Surya Mantra: Meaning, Significance and Benefits
In Yoga, mantras are utilised to focus and calm the mind, and soul. Also, it lets people focus on the mental preparation during and for Pranayama and meditation. Surya Mantra is generally chanted as an acknowledgment to Surya Deva, who is known as Lord Sun, as per Hinduism.
Planet Sun is known as one of the most powerful planets because it rules over Earth’s seasons and enhances crop growth and humankind with meals. People worship Surya Deva for multiple reasons. They believe that it is the provider of light and energy. Moreover, it is said that Surya Deva is the only God who individuals can see with their naked eyes— Pratyaksha Daivam.
Natives who regularly chant the Surya Mantra, Surya Deva dispels the negativities and darkness from their lives and provides them with knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment. Lasting a great impact, Sun is known by the name Arka and Mitra in various parts of the country.
Surya Mantra: How do they help
Surya Mantra is a series of phrases or phrases that people recite to invoke the blessings and power of Surya Deva. Mantra usually calms the native down and lets them look after the mind's focus and positivity in life. In astrology, there are many Surya Mantra, and each has its own meaning and impact. However, all of the general lets the native attain peace of mind and attract good times and prosperity.
Moreover, the meaning of the Surya Mantras is to enhance the health and well-being of the individuals who recite them and draw them to the path of devotion and faith. Moreover, it helps the natives pay gratitude to the Universe and helps them become the storehouse of health and peace. With that, it also means that Surya Deva is the only one who shall remove the diseases and will revitalise the entire world. So, the native must meditate upon him to attain wealth, health, and longevity.
How to chant Surya mantra
Natives can chant Surya Mantra early in the morning, just after the sunrise. You must be clear in the chanting and clear the mind from negativity and distractions. People orating the Surya Mantra must keep in mind that they absorb the positivity and keep themselves calm when meditating for the same.
Other than this, you must remember the following points when chanting the Surya Mantra:
As Lord Sun is the ruler of the Ravi-Vaar, you must make sure to recite any Surya Mantra on Sundays. In case you chant it daily, make sure to begin it on Sunday.
Prayers and meditation must begin from the moment the Sun rises with a fresh mind after a bath. Also, the recitation of the Mantras must be done facing in the East direction.
You must make sure that the use of fresh flowers and incense will make the chanting and meditation better. Thus, you can incorporate it into your prayers and recitation.
Keeping water pot and Kumkum shall also add a plus point when reciting the Surya mantras.
Make sure your mind is free from negative and ill thoughts.
Also, you must not keep any kind of jealousy or anger inside your mind or heart while chanting the Surya Mantra. This shall obstruct the positive energies and block the auspiciousness.
Surya Beej Mantra
The Surya Beej mantra, as per Vedic astrology, connects an individual with higher and greater frequencies of Surya Deva. This mantra possesses the power to give you abundance, fame, and health. Also, it is believed that it improves eyesight and eliminates the shadow of all kinds of ailments and diseases related to the eyes. Moreover, chanting this Surya mantra shall help the natives get under the shelter of Lord Sun and unlock his divine grace.
The Surya Beej Mantra is:
।। ॐ ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रौं सः सूर्याय नमः ।।
Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryay Namah
Meaning- I address the great Surya Deva for his divine grace.
Benefits of chanting the Surya Beej mantra
The Surya Beej mantra helps the native attain ultimate balance in life.
If you chant it daily, you shall effortlessly find a proper way to approach the path of spirituality.
Moreover, this Surya mantra in Vedic astrology also provides the native with Surya deva blessings.
This mantra moreover helps them heal through life’s adversities and mental confusion.
Chanting the Beej mantra of Surya Deva also blesses the people with a harmonious life full of power and confidence.
Best time to recite the Surya Beej mantra :- During the sunrise Number of times to chant this mantra :- 7000 times in 40 days for best results
Who can recite the Surya Beej mantra? :- Anyone
Chant this mantra facing :- In front of Surya Yantra
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spiritualsoull1969 · 10 months
"Awakening to the Divine Sound: Understanding 'Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha'"
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"Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" is a profound spiritual concept that encapsulates the idea that without the divine Word, the world remains in spiritual darkness. Allow me, as your humble spiritual guide, to illuminate the deeper meaning of these sacred words.
The term "Shabd" refers to the divine sound or the eternal Word, often considered the creative vibration of the universe. "Bina" means "without," and "Sara Jag" signifies the entire world or creation. "Andha" represents blindness or darkness.
In this spiritual concept, "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha," we are presented with the idea that without attuning ourselves to the divine Word or the eternal sound, we remain spiritually blind and in a state of ignorance. It emphasizes the significance of seeking and aligning with the divine sound to attain spiritual awakening and enlightenment.
Here are the core elements to contemplate:
The Divine Sound: "Shabd" signifies the divine sound or vibration that underlies all of creation. It is often considered the primal source of all existence, the Word of God, or the cosmic resonance that sustains the universe.
Spiritual Blindness: "Andha" conveys the idea that without an awareness of the divine Word, individuals are spiritually blind or in a state of ignorance. They are disconnected from their higher self and the ultimate truth.
Seeking the Divine Sound: This concept calls upon the seeker to actively seek and connect with the divine sound through meditation, devotion, and inner contemplation. It is through this connection that one can overcome spiritual blindness and attain enlightenment.
Path to Spiritual Awakening: "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" serves as a reminder that the spiritual journey is a quest for inner knowledge and awakening. It is a call to align with the divine sound to illuminate the path to self-realization.
In the role of your spiritual guide, I encourage you to reflect upon these words and consider how they apply to your own spiritual journey:
Have you contemplated the significance of the divine sound or Word in your spiritual quest?
Do you recognize the moments when you have felt spiritually blind or disconnected from your higher self?
Are you actively seeking the divine sound, whether through meditation, prayer, or inner reflection, to attain spiritual awakening and enlightenment?
"Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" invites us to recognize the profound impact of the divine sound on our spiritual journey. By aligning with this cosmic resonance, we can overcome spiritual blindness, attain inner illumination, and journey towards self-realization.
As your spiritual guide, I invite you to embrace these words as a mantra for your spiritual practice, a reminder of the importance of seeking and attuning to the divine sound. May "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" inspire you to continue your quest for spiritual truth and realization, ever closer to the divine source of all existence.
This profound concept invites us to explore the significance of the divine sound in dispelling the darkness of spiritual ignorance. As we delve into this narrative, let us journey together toward self-improvement, personal growth, and enlightenment, with a sprinkle of humor and encouragement to light the way.
The Radiant Bazaar of Life
In a bustling bazaar, where the vibrant tapestry of existence unfolded with every step, there lived a jovial soul named Rahim. His laughter was as infectious as his stories were enchanting, and the people of the bazaar often gathered around him to revel in his tales.
Rahim's heart was a reservoir of humor, his laughter a beacon in the cacophony of life. Yet, beneath his jovial exterior, he carried a hidden weight. He longed for a deeper purpose, a path that would lead him beyond the laughter he shared with others.
One day, as Rahim sat amidst a group of eager listeners, a stranger approached. His eyes gleamed with an otherworldly wisdom that transcended the mundane chatter of the bazaar. He stood before Rahim, his presence commanding attention.
The stranger said, "O Rahim, your laughter brings joy to many, but have you ever pondered the source of your mirth? Is it merely the product of clever tales, or could it be rooted in a deeper wellspring within your soul?"
Rahim chuckled, his audience eagerly awaiting his response. "Well, dear sir," he began with a playful grin, "I've always believed my laughter springs from the endless well of my wit and humor, not from some profound wellspring within my soul."
The stranger nodded with a gentle smile. "Ah, but there is indeed a wellspring within, Rahim, a wellspring of wisdom and joy, and it is the essence of 'Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha.'"
Rahim, intrigued, leaned in closer. "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha? Pray, what is this concept, sir?"
The stranger explained, "It means that without the divine Word, the world remains in spiritual darkness. It is a call to attune oneself to the eternal sound, to find illumination and inner awakening."
With a hint of humor, Rahim responded, "Well, sir, I have always prided myself on being the storyteller who brings laughter, not the seeker of profound sounds. I'd rather stick to my tales."
The stranger's laughter echoed through the bazaar. "Your humor is a gift, Rahim, and it brings joy to many. Yet, 'Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha' does not ask you to abandon your gift but to recognize that your laughter can become even more profound when it springs from a well of inner wisdom and the divine sound."
The Humorous Quest for Enlightenment
Rahim's encounter with the stranger sparked a new curiosity within him. Could his laughter and humor coexist with a deeper spiritual journey? Could the wellspring of "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" enrich the gift he shared with others?
He decided to explore this concept, beginning with a humorous exploration of his own heart and mind. Rahim, with a touch of humor, poked fun at his own ego, which had often inflated his sense of self-importance. He chuckled at his attachments to praise and recognition, recognizing the folly of seeking validation from others.
With each passing day, Rahim delved deeper into the process. He realized that self-improvement was not about abandoning his humor but about infusing it with a deeper sense of wisdom and self-awareness. His tales began to carry messages of inner reflection and profound insights, inviting his audience to ponder life's deeper questions.
Rahim sought the counsel of wise mentors and like-minded souls who had also grasped the concept of "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha." They became his companions on the journey, and they shared laughter and wisdom in equal measure.
The purification process was not without its challenges. Rahim encountered moments of resistance, where he felt the pull of his old attachments and the fear of stepping into the unknown. Yet, with each obstacle, he remembered the stranger's words and the vision of a wellspring of inner joy and wisdom.
The Wellspring of Wisdom and Laughter
As Rahim continued his spiritual journey, something remarkable began to unfold. His laughter, once purely for amusement, became a vehicle for profound insights and self-reflection. His tales now carried the wisdom of "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha," inviting his audience to explore their own inner wellspring of wisdom and joy.
The people of the bazaar noticed a change, not in the humor Rahim shared, but in the depth of the laughter that emanated from him. They were drawn to his presence, not only for the jokes but for the shared realization of a journey toward self-improvement and personal growth.
In the evenings, Rahim continued to entertain the villagers with his humor, but now he began to share stories of his own journey. He spoke of the concept of "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" and how it had transformed his life. The villagers laughed not just at his tales but at the shared recognition of a pursuit of laughter that coexisted with a profound wellspring of inner joy and wisdom.
A Call to Personal Growth
So, dear reader, I share this tale with you as a call to your own personal growth and self-improvement. "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" reminds us that our gifts and talents can become even more profound when they are rooted in a wellspring of inner wisdom and joy.
As you consider this concept, reflect on your own attachments, ego, and the wellspring of joy that awaits within you. Embrace the purification process as a humorous exploration of your own heart and mind. Seek guidance from mentors and kindred spirits on your journey, and remember that humor and wisdom can walk hand in hand.
Just as Rahim's laughter became a vehicle for self-improvement and inner growth, may you find that your own talents and gifts are enriched when they spring from the well of "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha." May you recognize that your laughter, your pursuits, and your journey can be profound expressions of your spiritual path.
The Path to Enlightenment
"Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" beckons us to attune ourselves to the eternal sound, to the divine Word, which is the source of all wisdom and enlightenment. It reminds us that the journey toward self-realization is not a solitary one; it is a partnership between the seeker, the divine sound, and the guidance of mentors and like-minded souls.
As a spiritual SeeQir like all of you, I invite you to embrace these words as a mantra for your spiritual practice, a reminder of the importance of seeking and attuning to the divine sound. May "Shabd Bina Sara Jag Andha" inspire you to continue your quest for spiritual truth and realization, ever closer to the radiant wellspring of the divine Word.
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neelamsrawat5 · 1 day
Unforgettable Post-Pooja Melodies at Uttara Swamimalai Temple, R K Puram
After the serene evening pooja at the Uttara Swamimalai Temple in R K Puram, I stumbled upon a group of musicians playing soul-stirring traditional tunes. Though I couldn't understand the language, the music drew me in with its powerful, spiritual energy. Watch this calming and captivating moment as the temple ambiance comes alive with the sounds of devotion.
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leoniegaboury · 10 months
Immerse yourself in the celestial sounds of "Ave Maria" by Ashana!
Download the enchanting SATB sheet music with crystal bowls or tubular bells for a divine musical experience.
Experience the magic of Ashana's live performances at Sound of Ashana! From powerful concerts to deeply transformative healing meditations, her international journey brings the alchemy of crystal singing bowls to life.
Explore the alchemy of sound with Ashana—where every note is a gateway to healing and transcendence.
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mantrapiece · 2 years
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Just in! Silver handpan gau box pendant. . The handpan pendant embodies the spirit of the handpan and the divine sound it produces. It is also symbolic of one's passion for the handpan instrument and the divine feelings of peace and serenity it brings. . And being a gau box, it's perfect for keeping your most sacred mantra, text or image close to your heart. . Made of 925 sterling silver. Website link is in the bio. @mantrapiece . #mantrapiece #handpan #handpanmusic #handpanworld #handpanplayer #handpans #handpanmaker #handpandrum #handpanlover #handpans #handpansoul #handpansound #handpancommunity #handpangirl #handpanpendant #handpanbuilding #handpanmaking #handpanmusician #handpanartist #handpanshop #handpanfestival #handpanmakers #handpanlife #handpanlovers #handpanworkshop #handpanplayers #divinesound #divinity #divine (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CojJNrASjHw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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coghive · 2 years
Cochren & Co.’s New Album ‘RUNNING HOME’ Available Now
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Gotee Records’ Cochren & Co. has released their sophomore album, Running Home. This album follows the acclaimed debut project, Don’t Lose Hope (2021), that produced the hit songs “Church (Take Me Back)” and “One Day.” Helmed by singer/songwriter and worship leader Michael Cochren and joined by his wife Leah, Cochren & Co. is back with a strong 10-song project that features hope-filled lyrics and timeless melodies. Click here to listen to Running Home. “The debut album was a process of exploring all of my musical influences and life experiences and finding out how that melting pot could create a sound unique,” shares Michael Cochren of Cochren & Co. “It was kind of like figuring out how to build a ship, and how to push it off the shore and over the waves. Now with this sophomore album, I feel like we were on the open sea with a clear heading. I knew where I wanted to take this album. I really wanted the songwriting on this album to be personal, to openly share stories and struggles in a way that people can feel a connection to, and ultimately feel like there’s peace available in the highs and lows.” RUNNING HOME - Cochren & Co. https://open.spotify.com/album/0x7Hr6i67SAQ4Kd4rclmPB?si=fF_JF2NaSVGiDBYkNbbQJw Cochren & Co.’s sophomore project features the 2022 Top 15 Billboard Christian Airplay & AC radio single, “Thank God For Sunday Morning,” which has amassed over 10 million streams in less than a year and was listed as one of K-LOVE’s 22 Songs that Defined 2022. The title track and debut radio single from the project is already being played on 40 stations including national networks SiriusXM’s The Message and starting today on K-LOVE. The song is also the No. 1 song on AmazonMusic’s DivineSound which includes Cochren as the featured artist. Other songs on the album “Be There For You” are included on Spotify’s Top Christian & Gospel playlist, where Cochren is this week’s featured artist, and “The Final Say (feat. Josh Baldwin)” on AppleMusic’s New in Christian playlist. Cochren & Co. is back again this year on the TobyMac Hits Deep Tour that features CROWDER, Tasha Layton, Jon Reddick and Terrian. Click here for tour dates and tickets. Read the full article
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bigdeenice1 · 4 years
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A CLASSIC FROM: ⚠#DIVINESOUNDS⚠: #WHATPEOPLEDOFORMONEY FROM: (1984)‼‼👍🏾👍🏾🔥🔥🔥🎤 (at Newport News, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLvDBRoD5Am/?igshid=zcszqbvjck3h
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carrie-underwoods · 4 years
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carrieunderwood: The perfect Sunday soundtrack… @amazonmusic’s #DivineSound playlist featuring new music from Carrie! #MySavior ✨🙏 music.amazon.com/playlists/B07GZJF43B -TeamCU
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More of my singing bowls :) Scroll down to watch a short video of me playing my singing bowls and singing in this space, or check out my YouTube channel to see the whole 14 minute video! <3 <3 
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djshin1200 · 7 years
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Divine Sounds - Do or die bed sty (1984) 1枚しか持っていなかったこの曲。 もう1枚を先日のビニ盤道場で発見! . I got a hiphop classic!🤩👍 . . #Hiphop #80s #1984 #DivineSounds (Turntable Troopers ENT.)
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omanxl1 · 8 years
(via Divine Sounds – What People Do For Money | Whats Really Going On?)
#hiphop, #digitalcratedigging, #DivineSounds, #HumpDayExtravaganza
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spiritualsoull1969 · 10 months
"The Transformative Power of Shabd: A Path to Spiritual Enlightenment and Inner Awakening"
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Shabd, also known as Shabda or Naam, is a concept and term often used in various Indian spiritual and philosophical traditions, particularly in Sikhism, Sant Mat, and some aspects of Hinduism. The term "Shabd" is often translated as "Word," "Sound," or "Divine Sound." Its significance and interpretation can vary among different belief systems, but the essence remains the same: it represents the divine, transcendent, and primal sound or vibration believed to be the source of all creation and the key to spiritual realization.
Here is a more in-depth understanding of the concept of Shabd in various contexts:
Sikhism: In Sikhism, Shabd is central to the spiritual path. It is often described as the divine sound or vibration that is the primal source of creation. The Guru Granth Sahib, the central religious scripture of Sikhism, is considered the eternal Shabd and is revered as the living Guru. Sikhs believe that by meditating on and living according to the teachings of the Guru Granth Sahib, individuals can connect with the Shabd, attain spiritual enlightenment, and ultimately merge with the divine.
Sant Mat: Sant Mat is a group of spiritual paths in India that emphasize the importance of Shabd as the central focus of spiritual practice. Practitioners engage in a form of meditation that involves concentrating on inner sounds and vibrations, which are believed to be manifestations of the Shabd. By tuning into and following these inner sounds, followers aim to traverse the inner spiritual realms and reach a state of unity with the divine.
Hinduism: In some branches of Hinduism, particularly those influenced by Sant Mat and similar mystical traditions, Shabd is viewed as the unstruck sound or the divine sound that underlies all creation. It is associated with the idea of Nada Brahma, the sound of the ultimate reality. Meditative practices in these traditions involve focusing on inner sounds or the subtle vibrations within, aiming to attune oneself to the divine Shabd and attain spiritual realization.
In essence, Shabd represents the belief that there is a divine, cosmic sound or vibration that is the foundation of the universe, and it is a means to connect with the transcendent and attain spiritual enlightenment. Practitioners often engage in meditation and devotional practices to attune themselves to the Shabd and seek inner transformation and realization. The exact interpretation and practices related to Shabd can differ between religious traditions, but they all share the common goal of realizing the divine presence through sound and vibration.
In the boundless tapestry of existence, the absence of the Shabd, the divine Word, renders humanity blind to the profound truths that shape our journey through life. The Shabd, my beloved friends, is the key that unlocks the shackles of attachment, the very chains that keep us tethered to the material world. Its absence renders all our endeavours futile, leaving the soul ensnared in the heavy chains of ignorance.
Consider the magnificent creation of the sun and the moon, and know that it is the Shabd that breathed life into them. But without the touch of the Shabd, the soul remains tainted, forever yearning for a purity it cannot attain. This divine Word, this cosmic resonance, is not merely a concept to be grasped but a living, breathing entity that reverberates through the universe, transcending the boundaries of time and space.
In a world where the pursuit of worldly desires and attachments consumes our thoughts and actions, the Shabd is the beacon of truth. All counsel, other than the counsel of the Shabd, is misguided, for the Shabd itself is the finest preacher, the most profound sermon. It is the ultimate guide on the path to inner awakening, to self-improvement, and personal growth.
The Shabd, my dearest companions, is not a distant idea to be contemplated from afar; it is a wellspring of boundless bliss that can be personally experienced. Those who earnestly practice the Shabd find themselves immersed in a sea of bliss, free from the shackles that bind others to their attachments and desires. It is the essence of true liberation.
Hence, I beseech you to embrace the practice of the Shabd with unwavering dedication. Do not relegate it to mere ritual but make it an inseparable part of your being, an unceasing mantra that accompanies your every breath, day and night. The secret of the Shabd is a priceless gem, one that can only be revealed by a Master who has himself merged into that divine resonance. When you receive this sacred knowledge and merge your being into the Shabd, you become a vessel for its light.
Picture within your heart a small window, through which the light of the Shabd shines, illuminating the world within you. This light is not bound by the constraints of the material realm, for it is a part of the very fabric of your soul. The Shabd sustains all souls, providing the nourishment and wisdom that each one craves, while remaining detached from the turmoil of human existence.
Understand, dear friends, that the Shabd is the essence of all things. It is the thread that weaves through the tapestry of life, connecting every being, every atom, every thought. When you adopt the path of the Shabd, you begin to grasp the profound interconnectedness of all existence, and salvation becomes an attainable reality.
So, my beloved friends, apply yourself to the practice of the Shabd with fervour and determination. With the might of the Shabd, you can defeat Kal, the relentless force of time and illusion that seeks to keep you ensnared in the cycle of birth and death. Imagine your heart as a harbour, and within it, the Shabd as your guiding star, leading you to the most profound encounter you will ever know.
And who is this Beloved you shall find at the harbour of the Shabd? It is not a separate entity but the true form of the Shabd itself, for the Beloved and the Shabd are one and the same. As you merge into the Shabd, you will come to understand that the essence of the Beloved exists within the divine Word.
The Shabd is not merely a lofty concept, but a powerful force that can repeal the decree of karma, the eternal cycle of action and reaction that binds us to the consequences of our past deeds. The Guru's Shabd, the wisdom imparted by a spiritual guide, has the power to unite you with the primal Shabd, the source of all creation. In this union, you find freedom from the chains of your past and a pathway to a brighter future.
In the absence of the Shabd, knowledge becomes a mirage, a deceptive illusion that leads us astray. Without the resonance of the Shabd, contemplation becomes an exercise in futility, a fruitless endeavour. The Shabd, my dear friends, is the path to profound wisdom, to true understanding.
In closing, I beseech you, do not abandon the path of the Shabd. Do not walk through life thoughtlessly, consumed by the trivial distractions of the material world. The Shabd is your guiding light, your beacon of truth in a world filled with illusions. It is the path to self-improvement, the key to personal growth, and the gateway to the most profound transformation you can ever hope to achieve. As the spiritual masters explains to you, embrace the Shabd with all your heart, and you shall discover the boundless potential of your soul.
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art-is-hip-hop · 10 years
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_/|\_ First real tries with our new singing bowl. My munchkin joining in with his own music. :) #divinesound #singing bowl #Ganesha
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