#dndads positivity
dndads-confessions · 1 year
ppl who say freddie doesn’t do emotional rp or is only just doing it now since taylor cried are doing a MAJOR disservice to freddie’s rp talent. that guy’s been rping emotional moments since early s1 (ep 28 with the phonecall is a classic + ep 23 i think? where he reveals morgan is dead) and just because it isn’t a crying breakdown or a panic attack doesn’t make it any less emotional
also while taylor’s been more emotionally resilient than other characters he’s still not an “unbothered king” (gets angry at link when it’s revealed he bugged him for the FBI, is angry occassionally throughout the season but especially at scary during ep 27 onwards) he just filters everything though the lens of anime so it’s easier to process
freddie does an amazing job at showcasing subtle emotions and combining humour with devastating moments (ep 62(?) on the beach where he reveals his “book of wins and losses” and shows that it’s just All been losses - a moment played for comedy but it’s devastating when you think about it) and while the jokes about him being allergic to emotional moments are kinda funny (glenn IS a character who avoids dwelling serious emotional moments to the best of his ability after all - which is what makes him so interesting and 3D) i’ve seen wayyyy too many people take it seriously recently
glenn’s BEEN emotional. taylor’s BEEN emotional. he’s been angry for serious reasons and not so serious reasons, he’s been insecure about the reason his dad left (ep where scary has to insult them), he’s been scared (FBI base - sold out the daddies when threatened with lasers + ran from nicky), he intentionally put on that he was okay with link’s sacrifice until nick was gone because he knew nick would stop him from going back to save him
and if i tried to list every moment of glenn’s i’d be here all day because that’s 69 episodes to get through of emotional development rp. anyway. give freddie the credit he deserves please. just because there’s a comedic tinge or the character likes to repress doesn’t make it any less real of an emotional moment
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macksartblock · 7 months
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hey gang <3
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babacontainsmultitudes · 10 months
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Strange times in the dndads fandom, strange times.
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Happy father day to my favourite fictional (dn)dads! Also wow I draw for once!
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biscuitfacegrey · 2 months
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normally-oak · 15 days
lets hear it for dndads introjects!!
hey you! are you a fictive or factive from dungeons and daddies? if so, you rock!! this has been a pretty stressful 24 hours for us but we all made it!! beth apologized and things are probably fine now! even if they arent i guess the spotlight is probably off of us again which for me at least was stressful
shoutout to all fictives of beth may characters!! you guys probably had it the hardest (besides maybe any beth may factives if youre out there)
shoutout to dndads fictives who dont forgive beth! thats completely valid and youre entitled to your feelings!
shoutout to dndads fictives who were upset or angry or who didn't care!
shoutout to systems without dndads fictives who are still in the fandom!! its been just as rough for you and you also rock!
shoutout to singlets (nonsystems) who helped advocate for systems and who made us feel welcome in the fanbase regardless of beths views!
shoutout to me for writing this post!
shoutout to anyone who doesnt fit into any of the categories above because you rock too!! lets go teens!!!!
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rockcattomato · 1 year
I don’t think we give Scary enough credit for what she knows about herself.
Because, teens know when they are in the wrong, they know when they’ve changed their mind, they know when they are loosing the argument. The thing is, you can’t just go back. You can’t back down you can’t just tell the other person they win.
Scary hasn’t hated Terry for a long time and she knows it. She’s known that he’s nice, she’s known that her mum loves him, she knows that he could be a perfectly good father. But by that point, she’s already become goth, already proclaimed her hatred for the world, already said that she doesn’t want him there. And she can’t just say she was wrong? That would be wildly embarrassing. So she eases herself into it, she has plenty of time, she slowly lets down her guard bit by bit, becoming for comfortable. She won’t have to say anything.
But then, out of no where, he dies. And of course, when you’re a teenager, you’re immortal. No one can die when you’re a teenager. This ruins her plans, and without any bit of warning she is forced to outwardly confront every emotion she’s been keeping to herself about him. And boy is it confronting.
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kineticallyanywhere · 11 months
we're all so distracted by the norm-scary parallels we're blinded to the reality that link is the one turning into early-season scary right under our noses
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currently thinking about how much hate anthony got specifically this season and about anthony not liking the second season that much. he needs a break and i wish he looked at tumblr cause anthony we appreciate you over here😭😭
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prettyupsetnerd · 7 months
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they're great!!
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hermanunworthy · 1 year
i could've been anyone,
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anyone else, before you made the choice for me.
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dndads-confessions · 1 year
The way the story is set up, between Glenn being a very unreliable narrator of his own past and with how little direct interaction we get between Glenn and Nick, there are so many potential interpretations of Glenn as a being a pretty good dad who plays up the bad dad angle in a similar way to him not actually being that hard of a rocker that I think get ignored and it makes me sad.
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macksartblock · 4 months
Thinking about the Maggot Whore mentioned in Hal’s speech
I know she’s hot and I hope she causes problems for Trudy specifically
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Well folks, it's the dawn of the final day. Why don't you go ahead and tell me (the tags):
The thing that made you laugh the hardest this season
The character that brought you the most overall joy this season (doesn't have to be your fave necessarily)
The moment that shocked you the most this season (in a positive or mostly positive way) and
Your favorite intro of the season
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You know what, no! I don’t want Terry jr and Terry to bond actually. I want Terry to try to hug Terry Jr and for Terry Jr. to be like “this is not my daughter what happened give her back. This is NOT my Scary.” I want him to love the version of Scary she chooses to be, not the one that gives him the most affection.
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citruscore · 2 years
Good luck on your exam!
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thank you im going to do my best.... for him
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