#do any of yall feel this way bc my close friends are all living shame-free lives or are also on bc w no periods so. venting safe space
drakerry · 1 year
since i got my iud i barely get my period anymore - maybe once every two or three months and only a bit of spotting - and it’s like a weight i never even noticed has been lifted off my shoulders. still interrogating whether it’s a gender thing but the amount of stress, shame, and physical pain i was dealing with regularly… when i could have NOT BEEN? well hello let’s celebrate that
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quitetommy · 5 years
a collection of us
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this is NOT edited and im sorry whoops!! but i hope yall enjoy! theres no warnings for this bc its all fluff :’)
A collection of adorably soft moments from the Holland household (as seen by Y/N, Tom, and others)
[person A and person B pressing their faces together sleepily, not even kissing, just resting their foreheads together, noses brushing, breathing each other in.]
The day was no longer upon her, the sun was far away now. The window next to her was opened, the moonlight and wind creeping in. It was late, far too late for her. Normally, she’d be fast asleep dreaming about the day her pretty boy would be back. Why was she still up? Well, today was that day; today was the day her handsome boy would be coming back. She would finally smell his gorgeous smell again, hear his pretty laugh, look into those pretty brown eyes she loved so much. 
It was hell being without him, sure, she had her own things going on and she was able to live without him but that didn’t mean she wanted to. He was her boy and she’d do anything to be with him. She’d do anything for that boy. He could ask her to help him rob a bank and she’d be driving the getaway car, for whatever he wanted she was there. And fortunately, he was her ride or die, as well. She needed a buddy? He was there with laughs and sappy movies to watch. She needed a shoulder to cry on? He was there with his shoulder and tissues and many, many hugs. She needed an alibi? He was already thinking of all the things they were supposedly doing to save her from the many troubling things that would snatch her away from him. 
Point is they were each other’s one. You know, each other’s soulmate. The pair put the whole ‘red string of fate’ thing to shame. They were the ones that everyone wanted to be. He was the perfect boy that every girl wanted and she was the pretty girlfriend that everyone wanted on their team. They were it for each other, it was that simple. 
So, two-thirty in the morning, and here she was wide awake. Her hair was messily up in a bun, face free of any makeup and she had on one of his many hoodies purposely left behind. This was his favorite look, every time he saw her like this, he knew he knew he had made the right choice picking her. A cup of green tea was steaming on the side table (although Tom always made it better than she could- must be the British in him), and she had one of her many ratty old poetry books open on her lap. Her eyes and brain soaked up the perfectly strung together sentences while her ears tuned into the quiet music playing from the shitty speaker across the room. 
It was quiet for awhile, nothing disturbing the girl other than her music and page turning-- that was until she heard the familiar sound of keys being thrusted into the lock before unlocking. His pretty girl heard the door open and then shut, bags hitting the floor, before she heard his angelic voice call out. “Darlin’, you awake?” 
Jumping up and throwing her already read book somewhere, Y/N’s heart skipped a beat. His voice was everything- everything she missed, everything she loved, everything she wanted. She, of course, had heard it over the phone for the course of the past few months, but this was different. This was real. This was only right outside in the living room, this was a clear voice, no static following. This was her pretty boy. 
Squealing, she made her way out to him, arms opened wide. His arms were open, too, like he was waiting for her to occupy the space in them. Hell, of course he was. He hadn’t held his girl in months and he refused to go another second without feeling her. Once she was close enough, he closed his toned arms around her and spun around, pulling excited laughs out of his girl. 
“Hi pretty girl,” his voice was loud in her ear, but she didn’t care. He was right here, after months and months of being away.
“Hi, Tommy.”
Euphoric. That’s what he was feeling, god, he had missed his pretty girl. Her fingers curled into his hair, pulling his face down to hers, pressing a short series of kisses to his surprisingly soft lips (they were always so damn soft, and she wasn’t ever sure how, she had never seen him use any fucking chapstick). This went on for a few seconds longer, each putting trying to put all their love into said kisses, before their chests started to burn from lack of oxygen. Neither wanted to pull away, Tom whining when Y/N finally did. But after a quick breath, he dove back in, wanting to be close to her. Smiles came in between their kisses, eventually small gasps leaving them both. Their kisses were long and left the other wanting more. Both Tom and Y/N’s arms were pulling each other close, holding them there like they were going to disappear. 
Pushing herself on her toes, Y/N rested her head in the crook of her boy’s neck, breathing in his scent. “I missed you.”
He smiled, his heart warming his chest up. He was sure that she could hear his heartbeat. It was so loud, louder than he wished, but he couldn’t care any less because he could recall a time when Y/N had told him she loved hearing his heartbeat. 
In the most loving way, he pulled away from her, placing his forehead against hers, smiling. The tiredness only now hitting them. He giggled and placed a soft kiss to her nose after she yawned. Their noses were touching, eyes closed in content. “Missed you too, my love.”
 [person A and person B falling asleep together with their heads on the other’s shoulder/head in the backseat of the car while their friend is driving.]
Besides each other, the most important thing to both Tom and Y/N was family. And within family was friends, and they each tried to spend as much time as they could with said family. Which is why Tom and Y/N were both currently in the back of a cramped car. 
A car that was headed two hours away to a very pretty campsite with lots of outside activities. They were all taking a break from their busy schedules to have quality time together. In front was Tom’s best friend, Harrison, and his girlfriend Angel. 
Haz and Angel had been dating for a little over a year (a little short of Tom and Y/N’s long two years), and they were loved just as much as the couple in the back. 
The sun was just barely peeking over the distance, making the sky a pretty pink and orange collage. The radio clock read 6:43AM and Y/N was seriously reconsidering this trip. 
Music was softly playing from the car speakers and Y/N was very grateful for the stop for coffee they had made only twenty minutes earlier. The flavored drink was happily making its way down her throat when Harrison finally spoke. 
“So, I was looking at this place up online, Tom, and they recommended a course only ten minutes away!” Harrison’s free hand was on his pretty girlfriend's leg. Both girlfriends laughed, sharing the funny fact that they were in love with complete dorks. Tom’s eyes widened and a smile broke out onto his face, “Sick! We can go tonight when we’re settled?”
“Sure, man. What are you two planning on doing?” Harrison directed the second part of his response at his girl. Taking a sip of her iced drink, she shrugged looking at her friend in the backseat. 
“Probably just lay out,” the younger of the two suggested, she was silently hoping that Angel was content with that because all Y/N wanted to do was get tan. It had been so long since she tanned that her lovely boyfriend had started calling her casper. It was not fun. The girl desperately needed some sun. When Angel smiled and nodded, Y/N started to get excited at the thought of the warm sun touching her skin. 
It was then that Harrison had decided that had been enough conversation and he turned up the radio. The song that first played was one of the overplayed ones that everyone collectively hated but no one ever had the heart to change. It was extremely annoying, but Y/N found herself humming along and tapping her fingers to the beat on the back of Tom’s hand. They had been holding hands for awhile now and he had brought her hand up to his mouth to leave a soft kiss there, when she started singing. 
The sun was still rising and the couple up front was still quietly talking when Y/N felt Tom’s head fall onto her shoulder. Both of their coffees were long gone and they were not feeling the effects. Instead, they were growing increasingly sleepier, obviously Tom being the most tired seeing as how his eyes were closed and his baby snores were escaping his mouth. 
His pretty girl smiled upon seeing this. She was happy that he was sleeping, he never got enough. She quietly watched him sleep, the soft music that was playing soothing her nerves. Her heart warmed at the sleepy boy, he snuggled closer to her. Her eyes roamed over the small amount of freckles on his nose and the way that his long eyelashes curved over his cheekbones. She watched as his chest rose and fell with each breath, she watched as his fingers subconsciously tightened around hers. 
And unbeknownst to them, Harrison was watching them through the mirror, smiling as Y/N rested her head on her sleepy boy, falling asleep herself. 
[person B falls asleep in person A’s lap and person A is having a conversation with someone else while stroking person B’s hair.]
Long days were not something that was new to Tom and Y/N. They were both used to the long nights and the even longer nights. Tom’s job was not something that they took for granted but it wasn’t helpful when Tom barely got any sleep. Y/N, being the amazing girl she is, was constantly asking him if he was feeling alright, if he was getting enough sleep; eating enough. He loved that about her; how much she cared for those she loved. 
Tom loved his job, sure, but he hated how easily overworked he got. He sometimes just wished he could spend all day with his pretty girl. He wanted nothing more than to be with his girl and stay in bed all day. He would be happy just being with her, no matter what they were doing. As long as he was with his girl he would be perfect. 
Just like now, he was beyond tired and he missed his girl so, so fucking much. So here he was, laying in his girls arms, head in her lap. Harrison was over, happily talking to Y/N about everything and anything. The television was playing in the background at a low volume. Tom’s head was on Y/N’s leg and his body was stretched out on the rest of the couch. He was comfortably in an old hoodie and sweats, all matched up with some fuzzy socks his girl had bought him for his birthday. When he first pulled the spiderman covered socks out of the bag he laughed, a little confused on why he had received socks, but when he tried them out he was in heaven, gaining many “i told you so”s from his girlfriend. 
Tom’s hand was placed on Y/N’s exposed knee, thumb rubbing lovingly. Y/N’s and Harrison’s voice was melting together, blurring in his very tired mind. He felt his girl lean down, lips pressing on his temple before finding his ear and whispering, “It’s okay, pretty boy, go to sleep. I’ll still be here when you wake up.” He hummed in response, letting sleep overtake him. He was so, so happy being there with his girl, while she rubbed his curls away from his face while she talked with their friend. He would be happy here with her for the rest of his life and he was completely content with this fact.
[person A helping person B dry and brush their hair after a shower.]
Long and hard days were not something that only Tom owned. They were something Y/N also occasionally had. When her long days came around, she was more whiny than her boy. She would stomp in and throw her things down before finding and latching herself to her pretty guy. She would moan and groan until he dropped everything and gave her the attention she wanted. She would giggle and smile as Tom kissed all over her face. She’d pull him to the couch and snuggle up against him, eyes closed tightly in hopes of shutting away the whole word. 
She’d frown and cry until Tom would push her hair away from her face, softly asking, “Wanna talk about it, darlin’?” 
She’d never want to. She would just shake her head and say, “Just want you.”
He’d smile and he’d feel his heart warm. God, he loved her. He would do anything to see her smile, even if that meant letting her attach herself to him like they were one person. “How ‘bout a shower? Hmm? Might make you feel better.” 
That’s all it took, a shower and she’d come to her senses and realize that everything was alright and that she was being a little ridiculous(not that Tom cared, though, he wouldn’t care if she was the biggest drama queen around, he’d still love her). During her shower, he would gather up her comfiest clothes, including one of his jumpers that she loved (he even would spray it with his cologne so it smelled like him even more) and he’d place them on the sink where she could easily grab them. Sometimes if it was a bad night, he’d help her into siad clothes, but without fail, every time one of these nights happened he would always brush out her knotted hair. This would calm her nerves and to be honest, he liked playing with her hair. She would sleepily stand in front of the bathroom mirror and he’d comb out her hair while whispering sweet nothings to her or singing softly to her. And without fail, every night, she’d turn on her heal and softly kiss her boy, mumbling a very, very cute “I love you.” and then everything was right in the world because he had her and she had him and that’s all they needed.
@laureharrier @spider-bitten @bi-writer-in-the-dark @marvelouspottering @quacksin @friendscallme-emily @smexylemony @tom-hollands-eyelash @tomblrholland @spidey-pal @lovelyh0lland @spideymood @positiveparker @procrastinatingparker @your-daily-dose-of-fangirl @Bodakcello @sleepybesson @spideyshcllands @its-the-unknownspidey @tomshufflepuff @aestheticgaybish @bellaamarvel87 @peterparker-glee-other @kisses-holland @peterparkersbodyguard @ghostofdrfluke @avengersmarvelsocials @musicgirl234 
crossed out means it wont tag ya
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sept-dix · 7 years
high school au! ong  seongwoo
summary: ong is the president of your school’s drama club genre: fluff a/n: please tell me what you think!!! and thank you for reading heh
ong is super popular in your school like almost everyone knows him 
and being the president of your school’s drama club is only part of the reason why
he’s very well known for being very warm and welcoming to everyone without bias, and he never fails to bring up the mood and make people laugh
unlike the other popular kids, it’s obvious that ong is actually genuinely nice and that he sincerely likes the people around him so it’s amazing
anyways so about the drama club
you decided to join the drama club this year because you used to dabble in theatre a while back, and your school’s drama club was known for being really bonded and fun
and you thought it would be fun to join even if just for the experience
during your first few sessions with the club, you already knew that you had made the right choice because everyone was being super friendly and welcoming towards you 
true to the stereotype, everyone was extremely loud and energetic all the time and you loved the atmosphere so much
the first time you got properly introduced to ong was at the end of the first session
usually theatre kids do this thing at the end of each rehearsal/session where they sit together and kind of just talk as a form of debrief
it didn’t necessarily have to be related to the day of rehearsal, it could be about anything anyone had in mind
just because shows are usually a lot better when the cast members themselves have good synergy offstage
so during that debrief session on the first day, ong introduced himself as the president to those of you newcomers 
you had a good impression of him right away because he seemed so nice and he made it clear that anyone could approach him about any problem at any time and he would be there to talk to you about it
and you were like damn. thats nice
anyways club dinners were when you got the chance to actually become close to him
usually when rehearsals ended it was already super late and yall were starving + dinners together as a club is a good way to bond
it just so happened that for the first dinner both of you ended up sitting next to each other 
and damn. you guys hit it off right away
like ong was thinking who is this person who makes so many lame jokes
and you were thinking why is this boy always tryna get attention (you could relate)
when both of you simultaneously dipped your fries into your ice cream it was decided for real
“aren’t we soulmates??1?!”
“yup. no other explanation”
that’s how it all started. from then on you guys just got closer and closer
even on days when you guys weren’t having club dinners both of you would go out on your own for dinner or snacks
for warmups and stuff if y’all were trying out some whacky new activity (as theatre kids do) then ong would call you up to come and demonstrate it with him to the rest of the club
sometimes he would ask you about his president stuff like 
“y/n, do you think our club would appreciate getting matching socks
“should i ask the school to paint our room a darker shade of black or is this shade of black good enough” (because drama rooms are all black on the inside in case you’re confused dksjds)
weird stuff like that and he could always trust you to be as excited as him about this kinda stuff
soon your friendship extended to even outside of club activities
like one day you’re just walking through the school library trying to get a spot to study when you hear whisper screams directed at you
and you turn and see ong frantically gesturing at you to go to him
“are you good at history”
“uh... idk i guess”
“plS HELP!!! i have a test tmr and i know nothing”
so you end up tutoring him all afternoon and in return he tries to teach you math
you guys go out for ice cream later and challenge each other to who can eat theirs the fastest
you two are dying of brainfreeze and laughter by the end of it but it’s fun
in fact everything’s fun when it’s the two of you because as corny as it sounds you guys literally complete each other’s sentences
like he knows the punchline to your joke before you even finish it
so this means that soon enough you guys are doing everything together
 like a new movie comes out? you’re already thinking about when ong is free to go watch bc you know he’ll have the same reactions as you to the movie
ong is dying in a class and needs some rescue? you’re the one he calls to somehow get him out of it bc he knows you would support him skipping class 
tbh ong has a lot of commitments as the president of the drama club but he somehow always makes time for you
now and then you hear people talking about you like “isn’t y/n the person ong is always with nowadays?” but usually people don’t say bad things about you guys because remember everybody loves ong
soon enough, as how it always is when two people spend lots of time with each other and have great chemistry, people start suspecting that you two are together
like even your other best friends are like “y/n is there something you’re not telling us about this ong guy”
and it cracks you up bc wtf ong is a total BRO
but suddenly rumours start flying around school that you two are a thing and soon it grows from a speculation to like a thing.
you and ong being a thing is a thing now. people start assuming you’re together and sometimes they just treat you like a couple
you just ignore it but there’s this one time
your club is having a script reading for an upcoming show
(just an initial script reading with no fixed cast members yet)
the entire play is centred around a couple
ong gets assigned to read the parts of the male lead by the instructor bc lbr as a president he is one of the best actors there
then the instructor goes “hmm... for the female lead, perhaps... y/n?”
and you’re like wow ok well sure
ofc the script has you and ong say some romancey lovey dovey things to each other bc duh you’re acting as a couple
but after the whole reading is done the instructor goes “wow seongwoo and y/n you guys have good chemistry!” 
and cue the teasing from the rest of your club for the rest of the night
that day you guys go out for a club dinner and everyone else just spends the whole time teasing you two
before you could say anything one of them tells ong “dude if you guys are together you should just come clean and tell us!!!!” and everyone starts pressuring you two to just tell them that they’re right
in your mind you’re thinking why isn’t ong replying to them and you look at him
and he just looks at you and kinda laughs it off
without being outright and saying that you guys were just friends
and suddenly you have a weird feeling in your tummy and you’re thinking wtf why don’t i wanna tell them the truth either
why do u think u fool
but you, my friend, are someone who is very in touch with their emotions. you do none of this denying your feelings bs that others do
so from that moment of hesitation, you knew. 
and you admitted it to yourself right away that ong is more than just a friend to you
you didn’t know when or how it happened, but it had happened. 
but after that things got a little awkward for you because you didn’t know how to handle the rumours anymore
like once you accepted your feelings your crush on ong became a full fledged one and the fact that ong wasn’t denying the rumours either was making you feel skdjfksdjfs
spending time with him now also became more complicated because suddenly you were aware of everything he was doing and saying and there was this layer of tension to you guys 
not a bad type of tension though, and maybe only you could feel it, but it was making things less fun
and you being the fun lover you were hated that
one day you and ong had just ended a study session and were heading home
you two lived pretty close together so you walked the same route home
there’s a swingset at a playground in that neighbourhood and sometimes you two swing there on the way home
just for fun
so that day was no different
ong was like “hey you wanna go on the swings”
and you’re like yeah ofc and you two start swinging
the thing is, usually you two are super loud and excited like kids and you usually make bets on like who can swing higher or who can swing the longest standing up
but today you guys were just kinda swinging slowly and there was an unusual silence between you two
when you turned to look at ong he was already looking at you, but he seemed like he was deep in thought
and in that moment you decided to just woman up and clean up the mess
“ong, why don’t you ever straight up tell others the truth about us?”
and he just looks at you a little surprised
and you’re like “what?”
and after a few seconds he’s like “are you kidding me? you really don’t know?”
he looks lowkey offended and you’re super confused
(why are you so dense smh)
you just shake you head slowly and go “what are you talking about is there something i should know”
and he just kinda looks at you in disbelief for a second before looking down at his lap
“because i want them to be true”
he’s kinda mumbling and you’re not sure you heard right so you’re like “im sorry what”
your heart is beating super duper fast 
and he looks up at you with this expression on his face
“i know this is kind of a weird way to confess, i was going to do it some other way but i guess since you’re asking... i never refuted the rumours because i wanted them to be true”
and you’re like oh my lord wtf is this real
you: “oh... well... to be honest,, me too”
now it’s your turn to shyly look at your lap
shame you did that because now you missed the smile that blossomed on ong’s face hearing that
“so you’ll go out with me?”
and you can’t muster up any of your usual confidence at that moment just because of the look on ong’s face that’s full of adoration and hope
so you just shyly nod
and that was that. the rest is history
many years later you guys would fondly look back at the old rusty swingset at the tiny playground near your houses as the place where you two shared an awkward confession and a sweet first kiss
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artreider · 6 years
Arrow Rewatch: Crisis on Earth X Crossover Event Part 1 - 3
Aka a crossover people have a lot of issues with.
Hello evil oliver.
Im a fan of James Olsen being Guardian in this reality and still being good.
Pretty wrong that all we get of Oliver in the opening title is an arrow whereas we see Supergirl and Barry. I get not seeing all the legends and its nice who they do show Martin Stein but without Oliver none of this would exist.
The invite sequence is funny.
I love how Oliver is like of course baby these are our friends we wouldn't miss their wedding. And Martin is offended by a breach of decorum.
Nice throwback of seeing a dominator of supergirls earth.
Haha Iris itll happen before you know it.
Felicity is thinking of marrying Oliver and is terrified.
Oliver so wise and wants so much to marry Felicity but thinks he cant at least not yet.
Nice words of Barry.
Poor Jax he doesnt want to give up firestorm.
I have so many questions about earth x. Like did the nazism start in the us, how did oliver become furur. How did or who started nazism.
Martin has big dreams.
Beautiful rehearsal.
Get drunk Alex and make bad choices. Still upset about Maggie but i like Sara and Alex hook up.
Sara's look of oh youre into girls lmao.
Alex and Sara together is fun.
The dorks Kara and Barry.
This Martin/Jax scene is painful.
Great speech Joe.
And the girls are getting busy.
This Olicity scene so painful.
I love it transiting from Oliver closing his eyes to Felicity opening hers.
Haha Alex one night stand, walk of shame.
So did Stein let all the legends stay in his house.
Where did Felicity, Oliver and Supergirl stay then? Oh well I guess Felicity and Kara stayed at Joe's. Did Oliver stay with Cisco then?
Awkward exchange with Alex and Sara lmao.
Hello Nora.
Great acting Grant.
This song is totally Olicity as well as Barry/Iris.
Olicitt cant help but look at each other.
Love this fight sequence.
I love the compact bow.
Hello Prometheus aka Tommy.
You would Mick.
Olicity forget their disagreement in light of the attack. All they care about is everyones safety.
Once again Tommy hello.
Poor Oliver and Felicity just wants to comfort her man, she knows how much seeing Tommy is hurting him.
Felicity is so troubled by this information.
Poor Oliver.
You are just evil Tommy.
This just makes me realize more how great a prometheus he wouldve been in real time.
Poor Oliver having to watch him die again.
Evil Oliver loved Tommy as much as our Oliver did.
Gross Evil Oliver/Evil Kara together.
Felicity staying in touch with the team.
Oliver cant let it go.
This Olicity scene is tough though I do love it. Them communicating is everything to me.
How come Ray didnt come for the wedding? He met Barry and Iris before some of the others.
Poor Jax telling the truth.
Nice Sara/Alex talk.
Felicity is so grumpy.
Oliver showing up last with the bike.
"Super speed i dont have it" lmao
Doppleganger battle, how did Reverse Flash end up on Earth X.
Lmao agree Kara gross.
Hello Kryptonite. Where did you get Kryptonite?
Damn Evil Oliver want to talk about being weak yet you cant leave evil Kara's side like a whipped puppy.
Nice teamwork.
So if they are 53 Kara's what is our earth one doing?
The future vault.
Nice wise words Oliver.
How much did you hear Felicity?
She truly feels Oliver's pain now.
This suit up and walk sequence is beautiful.
Felicity/Iris bonding and Mick walks in.
Their arrow is somewhere he dont belong.
Weren't the nazis supposedly Chrsitian? Maybe my knowledge of nazis is off.
Super cool shot the reflection in Oliver's eye.
Hello team arrow i forgot you giys made an appearance.
How come BC didnt use her canary cry.
You are the weak one Evil Oliver, you have no idea how strong our Oliver is.
Yall are nowhere good.
Cisco finally wakes up.
"Meaner version of my whatever he is right now", Felicity honey pretty sure our Oliver is still your boyfriend.
"Lead the way Mclaine", yep headcannon Oliver has made Felicity watch die hard a few times especially for Christmas.
Hello Evil Quentin.
Poor Sara having to hear that Quentin killed his own daughter/her doppleganger.
I refuse to believe this was the last time seeing any version of her dad. I stick to my headcannon she saw him before her first date with Ava though she may have also went to see him before leaving on her next adventure after this.
All of them making their peace, Oliver feeling guilty for not having finished things with Felicity to ensure shed live guilt free. Him also having guilt for William becoming an orphan.
The evil dopplegangers sure do care about love in their own twisted way, Kara taunting our Kara for not taking care of her own desires and coming to a wedding alone.
Felicity its bygones now, you both want to come "running home" to each other. Dont fret baby.
Kick ass, Felicity and Iris.
That base of operations is the same as Oliver's bunker.
Sara that is just rude, Oliver is good. He is so offended by her comment.
Great Stein/Jax scene.
So many great scenes with various characters with intersting dynamics over the past few episodes.
This Sara/Alex scene is so great.
Kara is still weak from the sun though so just light the room and cut into her. Bad guys are so idiotic.
Oliver was so surprised to see Felicity and it totally gave him away because he could never hurt her.
He dont like being called Ollie but by Thea and Sara.
"It is the strongs duty to protect the weak" when did you develop that mantra.
Funny that's not what you told her when you first met her Eobard.
The code never fails to kill me with feels: LatteAdaJonas11900
Leo is so like and unlike our Snart.
Great fight scene.
Poor Stein.
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