sadgirlamil · 8 years
Dear Chloe &‘Carter, I’m so sorry… I swear mommy never meant to hurt you I love you both so much I promise I really do &’ I don’t mean to be such a bad mom I swear I don’t want you to think that mommy is a fuck up and she doesn’t love you because I do… But it’s too late because your gone… &’ it’s all done. Everything I ever wanted and needed was gone… I carelessly made numerous mistakes &’ didn’t even think about how it would affect you both… I’ll never be happy again, knowing that I ruined it all that I ruined us, our future… Mommy was gonna give you a good life everything you ever wanted good clothes, food, a beautiful house with your own rooms, and play dates, with picnics and family movie nights… My goal was to make you happy but I’ve done nothing but let you down. FUCK why am I so fucked up?? Why do I burn everything I touch… You angels don’t deserve this… You beautiful blessing in the sky you don’t deserve someone so shitty like me you deserve to be happy and the only tears you should shed is when you’re born or overly joyed… So happy that you want to cry… So happy that your life is great &’ magical but I won’t be, not anymore… “Why mommy?” Because it’s all done &’ your gone, I’m gone… Losing a part of me made me lose you completely &’ I will never forgive myself… I’m sorry Chloe &’ Carter ❤️ Mommy loves you.
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sadgirlamil · 8 years
Because in the end I'm just a dead flower.
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yunggfijiwater · 9 years
Your my one and only girl there's nobody in the world but you and I
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yunggfijiwater · 9 years
I fucking love you baby 
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