#dj octavio redemption arc
starlight727 · 2 years
Splatoon 3 DJ Octavio redemption arc idea I had
After you beat his ass for the third fucking time, he drops onto the ground, unconsious, buried in the debris of his recently destroyed mech. After that, you see someone walking into the room: It’s Lil Judd. He says “Finally, he’s gone… Thank you for getting rid of him. He’s been such a nuisance to me since the Final Splatfest. Always complaining about how the inklings always get the upper hand in battle. SO ANNOYING! But now that my rainbow ink can turn everyone into my mindless furry slaves, I can finally steal my purebred brother’s spotlight and I will rule the world!!”. Suddenly, the room starts shaking and rainbow ink starts dripping from the ceiling, which means the room’s gonna fucking explode and reveal something bigger, so you better get the fuck outta there. BUT WAIT!! You’re forgetting something! DJ Octavio is trapped under the rubble. You HAVE to save him or he’ll die!
[QUICK TIME EVENTS] You have 3 minutes to do all of this, so be quick
Mash “B” to dig through the ruins of the mech
You find Octavio’s scarred tentacle, mash “A” to pull him outta there.
Aw shit, he’s still unconscious. Get on your flying espresso machine and carry him to the exit. Mash “Y” to Speedy González out of the crumbling boss stage. Dodge the falling pieces by moving the R Joy-Con left or right.
Unexpectedly, the exit is blocked by a big ass chunk of wall. The only way you’re getting out of there is if you charge the espresso machine’s speed bar TO THE MAX!! Mash “X” to charge it up, then press “A” to BUST OUT OF THERE!!!
[END OF QUICK TIME EVENTS] BOOYAH!! YOU DID IT, YOU ESCAPED WITH YOUR LIFE!! And you saved DJ Octavio too, good for you!
You go to a safe place far away from the destroyed boss stage and put down DJ Octavio in the shade. You sit next to him and rest until your next mission is announced, which is to defeat Lil Judd and save the world from total furry domination.
Long story short, DJ Octavio is the fake-out boss and Lil Judd is the REAL final boss.
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cishet-dj-octavio · 1 year
I wish Octavio hung around during and after Splatoon3, even if it’s kinda like in previous games where you can’t speak to him and he just stares. Bro helped you save the entire planet then fucked off
I really wanna see what everyone in the NSS thinks of him most of all. Hesitantly trusting? Still hating of him? He did a lot of bad things, but also helping someone save the world without even being asked is a pretty huge way to redeem yourself. But the fact that he helped, please correct me if I’m wrong, is literally never mentioned after??
I really want to know where he went. What was he even doing all storymode? Was he watching the entire single player campaign happen from afar? Was he just hanging out in Splatsville?? Was he aimlessly flying around space until he happened to see Agent 3 about to plummet to their death? I REALLY hope we get to see more of him in the DLC, maybe get some answers to these questions
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pinkiemeowstic89 · 2 years
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I swear, if Callie ends up being the Entrapta to Octavio's Hordak (not in a romantic way because of the implied age gap), Splatoon 3 might just be the magnum opus of Nintendo's 2022.
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judas-isariot · 1 year
I am all in for redemption, but for DJ Octavio I believe it is not ready yet.
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snailvibes · 6 months
How about some angst. After seeing how skilled Agent 4 is in defeating him, DJ Octavio has Maya kidnapped and uses his hypnoshades(he makes them harder to take/shoot off) to turn her into his perfect soldier. How would the squidbeak splatoon react.
Very funny fact I actually had a plot line like this in a splatoon fic I had YEARRSS ago like in my wattpad days😭 (it’s deleted on there now tho lol). I’ve also kinda made art for this idea with that one bad end agents piece I did ages ago but I never put more thought into it aside from drawing it.
Obviously this would be pre splat3 considering Octavio wouldn’t do this splat3 - post splat 3 cus busy in the desert and then redemption arc, so tldr this won’t include neo 3 or deep cut.
Most prominently Marie would fucking FREAK out. Since you word it as it’s after he sees how skilled she is at defeating him and we can see he’s obviously capable of getting out again, this would probably not be long after the end of splat2’s storymode and Marie who is still coping with losing Callie and just now getting her back would NOT handle this well, like even just realizing Maya is missing and Octavio’s out would completely set her off. Callie would be panicking almost as much as she’s also very much still recovering and now has to deal with facing Octavio all over again because there’s no way she’d let Marie get her back alone. Add Craig Eight and Three into the mix with them coming back from octo expansion; Ashley is essentially just like “oh wow cool new agent- anddd already a new member of the brainwashed club got it.” Lucky I think would choose not to get involved and leave it to the others and Craig is essentially just “WTF happened while I was gone.”
Going into a scenario where it’s farther in the future though so everyone’s already built connections: Ashley is PISSED more than anything because of her already strained and broken relationship with Octavio and this would make it a million times worse, along with being angry that their girlfriend has to go through another thing in her life. Seeing her actually brainwashed and being that perfect soldier would be what gets that anger to turn into just fear, because it’s a similar reflection of herself under Tartar’s control.
Lucky knows Maya can handle herself, but she’s more scared for her than she’s willing to admit, considering she has no memories of her former leader and only has the stories everyone else has shared of what he’s done, and she’s never gone out of her way to interact with him. Similar to Ashley, seeing her brainwashed from the glasses just reminds her of her fight with three in the elevator, but similar to then she’s more willing than the others to fight her to try and yank those glasses off her face.
I don’t think Marie would be able to even properly fight her. I think she’d still feel guilty about shooting Callie in the face even though it needed to be done, so having to actually go outright fight her daughter would be way too much to the point that I don’t think she could even bring herself to do it. Her focus would be more on trying to snipe down Octavio in the background of the fight if he’s there, and if not, letting the others handle Maya so she can go hunt him down while his “perfect soldier” is distracted, mostly because she can’t even stand to stay there and see her like that and she’d want to still be useful. Callie I think would be in a similar situation with Marie, but staying behind anyways. She knows how disorienting it is to come down from being brainwashed and I think she’d focus on that and staying behind at the fight to be there for Maya when they get the glasses off to keep herself distracted from how horrible she feels about this even happening to her.
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ark-polaris · 2 years
For the "send me a character" thing, I choose DJ Octavio! I wanna know what you think of him.
Ohh boy what can I say about the man? First Impression: Typical Villain. The evil to the good. Kinda funny, but Splatoon 1's boss battle is hard... Impression now: Grandpa Got Some Issues. The man's just trying. Give him a redemption arc he got layers. Favorite moment: Putting the rainmaker on his face in splatoon 2. Scratch that just the whole rainmaker sequence in Splatoon 2 Idea for a story: I have too many lol, but have this soulmate au I once thought up: An au where your eye colour changes when you are close to your soulmate. It changes to the colour of your soulmates eyes. Octavio's eyes changing in the war began to mean doom, and Four and Three have a lot of fights about what colour the mans eyes are. Favourite relationship: While Cuttletavio is like, the obvious nummer one, a good runner up is Octavio and whatever fankids the fandom assigns. Like, some good platonic relation. Him trying to be a good dad, okay? Favourite headcanon: I have too many (again) But I think one favourite is he and the Cap'n got matching tattoos before the turf war (in his case, a squid on his arm) and the little iconic tune in city of color being an unfinished melody he wrote before the turf war, intended to become a song that he and Craig could perform for their band.
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redysetdare · 3 years
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Annnd here is Red son for the Splatoon AU!!
he has a few different looks for this au...which will be explained under the cut 👀
Sooooo.....Red son.... oh boy his role is fun :)
So - This Au actually came to mind because I was playing splatoon 2 and thought if Red son was in splatoon he’d be an octoling. Things stemmed out from that Idea so Red son actually is the most developed in this AU for that reason.
Red son is part of the Octarians, His parents are too but they’ll be getting their own posts, for now you just gotta know PIF and DBK basically rule over the Octarians with PIF being a elite octoling and DBK taking the place of DJ Octavio. Red son is more of a general soldier in the Octarian army, given he is a little higher rank than everyone else but he’s not quite Elite status. The 1st image is his main outfit. 2nd Image is an alt but the 2nd image also have a little concept of his outfit for when he gets to Inkopolis (because I refuse to have an AU where Red son doesn’t get a redemption arc I’m sorry if the show wont do it then I WILL)
So...about his glasses. I gave him the octoling shades because for those of you who know splatoon would know - those shades are something all Octolings wear these shades. This is due to the fact that Octolings have a little thing called free will and so to keep them in line Octavio gives them hypnotizing glasses. you can see where this is going...
ANYWAYS Red son would be the main antagonist for the most part when it came to MK fighting in the underground. He’s the one usually causing problems and I like to think he build a majority of Octarian technology used in the levels. He’s probably been the one to set up all the bosses too, each one being something he’s personally worked on or created.
This is getting longer than i thought so I’ll cut it off here for now and get into his redemption and how he gets to Inkopolis some other time ;)
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snailvibes · 3 years
You ever think about if Octavio sometimes thinks about how if the war didn’t happen and he still could’ve dated captain cuttlefish Callie and Marie could have been his family, and even though the war did happen if he made the effort they still could have been family but he ruined those chances after brainwashing Callie
Because I do
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ark-polaris · 3 years
So the direct dropped, im screaming, my mind is in overdrive, im wondering where everyone is, i need a drink...
And i wrote a little drabble thing of Cuttlefish and Octavio because they live in my head rent free.
“It’s like the war yet again, huh.” The captain’s back seems straighter than it had been for years. Like he was trying to be more threatening. The Octoling across him crosses his arms, staring somewhere in the distance.
“Yeah. Only this time, I don’t think you’re on the right side.” A small sigh.
“We... could do it different this time. You join us. No more fightin’ each other, cap’n. Us together, rulin’ the chaos.” He stared at the inkling, almost... sad. He simply frowned, gripping his cane.
“I will be on the right side of history.” The captain spat out, frowning, “soon everything will be in our favour again, just you know it. Why not join the underdogs then? Your help would always be needed.”
The stare hardened into a glare, mouth pulling into a thin line. Hands gripping the sleeves.
“Fine then. Guess I’ll just dubstomp you slimy little hipsters then. Time for you to know your filthy little place.” He spat out, almost hurt.
“Know MY place? MY place?! Bold coming from the guy who attacked us for our lands, tried stealing zapfish and BRAINWASHING my granddaughter! Maybe you should know your place! Underground, drowning in the mess and horrible decisions YOU made!” The yelling echoed through the canyon, the Octarian King having taken a step back, eyes wide. Before pulling his face back into that glare again. Hands into fists.
“Take That Back.” The voice was low, threatening.
“No.” Knuckles white on the cane.
“You take that back, or so help me-“
“What? What are you gonna do?”
“Find then.” He reached down for the brush, eyes never leaving the inklings face. Teeth bare, snarling. Strip strong, fear, fear in the others eyes, Knuckles gripping the cane, frantically unlocking the safety, shaking hands, shaky pointing and who was gonna throw the first ink-
It all didn’t matter when the bombshell hit.
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