#dnw our DM is helping me with this
greaseonmymouth · 1 year
I’m meeting my D&D group on Sunday for session 0 and I still have NO IDEA what I’m doing and filling out this character sheet is TOO complicated goddamn
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what2finish · 4 years
Creators & Bidders Information
If you do not find the answer to your question here, send an ask or email us as [email protected]
What counts as a WIPs?
The short answer is anything. It can be a work you’ve started or a prompt you thought was neat. It can be an idea of an alternative universe you want to work your fandom into. You can offer anything you wanted to try, but maybe have no concrete ideas for, as well (ie: a pairing you’re intrigued by, but have no WIP/HC for).
This event is to encourage you to make something you have wanted to do as a priority.
How many WIPs/prompts can I have?
There is no limit to how many WIPs and/or prompts you can list. We do ask that if you have a good chunk, around 5 or 6 longer ones, that you provide a link to a folder of them on your GDrive. You can always go into details or summaries of some of your favorites in the WIPs/prompt section of your creator post.
Can we include published WIPs as well - or is just stuff that hasn’t yet been shared for public consumption the only WIPs?
Sure can! Anything you want that little boost to help you cross a goal off your bucket list is welcomed!
Can I just have my bidders tell me what they want me to do?
Yes! You could just put your likes and dislikes/do not wants and ask potential bidders to contact you about their ideas or say you’re open to whatever bidders want (with exceptions of your DNWs).
Does the creator-winner relationship work like a commission?
No. You are under no obligation to give anything for credit anything to your winner, although we ask that you do notify your winner of the posting at least. However you want to work with your winner is up to you. If you would like to use this as a way to motivate you to finish something or as a way for someone else to decide what you work on next, and nothing else, that is up to you. As a kindness, we recommend putting your feelings of collabing/working in your winners like/etc. into your creator's notes.
What if I decide to add, drop, or change an auction?
If you decide to add or change anything in your auctions, please DM an admin or send us an email ([email protected]). This also needs to be done if you change something on the Sign Up form. Just as long as you have contacted us to let us know if you’re redoing the form or doing a second add-on auction form, we will accept it.
If you do not contact us to tell us you are doing a redo form or doing an add-on form, your current information may not get updated.
If you wish to drop a second auction or drop out as a creator during the Sign up stage, please email us IMMEDIATELY. We understand that these are uncertain times. You do not need to give us a reason, you can simply write an email stating “I do not wish to have a second auction” or “I do not wish to be a creator anymore”.
What should I do for the starting bid?
We suggest starting your bid off low as it encourages bidders to bid.
Please feel free to do tiers for your bids. For example for fanfiction:
“If bidding reaches $20, I will write two of my smaller WIPs for the auction and at $30, two of my longer WIPs. If it goes pass $50, I’ll do two WIPs of bidder’s choice and one small fic that’s under 5k of the winner’s prompt.”
Also, consider your own commission prices or what others’ commission prices are. Your Art Path has a great section of advise for commission prices here.
Still uncertain of your starting bid? Talk to friends in your discord, tumblr, and/or fandom who participated as creators in other fandom charity auctions to ask if they can help you with your starting bid/bid increment. You can also check out Marvel Trumps Hate or Fandom Trumps Hate FAQs for their recommendations.  
Keep in mind, all of the winning bid will be going towards charity.
What should I put for my second auction if both will be for the same creation?
We recommend separating your auctions by fandoms so that your lesser known fandom has it’s own auction to shine in.
If you have multiple fandoms we want to work with, you might separate your auctions by more popular ships in one auction and less popular ships in another.
In reality, you don’t need to have two unique auctions.
What should I put in my “Creator Notes” section?
You can put your tiers here. You can put your limitations on how big or how many of your auction you will do. Be aware if you have something that states “For every $10 past $30 I will write 2k” and the final bid gets to $100, you have now promised at least 14,000 more words to what you initially offered.
What is the deadline for completing my winner(s) works?
The soft deadline for completed works is going to be December 1st, 2021. If you do not think you will be able to meet this deadline, please just keep us at WTF informed.
There is no hard rule for finishing. ‘Finished’ can just mean moving the ball down the court. If it’s another chapter or comic page, etc is up for bid, that’s fine. This event is to encourage you to work on things sitting in your WIP/prompt piles.
We recommend putting the information in your Creator Notes for your auction.
Can I bid as well as be a creator?
Yes! Please feel free to do both. We would love to have you bid to your heart’s (or wallet’s) desire. Join a podbid! Or Seven! Hype up other creators! Ask one of your favorite fandom creators if they’re interested in joining the fun too!
Where and how do I post my completed Auction work?
You can complete it however you prefer! You can post it on tumblr and link the @what2finish blog if it’s a shorter story. You can post on Ao3 in the collection WTF Philippines Relief 2020. If you are posting anywhere else that we ask that you make a tumblr post with a link to the story so we can reblog your story on our blog and mark your Auction work completed.
There are no posting rules to your completed work besides to tag for anything nsfw or possible triggers. You can post it all together or one chapter at a time. You can post multiple series, it’s all up to you.
Do I need to sign up to bid?
No. You will need a working email address so we can contact you if you win an auction. Just fill out the bid form during Auction week; November 22nd to November 28th, 11:59:00pm CST.
What name do I use for bidding?
You can use a fandom name or a nickname, whatever name you are comfortable with.
What is Preview Week?
Preview week is the week when all the creator posts will be upload and the Masterpost of creators will be released on the tumblr. It will give bidders the chance to browse all the auctions before Auction Week to find creators and auctions they want to bid on. This will also give last minute creator sign ups and the mods a chance to make sure everything is spick and span for Auction Week.
Can I contact creators before Auction Week?
Please do! Ask after their auctions! Ask about their WIPs or ideas! Ask about pairings! Clarify their wants and do not wants with them!
In fact, if you have a creator in mind for this charity event, ask them to consider joining!
The Auction ends when I’m unavailable, what do I do?
We understand that with the time difference all around that world, there are bound to be some who are in a time zone that doesn’t align nicely with Central Standard Time. In this case we suggest getting a proxy bidder to help you out. If you cannot find your own, you are more than welcomed to contact us (ask or email) and we will put out a call to our followers for someone who is willing to be a proxy for you.
When will I get my confirmation email I won?
The mod team will be working to get the winner’s emails out to them as soon as the auction ends. Please keep in mind that gmail only allows a certain number of emails to be send out at a time. This means the emails will be sent out in batches and depending on the auction, it might take a few days to get your winning confirmation email.
Please do not get in contact with the creator or donate until you get your confirmation email you have won the auction.
What do I do if I win an auction?
You will get an email within the next two to three days after the auction closes confirming your win and asking you to donate to one of the charities listed. As stated in the last answer above, please do not donate or contact your creator for the auction until after you have received your confirmation email and you have donated.
But, once your have gotten your confirmation email and you have donated, the mods will send an email with both you and your creator. From there, it will be up to you guys to figure out the auction win from there.
Can I donate more than my winning bid?
Yes! The more the merrier. There is no limit to the donations you can make. 
I would like to have the craft/artwork or be part of the creation process as the winner, can I?
That will be between you and the creator you won. If they do not specifically state they will give you their work, they are under no obligation to give it. If you are unsure of their stance, or it is not listed that they are looking to work with the bidder, please reach out to the creator to ask them. 
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