#dj jd sports
durneytune · 1 year
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accmor0 · 2 months
Kismet Boy band AU Timeline
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Also some things about them (also HC)
Tribe: Pop Troll, Sub-Tribe: Sport Troll
Family: Aspen Heitz (Older brother)
Friends: Harper, Creek (ex friend), Poppy, Dj Suki, Biggie,Mr Dinkles, Fuzzbert,
Future friends: Branch,Hype,Boom, Ablaze, The K-Pop gang, Tresillo, Marimba, Tambora, King Gristle, Prince D.
He's the same age as Floyd
He was the one who planned to create a boy band.
Tribe: Rock Troll
Family: Blaze (Older Brother)
Friends: Riff, Val, Rose, Romper, Demo, Floyd.
Future friends: Branch,Hype, Boom,Trickee, King Gristle.
Loves rock but feels more comfortable with pop but he kept it hidden
He was in his brother's band (Was the vocalist)
He joined Kismet because he wanted the opportunity to sing pop music.
Tribe: Pop Troll
Family: Boom (Twin) Sky Toronto (Father)
Friends: Guy Diamond, Branch, Poppy, Gia Grooves, Creek (ex friend),
Future friends: Trickee, Ablaze, The K-Pop gang, Tresillo, Marimba, Tambora, King Gristle, Prince D.
He had a solo period before forming the band
Although it was Trickee who created the group, Hype is the leader
Tribe: Pop Troll
Family: Hype (Twin) Sky Toronto (Father)
Friends: Guy Diamond, Smidge, Biggie, DJ Suki, Satin & Chenille, Poppy, Cooper, Fuzzbert, Ripley, Maddy
Future Friends: Trickee, Ablaze, Branch, King Gristle, Prince D, The K-Pop gang, Tresillo, Marimba, Tambora.
Boyfriend: Striped Smiley
He was part of the Snack Pack before Creek came
I didn't have much of a relationship with Branch before the band was formed.
Tribe: Pop Troll
Family: Rosie Puff (Grandmother) JD, Sp/Bruce, Clay, Floyd (older brothers)
Friends: Hype, Dennis, Poppy.
Future friends: Trickee,Boom, Ablaze, The Snack Pack, King Gristle, Bridget, The K-Pop gang, Prince D, Tresillo, Marimba, Tambora.
He and his grandma survived the bergens together.
When his Rosie died of natural causes, Branch's ears pricked up at the fact that his brothers don't know about the tragic death of his grandmother.
Branch has an obsession with being perfect in everything so that his band doesn't break up just like Brozone did.
I didn't put Trolls 3 because Brozone are not focused on the AU
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930club · 7 years
NEW TRACKS: King Krule - “Half Man Half Shark”
Whether referred to as Zoo Kid, DJ JD Sports, Edgar The Beatmaker (or Breathtaker, to his Insta followers), The Return of Pimp Shrimp, King Krule, or his legal name, Archy Marshall never fails to surprise his audience with unsurprisingly innovative production, poetic surrealism, and an air of darkness that comforts the lonely soul. With his highly anticipated second album, The Ooz, dropping today, Marshall has given us another glimpse into his (potato mash) brain thanks to an energetic third single, “Half Man Half Shark,” inspired by a song written by Marshall's father.
Just as the music video would suggest, the song begins as a hazy picture; soft chants getting louder and louder over white noise, only to be disrupted by a gross burst of energy a la classic KK vocal grittiness and a bass bouncing up and down like a freshly-popped jack in the box. It's aggressive, yet subtle. It's dance-tastic. As if being chased in a jungle, or slowly drowning in a foreign crowd, it is both exhilarating and slightly frightening, but as per usual, it's Marshall's lyrics that humanize the listening experience. While singing "Simple soft thoughts, simple soft thoughts become menacing / Twisted raw adrenaline, racing through my bones" in the chorus, he distorts comfort into uneasiness. The best part of the song, however, is around the 2:30 mark when the bass' funk-o-meter amps up to 11, accompanied by a cool Krule stating, "Well if you don't know and if you don't care, don't try to fight it" over and over again, forcing fans to ask themselves if they really know and/or care about these matters potentially worth fighting about.
Upon hearing the outro, I knew I had heard the lyrics before -- but where? "See girl you'll never know / At least when you look to the stars, they still glow / Not for me though...Aspirations ingrown, I'll forever be alone..." After re-listening to 6FBTM and still not catching them, I was afraid my brain was playing tricks on me. That is, until I remembered one of my all-time favorite KK videos: Archy performing solo in an empty room on an episode of "Church of Nobody" published over three years ago. Marshall plays raw cuts of “A Lizard State,” “Borderline,” and “Out Gettin' Ribs” in a VHS-quality video with interview segments overheard at the beginning and end. For anyone who's seen it, they might remember the alternate “Borderline” ending teasing the near exact lyrics as found in the outro of “HMHS.” This didn't surprise or upset me. These consistent feelings align with the King Krule character Marshall performs in and out of over the years, and the romantically depressing sentiment is one of the reasons I keep racing back to his content again and again. 
-Shelby Bretschger
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contemporaryblues · 7 years
(c h ris)
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251297 · 3 years
This song will always have a special place in my soul
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takeru822 · 4 years
Endless Digital Birthdays / Pinty / Jordana / Loose Fit / Fontaines D.C.
■ Endless Digital Birthdays(UK・ロンドン)
Song: Gmrgrlmst 知り合いに直接会話する機会があれば最近は常にこのEndless Digital Birthdaysというバンドの存在を気になるアーティストとして挙げています。Sorryだって自分たちのことをバンドよりもプロジェクトに近いって言っていたりして、ロンドンに於いてバンドの価値観がアートコレクティブ的な集合体という印象に変化していると近年少しずつ感じています。現地のDIYなレーベルを見ててもそんな気がしてくる。Endless Digital Birthdaysは少ない情報を辿ると、メンバーが16人いて、そのうちの5人が音楽担当として曲を作ったりライブをしたりしているとか。残りのメンバーは美術家であったりライターであったり。今一番気になっているバンドです。
■ Pinty(UK・ロンドン)
Song: It's Just Life 4月にアルバム”Midnight Moods”が出ました。The Streets、King Krule、Jamie xx、Little Simzなど。Pintyの音楽を聴くとロンドンが培って来た良質なアンダーグラウンドサウンドとの関連に想いを馳せることができます。実際の話、DJ JD SportsことArchy Mashallこと、king Kruleによるプロデュースという事実はその才能が運命と共鳴を手繰り寄せたとも思えるものです。夜行性の動物たちに温もりを与えるかのようなジャジーなラップと繊細でローファイなクラブサウンド。 ■ Jordana(US・カンザス州)
Song: Signs 実際にこのコロナ禍の世の中で、3月末にリリースされた彼女のデビューアルバム”Classical Notions Of Happiness”のレコードをたくさん聴き、随分と救われた気持ちになっていました。シリアスな感情をユーモアな感覚と素敵さでサウンドに落とし込む彼女の音楽に、自分自身も落ち着いた気持ちをキープできるよう助けてもらえた気がします。彼女の活動拠点はアメリカのカンザス州というかなり内陸部分にあたる場所でミュージック・ビデオを見ても垣間見られるローカルさ。加えて、地元の教会でオルガン奏者をしていた父親を持ち、幼少期から様々な楽器を触るってきたようです。そうしたバックグラウンドが音楽による自己表現を自然な形で育んできたのだなと感じます。
■ Loose Fit(オーストリア・シドニー)
Song: BLACK WATER オーストラリアの若者は他国のロックに酔いしれ、触発されてそれをアップデートしていくイメージがあります。それはつまり、自分が海外の音楽に興味を持つきっかけになったThe Vinesだってそうだし、Tame Impalaもそう。個人的にはここ数年ずっと推しバンドとして思っているDeath Bellsもみんなに聴いて��しいな。だからこうしたAmyl And The SniffersのパンチラインにSleaford Modsの反復ビートなパンクスピリッツを持ち合わせた音楽がこのタイミングにオーストラリアで生まれたことはその歴史をなぞるように納得。時折入るサックスの音もロンドンのBlack Country, New Roadと共鳴するかのようにパンクミュージックの新しい可能性を作るようにこれから楽しみなバンドです。 ■ Fontainse D.C.(アイルランド・ダブリン)
Song: A Hero's Death The StrokesのLast Niteを黒く塗り上げたような新曲がリリースされました。そして昨年リリースのデビューアルバム”Dogrel”(個人的には2010年代ベストアルバムにも選びました。)から約1年、新アルバム”A Hero's Death”のリリースも発表されました。このバンドの魅力は鋼鉄な空気と仄かに香るロマンチシズム。個人的には最も信頼している音楽フォロワーの一人でもあるCasanovaさんはロックスターは不機嫌にタンバリンを叩くと称していたけど、凄く言い得て妙。まさか2年連続でアルバムが出ると思ってなかったし、おそらくShameも同じ時期にアルバムのリリースを予告しているし、この夏が楽しみです。Fuji Rockの出演も予定していますね。凄く個人的な話ですが、例年と違う日程でちょうど彼ら(やThe Strokes)の出演日がぼくの誕生日に当たります。なんて贅沢な誕生日なんだ…コロナで中止になったら泣く。。
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mundxngus · 5 years
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“A liar, a thief, and utterly without conscience. But he'll keep to any deal you strike with him.” — Six of Crows, Leigh Bardugo. “Courage has never been a chameleon’s best attribute and some days, it’s not mine either.” — Rudy Francisco “It’s my money. I stole it.” — From Dusk til Dawn.  “The thief, as will become apparent, was a special type of thief. This thief was an artist of theft. Other thieves merely stole everything that was not nailed down, but this thief stole the nails as well.” — Sourcery, Terry Pratchett.
𝖇 𝖆 𝖘 𝖎 𝖈
NAME: Mundungus Proinsias Fletcher NICKNAMES: Dung, Fletcher, (many a variation on the truly horrific name he was gifted with.) AGE: 29 BIRTHDAY: August 3, 1950.  GENDER: CisMale PRONOUNS: he/his
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MOTHER: Agnes Mary Fletcher nee Duffy (deceased) muggle. FATHER: Proinsias Rafferty Fletcher (54, estranged) wizard.  SIBLINGS: Harriet (Hatty) Duffy (33), Noreen Duffy (32) (estranged). muggles.
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FACE CLAIM: DJ Cotrona. BUILD: Short, athletic, surprisingly strong and scrappy.  HAIR:  Kept cropped short, noticeably longer than usual due to a falling out with Knockturn’s resident barber. HAIR COLOR: Black. EYE COLOR: Dark brown. SKIN COLOR: Olive-toned. DOMINANT HAND: Ambidextrous, though he favours his left hand as a rule. ANOMALIES: There is heavy scarring up his right arm which he has made an effort to cover with tattoos. Notably amongst these tattoos is nestled a compass (which will aways find the right direction in a bind), a swallow on the back of either hand to signify an accomplished traveller, a black cat wearing a hat on his bicep, a murder of crows dominate his right forearm and a ship across his ribs.   SCENT: Tobacco, whiskey and something that hits the back of the nose like a kick of pepper.  ACCENT: A strong Belfast accent that has failed to soften no matter how long he stays away. ALLERGIES: Deeply allergic to Mandrake Root and, as a result, a great many potions that are used as antidotes to various ailments. DISORDERS:  A much denied and buried case of PTSD that will emerge in the presence of explosions or fire. FASHION: Estate Sale-chic, as the kids would say. Dung is fond of a good bargain, though how good the bargains he finds amongst dead people’s things is .. often questionable. He dresses nicely, but always slightly oddly, as if the clothes he’s wearing weren’t meant for him or have been heavily modified (usually with a few dozen extra pockets for .. reasons). A permanent fixture of his wardrobe is a silver pendant of Saint Jude on a chain, gifted to him by his mother. It is perhaps the only thing he has ever been sentimental about. NERVOUS TICS: Picking at his nails. He’ll often play with coins or cards when restless - silly sleight of hand and card-tricks that promote dexterity. Playing with the pendant he wears on a chain around his neck. Smoking is usually a fair sign of stress. QUIRKS: Very expressive with his hands while talking, quick on his feet, talks fast and mercilessly, usually as a form of distraction. 
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RESIDES: In the flat above The White Wyvern, Knockturn Alley. BORN:  Belfast, Ireland. RAISED: Holyland, Belfast, Ireland.  PETS: None. He is a big hit with the stray cats of Knockturn Alley though.
CAREER: Professional thief, part-time Bartender, fight club Bookie, jack of all crimes. EXPERIENCE: A long and colourful rap sheet, much maligned by the Auror’s Department. EMPLOYER: Officially, Frederick “Fat Freddie” Gamp, owner of the White Wyvern & Billy “Black Cap” Nightshade, owner of the Spiny Serpent. Unofficially? Himself, or whoever requires his services.
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: The Order of the Phoenix, technically.  BELIEFS: A pragmatist at heart, Mundungus aligns himself with the people who are least likely to kill him for the state of his blood. Survival and profit have always been his key motivators. MISDEMEANORS: Look. FELONIES: Don’t @ him.  DRUGS: Recreationally. SMOKES: Fitfully. Usually when stressed. ALCOHOL: Is he permanently just this side of drunk or is it all an act? We just don’t know. DIET: Does he exist solely on cigarettes, alcohol and bacon butties? Scientifically unproven.
LANGUAGES: English, smidgens still of Gaeilge. 
PHOBIAS: Fire, explosions, being trapped or confined. HOBBIES: Stealing from the rich, romantic moonlight graverobbing, banter with the locals at the Wyvern. Mundungus is never not on the grift. TRAITS: { + }: Resourceful, Quick-Witted, Silver-Tongued, Dynamic, Cunning. { - }: Opportunistic, Self-Serving, Callous, Disloyal, Boastful. 
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LOCATION: Almost any part of Knockturn Alley, but in particular the rooftop of the White Wyvern is a favourite haunt when he does not wish to be around people. SPORTS TEAM: The Ballycastle Bats, out of some lingering loyalty to his hometown. GAME: Betting. Though he’s always been a fan of boxing. MUSIC: Will listen to almost anything and is a big fan of the enchanted jukebox in the White Wyvern (cursed to only ever play one song), but he is vehemently not a fan of Celestina Warbeck.  MOVIES: He has vivid memories of his sisters watching movies while they were growing up, but he’d never had the patience required to sit down and watch them.  FOOD: Ulster Fry. BEVERAGE: Firewhiskey, on a discerning day. A pint on any other. COLOR: Black. It doesn’t show the stains.
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ALUMNI HOUSE: Slytherin. WAND:  14 1/4″, surprisingly swishy, spruce & dragon heartstring.  AMORTENTIA: Whiskey, the smell of bacon frying, votive candles and incense. PATRONUS:  Ferret — curious, mischievous and high energy, ferrets manifest for people with playful spirits and calculating minds. They represent resourcefulness, self-reliance, and ingenuity. BOGGART: His mother, burning.
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MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral. MBTI: ESTP-A MBTI ROLE: The Entrepreneur  ENNEAGRAM: 7 ENNEAGRAM ROLE: The Enthusiast TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine WESTERN ZODIAC: Leo CHINESE ZODIAC: Tiger PRIMAL SIGN: Wolverine TAROT CARD: The Magician, The Devil. TV TROPES: The Punch Clock Hero, Magnificent Bastard, Jerkass Has A Point, Loveable Rogue, Opportunistic Bastard, Karma Houdini, Deadpan Snarker, Honour Among Thieves, Not In This For Your Revolution.  SONGS: The Calling by The Killers, From the Ritz to the Rubble by Arctic Monkeys, Lucky Penny by JD McPherson. 
IDEOLOGIES: Would sell his own (dead) mother to satan for a corn-chip. That was a lie, he loved his mother. (Two corn-chips.) Has been banned from The Hog’s Head since 1975 after an unfortunate falling out with Aberforth Dumbledore. Up until the travel restrictions, he still regularly (with varying success) attempted to find his way in, not out of any particular want to be there, but mostly to prove that he could. Goatfucker. The point being that the surest way to get Dung to do something is to tell him that he can’t do it. Is morally opposed to the musical stylings of Celestina Warbeck. Conversely, is not morally opposed to grave-robbery. Believes that cats are both a) the closest thing to demonic activity he has encountered on God’s Green Earth and b) feels spiritually attuned to them.  Survival is the only thing that truly matters, everything else is just pocket-change.
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wakingthefury · 5 years
On the internet there has been a fire storm between the followers of John MacArthur and Beth Moore
Listen to Today's Program JD: There’s been a fire storm all across the internet because of a comment that John MacArthur made at a conference concerning the popular Bible teacher Beth Moore. DJ: Well it’s been all over social media. So on the one side there’s been a firestorm of reaction to what John MacArthur said. Then on the other side there’s been strong reaction to those who have taken John MacArthur to task by those defending him.
Now Todd Friel who’s the host of Wretched Radio started off part of a panel discussion by saying this, “I will say a word and the three of you need to give a word or a response to the word, let’s being with an easy one the word is Beth Moore”. Then John MacArthur said I was thinking of the same word go home. And the MacArthur went on to say there’s no case that can be made Biblically for a woman preacher period, paragraph, end of discussion.
JD: What are some of the concerns many have with Beth Moore and how should we look at this Biblically?
DJ: Beth Moore is preaching and teaching men in sports arenas and in large churches around the country. And the Southern Baptist Convention statement of doctrinal beliefs affirms that while men and women are created equal they have different roles in marriage, family and the church. And Paul makes it clear in I Timothy chapter 2 that women are not to be teaching the Bible or theology or in a position of authority over men.
And based on my research Beth Moore claims that Jesus talks to her and she recounts the exact words exchanged between the two of them. He sometimes, and this is her words, calls her honey and babe when they talk. She claims to get revelation, knowledge and directions from God that she records and speaks. She says she’s a visual person so He often speaks to her through visions and by putting pictures in her head. She regularly partners with charismatics. So unfortunately Beth Moore holds to quite a bit of bad theology, is mystical in practice and stands an opposition to the word of God when it comes to role of women in the church.
JD: David James, Bible in hand explaining the fire storm on the internet between the followers of John MacArthur and Beth Moore.
We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Dave’s report showcased the issue of women preachers and conservative men teachers of the word of God, the Bible. It is key that we study God’s word on this issue. And also we must pay attention to the letter that Jesus sent to the church in Asia Minor some 2,000 years ago the church at Thyatira. Revelation 2:18-29 is the letter that Jesus used to warn of women preachers in the church and the false teaching that they may be giving. Dave’s report was not an attack on women but a sign of disobedience to God’s word in the last days.   
via Jimmy DeYoung's News Update https://ift.tt/2pnFIra
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musicforthemassesus · 5 years
Oggi avrei voluto pubblicare solo questa canzone ma...........essendo troppo fighe anche le altre, a breve due nuovi POST.
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cluboftigerghost · 5 years
With the help of DJ JD Sports (a.k.a King Krule), Pinty is reinventing hip-hop for the club with the same nouse as Original Pirate Material did nearly 20 years. Taken from his debut EP on Rhythm Section. Read more & buy: https://ift.tt/2tSZnxv Listen on Youtube: http://bit.ly/pinty-ceasors
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seules-ensemble · 6 years
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altamontpt · 7 years
King Krule - The OOZ (2017)
Foram precisos quatro anos, mas finalmente o Rei está de volta: The OOZ é a jóia da coroa de King Krule, que regressa mais forte do que nunca.
Foram precisos quatro anos, mas finalmente o Rei está de volta: The OOZ é a jóia da coroa de King Krule, que regressa mais forte do que nunca. Já diziam os Pink Floyd em “Time”: “quiet desperation is the English way”. Talvez sejam as raízes punk de Archy Marshall – mais conhecido como King Krule, Edgar the Beatmaker, DJ JD Sports, Zoo Kid, etc. – a vir à superfície, mas, se tomarmos como certa a…
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luke-william · 6 years
songs i like right now:
where this flower blooms - tyler the creator
t n biscuits - slowthai
phantoms - czarface
blue train lines - mount kimbie
alabama - frank ocean
check the rhyme - atcq
wayo - flohio
cancel cancel - vegyn
dntstp - sam gellaitry
444 - edgar the beatmaker
just a little - dj jd sports
you’re the one - kaytranada
wave - mura masa
r.i.p. - playboi carti
look at me! - xxxtentacion
goooo - tnght
pt.2 - kanye west 
salt peanuts - charlie parker & quintet
provider - frank ocean
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peckhampeculiar · 6 years
Feel the rhythm
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Bradley Zero’s record label Rhythm Section has enjoyed huge success since it was founded in Peckham in 2009. We chat to Bradley and MC Pinty, who’s about to release his second EP City Limits  
Words: Emma Finamore; Photo: Lima Charlie  
Peckham’s Rhythm Section started life as a radio show and dance in 2009, founded by DJ Bradley Zero. Next came an accompanying record label and its first release – Rye Lane Vol. 1 by Al Dobson Jnr – in 2014, and a nomination for Label of the Year at Gilles Peterson’s Worldwide awards. Since then Bradley’s label has gone global, but an upcoming release shows how the dance’s tagline – ‘Peckham Strong’ – is still part of its DNA.
MC Pinty – a local MC and DJ – is putting out his second EP, City Limits, with Rhythm Section after his first independent release (Midnight Moods) in 2015. As well as keeping it local, the upcoming record shows how the dance remains central to the label’s output too. Pinty honed his skills on the mic at nights he used to hold under the arches at Loughborough Junction, and says the ambiance of these late-night parties and sounds of 4am streets permeate his new tracks.  
"It was in such a sick place, round the corner from the flat where I was born actually,” he remembers of the dances he put on, aged just 19. “They were dope, some of the sickest time, and it was always such a good vibe. The guy that ran it was a real character, I think he was an old sound boy from around Brixton, so all his sound system was there and he was really careful about the set up. If there was something wrong he would get right onto it – someone that really cared about the sound. It was cool, very atmospheric."
Music was a core part of the Pinty’s youth. His brother – who tragically died in an accident in 2002 – was a garage MC during the golden years of UKG, and as a student at the Brit School he and his friends were surrounded by creativity. He and fellow attendees like Archy Marshall (aka King Krule or DJ JD Sports), Cosmo Pyke and Jamie Isaac were mates but also went on to become musical collaborators – a dynamic group of South London producers, singers, musicians and rappers.
"Music’s always been a part of me, I guess,” says Pinty. “I always had it around, and I was always into dance music more than anything else. Archy was the first one to put me on it [music]. He was like, 'You should do this, really. It feels like you've got something to say'." 
The south London connection runs through much of his work. The first track he made – named Midnight Moods, like his club night and subsequent EP – was produced by DJ JD Sports, as is the City Limits EP, along with production from other south London producers.  Pinty also went on to do shows on local Peckham/Brixton stations Balamii and Reprezent with Cosmo Pyke and DJ Maxwell Owin, another local artist.
"We go back-to-back, it's basically my favourite thing to do, pretty much, that show,” he explains, of his ‘Second To None’ Sunday evening show on Reprezent with Owin – a South London producer and bassist. “I always look forward to that show, we've got great energy and just bounce around the studio. We both get so immersed in the music we're just jumping around." 
Pinty has been making waves with his live performances too: he’s played in Paris with hip-hop star Rejji Snow, at Glastonbury Festival with Sub Luna City (a King Krule project), and with RATKING – an experimental, punk-inspired hip-hop crew from New York.
Now – having been brought into the Rhythm Section family after meeting founder Bradley Zero at a festival – he’s hoping the new EP will create more waves. While Pinty’s 2015 debut had a distinctly garage flavour, City Limits takes his sound in a new, house and dance-led direction.
He explains: "A lot of the beats on the next EP are pretty four-on-the-floor [a rhythm pattern associated with dance music] so I think this is going to separate from the earlier stuff. The sound is kind of ‘housey’ street sounds with a lot of lyricism in there. And that's the thing about the project that's different - I'm trying to help people see that house isn't just some straight party, mostly white, Berlin stuff. There's substance and realness to it too.
"It's just my story: where I've come from, what I've seen and what I've been through. There’s a night-time element to it too, like when you're walking back through a dusty street when there's no one around…the night bus home. I'm definitely trying to get away from that garage MC gimmick – I think it is quite a gimmick sometimes.”
Pinty says he’s been influenced by everything from ‘Escape (The Piña Colada Song)’ by Rupert Holmes to The Streets  – anything with a story. "Stories just grip me, I guess,” he explains. “When I realised 'A Grand Don't Come For Free' [a sort of rap opera – The Streets' second album] was a whole story in itself, I thought that was amazing. I've always found storytelling really interesting. "
This love of narrative is particularly poignant on City Limits' final track. "It's the definitive track on the album," says Pinty.  It includes samples of his brother MCing, alongside snippets of a conversation with his brothers' mate – south London photographer Andrew Gillman – who Pinty interviewed a few years ago about their shared loss. "It comes out really nice," he says. "It was quite eerie making it though, kind of dark. But it is quite a special thing. It was nice to be able to sit down and record it, but then to use it in a special way too." 
The pair spoke for two hours, reminiscing, and Pinty says that while it's taken time for him to be able to talk about his loss, recording with his friend and putting the track together was therapeutic. The EP's title is also loaded with meaning – connected with a group of Pinty's brother's friends – making it an especially personal body of work. 
Pinty plans to tour off the back of his upcoming release, and says he’ll be putting out more new music as soon as possible after City Limits. "That's the plan,” he says. “I've waited so long – after this I want to just keep pushing stuff out more man."
Bradley Zero sees the release as a natural partnership for Rhythm Section: “As the label has grown we’ve released music from all over the world, but the genesis of the label – as well as the ongoing focus – has always been Peckham. We’ve played a role in establishing local acts such as Henry Wu, Chaos in the CBD and FYI Chris so the idea of working with Pinty was immediately considered.  
“Musically, our influences align on the crossroads of house, hip-hop and UK sound system Culture. Much like our debut effort from Al Dobson Jnr, Pinty’s style takes influence from a wide palette of sounds to create something uniquely his own. Long story short, Pinty’s style, sound and story has 'Rhythm Section' written all over it!”
Peckham holds a really important place in Bradley’s heart, which is why continuing to put out music by innovative artists from the area – like Pinty – is especially vital to him. “We host our seventh anniversary dance in November – how time flies! It all started in Peckham,” he explains. “The label and the party weren’t born out of a business plan; they where born out of a community, and everything we’ve produced so far is a product of that community.
“My musical journey began here, whether honing my burgeoning skills on the decks of Bar Story every Friday night, hosting my first ever radio show on Reprezent from its original Asylum Road studios, or putting on my first ever party in Canavan’s. While the music and the message has begun to spread its wings around the world, Rhythm Section will always be rooted in Peckham.
“Before the Overground came, people didn’t often venture south of the river and folk who lived down here tended not to leave so often, so we got what I like to call the ‘ pressure cooker effect’. The musicians and artists based in Peckham felt largely disconnected from what was going on elsewhere, so we made our own fun, collaborated heavily and eventually the word got out.”
For Bradley, pushing forward home grown talent is important in maintaining some of Peckham’s individuality, and he talks about broader things like rent controls to help protect longstanding residents and businesses from being pushed out. “There is a genuine community here that cares deeply about what goes on and how the area grows,” he explains. “We must nurture and this, and champion the independent spirit of our community.” City Limits – in its reflection of south London nightlife and demonstration of south London talent – will do just this.
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JD: I am obsessed with sports. I wanted to play rugby when I was a kid. But I am obsessed with golf. I played golf this morning before I came here, just to try to calm my mind.  But it had the opposite effect. I played terribly. DJ: I would love to marry someone who is supportive and respectful of my job equally as he is of his.
On what people don’t know about them: via GMAnetwork
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alanmbron · 7 years
(L'archet distingué)
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