certifiedsexed · 1 day
Is it okay/safe to masturbate on your period? (No penetration involved, but if you'd like to specify both penetration and non-penatration for the sake of general knowledge, that works too!)
Absolutely. In fact, it has possible health benefits like relieving cramps, occasionally causing shorter periods and can even help with menstrual related migraines!
And that applies to both non-penetrative sex and penetrative sex. Obviously penetrative sex can be a bit messier if you're doing vaginal penetration and if you use tampons, you have to remove them first before having penetrative sex but it's not unsafe.
Keep in mind certain STDs can be transmitted through blood if you're having sex with anyone else [usual barrier protection still works] but otherwise, have fun!
Hope this helps. <3 Lemme know if you have any other questions!
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mythicalninjas · 3 days
Bloody Season: Extra Chapter
Summary: you are on your period, but the mutant boys notice a small bump jumping out of your lower belly. Is that supost to be normal?
Rate/Warnings: only for mature public. Fem!Reader X All the boys.
Previous chapters: B. S. Donnie X Raph /// B. S. Donnie X Mikey /// B. S. Donnie X Leo
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It was a night like any other in the Ninja Turtles' underground hideout. The soft sound of music echoed through the room as Leonardo meditated in silence, Raphael was busy sharpening his blades, and Donatello was adjusting some devices on his technology station. Michelangelo, as usual, was relaxing on the sofa with a slice of pizza in his hand, trying to beat yet another level of his favorite video game.
The atmosphere was familiar and safe, until the heavy door of the safe house opened, revealing y/n. Dressed in a black jacket and carrying a few shopping bags, you walked in with a tired but warm smile. "Hey, guys!" You greeted loudly, placing the bags on the table and wiping your forehead, visibly tired.
The turtles greeted you enthusiastically, but Donatello, always attentive to detail, frowned when he noticed something. He tilted his head, watching you more closely. "Y/n, are you all right?" he asked, his voice laden with sincere concern. "You seem… different."
Donatello's observation made the other brothers turn to you, now realizing what he was pointing out. Indeed, something was out of the ordinary. Your face was a little paler than usual, and there was a slight swelling in your belly that none of them had seen before.
"You're not ill, are you?" Leonardo asked, with an expression of concern, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Do you need help?"
You gave a small smile, clearly uncomfortable with the sudden attention and the line of questioning. "I'm fine, really,” you said, moving into the makeshift kitchen and pulling a few items out of the bags. "Just a bit swollen, no big deal."
Michelangelo, however, didn't miss the detail of the swelling. He stopped playing his video game and leaned forward, his eyes wide with surprise. "Wait a minute… swollen? Like, you know… - he made an exaggerated gesture, as if he were molding a giant belly in the air, his eyes fixed on you. "Are you… pregnant?"
Michelangelo's words echoed in the room like a bomb, and Leonardo, surprised, almost dropped the glass of water he was holding. Raphael, with his typical skeptical expression, rolled his eyes, but couldn't help looking at April too, now with a mixture of confusion and curiosity.
"Really, Mikey?" Raphael asked, crossing his arms. "How can you think Y/n is pregnant? She hasn't even said anything about it."
You, clearly embarrassed by Michelangelo's assumption, tried to remain calm as looked at them. It was an uncomfortable situation, but you knew they were just trying to understand what was going on.
You sighed slightly and shook your head.
"No, Mikey, I'm not pregnant” you said, trying not to laugh at the confusion. "It's just swelling. Nothing more."
Donatello, ever the team scientist, didn't seem satisfied with this simple answer. He took out his portable tablet, quickly adjusting a few parameters, and approached you with the intention of doing a quick scan. "Just to make sure,” he said, lifting the device and starting to collect health data. "Better not jump to conclusions."
You looked at him with a mixture of amusement and exasperation, knowing that Donnie was meticulous when it came to technology, but this time it was a little more than necessary. “Donnie, I told you, I'm fine. You don't have to scan me,” you said, laughing slightly. But the scan was already underway.
While the scan was taking place, the turtles looked at each other, anxious for the result. Michelangelo was visibly excited, as if he expected his hunch to be confirmed, while Raphael maintained a more skeptical expression. Leonardo watched in silence, but was clearly curious too.
When the scan was finished, Donatello looked at the screen of his tablet, analyzing the results with a thoughtful expression. There were no signs of pregnancy, no alarming irregularities, just the normal signs of someone going through a common biological process.
"There are no signs of pregnancy" Donatello announced, raising his eyes to his brothers. "Everything seems to be normal"
Michelangelo let out a frustrated groan. "Really? I really thought I'd discovered something!"
"Well, maybe if you thought before you spoke, Mikey, it would help,” Raphael said sarcastically, punching Michelangelo lightly on the shoulder.
Leonardo, although relieved by the news, was still curious. "So, if you're not pregnant, what's going on, Y/n?"
You sighed deeply, feeling that now was the time to clarify the situation. You knew that turtles were your best friends, but this kind of conversation was never easy. However, seeing the concern in their eyes, especially in Donnie and Leo's, she decided to be honest. "Okay, I'll explain it once and for all,” you said, crossing arms and looking directly at them. "I'm not pregnant. I'm just having my period."
The words came out naturally, but their impact was immediate. The turtles froze, their eyes wide as they processed the information. Raphael, who was rarely at a loss for words, opened and closed his mouth as if he was trying to speak, but couldn't find the words.
"Menstruating?" Mikey was the first to speak, his voice full of confusion. "Like… it's that thing about… when you…?"
Donatello, trying to help, took the initiative to explain. "Yes, Mikey, it's when the menstrual cycle happens. Women go through it once a month. It's completely normal."
Michelangelo scratched his head, looking fascinated and slightly baffled. "Wow, that must be… complicated. Like, how do you manage to deal with it every month?"
You laughed softly, crossing your arms. "With patience. And sometimes a lot of chocolate."
Leonardo finally relaxed, an understanding smile appearing on his face. "Sorry for being so nosy. We just wanted to make sure you were okay."
"I know,” you said, expression softening. “And I appreciate your concern. But next time, maybe ask before jumping to conclusions."
Raphael, still visibly uncomfortable with the subject, muttered: "I knew it was something like that… I just… didn't want to talk."
"Of course you knew, Raph,” said Michelangelo, mocking his brother as everyone laughed.
The tension of the situation finally dissipated, and the turtles returned to their routine, albeit with a new layer of understanding. Even though they were fierce warriors, dealing with the complexities of the female human body seemed beyond what they were used to. But the important thing was that, at the end of the day, their friendship remained unshakeable - even when they faced issues that left them feeling a little disconcerted.
You picked up your bag, ready to leave, but before you left, you looked back at them with a smile. "And, guys, if I really do get pregnant one day… I promise you'll be the first to know." She winked at them, leaving them laughing and more relieved.
As soon as you came out of hiding, Michelangelo looked at Donnie with a serious expression. "Man, that was a lesson. I think we need to learn more about this kind of thing."
Donatello smiled. - Mikey, I can pass you some books. And also, Y/n had already told us about it before, but I think she forgot to tell about that particular point.
"No books, man!" Michelangelo exclaimed, turning back to his video game. ''I prefer to learn from pizza and movies."
Raph ruffed. "Ya won't learn that way. Trust me. You're not old enough to watch-".
"Alright, everybody. We learned another important stuff. That's what matters." Leo announced. And life in the New York sewer went on as usual, full of surprises, laughter and, of course, lots of pizza.
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sayruq · 2 months
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Palestinian girls and women are forced to use tents as pads. People boost. Donate if you can
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luminarai · 1 year
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hey, hi, I was just on the former bird app and came across this info from a brand new study and now I cannot stop screaming internally??? what the actual fuckkkk
theres' an article from the guardian here and here is the actual study:
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incognitopolls · 7 months
Anon feels like getting their first period was almost traumatic because of how deeply ashamed they felt about it, even though everything about it was normal and they knew it would happen.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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irhabiya · 4 months
i'm curious how many people also don't experience cramps as their main symptom, because back pain is the worst for me by far it's usually how i can tell my period is coming up too
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xaeyrnofnbe · 1 year
new period poll but i remembered to change the duration this time
once again, don’t want any terfs touching this. also: doing this a second time bc a lot of people found the old one after it was done (i forgot to change the duration from day to week. this new one will last a week)
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degenezijde · 1 year
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sayruq · 9 months
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CONT the delivery of essential items into Gaza.
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profeminist · 4 months
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My ovulation tracker suddenly asked what state I live in
"It said telling them was required to continue using the app.
The fuck it is.
I deleted it immediately. Like I’m gonna risk police showing up to my door if I miss a month due to non-pregnancy reasons.
Update: I just went to the tracker’s spot in the App Store to leave a review warning other potential users. According to the last few reviews that were written, I am NOT the first user since the last update who noticed and immediately deleted.
I have no problem naming and shaming the app, but I’m unsure if it’s allowed. If a moderator could let me know if I’m allowed to name the app or not, I’d really appreciate it!
Edit #2: I’ve gotten permission to name the app as long as we don’t go brigading. The app is called Ovia. Avoid it like the plague!"
Original Post
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femanthropy · 2 months
menstruation is the only blood that is not born from violence, yet it's the one that disgusts you the most.
-Maia Schwartz
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incognitopolls · 30 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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classycookiexo · 2 months
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redditreceipts · 1 year
"we like young women because biologically, that means they're fertile"
then why do you find periods disgusting? those are the single most indicative sign of fertility. by that logic, you must be incredibly attracted to a women who speaks openly about her period, right?
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