mrsgreenworld · 2 years
A moment of reflection: I watched and was very invested in a show before Son Yaz. It was Sen Çal Kapımı. Then, even though I didn't think I ever would again, I got hooked by Duy Beni that was so promising at the beginning. But both Sen Çal Kapımı and Duy Beni disappointed me (of course they're two totally different shows that have nothing in common). Big time. And then I realized that Son Yaz never did. I was never disappointed with it. Oh, it wasn't an ideal show, not by a long shot. But it was... imperfectly perfect? It was for me. I carry it with me every day, not only in my heart but on my body as well. @lolo-deli @djemsostylist you know what I'm talking about. Now, a year after the end of Son Yaz, let's honour this show and talk about the thing(s) that made you fall in love with this show. That made you think: "Yeah, that's it".
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anamariamauricia · 9 months
i've been tagged in a couple "get to know me" posts so i'll answer them both here.
Tagged by @sir-ballister-boldheart
3 ships: Annamis (BBC Musketeers), Sophie and Benedict (Bridgerton), and The Bransons (Downton Abbey)
First ever ship: Probably Romione
Last Song: Grenade by Bruno Mars was on my car's radio
Last Movie: The Color Purple (2023)
Currently reading: Iron Flame (and taking a break from listening to Barbra Streisand's massive audiobook (because my loan expired and I'm back on the waitlist))
Currently watching: 30 Rock
Currently consuming: A cherry Icee
Currently craving: A chocolate chip cookie
@djemsostylist had also tagged me in a similar post (ages ago that got buried in my drafts) which asked almost all of the same questions except:
Current obsession: idk if i'm really obsessed with anything rn but a coworker lent me his nintendo switch so i've been doing a bit of gaming
thanks for tagging me!
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bonesingerofyme-loc · 2 years
some things are not meant for mortals to comprehend
so @djemsostylist admitted to me last night while we were suffering through playing crucible that when she first played crucible after getting Destiny 2, she had no idea how to tell enemies apart from allies.
so she would load into a match and quickly try to memorize the names of her teammates so that she would know who was on her team or not. and then when that was non-viable (no fucking shit) she tried to memorize what they looked like
she would not admit how many matches it took before she realized this
update: all she will say is it was ‘an embarrassingly long time’
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queer-ragnelle · 4 years
Can I just--Malory not describing anything ever was the single most frustrating part of that book. Like, the only description we ever get of anyone is to acknowledge that Lancelot and Tristan are both "big" which sure, I mean they do excel at knocking people off horses, but what does that mean? Plus, yes omg the ages thing. How old is anyone at any time? And he also loves to contradict himself and then trail off without finishing stories. I mean its interesting, but god was that rough
Bro! I know. Like I have the Vulgate now which gave me some much-needed clarity on a lot of things but also the timeline is whack like Lancelot younger than Mordred? I hate that! Rejected!
So like even with the details I will sometimes choose to ignore them but at least I have a clearer picture of dynamics like for example the grail quest. Bors is older than Percival and Galahad but by how much? Is it like a babysitter role in that he’s older by a little or is it fatherly? It’s impossible to tell because Malory not only excluded all the personal details but Galahad, who was already pretty stoic in the Vulgate, is now about as interesting as almond in Le Morte, so the dynamic between him and the other two is completely lost.
And like the dynamic between Gawain/Lancelot is super hard for me to wrap my mind around because in Malory they seem more like peers and even have a lot of homoerotic tension at the end there with the whole forgiveness letter in blood thing (Malory bro are you okay?) but then in the vulgate turns out Gawain is WAY older and that throws me off. It seems most modern adaptions or even some medieval ones (even without specifics, just implied more than Malory as it is in de Troyes where they’re kinda bros) bring them closer together so they can truly be on equal footing in maturity and skill levels rather than having age gaps that make no sense.
But even on a completely creative level divorced of the practicality, I like to picture them. We all have a mental image, because the legend is so prevalent in our culture at this point, but I still like to have some flourish to embellish the story and immerse me! Part of the fun is that Gawain is SO short in canon and still a great knight or that Mordred actually looks exactly like Arthur, tall and blonde and handsome rather than dark and broody like modern depictions, not to mention the wealth of queer-coding we get from physical descriptions alone on top of the multitude of interactions and nuances Le Morte is lacking. Having that detail makes the characters feel alive. Malory reads like a synopsis, which I suppose it is, but it confuses me too much to enjoy it.
Here is one of many, many Lancelot descriptions from the vulgate. We get a ton of detail plus a definitive age as well as a nod to the elapsed time so we are kept on track as we read and not wondering “when” the fuck we are. Also! Short Gawain! You could pick this apart so much, it’s wonderful. Wish we had some of this in other texts.
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annamisdaily · 4 years
So, I just finished the Musketeers for the first time (it was incredible I binged it in like, 3 days) and then of course I went to tumblr and your blog is so wonderful and I went on an insane liking spree (I gotta compose tags before I reblog lol) and it's basically perfect and it feeds all of my Anne/Aramis needs
It’s an amazing series isn’t it! Hope you enjoyed it and thank you so much for loving this blog! It will always be here for anyone who needs some Annamis love haha ♥
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djemsostylist · 6 years
Djem’s confession corner
When I was younger I had a crush on Lord Farquaad
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disisphlebotinum · 3 years
My soul is FUCKING RESTLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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kotorswtor · 9 years
this is probably lame but i sort of love your use of brackets when talking about [the light side of the] Force, because yes and also yes :)
No, that’s cool! Thanks!
Background for other folks: I was talking about examples of Jedi doing virtue ethics. One is the Code, which is implicitly strictly light-side. The other example is in Dawn of the Jedi.
Back when the Je’daii were first consolidating themselves on Tython, most of what they were doing was experimenting with the Force and beginning to codify the results into a set of standards and practices. They identified two discrete currents/processes within it, which they identified with Tython’s two moons, Ashla and Bogan. Those two sources were good at accomplishing different things, they required different mind-states of the wielder, and rather than hewing to one and avoiding the other, the Je’daii found that the two had to be kept in proportion to avoid the planet reacting with disastrous storms of energy that wiped out every living thing. I wonder a lot/have some crackpot-y theories about what changed or didn’t on Tython between DotJ and SWtOR to enable the rebuilding of the Temple there.
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andrastesgrace · 9 years
If it's not too much trouble! I mean, I've blocked everything I can think of (tfa, character names etc) but I just thought I'd see--some people make more specific tags. I didn't want to be a nag about it (it's your blog, lol) but if you don't mind I'd appreciate it! (Btw all your marvel/bioware stuff gives me life!) Also, the EU is my number one fandom for life and I totally agree with you about Mara. But the Solo kids were the light of my life and I will never be over their loss lol
I didn’t care for how they were written as adults? I LOVED THEM in the kids’ books, they were so funny and creative and unique, and then like...Anakin died and Jacen and Jaina both became pod people, imo, and I just was not pleased with how pretty much everything went after Anakin died. Anyway, I digress. Here are the tags I’ll use for any media outside the first six movies! star wars: the force awakens 
stormpilot (for the finnxpoe OTP)
rey skysolo literal light of my life
star wars: the clone wars 
ahsokaxrex (for the Ahsoka Tano x Captain Rex OTP)
star wars: rebels
Don’t feel bad about needing tags bb! I’m happy to do it. Publishing this so other people can see the tags. 
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bassfanimation · 9 years
Movie meme!
Top 6 movies you can watch any time.
tagged by @djemsostylist
1. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
2. Terminator 2
3. Krull
4. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (yes even if it’s not Christmas)
5. Kill Bill
6. The Goonies
tagging @beneath-the-starlight @sherlolly29 @flavialikestodraw @tenaflyviper @thespectacularspider-girl @gingercatsneeze
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mrsgreenworld · 3 years
OMG OMG OMG ...... @lolo-deli @djemsostylist HAVE YOU SEEN THE AKMUR PREVIEW???
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anamariamauricia · 4 years
Tagged by @djemsostylist
Rules: Tag 9 people whom you’d like to get to know better/catch up with.
Last song: An Act of Kindness by Bastille. I’m re-listening to the Wild World album
Last movie: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
Currently reading: Mistress of the Sun by Sandra Gulland and The Lost Queen by Norah Lofts. I’ve been on a Caroline Mathilde kick (and getting inspiration/doing ~research~ for my annamis fic ;) )
Currently watching: lots of Chopped
Craving: a cannoli (or several)
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bonesingerofyme-loc · 4 years
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actually happened in our discord
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queer-ragnelle · 4 years
Percival goodness from his introduction in Lancelot VI of the Vulgate Cycle for @djemsostylist
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So it begins with Aglovale joining the search for Lancelot after Guinevere broke up with him when Elaine, Galahad, and Brisen came to court and he slept with Elaine by mistake and he ultimately went insane. Aglovale ends up finding his mom and meeting Percival who is 15. We don’t have an exact age of Galahad but he is referred to as “a little child” so we can say for certain they’re at least 10 years apart based on these chapters.
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As we know, Percival ultimately goes with Aglovale to court and is knighted by King Arthur and his mother dies from grief, same as De Troyes and the Mabinogion. What is whack is this woman who apparently becomes possessed by the Holy Grail and speaks to Percival about his destiny and we get an interesting visual of he and Bors on either side of the Siege Perilous where Galahad will sit, with Percival as the “right hand” to Galahad so to speak and even exalted above Bors for his virginity. And then she died. Kinda terrifying but alright, loving the horrific implications of the Holy Grail’s power. Dial that horror element UP.
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Then some time passes, we get another cute visual of knights organized by age, and a description of Percival’s simplicity in form and spirit. And then Kay and Mordred bully him into leaving haha so he takes up the quest to find Lancelot to increase his prowess.
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He ends up finding Hector and they fight and mortally wound each other by mistake. :^( But then the Holy Grail magically heals them? And what was very interesting to me was Percival’s first explanation of the grail was given to him by Hector of all people. Kinda random? Expected it to be a priest jumping out from behind a tree like every other time someone needed shit explained but nope! Hector did his homework! I kept that last page saturated because a rainbow ended up over the paragraph with the Holy Grail... I’m sure it means nothing. ;^)
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Okay fast forward a while, Lancelot was cured of his madness by the Holy Grail and has been living at his castle with Elaine while Galahad is being raised by King Pelles at Corbenic. Percival is now about 19/20 as he says he’s been seeking Lancelot for 4 years. They dual as Lancelot is in disguise as The Guilty Knight (eyeroll) and then they start chatting. I love that when Lancelot realizes who Percival is through his kinsman Aglovale, he refuses to fight and calls them “house where all sweetness dwells.” What the fuck? That’s the cutest shit I ever heard. Welsh faction confirmed cuties, I don’t make the rules, it’s canon.
And that’s it for Lancelot VI! Next I’ll look at the Post-Vulgate where Galahad arrives at court and the quest for the Holy Grail actually begins and get some more Percy details. But now we’re acquainted with him. It makes sense this was not in Le Morte, as Malory was sourcing from the Post-Vulgate and thus he may not have had access to Percival’s adventures prior or may not have wanted to include them in favor of Lancelot and Tristan. But yeah, Percival is great. What a cutie. :^3c
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djemsostylist · 3 years
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Blood Angels Primarch
Warhammer 30k
Painted by @djemsostylist
Photographed by @bonesingerofyme-loc
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disisphlebotinum · 3 years
Meryem - Episode 1
I have nothing but bitterness in my heart now @djemsostylist
Except me to just talk about how pretty Ayca is until this show is over.
How are we starting with her crying? Who am I going to kill? Already, not even 30 seconds in?!
Oh, we’re fucking with time. Great. That’s not confusing.
This guy putting her in his speech is cute I guess, but I know he definitely ain’t what I came for and that look from the chick behind him… I ain’t trusting any of them.
This opening is fucking long
I don’t know this guys name. Can I just call him Husband? Husband looks good. I like the whole dude will build you a house vibe.
Does Husband have a different girlfriend? He’s being very cute to someone who isn’t Ayca so I’m not getting invested.
I don’t like Boyfriend’s mustache. It don’t suit him the way mustaches suit Burak Deniz.
I love any Lord of the Rings references. I feel like Lord of the Rings and “Fuck Sang Woo” are the only the things that are universal.
I’m starting to think this chick is going to die or something, because she is not mean and she is not Ayca so someone is probably going to shove her in a fridge.
People always got to have dead parents in dizis.
I don’t know what Boyfriend to propose to Ayca.
Oh damn! Boyfriend got a chick in the tub! I want that tub! I would not have gotten out of that tub for that dude.
Is this the same girl Savas proposed to before? Is he everyone’s husband? This chick don’t look happy.
Everything is so damn awkward.
Baba is basically Azade from Kalp Yarasi. Equally annoying and full of it.
Blurring out wine will never not be weird to me. Just show people drinking water or coffee or tea or something.
I hate that Meryem thinks this cheating douchebag is about to propose to her. She looks so happy for absolutely nothing.
I can’t handle Savas’s dad.
I want to punch the douchbag so hard. He had a nose that needs breaking.
Savas’s “childhood friend” is evil right? The music even seems to think she is evil. Like, I’m worried for Girlfriend. How does she survive this car ride?
Someone is going to knock that pregnant woman right off the road.
Shit. It’s going to be Douchebag and the Meryem is going to take the fall and I’m going to hate everyone and everything.
We’re 35 minutes in and I’m already miserable.
Can we skip until this part of the story is over? I literally don’t want to deal with Oktay. I want Meryem to know he is a piece of shit and to move on.
Everything hurts.
Derin can also go. I don’t have time for that hair anyway.
I bet I could slap that mustache right off him.
Damn anger is making Husband way too attractive.
Douchebag needs to stop raising his voice to Meryem!
I trust nothing Baba says or Derin.
All of this is sad and hard to sit through. I don’t have much to say just I hate this over and over again.
Please tell me this dude dies by the end of the series.
He is letting someone he has been with for over 10 years go to prison for 8 years for a crime he committed. He didn’t even have to be a crime! It was an accident! If they had treated it like an accident then neither of them would have to go to jail. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT!
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