#do i gotta post this hereo
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palettepainter · 3 years
Pro hero’s UA children
So I gotta work on some commissions today but heres a quick post about some pro hereos adopting UA kids.
Gang Orca and Shoji
I got a LOT to say about these two. Shoji wears a mask to cover his face because he scared a little girl once, this I imagine did lead to anxiety and self esteem issues later on down the line. Only a total of two people have seen Shoji’s face, Tokoyami and Hagakure. Can you imagine how Shoji must have felt when he got an workstudy under freaking Gang Orca, not just any hero - THE number 10 pro hero wanted him for a work study cuz he saw potential in him. HELLO?? WHY IS THIS NOT TALKED ABOUT MORE-
Miss joke and Fukidashi
Do I really need to explain myself here?? She’s a joker and he’s a walking talking comic that makes anything he says into real comical styled font. These two are destined to meet and no one can tell me otherwise. Also I just feel like their personalities mesh so well together, they’re both laid back and peppy, and I can totally see Joke as the type of mentor to use slag and Fukidashi just rolling with it using slang as well
Selkie and Froppy
After that beach episode with the Ryukyu agency Selkie screams dad vibes. Just watch the ep you’ll get what I mean.
I’ll hold my hands up and admit I wasn’t the biggest fan of Selkie but after the beach episode I like him! Selkie trusts Froppy and knows she capable, he admitted back during Froppy’s internship that Froppy was capable of being a hero. Selkie gives me vibes that he’d be the type of dad to yell something like “YEAH KICK THEIR ASS” When Froppy is overpowering a villain. Proud seal dad
Jeanist and Bakugo 
Say what you will about how Jeanist treated Bakugo in his internship but I think it was needed. Lets face it Bakugo is a bitch, he’s grumpy he’s loud he’s self centered he’s rude as well as other things. I could go on and on about Bakugo and why he’s honestly not my favourite (YES i know he’s gotten development in revent manga chapters and that’s great and all, but he’s still not a favourite) but I’m just gonna say it: Jeanist told Bakugo what he needed to hear, and what somebody should have said to him a long time ago. Bakugo may be powerful but that won’t do anything if you give yourself the wrong image and don’t present yourself correctly. Yeah Bakugo can scream he’s a hero but I don’t think cussing and swearing and calling everybody else extra’s is the way to go about it - heck even Endevour had some restrain despite being a grump (and yes I know he’s gotten development too and honestly Endevour has become one of my fav pro hereos purely because his character and story is written with such an amazing amount of care)
On a less serious note the idea of prim propper Jeanist dragging around his blonde gremlin of a UA child is hilarious
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rossmccallsqueen · 4 years
HC for going to a museum with Rami
You’d always been a huge museum nerd, for as long as you could remember
So when you started dating Rami and he said he also liked museums, you knew that there would be a lot of museum dates
He said he had a surprise for you after he was done filming mr.robot one day
Rami somehow always had something up his sleeve and he always knew how to make you smile
Friday rolled around and you met rami at the set like you always did (Friday nights usually meant getting dinner and walking through the park on your way home)
But today was obviously a little different and you were super excited!!
“Hey babe, you ready for your surprise?”
“I was born ready Mr. Malek! How was filming today?”
“New day, a new villain for Elliott!” You knew he technically wasn’t allowed to tell you but you had hoped he would let something slip, but sadly to no avail
When he was done getting situated, he reached out for your hand and pulled you along to the subway
“You gotta close your eyes now”
“Rami no! We have to walk up stairs and stuff!”
“I’ll be your eyes, you don’t have to worry I promise!”
You gave him a look and he gave you one right back, but you knew he wasn’t gonna budge
So you closed your eyes and he led you off the train and up the stairs
You honestly had no idea what museum he was taking you to, so it made you a little nervous
Plus you were being led around NYC with your eyes closed
“Okay you can open them now!”
When you opened them you were at the museum of natural history!! Somehow you’d never been before
“Isn’t the museum closed right now?” It was after 5, you were confused
“I might have pulled a few strings...!”
“Rami you didn’t!!!” You hit him a little but then started racing up the stairs
A few employees were there if you had any questions but basically the whole museum was your oyster
And rami never let go of your hand it was adorable 😭❤️
Eventually you found the teddy Roosevelt statue of him on a horse and you smiled because of night at the museum
Of course you made rami take a bunch of pictures with him so he could actually post something on Instagram
“You think he still talks? Maybe he remembers you”
“Babe I played a mummy”
“So? I’m sure Teddy would really remember a mummy!”
“Ha ha ha very funny” he stuck his tongue out at you as he grabbed your hand again
He let you take as long as you wanted looking at all the exhibits
Especially your favorite one, you were probably in there for almost an hour
When you finally got done with the museum you saw that there was a table for 2 set up in the lobby with dinner and a candle 😭❤️😭❤️
“Rami!! You did all this too?”
“Like I said, I may have pulled some strings..!” He winked at you before guiding you down the stairs
He had your favorite meal and your favorite wine and it was honestly so perfect
And in a museum?? Like your favorite place??
Can you say dream man and dream date or WHAT
“There’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you for awhile”
And that’s when he pulled out the tiny little box from his pocket
That little tiny box. 😭❤️
The one you’d seen in all the movies and dreamed about since you were little
“I wanted to ask you in one of our favorite places. I can’t imagine living the rest of my life without you in it. You’re my rock, my love, my light, and my partner in all that I do. Would you do me the honor of marrying me?”
“Rami...” was all you could manage to get it out. The look in his eyes set it all and you nodded your head yes as fast as you could
“Well?? Put it on then!” You smiled at his reference and put on the ring
You might even say you had a new favorite museum 😭❤️
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❤️ If you wanna be added to any of my taglists, please let me know! ❤️
Masterlist Masterpost
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Tactics liveblog pt 11
The plot splits three-ways but only one way is really an option, to my bafflement.
I have to do a training montage because I’m somehow badly underleveled for this part of the game.
I just really want to beat up a Skeksis, anyone will do.
And Gurjin is the MVP but we all already knew that.
Based on nothing except wanting to see what best boy Kylan is up to, I'm going to tackle the Spriton branch of this branching narrative first.
So I go to the little glowy dot on the map over Sami Thicket annnnd Kylan tells me no, don't go there.
Kylan: "It will be difficult to convince the Spriton to join our cause. They have always been the clan most loyal to the Skeksis."
He tells me to avoid the main village and check villages on the outskirts. Why did you put a shiny dot on the main village at all then!
But what can you do.
Mission: Podling Rush - Spriton Village
"A Spriton village is in trouble. Something has driven the neighboring Podlings mad! Help hold off their attacks."
This better have some fantasy explanation because I'm going to get real pissed if I'm being tricked into breaking a strike or if these are just more Podlings that don't want to be bathed against their will.
Just real pissed.
LEVEL 33???! I don't even have anyone in the 20s yet! Whats the point of branching the plots if I'm going to be level-gated into a specified branch anyway?
Lets see the other Spriton mission...
Mission: Cause of Death - Suns-kissed Plains
"The heroes cross paths with a group of Spriton Gelfling who don't seem too friendly."
LVL 30!? These beefy gelfling better show up and join the resistance! They're way stronger than my guys and I've been actively trying to do a resistance this whole time!
Lets try this logic instead. Alyadon piped up first, about the Sifan. So the Sifan quest chains are probably more level appropriate for me.
So selecting The Sifan Coast and Alyadon exposits that the Sifan have been hard hit by the Darkening and the Skeksis tithes. The elders are loyal to the Skeksis but the rest of the Sifan are prime targets for recruitment. Heck yeah.
Alyadon has a lead on a missing scholar. If we find him, he could prove useful. And Kylan, having marched back from the Spriton realizing I'm not going to be there for a while, has a lead on a missing fishing vessel.
Okay, the two available Sifan missions are level 25. That's more around my level. But I'm going to check the Vapran missions really fast.
... The Vapran mission is level 20.
The game just really wants me to go here first. In fairness, its the only one of the three plot threads that's prominent in the show.
Mission: The New All-Maudra - Road to Ha'rar
"The heroes return to Ha'rar and learn of a troublesome shift in power."
Lets go see what Seladon is up to.
I cannot imagine that this easily leads to uniting the Vapran clan with the age of resistance but lets see.
Party: Brea and Breg because they're Vapran so they have stake in whatever is about to happen. Hup because he wanted to be a Paladin before I forced him down a different career path. Annnnnnd Naia. Because I'm reading Shadows of the Dark Crystal and she's on her way to Ha'rar in the part I'm up to.
Oof, the level starts with my party surrounded by a lot of enemy units who all have the high ground. Not great.
Aw dangit, Seladon has issued an order for my arrest. Rude.
Annnnnd I died.
It just went super poorly. They start with seven guys to my four.
Hup died almost instantly.
Guess I'm going to try again. With Rian, Naia, Gurjin, and Kylan. Three beefy fighters and a Kylan.
Nope, still lost. Wound up with three of their guys left BECAUSE THEY START WITH THREE MORE GUYS THAN I HAVE
I REALLY don't want to have to grind at bar fights.
Trying again again with Naia, Rian, Kylan, and Deet. Two beefs, two heals.
And that time I died when they had four guys left =|
Lets try Hup, Naia, Rian, and Deet.
And four left again >=|
So I guess grinding for levels is what its going to have to be then.
Great. Fantastic.
Guess I'll go prove my mettle over and over and over and over and over and over.
Did one of the desert encounter proves my mettle. Levels up, woo.
Gurjin learned Pursue (take next turn faster when dealt attack damage), Kylan learned Healing Touch (presumably a stronger heal but you need to be adjacent), Naia learned Heroic Leap (jump to an area and deal AOE damage), and Rian learned Tempered Stone (attack up if hit by critical). I also got a Stone Slicer.
Did an encounter in the swamp. Levelled up Naia and Gurjin with no new moves. Leveled up Rian and learned Hold Position. Got a Javelin and a Soup Spoon. Bought Rian a new, cooler sword to make him feel better about the Dual Glaive being stuck behind all these quests that are too high level for me.
Back to the Podling Tavern.
Wukki leveled up. Woo. Also earned a Shimmering Scale. Giving it to Rian because he's the hero guy. Which means I'm putting the Hunter's Cloak on Naia which means she's rocking two bits of Skeksis garb.
Chamberlain's abandoned speedster encounter grinding mission.
Level ups all around! Naia, Gurjin, and Kylan level up and earn nothing. Rian levels up and learns Tangle Up.
Oops, leveled Rian two more levels in Stone Warden than I needed to. Time to switch him to Mender so he can get Bramble Sage so he can get Strategist. So all that cool gear I just gave him is going to Gurjin. Congrats Gurjin!
So I bought Rian the coolest Mender stuff I could afford. Back to the grind. Gotta get everyone AT LEAST 20.
Back to the desert. Levels up!
Rek'yr learned Aimed Shot, Boggi learned Express Aid (heal an ally after moving four tiles, cool), Hup learned Command (friendly beat takes it next turn immediately), and Breg learned Steal MP.
Back to the swamp. Gosh, I sure love this gameplay rut.
Levels up. Deet learned Guardian's Blessing (can put a rez status on someone), Brea learned Firemoss Bundle (AOE fireball), Hup unlocked Potion Master! But I think I'll try Cook instead. And I found a Sturdy Halberd. I'd put that on Naia but the Cooking Spit gives her some additional HP.
More swamp leveling. Woo, Kylan learned Convalesce. Rek'yr and Deet leveled without learning anything. I found a Potion Stirrer. That's going right on Hup.
Back to the desert. Leveled up Hup, Boggi, and Brea but no new abilities.
Back to the gobbles. Back to leveling up. Boggi learned Get 'Em!, Deet learned Aughra's Ire, Rek'yr learned Thra's Light, Alyadon leveled and learned nothing from it.
Thats been a lot of leveling so might as well see how the Road to Ha'rar will go. And then I'm going to bed because eesh.
Mission: The New All-Maudra - Road to Ha'rar
"The heroes return to Ha'rar and learn of a troublesome shift in power."
Deet, Gurjin, Naia, and Hup.
And this works out well. Switching Hup to Cook during my leveling frenzy gave him the ability to sling a mean spoon. A couple levels had Naia and Gurin dealing more damage. Deet died though. But she poisoned everyone before she did.
Hopefully I won't have to go on another leveling journey because it really feels like it slows things down.
Speaking of leveling. Naia learned Double Strike 2, Gurjin learned Taunt 2, Hup learned Tenderize (triple strike a Spiced enemy, yes Cooks spice enemies) and Bitter Recipe (attack a Spiced enemy to inflict Blind and Silence).
So the Vapra quest chain splits here. One to go and beat up the General. One to go free some political prisoners that Seladon imprisoned. But I'm sleep now.
I'm wake now.
Me complaining about grinding and the game poorly signposting what to do next doesn't make a good post. I'm still going to try to do all the Vapran missions.
And yet, I'm still going to do some grinding before that because Boggi, Brea, Rek'yr, Alyadon and especially Breg still need to hit 20.
You know, for all he's my lowest level guy, he was MVP in the cave encounter. Moving so much, stabbing so much.
Anyway, Brea leveled and learned nothing as did Breg. Alyadon learned Awaken (basically the raise spell).
Theres another swamp encounter that I'm actually really enjoying. Its against four Arathim devourers but you start on the hill and can kind of snipe at them as they move across the map from you. Breg and Rek'yr are getting good use out of Daring Strike and Aimed Strike because I had time to mark them. But I have to say that Daring Strike just is way too much setup. They have to be poisoned AND marked. It does decent damage but you need to devote three moves to it.
Rek'yr learns Form Up, Breg learns Steal Life (steals life, 35% of the damage done by the attack, this is going right on Breg).
Did the road to Ha'rar but as an encounter mission. Boggi leveled and didn't learn anything. Alyadon leveled and unlocked Adept and Bramble Sage. Also I picked up a Tuned Guitar! Hopefully Song-Tellers use instruments so I can give this to Kylan later.
Cave encounter. Breg leveled up, nothing learned. But I found a Sharpened Dirk! Thats going right on Breg.
Also, the encounter grinding actually net me some pearls so I splurged and got teeth or fur for everyone who didn't already have a trinket and got some better armor for Breg and Rek'yr.
Back to the swamp. Alyadon leveled and learned Aughra's Ire. Oh, right. I turned her into a Bramble Sage so I could get some Firemoss on her to replace the rock throw. But I'm switching her back to mender so I can work on getting the SUPER healing moves.
Now just Breg is still lvl 19. But I'll get him up. Back to the road. Woo. Levels ups. Rian leveled and learned nothing as did Rek'yr. Brea learned Firemoss 2 (firemoss' cooler older brother) and Breg learned Adrenaline.
And I can get back to the plot.
Mission: Citadel Sneak -- Citadel Tunnels
"The cruel Skeksis General is in Ha'rar, conscripting Vapran Gelfling. The hereos must sneak into the Citadel to stop him."
This sounds like its going to have a wacky success condition.
Bringing Rian (because I really want to get him through these Mender levels so I can get him to Strategist), Deet (because she's not gotten to do anything recently) and Boggi and Wukki because shouty dogs is definitely who you want to bring on a stealth mission.
Hm, potion bottles on the map that grant you haste if attacked. Neat.
Ok so win condition is to get all four heroes to the exit, nobody can die. I only see two venom spitter arathim on the map. There's probably going to be more jumping in to mess with me. The jerks.
Ok wow thats a lot of spawn-ins.
More and more arathim and even some nurlocs. Thankfully, you can hit a boulder to roll and block the nurlocs way. And even though I was hilariously unprepared, I got through first try. Thanks to the good ol' doggos.
Everyone leveled! Deet and Boggi learned nothing! Rian learned Convalesce and Wukki learned to Munch (attack a marked target 5 times with reduced accuracy)! He also knows Fuzzy Meteor, which is a delightful move name.
Mission: General Upheaval -- Citadel Barracks
“The heroes confront the General. They must drive him out of Ha’rar to free the Vapran Clan.”
That’s a great mission name. 10/10, TDC: AOR: T. Top-notch.
Just going to make a guess here, based on nothing. The General mission will get the Vapran to join the resistance. The Seladon mission chain will get her to join the party. Either way, I really want to kick the General's butt.
I see two Paladins, an Adept, and the General. There's some open doors so I just bet that more units will spawn in.
The General has 2000 HP. Has Crushing Blow (probably massive damage to Stunned enemy), Intimidate (inflicts Attack DOwn, Defense Down, and Silence to enemies adjacent to SkekVar when he, I dunno, flexes or something), and Prod (shove and stun). Hopefully he's less annoying than the Chamberlain but thats a low bar. Zing.
Party: Rian (hero), Naia and Gurjin (my good fighters), Brea (this is her home darnit), and Breg (oh right, he's a Vapra too? Huh)
General: "So the heretics have returned!"
Rian: "You aren't taking these Paladins anywhere, drainer!"
General: "Take? The Paladins come freely. They are loyal. Not like that mother of yours."
Geez, General. Low blow.
Brea: "Murderer! You'll pay for killing her!"
So things are going ok. Making some missteps. But when I kill one of the Paladins, another one appears. So, yes. This is another level with new spawns.
Hah, but you can use levers to close the doors so no new spawns can spawn and if you do, SkekVar complains, asking where his minions went.
Well, as usual with fighting Skeksis, it was a bloodbath. He killed all my dudes but Gurjin. He shouldn't have overlooked Gurjin.
Since everyone died nobody leveled but Gurjin and he didn't learn anything new. BUUUUT I did get the Royal Scepter and the General's Hand Axe. And Brea just unilaterally declared the Vapran were joining the Resistance. Seladon is All-Maudra of nothing, I suppose.
In fairness, in this game, there was already a Vapran resistance that Seladon had arrested. So she had already lost the unity of her people by the time I showed up.
The General's Hand Axe is a big boost over the Dredged Axe I had already equipped to Rek'yr. Comes with a lot more stats and a little more slowness. I wish axes didn't slow down turns so much. In any case, this is going right on Rek'yr.
Comes with a quote too, as special weapons sometimes do. "No such thing as an honest skeksis. SkekVar gets the closest, but that's no compliment" - Maudra Fara.
Nice dunk, Fara.
Royal Scepter is the Vapra Clan Staff. Did... did we steal this from Seladon? 30% chance to Wound, 20% MP gain on hit. Feels appropriate to give this to Brea. Or Seladon if I unlock her.
OH, its the iconic crescent moon with crystal shaped staff. Nice.
And since Deet is still using a simple club, I'll give her the Drenchen Legends.
So a frustrating pair of play sessions but I got some good loots in the end.
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