#dnd tadhgan
coffee-or-murder · 1 year
At the Window - Lemon’s POV
TLDR: Lemon gets a rude wake up from her oldest friend for a game of tag, and meets another friend by chance. Lemon feels a bit like a silly romance novel heroine by the end. 
In this moment Lemon’s bed had to be one of the most comfortable places in the entire world. She didn’t often sleep in it, only when her mother was sure to be out, so it was a rare treat. Lemon had mostly slipped through the fuzzy veil of sleep, but was still just aware enough to appreciate her bed. She’d made a warm nest of thick blankets, more pillows than were strictly necessary, and her favorite long chiffon nightgown all tempered perfectly by the crisp night air from her cracked window. This was going to be a very comfortable sleep indeed.  Just outside crickets were chatting up a storm, an owl quietly hooted, and Coyote was whining by her bed. Ah. Nevermind then. So much for sleeping.
“Little baker? Little baaaaaker wake up. Wake uuuuup,” they whined, getting louder and nearly howling towards the end. They huffed impatiently, hot air puffing against her face. Lemon opened her eyes slowly to squint cross eyed at Coyote’s snout an inch away from her face. They were in their large coyote form, tail wagging quickly through the air behind them, and their tongue lolled out of their maw.   
“Coyote wha-”
“Little baker! The moon is out and must be enjoyed!” they yipped before leaping onto the bed with all the force an overeager four legged body could muster. Lemon’s carefully constructed nest bounced right off the bed and tumbled onto the floor with her in it. She sputtered, throwing the bedding off to pout up at her friend. 
“Coyote! I was nearly asleep!” she groaned. They just wiggled, front paws barely on the edge of the bed before they launched themselves off to flop dramatically across Lemon’s lap belly up.
“The moon is awake, I am awake, so you should be awake too! We need to enjoy her light!” they cried, writhing around a bit dramatically before twisting onto their stomach. Their cold, pointy nose shoved against Lemon’s stomach, pushing her up and out of her nest despite her protests. 
“I’m coming! Let me get my boots you stubborn creature or my toes will freeze out there!” Lemon sighed before yelping as Coyote simply scooped her up over their head and onto their back. Her fingers dug into their fur on reflex as they stood, the halfling now clinging to their back as they trotted to the window. 
“You need to feel dirt! Running will keep you warm!” they declared. Their muscles flexed under her hands as they leapt up and out through the window, landing hard on the ground outside. Lemon found herself going ass over head for a second time, flopping onto the ground with a quiet oomphf as her back hit grass. Coyote turned back and shoved their face close to hers as they snuffled loudly. 
“Next time warn me silly beast! I’m perfectly capable of climbing out of my own window,” she snapped as she pushed away Coyote’s face. After a quick patdown to make sure her nightgown was intact and running her fingers through her loose hair she held out her hand and grinned at her friend. “Now, are we playing tag?” 
“Tag tag tag!” Coyote yipped, wiggling so hard they began to split and shrink until five smaller coyotes were running circles around Lemon. All of them whining and snapping playfully at the others' heels as they went. Laughter bubbled out of her at the sight of one of them stumbling in their excitement. Another lunged forward, their jaws full of large sharp teeth gently closed around her wrist and tugged. The chase was on. The pack surged to the treeline and Lemon followed, toes digging in the cool dirt and hair streaming behind her. Her friend’s cackling laughter echoed around her, bouncing around the boughs of the trees above her. The moon was full and close enough to easily be seen through the branches. Light filtered through the leaves to cast everything in shades of blue and inky black. One coyote burst out from behind a tree, barking happily as they raced just out of reach. Another leapt down from a tree, scraping against the bark as they scrambled down to push the first coyote over just long enough for Lemon to grab their tail and squeeze. They yelped, spinning to try to tag her back but the others spilled out of their hiding spots and herded her away. Between the burning muscles in her legs and the oven warm bodies of Coyote brushing against her side Lemon hardly noticed the chill. The tagged coyote snapped their jaws a breath away from her ankle and she shrieked with laughter. They continued the game, chasing and being chased through the forest until they burst from the treeline, the little pack leading the way to the McGowan’s home in the distance. Lemon started to slow down a bit, watching as the coyotes ahead of her bumped into each other and reformed into their single lupine form. Coyote turned back to face her with a wide wolfy grin before howling, the air trembling with the force of it. Lemon laughed and threw her head back to howl along, the vibration of their chorus settled deep in her lungs as the magic in her gut burned in response to the call, just as it always did. Coyote’s howl tapered off, and when Lemon opened her eyes again they were gone.
“Silly beast,” she sighed as she dusted off her skirts and ran a hand through her hair to knock out any leaves that had gotten stuck. The McGowan house ahead was nearly dark except for the light of the forge in the connected building and one small light in Tadhgan’s window. Lemon found herself moving towards the dim beacon in the distance, not really knowing why but trusting her gut to lead her where she needed to be. As she got closer she could just make out a figure standing in the window, lit from below by a small cluster of candles. Twenty feet, then fifteen, and Tadhgan’s face finally came into focus wearing green plaid sleep clothes and an expression she’d never seen before all aglow in the warm light of the candles. Standing in her nightgown like one of those silly romance heroines, flushed from running with a new oddly full feeling growing in her chest as she looked into Tadhgan’s dark firelit eyes, she felt like howling again. Like if she could just let the feeling out she’d be brave enough to follow through. Maybe Coyote brought her out here so she could try to be brave. 
“Lemon?” Tadhgan called out quietly.
“Hello teacup. Lovely night don’t you think? Care to join me?” she asked. He was quiet for a moment, a blush slowly blooming on his cheeks, before he nodded. Lemon smiled, tilting her head to the side and holding out her hand. “Well then?”
“Okay…okay yeah,” he said before starting to pull himself out the window. His hand hovered just slightly too close to a candle and he hissed in surprise. Lemon giggled while Tadhgan muttered a string of draconic, stuck his singed finger in his mouth, blew out the candles, and set the little tray holding them off to the side. This time he pulled himself over the edge easily, long legs carrying him to her quickly. He didn’t bother to pull on his boots. She grinned wide, that odd feeling back in her chest, and gave in to the sudden urge to touch. Her hand smacked against his, the light spell making his hand glow bright and she turned to run. 
“Catch me if you can Tadhgan!” Lemon laughed back, head thrown back in joy as she raced back to the tree line.  
“Lemon?! Wait up!” he sputtered behind her. Sure enough she could hear him follow. Her grin stretched wider. Even though her legs were burning from her game with Coyote she kept going. She couldn’t make it too easy for him after all. That wouldn’t be fair.
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coffee-or-murder · 1 year
Because it’s been rattling around my brain and won’t seem to leave, here’s some thoughts on the Runaway AU for Lemon. No spoilers just exploring if Tadhgan was brave enough to leave town with Lemon, and Lonan went with them to escape his family because…Lemon is the only person he knows outside of his family. What other choice does he have? 
Lemon would most likely have been a twilight cleric in this AU, getting to lvl 3 when the trio flees the Five Shires. They’d start taking on odd jobs to make ends meet until they could find an adventuring guild far away from the Five Shires, and use fake names while trying to stay out of trouble.  
Tadhgan and Lemon officially start dating fairly soon after running away in this au! They have….a little bit of trouble keeping their hands to themselves sometimes >>’
Poor Lonan walks in on one too many make out sessions so he starts sending in his familiar Squeak (a potoo bird) or Savio (his spellbook personified into a black cyclops cat) to make sure it’s safe to come in. Squeak tends to dive bomb them and starts nuzzling Lemon’s cheeks, while Savio floats in and starts sassing them. Lonan and Aodhan(Tadhgan’s drake) start to hang out more during this as well, and Lonan appreciates having a warm quiet presence around while he studies his spells. 
Sooner or later Lonan starts actually bonding with them. Long magic theory debates with Lemon and gentle lessons on social interactions with Tadhgan start to make him think of them as friends. After they bond when he supports them from the sidelines in a fight he starts to get…distracted. They’re sort of pretty fighting side by side, taking hits meant for each other, and then both of them rushing to his aid and putting themselves in between him and danger…..they are very aesthetically pleasing to watch and Lonan doesn’t know what to do about that.    
In the middle of one of Lemon and Lonan’s verbal sparring matches Tadhgan looks at them and realizes he’s in love with both of these headstrong intelligent people, and he has to leave the room he’s blushing so much
Later he brings it up with Lemon, and while she is a little embarrassed she admits she also has feelings for him and Lonan. The two lovebirds start plotting on how to start testing the waters with Lonan
After many MANY attempts at subtly flirting, Lemon finally bucks up the courage and just tells Lonan that she and Tadhgan would like to court him, all while Tadhgan is blushing brilliantly in the background
Lonan self combusts, agrees, but makes them tell him every time they flirted with him all the while Savio makes fun of him for not noticing. Lemon does tell him each instance, also teasing him lightly but grinning the entire time because she's so happy. Tadhgan tempering her teasing with him admitting he’s just so happy Lonan is interested 
Lemon/Lonan= Enemies->Rivals->Friends->Lovers, full of sass but moments of softness between them, no one can tease the other while they’re around because they’re the only one allowed to be mean to them. Lemon tops 80% of the time, and they initiate fairly evenly. Lonan is the little spoon.
Lemon/Tadhgan= Childhood friends->Lovers, just so stupidly soft, lots of jokes and laughter, dancing and never sleeping apart, unintentional competition between them (which ends up as both boon and bane for Lonan in many ways). They switch fairly evenly and Lemon initiates the most.
Lonan/Tadhgan= Black Cat Nerd/Golden Retriever Jock, Lonan is so prickly with anyone but Tadhgan or Lemon, meanwhile Tadhgan is a social butterfly but will leave the crowd in a heartbeat to hang out with Lonan. They also switch fairly evenly, but Tadhgan tends to lead while Lonan is more likely to initiate.
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coffee-or-murder · 2 years
🍆 for... Olly, Danya, and Labon; 🌽 for Lemon, Ursula, and Tadhgan; 🍑 for Dealer's Choice x 3?
This one got longer then the last one lol so under the cut!
🍆Does your OC have any favorite form of affection, physical or otherwise?
Olly - This dork is very affectionate, but he doesn’t want you to know he’s actually soft as an uncooked dough. He is very fond of receiving physical affection, and if you give him any gift to matter how small he will treasure it literally forever. He has a whole drawer in his office dedicated to little knick knacks his sisters and cousins have gifted him, including a whole bunch of little rocks from baby Lemon. 
When he’s testing the waters of being friendly with someone he’ll start giving little gifts. Mostly extra bits of food, making sure their drink is topped off, the occasional pastry shoved in their hands and a grumpy “I am not carrying your ass back if you pass out from not eatin. Eat.”
Once you’ve reached the friend level he’s more physically affectionate. Smacking an arm, dragging you into a one armed hug, lightly shoving you out of the way, gentle roughhousing. He also will show more of his awful dry sarcastic humor. If he’s sad he takes a lot of comfort from having his head in someone's lap and playing with his hair or scratching around the base of his horns. 
If you manage to reach romance level with him. Congrats! He will now only be able to sleep properly if he’s touching you in some way. 
Danya - Any and all affection really. Danya is not picky about the affection she receives because she’s just so excited to have it at all, but her favorites to receive are for sure quality time and physical affection. Hand kisses, someone sharing their craft with her, and just existing in the same space are all very high on her list. She tends to show her love with gift giving, words of affirmation, and physical affection. 
Labon - This fool is all about receiving physical affection. A kiss on the cheek from Durhil will sustain him for hours. Once his feelings are returned he’ll curl around or beside Durhil in either form. Biting is a form of affection, but it’s never hard and more like a hold than anything else unless she asks of course. He is horribly awkward about it, but he really loves words of affirmation and will save any scrap of paper that said he did a good job or that he’s a good person and squirrel it away to pull out later. 
🌽How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What's their favorite act of affection, physical or emotional?
Lemon: This girl thrives on affection, and looks for literally any scrap of it she can. It’s what keeps her bad feelings about…basically everything at bay long enough to process them or at least bottle them up and ignore them. Lemon does have a pretty strong preference for receiving physical affection and words of affirmation. Someone wanting to braid her hair, have a snuggle/halfling pile, or bringing her food are very high on her list of preferred forms of affection. More emotional forms include either listening to someone infodump or doing the infodumping, collaborating on projects, being a soundboard for ideas, or trying to keep her safe. She has awful attachment issues and is pretty rejection sensitive because of her parents, but also struggles with having deeper emotional bonds with people she does care about because that means she’s a burden and they’ll leave her behind. She’s unfortunately quick to trust people who show her any affection like ignoring what exactly Flask might do with that many baby mimics because she’s been Nice and is helping Sugarcane lol
Ursula: Affection for affection's sake is a weakness. It should be a tool to gain favor. That said she enjoys receiving gifts, and does take pleasure in quality time with the people she deems as suitable company. 
Tadghan: This boy is so damn awkward with physical affection but does enjoy it. He’s pretty handsy with his friends and family, gentle roughhousing and the occasional bit of snark, but he’s really big on quality time! He and Lemon used to spend hours in the forge while he worked and Lemon curled up with Aodhan, his drake, reading or researching. If you use him as a soundboard for thoughts/ideas/etc he’d be thrilled and do his best to help however needed. Big on either doing or receiving acts of service. 
🍑What sort of traits does your OC look for in a Significant Other? 
Tsisia: Cici is big on getting to know someone as friends before she wants to jump their bones. Someone with a good sense of humor, who doesn’t mind that she can get a little bit rambly from time to time, gets along with her family, tall and handsome helps a lot too. She’s looking for someone to match her vibe and wants to laugh with her. 
Doran: Not the one he currently has that’s for damn sure. Before everything happened he was attracted to smiles. Someone who was a little bit goofy, but who still had his back in a fight. Nice arms, strong jawlines, able to talk to fill the silence since he was pretty reserved even before he got married. He tended to lean toward kind of class clown type people. Doran is a bit of a secret romantic, and does like big gestures, especially if they take into account the courting rituals of his home. Some of them are quite romantic to him and he was looking forward to them. Now after he’s been married he just wants that to end but feels trapped because of internal politics. Doran just wants to be able to trust a partner again but has accepted he’ll never get that again and focuses on his work. 
Lonan: Currently he thinks having a romantic partner is a waste of time. He is busy trying to research and develop new spells to better understand magic. So demisexual it takes at least three years of knowing him before he even starts to maybe have a crush on someone. If he did have a crush though, it would be on someone who can match his level with arcana and have the drive to learn so they can be a partner in research and life. Someone who fills in the spaces he lacks, like his lack of social skills or more worldly knowledge. He wouldn’t admit to it outloud, but being an introvert cooped up in a wizard school for most of his life may not have been the best thing, even if it did get him away from his parents. He’s unfortunately a bit of a social hermit and tends to piss people off without meaning too because he’s too direct. 
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coffee-or-murder · 1 year
First-lines-of-fic meme!
Tagged by @beingatoaster and I am......so late because I just learned how to search for people tagging you in things sorry lovely >>’ 
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway / Most of these are dnd fics, but some are fanfic I’ve been noodling with yes Sig I’m getting to them leave me be you mad little beastie you
1. "Lemon was nearly breathless from dancing between strangers and friends and back again, the magic in her gut simmering low and pleased and warm.” ((Burning, Lemon centric drabble about her crush on Cael and why she’s so damn ashamed about it))
2. The conservatory was always Rosalind’s preferred place to conduct her daily routine of large meetings, grandchild wrangling, morning and afternoon teas, and one on one discussions. ((Teatime, Rosalind confronting Ursula))
3. “Lemon! I’m not leaving you!” Isgrac called back as she ran ahead. ((The Sewers, Nightmare of the parties time in the sewers that just....refuses to be finished idk why))
4. Tadhgán wasn’t sure if he’d done something truly awful in a past life, or what deity he’d crossed, but he really did not understand why the Bakhouzin family felt the need to keep threatening him. ((Danya’s Request, Tadhgan gets a letter from Danya requesting a meeting at her estate))
5. “Lemon’s gone Doran. Left town a week ago with Bells for her own fuckin safety. Her own mother did this to her.” ((Tidbits, Benji talks to Doran about Lemon’s situation. Well rants mostly.))
6. Panic settled in the pit of her gut like a stone. Her breakfast tray sat in the little cubby beside the door to her lab, loaded with food and a pitcher of hot water, but there was no note. ((Unnamed intro to Bell’s (an important NPC’s) backstory, was going to be posted as part of a homebrew campaign that crashed and burned >>’ ))
7. He was used to not being noticed, despite being nearly six foot five in massive clanking orange and silver armor. ((Moments Past, Robin/Kellum/Donnel fic that I’m writing purely for myself lol))
8. The air of Tuchanka burnt his lungs when he stepped off the transport. ((The Flame of Tuchanka, a Wrex/Shepard story taking place during Mass Efftect 2-3 with flashbacks to 1 that Sig keeps bullying me about >:( ))
9. The motorcycle raced down the narrow road leading down into the valley, its headlight casting strange shadows against the tall trees arching over the cracked pavement. ((Doesn’t have a name yet, super in production. Stardew Valley with a protag focusing on the magic/mystery side of the game with Seb romance))
10. Commander Jane Shepherd of the Ferngill Republic Special Forces was an interesting woman. At least, everyone in the valley assumed she was. ((Also unnamed Stardew Valley/Mass Effect crossover, done entirely as a dare by one of my beta’s who said they bet I couldn’t figure out a way to cross over the two and have a Harvey romance. I’ve been using it as a pet project of genre mashups and how they can work together. Mostly having fun pictuing a retried Shep settling down to farm and romance a cute doctor lol))
Tagging whoever wants to do this! Everyone I would have tagged on tumblr ie the whole dnd group who writes was already tagged I think XD 
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coffee-or-murder · 2 years
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Have a dramatic first and last kiss for Lemon and Tadhgan lol. I really like how my baby boi turned out and hate how Lemon did, but I also can’t keep staring at it anymore either. Lemon is just so hard to draw from the side for some reason🥲 It’s her button nose and princess peach lips tbh, I just can’t land them just yet
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coffee-or-murder · 3 years
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coffee-or-murder · 3 years
The Farm - Day Two
TLDR: Day two of nonsense. Lemon speaks orcish. Tadhgan is awkward. Benji is excited. 
Tadhgán had been with Mr. Benji’s crew deep in the orchards for the entire morning picking green apples and hauling barrels of them to carts driven by oxen. Aodhán had settled under the tree Tadhgán was picking, snoring away as he dozed in a convenient sunbeam. The rest of the crew were in the trees around him, working on their own harvest, but Mr. Benji had driven the cart back to the processing set up they had in one of the barns. It was getting close to lunch break, and there was still no sign of Miss Lemon. Maybe she went to the barn instead? Would she be able to find them? The rumble of a cart let him know Mr. Benji had returned, most likely with more empty barrels for them to fill. He’d really had no idea how much land the family owned. He was starting to suspect they were nearly double the size of town. 
“Mr. Aodhán! I’ve brought muffins!” Miss Lemon called, and Tadhgán and Aodhán turned towards the sound. She was just visible through the leaves as she jumped off of the moving cart and ran up the row of trees, a leather satchel thudded against her back as she ran towards them. Aodhán stood and trotted to meet her halfway, gently nudging his face into her neck in greeting. She laughed, scratching under his jaw as she looked around. “Where’s Mr. Tadhgán? Uncle Benji said you would be together,” she asked. The tiny pout on her face scrunched up her nose as she looked around. She was wearing the same white tunic from when they met before, but her hair was loose today, falling in thick soft looking waves just brushing the small of her back. 
“Rider! Come down already!” Aodhán hissed up at him, jerking him out of that thought. He scrambled down the tree, no doubt looking like a deranged squirrel, before bowing stiffly. His face was hot, and he knew he was blushing right to the tips of his ears. Damn his fair skin. 
“I’m here. H-hello Miss Lemon,” he stuttered. Aodhán’s crackling laughter was hard to ignore, and just made him blush harder. When he looked back up her pout had brightened into a smile and she dug through her satchel to pull out two lumps in cloth tied off with more yellow ribbon. Aodhán began drooling instantly, staying right at her heels as she walked towards him. 
“I’m glad I caught you. Can Mr. Aodhán have chocolate? I wanted to make sure before I gave him anything that could hurt him,” she asked. 
“Yeah. Won’t hurt him none,” he answered quietly. She grinned, opening one of the packs and laying it out by the tree to show four perfectly shaped muffins. Aodhán instantly snapped two up and rumbled happily, stretching out to lounge as he munched. Miss Lemon turned toward him and held up the second pack.
“They’re chocolate chip muffins. They aren’t super fancy but I wasn’t sure what you would like. These are all yours. It’s the least I could do for stealing your friend for charades,” she explained. He leaned over to take the pack and couldn’t help drooling a bit himself. As soon as he untied the ribbon the smell hit him full force. They had to have been right out of the oven by how warm they were, and they were nearly twice the size of his fist. 
“None for Benji? For shame niece. What would Belladonna say?” Mr. Benji sighed as his hand clapped down on Tadhgán’s shoulder. Tadhgán would have jumped a foot in the air if that firm hand wasn’t there stopping him. He didn’t even hear the orc approach! How did he miss seven feet of solid green muscle?! Miss Lemon frowned up at her uncle, pouting again. 
“Uncle you brought me here! You can’t threaten me with Bells without her finding that out. If you wanted muffins you could have said something when you knocked on my door,” she groaned, crossing her arms to glare up at him. Tadhgán gulped. Her glare set off the same warning bells his Ma’s glares did. Mr. Benji wasn’t threatening him. Tadhgán was a shield.  
“Now that would be rude! My Mama taught me better than that,” he said, winking at Tadhgán as he glanced behind him. He started up in another language, orcish if he had to guess, and grinned wildly. Miss Lemon answered, the guttural language sounding odd coming from someone that small and soft, but she clearly understood him. They fired rapidly back and forth and Mr. Benji gently dragged him to stand directly in front of him the longer they argued. Miss Lemon stomped her foot once and pointed up at her uncle, saying something that sounded like an angry order. Mr. Benji laughed so hard he threw his head back and startled a few birds with his bellow.  
“Ha! It’s a deal! You drive a hard bargain little Lemon,” the orc chuckled. He finally let Tadhgán’s shoulder go, patting his back once hard before walking off whistling happily. Miss Lemon stuck her tongue out at his quickly retreating back, huffing as she crossed her arms and glared after him.  
“The Orc is very good at fanning the Lady’s temper,” Aodhán said. He’d long since inhaled the last two muffins, and stretched out on his side to watch the two argue. Tadhgán sighed, finally untensing and nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
“Mr. Benji is uh, really good at arguing huh?” Tadhgán asked. Miss Lemon flushed, cheeks bright pink as she curtsied quickly.  
“I’m sorry you two saw that. My uncle is very good at riling me up,” Miss Lemon apologized quietly as she twisted a lock of hair around her fingers.  
“I-it’s fine. He teases everyone I think,” he chuckled nervously. Miss Lemon smiled softly, still blushing a bit. 
“He’s a brat, but he’s my favorite uncle so he’s allowed to annoy me. I’ll have to hold up my side of the deal tomorrow if we don’t want Bell’s righteous eyebrows of fury to make an appearance. Will you join Mr. Aodhán and me for lunch?”
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coffee-or-murder · 4 years
Harvest Day
Told from the perspective of my Drakewarden/smith half elf boy as he meets one Annabeth “Lemon” Bakhuizen. He has a crush, his family embaresses him, but he’s too lovestruck to really notice. Also his drake thinks he’s silly and just wants apples.
The door to his room was thrown open, the handle striking the wall with a crack, startling him and his drake awake with displeased grunts. Aodhán hissed at the short thin figure before pushing open the window and slipping out into the dark with a grumble. He turned bleary eyes to see his father striding into the room encased in a massive green sweater, a long thick yellow scarf wrapped around his neck that barely covered his wide grin and made his long eleven ears stick out horribly, and a pile of knitwear bundled in his arms.  
“Da’ what-”
“Get up Tadhgán it’s Harvest Day! We have so much to do and only a day to enjoy it!” he exclaimed as he walked to the bed and dropped the pile onto his lap. “Put those on and come out for breakfast. Aodhán’s scarf is the orange and yellow one. Make sure he wears it,” he ordered before turning and practically skipping out of his room. 
“It’s not even light yet!” he yelled after him, only getting a near maniacal laugh in response. His father loved Harvest Day, clearly, and always went a little crazy every year. The Bakhuizen Estate orchards grew nearly every fruit you could bake into something, but their apple orchard was by far the largest. They had nearly every color of apple you could imagine. After they’d done their main harvest, they always opened the gates to the townspeople so they could come and pick their fill. The morning was spent picking apples and catching up with neighbors, a picnic in the orchard for lunch, more picking, and then the town held their yearly Harvest Fair. There would be dancing and music and more food than they could ever eat. Strangely enough there were never any leftovers, no one could tell you who finished off the food. Tadhgán sighed, shrugging into the dark rusty red sweater, and hanging the brown and orange scarf around his neck. The sweater was a little tight on his broad shoulders, but not enough to be a problem. Da’s finally getting the hang of knitting these things. Simple breaches and works boots were hunted down easily enough, and he ran his fingers through his blond hair to tame it. He gathered up the long scarf for his drake before walking into the kitchen. Da’ was stirring something in the pot, oatmeal most likely, and singing one of his many poems barely in tune. His poor mother was still half asleep, head resting heavily on her hand as she glared down at her eggs and sausage. Tea was cooling in a mug next to the plate, but she was clearly not awake enough to notice it yet. 
“Morning Ma’,” he said quietly, chuckling as she grunted in response. As he walked past he reached out to ruffle Ma’s short dark hair, laughing as she swatted at his arm and jumped just out of reach. He’d pay for that later he knew, but it was always fun to tease her a bit when she was like this. Tadhgán opened the side door to the forge and smiled. The main forge was burning brightly, casting shadows all around the large open room and bathing Aodhán’s dark red scales in the orange light as he stared into the molten core of the forge. 
“Look. They are nearly waking,” the drake rumbled as he reached a claw down and shifted one of the eggs closer to the burning core. 
“I expect they’ll hatch by the end of the week. Won’t be happy about winter being right around the corner though,” he chuckled. His throat always felt a little strange when he spoke Draconic, like he’d gargled salt water wrong. Aodhán purred, or as close as a drake could get to purring, before he turned to look at him. Gold eyes quickly settled on the scarf in his arms and he sighed. 
“Every year. You know how much Da’ loves Harvest Day,” Tadhgán sighed. The drake hissed in annoyance, but let him wind the scarf around his neck and secure it with a messy knot. He patted his friend’s side before turning back to the kitchen and joining his family at the table. They ate in silence, his mother clearly still unhappy about being woken up so early, before gathering their baskets and slings to leave. Tadhgán quickly saddled up Aodhán, the two large baskets gently tapping the drake’s sides as he walked beside him. His parents were just ahead, Da’ linking their arms together and kissing his Ma’ hand. She grunted in response, and Da’ took the hint to stay quiet until she actually woke up. Da’ was such an early riser, and so happy about it, but it always took Ma’ awhile to get going. The walk to the Bakhuizen estate wasn’t too terribly far since they were already on the outskirts of town proper, and the fall air was crisp and cool. There were a few other people walking up the road to the estate, and they waved to each other. Thankfully everyone seemed to have come to the silent agreement that it was far too early to talk, so they all enjoyed the walk to the gates. They loomed ahead, easily twice the height of Aodhán, made entirely of bright white stone and gray metal. The gates had been pushed open, and some of the family were standing just inside to greet them. They had fresh scones and who knows how many kettles full of coffee or tea or ciders set out on a massive long table. A tiefling boy and firbolg were helping a half orc woman and halfling man sort out little cloths for people to wrap their scones in. The halfling made sure everyone walking in was at least offered a drink and a scone, but waved at Ma’ instead. Tadhgán waved for her, shaking his head at the offered food as he followed his father to the orchards. 
The Bakhuizen family weren’t bad people, just a little strange. Their matriarch, a very small nearly ancient halfling named Rosalind, had a strange habit of adopting seemingly random children and raising them in the estate. Some of her children or grandchildren  had done the same, to the point where there were so many different races of people living behind the sprawling estate walls it was  practically it’s own city.  They had quite a few bakeries in different towns, though the one in their town drew the most tourist attention out of them all. They had more money then they knew what to do with thanks to their various business ventures, but with Rosalind still making all of the company's business decisions and refusing to simply give her family money without working for it, they mostly had their heads on right. Mostly. Of course some of the family was entitled and rude, but you have those people in nearly every family. The big scandal was that after  Rosalind’s first husband, a local turnip farmer, passed away she took a tall elegant looking elf as her husband. They seemed very happy together though, and he would often carry her around the orchard during the harvest and feed her apples as they quietly chatted. So a little batty, but all around good people. 
“I’m awake now,” his Ma’ grumbled, waving back at him before squinting up at the sunrise and rubbing her eyes. Da’ gleefully leaned up to kiss her cheek, and squeezed their linked arms before he chattered away about all of his plans for the day. His mother’s dark brown eyes simply gazed down at her exuberant husband and she smiled softly. They were a bit of an odd couple too, a human drakewarden smith and an elf writer turned househusband, but certainly not the strangest here.   
“Will I get baked apples again?” Aodhán asked as he kept pace. 
“I think your chances are pretty high. I can always throw an apple down to you and you can roast it yourself,” he answered. His drake rumbled, clearly pleased at the promise of the sweet treat and trotted a bit faster. The group quickly approached neat rows of immaculate apple trees, all heavy with fruit and stretching on for nearly as far as they could see. The other groups quickly broke off, heading in the direction of their favorite apples and following the helpful wooden signs staked into the ground. His family kept walking, occasionally coming upon other townsfolk or Bakhuizen family members having their own fun picking or playing chase together. A halfling woman wearing the Bakhuizen crest embroidered into her shawl was glaring angrily up into a tree, hands on her hips and a scowl marrying what could have been a pretty face. 
“You get down from there right now! This is not what young ladies do!” the halfling woman screeched up into the massive apple tree. Tadhgán looked up and felt the breath leap out of his lungs. A halfling girl was in the boughs of the tree, dark chestnut hair haloed in the sunrise. Large dark green eyes sparkled with mischief as she plucked another bright yellow apple and slipped it into the nearly full sling across her chest. She grinned, full lips curling up as she stared defiantly down at the woman. 
“Clearly it is, since I am in fact doing it and still a young lady,” the girl said. The wind caught her long thick braid, the yellow ribbon holding the strands together fluttering like a banner. Gods she was beautiful. His heart was pounding, and Aodhán rumbled, questioning his rider’s sudden nerves. 
“Listen to your mother and get down here before you fall!” the woman snapped. She stomped her foot for emphasis, but the girl looked entirely unimpressed. Her gaze suddenly met his and what little air he managed to get back was gone again as her grin widened. 
“You there! Will you help a lady down?” she called out to him. His tongue suddenly felt too heavy to move and he nodded instead, taking a step towards her. 
“Should we find you a ladder?” Da’ called up. She started to walk on a thick branch towards Tadhgán and shook her head. Her pants were nearly skin tight, showing off the curve of her thigh even as the large white shirt she wore covered the rest of her body. The sun still shone through the white fabric, showing just a hint of the gentle dip of her waist. She had no shoes. How had she climbed up with no shoes? Or ladder?
“You look pretty strong. Think you could catch me?” she asked instead, leaning over slightly to look at him with her head cocked. Her mother screeched something, he wasn’t really listening to be honest, and he nodded again. She couldn’t have been more than three feet tall after all, and he was nearly twice that. He’d worked in the forge and trained as a drakewarden since he could walk, so he certainly had the muscle mass to carry something as small as her. Still, his heart nearly leapt out of his chest when she simply fell off the branch towards him. He lurched forwards, catching her in his arms and holding her close for a moment. Apples. She smelled like apples and lemons and something baking. “Excellent job sir,” she said, patting his forearm with her tiny hand. She was so tiny, and shockingly warm against the chill.  
“No problem,” he mumbled, leaning over to put her on the ground. His hands flexed at his sides as she dusted her shirt off and beamed up at him. 
“Thank you for catching me. My name is Annabeth Bakhouzin, but you are very much welcome to call me Lemon,” she said with a small curtsy. She used the billowing fabric of her tunic as a skirt when she curtsied. He gulped, trying to swallow around the lump that suddenly formed in his throat. Aodhán cackled behind him, nudging his back and grunting for him to get it together. 
“Ah I’m Tadhgán McGowan at your service Miss. Lemon, the smith’s son,” he stuttered. She cocked her head to the side -gods her eyes were such a dark green he could barely make out her iris- and scrunched up her nose a bit. 
“I’m sorry your accent is a little hard for me. Your name is Tadhgán correct? Like tea-gon?” she asked, confused. He gulped, and nodded. Clearly he was not up to speaking. She smiled again, before turning around to face her mother, her braid swinging at the motion. “There. Mr. Tadhgán helped me out of the tree, and now I am solidly on the ground again. If you’ll excuse me, I have a new recipe to test with these lovely apples,” she said before looking back at him and winking. “If you come by the party tonight I’ll be sure to save you a couple turnovers. My new recipe is going to win the baking contest for sure.”
“He’ll be there lass, don’t worry. He’s an excellent dancer too,” Ma’ called out, smirking at her son as Da’ held back his laughter behind his hand. Lemon beamed at his Ma’ and nodded, waving at them as she ran off, closely followed by her still screeching mother. He watched her run away, the yellow ribbon streaming behind her, and he could barely catch his breath. 
“I remember the first time I met your mother,” Da’ sighed dreamily from beside Ma’. “Harvest Day is the best day of the year. It’s so romantic. Why when I met your mother I-.”
“Don’t tease the boy. He’s embarrassed enough,” Ma’ chuckled before leading Da’ on deeper into the orchard. Aodhán rumbled behind him, pushing his head into his back to get him moving again. Maybe Harvest Day was worth getting up before the light for, especially if he got to see Miss. Lemon again. Maybe later they’d need an extra hand around the estate?   
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coffee-or-murder · 4 years
The Farm- Day One
TLDR-  Tadhgán has the bright idea to go work part time at the estate’s farm to casually run into Miss Lemon after not seeing her for a week after the Harvest Festival, gets upstaged by his drake, and is promised baked goods for doing basically nothing. 
Lemon is 19 and Tadhgán is like 16? (because weird half elf ages and halfling ages weeeee, they should be about the same age though)
Tadhgán was feeling a little dumb. He knew the Bakhuizen estate was huge, but the glimpses he got at the Harvest Festival paled in comparison to just how big it was. He’d offered to help around the farm thinking he might run into Miss Lemon again, but there was just no way one tiny halfling lass would be that easy to find in a place that was nearly the same size as town! His new part time boss Mr. Benji, a massive heavily muscular orc with an easy grin and dark green skin, led him through winding stone paths to the far side of the estate on a nearly twenty minute walk! Tadhgán really had no idea just how large this place was. There’s just no way he would just casually run into her! He sighed into his lunch pail, frowning as he tried to ignore his disappointment. Sure she was very cute, and headstrong, and clever, and when they danced at the fair he didn’t even have to think about bending over to spin her around just to hear her laugh, and her smile was brilliant, and the apple turnover she’d made was the best he’d ever had, and oh gods no he was such a mess. He’d barely spoken to her the whole night, too nervous to do much more than go where she led and nod or smile, and that was a full week ago! She had to have forgotten him by now.   
“Mr. Tadhgán? It is you! I was wondering when we’d meet again,” Miss Lemon greeted, throwing his focus directly out of his head to stare slack jawed down at her. She was wearing a soft yellow skirt today, and a plain collared shirt with fluffy sleeves, and no shoes despite the slight chill. He gulped, clearing his throat to try to speak but nothing came out. He waved. 
“She is half your size rider. Find your tongue,” Aodhán hissed beside him. He turned to glare at the drake lounging in the grass as he lazily picked meat off of the deer leg Mr. Benji brought him for lunch. 
“Is that Draconic?” she asked as she cocked her head to the side. He nodded, glancing up at her puzzled expression before staring into his lunch pail at the half eaten sandwich and yellow apple his Da’ had packed for him. His face was hot enough to cook an egg on he just knew he was blushing something fierce. “Will you teach me sometime? I have some draconic cookbooks a cousin gave me, but I can’t make heads or tails of it.”
“Don’t you steal away my helper lass! Besides, his drake is more talkative then he is,” Mr. Benji called out from the barn as he leaned against the doorframe. 
“Uncle! You shouldn’t tease him,” Miss Lemon pouted as she frowned up at the large orc. He huffed, walked over, squatted down to be closer to her height, and ruffled her hair so quickly the top fluffed up. She squealed and swatted his hand away before holding his forearm still with her tiny hands. “You shouldn’t tease me either!”
“That is my job niece! Didn’t you know Mama named me Head of the Department of Teasing and Tomfoolery? You wouldn’t want me to disappoint her now would you?” Mr. Benji solemnly explained, face as still and serious as it had been the entire day, before he broke out grinning again and scooped her up. “Little ones need to be teased or they’ll get too big too soon!”
“Uncle stop! We have guests!” Miss Lemon laughed as she wiggled around in his grasp. Benji just held on and walked towards the cart, gently tossing her into the pile of hay in the back with a happy squeal. She popped out of the hay, strands of it sticking out of her hair as she glared playfully at him. 
“Oh fine fine. I’ll stop for now. As long as you don’t abscond with my helper,” he rumbled before turning and winking at Tadhgán. “We start again in ten boy. Don’t get too sidetracked,” he ordered before heading back into the barn. Miss Lemon stuck her tongue out at his back before scrambling up to the bench as gracefully as Tadhgán thought someone could manage walking through a pile of hay, before sitting beside him and picking hay out of her braid. 
“Well I did promise uncle I wouldn’t steal you, so I’m sad to report you’re stuck with him for the time being. If you’re still willing to teach me, maybe I can strike a bargain with him? I would really appreciate the help, and I’ll bake you something in exchange! You liked my turnover didn’t you?” she asked as she leaned a bit towards him. He gulped. Yep. Still tongue tied. Damn. 
“Rider! If I help will she feed me?” Aodhán growled, shoving his big head up into the cart between them and snorting loudly. Miss Lemon yelped in surprise, but didn’t run away even when the drake licked his bloody jaw clean. 
“Will-will you feed ‘im? Iffin he helps?” Tadhgán stuttered. She blinked up at him, dark green eyes still just as pretty as he remembered, before turning her attention to Aodhán. 
“I will bake you something in exchange for you helping me translate the cookbook. I’m not sure what drakes like to eat though, do you like sweets at all?” she asked patiently. Aodhán practically purred and nodded, tail waving happily behind him. Miss Lemon giggled and held out her hand like she was going to shake the drake’s hand. “Deal. Excellent doing business with you Mr. Aodhán,” she said, and gasped quietly as the drake leaned his chin down onto her hand. She scratched his scales gently, and Aodhán’s rumbling jacked up a notch.  
“I like this one. She can stay,” Aodhán sighed as he stared happily up at Miss Lemon. She giggled, patting his sound once gently before standing and jumping off the cart.
“We’ll start tomorrow at the same time then! See you soon,” she said as she curtsied to them, before turning and running off back towards the main house. She turned around to wave, and Aodhán smacked his foot with his tail, startling him out of his panic. He waved back. Her face lit up as she grinned before turning back around, yellow ribbon fluttering behind her as she ran. He’d done it. He’d actually run into her again, totally casually. Someone must have been looking out for him. 
“Come on you twitterpated pup! We've got work to do!” 
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coffee-or-murder · 4 years
Did I spend a literal hour trying to remember the legal writing class I took so I could write one section of a courtship law in a town that I have YET TO NAME just because I realized I needed something concrete to reference if I do decide to write a fluffly inturrupted confession OR family angst drabble?  
Do I regret it? 
m a y b e.
Any halfling daughter between the ages of 20 (twenty) to 27 (twenty-seven) may legally enter an arranged marriage agreed upon by the guardians of BOTH the bride AND the groom ONLY IF she is not first in line to inherit a legally established business OR has not secured a job that will fully support herself without a second income and/or family allowance OR the quest she designed is deemed to be unattainable by a majority ruling of the town council. This marriage may only be secured with BOTH the express permission of the head of the family of the bride AND the dowry has been negotiated and assured by the guardian(s) of the groom. 
If she remains unmarried by the day of her 28th (twenty-eighth) birthday-marked by the sunrise of the recorded day of birth REGARDLESS of the time of birth-ONLY IF the head of the family of the bride will not approve the marriage THEN the express permission of the head of the family of the bride is replaced by the express permission of at least one guardian of the bride.
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coffee-or-murder · 4 years
Gdi why is Tadhgan so hard to draw! The one halfway decent pic is a doodle of an almost kiss but like ah boys are hard to draw😞
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Oh wait and this weird ass half drawing. Ugh I need to draw more boys (but girls are just so much cuter)
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coffee-or-murder · 3 years
I made myself laugh with a height chart of the people from LEAGUE the Lemon actually had a crush on (for silly sketch purposes). Of course the two people she had the biggest crushes on are the tallest of the bunch. Lemon, sugar pie honey bunch, you and I need to have a talk about risk management.
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coffee-or-murder · 3 years
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Opps have some more character brain rot.
This is Lonan Harlow and his rude sarcastic spell book Savio. Savio named himself, and is a faithful companion to the shut in wizard boy despite his teasing. He also has a potoo familiar who insists his name is Squeak and is afraid of mice.
His parents raised him away from the criminal side of his family, mostly sending him away to boarding schools or distant family, so he has very little idea what the Harlow Family actually does. He knows they have something to with with merchants, but that’s not really his concern. Lonan is so socially awkward he comes off as Rude, and since he has Savio -and Squeak too he supposes- as a friend he doesn’t really see the need to make an effort. His goal is to keep his parents off his back by doing his duty as the oldest (and only) son, and create new spells in his downtime. He is happiest nose deep in a book researching spell development.
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coffee-or-murder · 3 years
dnd character ask meme! Danya - 1, 9, 11, 37 Lemon - 4, 12, 15, 30 Labon - 2, 6, 10, 21 Amaryllis - 7, 13, 18, 22 Laura - 8, 14, 16, 19 Zimri - 5, 17, 33, 35
This took forever but here we go!
Danya -
1. What kind of clothing does your character like to wear? Do they have a style? Anything they avoid wearing?
Danya tends to wear dark cool tones, black, and white, with silver accents. Her style is best described as somewhere between a lawyer and a dominatrix, though she leans much closer to lawyer. Pencil skirts to mid knee or calves, various high necked blouses, and a jacket are most common, though she does occasionally wear less form fitting dresses. She avoids anything too casual in public since she is very aware she is representing the Family, though at home after dinner she changes into expensive layered night clothes with long sweeping robes. Chiffon, lace, and silk are her favorite fabrics.
9. If someone gave them flowers what would they do with them?
Panic internally about why someone is giving her flowers first, unless it’s a cousin/Ed then she just accepts them happily. If anyone outside the Family gives her flowers she will stare confused at the flowers, thank them and ask why they’ve given her flowers, internally panic briefly about if she should return the gift with more flowers? Either way they tend to end up in her office, and if they were given by someone she’s pining for she’ll stare longingly at them throughout the day and sigh.
11. How do they feel about casual endearments?
She loves them, but can sometimes be painfully awkward so she doesn’t know how to respond if someone new uses one on her. It’s bad enough when the hires call her Miss Danya, but an actual endearment from anyone she likes would overload her systems. She does sometimes call Ed my jackdaw or some variant of, and the family of course all have their nicknames, so those she is fond of. She finds it to be a lovely example of showing you love someone. Post-feelings talk with the hires they all get a lovey nickname.
37. How would they pass the time on a train?
She is very much a reader/workaholic, so she will either be reading up on whatever location she is going to, or catching up on research for work.
Lemon -
4. Would your character sing along to a vaguely familiar song, even if they messed up the lyrics as they went?
As is tradition in the family, if you do not know all of the words, you must make the new words entertaining. She’s not awful at that game either, but she’s no bard. She totally sings along though, especially in a big crowd or with her family. The smaller the group the less likely she is to sing, because she gets a little shy.
12. What color would they paint their room? Would there be a design on the ceiling?
She prefers blues, greens, white, and yellows in her room. The walls would be a nice pastel blue, light wooden floors, fluffy rugs, bed big enough for cuddling. If she could have a design it might be something like an accent wall instead, with a landscape of a place she thought was especially pretty. She’s not much of a decorator though, she just likes comfortable things and softer colors.
15. What’s a sound they can’t stand?
Rude ass customers and the sounds the chickens make when you slaughter them for dinner. She can do it, but the sound still makes something churn in her gut. Her cousin broke a bone once falling from the hayloft and the sound she made when she hit is another sound Lemon Did Not Like.
30. Have they ever tried to count their own freckles? Do they count other peoples?
Baby Lemon used to keep up with and try to hide every new freckle, because she knew if there were more of them then her mother would try another home remedy to get rid of them. She finally has reached a weird inbetween with her freckles, both loving and hating them all at once. She does try to count other peoples though, mostly some of her cousins and once Tadhgan’s very light ones. Their freckles are cute after all, and she liked mentally connecting them to make pictures.
2. What’s their current hairstyle? Has it changed? Do they change it often?
When he was a kid it was long, and his mother kept it in a sort of undercut style with the sides braided and the top kept loose. When everything went down with his clan and he ended up in Waterdeep, it became a choppy mess that he kept short by cutting with his knife, and pulled back out of his eyes with a scrap piece of cloth. Currently it’s an artfully messy bob-ish look, but he’s been thinking about growing it out more and wearing it like he did as a kid.
6. Do they usually sleep in a certain pose? Does it change?
Labon pretty much always sleeps curled into as small of a ball as he can, arms around himself to protect his ribcage, and tucked away somewhere hidden. Even in his beast form he sleeps curled up as tight as he can be. The only time it changes is if he’s sleeping with Durhil, then he just becomes her backpack or curls into her instead of himself. She is Very Warm so he prefers sleeping with her.
10. Would they sneak out at night to look at the sky?
At home the clan were nomads, so peeking his head out of his tent wasn’t really sneaking, and later being a homeless street urchin in Waterdeep meant a roof was a luxury. Once he got pseudo adopted by the owner of the Lucky Lily, Lif-as well as the smith/shopkeep duo of Avi and Embric-he still didn’t really have to sneak out. His room at the Lily was at the very top, so all he had to do was open his window and climb up to the roof. So sneaking out no, but stargazing yes.
21. Do they touch or mess with their horns/hair a lot?
All the time. It’s part of why his hair is always messy. He does it mostly to self-soothe himself when he starts to get nervous/anxious/depressed/etc, and if he’s in partial shift he’ll groom his tail with his claws.
Amaryllis -
7. How would they react to eating something that was spicier than they expected it to be?
If she’s with her partners or trusted advisors, she meeps out a quiet “oh no” followed by a scramble to get a bread roll and milk. If she’s in public or at a dinner with important people and needing to maintain her Lion Empress facade, she saves her bread roll for cases just like this. Amaryllis would delicately dab her mouth with a napkin, take a few bites of the roll in between chatting, and do her very best to regulate her breathing so she doesn’t look like she’s dying. This is hard when she’s albino and any red in her skin if painfully obvious, but she’s gotten better at it over the years.
13. What helps them fall asleep when they’re having trouble doing so?
Tea! She grows her own garden to make teas with, so she’s involved in the process from start to finish. Going through the steps of making tea helps her calm down, and then she has her sleepy tea before trying to go back to sleep. Just after the coupe when her mind was racing with plans she would wander the halls, inevitably end up in the throne room, and slowly make her way back to her chambers. Once Zadok came to the castle sleeping with them helped immeasurably. They’re such a stable presence and that helps Amaryllis sleep easier.
18. Would they sing a lullaby, if the opportunity arose?
She would! Her father had one he used to sing to her about the flowers in the garden growing up, so she most likely would sing that one.
22. When they speak, do they have a default tone of voice? If yes, do they try to change it? Why?
Yes! Her accent is a weird combo of French and British, sort of like Cassandra from DA:I, and depending on who she’s with or her goal the tone changes drastically. Her default is actually quite soft, and she has a fairly standard alto register, the kind of voice you’d want reading a bedtime story or a love poem. When she’s got on the Lion Empress facade her tone shifts to a colder harder edge, and dips just a little bit lower, so she sounds authoritative and a little bit threatening.
Laura -
8. Are their hands steady?
Somewhat! She used to be a waitress/bartender with her papa at his tavern, so she’s got good balance and isn’t super shaky, but she’s no surgeon.
14. Do they tend to run hot or cold? Do they do anything to deal with that?
She runs a little cold, but honestly doesn’t bother with it much, outside of curling up with one of the girls or maybe grabbing a blanket. Laura is fairly low maintenance when it comes to things like that.
16. Would they draw patterns in frosted windows/fogged up mirrors? What would they draw?
She would, but just random patterns or silly notes as a pick me up for whoever comes in next.
19. Do they see patterns in the world around them? Do they point them out to people?
Laura is very good at reading the weather based on clouds and the ocean, most likely inherited from her mama, but those are really the only patterns she bothers with outside of her partners’ skin. Which sounds awful, but they have either tattoos or scales which is endlessly interesting to Laura, she will wax poetic about how interesting they are. She will also use the word interesting 100 times because while she is the daughter of a bard she is very much not one and words aren’t her strong suit.
Zimri -
5. If they wear any, how does your character go about applying makeup?
So canon Zimri uses kohol and charcoal to give her eyes a smoked out wing, as well as a red lip stain nearly everyday. Her eyes are a gold-ish orange-ish color, so she thinks it helps for her to have some extra definition around her eyes. She applies it quickly in the morning, and washes it off before bed. Modern AU Zimri is as deep into the world of makeup as you can be, and it takes her a solid two hours to put on a face. Her foundation isn’t super heavy, and she doesn’t do much contour other then some light bronzer, but she does get very excited about eye makeup, highlighter, and various lip colors. And body butters with highlighter in them. Make her all gold and copper and she’s very happy.
17. Do they fidget? How and/or with what?
Zimri will fidget with her earrings sometimes, or various rings. She’ll pick at her nails with another nail if she’s really bored, but she doesn’t really fidget out of nerves, more to keep her hands busy because she’s bored and trying to stay awake.
33. Where are they in a group hug?
Wherever she can squeeze in. She isn’t super short, but compared to her partners she is, so I imagine she either jetpacks herself to one of them, or is in the middle.
35. Do they sing with their head voice or chest voice?
Shockingly Zimri sings with her chest voice the most. She thinks it makes her sound more sultry when she uses her chest voice compared to her head voice, but she knows to adapt to the audience she has, so she’ll switch as needed.
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