chlogummy · 4 months
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Height gap study for uh.... Science
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ol-files · 6 months
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scollecomic · 1 year
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My first post for my SCOLLE blog, here's the cover for the comic!
Scolle is a fan comic based on the Dofus Manga by Ankama. It's an action-adventure fantasy that follows Scolle on his quest to become a Sram while working as a mercenary. He's tasked with capturing the other main character, Arty, who is accompanied by Vald- will he succeed?
The story is set in The World of Twelve, a fantasy world where humans are granted powers depending on the God they worship. It also contains strong LGBT themes, as most of the characters are queer in some way.
The story is available both in English and Spanish, and might be available in French someday in the future. If you're interested, it's free to read in the link below.
If you're a fan and would like merch, like posters or the physical version of a chapter, feel free to check out my store. (I will post updates in this blog too!)
And finally, to not miss a single update, join the discord server!
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
Random Joris Lore Titbits Nobody Except Me Should Care About
+ AKA random bullshit that won't fit in any other post.
>Joris might literally be legally adopted.
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(source: Dofus MMO site, "The Case of the Butcher of Brakmar")
And they may have still had the paperwork to prove it 200 years later, since this was noted down in an official case file investigating temporal anomalies. Cute.
>Joris has known his surname is "Jurgen" way before the events of the movie.
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>Joris and Kerubim have distinct handwriting.
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Kerubim writes in quick, but at times indecipherable, cursive.
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Baby Joris writes in very messy cursive, while adult Joris writes in plain, blocky letters.
(source for all of this: the 20th anniversary map, scans not available online. I'll make a post trying to write down as much lore as I can from using YouTube unboxing videos later)
>Joris birthday and Zodiac lore
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As is known thanks to the studio timeline, Joris was born on December 32nd. This makes sense, considering the year changes when Jiva defeats Djaul every year.
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This also means that, unlike the rest of the series, the final episode of Aux Tresors takes place in the spring of 398, and Joris is 8 years old.
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He was pretty much born on the Krosmoz equivalent of a leap year. Poor guy.
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In real life, it would make his zodiac sign "Capricorn".
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But in Krosmoz's in-universe zodiac system his sign is "Seadragon".
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One interesting aside is that, it is entirely possible to triangulate Joris's Chinese (pandawa?) zodiac sign, since we know 1. what year he was born in, and 2. That 654 was the year of Dragon.
This is dubious lore based literally on a single post on the Dofus site, announcing a holiday event. I am only including it because I'm insane.
Anyway, here's some math:
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Because Joris was born in 390, we know that 264 years had passed since his birth, and to the already mentioned year of dragon, 654.
In real life, 264 years ago, it was 1760, (which really puts Joris's age into a perspective, and a scary one at that,) and it was...
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Here is some info on the Dragon sign of the Chinese zodiac:
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And to be specific, 1760 (and by that logic, 390) was a "Metal/Gold Dragon" year...
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I hate how well it fits, with his, uh... [gestures vaguely] his everything? Especially considering it was completely unplanned by Ankama.
I will go into a river now, never to be seen again, or something. This is too much.
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julith-jurgen · 4 months
Dofus TCG + Krosmaster Arena art from the 10 Years of Dofus Artbook
This part contains the cards art from the old Dofus TCG, with cards from all extensions and I added a bit of the art from Krosmaster Arena since it's a small section!
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Full art of the cards "Vaillance De Jiva" and "Fourberie de Djaul" and also of the cards "Demena" and "La Haine"
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This artwork was pretty hard to scan but I love the style so much!!
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Really cool Dark Vlad art! (And of the bandits of Cania)
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Krosmaga Arena box art!
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And some of the individual character art :)
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yajan1 · 1 month
Evento: El mundo al revés - segunda parte
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Incita a los ankamianos a respetar su entorno
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Debemos reunir desperdicios alrededor de la oficina.
Necesitas alrededor de 23 desperdicios que se pueden recolectar en la primera y segunda sala de oficinas de Ankama.
Para volver a recolectar, debes esperar 5 minutos.
Obtienes dos desperdicios en cada recolección.
Algunos NPCs te dan sus desperdicios:
Ankamiano goloso de la Sala de reunión
Ankamiana de pausa de la Tienda
Ankamiano deportista de la Sala de deporte y espacio de relajación.
Solo puedes elegir a uno de los NPC para conseguir desperdicios, y debes esperar unos 10 minutos para poder volver a pedirle a cualquiera de estos más desperdicios.
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[!] IMPORTANTE: Si entre todos los desperdicios encuentras 1 Corazón de manzana, guárdalo porque te servirá en la misión La vida en malva.
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Reciclaje: Ve a la Cafetería y habla con Papeleras de la cafetería para reciclar los desperdicios que obtuviste anteriormente.
Si reciclas en la papelera correcta, obtendrás 1 Kama de Ankama por cada uno.
Antes de reciclar, usa las botellas cerradas de cristal y de plástico para obtener tapones y botellas abiertas.
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Reciclar en la papelera incorrecta no te dará nada.
Esta sección de la misión se completará cuando recibas 25 kamas de Ankama x reciclar suficiente basura.
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Averigua por qué los goblins son tan importantes ➤ Debes completar la misión La vida en malva.
Consigue entrar en el Ankabar Habla con el Ankamiano sediento que se encuentra en la Cafetería de Ankama. Nos dice que podemos entrar al Ankabar cada jueves entre las 6 y las 7 de la tarde (hora de Dofus). Sin embargo, nos dice que puede darnos un pase al Ankabar si le traemos 9 bebidas que nunca haya probado. Para eso necesitaremos las siguientes bebidas
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En cualquier taller de alquimista debemos preparar 6 bebidas con distintas cervezas que encontramos en distintos bares del mundo de los doce
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¿Dónde encontrar cada bebida?
Para la bebida angelical
2 x Cerveza del Pankemante: Chef Pankemante en [-36,-58] (en el segundo piso de la taberna)
2 x Cerveza del Feubuk: Nek Feubuk en [-35,-56] (en la taberna)
2 x Cerveza la Paliza Feliz: Félix Palysa en [-35,-55] (en la taberna)
2 x Cerveza de Chatarreo: Chad Arrero en [-28,-55] (en el taller de mineros)
2 x Cerveza de la Jarradepalo: Ulrik Jarradepalo en [-29,-56] (en el taller de escultores)
2 x Cerveza de la Bagruta: Bagruta Vientrepiedra en [-29,-59] (en la taberna)
Para la bebida demoniaca (recuerden, necesitamos 2 c/u)
Cerveza de Djaul: Jiay Djaul en [-25,37] (en la taberna)
Cerveza del bwórkbol: Kro Burk en [-23,34] (en la taberna)
Cerveza Atolmundo: Dyseo Atolmundo en [-27,33] (en la taberna)
Cerveza del Gatokemao: Dulce Koneja en [-28,38] (en la taberna)
Cerveza de la miseria: Malicia Miseria en [-21,39] (en la taberna)
Cerveza del Ripata: Tabernero Ripata en [12,24] (en la taberna)
Para la bebida especiada
Cerveza del desierto: Oúve Hache en [15,-57] (en la taberna)
Cerveza cacterra: Pikmama en [15,-64] (en la taberna)
Para la bebida helada
Frigrodka: Lisa Kaya en [-81,-41]  (en la taberna)
Vinorst: Walter Ehgo en [-77,-44] (en la taberna)
Para la bebida oriental
Pandaburg: Pantruku en [20,-59] (en el zaap)
Pandapils: Pantruku en [20,-59] (en el zaap)
Para la bebida oscura
Cerveza de Sidimote: Drenba en [-25,26] (en la taberna)
Cerveza de Gisgul: Reme Tálika en [-19,21] (en la taberna)
Además, debemos comprar 3 cervezas extra
 Cerveza de Amakna: Linda Maliwhú en [2,-1] o Laura Soho (en la taberna, sala izquierda o derecha desde la sala central) 
Cerveza de Astrub: Tek Abir en [6,-18] (en la taberna)
Limonada de Incarnam: Panzudo en [0,-3] (en la taberna de Incarnam)
Con las 9 bebidas en tu poder, regresa a la Cafetería de Ankama e interactúa con Ankamiano sediento eligiendo la opción de Intercambiar para traspasarle las 9 bebidas y así obtener a cambio el Pase para el Ankabar.
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➤ Desentraña los misterios del Ankabar Habla con el Cliente del Ankabar, quien te hará una serie de preguntas aleatorias sobre el mundo de Dofus que debes responder 10 preguntas en 2 minutos.
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Si respondes correctamente las preguntas, el Cliente del Ankabar te regalará una Cerveza de Ankama. Fallar en una pregunta hará que tengas que esperar unos minutos antes de poder volver a tomar el test. Para poder completar esta sección de la misión necesitamos realizar exitosamente el test 5 veces.
Prueba la vida de artista ➤ Debes completar la misión La jalalínea Blanquita.
Ayuda al encargado de la tienda
Desde la cafetería, ve un mapa a la derecha para llegar a la Tienda y hablar con Encargado de la tienda. Te dirá que los peluches conectados han sido robados, pero por alguna razón no pueden ser detectados, como si se hubieran ido a otro mundo, por lo que depende de ti encontrarlos. El Encargado de la tienda te dará un Teletransmisor para peluche que debes usar fuera de las oficinas en Ankama.
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Debes recuperar y luchar contra cuatro peluches, en un combate cada uno.
Equípate la Peluche Ball que tengas en tu ranura de armas antes de empezar cada combate.
El personaje al que te enfrentas y tu personaje son Invulnerables durante todo el combate.
Los personajes pasan turno infinitamente en la casilla en la que inician.
Los personajes invocan a sus peluches, que son controlables.
El combate termina cuando uno de los peluches muere.
Después de la victoria en el combate contra un peluche, el peluche del personaje NPC pasa a ser un personaje seguidor.
Siempre, después de cada victoria, debes regresar con el Encargado de la tienda.
Tu peluche puede ser reemplazado por el último peluche que recuperaste, si así lo prefieres.
Algo excelente a usar en este tipo de combates es el Dofus de los vigilantes, que te permite curar a tu peluche si esta en línea con tu personaje.
¿Dónde están los peluches?
Minikornio de peluche: Se encuentra en las Calas de Astrub [12,-24].
Tofu de peluche: Se encuentra en la Bahía de Cania[-31,-20].
Miaumiau de peluche: Se encuentra en la Península de los dragohuevos[-6,31].
Jalató de peluche: Se encuentra en el mercadillo de criaturas de Bonta[-30,-59].
Tras entregar el ultimo peluche, se da por finalizada esta sección de la misión
[!] Tras completar el objetivo, la misión repetible Peluchéate con todos se activa. No es necesario realizarla, pero si quieres tener el título «Entrenador/a de peluches» necesitarás hacerla 20 veces.
Gana una apuesta inesperada ➤ Debes completar la misión: Se aceptan apuestas.
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asubakaa · 8 months
So like in the Haremalia au, do these two actually have any ideas on how they’re going to be able to improve Frigost? 😀😀
Cuz the only thing I can think of is Amalia’s powers so she could pretty much summon plants and flowers in his lands but she’s just one Sadida…
I just rly wanna know what these two morons have in mind to help that place lol
OMG you can't believe how right you are. Yes, Ami is trying to use her powers to help Harebourg but let's be honest this is useless qwq I don't think her powers can do anything against Djaul's curse. I think they could use some other magical artifacts but I won't lie, mine wakfu lore knowledge is very limited so I don't know what they can do. Use other dofuses maybe?Idk how sllslskl
Amalia is still trying to do something if not her powers then something else.  We can imagine that they managed to do this and now Frigost is a thriving place in Waven era (unless it was somehow destroyed again LMAO) ooooor we can imagine some angsty thingssss....pupupupuuu....
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jinxedeyes · 2 years
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lethaline redesign for funsies + i like to think her and vil work together sometimes after the events of the manga. i'm not sure why djaul would hire these two bozos but it is very funny and #fail to think about
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hellowjulith · 4 years
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Djaul and Jiva by Dheos
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uelman · 3 years
The Krosmoz’s Month Protectors
I recently did a summary for each Month Protector in the lore of Dofus and Wakfu and I thought, heck, why not post it here too for anyone interested.
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First of all, some context.
When Xelor used the 6 dofus to tune his Divine Clock, he divided it in 11 months, and asked his fellow gods to recommend guardians charged with ensuring that each month lasts and proceeds as intended.
But Rushu took notice of Xelor's Clock, and got hold of it. With his claws he carved a twelfth month into the clock, inserted black larvae to slow it, to finally force the gods into acceptin a demonic month protector of his own choosing.
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Jiva is the Protector of Javian. She's the one that announces the new year while pushing back the cold of Descendre. Only she is powerful enough to beat the demon Djaul! But she can only manage the feat after a real battle of titans, which inevitably repeats every year. What's her secret for winning? She moves as quick as a thought… and gives Djaul a hell of a pantsing.
She is one of Bonta's original founders, who the Order of the Salvatory Spirit follows. She wields the power of ice magic, and is the one who offered the Ice Dofus to Harebourg leading to Frigost's Curse.
She took the title of Protector of Javian after her lover and previous holder, Solar, was killed by Djaul.
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Solar was the first Protector of Javian. The extent of his power depended on the height of the sun in the sky, so he was a maestro at midday, but a sissy at sundown! That's why Djaul chose to attack at twilight. That day, night enveloped not only the World of Twelve, but also... Solar's life!
His death brought down a terrible winter that lead to Sacrier's ascension. He was revived as a Veriun Dead by Raval in his attempt to fight against the Gods.
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Silvosse is the Protector of Flovor. He roams the World of Twelve to free all the souls of plants done in by the cold. And then he takes a bud here, a branch there, and gets to work replanting and tending to them, getting ready for the nicer weather. It's said that he personally knows each of the plants of the world and calls them all by nicknames: Rosita, Chanvroune, Bulbishoo…
He is an old friend of the Soft Oak, and created the Treechnids from the souls of remorseless lumberjacks.
The bontarian Order of the Sharp Eye follows him. When Djaul extended his month after killing Solar, it was Silvosse who put a stop to him.
Ulgrude is the Protector of Martalo… and his temperament is positively electric! Not surprising, considering his shocking power! In a flash, he can strike down an adventurer, just on a whim or out of irritability. But this power also allows him to breathe the spark of life into the seeds of sleeping vegetation. Because Ulgrude presides over the return of springtime and the resurrection of nature.
He is in love with Jiva and chases after her unrelentlessly. He obtained the title of Protector after finishing off Hyrkul, the murderer of his predecessor Menalt, inheriting along with it the power of white lightning that Helioboros had blessed his predecessor with.
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Menalt was the first Protector of Martalo. He was the leader of the Centorors and one of Bonta's founders, who the Order of the Valiant Heart follows. He was beheaded by Hyrkul, Brakmar's greatest fighter, during the events of the Crimson Dawn, the first battle between Bonta and Brakmar.
His faithful centorors became Perceptors in order to find his lost head, which sits atop Raval's scepter.
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Silouate is the Protector of Aperirel. His sulfurous breath helps him melt the frost and ice covering the World of Twelve. His secret: a powerful de-icing liquid made from an herbal base and bovine fluids which he consumes before each of these interventions. It's said that he always keeps a barrel at hand, which he shares with his friend Sumens, during their little nights out…
 Brumaire once sabottage his de-icing reserves searching to weaken him, but Silouate instead became unsatiably hungry and turned into a trool, eating everything in his way. This lasted for two years, until Rosal was able to turn him back to normal.
 When the Pet Pest killed all the pets in the World of Tweleve, Silouate was able to bring them back and tie their lifeforce to the twelvians' in order to avoid something like this to happen again.
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Rosal is the Protector of Maysial. Thanks to his telepathic gifts and his profound empathy, he can feel the emotions and read the thoughts of other living creatures. A power which lets him help others to come out of their shells, but which is, frankly, not a walk in the park.
He is nicknamed "the Flower Master", and is an expert when it comes to antidotes and other panaceas. He also has elemental vision, allowing him to see a creature's elemental sensibilities.
Rosal does not care for the concepts of good or evil, and cares most of all for all creatures to grow and mature, no matter the choices they take.
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Sumens is the Protector of Junssidor. A fervent servant of Enutrof, he was given a rather particular gift: the ability to transform everything he eats into precious stones. A power that lets one make something noble and precious out of something foul? Hard to swallow! And even harder to digest… Since his intestinal singularity is far from painless…
But what is less known is that his powers do not stop there, as he truly is a living athanor, capable of turning whatever cheap thing into fine precious things, prestigious weapons, or other exceptional items.
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Hecate is the Protector of Jullier. A shadow demon, said to have been a minor divinity that people prayed to keep away the particularly virulent Moskitos on hot summer nights. Gifted with the incredible power of metamorphosis, she now roams the world in various guises and creates various relationships, depending on her ever-changing mood…
She was recommended by Sram to fill the position as Month Protector, as he believed that as a minor goddess of the night she could one day become a threat to him. She has the power of shapeshifting, which she uses to roam the world and spy on anyone.
She is one of Brakmar's original founders, who the Order of the Unsound Mind follows, but despite it has sometimes worked against Brakmar's interests due to her love for Ulgrude.
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Pouchecot is the Protector of Frauguctor. "The Fruitcake", as he's known, has an extraordinary sense of humour and never misses a chance to go bananas! He knows how to knuckle down, though, especially when it comes to making sure that the World's fruit ripens at the right rate every year. All in all, he's not a bad apple!
As one of the world's oldest souls, he is immensely knowledgeable. One of his jokes once made Sadida laugh harder than any god had laughed before, for which he offered Pouchecot to turn him into one of his disciples. Pouchecot declined, to Sadida's disappointment, but the god decided to bless him with great power over plants that he now uses as a Protector.
He is one of Bonta's original founders, but has no order of his own.
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Raval is the Protector of Septangel. When autumn shakes its leafy golden head, Raval criss-crosses the World of Twelve, sucking the life out of all its plants and animals. It's a bit of a morbid task, but a necessary one, and he does it without question. Unless...? In any case, if he feels bad about it, it certainly doesn't show!
He is the son of two necromancers, Euph and Agony. He worked together with his mother to create the Veriun Dead, but ultimately turned his mother into one and sealed her in the Mineral Tower.
He helped Vil Smisse found the Rogue Clan, in exchange for the clan's worship. But when Sram heard of it, he took down the protector and took the mantle of Eugor, claiming that Raval had been nothing but his representative.
During the Crimson Dawn, as Hyrkul was leading Brakmar to victory, Raval could feel hours from his month being stolen, so he brought back Bonta's dead soldiers as undead to turn the tide of the battle. He also stole Menalt's head, which he uses to empower his necromancy.
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Maimane is the Protector of Octolliard. He weans the World of Twelve off the last of the warm weather to prepare its occupants for Novamaire's arrival little by little. Easy does it... Easy... Maimane is the master of tact, which is why he sealed the human emotions into totems - so the World can stay cool, calm and relaxed... just like him!
He created his totems after witnessing the Crimson Dawn, searching to bring peace to the war between Bonta and Brakmar, and for this Feca granted him the title of Maimane the Stabiliser. He also founded the Imps Village, searching to give Bonta's and Brakmar's war orphans a new home.
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Brumaire is the Protector of Novamaire. He takes the World of Twelve in his icy grip, freezing everything he can lay his hands on. Nothing and nobody is spared, because his heart is as cold as the ice he spreads. His glacial demeanour might be somewhat unpleasant, but at least you can't accuse him of being a drip!
He is one of Brakmar's great protectors and a follower of Rushu, who the Order of the Putrid Eye follows. He is titled "the Macabre Blord" and is able to turn his body into mist.
Djaul is the Protector of Descendre. He has one dream and one dream alone: to plunge the World of Twelve into an eternal winter. How? By prolonging his month ad infinitum, of course! Every year he battles with Jiva in hope of purloining a few of her precious days. Fortunately for us, the Protector of Javian is having none of it!
He is a demon, one of the closest to Rushu. He tricked Aguabrial into laying a second Turquoise Dofus, but the ruthless Bolgrot was born from it before he could get his hands on it.
When Djaul discovered that Jiva and Harebourg had collaborated and stole days from him, he cursed Frigost with an eternal winter. In an attempt to extend the curse to the rest of the world, he separated a bit of land from Frigost and sent it away, creating Kwismas Island.
He is Brakmar's original founder, who the Order of the Bleeding Heart follows. He created the Dark City to expand the cult of Rushu through the World of Twelve.
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twelvians-archived · 4 years
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This dude got frozen in ice along with Frigost by Djaul for a long-ass time ( since he was born in the Dofus era ) and prayed and pleaded for Xelor to come to Frigost aid, to come to his aid.
It was the only time he ever asked for his father’s help.
Just like he did his whole like, Xelor did not show up.
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Lore Questions
I’m still trying my best to Google translate and figure out volume 5 of the Wakfu manga, which is leaving me with some questions about the lore of the World of Twelve. 
Spoilers under the cut as I talk specifics.
So volume five establishes that a year ends up passing between the time it took the Brotherhood to return from Emrub (which suggest that Emrub is less a ‘dimension where time doesn’t pass’ and more ‘a dimension where time passes by really slowly compared to the World of Twelves’. So Narnia logic.)
At the final battle in the manga, Joris says something regarding Ulgrude that he is so powerful because it is his month. So at the very least the final part of the manga takes place in his month, Martalo (and hey, we have a birth month for Elely and Flopin! And as Ruel says at the end of the manga, if it has been one year that means it is Yuog and Adamai’s birthdays again, so I guess their birth month is Martalo as well?) 
But Chibi and Grougal don’t look any different? Grant it, the artist change may muddy the issue a bit, but there is no indication that they are a year older? And I don’t think that this is just them aging slower, because we were never given any indication that this also happen with Yugo; it always seemed to be that he aged normally until puberty and then his aging began to slow. 
But given that the Protectors are all about keeping time going and Djaul’s whole fight with Jiva was about not wanting his month to end, I wonder how much the Protectors can manipulate time. Could Jiva have stopped time for Chibi and Grougal at least? Like could she have kept them stuck in her month of Javian or Martalo, and that is why it seems that they didn’t age? I can’t find any good resources about the exact powers and abilities of the Protectors so I am just guessing at this point. 
Otherwise the indication is that delayed aging of the Council of Six starts way earlier than we thought. So Yugo may have chronically been twelve at the start of the series, but could he have been younger biologically? And did Alibert just never notice this or did he just assume his son was a late bloomer? Or am I just overthinking things?!?!?
Either way, Volume 5 means we are already going to have to subtract one year from the Brotherhood OVA ages anyway, so bless whoever is going to have to edit their Wikia pages now.  
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Changements majeurs dans Dofus: tous les serveurs de Temporis III seront fusionnés en un seul
Le serveur Temporis est en guerre et les Brakmariens ont un avantage dans cette guerre. Ankama a récemment annoncé la fusion de tous les serveurs de Temporis III. Le statut des Bontariens et des Brakmariens changera considérablement et pourrait être complètement inversé!
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Le rapport entre les Bontariens et les Brakmariens entre les serveurs Dofus Temporis III varie considérablement. Bientôt, cela devrait être contrebalancé par l’arrivée d’une fusion unique de tous les serveurs!
Quoi, quand, comment? Le mardi 13 août, tous les serveurs Temporis III de I à V seront fusionnés en un. Les règles de fusion classiques s'appliquent également. Si votre pseudo a été pris et que le rôle utilisant ce pseudo a été créé avant vous (en réservant), vous le perdrez et vous restaurerez le suffixe en utilisant le nom du serveur d'origine. Le reste, tout se passera automatiquement et en toute sécurité! L'équipe a maintenant de l'expérience avec ce sujet. Lorsque vous vous connectez au serveur pour la première fois après la fusion, votre rôle peut ne pas apparaître dans l'interface de sélection du serveur. Ensuite, le serveur Temporis sera sélectionné manuellement. Au niveau du conflit Bonta / Brâkmar, le prize pool sera combiné et ajouté. Si vous avancez dans la tâche d'alignement, vous débloquerez plusieurs niveaux! De plus, les compteurs affichés sur le site Web correspondront maintenant aux compteurs en cours. Non seulement cela, vous pouvez également acheter des dofus kamas bon marché à iGameGold.
Statistiques de guerre Pour cette occasion, l'équipe Dofus a apporté des données au cours de la première semaine du serveur de sprint Temporis III, que nous avons complétées lorsque nous avons vu le classement des joueurs pour la première fois. Le premier niveau 200 est le Bontarien et autre chose que Noway, bien que les Brakmariens dominent le niveau donné de kamas. En termes de succès, Tetedanslemur et Mound étaient proches de la première place au moment de la rédaction, avec plus de 5 000 points. Enfin, pour les Kamas, Marlboro-D-Nagato, Alchi et Timefeu offrent le plus de services pour leur ville, avec des cadeaux allant de 3 à 4 millions de kamas. Il nous sera également demandé de représenter des chiens célèbres dans le classement. De l’équipe Ankamalive, seul Ghostounet a réussi à grimper à la hauteur de l’échelle. Le nombre de serveurs a beaucoup changé depuis son lancement en moins de deux semaines. Les Brâkmariens savent jouer sur 4 serveurs et laisser le troisième serveur être dominé par les Bonnétiens. Les calculs de l'équipe montrent que le surplus de Brakmar sur le serveur provient de la fusion. J'espère pouvoir offrir des bonus contre l'invasion des adeptes de Djaul et de Rushu!
Si vous êtes un joueur fidèle de Dofus et suivez les dernières nouvelles de Dofus, alors iGameGold sera votre meilleur ami. Ici, vous pouvez non seulement voir une variété de guides et d'articles sur Dofus, mais vous pouvez aussi acheter les kamas dofus les moins chers.
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kerubimcrepin · 9 months
Episode 9: The Legendary Unikron
The post where I finally make the naming format of this blog more sane
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This is the same place as the one, where in the episode "Heads for no Tails" it will be revealed that Kerubim obtained the legendary, life-draining Heads for no Tails restraint while pissdrunk. Y'know. The one meant for an Ondine created by Djaul to trick the dragon Aguabrial into creating a Dofus.
Yeah, I will not think too much about the fact that it is flipped. To me, they're The Same Place. I guess he's been drinking here for decades. Kind of cute.
And yeah I guess it means the Ondine named Ondine, from the episode Like a Snapper in the Water is literally just named "Siren the Siren". I guess her mermaid parents weren't very creative. I'll mention this when I liveblog that episode too, but I would feel bad, if I didn't mention this here too.
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We will talk about my feelings on Kerubim leaving the legendary demon-killing life-draining shackles somewhere Joris, in his shelf-climbing corridor-running wisdom, could reach, later.
We'll get there when we get there.
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Glad to know there's a reason Kerubim and Joris live in a bad neighborhood. And that reason is that Kerubim wouldn't be tolerated anywhere else.
Love his scary and off-putting behaviours.
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Okay, rant incoming:
Firstly, this is a customary french drink bowl, to stop any wondering from the non-french aware readers. It's normal for French people to drink coffee, milk, and tea from a bowl, soup-style, in the morning and in the evening. So this part is normal.
Now onto more sillywhacky part of this: What the fuck is Joris doing here, exactly?
As we can see, his Bowl of Liquid is steaming even before he starts pouring the chocolate milk into it. Is he adding chocolate milk to hot milk? Is he adding chocolate milk to cocoa or hot chocolate? (I will fight people who don't differentiate between them, they're two different things, you heathens.)
Is he, mayhaps, adding it... to tea?
We will never know, yet the question is haunting.
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Interestingly, it seems that one of Simone's jobs around the house is polishing swords. Also, her being here so late means that, quite predictably, she is a live-in maid.
(You can see that like, 50% of this blog is me paying to random details that could only be useful in like, extremely faithful fanfiction, and 50% getting whacky with this show's storytelling.)
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I love Simone so, so much. Truly, she is Joris's cooler aunt.
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No comment besides this image.
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Joking. I do have a comment, actually. Imagine me putting on a tinfoil hat here, btw.
I think it's kinda telling that Joris's main fear, the one that re-occurs a multiple times during the show, and always, without fail, makes him break down in tears, is Kerubim dying.
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The facts that are important to keep in mind are: They've been living together alone for Joris's entire life, Joris knows he's adopted, and Kerubim himself is an orphan, which he doesn't really hide.
Which leads to multiple conclusions, which all coexist:
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1. Joris is a kid who's very aware of the mortality of parents/guardians, and that, above everything else, that he is lucky to have a home and a semblance of family. That if Kerubim wasn't there, he may not have had that.
Which is uh... a pretty stressful thing for a kid his age to know, I suppose!
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Especially considering the fact that Kerubim is an old man riddled with back pains, and for 7 years had such a level of post-lou-divorce post-battle-with-julith depression that he could not figure out how to get them into a clean, non-shitty non-hazardous home.
And now that their home IS clean, still can't make it non-hazardous.
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2. Joris and Kerubim are much closer than most parents and children, because they literally have no other relatives, and Kerubim has pushed away most people who would consider him a friend in the past. Only relying on one another isn't the best or healthiest idea, but what choice do they have?
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You can't just show up at home, be like "i would be dead, if it wasn't for you giving me water, my jojo <3" and not expect to inflict some eldritch horror levels of psychic damage onto your son.
Especially considering the fact, that he KNOWS, from your own shitty stories, that when you're gone, and it IS a when, because you're an old man who's constantly complaining about his health, he's going to be fending for himself all alone.
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It's pretty obvious, then, why Joris would put Kerubim on a very high pedestal and, as will be shown later, prioritize the man's feelings over his own. Kerubim is his best friend, his role model, provider, guardian, AND the only one family member he has.
Besides depending on him, Joris knows papycha is a very, very lonely and sad person, — and who is he, not to try and make the life of the one person, who's most important to him, better?
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If Kerubim isn't always happy, both in general and with Joris, then that's the worst thing ever, and if Kerubim isn't amazing, all-capable, and Not Going To Die Within The Next Couple Of Years Due To Being Old As Fuck, then their life is Over.
So Joris has to put in a lot of work.
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This analysis isn't even picking apart the nitty-gritty of Kerubim being an orphan and having abandonment issues, or the way those things make him latch onto Joris the same way Joris latches onto him — as if this child is his Only Hope and Savior, Who Won't Leave Him Like All The Others.
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And how that might lead to him REALLY liking Joris idealizing and putting him on a pedestal, despite the guilt he might feel knowing that that's kind of a... not-good parenting tactic.
...Man this post isn't even a rewatch liveblog anymore, it's just an analysis post, innit? 💀
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yajan1 · 6 years
Breve Introducción: Frigost 3; Background
Antes que nada, para siquiera poder llegar a la zona de Frigost 3 es necesario haber derrotado a los 4 jefes de Mazmorra de Frigost 1 (Jalamut Real, Morsaguino Real, Ben el Ripata y el Obsidiante) y a los 4 jefes de Mazmorra de Frigost 2 (Tengu Gelifux, Cil, Tejossus y el Golosotrón Real)
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La zona de Frigost 3 corresponde en su totalidad a la zona del castillo del Conde Kontatrás. La zona del castillo esta dividida en 5 subzonas, de las cuales 4 podemos encontrar a los maestros artesanos del Conde y en la ultima subzona podremos encontrar al propio conde.
En los jardines invernales rondan las Alquimeras, criaturas artificiales increíblemente inestables y agresivas creadas por el mismísimo Iván Yansedaki, mejor conocido como Nileza. Nileza es uno de los alquimistas más famosos del mundo de los Doce, es conocido por participar en el enorme proyecto de la clepsidra del conde Kontatrás y por ser el creador de la bebida más popular de Frigost, la CocaCarol. 
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Al encontrar la receta incompleta de la pócima de la inmortalidad,  el alquimista se obsesionó en probar diferentes ingredientes para lograr descubrir este misterio que le apasionaba.  En un fallido intento de crear la pócima una explosión destrozó su taller y desfiguró completamente el rostro de Nileza. Para no tener que mostrar su cara desfigurada y su cuerpo quemado, Nileza empezó a usar su mascara y atuendo tan familiares en él
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En la muralla Tapan encontraremos un enormes transportador estacionado, en el se encuentra el maestro del bricolaje, el temible Sylargh
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Sylargh es un inventor con un gran talento, un artesano sin par que posee un don muy particular: el de comprender «cómo funcionan las cosas». Fue él quien construyó las máquinas para los obreros que asistieron al conde Kontatrás en sus obras. Probablemente, Sylargh también haya participado en el ensamblaje de las piezas de relojería de la clepsidra.
La muralla Tapan esta resguardada por sus creaciones, los Bricoléricos, robots basados en la fauna del continente frigosteño y traídos a la vida gracias a la Nicro mancia  
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En la guarida escarlata, en una zona muy particular, podremos encontrar una sala privada donde hay fiestas de un tono algo elevado, si nos adentramos en ella tarde o temprano nos toparemos con el maestro artesano Klim
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Se cuenta que Klim es un artesano polivalente, capaz de desplazarse más rápido que el tiempo. Este increíble talento se lo debe a un par de botas que él mismo fabricó. Al parecer, Kontatrás le contrató para acelerar la construcción de la clepsidra. Además de zapatero, también es un maestro marcial en el campo del cuerpo a cuerpo. Aún con su naturaleza cruel, fue la glaciación la que empeoró las cosas. Klim se volvió loco, sin siquiera dudar al tener que matar a alguien a sangre fría.
La guarida escarlata esta resguardada por los encuerados, criaturas artificiales de cuero que son mas poderosas y molestas de lo que aparentan
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En la fortificación de las legiones frías, en el corazón de la Forjafría se encuentra Mizz Frizz, la mujer del corazón de hielo
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Antes de ser tan fria como es ahora, Mizz Frizz estuvo casada, casada con un xelor llamado Víctor Frizz. Frizz lo amaba perdidamente, ¡él hacía que su corazón latiera tan fuerte como las pulsaciones de los mismos Dofus!. Pero él era un hombre frío y severo. Obsesionado con sus investigaciones, pasaba la mayor parte de su tiempo en su laboratorio. Nunca acariciaba a Mizz Frizz, la miraba con una mirada helada, como si ella le molestara cada vez que le pedía atención. Así, Mizz Frizz se resignó, pensando que él se había casado con su trabajo y que en su corazón no habría lugar para una mujer.
Pero estaba equivocada.
Una noche, Mizz bajó de improvisto al taller de Víctor, y lo sorprendió en compañía de otra. ¡Una anutrof que por poco parecía trool! Cuando Mizz vio a esta mujer abrazando a su marido, su corazón dejó de latir y su sangre se heló.Entonces, un frío mortal se apoderó de ella. Mizz salió de su escondite y invocó una horda de agujas buscadoras, las cuales atravesaron a ambos completamente. Breve, frío y violento, como siempre fue Víctor.
Al principio, Mizz se sentía destrozada por el dolor de haber sido traicionada, pero rápidamente se dió cuenta que también sentía un gran alivio. Así, Mizz Frizz, decidió abandonar el lugar donde el amor le había cegado durante tanto tiempo y empezar de cero, donde empacando sus maletas, se encontraría con documentos de su 'querido esposo', los cuales tenían toda la investigación que le había obsesionado por tanto tiempo, ¡la fórmula de un líquido de remojo, destinado a forjar un acero revolucionario!
Mizz Frizz viajo a Pandala donde aprendió a forjar agujas mas duras que el diamante con un maestro artesano. Lamentablemente tras un accidente, el maestro resbaló y derrame parte de ese liquido en la cara de Mizz, dejándola ciega de un ojo, y ella lo mató a sangre fría sin dudarlo
En la fortificación de las legiones frías encontraremos a los Armadutinados, lo curioso de estos seres es que no son criaturas artificiales creadas por Mizz Frizz, como los demás esbirros de los maestros artesanos. Ella simplemente creó las armaduras y armas que utilizan en combate, pero los Armadutinados en si son espíritus en pena que están ligados al castillo, por lo que no pueden dejar los limites de la zona donde habitan
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Finalmente, encerrado en la cima de la torre de Clepsidra, se encuentra el Conde Kontatrás 
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Sei Correa Justo Kontatrás, conde de Frigost, relojero, genio e inventor algo tocado, se ha convertido en el Xelor más tristemente conocido del Mundo de los Doce. Como muchos de sus semejantes, soñaba con dominar el tiempo. Quizás podría haberlo conseguido, puesto que era inteligente, rico y apasionado: el conde tenía muchísimas cualidades, pero también tenía pensamientos oscuros... Su gusto por el poder terminó en tragedia para Frigost Con la intención de que su isla, la cual era castigada por unos inviernos de los más helados, tuviera la oportunidad de competir comercialmente con el Continente Amakneano diseñó una Clepsidra monumental con la ayuda de sus secuaces, una máquina que le permitiría acabar con el frío de Frigost y así gozar de unas tierras más prósperas. Con la ayuda de Jiva, la sabia, que les entregó el preciado Dofus de los Hielos su proyecto fue posible. Al alterar el frío de Desiembro, Kontatrás atrajo la atención colérica del demonio Djaul, el gran chapoteador. En su ira desenfrenada, el demonio decidió congelar la isla, Clepsidra incluida, y condenó a Frigost a vivir en un invierno eterno. Una ola de frío tan brutal y tan poderosa de la que el Conde nunca se recuperó: El hielo le afectó el cerebro y Kontatrás quedó... ¡helado!Desde ese día, Kontatrás se hunde cada día un poco más en la locura. Lunático, obsesionado por el frío, los libros y los relojes, vive recluido en la torre de de la Clepsidra.  No confía en nadie, ni siquiera en sus secuaces. Sólo lo hace en los seres mecánicos que se construyen velozmente ante sus ojos, los siniestros. 
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Aquellos que deseen tener acceso a la Torre de la Clepsidra y enfrentase a  Kontatrás, necesitas derrotar a los 4 maestro artesanos y recuperar los 4 trozos de la llave de la torre
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deviched · 8 years
【 𝔰 𝔴 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤】
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