#django developer
laravelwizard · 1 year
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webideasolution · 2 years
Looking for Hire Django Developer in India? Our Django developers create complex, data-driven websites and apps with flexible hiring models!
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citrusbugtechnolabs · 2 years
Benefits of hiring Offshore Django Developers
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The revolutionary changes in the IT industry have paved the market with the growth scale. With the advancing technologies, businesses are updating themselves to match the present market. In addition to fulfilling the needs of companies, technology like Python is the most selected one. 
Python is the most versatile programming language. Besides software and web development, it is also used with trending technologies like AI & ML. And Django is the most popular Python framework. Due to its popularity, companies are looking to hire Django developers more. 
After the research, it is proved that the demand for Python developers is more across the world. And countries like the USA, UK, and Europe need a talent pool. At the same time, Asian countries have a vast talent pool in Python and Django. Hence, the hiring of offshore Django developers is in demand. Today here, we will discuss the benefits of hiring offshore Django developers.
Access to the immense talent pool: 
When you hire developers from offshore development firms, you can develop partnerships with them and access their teams and talents. As per the observation, Django developers are located in Asian countries like India and China. You can hire Django developers from India and get access to their expertise. 
The margin for paying for your development needs greatly differs when choosing an outsourcing partner for your web development requirements. When you hire Django developers from an offshore company, you can access great talents at cost-effective rates. 
High-quality development skills:
The IT software service industry hub is in India and other Asian countries. After comparing the development skills, you can rely on the talent pool of Asian countries like India and China. Such outsourcing development companies have experts on board. They are trained and have hands-on experience in delivering high-quality development results. 
When you hire developers Offshore, you can hire them on a contract basis and have the flexibility to craft them only for your project. The responsibility of the developers is taken by the Offshore Outsourcing company with whom you have built up the partnership. 
Time Zone Difference: 
Well, the time zone difference is a boon or bane. Once the project is assigned to the developers, the work is left for you to monitor them. So you can simultaneously work on your priorities. Such practices will increase productivity and focus on other aspects. 
Why select Django developers from India?
India is becoming a high-quality technological hub. India has access to all the technology and upgrades them daily. The software developers in India are proficient in delivering customer-centric results. 
Python is the most valuable and used programming language in the technical world across the globe. In addition, Django is the popular python framework, and the demand for Django developers is touching the skies. 
In India, experienced and skilful Django developers focus on delivering desirable results. Here in India, when you hire Django developers for your projects, you have access to experienced developers who are well-versed in development. Also, have experience in using tools and libraries. Django has robust features and functionality, and Indian Django developers always have hands-on experience with it. 
In conclusion, you get lots of benefits when you hire Django developers from an offshore outsourcing development company. India has set a benchmark for delivering custom-centric results in the IT service industry. The most significant benefit is that you enable the option of hiring skilful and well-versed software developers at cost-effective rates compared to other countries. Hence, hiring developers from offshore delivers fruitful results when you have chosen the right development partner. 
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code-es · 2 years
The women who laid the foundation of tech
EDIT: I noticed that this post ended up being reblogged by terfs. If you're transphobic this post is not for you to reblog. I want to celebrate everyone who is not a cis man in this industry, including trans women and nonbinary people in tech, and it was my mistake to only include cis women in this post when there are so many trans women and nonbinary people who have done great things in tech as well. Trans women are women and just as important.
Here you can read about trans ppl in tech, and please do:
The morning of women's day i attended a super inspiring seminar about being a woman in tech at a large tech company in my city, and now I'm inspired to share what I learned with all of you!
I didn't have time to finish this post on women's day, but it's not too late to post now: every day is a day to celebrate women!
Women actually laid the foundation for a lot of the tech industry.
For example, the first computer, ENIAC, was programmed completely by women! While men were the behind the scenes engineers, it was women who did all the actual programming of ENIAC.
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The women who made up the team responsible for programming it were called Jean Bartik, Kay McNulty, Betty Holberton, Marlyn Wescoff, Frances V. Spence and Ruth Teitelbaum.
I think one woman who is finally getting her overdue recognition is Ada Lovelace. She was a mathematician (also often referred to as the first programmer) who created the first algorithm in 1842, which wasn't recognized until 1953! However, since none of her machines were ever completed it was never tested in practice during her time.
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She has since been celebrated by giants such as google, and she has given name to a programming language (Ada). She was also the first person to write about what is today known as AI. Back when she was practicing, computers were simply thought of as calculators. But she had an idea that if computers can understand numbers, then that can be translated to letters, and in turn that can lead to computers being able to handle words, and eventually even write, draw and create music.
Hedy Lamarr was a famous Hollywood actress in the 40's, but she was also an inventor who laid ground for what we use today for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS services.
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During WW2 she wanted to contribute positviely to the military efforts against the Nazis, and she tried to figure out how to radio control torpedoes. In 1942 she patented her technology "Secret Communications System", also known as frequency hopping, which laid the foundation for the technology we use today for Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth. It wasn't until 1962 that it was first used for its intended purpose, during the cuban missile crisis.
Grace Hopper invented the first compiler, called A-0, in 1955, and was also part of the Univac team, which was the company also responsible for building ENIAC. She also initiated work on the COBOL programming language.
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She was also the one to coin the term "bug" in 1947. Computers back then had lights to visualize their working process (which was also a womans idea to implement btw) and bugs would be attracted to the lights, but usually that was no issue - until a bug made its way into a tube which caused the computer to stop working. Hopper taped the bug to a piece of paper and logged what caused the crash - a bug.
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Dorothy Vaughan (left), alongside colleagues such as Katherine Johnson (middle) and Mary Jackson (right), was a mathematician at NASA (called NACA when she started) who worked on the orbit for the first ever manned spaceflight and later also on Apollo 11 that would take humanity to the moon!
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When Vaughan started at what was then called NACA, segregation was still prevalent in the US and she was not allowed in the same areas in the office as her white colleagues. Another department was formed for the black staff, and when the director of said department unexpectedly died, she was appointed as the new director and thus became the first ever black woman at that position at NACA/NASA. In 1958 when NACA becomes NASA segregation is forbidden, and that is when Vaughan and her colleagues Johnson and Jackson started working on programming the orbit and later also Apollo 11.
Continuing on the same track of NASA and space, Margaret Hamilton was the Apollo project's first actual programmer. Hamilton became the director of software engineering at NASA in 1965, and she was also the person to first coin the term !
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In the image above, she stands next to all the handwritten code that was used to send humanity to the moon. During the early stages of the project when she would speak of "sofware engineering", software development was not taken as seriously as other forms of engineering, and it wasn't regarded as a science, either. She wanted to legitimize software development as an engineering discipline, and overtime the term "software engineering" gained the same respect as any other technical discipline.
And lastly, if you're a woman in STEM, I want to highlight and celebrate you! Being a woman in a male dominated industry is not easy, we often suffer from sterotype threat and are not seen as our own individuals, but rather "the woman" in a room full of men. But just as these women, I'm sure you will achieve greatness!!
Here are some additional resources if you'd like to learn more:
And this was mainly my source for this post, but it's unfortunately only available in Swedish:
Thank you for reading ✨
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leng-m · 2 years
With the resurgence of people becoming interested in setting up their own websites and platforms, one thing I'd encourage people to look into is something called "static site generators." If you're looking to stand up a really simple site without a lot of dynamic content, this is probably the easiest way to do so.
Static-site generators allow you to automate the development of html pages that are ready to serve. The biggest difference between static sites and dynamic sites is that the latter cobbles together the page your users see by pulling all sorts of data from databases upon request time. In contrast, static sites allow you to serve ready-made html pages, making them much faster, secure, and cheaper to host.
(You do need to know a bit of back-end programming to run some simple commands and setup configuration files, but if you're already dabbling in HTML, CSS, and JS, I'm guessing you're up for the challenge.)
Here are a few resources if you want to try it out.
What is a static site generator?
A list of static site generators you can choose from
There's a lot on that list, but these are the ones I often see people using: Next.js, Jekyll, Hugo, Pelican
Places that host static sites, often for free, mostly for little charge:
Github Pages
GitLab Pages
The process of updating your website will be quite different than if you're used to platforms like Wordpress or Weebly. But if you're okay with using markdown editors and syncing your files manually, the amount of control you get back over your own content is totally worth it. There are also a lot of plugins and resources already out there to make the experience much smoother.
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devhubby · 1 year
How to Deploy a Python Django App to DigitalOcean?
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Django is a high-level Python web framework that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It allows developers to build web applications quickly and easily by providing a structured and reusable codebase.
Read more at: https://elvanco.com/blog/how-to-deploy-a-python-django-app-to-digitalocean
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izicodes · 2 years
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>> Friday 25th November 2022
I am continuing my 100 Days of Python challenge on Replit! I'm on Day 17 and so far I have learned about the following:
▣ Variables, Data Types, If-statements, If-Else statements, If-Elif-Else statements, while loops, break, and continue
I'm really liking the challenge so far, it's really fun as I'm making little mini projects as I'm learning so eventually I can use that knowledge to create a bigger project!
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stiitch · 1 year
LiftMore Update 9.04.2023
I was posting updates on my Medium (see the pinned post), but lately I haven't had time to make a thorough post. Instead, I want to update on a few things in a more informal post here.
API Updates
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Finally went through and added all of the endpoints I'll need. There are a few endpoints on this list that I'm still in the process of refining permissions and making more secure.
Unit Testing ...ayup.. I came this far into the project without writing a single unit test. I really do want to strive for best TDD practices, but when there's no code at all in my application, it feels really unsatisfying to start working on tests before my code is capable of doing anything. Moving forward in the project, I will definitely strive to do TDD well.
Security Currently, the API just processes users via Basic Authentication. In this upcoming week, I'm planning on creating an identity server and using that server to issue my own OAuth2.0 tokens. I'm not sure yet how I want to set up my IDP service and OIDC Identity Providers.
Deployments Before moving onto the Front-End for this project, I want to make sure that my app is as secure and robust as possible. For this, I want to create 3 different environments (Development, Test, and Production), use a secret manager to inject secrets into the application, and have all of my deployments automated with GitHub Actions. In addition to all this, I want to make sure my application is set up properly between GitHub Actions and AWS so that I can manage dashboards and collect usage/cost information before having any users.
Finally, I'm happy to say that I've acquired the domain name "liftmore.app". After I get through some of the things I mentioned here, I'll push out a landing page and more information of LiftMore from a user perspective in case anybody wants to use it :)
Lastly, little brief preview of my Project board in GitHub at the moment.
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capitalnumbers · 1 year
Maintained by the Django Software Foundation (DSF), Django is a free, open-source, and high-level Python web framework. Django Packages is a repository of reusable Django apps, packages, and libraries. These packages help add additional features and functionalities and, thus, improve Django projects. 
However, there are differences in modules and packages. A module is a reusable code, while a package is a collection of files. Essential Django packages include Django REST framework (DRF), Cookiecutter Django, Django-AllAuth, Django-debug-toolbar, and more. When choosing a package, you must consider several things, including compatibility, documentation, community support, popularity, etc. So, consider these things and make a suitable package for your Django project. 
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botreetech · 2 years
Using Django for Python app development makes more sense with every passing day, and this blog tells you why Django should be your choice! Read more: https://leasetech.info/why-should-you-use-django-for-python-app-development/
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exiverlabs · 2 years
Best IT Company Services and Solutions | India | ExiverLabs
Exiver Labs offers the best services provider of software development, web backend and front-end development, DevOps, cloud operations, software quality assurance, digital Marketing, and mobile and desktop application development at genuine rates. To make requests for further information, contact us today.
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webideasolution · 2 years
Web Idea Solution can help you with your web application development needs by providing to hire Django developer. With the Django framework, we were able to avoid routine code lines, allowing us to release ...
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citrusbugtechnolabs · 2 years
Hire Django Developers | Django Development Company 
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Citrusbug Technolabs is the best Django development Company. We know that finding an exceptional Django developer is not easy. That's why we are here to provide you with the best Django developers with excellent Skills. We have knowledgeable developers who fulfilled your website requirements. Hire Django Developers for your company or a business to get the best dynamic and attractive website.
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teguhteja · 8 days
Django Back-End Development: Mastering Robust Web Applications
Dive into Django back-end development! This comprehensive guide covers project setup, routing, database integration, CRUD operations, and building a full-featured To-Do app. Perfect for aspiring back-end engineers. #DjangoDevelopment
Django, a powerful Python web framework, empowers developers to build robust back-end systems efficiently. This blog post will guide you through the essential aspects of Django for back-end development, covering project setup, routing, SQLite3 integration, CRUD operations, and the creation of a full-featured To-Do app with authentication and real-time updates. Getting Started with Django:…
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ldsengineers · 11 days
LDS Engineers is a leading Django development company in Australia, known for providing top-notch services to clients worldwide. With a highly skilled and specialized team of Django developers, we are dedicated to delivering robust and cost-effective solutions. Whether you're looking for a custom-built template or modifications to an existing one, our expert developers can meet your requirements with precision.
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We have successfully expanded our services across multiple countries, including India, the UK, the US, and Australia, building a strong reputation for reliability and excellence. Our team is proficient in developing complex database-driven websites, as well as transforming them into simple, efficient static pages. We focus on making websites more interactive, user-friendly, and profitable, helping businesses achieve their goals faster.
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bh1rti · 13 days
The Ultimate Guide to Finding and Hiring Skilled Django Developers
The Ultimate Guide to Finding and Hiring Skilled Django Developers
A Django developer is a professional who specializes in using the Django framework to build web applications. Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. The role of a Django developer involves working with the Django framework to create web applications that are both functional and visually appealing. They are responsible for writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code, as well as implementing and maintaining web applications. Additionally, Django developers are often tasked with collaborating with other team members, such as designers and project managers, to ensure that the web applications meet the needs and expectations of the clients or end users. Overall, a Django developer plays a crucial role in the development and maintenance of web applications, and their expertise is essential for the success of any web development project. A Django developer should have a strong understanding of Python programming language, as well as experience with web development and the Django framework. They should also possess strong problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work well in a team environment. Additionally, a Django developer should be familiar with front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as have experience with database management systems such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. Overall, a Django developer should have a solid understanding of web development principles and best practices, as well as the ability to adapt to new technologies and frameworks as they emerge in the industry.
Where to find qualified Django developers
There are several avenues to explore when looking to hire qualified Django developers. One option is to utilize online job boards and platforms such as Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn to post job listings and search for potential candidates. These platforms allow employers to reach a wide audience of job seekers and provide tools for filtering and screening candidates based on their skills and experience. Another option is to work with recruiting agencies or staffing firms that specialize in technology and web development. These agencies often have access to a network of qualified candidates and can help streamline the hiring process by pre-screening candidates and presenting only the most qualified individuals for consideration. In addition to online job boards and recruiting agencies, networking within the tech community can also be a valuable resource for finding qualified Django developers. Attending industry events, meetups, and conferences can provide opportunities to connect with potential candidates and gain insights into the latest trends and developments in web development. Furthermore, reaching out to professional organizations and communities such as the Django Software Foundation or local Python user groups can help employers tap into a pool of talented and passionate developers who are actively engaged in the Django community. Overall, leveraging a combination of online resources, recruiting agencies, and networking opportunities can help employers find qualified Django developers who are well-suited for their specific needs.
Assessing the skills and experience of Django developers
When assessing the skills and experience of Django developers, it is important to consider a range of factors that can contribute to their overall qualifications for the role. One key aspect to evaluate is the candidate's proficiency in Python programming language, as this serves as the foundation for working with the Django framework. Employers should look for candidates who have a strong understanding of Python syntax, data structures, and object-oriented programming principles, as well as experience with Python libraries and frameworks commonly used in web development. In addition to Python proficiency, employers should also assess a candidate's experience with web development and the Django framework specifically. This includes evaluating their ability to design and implement web applications using Django's built-in features such as URL routing, template rendering, form handling, and database integration. Employers should also consider a candidate's familiarity with front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as their experience with version control systems like Git and collaborative development tools such as GitHub or Bitbucket. Furthermore, assessing a candidate's knowledge of database management systems such as MySQL or PostgreSQL can provide insights into their ability to design and optimize database schemas for web applications. Overall, evaluating a candidate's skills and experience in Python programming, web development, and the Django framework can help employers identify qualified individuals who are capable of contributing to their development team.
Conducting effective interviews for Django developers
Conducting effective interviews for Django developers requires careful planning and consideration of the specific skills and qualities that are essential for success in the role. One approach is to structure the interview process in a way that allows candidates to demonstrate their technical proficiency in Python programming language and web development using the Django framework. This can involve presenting candidates with coding challenges or real-world scenarios that test their problem-solving abilities and understanding of best practices in web application development. In addition to technical assessments, employers should also use interviews as an opportunity to evaluate a candidate's communication skills, teamwork abilities, and overall fit within the company culture. This can involve asking candidates about their previous experiences working on collaborative projects, their approach to problem-solving in a team environment, and their ability to communicate complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders. Furthermore, employers should use interviews to gauge a candidate's passion for web development and their willingness to learn and adapt to new technologies and frameworks. By conducting interviews that assess both technical proficiency and interpersonal skills, employers can gain a comprehensive understanding of a candidate's qualifications for the role of a Django developer.
Negotiating salaries and benefits for Django developers
Negotiating salaries and benefits for Django developers requires careful consideration of market trends, industry standards, and the specific qualifications of the candidate in question. Employers should research salary data for Django developers in their local area or industry sector to gain insights into competitive compensation ranges. This can involve consulting salary surveys, industry reports, or professional organizations that provide benchmarks for tech salaries based on factors such as experience level, geographic location, and company size. In addition to salary considerations, employers should also take into account the benefits package offered to Django developers as part of the overall compensation package. This can include perks such as health insurance, retirement savings plans, paid time off, professional development opportunities, and flexible work arrangements. Employers should be prepared to discuss these benefits with candidates during the negotiation process and be open to considering additional incentives or perks that may be important to the candidate's overall job satisfaction. By approaching salary negotiations with transparency and flexibility, employers can create an environment that fosters trust and mutual respect while ensuring that both parties are satisfied with the terms of employment.
Onboarding and integrating Django developers into your team
Onboarding and integrating Django developers into your team is an important step in ensuring their success and productivity within your organization. Employers should provide new hires with a comprehensive orientation that familiarizes them with company policies, procedures, and culture. This can involve introducing them to key team members, providing an overview of the company's mission and values, and outlining expectations for their role within the organization. In addition to orientation, employers should also provide new hires with access to the tools, resources, and training necessary for them to excel in their role as a Django developer. This can include providing access to development environments, version control systems, project management tools, and documentation that outlines best practices for working with the Django framework. Employers should also assign mentors or senior team members who can provide guidance and support to new hires as they acclimate to their new role. By investing in a thorough onboarding process, employers can set their new hires up for success while fostering a sense of belonging and engagement within the team.
Retaining and nurturing Django developers for long-term success
Retaining and nurturing Django developers for long-term success involves creating an environment that fosters professional growth, collaboration, and job satisfaction. Employers should provide ongoing opportunities for professional development through training programs, workshops, conferences, or certifications that allow Django developers to expand their skills and stay current with industry trends. This can help employees feel valued and invested in their career growth while contributing to their overall job satisfaction.
In addition to professional development opportunities, employers should also prioritize open communication and feedback within the team to ensure that Django developers feel heard and supported in their roles. This can involve regular check-ins with managers or team leads to discuss performance goals, career aspirations, and any challenges or concerns that may arise in their work. Furthermore, creating a positive work environment that promotes collaboration, creativity, and work-life balance can contribute to employee retention by fostering a sense of belonging and fulfillment within the team.
Overall, retaining and nurturing Django developers for long-term success requires a proactive approach that prioritizes ongoing learning opportunities, open communication, and a positive work culture that values employee well-being. By investing in these areas, employers can create an environment where Django developers feel motivated, engaged, and committed to contributing their best work to the team's success.
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