#do i main tag this. whatever if the imaaxes and the bullymagnets can do it so can i. self love etc amen
isabelguerra · 1 year
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sure. fine. you want some. some wizard izjo literary text analysis? motifs? thats what youre getting. youre getting my themes and my motifs and my symbols and my metaphors. i am giving you my curtains, blue.
over the course of 6 years they kiss 2.5 times before acknowledging their feelings for each other to each other. and Every Single Kiss Represents Something. if u can guess some of the themes and symbolisms before i make the final post detailing everything ill give you a little prize. heres a hint: this scene is in johnnys pov
this got so long im splitting it up into multiple posts. (previous) (post 1- here) (post 2)
Kiss 1: Isabel -> Johnny. September 6th year, the midnight woods dare fiasco. isabels been stewing in her feelings for around a year now and is handling it about as well as you’d expect, which is horribly. so now its late she’s stressed she’s tired shes repressed she has something to prove and a dare to win. and here they are, alone together, having a very emotionally charged argument. an opportunity opens and isabel, not entirely thinking straight, takes it on impulse. then proceeds to feel absolutely horrible about it for the next two months. actually i dont even care anymore you know what im just going to post the whole damn thing. here. take it. dont look at me.
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