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so it looks like the five are meditating or something and one of them is glowing. By the shape of the glowing one‘s hat it looks like this is the one possibly possessing jordana, so this might be them taking control
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aresonist · 2 months
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officercooks · 5 months
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The shadow dojo must be really important
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ataraxixx · 5 months
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Wanted to try drawinf ras and jordana came up w the idea of them like walking thru the forest in the wyldness... maybe theyre looking for some kind of ancient evil temple or dojo or whatever?
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cstuff-art · 3 months
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mittenslikescats · 3 months
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updateplss · 3 months
they kissed y'all!!!! (no one has posted the entire scene yet so only cuts)
if you only knew WHAT happened before this............ jesus
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spinjitsuburst · 5 months
man it’s wild how dragons rising introduced so many characters that just fit so well within the world of ninjago
I love Arin Sora and Riyu just as much as I love the rest of the main ninja + Pixal + Wu. Mr. Frohicky is such a fun addition to the cast. Beatrix, Lord Ras and Rapton are such fun villains. There’s so many side characters that are incredible that I fell for so fast, like Euphrasia and Arrakore and Percival and Jordana and Geo. Lobbo is so funny and a delight on-screen. Kreel feels very Ronin-esque in such a fun way. Even the BACKGROUND CHARACTERS make the realms and the Crossroads feel so alive.
I was so nervous when they announced there’d be a new ninjago series, I’m very resistant to change and didn’t want new characters to replace the old. But they haven’t replaced them, they’ve added to such a wonderful and expansive world. I love you Dragons Rising I love you DR cast
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painkosmic · 9 months
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Sooo, i can't deside if this ship's name will be scienceshipping or sordana, i like more scienceshipping but in instagram theres a person's selfship that is called scienceshipping too, what should i do?
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jalluzas-ferney · 5 months
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zaptrap · 5 months
WAIT imagine jordana wanting to be harumi’s apprentice, to learn from The Girlboss Ever only to find harumi’s in the middle of her redemption arc and jordan’s like “WHY ARE YOU BORING NOWWW” and harumi’s just like “listen, large scale evil schemes aren’t all they cracked up to be (trust me)”
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peachybruiseslego · 5 months
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hehehahehhehehehehe did you know i love them did u know i love toxic yuri did u know
alt ver under cut
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ciggrtte · 2 months
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jordana & milena <3
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dr-ninjago-ships · 5 days
Raspberry (Sora x Jordana)
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cstuff-art · 3 months
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Is this what the kids call toxic yuri
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