crouched together, keeping low, everything tight within the circuit of their lowered voices and sheltered expressions. "This time wasn't your idea, though, was it."
Catherine -
"No rest for the wicked," Cat exhaled softly. Blood, blood, blood to the knees this time. Ends to an end.
His grip steadied and grounded Catherine, but her eyes lacked calm. "No." Elaboration could come later, when it was safe to exhale the venom and ichor. For now, immediate concerns. "Did they send you to tell me no?" A small mercy, a twisted knife. In their right minds they'd throw her back out quick. Reaver stains were hard to clean off.
Isaac -
"Nobody sends me anywhere. I'm Council and I'm head raider. I got some running room around here." It wasn't a boast; Cat had never been impressed with titles and Ike wasn't either, finding other aspects of his personality much more bragworthy. It was just to let her know that there would be nobody throwing her out, not with Ike's cooperation. "And they're not saying no. It's protocol for you to be in here for three days but after that you're one of us." It hadn't occurred to Ike to open the cell door and go inside, though he could have, easily. They'd been in constrained circumstances before and this almost felt *more* secure, in comparison, close to the ground.
Catherine -
That was surprising, and then not. He'd charmed the snake that she was, hadn't he? This place saw his value and it reassured Catherine by degrees. "Good."
Her eyes scanned the surroundings, before she raised their joined arms to press one side of her face against his skin. They could change their mind, and she'd want this memory. There wasn't a good way out without someone else being involved. She'd let herself get caged up for the chance to -
"Tell me about raiding," Cat blurted to interrupt her own thoughts. A team - his team. Probably not the ones who'd let him get those new scars.
Isaac -
"Not much I can tell you about the actual raiding that you don't already know inside out," Ike said, but he knew what she was asking. Who he was out there with, who he had around him, who was watching his back. "There's three of em -- Nicki Torres, I wouldn't be surprised if you ran across her on your own, she's--" he huffed a laugh, "--nonstop. And Ares Melaina, I knew him when he was a punk kid dealing back in NYC, but he's shaped up now. And Orion." Ike stopped, took a breath, quirked his mouth to the side.
"Orion Carnell. Grew up with just his parents on an isolated farm, prepper shit. They didn't let him have a bedroom door growing up. They didn't even teach him how to read but they'd drop him tied up in the woods to see if he could get free and make his way home." *Culty shit*, was the unspoken underlining, even if it had been a cult of three for Orion and not the sprawling families that Cat and Ike had escaped. "You'll get to know them," Ike said, without further elaboration. She'd be one of them, of course. There was no question in Ike's mind.
Catherine -
Her head was still, breathing in his words, the world with him in it. Until Orion and the pointed recounting stilled her. Nicki was present, Ares the middle. But Orion was childhood; one unique and shared. Isaac had plainly seen him like he'd seen Catherine. The information was good. "What else do I need to know?" Who was trouble? Where were the weak points? Who were the weak points?
Isaac -
"Don't take the doctor out. If she doesn't like you, she won't listen. She'll put you in danger." Ike ran his tongue along the inside of his bottom lip, then tipped his head down; his hair had grown back, short and greying and soft, but the long L-shaped scar that started near his left temple, ran along his head, and then hooked down behind his ear was still visible. He breathed out long and slow and let his head rest against the bars -- talking about it still unsettled him, how close he'd come to going down for good. "All of my raiders are under orders to not take her anywhere. Dr. Brandon. Renee. You'll get to know her, people talk about her like she's one step below the Mother of God."
Catherine -
Her eyes narrowed at the close view of the scar. Brother Sparrow talked plenty about God and his wives and his daughters and mothers. Idolatry that this doctor clearly didn't tamp down. A doctor that got Isaac hurt - bad from the look of it. Some uppity educated fool thinking she knew better than people who lived reality....
Catherine's breathing had shallowed as her thoughts spun, her hands gripping Isaac's forearms. She lowered her own head until lips pressed to ear, voice hardly more than breath. "Worth keeping?"
Isaac -
"Only game in town, sorry to say." Ike let himself have that, then chuckled and nudged against Cat. "It is what it is. And living here means putting up with people we don't like and who don't have our best interests at heart. So yeah, she's off-limits, they all are." He tugged back to level a stern look at her. "You know there's gonna be rules like that. Ones from the normal people world. But they're not so bad here."
Catherine -
Her head dropped to his shoulder. Damned thing, society. Too long away and you forget the endless little compromises.
When Isaac took himself back, Catherine immediately and obediently released his hands. Only, he wasn't going, just making a point. A hundred scenarios started their movies in Catherine's head, each an argument she didn't voice. He knew them and she didn't and that meant deferring for the time being.
"Normal people world," was her eventual reply, and laced with venom. Why would he want to stay with anyone who clung to the ways that got the world ruined? *Why did I stay with the Reavers?* Cost and benefit.
"Are the Reavers still outside?" She couldn't sort out Redwood, but she could sort out Reavers. A comforting hope she knew made little sense to, well. Normal people.
Isaac -
"Hell, girl -- I didn't even know enough of the Reavers made it out of here to drag you with em." Ike rumbled in his chest, ill at ease with the implications, with what had been done to Cat. "It's possible they re-formed, whoever got out. But I don't know if they'd make another attempt on Redwood without being absolutely sure they wouldn't get shitcanned again." He reached for her arm again, not wanting to give up contact so soon. "You wanna tell me? About what your last two years have been? You don't have to." Ike didn't wait too long before he qualified it: "Yet."
Catherine -
Staring where he touched, hope was barbed wire. It cut and cut and cut. "Deep mountain..." Cat started, quiet like Confession. "Burned me like witches, Papa Bear."
She stole one hand back to hike up the mud-stiff, blood-stiff shirt. "Couldn't even think up new pain for me." Her laugh was as cracked as the rest of her, burn scars rippling across her abdomen at the motion. Cat let the shirt drop and sighed. "Tedious little men didn't die new, either."
A beat pause and her expression went someplace else. "The rest can be later." For now, Cat wanted to think about him. Hope and its teeth.
Her free hand traced the edge of his jaw, the crown of his hair. Hovering just shy of touch. "You've got new grays."
Isaac -
Back into the fractured spoken word that Cat tended to, when it was with other people. With him, she managed fuller sentences; like this, talking about the things she'd been through anew, she was roof tiles. Fish scales. Pieces slotted under the ones that went over them, and you kind of had to know where she'd started or you'd miss plenty. Good thing Papa Bear already knew her bare and untiled. Ike reached out and folded his fingers into the hem of her shirt, feeling his nails bumping against the scarred flesh. "I got more years on me, kitling," he said, broaching the last half-inch to push his head against her fingers, letting them run along his scar track from the scalping. "And I'm feeling em all, these days. But I got a place to rest my head that's all mine." He kept hold of her shirt. "You could too. Find ways to rest that don't reignite all those pains."
Catherine -
Her vision blurred hot, didn't matter how hard her muscles tensed. Joints creaked and popped and still some hot fell. Isaac had deep damage like her, but the charm to slip through crowds like satin through fingers. "They won't accept me. I don't know how to be the way you can be."
She inhaled sharply at the confession wrung loose, and pressed her wet eyes closed against his hairline. "Normal isn't in me."
Cat held Isaac as tight as she could with bars between them; wishing as always that she could climb between his ribs and live there, instead. "They're going to see me and do what everyone with sense does." And wasn't that the darkest truth? The deepest and scariest thing? To be seen and found unworthy. To carry the shame of trying.
Hope and its teeth.
Isaac -
"Oh, believe me -- I still got enough rough edges that I get snapped and snarled at. I live outside the town gates for a reason. But even with that it's still worth being here." Ike could feel Cat's tears against his skin, was glad that he wasn't looking at her face for it; she could maintain some of her fierce independence that way, cry in peace but the safety of his presence. "You don't have to be any kind of normal except your own."
Ultimately, though, Ike could pet and soothe Cat till the cows came home, but that programming inside her was a motherfucker to quiet down. Didn't he know that too? Didn't all the catechisms of Ark chant in his head unceasingly until the heroin shut them up? "You have me," Ike said, because that was proven, that was dependable. "And you'll have the raiders. That's a place to start."
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dezznuggz · 8 months
LTLVC WINS $50,000
The groupchat × reader insert
~This will basically be about LTLVC YouTube vid part 4 and how the reader reacts to each groupchat member's elimination.
•(DO NOT READ IF U HAVE NOT SEEN THE VID YET, THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!) There will be use of y/n, reader will go by she/her(sorry) this is my first time so tell me if anything's wrong and pls give me requests. Don't be a silent reader and plz give request...enjoy
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We are about a million hours into the challenge and everyone is doing good so far, or that's atleast what they're trying to show. I'm also trying to act off as if I'm not tired by moving around and talking alot. Right now I'm currently eating hot fries while swinging from side to side in my chair. We just finished doing lights off and during lights off I felt like I was losing it mostly when tanner danced as a floating shirt and having nick get mad at us for not being able to be quiet for 5 mins (I was the main person being loud)
"tanner are u still there?" Isaac asks since tanners been quiet, "yea I'm still here, I'm watching the Simpsons look!" Tanner says as he shows us his phone where he was literally watching the Simpsons on Twitter. "Nick?" Isaac moves on to asking Nick since he looks a little too asleep. "Mmm" nick responds to Isaac since he's too sleepy to even respond correctly. "Bro ur barely awake" Isaac tells Nick since he can practically see Nick having on from just a thread, "no I'm just keeping my eyes closed, I'm listening to y'all's conversation.." nick says with his eyes still closed, "bro your actually kidding there's no way your getting sleepy this early its ridiculous" I say to nick cause honestly it is outrageous, "im not sleepy im just bored since im sitting here doing nothing and im fucking cold!" Nick says slightly irritated for being accused of sleeping.
A little bit of time goes by, I'm watching YouTube videos to keep myself entertained, everyone else is talking to each other about God knows what then grunk makes a statement on how Nick looks like Eminem so I take a look at my discord and see Nick with his head down with his hood on. Everyone starts making comments on how he's asleep, then we all turn silent and start whispering to see if Nick responds then suddenly we hear him snoring and all of us practically freak out quietly. "Nick if you don't respond in 10 seconds then I'll remove you for falling asleep first 4 times in a row" Isaac says while whispering. "This is embarrassing" I say very quietly.
Isaac then removes nick from the call and all of us were honestly shocked for Nick to fall asleep and get eliminated that early. "Did anyone's else's heart rate like start going up cause mine did" Larry says equally as shocked as everyone, "dude there's actually no way he got out this early, he actually wanted to stay for a long time bro I feel bad" I say since Nick was talking non stop how this year was his year. "That's a new record" tanner says while laughing, "Isaac you have to make the tweet, one down" Larry tells Isaac with tanner still laughing in the back. "He really didn't want to get out yet" yumi says while still shocked, "yea he didn't even get to play lethal company with us" yumi says. Then Larry and Yumi start acting like Nick when he said he wasn't asleep. "He's going to be so mad" I say already knowing how Nick is, "he's probably still asleep bro" grunk says. Nick then joins the call again seeming a little more awake, "hey man wassup" grunk says to nick, then Nick starts talking about how he just had his head down. "Dude you were just sleeping and snoring away" I say and tanner laughs, "you did this to yourself, why'd you do this to yourself, you chose the most comfortable position to sleep in". "You get in the most coziest spots". "Why do you get in the most coziest spots like come on", me, tanner, and grunk start shaming on Nick for practically self sabotaging himself. Nick then says his final goodbyes before leaving the call to sleep while we still have to stay for $50,000.
I don't even know how long we've been awake and I don't even remember how long ago yesterday was. After Nick left we had some surprising guests like Santa (who said I was on the naughty list for always being loud and screaming at the boys), and Nick also joined back to the call for a little bit, which we terrorized him for eating almost a dozen donuts. We are doing lights off right now and Larry has a special challenge for us called the black market challenge that he had planned since last year. For the black market challenge we had to listen to men whimpering for SIX WHOLE MINUTES. "That was like cross my heart and hope to die send me to hell now God challenge!" Yumi says after being fully annoyed by the whimper audio, "I'm never participating in the black market challenge ever again" I say after being traumatized, "I'm not gonna lie but that did not feel like 6 minutes, that felt like an hour" tanner says while laughing.
"well I'm going to bed dude, I have to prepare for exams tomorrow" grunk says while sounding sleepy and also a little bit sad. "That's a very mature thing to do grunk, I'm proud of you" I say so grunk doesn't feel fully disappointed in himself for giving up on $50k. Larry then makes a statement on how grunk was a good soldier while Yumi flashbangs himself multiple times while smiling like an insane person. Grunk then explains how he knew he wouldn't have been able to win after hearing Yumi being fully committed to the challenge. "You know what this as a message for everyone to never let a last to leave vc ruin your college" everyone laughs at what I said. "Yes, yes I know but next year imma clear my schedule" grunk says. Everyone says their goodbyes to grunk as he fist bumps his camera and leaves.
"this call looks empty dude" Yumi says as now seeing how far he came, "I'm watching AI Santa clause" tanner says out of the blue "what???" I say while laughing. "Dude I feel bad, ISAAC WHAT THE HELL!" I scream at Isaac, "what did I do?!!" Isaac replies back confused, "I don't know I just need to argue to keep me awake" I say while talking in a much lower and calmer way. "Now I see why you got put on the naughty list" yumi says, I then look at the camera shocked and jokingly hurt, "alright you know what then I'm gonna leave the call" I say while closing my eyes to make it more believable that I'm going to quit, "NO ACTUALLY DONT!" Yumi screams at me to "wake" me up, "yeah that's what I thought keep that same energy" I say and I go back to my phone while Isaac laughs.
I didn't even bother to keep track of time anymore, at this point I'm army crawling my way to stay awake. Yumi is talking to me but I'm mostly responding to him in a mumbling way or in a short way. Larry takes notice that I'm getting sleepy so he also starts talking to me while trying to make me laugh but as Larry tries talking to me, Yumi ends up being the one responding to Larry while I just zone out and contemplate life. I soon see tanner walk off somewhere to the right but I don't think much of it cause of all people, he's the main one that keeps moving around. "y/n, you good?" Isaac asks me as he sees me being quiet, "I'm straight, I'm Gucci, I'm pure, I'm at my finest right now, if you ask me how good I am right now id tell you I'm good" I say rambling and mumbling on words, "what?!?!" Larry says while laughing at how drained I am right now. "Y/n you can not fall asleep right now! I'm not ready! I'm not there yet!" Yumi yells at me knowing that if I fall asleep then he's gonna want to leave the call. "Woah who said I was falling asleep, did u not just hear how fucking fresh I am right now" I say no longer mumbling, "where's tanner?" Isaac asks, "I think he went to the bathroom I don't know" Larry answers Isaac's question and we continue talking about how Isaac's dad was practically giving us a little nap break, "no cause I remember when I got eliminated the first time, I was going to play it off as a joke" Larry says while trying to keep himself awake, "dude I remember that, I felt so bad but it was so funny" I say while laughing a little. "It's like when you're in class and your feet fall" Yumi says as he acts as if he fell over but got woken up in class, "exactly like that then you gotta check to see what everyone else is doing and they're all reading" I say while laughing starting to get a little more energized. "Is tanner still in the bathroom?" Isaac asks but no one really answers him but instead Yumi makes a new conversation about his PC being bipolar or something.
We then all hear a phone ring and we go quiet, "who are you calling?" I asked the question that Larry and Yumi wanted to ask, "are y'all 100% sure that tanners in the bathroom?" Isaac asks while being a little bit suspicious. "I heard him say he was going to the bathroom". "I didn't hear him say he was going to the bathroom" Yumi and Larry say almost at the same time, "when tanner says he's going to the bathroom, we don't know" laughing a little Knowing that tanner would do something dumb like that. "Imma head downstairs to get a bowl of cereal, you want me to check in tanners room?" I ask Isaac, "yea can you do that please thank you" Isaac responds to me and I head out of my room. I walk into tanners room and although it's dark I can still see the big dark figure laying on tanners bed that so happens to be tanner himself, I let out a quiet giggle and I walk over to his PC. I bring his mic close to my mouth "he's laying on his bed playing angry birds" I say very quietly and I let out a breathy laugh, I then go to tanners bed and I take a picture, after the picture I take his phone and show Yumi and tanner that I have his phone, "he's knocked out cold, he's dead asleep, he's out dude" I say before having tanner leave the call.
I got my bowl of cereal and I walked back into my room to still hear Yumi, Larry, and Isaac talking about tanners elimination, "wait y/n did you take a picture?" Isaac asks me, "oh yeah let me send it to y'all" I say while laughing a little while still remembering how tanner looked while asleep. "No yea I walk in there and he's fucking asleep, I didn't get a good picture of it tho but he only has 2 stars on every level" I say to the people that are still left in the call, "wait what I thought you get 3 stars automatically if you complete the level" Yumi says a little shocked on how much of a noob tanner is at angry birds. "Alright new challenge y/n, we listen to lullaby music while watching the herds till we fall asleep" Larry says while chuckling, "we get tucked in, a binky, and a warm glass of milk" Yumi butts in, "alright I'm down" I say while being sleep deprived.
I'm already sleep deprived and at this point I'm finding everything funny for some reason and it doesn't make it better when Yumi won't stop talking about something dumb. "What's up with my lighting? What are you talking about? Are you jealous? Are you jealous cause you're poor? Oh you're not gonna get the 50k to help you buy it cause you're poor and you're gonna just stay poor" Yumi rambling to Larry about his lighting and I keep just keeping laughing at absolutely nothing, "oh yeah well you're so rich-" Larry cuts himself off from laughing, "y/n what are you laughing about?!!?" Larry asks while also laughing at me laughing about nothing. "Dude they're both at their breaking point" Isaac says while watching both Larry and I laugh non stop, "they're both losing it" Yumi adds on to what Isaac said.
Isaac then starts asking me why girls like thongs, "dude i don't know I haven't worn those in like ages" I say while calming down from laughing, "she hasn't worn a thong since 100 B.C" Larry says while laughing which caused me to laugh again. "No dude they just feel it different then what we feel" Yumi says but then quickly adds on how Isaac is gay for even thinking that, "no for real tho I think it has something to do with preventing less sweat and not to show our pantie lines" I say while still laughing a little, "oh no yea that too, girls don't like to show their pantie lines, yea I said that" Yumi says..."You did not say anything close to that" Isaac says. Isaac and Yumi start talking about whatever and I just kept zoning out to the point that I was falling asleep so I sat up straight and tried butting into their conversation to hopefully wake me up. "Isaac wake Larry up right now. There's no way he's sleeping, start the count down dude wake him up" Yumi says to Isaac while Isaac tries asking Larry what cuervo meant and he got no response. "No Larry better not be asleep I swear to god-" I say but got cut off by Isaac "wait wait okay 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0" Isaac counts down in a very unenthusiastic way. "KICK HIM! KICK HIM NOW!" Yumi yells at Isaac, who still gave Larry more time to wake up just in case he was trolling, "No dude they got Larry" I say fake crying as if he died. Larry then joins back after Yumi finishes his little celebration for being apart of the last 2, "dude what the fuck happened" I say to Larry, "no here's the thing- oh my God my heart is fucking beating fast!" Larry says and then he explains how him getting eliminated felt unreal and that he's not gonna be a sore loser about it which caused Yumi to compliment Larry for being a good teammate. "Bye Larry cheer for me in your dreams, imma win this for you" I say to Larry before Larry jokingly blows a girly kiss and wave at his camera then leaving.
It was just me, Yumi, and Isaac and we were both over it. My strategy simply didn't work but instead back fired at me. I was supposed to talk and argue with everyone so I can stay awake but instead I ended up zoning out almost halfway through which caused me to become even sleepier. "Isaac if you paid me $5000 right now, I'll leave" I say as I'm trying to leave the call with atleast a little bit of money, "no absolutely not" Isaac says while being completely over everything going on, "okay how about $5,000.50¢?" I say still trying to leave the call with just a little bit of money, "ooo you know what that's a good deal I would take it" Yumi agrees with me, "what no, you guys do realize that I have to give the winner 50k while also paying the loser 5k?" Isaac says trying to reason with me and Yumi but we still don't seem to get it and Isaac just gets frustrated.
"on the scale from 1-10 how sleepy are you Yumi?" Isaac asks Yumi so that he too can stay awake, "I would say, I would say, I would say, I don't know, id probably say-". "DUDE WHATS YOUR SCALE AT RIGHT NOW??!!" I scream at Yumi cause him not comprehending is causing me to not comprehend either. "I don't know id say I'm in another planet but I'm not sleepy, like I'm in another planet that higher and better than y'all's planet" Yumi says and it goes silent, "...imma be honest with you, for someone that says they on another planet, you don't look like you're on another planet right now?" I say while laughing a little which caused Yumi to laugh, "no cause y/n laughs at her own jokes" Yumi says while laughing, "honestly if y/n could date herself she would, wouldn't you y/n?" Isaac asks "if I could fuck myself I would trust me" I say without a single thought in my brain and all Isaac and Yumi did was laugh.
"okay one of y'all has to be on the verge to quit and I'm taking a bet that it's y/n" Isaac says in hopes of riling y/n up so she can stay awake, "how'd you know, Isaac's so smart, you're a smart guy Isaac" I say in a sarcastic tone cause I am on the verge of quiting, "Isaac you know y/n got invited to a Christmas party yesterday" Yumi says since isaac conversation plan didn't work out, "YEAHHHHHH" i say in a very cheer tone, "you're going for the food aren't you?" Isaac says, "yeah" I say back to my calm self while looking at my phone and Yumi laughs.
I'm looking at my phone and my mouth literally hangs open and my head starts feeling like 50 pounds so I nod off for a little bit since Yumi and Isaac are talking so a couple seconds of sleep wouldn't hurt. I feel relaxed, I feel better, I feel fresh, I feel happy, I feel...wait...why's everything quiet? I open my eyes to see my PC on the general chat and my heart completely falls to my ass. I panic and I see that Isaac and Yumi are still in the call so I quickly join. "Y/N WHAT HAPPENED?!!??" Isaac screams in my ear and I'm still shocked like I don't even know what's going on, "dude I swear I wasn't even asleep!" I say as I have a shocked face the whole time and no longer feeling sleepy, "I was actually rooting for you y/n, I'm so disappointed" Isaac says while Yumi cheers and laughs. "IM JUST AS SHOCKED AS YOU ISAAC WHAT THE FUCKKK" I say also disappointed in myself cause I came so far and I never won any of the LTLVC, I thought this year was also going to be my year. Yumi and I have calmed down but Yumi is still chatty and hyped up at the fact that he won $50,000, "Isaac...am I still gonna get the $5,000.50¢?" I ask politely, "no get the fuck out the call, congrats on winning Yumi, imma go to sleep leave me alone" Isaac says as he disconnects me and Yumi and I headed to sleep Knowing that I could've won half a million.
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movierentals · 27 days
i'd love to plot out some m/m smut threads where i can play the top, either on here or discord. i'm open to most faceclaims, but some of my favorite opposites at the moment are: nico greetham, zane phillips, dacre montgomery, taron egerton, charles melton, john boyega, phil dunster, manny jacinto, kit connor, jack champion, aaron taylor-johnson, austin butler, jack quaid, isaac powell, oscar isaac, mike faist, milo manheim, jonathan bailey, charlie bushnell, richard madden, brandon flynn, joshua bassett, gavin casalegno, taylor zakhar perez, mike faist, joel kim booster, glen powell, and chris evans ! please like if you're interested in plotting and i'll shoot you a message.
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comiiical · 10 months
Online. Awake. Soft af.. Isaac, Noah, Mason, Gale Fox, Peter (with Taylor), Phillip, Ian, Valentine and Jeremy are the loudest muses. Followed by any Prue or Phoebe related muse, and Conner. I am not in the mood for any form fo old thread (sorry), but let me know if you want to write with my person. Be it here or on discord. Send in a meme or throw me a starter for an specific muse. Rather have back and forth threads.
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2023 updated about me ! 🔮
what's up internet residents, I'm Ace/Credence/Ajay ♍︎ august 26 | infj-t | tone indicators appreciated :] my pronouns are he/they (and zi/zim/zir neos !) bilingual (english + svenska)
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✩BYF/DNI✩ IRL's please don't interact with this account (or any associated with it), I have it separate from my private ones for a reason and it makes me uncomfortable :') (unless I explicitly told you otherwise (hi Tony :) )), thank you !
I'm a minor, I don't mind adults interacting with me just please keep in mind I'm -18 and don't be icky, otherwise we can all have a good ol' time
if I block you, it's for a reason, don't try to refollow me on alts (common sense people)
Resolve things privately please, I don't particularly like arguing over threads at 3am lol (and don't hesitate to reach out ! let me know if I do something that made you uncomfortable, I promise it's not intentional and I want to prevent doing so in the future :) )
apologists & shtwt/edtwt (and their subtwts.) DNI
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✩INTERESTS✩ (♡) = Special Interest | (!) = Hyperfixation
psychology, forensic science, theology, wizard101/pirate101, inscryption, the binding of Isaac, dungeons & dragons, overwatch, 2000's/emo stuff, art, music, writing, Eragon, Skyrim, lord of the rings, game of thrones, dragonheart: vengance, true lives of the fab killjoys, various bandoms, Minecraft, roblox, warrior cats/survivors, harry potter (I don't support rowling, I mainly consume fan content nowadays), fantastic beasts, Percy Jackson, DEEMO, escape the night, critical role, Jekyll & Hyde, Hamilton, Hetero, I'm not okay with this, Artemis fowl, renn fair & medieval stuff, the umbrella academy, dan & phil, madoka magica, Undertale, Deltarune, bell book and candle (and SO many more I cannot remember to include,,)
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✩SOCIALSI✩ spacehey - (click here) livejournal - (click here) twitter - (click here) youtube - (click here) tiktok - (click here) (or sen.dmylove but thats a private one) discord - credenceanon
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✩COOL USERS !✩ Mal ! ♡ - ❤ Nico - ❤ Cait - ❤ Fox - ❤ Quinn - ❤
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✩MY TAGS !✩ #cryptidcreationz - art
#hazyantics - writing + stuff from my livejournal
#cred. - song drafts n stuff
#showerdump - random thought dumps
#aceonthemove - irl content (because sometimes I DO touch grass)
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chaptsickz · 10 months
writing partner search ౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆
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hello there and welcome to my roleplay request thread! my name is josephina but please feel free to call me josie. i am twenty-three years old (she/they) and i've been roleplaying a little over a decade now and i currently live within the est timezone. please note that this roleplay search thread contains a triggering topic; legal age gaps. please refrain from reading further if this topic triggers you.
my reply time/activity level is medium to low at the moment due to my current work schedule. i am an incredibly slow replier and generally enjoy writing with those who are also as slow─ i can, however, promise at least one reply per week though it is usually more.
onto what i'm searching for! (minors dni!)
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i am currently on the prowl for a mlw/bxg original small-town romance roleplay featuring a old grumpy man. (bonus points if he's a cowboy) i am searching for writers to play male while i play female. i've been nose-deep in romance books that feature that grumpy/sunshine pairing and i'm truly craving it. though, I'm also completely down for a good ol' masc!golden retriever/fem!black cat dynamic as well.
i have lots of ideas, however, none of them are fully fleshed out and I'm keeping this rather vague on purpose. i'd like to flesh something out together with someone rather than do all the work with the plot. however, one thing i'm really looking for in our pairing are (legal) age gaps. if you're comfortable playing old men, I'd love to talk. (to give an example, some face-claims i adore are josh duhamel, jeffrey dean morgan, hugh jackman, jensen ackles, tom Hhdleston, pedro pascal, and oscar isaac.) i am currently not interested in writing against male characters that are younger than forty. (my character will be late-twenties to early thirties.) if that isn't something you're interested in/comfortable with, i suppose now would be the time to exit my thread.​
i love tropes such as friends to lovers, strangers to lovers, soft rivals/enemies to lovers, grumpy/sunshine, power imbalance, pet names, affairs/cheating (stemmed from abusive or neglectful situations only), hurt/comfort, soulmates, size differences/small woman and large man, experienced/inexperienced, omegaverse tropes/werewolves, widow(er)/new lover.​
i do have some things that i am looking for in a writing partner and just some general conditions when it comes to writing with me so please read them over before messaging me.
please be at least 20+! even if we don't write smut, i'm simply not interested in writing with teenagers and would rather write with folks who are closer to my own age range. thank you!
i write via email, gdocs, or tumblr posts. i'm not very experienced writing on gdocs or tumblr posts, but i'd love to give them a shit because it seems fun! i do not write on discord, please do not ask. (lots bad experiences, i forget i have it, i'll probably accidentally ghost because i rarely use it.)
i can write in first or third pov, but i'm not very picky. i am more experienced in third pov, but again not picky. i typically write a mix of past and present tense, however i can stick to past or present depending on your preference. ( my roleplay responses always have proper capitilization, i just write with a lowercase aesthetic. )
i am an advanced literate writer and my responses typically range from 700-800 words. i am hoping to write with folks who can also meet this standard of length, and description, and maybe even push me to write more. however, i am a firm believer in quality over quantity and there is no reason for long paragraphs of fluff and nonsense just to meet a quota. as long as your replies have substance that pushes the story forward, i'll be happy.
please do not rush me for replies. checking in after a week or so is more than okay, however if you are the type that gets anxious after a day or couple of hours of no response then please steer clear. i have lots of anxiety about being rushed to do tasks and it makes me avoidant and i do not want my writing hobby to become a chore i avoid like the plague. ( things such as "hello??" and "???" are rude and i'll end the roleplay/block for that. )
i am more than happy to add in spicy themes and scenes into the roleplay, and i am typically one to write them out fully rather than fade to black. however, i am a strong believer of build-up and timing and will not force a spicy scene if it doesn't come naturally or pre-planned by us. i ask that you do the same, we can chat more privately about this though.
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that is it from me! if you are interested in writing together, please feel free to shoot me a private message and we'll discuss plot, where we'll roleplay, and everything else. thank you so much for reading, i really look forward to hearing from y'all!
warm regards,
josie ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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muutosarchive · 2 years
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———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME:  morgan
PRONOUNS: she/her
TAKEN OR SINGLE:  taken, engaged. duh.
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1 -   i've recently lost forty pounds.
2 -  currently on personal leave from work
3 -   i have seven tattoos, three piercings (not including two in each ear), & my ears are stretched to almost an inch.
PLATFORMS USED: tumblr, discord, omegle, email, facebook (irl friends only)
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: I prefer plotting, but i do love a good meme.
GENDER: male, for sure.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S): idk i mostly only use musicians these days, i've kinda moved away from actors. i'm gonna probably say like, instagram models prolly? oscar isaac is kinda overused. idk just overused faces!
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: always good, but like my friend ben i only really fluff to make everything else juicier. although, i do love having threads every so often where it's only fluff.
ANGST: i love angst, love to smear angst all over myself (i stole this answer from @/bctclgevse) but no fr, it's my favourite. i made everything needlessly angsty & i am well aware of it.
SMUT: i am very fond of it! i think it's very fun to write, and for me as a person it is something i engage in frequently due to my own wishes. sometimes i worry about it, but mostly it's fun -- & while it's clearly not all i'm here for, & i don't mind if my partner doesn't care -- it is a favourite of mine! & i find it's helped me grow as a writer a lot, in a lot of ways, to get more comfortable with my own smut writing.
tagged by: @bctclgevse <3 thank you! tagging: @gwanzhu , @theholysoldier , @cyberpawn , @diicktective , @divinehr , @vileincarnations , @goldshadows
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teamgamble · 1 year
What pokemon do you think you'd be?
Dear Arc. Alright, I had everyone in Discord get together in a thread to answer this.
Mod Isaac
I'd be a Haunter. Maggie would be a Chansey. Cain says he'd either be a Cubone or a Trapinch. Judas wants to be a Toxtricity. Evelyn told us fae would be fine being any blooming Grass-type. For Samson it was an immediate "Mankey". Azazel doesn't give a shit as long as they can be a Flying-type bird. Laz says he wants to be a Salamence. Eden didn't say. I think they don't care what Pokemon they'd be? Lily would be a Houndoom if she had the choice. Apollo would like to be a Scizor. Beth would go Tinkaton, because, to quote, "she wants to be the most violent Fairy-type". Jacob wants to be an Espeon. And Esau said he'd be a Charizard.
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griffongrey · 1 year
Mun: Ivy, 25, she/her
GODMODDING, METAGAMING, ETC: Standard rules apply. Don’t do it, please.
SEMI-SELECTIVE: I’m open to rping with pretty much anyone, but I’m more likely to reply to mutuals. My askbox is open to everyone, regardless of mutuals status, and is a great way to get my attention if I’m not following you yet. 
ACTIVITY: Sometimes I’m really fast with replies, other times I’m nowhere to be seen for weeks/months at a time. It just depends on my mood and current hyperfixation. Sorry. 
SHIPPING & NSFW: I love shipping! I’m just not comfortable roleplaying sex, so I’ll end up fading-to-black on any IC interactions that head in that direction. OOC discussion of sex may happen, however, so I ask that any shipping partners be 18+. Anything of that nature will be tagged “nsfw tw” and possibly put under a read-more.
LENGTH & STYLE:  Your fancy formatting or lack thereof doesn’t matter to me, but I’ll try to match whatever you’re doing on that front. As for thread lengths: one-liners, paragraphs, novella-length, anything goes. Do be aware, though, I have a tendency to accidentally double the length of any thread I write. Please do not feel obligated to match my length when I do that.
PLOTTING: I like to get at least an idea of how our characters might interact to begin with, but I’m also open to just winging it. My favorite place to plot is on discord, and I can give out my handle to any mutuals who want it.
TRIGGERS: I personally don’t have any, but I try to tag the common triggers as “____ tw”. If you have anything specific you need tagging, just message me, on anon if you need to, and I’ll make sure to tag it. If I forget to tag something, first, I’m so sorry, and second, just shoot me a message and I’ll fix it.
CREDITS: The Dragon Age Keep-style art for my characters was done by Lydia-Isaac. The World State and personality graphics on my Characters page are from templates by Marian Churchland.
Thanks for reading all this. I look forward to roleplaying with you!
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bluevclvct · 2 years
hello!! i am looking for 1 or 2 new long term rp partners on discord– i am a 24 year old full-time university student (she/her) that now has a lot of free time. i try my best to be as active as i can (right now i can usually do around 3-4 posts per day and am looking for something quicker, though if some days we can’t post then thats good with me!!) i love just doing a mix of novella style/paragraph or rapid fire stuff or even text message threads, etc. (i’m also big on doing pinterest boards, headcannons, and making playlists). i tend to just follow along with whatever my partner likes, or what works best in the moment. i’m comfortable playing any gender or ship, though i am looking for only plots where we double or do a mumu, so we each take two characters (sometimes three) each. i’m going to throw some fcs i’d love to play/play against, some plot ideas etc., below here, so please like this or message me if you’d be interested in plotting something out at all!! ✧・゚: ✧・゚:
(please take these fc’s with a grain of salt!! it’s just to put out some interest– if you want to plot but don’t like any of these fcs, no worries!!) highlighted are the ones im really looking for right now! 
fcs i would like to play; jessie mei li, margaret qualley, adeline rudolph, daisy edgard jones, carey mulligan, lucy boynton, lydia night, 
fcs i’m fine playing or playing against; dane dehaan, sydney sweeney, timothee chalamet, lisa asano, archie renaux, logan lerman, dylan o’brien, robert sheehan, austin abrams, robert pattinson 
fcs i would like to play against; adam driver, barry koeghan, andrew garfield, bill skarsgard, oscar isaac, steven yeun, joseph morgan, thomas brodie sangster
fandom stuff (wether we centre it in the universe, or take the concept of the plot and make it our own):  stranger things, the umbrella academy, harry potter, the golden compass, narnia, the last of us 
so i’m very open to original plots and also a little bit of fandom stuff. i will say that if we do something fandom, i am not comfortable playing canon characters and will only do my own original characters. i am happy to play against canon characters, however (with some exceptions- i will do canon x oc in the harry potter universe)!
i’m really into darker plots right now, morally grey characters, etc. also love supernatural and found family stuff!! and of course, romance. i love for it to be a part of the plot.
as for smut, i will say i’m rather new to doing it– as such, i’m only comfortable writing f/f and f/m as i get a hang of it. i also don’t want to roleplay to revolve around it!! i’m good with or without including it.
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infinityyrp · 3 years
Hello! I'm a 10+ year experienced roleplayer and I'm looking for a few specific things! If that's you, I can't wait to hear from you!
For starters, I'm a female, My name is Sunnie. I'm well over 21 and would prefer roleplayers in the 21+ age group. I prefer role-playing with other females, but if you're a male and not on any creepy shit, I will consider it.
There will be dark, mature themes as well as high fantasy/supernatural aspects.
All OCs are welcome!
Now as for what I'm looking for. I'm looking for someone around for rapid fire daily aside from when we each get busy, because it happens. That's life lol.
I'm also looking for someone literate and descriptive. I will not give less than 3 paragraphs a reply and expect the same other wise the story goes nowhere!
I roleplay in 3rd person, past tense, and I also roleplay in 1st. It doesn't matter to me.
I double! Two roleolays going on at once, a story/plot that we each choose so it's fair. I play your crush, you play mine!
If you aren't experienced playing a Male character, then I'm not the partner for you. I have experience playing both genders and have come accustomed to really channeling testosterone and expect the same effort lol.
I have no limits except pedophilia, bathroom play and incest. Those are my hard no's.
I'm self insert friendly, lgbtq friendly and definitely kink friendly.
As for fandoms, I'm looking for someone to roleplay teen wolf. I'm looking for someone to be Derek Hale for my OC who is Scott's twin sister. I do like to age everyone up!
In the teen wolf Fandom, I roleplay best as Scott, Peter, Theo or Isaac. I have also dabbled in Malia and Kira. But I will GLADLY play whoever you want.
I'm new to the Superman and Lois Fandom, and would also like someone to play Clark Kent/Superman for me and again. I'd Play whoever you wanted - Including the Dark alternate version of Clark/Superman.
Other fandoms I'm in that I would gladly roleplay for your thread are:
The vampire diaries
The originals
I'm also hella into OC roleplay! I like world building!
I'm also not ghost friendly, we are grown so communicating is required. Why just drop off the face of the earth without an explanation? That's rude and childish. Be straight up and keep it moving.
If you've made it this far and still want to roleplay, great!
My discord is ToInfinityyy#3748
Sometimes my tag doesn't work so if you can't find me, comment your discord tag on this post and I'll add you! 😁
Looking forward to hearing from you!
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teamgamble · 1 year
Seeing that Dialga roleplayer in that reply chain is having me go, “fuck yeah sacrilegious swag, go fuck up Team Snagem.” But also, I have religious trauma over Dialga and Palkia so I’m not going to keep track of the thread for long.
Anyways, for the other mods who haven’t seen the Discord but who are looking at this blog, we’re meeting at the hideout in one hour.
Mod Isaac
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harmcomforts · 4 years
i’ve got a laptop to use thanks to my boyfriend and i would love some more distractions in the form of more partners/threads. i’m willing to write on tumblr or on discord (preferably with gifs and using tupperbox but it’s not 100% necessary). if you’re interested in anything under the cut, give this a like and i’ll come to you or even im me!
fcs i want to use
candice king
january jones
pete davidson
erinn westbrook
rory culkin
jordan connor
mia healey
josh whitehouse
ben levin
david harbour
blair redford
jack mulhern
jessica alexander
evan roderick
fcs i want to write against
harry shum jr.
abigail cowen
hannah van der westhuysen
madelaine petsch
ozge ozacar
priscilla quintana
adeline rudolph
lili reinhart 
natasha liu bordizzo
lily cowles
casimere jollette
lorenzo zurzolo
britt robertson
sydney sweeney
wanted ships
hilarie burton x sophia bush
aria shahghasemi x danielle rose russell or jenny boyd
anya taylor-joy x henry zaga
adam driver x daisy ridley or oscar isaac
sydney sweeney x pete davidson
erinn westbrook x lili reinhart, camila mendes or cole sprouse 
ben levin x kaylee bryant or jenny boyd
zane holtz x priscilla quintana
marlo kelly x herizen guardiola
vanessa morgan x hunter schafer or barbie ferreira
plot wishlist
rich kids being messy, preferably living in nyc or moving around globally, getting into trouble, ruining lives etc
best friends to lovers or enemies to lovers
college m*rder mystery, two or more people trying to solve who killed their friend
90s or 80s slasher, could be high school, could be camp, any of the cliches or none of them
crime stuff: mafia, gangs, cons and heists, i love all of it
supernatural stuff, especially werewolves and/or witches
small towns with lots of gossip, people returning home
domestic stuff, families and babies, trying to figure it all out
plots that are from my wishlist tag
“muse a is a guardian angel that has been masquerading as a human for centuries. muse a’s mission is to infiltrate themselves into their assignment’s lives and keep them safe until their time is up. there are 3 rules that each guardian angel must follow. don’t harm your assignment, don’t tell them your true identity, and never fall in love with them. muse a has never broken a single rule, until they meet muse b, their newest assignment. muse a ends up falling in love with muse b and struggles with the decision to tell muse b the truth, or keep their secret to themselves.“
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tabbytabbytabby · 4 years
2020 Writer Memes
I was tagged by the lovely @matan4il. Thank you! 💜
Writer Interview
Name(s): Tabitha, Tabby, Tabs (username tabbytabbytabby)
Fandom(s): So so many. My favorite ones this year were 9-1-1, 9-1-1 Lonestar, Chicago Fire, Prodigal Son, The Rookie, The Mandalorian, Anne With An E, Teen Wolf, Merlin, Hawaii Five-0, Agents of SHIELD, Julie and the Phantoms, The Umbrella Academy, The Witcher, Star Trek Discovery, The Good Place, New Amsterdam, The Resident, Roswell: New Mexico, All American, Doctor Who, and Once Upon A Time. I feel like I’m forgetting some. 2020 lasted a million years.
Where you post: AO3, mostly. Sometimes I double post to Tumblr if I have the time/feel like it.
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos) Overall/this year: High Hopes (906) (Sterek)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos) Overall/This Year: Gonna Make This Place My Home (433) (Thiam). This one was started in 2019, but I finished it this year so it counts.
Favorite story you’ve written so far: I’m going to take this to mean so far in 2020, and not like overall. Because that is far too much pressure. Even 2020 is hard since there are 203 things. All Doors Lead To You was one of my favorites I did this year though. It was an endeavour plotting that out but I had a lot of fun with it.
Fic you were nervous to post: I get a little nervous with all of them. Even with how much I’ve written, it still happens. But the one I was probably most nervous about was The Best Present I Ever Got, which was major character death. I write MCD alot for the Teen Wolf fandom, but it makes me nervous doing it for other fandoms because I never know what the reception will be same. Same with unrequited love, which is why I was also nervous about Somebody Else’s Arms.
How do you choose your titles? I should say now that I usually hate naming things. Especially lately, when I’ll think of a title for something and then realize I’ve already used it before (which is bound to happen with 800 fics but still). Sometimes the titles come from lines from the fic or something about it, sometimes the prompt itself if there was one, and then other times song titles. I’ve started a doc with lines from songs that can work as titles so maybe that’ll help me be more creative with them 😆
Do you outline? It depends on the fic, really. I usually have a doc with notes if it’s a longer fic that I can turn to. I have outlined for a few though. Especially for Quest For Camelot, because it helps me know what I have planned for the chapters and who I wanted to write for. Which helped after I took some time away from it. I had an outline when I was writing All Doors Lead To You as well, which helped me keep track of which universe I wanted to have in which chapter and colors for doors, etc. 
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: I’m pretty excited for my fic for the Buddie Big Bang. If it turns out how I want it to, it’s definitely going to be one of my favorites that I’ve done. I have a Sterek fic I’ve been working on that I’m pretty excited about too and hope to have done in the next couple of weeks.
AO3 stats (for 2020)
Amount of works posted: 203
Total word count: 608,437
Longest fic: Reconcile (80,545) (Thiam)
Shortest fic: Rainy Night (106) (Sterek)
Fic with the most kudos: High Hopes (906) (Sterek)
Fic with the most bookmarks: You Are In Love (153) (Buddie)
Fic with the most comment threads: All Doors Lead To You (90)
Total amount of kudos: 37,116
Total amount of bookmarks: 4,795
Total amount of comment threads: 1,976
Fandoms written for: 9-1-1, 9-1-1 Lonestar, Teen Wolf, Chicago Fire, Merlin, All American, Agents of SHIELD, Hawaii Five-0, Chicago PD, Prodigal Son, Criminal Minds, Star Wars, The Rookie, The Witcher, The Good Doctor
Fandom events you’ve written for: Fandom Trumps Hate, Fandom AU Fest, Jenna Geyer Appreciation Week, Dr. Geyer Appreciation Week, Buddie Big Bang, Thiam Big Bang, Sterek Week, Sterek Secret Santa, A small disord Secret Santa, 9-1-1, Crack Week, Secret Elf Buddie Discord fic exchange, Buddie Discord Advent,  Sprint September, Whumptober, TW Bingo, Greenberg Appreciation Week, Laura Hale Appreciation Week, Merthur Glompfest, Scisaac Week, and maybe more? This year has been a blur. 
Pairings written for: We’ll start with 9-1-1 and end with all the Teen Wolf pairings to make organization easier. Everything else in between. Here we go... Buddie, Jevan,  Eddie/Josh, Buck/TK, Arthur Pendragon/Josh Russo, Greenberg/TK Strand, Brettsey, Chenford, Merthur, Geraskier, McDanno, Tarlos, Daisysous, Luke/Penelope, Finnpoe, Melendaire, Ashivia, Malcolm Bright/Derek Hale, Thiam, Sterek, Steo, Chris Argent/Dr. Geyer, Scott/Nolan, Scisaac, Berica, Morey, Therek, Isaac/Theo, Greenberg/Derek, Isaac/Jackson, Danny/Theo/Jackson, Halemore, Sceo, Danny/Jackson, Danny/Greenberg, Isaac/Danny, Liam Dunbar’s Mother/Liam Dunbar’s Father
Favorite fic you’ve written this year: I answered this above and said Doors, but here I want to mention my Geraskier fic I’m Mr. Brightside because it’s something I’m really damn proud of. And also a mention to my Theo/Derek fic Strangers on a Train where they meet The Doctor. It wasn’t something many people read, but I had fun writing it. ALSo, my Jevan fake dating AU You’re My Favorite Place
Goals for next year: Continue writing and being productive. It’s going to be hard over the next few months since I’m in the home stretch of nursing school (done in June). But I want to write when I can and just keep enjoying it.
Gonna tag (and sorry if you’ve done this already. I’m late here): @lovelylittlegrim @hazelestelle @novemberhush @manonisamelon @acejuddryder @schweetheart @theproblemwithstardust @dopemixtape @halinski @snaeken @li0nh34rt @lightfiretomypaperwings @imjustafangirl-nobodylovesme @underthegallowws @theladyandthewolves @seylaaurora (and anyone else that wants to do this, just say I tagged you!)
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bluevclvct · 3 years
hello!! i am looking for 1 or 2 new long term rp partners on discord-- i am a 24 year old full-time university student (she/her). i try my best to be as active as i can!! i love just doing a mix of novella style/paragraph or rapid fire stuff (especially this, i am super free for winter break) or even text message threads, etc. (i’m also big on doing pinterest boards, headcannons, and making playlists). i tend to just follow along with whatever my partner likes, or what works best in the moment. i’m comfortable playing any gender or ship, though i prefer doubling up so we each take two characters (sometimes three) each. i’m going to throw some fcs i’d love to play/play against, some plot ideas etc., below here, so please like this or message me if you’d be interested in plotting something out at all!! ✧・゚: ✧・゚:
(please take these fc’s with a grain of salt!! it’s just to put out some interest-- if you want to plot but don’t like any of these fcs, no worries!!)
fcs i would like to play; jessie mei li, margaret qualley, adeline rudolph, kitty chicha amatayakul, carey mulligan, lucy boynton
fcs i’m fine playing or playing against; dane dehaan, sydney sweeney, timothee chalamet, lisa asano, archie renaux, logan lerman, dylan o’brien, robert sheehan, austin abrams 
fcs i would like to play against; adam driver, barry koeghan, hoyeon jung, andrew garfield, bill skarsgard, oscar isaac, steven yeun, dev patel, thomas brodie sangster
fandom stuff (wether we centre it in the universe, or take the concept of the plot and make it our own):  stranger things, the umbrella academy, harry potter, the golden compass, narnia, the last of us
so i’m very open to original plots and also a little bit of fandom stuff. i will say that if we do something fandom, i am not comfortable playing canon characters and will only do my own original characters. i am happy to play against canon characters, however (with some exceptions)!
i’m really into darker plots right now, morally grey characters, etc. also love supernatural and found family stuff!! and of course, romance. i love for it to be a part of the plot.
as for smut, i will say i’m rather new to doing it-- as such, i’m only comfortable writing f/f and f/m as i get a hang of it. i also don’t want to roleplay to revolve around it!! i’m good with or without including it.
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andywrvts · 4 years
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CARNAL BEASTS , the name of this small verse , is a small town / crime role-play for writers who simply just want to get to it and write . We have no real MAIN account that you would typically see with a role-play . Instead , all important information will be hosted on this PINNED post . If you’re looking for a place where you simply want to write without having the wait time , please check out the information listed below . You’ll fnd some simple rules , how the group will run , what faces are taken , and the app . If you have questions , we would prefer if you sent an IM versus an anon message .
LOCATION: Fairview , New York
MUN COUNT: three .
simple guidelines.
We get that real life can be busy . All we really ask is that anyone joining keeps up with at least two threads a week . If it’s been a while ( a week or more ) without seeing you on the dash , we’ll do an unfollow . Unless someone is forcibly kicked out , members are free to join at any time .
Muns should be eighteen or above before joining this group . All faces and characters must be 20 or older . Also , since we’re all adults here , please be respectful of each other . Don’t be a dick . Don’t bully anyone . Don’t force plots . We will kick members out if they are causing unnecessary ooc drama .
Tag triggers . Don’t use faces that are overly problematic . If you have a question on whether or not we will accept a certain face , please send us an IM .
This is a mature small group . Mature or triggering content may happen here . Please be aware of that before joining .
We will have an ooc blog first . Anyone accept will get a link to the ooc blog . If it becomes easier to have an ooc discord chat or that’s what members request , we will move from the ooc blog to an ooc discord .
If a member chooses to pick up another character ,you don’t need to send another app . Just let us know the information in the ooc chat and we’ll update the page .
Members can be in charge of their own wanted connections . They can post about wanted connections and tag it on their blog . They can promo for it however they want to as many times as they want to ( just don’t constantly clog the dash ) .
We don’t have tracked tags . Members are free to come up with their own tagging system . Feel free to make a pinned post with any important links .
taken faces.
Matthew Daddario ( Kieran Moretti ) . penned by andy & 29 & she/they .
Andy Bean ( Holland Hayes ) . penned by andy & 29 & she/they .
Oscar Isaac ( Joaquin ‘ Quin ‘ Garcia ). penned by andy & 29 & she/they .
Riley Shelby ( Rudy Pankow ) .  penned by andy & 29 & she/they .
Kauri Munu ( Taika Waititi ) .  penned lou & 24 & they/them .  
Jeffrey Dean Morgan ( Sam de Santis ) . penned lou & 24 & they/them .
Timothee Chalamet ( Matteo Moretti ) . penned by lou & 24 & they/them .
Dominic Sherwood ( Joshua Shelby ) . penned by lou & 24 & they/them .
Odalie St. Vincent ( Anya Taylor-Joy ) . penned by shannon & 21 & she/they .
Riley Leigh ( Natalie Portman ) .  penned by shannon & 21 & she/they .
Roman Ridley ( Keira Knightley ) .  penned by shannon & 21 & she/they
This is a very simple app. Please send this app via the IM versus the ask box . Once a message is sent back , feel free to message this blog with your character account .
( in character ) : Character Name & Age & Face claim . ( out of character ): Name & Age & Pronouns .
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