#dmitri blush blush
ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Okay, there is no way I was missing the opportunity to write reactions for Blush Blush, because I love the game and characters so much! Just to add a slightly ironic layer though, because it’s just such a cheesy, fun, light-hearted game, I used this reaction prompt, which leans on the angsty side and did reactions for most of the main boys!
You have died and come back to the character as a ghost. What is their reaction?
Nimh is actually really scared of ghosts. He really believes in them, and he’s probably had an experience with a haunted place before, so he gets really scared at the first signs of you haunting him. He’d definitely have run away screaming the first time you appeared to him as a ghost. After that time though, when you appeared again, I think while scared, he was able to keep himself from running away. Keep himself from crying though?? Not a freaking chance. Nimh really had fallen hard for you, and you meant so much to him. He seriously grieves your death, for years afterwards and he never really moves on to another person. So, for you to show back up to him as a ghost? I think he really, while scared because hey, ghost…I think he sees it almost as a blessing because it means he gets to see you again, gets to talk to you, gets to have you back in his life.
I feel like his reaction is almost the complete opposite of Nimh’s. He has never strongly believed in ghosts and may have made fun of a couple of people he knew who did. So, you being dead? That fucked with his head, a lot. Because he let so few people into his life, trusted so few people the way he did you, and then you went and died and abandoned him?? He’s having enough problems dealing with that. And then he keeps thinking he sees you, even though you’re dead, because you’re haunting him…because he so firmly believes that ghosts aren’t real, he thinks he’s going crazy in his grief and he’s just going to go to therapy and not acknowledge you because ghosts aren’t real.
Kelby’s going to have a large non-reaction to this. Yeah, you died and yeah, he’s grieving that. And yeah, ghosts are supposed to be made-up and not real but hey, here you are, proving that wrong! Look at you achieve another magical thing in his life. He missed that, not going to lie. I think instead of being afraid or upset about your ghost appearing to him, Kelby’s going to be more curious about why you’re a ghost and why you’re haunting him. Did you just miss him like he missed you? Do you have some sort of unfulfilled business like the movies always say ghosts have? If you do, he’s totally down for helping you with that…probably not too quickly though, because he’s just got you back in his life and he’s not too keen to lose you again, even if you are a ghost.
Eli’s first reaction to seeing you reappear in his life is going to be asking you what sort of ghost you are. Like, are you a Dicken’s Christmas Carol sort of ghost? Because he’d totally be down with that because who doesn’t love some good soul-searching and personal development? He’d be so surprisingly chill about it and so much about his personality and life will seem to have been unchanged that you might wonder if you’d even mattered that much to him while you were alive…until you notice he’s partying even harder now, drinking even more after your death, engaging in some riskier behaviour. He did take your death hard because Eli doesn’t commit and then he did and then you were gone, and he does not know how to deal with it. So, even if you weren’t the Dicken’s type of ghost, he’s really, really going to need you to be.
Anon’s another one whose reaction will be largely a non-reaction. He’s Irish, he’s heard all the ghost stories and while he does like a large dose of common-sense and logic, he’s not a complete unbeliever. And honestly, he’s been grieving pretty hard and has isolated himself more than normal because of the grief, so he might just really, really be glad to have you back in his life. He’d kind of want to go back to how things used to be with your ghost self, as much as was possible. And hey, with you being a ghost, you don’t have germs anymore, so that’s a plus!
I think Garret took your death hard and that he’ll take your ghost appearing to him even harder. He’s weirdly superstitious and he does firmly believe that, if your ghost appeared to him, it’s because you have unfinished business here on Earth. He would definitely cry, like absolutely sob, not just because he’s missed you and he’s seeing you again, but because he’ll blame himself fully for the fact that you’re a ghost instead of enjoying a peaceful afterlife. He’ll really, really want to figure out that unfinished business and will devote himself to helping you accomplish it. He is so happy to have you back in his life, even as a ghost, but he can’t be selfish like that because, in the end, the only thing Garret has ever wanted for you was for you to be happy and to have a peaceful life…or afterlife, in this case.
Dmitri doesn’t really acknowledge your ghost at first. He’s another one who will think that his grief is making him see things and he’ll try to hold really fast to that belief, though he doesn’t seek any sort of help for the situation or really even mention what he thought he saw to anyone. And he’ll go for a really long time without ever openly acknowledging you…except for late at night when he talks to you. It’s not a conversation, he won’t act like you’re truly there and will pretend he can’t hear your voice, not really. But he still talks to you, tells you of his love and how he misses you and how the days without you aren’t as bright anymore.
Panic. Panic is his first reaction, along with running away. Like, change apartments, call an exorcist, full out and out run away. If he remembered the number for Ghost Busters, he’d probably call them too. He doesn’t care if he misses you, he doesn’t even care if he still loves you, he is definitely not down for being haunted.
William is another one who does not believe in ghosts. Because of this, he either really cannot see you, just because his disbelief is so strong, or he would dismiss seeing your ghost as hallucinations that he can and will seek professional help for. He’ll talk out his grief surrounding your loss in therapy or support groups anyway, and he’d be liable to even medicate for these ‘hallucinations’ as he calls your haunting.
Myx would be assuming you were a drunken hallucination at first, then would move on to fear, and then to acceptance. In pretty quick succession too. And then one day he just starts talking to your ghostly self as if it’s just any old Thursday, as if you hadn’t died. Because, like, maybe you died but you’re back, right? You’re back in his life again and you’re obviously sticking around because hauntings aren’t just here and there kind of things. So why shouldn’t things just go back to how they were, back to talking and joking around and making music together and loving each other. Sure, there might be things you can’t do now that you’re a ghost, but you guys can figure out workarounds to those, right? Please say he’s right…he really, really needs to be right in this case or he’d probably break down.
Stirling is a centuries-old vampire. You think he’s never been haunted before? Please. He’s not the least little bit surprised, even, to have you show up as a ghostly force in his life. In fact, he’s delighted. He’d been missing your company and now he doesn’t really need to worry about you dying and leaving him behind because, being a ghost, you really can stay with him forever. And you dying? Well, he’d been acutely aware that it would happen from the second he’d fallen in love with a mortal, and had started grieving your inevitable loss from that time, and he’s made his peace with it and is more than willing to help you make your peace with it, no matter how long it takes.
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heyacris · 8 months
Asking them what's their body count:
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Reference from Brooklyn 99, how would some of the boys react if we just said "If I run and leap at (Name), he will most certainly catch me in his arms" and then proceeded to run full force at them while they're carrying stuff. (You can just ignore this if you don't understand this or don't want to do this.)
I was given 'some' and immediately ignored my own rules and did 'all', that's fun.
Still, finally cracking down and writing all *checks notes* 2 requests I've gotten.
(Please feel free to send in requests, I'd love to have more to work with)
Oh it is such a rough thing for poor Nimh.
Problem A), the call alone is a little jump scare to him, and now his heart is freaking out
Problem B), he’s now faced with the dilemma of either dropping everything, or letting you eat shit on the pavement. He’d like neither to happen, but he’s not dumb enough to think he could do both
He eventually commits to catching you, but that just leads to
Problem C), he is not very strong and he can barely hold you
Give him the courtesy of keeping a foot on the ground to balance out your weight, yeah?
You joke about it sometimes before you ever commit to the bit
And every single time you do he insists to you that he will make zero effort to catch you
But you know Volks very well at this point.
And you know, among other things, that he is a dirty fucking liar
So you can only imagine your personal childlike glee when you finally do it and he does, in fact, catch you without hesitation 
He insists it’s because if you fell and like, broke your elbow or something, that’d be terrible. Medical bills and all that.
For his sake, you’re ignoring that his face is growing redder by the second. 
No hesitation 100% of the time
First of all, holding you is extremely easy for him, but also he just finds carrying you to be romantic as hell
Oh he’ll cringe if he happens to be dropping something heavy, like a weight, but he still goes for you, that’s his priority
Still, he likes looking for opportunities to show off, and carrying you around like it’s nothing is prime show off material.
He might even get in a couple squats. He knows they go appreciated.
It’s a coin flip with Eli
Though if there’s a chance you’d genuinely injure yourself he’ll probably catch you
But it’s fair game to just let you crash if it’s carpet or grass. Because he thinks it’s just a little funny. 
He also occasionally makes you pay the ‘catch tax’ 
It’s 5 dollars to at least partially make up for the drink that just died on the ground for your goofs.
Really, shame on you, you should know better.
He makes no attempt to catch you
In fact, he finds the way you end up crashing into the wall kinda funny. 
Like watching a cat really fuck up a jump.
Beyond the fact that he’s kind of a stickler with his physical contact to begin with, a lot of the things he carries around are very easily breakable
So yes it’s rude, but frankly he’s not about to shell out 1000 dollars for a new laptop because you thought you could make a goofy point- because you couldn’t.
Garret doesn’t even miss a beat
He’s got you held up in one arm and whatever it was he was holding cradled in the other
While he thinks that it was certainly an odd thing to do, it was pretty cute.
Not hard to do. He thinks most things you do are cute.
Gives you a little kiss and gently sets you back down
Don’t get overconfident though. If he’s holding an animal, the animal gets priority. They’re more fragile.
He still feels really bad about it though. You think he might cry
Dmitri also goes for the catch every time
It adds to his suave and romantic charm, obviously.
However, as the type to prioritize romance over basic logic on occasion, he’s also prone to forgetting that he’s often holding his drink of choice
No it’s fine that his foot just got doused in hot coffee, no he’s not getting a third degree burn
Appreciate the romance, he’ll go see someone about it later
Like Anon, Ichiban hesitates, because if he’s holding something, it’s likely expensive. 
However, unlike Anon, he makes the fatal mistake of still trying to catch you
And it worked maybe once. He’s still riding that high though.
He can handle it!
…But also this case of shenanigans that he has never told you to stop doing has cost more in equipment that either of you are ready to admit out loud.
You may or may not have pitched in to replace several cameras, controllers, and lavaliers 
He tries very very hard to get you to stop charging him before contact is made
It’s a flurry of paperwork, because he does catch you
Says it’s the least he could do as the doting boyfriend he is
Though he does awkwardly dismiss himself from in after a moment. 
While carrying you around is quite romantic, he won’t disagree with that, but also those papers were kind of important and he should get those together ASAP. 
People have pets in need, and they can’t get it without the information getting where it needs to be.
He promises to give you a good cuddle once it’s all sorted, however.
There’s a very direct correlation between what exactly he’s holding and how okay he is with dropping it to scoop you
Electronics? Hard no, those are pricey to replace
Instruments are also frequent victims, and it depends on its fragility.
He tried to catch you with his leg once, except all he actually did was end up kicking you in the gut on the way down
He apologized about it for fifteen minutes straight. 
But if it’s something sturdy, he has no problem with chucking it straight down and scooping you up into a whole ass cuddle. 
Oh please don’t do that outside 
He’s fine with it inside and at night. It’s very attractive, even. Smooth and charming as he sweeps you off your feet before you can even make the jump.
But in the middle of the day it’s very bad for both of you
He can’t hold his parasol and you at the same time, it’s not happening 
So get ready to either hit the deck or get caught on fire with him, depending on how much time he gets to think about it
He screams at first
There’s a loud clatter of knives, but he’s got you!
Scale insists very hard that he did not shriek like a little baby at you almost impaling yourself on his knives
Instead he scolds you over it
I mean come on, you spent an entire afternoon to keep his assassination deadline on you years away
What’s the good in wasting that, he could’ve done better things with his afternoon if you were gonna die a couple months later anyway
Puts no thought into whatever he’s holding, he just tries to hold you on top of it
It’s very uncomfortable every time, why do you keep doing that
It also doesn’t register to him that it’s his need to multitask it that results in you injuring yourself
He starts doing it to you to prove a point, and thinks he’s doing it better because he doesn’t get hurt
He has not realized it’s because you actually drop everything to catch him
But it’s still fun, and you kinda don’t want to ruin it for him.
He doesn’t even flinch
It’s like he anticipated you’d do this exact thing
And unlike some of the other boys he doesn’t even think when he drops whatever he’s holding. 
Unless it’s something on the more… incriminating side. At that point he dodges you, dodges any questions, and quickly dismisses himself from the conversation entirely.
Sure it’s entirely possible there’s a shattered plate of hot food at his feet now, but that doesn’t matter because you’re here, being contently held in his arms
He uses it as an excuse to keep holding you
It what fucking world do you think he could hold you?
He drops his coffee and his school papers
Luckily they don’t damage each other, but w o w that was a close call
But beyond losing his morning caffeine and having to gather his work back up, you’ve hurt his wrists and also your entire body
No one has won here.
He also just. Literally can’t hold you. He’s a tiny frail goth boy, he crumbles if he’s holding anything heavier than 20 pounds. 
Once you’re back on your feet, he asks if you could at the very least help him gather up his papers. They’re worth like 20% of his grade. 
Already a bit on the twitchy side, when he notices you speeding like a bullet train, he squeaks.
What exactly do you think you’re doing??? He’s been relocating his books all afternoon, you can see that he’s holding like, 8.
But, visibly cringing, they hit the floor, because he knows that he can’t hold them and you at the same time
One of them falls wide open, pages down. He tries not to think of the potential folded pages and boxed corners. 
Especially because of how pleased you look!
…But the second he can set you down he’s on the ground checking for damages.
Seth is the absolute king of the ‘casually carrying around hazardous objects’ club
But unlike everyone else in said club, he has no qualms about chucking whatever it is on the ground and scooping you up. 
This has resulted almost unanimously in making more hazards and chaos, but he hasn’t fussed about it once
He gets to give you a lil snuggle and it has the potential to cause crime. It’s a win-win for him!
You are an accessory to arson now though, so watch out, yeah?
Man goes into bullet time
It’s just a race to him to see if he can free an arm before you inevitably ‘plink’ off him and crash into the floor
Like. He does it, no real problems
But he immediately sets you down and scolds you for it
Because that was dangerous! What if he got hurt? What if you got hurt? What if he was holding something breakable, or bringing his fire axe somewhere?
All of those sound awful! 
Still, he ruffles your hair and plants a little kiss on the top of your head. He isn’t mad, he just wants to make sure you’re being safe.
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cosmic-nebula356 · 7 months
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laspastillasdeharry · 9 months
Hice esto para poner de foto de perfil :³
Más vale tarde que nunca 🪅☝️
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X: Que se escuche el grito de las solteras
Yo sonteniedo sus elotes: ⊙⁠.☉
No sé cuántos alcance a hacer 🪅👎
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vanillabeenflower · 5 months
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Wanted to practice drawing some of the boys’ animal forms so I made this relationship guide!
This’ll be my last post for this year, I’m pretty proud of this. See you in 2024!
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wwskalisto · 2 months
Is it normal to simp for your own creation,,, /j /nsrs /lh
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Anywsys more shamelesz Russinh Sapper postign
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Me, a voice-kink haver, ranking the voices of all the boys
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1 - Cole
No explanation needed.
2 - Cashew
Please read to me every night while I fall asleep on your lap PLEASE
3 - Seth
not to be gay but oh my god. oh my fucking christ in heaven Jesus almighty
4 - Volks
That monotone voice just does something to me
5 - Logan
His laugh is a little funky but in general oh my
6 - Myx
Please sing to me I'm begging you
7 - William
Not the biggest William stan but like..... Why does he sound kinda......
8 - Stirling
very classy, very sexy
9 - Anon
Judge me for this one I just think he sounds hot
10 - Scale
Attractive in an edgy teenager kind of way
11 - Poe
Not bad, but not attractive either. Extra points because I think it fits him perfectly
12 - Kelby
Kinda meh, not too bad not too good
13 - Dmitri
Not the biggest fan of his accent but in general he sounds fairly attractive
14 - Eli
Can be annoying every now and then but I like the high energy
15 - Nimh
Sorry I just... Don't like his voice if I'm being honest
16 - Ichiban
As much as I love Mark's voice, Ichiban just doesn't do it for me
17 - Sven
Saw a video with his voiced DLC and it's literally the reason why I didn't buy it
18 - Garret
I disable the voice acting DLC when I play his route
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i decided to check the neural network from scratch, and chose two characters from the game from " Blush Blush" from "sad panda studios" i chose Nimh and Dmitri . they look more anime-stule than in Dreamland....
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myx-it-up · 1 year
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“Will you take the hand that’s beckoning you to a new adventure?”
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Hello, my name is Sheila/Cynthia. I’m very pleased to meet all of you! I recently got into the Blush Blush heaven, and I like it here so far. I hope I can get to know you as well.
If you want to have a nice little chat or share anything with me, I’m more than happy to talk about it!
If you have any requests, I can write it too! Though, you may need to nudge me if you see anything that’s out of character.. 😔
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Tag Guide:
❥ #rambles || This is the tag that you’ll see when I —the writer herself— am talking. Occasionally, I might ramble about the game too.
❥ #new book from the writer || This is the tag you’ll see in the requests.
❥ #little bird’s humming || This is the tag you’ll see when I answer an ask.
[More tags are yet to come!]
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OC Info [TBA]
Selene Wilson
Marcelline Marywether
Heather Jones
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—What I will write:
☆ Fluff
★ Angst
☆ Yandere (ONLY IN COLE’S CASE!)
★ x Reader (GN!Reader)
—What I won’t write:
☆ Gore
★ Character x Character
☆ Smut (for now...)
★ Things such as self-harm, sewer slide. (If you do want me to write this out, however, are you alright there? :c)
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Dmitri’s Masquerade outfit after 2 weeks log-ins.
Screen shot’s from BLUSH BLUSH.
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heyacris · 7 months
Bad blush blush memes I made at 2 AM because I was bored:
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agnosthesiia · 2 years
okay but like imagine all the boys going to a beach trip and William constantly reminding them to put on some sunscreen or to be careful in general
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ebonyforged · 2 years
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@slayersurvived​​: [ 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 ] ― sender asks receiver for a dance upon hearing a song || 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐒 (accepting)  
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     They have been sitting in silence for a while. Well, relative silence. They’re not talking, but there’s music playing softly over the radio, and it’s the perfect background noise for them to sit and just enjoy each other’s company. It’s uncommon for Ebony to find someone who she doesn’t always need to talk to in order to get the most out of their presence, but Dmitri is someone like that. It’s just one more thing that should’ve tipped her off and brought awareness to how dearly she values his presence long before he made her aware. It’s also a blessing for him, or he would have taped over her mouth long ago.
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     When the soft music swells into a higher volume, Ebony looks up to find Dmitri in front of her, one hand on the volume dial of the radio, the other held out to her. For a moment, she just sits there with her book held open to her chest, grinning like a fool, before she tosses it to the side and jumps up to take his hand. “Oh wow,” she says softly when he pulls her to his chest. Her cheeks warm up when his other hand falls to the small of her back. It has been — forever since she was last asked to dance like this, pulled into something slow and gentle as opposed to a dance more upbeat, but her body still remembers the things she learned as a little girl. “If I’d known you liked to dance, we would’ve done this a long time ago.” But then, where’s the fun in knowing everything? She much prefers this pleasant surprise.
     Ebony lets Dmitri take the lead. That is traditionally the way, of course, but it still speaks volumes that she lets him so easily. After a moment, she stretches up to press a gentle kiss to his jaw, then briefly lingers by his ear. “Heed my words, love. One of these days, we are going out to dance.”
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spicymushroomz · 5 months
Baby, I’m Jealous
Sebastian Sallow x Ravenclaw!GN!Reader
Synopsis: You get asked out by a guy from Ravenclaw and a certain brunette is not happy at all
Not Proofread
All Characters aged up to 18.
Word Count: 1056
Warnings: Jealousy, not historically accurate, Sebastian is aware of readers feelings, no use of y/n, use of an oc love rival, rushed pacing, making out, probably bad writing.
Author’s Note: Omg im so sorry for not posting. Ive been rlly stressed and dealing with #issues lately so im so very sorry. Please enjoy this little sebastian sallow fic (p.s. I might make this into an actual fleshed out fic if y’all enjoy this!)
Well, this was certainly an unusual day.
You sat down at the Slytherin table to eat with Ominis and Sebastian like usual, talking about various gossip going around lately, and discussing what shenanigans you might get up to later.
“No Sebastian, I am not sneaking into Scribner’s desk to find her weird demented romance books.” Said Ominis sternly.
“But Ominis! It’s for the greater good!” Pleaded Sebastian as you giggled at the two of their antics.
You had started hanging out with them after Sebastian showed you the Undercroft. 2 years back, even after all you went through, you stuck by each other. After these 2 years, it was no surprise you were in love with Sebastian. Even from the beginning you thought he was gorgeous, and Sebastian wouldn’t have it any other way.
You see, Sebastian had been aware of your little crush since the day he showed you the undercroft. He saw the blush on your face as he taught you confringo. He thought you looked great when you were flustered. It’s why for the past few weeks he’s been teasing you, whispering softly in your ear, fleeting touches, and sometimes you could’ve sworn you caught him staring at you. (Not that he would admit that anyways)
You desperately hoped he would ask you out, but as the days went by that hope dwindled. You couldn’t really blame him though, especially because he was trying so hard to look for a cure for his Sister, Anne.
You silently resigned yourself to a quiet, single life forever. Or at least, until you got over Sebastian. (Which might as well be forever)
Which is what leads us to this very strange, peculiar day. As Sebastian continued to plead with Ominis to go steal Scribner’s weird romance books, they failed to notice Dmitri Lockhart, another 7th year in Ravenclaw.
You met him on your first day, he was kind, if not a little cocky, and mostly everyone liked him. Apparently, he was the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team’s beater. You thought he was fairly handsome, with his toned body, fluffy blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes. However you didn’t think he held a candle to Sebastian in terms of looks.
He sauntered over to the Slytherin Table, sliding in next to you.
“Hey there, [name].” He greeted.
“Hey Dmitri.” You greeted back. Sebastian clenched his jaw, his eyes lingering on how Dmitri’s arm was touching yours.
“So listen, I was thinking that maybe we could-well maybe we could go to Hogsmeade sometime this weekend?” He asked, stuttering a little bit. You were impressed by his straightforwardness but you wanted to refuse. As sweet as the boy was, you would rather hang out with Sebastian.
Which speaking of, was seething with jealousy. How dare Dmitri think he can just saunter over here and ask you out, especially because that’s what Sebastian was planning to do.
Sebastian looked at you, the faint blush on your cheeks made you look ravishing. What he wouldn’t give to kiss you there and then. But then this guy had to come over and make everything difficult. Sebastian knew that in the end it was your decision, so he just had to sit there and take it.
You smiled softly at Dmitri, and let him down gently. “I’m sorry Dmitri, but I’m afraid I already have feelings for someone else.” You said, glancing at Sebastian.
Dmitri nodded. “That can’t be helped then, sorry [name] see you later.” He said, getting up and walking back to the Ravenclaw table.
Sebastian smirked smugly. Of course you chose him over Dmitri, you were smart after all. He looked at you with dark eyes, like at any moment he would gobble you up.
“Excuse us Ominis, me and [name] need to go have a private discussion.” said Sebastian, leaving the table and gesturing for you to come with him.
Ominis sighed, hoping that whatever you guys were going to do, you would at least save some space for Jesus.
Sebastian dragged you out of the great hall and into a small corridor nearby.
“Where are we going?” You asked, excited. Sebastian looked at you with hungry eyes.
“[Name], I’m in love with you.” You turned red. This was not what you were expecting. You had no time to process before he hit you with a blunt question. “May I kiss you?” He asked frantically, his eyes fleeting from your lips to your eyes.
You were even more shocked, your brain short circuiting but still managing a small nod.
Sebastian wasted no time. Hungrily, he dove for a taste of your lips. He was like a starved man, having a meal for the first time in a month. He couldn’t get enough. He ravished you, not letting you come up for air for what felt like hours. His hands had wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
He needed you closer to him. You drove him crazy, everything about you. From your lips, to your eyes, to the perfect shape of your body, everything. Everything about you was perfect for him.
When you finally looked at eachother, out of breath from the kissing, you were an utter mess. Dazed, and in a state of bliss you had no idea if this was real or the best dream you’ve ever had.
“I love you.” said Sebastian softly, “I always have.”
Realizing this was all real, and not some strange dream, you replied. “I love you too, I always will.”
Author: I know this is cringy, but I have been craving just a cringy little fic lately. It’s also nice to ease me back into writing after a short break.
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vanillabeenflower · 2 years
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Here is the Tierlist you asked for! I couldn’t find anyone for the last tier but I still included it to more or less show the lowest score
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