#Danya dnd
coffee-or-murder · 2 months
for the Long Questionnaire,
Danya: Appearance 3, Objects 14, and Community 10
Lemon: Objects 11, Food 10, and Mind 12
Zimri: Weather 16, Community 12, and Hobbies 14
Under the cut cause this got a lil wordy lol XD
Danya 👕3. Is there something about your character's appearance that they would change if possible?She used to very badly wish she was a halfling like her adoptive mother instead of a tiefling, but her mother got her off that line of thinking fast. Now she sometimes wishes she was a bit shorter. Perhaps she’d be less scary to children if she was smaller?
📦14. Is there an item your character is embarrassed they own or want? She loves sheep. So much. Everytime something sheep shaped catches her eye she has an awful habit of snapping it up, claiming it’s for her niece, and then putting it on a little knick knack shelf in her private study. She would rather die than let anyone outside of her family know she has a large sheep plush she sleeps with.
🤝10. Is there a habit your character has that they learned from someone else? Danya picked up the habit of looping her tail around people she’s protective of from an older tabaxi uncle who worked as her mother’s guard and assistant in the courts. When her mother was in session he would stand beside her and back half a step, flick his tail behind her, and scan the room while she spoke. Danya does it now without really thinking about it or where it came from! Soon as someone she cares about stands next to her her tail just curls around them. Doesn’t touch them necessarily, but it is hovering pretty close.
Lemon 📦11. What might an acquaintance think is a good gift for your character? I think most people would look at this lil baker/healer/reader/Nerd and assume a good safe choice of gift is food or a book on arcana or cooking! They would be correct, but Lemon is also the easiest person to get gifts for. She’s just excited someone thought about her enough to give her a gift.
🍽️10. What is a childhood meal your character cherishes? Jambalaya! The spicy kind. Her uncle Benji would make it for her on her birthday sometimes. She doesn’t especially like it more then other foods, but she has very very fond memories of eating it with her little cousins and Benji and feeling like that was what a family unit should feel like. The downside is no jambalaya will taste the same as her uncles, so she’ll always been comparing it and finding it lacking.
💓12. Is your character more likely to give advice or seek it? Honestly! She would ask more people for advice if she was less worried about them lol. Lemon does what she calls a check in with the party members who seem to be having it the roughest, and those sometimes end up as advice sessions when she meant for them to be comfort check in sessions instead. If she has a conundrum she’s more likely to seek out the answer in a book then a person, not because she doesn’t value the others opinions but because she doesn’t want to be a burden. Once she’s certain she isn’t a burden she’s more likely to ask for advice more directly.
Zimri 🌤️16. What celestial body would interest your character the most? Zimri is more concerned with what’s in front of her, and worth something, but she does like looking at the stars. She and Prem used to lay out and he’d point out different constellations from his books for her, and sometimes she stargazes just to see what she can remember him showing her. The stars are different where she is now though.
🤝12. How would your character react to being put in a position of leadership? With a frown and a delicate huff. She’ll do it, but you won’t like her choices or her methods. Zimri is great at talking people up, getting them to go along with what she’s feeding them, but she’s a bit too focused on her people to always make the most…..altruistic decisions.
🎲14. What is your character’s opinion on cheating in games? If you’re going to cheat, do it well enough you don’t get caught, and don’t cheat in games against children. That’s just foolish and cruel. She’s always a little impressed by people's methods of cheating, as long as it’s clever.
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amatres · 4 years
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Night Hexlings are just really neat i think
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ooodlesofdooodles · 4 years
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Clove: The Traitor || Betrayal by someone close and trusted—a weakening or loss of faith
Quilt: The Charlatan || Liars—those who profess to believe one thing but actually believe another
Eiklyn: The Transmuter || A new discovery—the coming of unexpected things—unforeseen consequences and chaos
Danya: The Healer || Healing—a contagious illness, disease, or curse—those who practice the healing arts
Pumpkin: The Broken One || Defeat, failure, and despair—the loss of something or someone important, without which one feels incomplete
Individuals under the cut
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delmorii · 5 years
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My brother sent me a familiar-summoning meme on twitter, and this popped in my head. Danya still begrudges Maurus for killing Dimitri that one time.
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darkphoenix401 · 7 years
All for ver
All righty then let’s do this.
1) What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
The first thing I cam up with for her was her name: Verwynn Tyrarnith. 
2) Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind? 
I actually started designing her before I had a world to put her in, so no. I got bored in class one day and decided to make a new dnd character. It was a few months later that I fleshed her out more when we started our campaign.
3) How did you choose their name? 
I looked up a site for building elven names with meaning and kinda built one. Verwynn means “Music of peace” and her last name means “Mistresses of fire” She was originally supposed to be a wizard but as a cleric with sun domain its still fitting.
4) In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts? 
We all built the world she exists in after I created her so there wasn’t much influence from her world. 
5) Is there any significance behind their hair color?
The dnd 3.5 handbook said that most elves had black hair so I went with that... We later elected to ignore that rule.
6) Is there any significance behind their eye color? 
Again the handbook said all elves had green eyes. Also later redacted but I do like green eyes so she probably would have had green eyes anyway.
7) Is there any significance behind their height? 
Dude I just rolled some dice to get her height. She’s 5′4″ so pretty damn tall for an elf so I’m happy with that. As a very short person I like having tall characters.
8) What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story?
Hm. I can relate to her wanting to help others but not always being the best at it and her tendency to be hard on herself when she makes mistakes.
9) Are they based off of you, in some way?
I’d like to say she’s based off me in some way but I don’t see much of a similarity.
10) If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person? 
She has two love interests, though one is a former lover. I wanted her to have a less than ideal romantic past but I also didn’t want to make it shitty since her former lover was a woman, who’s name is Faylen.  I actually tailored Faylen’s personality to be incompatible with Ver’s and that was the reason they are no longer together. With Her current love interest, Arundel, I made sure his personality was more compatible with Ver’s.
11) Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation? 
I didn’t have an idea of her sexuality at the time of her initial creation but as I created her backstory, specifically her past with Fay, I made her sexuality be what made sense to me.
12) What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
Not really her fault but mine, I have trouble consistently drawing a character so she looks a bit different every time I’ve tried to draw her.
13) How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all? 
Well since I have no idea how this campaign will end I haven’t really given it much thought. For all I know, she could die during the campaign, though I really hope not.
14) If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
Two things to keep in mind for Ver are, that if she can see the option for a peaceful resolution, she will try to take it (unless its like surrendering to an evil entity) because her mother died in a war that could have been resolved peacefully but the elven and orcish leaders refused to negotiate due to prejudice. And while she is a generally patient person she can only be so forgiving before she puts her foot down.
15) What is something about your OC can make you laugh? 
She thought it would be a good idea to try to negotiate with bugbears. That whole exchange was pretty funny in retrospect.
16) What is something about your OC can make you cry?
Her backstory isn’t really tragic at all, but I think it’s sad that she’s been beating herself up on the inside ever since Fergus has been trapped in that box because she had been so careful for checking for traps up until that point and that one mistake cost her her friend. She wasn’t the only one who could have checked that box but she firmly placed all the blame on herself. Also how she lost her mother as a teenager since I’m very close to my own mother.
17) Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
I kind of regret making her new love interest be a dude. Like she’s panromantic and I definitely did not frame her prior relationship with Fay as an experimentation kind of thing but I feel like others might perceive it that way. I’ve tried really hard to avoid framing her romantic history as a “She thought she was gay but turns out she was straight all along” because that’s really fucking shitty. I hope I’ve avoided that but I worry.
18) What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
Recent discovery about Ver is that she can be a scathing bitch when someone hurts her friends. Like she chewed out Danya and Andrew for being awful to Geth. Up until that point she was a generally friendly person and those were the first documented occurrences of her losing her cool.
19) What is your favorite fact about your OC?
My favorite fact about Ver would be that she has a necklace that belonged to her mother that she wears all the time, her father crafted the bow she uses, and Arundel made the armor she wears. So its like she carries pieces of those who are important to her with her and they help protect her.
Damn that was long. Hope you all enjoyed getting to know Verwynn!
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askandanswerbot · 6 years
Should I draw my dnd character?
— danya✨ (@sleepy_danii) Thu Feb 21 18:12:20 +0000 2019
No! Someone in politics, a Democrat, put him up to it!
— Edwin Bond (@EdwinBond12) Thu Feb 21 18:36:46 +0000 2019
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coffee-or-murder · 2 years
Thoughts On Love Spoons With the Bakhouzin’s
Benji - Has had one made for decades now. Since he can’t give it to the person he wants to since they are stick in a marriage with someone they would rather not be married to, it instead sits in a drawer in his office. He will bring it out once every couple of weeks or so to oil the wood and check it over, mourn a bit, and put it back until the next time. / Favors geometric designs, animals, and wood burning details.
Danya - She will idly sketch out plans for various spoons during especially slow meetings or if she gets distracted during research. The plans all ultimately either end up in pieces in the trash or balled up and tossed into the pile of kindling. She did once get as far as picking out a piece of wood before coming to her senses. The wood is sitting in a shed on her grounds somewhere. / Favors flowers and art nouveau style designs.
Lemon - Rosalind used to let Lemon play with the spoon she received from her second husband, and Lemon has been enamored with the idea of receiving or giving one since she was little. So much so her spiritual weapon took the shape of Rosalind’s love spoon when she summoned it the first time. It has slowly been going through subtle changes each time it’s summoned, reflecting Lemon’s bonds with her family/friends. / Favors flowers and a more traditional design. Her current spoon is based off of a sunflower.
Olly - He has the awful habit of carving one for the person he’s in a situationship with, getting angry at himself for trying to make something outta nothing, and burning them. He’s made roughly ten different spoons and not a single one hasn’t been turned to kindling. / Favors bees and flowers, but does them in many different styles.
Rosalind - Thinks they are frankly a little silly, but was pleasantly surprised when her second husband proposed to her with one. He carved her a sturdy spoon with intricately carved details, thinking she was supposed to be able to use the spoon in her cooking. Rosalind does use it in her cooking, even though traditionally it’s supposed to be more for decoration, and gives it to her husband every now and then for routine maintenance.
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coffee-or-murder · 2 years
For the 69 asks:
Daffodil: 7, 17, 31, 45
Zimri: 2, 18, 46, 63
Olly: 4, 10, 20, 52
Danya: 28, 47, 56, 66
7 - There’s a magic item made just for them–what is it? 
Fantasy Instagram and a set of hand held stone slabs for her and her girlfriends to use it OR A rapier that has charges of entangle or plant growth, themed like a rose with a thorn coming out of the petals. 
17 - They’re crying–what did it take to make them cry? 
She broke the string on her citole, doesn’t have any replacements or a way to fix it, inspiration has struck, and she has no means to utilize it properly. Cue the waterworks OR Her grandniece finally passes, which would be a much more genuine cry but also much less dramatic. More of a quietly start flowers blooming at her grave and mourn the loss. 
31 - Do they respond well to praise? How about criticism? 
Daffodil quite enjoys praise, especially if it relates to her art or coming from her muses. Criticism should be applied in a compliment sandwich, or she may take it to heart and either withdraw that aspect of herself from the equation (if it’s her muses saying it) or find a way to ruin their week (if a stranger says it). 
45 - What lies do they tell themselves? 
“My time in the wilds and those otherworldly courts with all of its pleasures were wonderfully engaging and –while I do miss my father painfully– I do not regret my meandering path through those deep woody archways. In the end it brought me to my muses in a future I could not have conceived, and I would be poorer for not knowing them. My father was always going to die before me after all. This way at least I did not have to witness it myself.”  
2 - What was your original concept for this character? How did playing them change that concept? 
Zimri hasn’t changed too terribly much personality wise! She’s always been a little dramatic and bougie, never shied away from using her natural assets to get what she wanted, etc. Originally her goal was to raise an army by gathering powerful people to free that man she loved from his father the archduke and his corrupt rule, and save her not-dad from having to follow the orders to hunt her down. Playing her made me rethink that idea a bit, and I haven’t totally settled on what I want from her backstory. Zimri is Under Renovations for now. 
18 - What dish brings back the best memories for them? 
The poor attempt at curry her patron and basically father Avi would make from time to time. As a duke he wasn’t well versed in cooking, but he would always make a plate for him and Zimri after a particularly long day. Zimri rarely ever ate all of it but the smell of mediocre curry still makes her think of him. 
46 - Have they taught themselves any skills just for fun? 
I like to think at some point down the line Zimri would have taught herself some basic sewing skills, mostly so she can alter her own clothes a bit. Otherwise all of her skills are for survival. 
63 - What's a meme or tiktok or vine (or whatever) that you associate with them? 
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4 - What one person, place, or thing do they love more then anything else? 
Person - Top five favorite people who all come in first place are Danya, Eden, Tsisa, Lemon, and Benji (his sisters, favorite cousin his age, favorite little cousin/baker, and his father figure) and you can’t make him choose.
Place - The hives on Danya’s land OR Rosalind’s sprawling gardens. 
Thing - His bees. He loves those little bees.  
10 - What inspired this character's creation? 
He started out as a mix between Squidward from Spongebob, Spencer from ICarly, and Coach Finstock from Teen Wolf. I knew I wanted to make the cousin that ran the bakery/cafe Lemon, and Olly was a great fit for the role of a tired grumpy secretly very soft bakery manager.  
20 - What attracts them to someone–platonically and/or romantically, anything counts. 
Platonically he tends to be drawn to people who are either a bit quiet or broody –because this man is a caretaker under all the grump– or able to match his occasional shit shitting mood with their own. Of course a good sense of humor goes a long way too. He doesn’t have much of a physical preference for his romantic partners, so it’s mostly down to vibes with Olly. Kindness and humor are the things that make him take notice of someone, then if he teases them and they either get flustered, tease back, or even better argue he’s caught. Why he likes kind of bossy goody types he’ll never know. 
52 -How would they dress themselves for a formal event? 
A well tailored suit with bee and magnolia accents as either lapel pins, cufflinks, or a wristwatch. Nice shiny but flexible leather shoes he’s scored the bottoms of for better grip. 
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28 - Do they collect anything? 
Anytime anyone brings her flowers she presses a couple of each type of bloom in books in her private office, a habit she picked up from Doran. Danya also quite likes collecting books in general, and has the second largest library outside of Rosalind’s in the main estate house. 
47 - What could they talk about for hours on end? 
Law. It would be a bit dry, but she could lecture for hours on legal processes and functions in The United Shires, how they were brought about, and how they differ between the five shires. Unfortunately she isn’t particularly talkative in the first place, so anything she would talk about at length would just be a lecture. She would much rather have someone else do the talking. 
56 - Who would they trust with their life, unequivocally? 
Eden, Olly, Benji, or Doran. If her adoptive mother was still alive she would also be on the list but she’s passed. 
66 - Which fruit do they like most? 
She is quite fond of yellow pears or pomegranates. Baked pears are one of her favorite desserts.
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coffee-or-murder · 2 years
🍆 for... Olly, Danya, and Labon; 🌽 for Lemon, Ursula, and Tadhgan; 🍑 for Dealer's Choice x 3?
This one got longer then the last one lol so under the cut!
🍆Does your OC have any favorite form of affection, physical or otherwise?
Olly - This dork is very affectionate, but he doesn’t want you to know he’s actually soft as an uncooked dough. He is very fond of receiving physical affection, and if you give him any gift to matter how small he will treasure it literally forever. He has a whole drawer in his office dedicated to little knick knacks his sisters and cousins have gifted him, including a whole bunch of little rocks from baby Lemon. 
When he’s testing the waters of being friendly with someone he’ll start giving little gifts. Mostly extra bits of food, making sure their drink is topped off, the occasional pastry shoved in their hands and a grumpy “I am not carrying your ass back if you pass out from not eatin. Eat.”
Once you’ve reached the friend level he’s more physically affectionate. Smacking an arm, dragging you into a one armed hug, lightly shoving you out of the way, gentle roughhousing. He also will show more of his awful dry sarcastic humor. If he’s sad he takes a lot of comfort from having his head in someone's lap and playing with his hair or scratching around the base of his horns. 
If you manage to reach romance level with him. Congrats! He will now only be able to sleep properly if he’s touching you in some way. 
Danya - Any and all affection really. Danya is not picky about the affection she receives because she’s just so excited to have it at all, but her favorites to receive are for sure quality time and physical affection. Hand kisses, someone sharing their craft with her, and just existing in the same space are all very high on her list. She tends to show her love with gift giving, words of affirmation, and physical affection. 
Labon - This fool is all about receiving physical affection. A kiss on the cheek from Durhil will sustain him for hours. Once his feelings are returned he’ll curl around or beside Durhil in either form. Biting is a form of affection, but it’s never hard and more like a hold than anything else unless she asks of course. He is horribly awkward about it, but he really loves words of affirmation and will save any scrap of paper that said he did a good job or that he’s a good person and squirrel it away to pull out later. 
🌽How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What's their favorite act of affection, physical or emotional?
Lemon: This girl thrives on affection, and looks for literally any scrap of it she can. It’s what keeps her bad feelings about…basically everything at bay long enough to process them or at least bottle them up and ignore them. Lemon does have a pretty strong preference for receiving physical affection and words of affirmation. Someone wanting to braid her hair, have a snuggle/halfling pile, or bringing her food are very high on her list of preferred forms of affection. More emotional forms include either listening to someone infodump or doing the infodumping, collaborating on projects, being a soundboard for ideas, or trying to keep her safe. She has awful attachment issues and is pretty rejection sensitive because of her parents, but also struggles with having deeper emotional bonds with people she does care about because that means she’s a burden and they’ll leave her behind. She’s unfortunately quick to trust people who show her any affection like ignoring what exactly Flask might do with that many baby mimics because she’s been Nice and is helping Sugarcane lol
Ursula: Affection for affection's sake is a weakness. It should be a tool to gain favor. That said she enjoys receiving gifts, and does take pleasure in quality time with the people she deems as suitable company. 
Tadghan: This boy is so damn awkward with physical affection but does enjoy it. He’s pretty handsy with his friends and family, gentle roughhousing and the occasional bit of snark, but he’s really big on quality time! He and Lemon used to spend hours in the forge while he worked and Lemon curled up with Aodhan, his drake, reading or researching. If you use him as a soundboard for thoughts/ideas/etc he’d be thrilled and do his best to help however needed. Big on either doing or receiving acts of service. 
🍑What sort of traits does your OC look for in a Significant Other? 
Tsisia: Cici is big on getting to know someone as friends before she wants to jump their bones. Someone with a good sense of humor, who doesn’t mind that she can get a little bit rambly from time to time, gets along with her family, tall and handsome helps a lot too. She’s looking for someone to match her vibe and wants to laugh with her. 
Doran: Not the one he currently has that’s for damn sure. Before everything happened he was attracted to smiles. Someone who was a little bit goofy, but who still had his back in a fight. Nice arms, strong jawlines, able to talk to fill the silence since he was pretty reserved even before he got married. He tended to lean toward kind of class clown type people. Doran is a bit of a secret romantic, and does like big gestures, especially if they take into account the courting rituals of his home. Some of them are quite romantic to him and he was looking forward to them. Now after he’s been married he just wants that to end but feels trapped because of internal politics. Doran just wants to be able to trust a partner again but has accepted he’ll never get that again and focuses on his work. 
Lonan: Currently he thinks having a romantic partner is a waste of time. He is busy trying to research and develop new spells to better understand magic. So demisexual it takes at least three years of knowing him before he even starts to maybe have a crush on someone. If he did have a crush though, it would be on someone who can match his level with arcana and have the drive to learn so they can be a partner in research and life. Someone who fills in the spaces he lacks, like his lack of social skills or more worldly knowledge. He wouldn’t admit to it outloud, but being an introvert cooped up in a wizard school for most of his life may not have been the best thing, even if it did get him away from his parents. He’s unfortunately a bit of a social hermit and tends to piss people off without meaning too because he’s too direct. 
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coffee-or-murder · 1 year
First-lines-of-fic meme!
Tagged by @beingatoaster and I am......so late because I just learned how to search for people tagging you in things sorry lovely >>’ 
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway / Most of these are dnd fics, but some are fanfic I’ve been noodling with yes Sig I’m getting to them leave me be you mad little beastie you
1. "Lemon was nearly breathless from dancing between strangers and friends and back again, the magic in her gut simmering low and pleased and warm.” ((Burning, Lemon centric drabble about her crush on Cael and why she’s so damn ashamed about it))
2. The conservatory was always Rosalind’s preferred place to conduct her daily routine of large meetings, grandchild wrangling, morning and afternoon teas, and one on one discussions. ((Teatime, Rosalind confronting Ursula))
3. “Lemon! I’m not leaving you!” Isgrac called back as she ran ahead. ((The Sewers, Nightmare of the parties time in the sewers that just....refuses to be finished idk why))
4. Tadhgán wasn’t sure if he’d done something truly awful in a past life, or what deity he’d crossed, but he really did not understand why the Bakhouzin family felt the need to keep threatening him. ((Danya’s Request, Tadhgan gets a letter from Danya requesting a meeting at her estate))
5. “Lemon’s gone Doran. Left town a week ago with Bells for her own fuckin safety. Her own mother did this to her.” ((Tidbits, Benji talks to Doran about Lemon’s situation. Well rants mostly.))
6. Panic settled in the pit of her gut like a stone. Her breakfast tray sat in the little cubby beside the door to her lab, loaded with food and a pitcher of hot water, but there was no note. ((Unnamed intro to Bell’s (an important NPC’s) backstory, was going to be posted as part of a homebrew campaign that crashed and burned >>’ ))
7. He was used to not being noticed, despite being nearly six foot five in massive clanking orange and silver armor. ((Moments Past, Robin/Kellum/Donnel fic that I’m writing purely for myself lol))
8. The air of Tuchanka burnt his lungs when he stepped off the transport. ((The Flame of Tuchanka, a Wrex/Shepard story taking place during Mass Efftect 2-3 with flashbacks to 1 that Sig keeps bullying me about >:( ))
9. The motorcycle raced down the narrow road leading down into the valley, its headlight casting strange shadows against the tall trees arching over the cracked pavement. ((Doesn’t have a name yet, super in production. Stardew Valley with a protag focusing on the magic/mystery side of the game with Seb romance))
10. Commander Jane Shepherd of the Ferngill Republic Special Forces was an interesting woman. At least, everyone in the valley assumed she was. ((Also unnamed Stardew Valley/Mass Effect crossover, done entirely as a dare by one of my beta’s who said they bet I couldn’t figure out a way to cross over the two and have a Harvey romance. I’ve been using it as a pet project of genre mashups and how they can work together. Mostly having fun pictuing a retried Shep settling down to farm and romance a cute doctor lol))
Tagging whoever wants to do this! Everyone I would have tagged on tumblr ie the whole dnd group who writes was already tagged I think XD 
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coffee-or-murder · 2 years
Lately there has been so much Danya rp going on (all in sandbox play that has been so much fun to do. I have a billion screenshots now lol) that I have way too much Danya brainrot. So here is Benji trying to talk Feelings to his niece and failing. (Not pictured at the end, Danya throwing her shoe and him)
“Uncle. I need to get back to work. Can this unnecessary conversation wait until after this case is concluded? Or at least until after our guests have returned home?” Danya sighed as she glanced over the same paragraph in one of the multitude of case files spread across her desk. This was the tenth attempt at reading the same seven lines since Benji had wandered into her home office and started spewing his nonsense. Frankly her patience was beginning to wear thin.
“You know we just want you to be happy Danny. The Family would never keep you from that, even if your happiness would take you away from us,” Benji sighed from his perch on the window seat in front of her. A growl rumbled deep in her chest, and she cleared her throat to dissuade it. Benji watched her, still as he’d ever been, dark eyes soft and unwavering.
“There is nothing there. You know there isn’t. My feelings are not returned and I have made peace with that,” Danya snapped, flicking to the next page of the file and sighing deeply. Her tail lashed at her side, thumping against the side of her chair with every swipe “I would appreciate it if you would leave this foolish thought alone. They are…merely a warm and kind person. The attention they give me is not out of the ordinary for them. You know this as well as I do, and I will not allow myself to be swept up in this fantasy only to ruin one of the few friendships I have.”
“Have you talked to them then? They’ve actually told you, to your face, in plain words that they aren’t a little bit interested?” he asked quietly. His deep voice was even and warm and somehow the most grating thing Danya had heard in her life, and her growl rumbled back to life to settle low in her throat. If it was anyone other than Benji they would have left at the sound. He stayed. As always. Still and patient.
“I have enough evidence without risking an irrevocable change in our dynamic. I will not put it at risk for a relationship that would only put them in danger, especially since they are -for the most part- unaware of the true extent of the risks and the reasons behind it,” she said. Her tail continued to thump against the chair and she flicked it over her lap to hold it down still against her lap under her hand. It continued to twitch under her palm and she pressed down more firmly.
“So if they return your feelings, tell them. Tell them about all of it. Do you really think they’re the type of person who would stop being friends with you over this? That knowing-”
“I said no Uncle. Cease your meddling and leave me to work in peace. Please.”
“When I throw you in a closet and make you use your words you’re going to thank me.”
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coffee-or-murder · 3 years
Danya sometimes does burlesque shows at a secret gentle persons club, mostly to blow off steam but also to flex her performance muscles. I picture her doing the slow sensual strip tease type dances, with singing and big fluffy props and the occasional riding crop or bull whip. You never see her totally naked but you get very very close. Her stage name is something like The Lady Spirytus de Absinthe, but most people just call her The Lady or Lady Absinthe.
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coffee-or-murder · 3 years
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Did another Danya outfit. Still don’t quite have the right shade for her skin but working on it! Pastel blue is harder to find in the markers I use then I thought >,>’ Also her magnolia pin! She always wears it somewhere, normally as a way to attach a scarf/tie or in her hair. Everyone in the Family gets a piece of jewelry with the magnolia when they come of age.
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coffee-or-murder · 2 years
Danya absolutely purrs when she’s drunk and leaning on someone she likes, platonically or otherwise. Drunk Danya also has a bad habit of sitting beside someone and tossing one leg over them and cuddling up. Don’t let her hold your hand she’ll just play with it, and will whine a little when you try to take it back.
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coffee-or-murder · 3 years
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Danya Bakhuizen, at the time of the start of MiV a 35 year old Bloodline of Levistus tiefling, eloquence bard potentially archfey warlock later, and extraordinarily wealthy lawyer to the Family and its many branches. Danya is most comfortable in court, studying, gathering evidence for a case, or cooking in her kitchen, but she comes off as cold and uncaring in most social situations. She is a collector of beautiful things, and often hires people she finds attractive as helpers around her home at totally normal wages not because she’s painfully lonely not at all. Her young cousin Lemon can be found attempting to teach her to bake and failing. Eden aka Ed is also found at her home, either napping on the couch or causing general chaos. Danya is a fan of wines, art, and playing her cello.
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coffee-or-murder · 3 years
Me making Danya: Okay so she should be sensual but not overly sexy, very clean cut, maybe a little severe looking to help with her intimidation. Personality should be very aloof, tends to come off a little cold or uninterested, but have a very gooey center. Wants kids but doesn’t feel like she can have them with her job.
Danya: I’m sad
Me: What? Sad? Okay yeah that makes sense. Of course you’d be a little sad with your sister out in the field all the time sure-
Danya: I’m sad and VERY LONELY. I hire people as helpers who live in the spare bedrooms or the carriage house so that I can pretend I’m not so lonely. I pretend it’s just because they’re pretty so Ed doesn’t worry about me but I’m verY LONELY
Me: ….oh no honey why did you do this?
Danya: Also I maybe drink too much wine but it’s fine because I have a steady very well paying job and I’m an esteemed member of society which totally doesn’t make me feel even more guilty about my position in the family. I’m not a drunk.
Me: oh no honey that’s not how that works
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