#discourse I guess
”the silence of CCs in the face of abuse is miserable and has been a problem for decades” and “there are many reasons someone might be silent and not all of them are actual support in any sense of the word dont immediately blame people when they might have been in danger” and “the abuse wilbur did was fuelled by his misogyny” and “there is a lot of concerning stuff being said about male CCs- mostly minors- that indicate there might have been abuse behind the scenes there too and ignoring child abuse because the victim is a boy isn’t fighting the patriarchy it’s just also silencing victims” and “CCs should speak out” and “it’s been like six hours goddamn statements can take weeks” and “people who are victims can also enable abuse and they need to be held accountable” and “holding victims accountable for that sort of shit is not the same as people who aren’t have some basic fucking compassion” and “don’t assume anyone is a victim without evidence” and “manipulating, intimidating, and making people feel small and worthless is abuse like even if the words aren’t used that is straight up abuse that is an allegation of abuse” and “stop fucking misgendering nonbinary CCs you sound like terfs oh my fucking god” can all coexist at once actually.
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the-crimson · 8 months
Ok, I will say, completely divorced from the bbh v forever conflict, I have genuine criticisms of Forever’s voting in that it’s the second (of 3 idk how long the voting is open) day and most people on the server didn’t even know the voting was open again.
This isn’t neg at Forever or anything, it’s just an observation.
All the potential laws aren’t explained at all and are even mis represented in how little detail is given. Nerfing Lucky Ducks and waystones is the biggest example.
Etoiles doesn’t want to Nerf lucky ducks, he wants to make it so items you can get via exploring are not handed to the players without actually exploring to reincentivize players to explore and do dungeons. Etoiles wanted to replace these items with building blocks that are impossible to obtain rn since the end and nether are locked.
And the players don’t know what removing waystones would entail. Does that mean all teleportation is gone? Sharestones, warp plates, and warp stones? It’s incredibly vague which is a terrible way to vote for a law. The laws should be spelled out or else they can be warped into something people who voted for it didn’t actually want.
A super easy solution to this would be to deliver a book to all the players telling them the time the voting is open and give a brief description of all the proposed laws. It could literally be one - two pages max. Forever could leave it in a chest at everyone’s bases or cucurucho could deliver it to everyone when they come on once the voting is open - or even before the voting is open. That would solve this entire problem so easily.
I hope the next voting session they do that or something similar because rn it’s pretty bad that most of the people on the server found out about the vote through word of mouth instead of an official source and Etoiles had to explain what nerfing Lucky Ducks actually meant :/
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queerfemboybf · 2 years
the words disability and disorder are not inherently bad words full stop.
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b1odeuwed · 6 months
it’s clear to me to me that a large percentage of the qsmp viewers did not grow up watching mc uhc/faction series because what the fuck is this amount of discourse for. it’s a fucking game. the very purpose is to fucking torture and push the characters and /fight/ like ffs grow up
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thelightofmylife · 2 days
I genuinely don’t care what people ship because I like to be left alone but pro shippers have this notorious running thing of stealing non pro shipper content or disrespecting their boundaries all together.
Your love for problematic f/o’s doesn’t make you a bad person. Your disrespect and inherent lack of care for people who choose to disagree and disengage DOES make you a complete fucking shit bag though!
Pro shippers idc if you interact just don’t be fucking weird about this or straw man a whole “oh but an anti did this once and that’s why I steal content :(“ I am begging you to shut the fuck up and use a SINGLE brain cell
Stealing content is literally never okay and neither is actively disrespecting a DNI. PLEASE be a grown fucking ass adult that you claim to be and leave them alone !!!!
The ONLY moral of the post you should take away from this is “respect other people’s boundaries and don’t force your ideas onto other people and stop stealing content” because it’s so horrifically toxic and it’s why a good lot of you are so nasty to be friends with.
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defectivegembrain · 10 months
Like I am intimately familiar with the urge to perfectly categorise everything, I have struggled with that my entire life and probably always will, but the fact is that people do not work like that. There will be people who will challenge any categories you can come up with for anything, and you can't let the urge to categorise lead you to hurting those people.
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Some fic writers really saw Dylan freaking out in the radio shack -because he thought his broadcast had just put him and Ryan into imminent danger- and use it as an excuse to say shit like:
"Dylan has a tendency to overreact ALL THE TIME. In fact he's completely incapable of keeping a cool head when things get even slightly stressful, he constantly needs to be coddled and looked after because he's so riddled with anxiety. He struggles with even simple decisions because he just desperately needs help all the time he's so meek and helpless." ...Y'know, despite him literally being a full ass adult and the most emotionally intelligent out of all of them.
Like...What? He tried to be helpful with the radio idea and instead his actions told the elusive, frightening hunters where they were, some crazy animal started jumping all over the roof or attacking his friends and all of this was after his friend was seriously wounded. Can y'all say you would be any calmer in that situation? I sure as fuck wouldn't and I dont have any type of anxiety either.
Besides he immediately calms down afterwards and puts all his efforts into helping Kaitlyn. As well as suggesting Abi should stay where she's safe in the storm shelter?
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joyokosuka · 4 months
complaining about terfs and then "pro-kink" is sure. a take
yeah people can have nuanced opinions and whatnot but. sigh
just a head's up, though i'm not going to talk about kink much here, i'm all for consenting, non-related adults doing whatever kind of things they wish to do as long as consent is pre-established and boundaries are not pushed during the act
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fenhonig · 5 months
People who exclude others from the queer community for dumbass reasons are traitors.
I'm not even joking, people who needlessly hate mspec gays or bisexuals or trans people or enbies or pansexuals or polysexuals or omnisexuals or anything else that is just someone living their life not hurting anyone else, those people who hate those things are fucking traitors. You're a traitor. You attack your own community because you're so focused on appealing to people who wanna fucking kill all of us.
Get out of the community. Stay away from other queer people. You are a traitor. You want to see queer people die.
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also to like people talking about this this is ABSOLUTELY not a call out or anything it’s good that you are but it would be nice if people took scrupulosity into account. again 1000% support you calling out abusers and shit but god i would prefer not to genuinely panic over the idea of watching any streamer literally any of them being inherently irredeemably immoral bc they all have skeletons in their closets and that means supporting them means supporting whatever that is and if it could be horrible then you’re supporting horrible things. like obviously that is not what you’re saying and I know it isn’t but it’s just. really scary and makes it really hard to know what to do because every post gets turned into another ritual immediately.
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luckys-last-brain-cell · 10 months
If you don’t want to go down the “slippery slope” of “genetic Judaism” (absolutely not a thing, Judaism isn’t defined by a blood test) then why is it so unimaginable that the Jewish community at large does not believe Lea Michele should play Fanny? Is it because, gasp, she looks like what you think a Jew looks like?
How are you suddenly so knowledgeable in what defines a Jewish person only when you disagree with what Jewish people are saying? It’s the same story: listen to Jews until they say something you don’t want to hear.
Is this a big deal? No. Is it bugging me anyway? Yes.
Anyway, there are a dozen reasons I won’t be seeing any variations of Funny Girl in the near future.
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cortlandkaard · 8 months
am i crazy for feeling like almost every dark choco ship i see is... awful?!
maybe it's a me problem for seeing him as significantly (~12+ years) older than almost everyone he's shipped with, but like. i just feel like most of them are CANONICAL age gaps that are still kind of large, especially since the younger character is still... fairly young. it's just disturbing in my opinion
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b1odeuwed · 7 months
im so done with mcc inviting that damn kick streamer to their event. who asked for him and the other cunt to come back
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geeneelee · 2 months
i saw cazador trending on twitter and i'm like. thinking about all those posts I've seen (rightly) complaining that people don't take Mizora seriously as an abuser, including the writers at times, but the part where some people said "none of you would ever sexualize/babygirl Cazador like this" apparently twitter heard your complaint and decided to prove you wrong. in the way you didn't want.
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defectivegembrain · 9 months
Like, I appreciate the assertion that "fat, hairy lesbian" doesn't automatically mean butch, but can we also remember that "lesbian who isn't butch" doesn't automatically mean femme? It's not some mandatory dichotomy where you have to pick a side if you're a lesbian, some of us simply don't relate to either at all, and we deserve just as much recognition
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burntheedges · 13 days
hi kate! 
to say the vibes have been off lately would be an understatement, wouldn’t it? because there has been a lot of negativity, too much for a place that is supposed to be about finding an outlet for your creativity and people to share your interests.
i know it has been difficult, draining to be around here and face all the discourse cankering the fandom. 
because of all this negativity, i believe it is important to try and balance it out with some kindness. so here i am, doing a little check-up on you <3
so first, how are you, really?
everything you feel regarding what is happening is valid and you deserve to feel happy and safe around here. so please, make sure you take the time you need from posting, from sharing fics, even just from being on the platform. i want you to know it’s okay and i support whatever you decide, for whatever reason.
i also want you to know that you have your place here, as much as the rest of us. you’re loved and wanted and i can assure you the fandom is a far better place with you in it.
i hope you’re taking care of yourself outside of tumblr as well. please remember to stay hydrated and to eat something 🫶🏼
now i would like you to sit back and enjoy the perfect, quiet night in with joel <3
Tumblr media
do not hesitate to reach out if you need to talk, i’m here for you! sending you all my love and so many hugs 🫂
anna 💗
Anna you are such a kind and lovely person 🧡 thank you for checking in on so many people today. I always love seeing your asks go by on my dash because it's obvious how much you care about other people.
thank you for asking! first, I love this moodboard 😍 it is the perfect quiet night in with Joel!
I'm doing fine, overall. I've been thinking a lot about fandom and fandom norms this week. one of the things I hate to see most in fandom is when people are so discouraged they stop creating. and I know that these trolls and assholes want a reaction, any reaction, and that someone giving up would probably make them happy. but I also think we all need to take breaks and take care of ourselves when we need to. this is supposed to fun, you know?
it is encouraging to see so many of us basically not give these people the time of day and try to support each other. that's something I like a lot about this fandom.
(the other thing I've been thinking about a lot this week is how some people seem to be entering and moving through fandom with like a scarcity mindset? but that's the opposite of how fandom works. there's always enough to go around, and we always have more, because everyone is just genuinely happy to be here. it's why it's so bizarre to take from someone else. the resources are not finite. no one will ever be sad to see more fanfic or more art. there's room for more, always.)
anyway. thank you for asking, Anna, your asks are always such a joy to get. 🥰
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