herohotline · 4 years
can i get some headcanons for todoroki, bakugo, and midoriya’s s/o coming home drunk and being super clingy and affection! please n thank you love u
A/N: alrigth FINE i hate not being able to use the reading link so i hijacked the computer and also ALL MY REQUESTS are nsfw so this is just what had to happen
Drunk Bakugo would obviously be very impulsive, but I can see him being unusually giggly as well
If you actually want Bakugo to laugh at your jokes, just get him drunk tbh
Once he’s out with The Boys , you take the time do you your own stuff around the house. Probably just doing whatever you want to pass the time until Bakugo comes home so you can help him get to bed
You definitely know when he’s home because before he’s even at the door you can hear him and his friends shouting/laughing from outside
Opening the door to your apartment, you can see Kirishima carrying Kaminari on his back and Bakugo cheering as Mina is dancing in the middle of the street
Once you quickly rush over and take care of the safety hazard that is dancing in the street, Bakugo quickly wraps an arm around you and pulls you to his chest.
“Hey!! Look, it’s ___!!!”
Yup. It’s me. Great,
Kirishima looks like the only one who’s somewhat sober as he looks at you apologetically with a small wave. He’s got a hand wrapped around Mina to keep her from running back in the street
Once you finally get Bakugo inside (whos still got an arm wrapped around you, hovering behind you and making it hard to walk), you quickly lead him to the bedroom while he’s giggling in your ear
“Okay, Buddy, lets get you changed. You reek, you know,” you take him into the washroom and have to basically shove him off your back since he’s glued to you, having him sit on the toilet
“Trying to get in my pants?” He asks, and it would have been seductive, if he didn’t kneel over giggling right after he said it. You just roll your eyes and take off his shirt
After the long, long process of undressing him, you finally mangle him into bed. You even got him to brush his teeth a little, but his breath still stinks so you have him spoon you so you don’t have to smell it
Bakugo definitely doesn’t care or even realize why you have him spoon you. He’s just humming and holding you close, kissing your neck and back kind of sloppily
“So, did you have fun?” You ask now that you’ve got him in bed and he just groans.
“I guess.” Sighs against your shoulder. “Missed you. Should have come with us.” Arms wrap around you a little tighter.
You reach back and run your hand through his spiky hair. Just like that, he’s out like a light before you can say anything
Drunk Bakugo can definitely be chaotic, but very sweet once you finally get him like this
I don’t imagine Todoroki likes getting drunk very often, probably only at special events. And even then, he usually only gets tipsy
He has a lot of control, more than most when he’s drunk, so he’s confident to have a few drinks and not be very affected
But one day he comes home from a very, very long Gala that he was forced to, and his whole body just feels tight and exhausted
He definitely drank a little more just because of how much he Did Not Want To Be At The Gala
When you greet him when he comes home, it’s basically just like that. Just like that he’s on top of you on the couch, basically suffocating you as he lies on you
“T-todoroki- youre- squishing me, you know-!!”
He just huffs and nustles his head in your hair
You have to push him off (as he whines very loudly) in order to breathe, but you’re laughing all the while
“What’s up, honey?”
“Nothing.” He reaches out and grabs your hand next to him, fumbling and playing with your fingers.
And then uses his grip on your hand to pull you back down so he can cuddle you again (but at least he’s not breaking your air supply this time)
“Was the Gala that bad?” You can already tell. He’s made it kind of obvious
“Don’t want to talk about the Gala,” he groans and shuffles around. He’s still in his expensive, probably stuffy suit, so you help him out by unbuttoning his jacket and trying to get him out of it. Honestly he doesn’t even notice
“Well, I missed you,” you give him a kiss on his cheek once you finally have him out of his jacket, tie and button up shirt, and you wrap your hands around his naked skin which is a lot warmer than usual
“Missed you, too.” He sighs
Like Todoroki, I don’t think Midoriya gets drunk very often, especially in public
Once he gets older and less wounded up, he probably enjoys getting tipsy at home with you and friends in private somewhat frequently
I can see him getting drunk during Game Night with the dudes or something like that
Alcohol helps Midoriya become more confident, maybe a bit too confident,,?? stupid decisions are something he will always do, drunk or sober
If you’re not out drinking with him or just around in general, which is rare, he’ll have either Iida or Uraraka around
Who are the ones who deliver your dear boyfriend to your doorstep one evening
Literally you open the door and he’s hanging around Uraraka and Iida, a shoulder wrapped around the both of them while he’s trying to focus on standing
“Oh my God,” that’s basically all you can say. like. what
Uraraka winces. “We know-”
“HEY,” Midoriya snaps his head up to look at you, a big grin on his face as he stumbles forward and into your arms. “Guuuuys! ___ is here!” 
Kind of embarrassing how he’s nuzzling into your chest with his arms completely wrapped around you, but Iida and Uraraka aren’t even surprised. 
“How did he get like this??” 
“It’s kind of funny, actually,” Uraraka scratches her cheek nervously. “We went to a bar for their quizzes, and people kept hitting on him? And giving him drinks? And we kept saying he should just send them back but he was too nervous so he just kept drinking them and then the people just kept sending them-” 
“Oh I see,” you laugh. You roll your eyes as you have to wrap your arms around your boyfriend because he’s beginning to slip, and you pull him upright against you. “You were a little playboy today, huh? Cock of the walk?” 
“No!!!” And then, very quietly, “maybe.” 
“We shouldn’t have let him do it, it’s partially our fault,” Iida frowns and puts his glasses on, which you hadn’t noticed he wasn’t wearing. He sighs. “Midoriya kept playing with them so I had to take them off.” 
After a lot of talking in the doorway (a lot of laughing, too, once you hear everything that transpired that night), you heave Midoriya into some nightclothes and into bed 
“I didn’t know you were such a flirt, Midoriya,” you smile as you change into your own pajamas. “I’ll have to keep my eye on you.”
“Noo,” he whines from the bed. “No, I love you, I sweearrr,” 
You laugh. “I know, honey!” 
“But I mean it,” Midoriya groans as he forces himself to sit up on the bed, leaning forward to grab you and pull you to him. “I love love you. For real.” 
“Wow, I’m so flattered.” 
“SAY IT BACK!! you have to say it back!!” 
Drunk Midoriya is also a crybaby, but I bet you’re not surprised by that. 
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