#do i think this is actually what happened? absolutely not
dnpbeats · 1 day
Why I Don’t Think the Secret Project™ Is a Tour—This Time With Facts!
Let me start out by saying I do think they’ve brought up another tour enough that it will happen at some point, I just don’t think it will be this soon! (Also keep in mind Dan did imply there are two things coming up in his Tweet.) That being said, obviously I could be totally wrong. But hey, if they do announce a tour in a couple of weeks, there has to be someone that gets clowned by the announcement, and I’m happy to take the fall <3 Post under cut as it's long (1.3k words 💀)
The main reason I don’t think they’re announcing a tour is timing, but I do also have something to say about the hints they’ve been dropping and why I also don’t think it necessarily points towards a tour. So, to start, let’s look at how long they spent planning TATINOF and II. In “The Making of TABINOF,” Phil says they are releasing the book (on October 8th 2015) after working on it for a year and a half, which would be April 2014. Presumably, this is around the time they started working on TATINOF as well because they were supposed to be companions. TABINOF and TATINOF were announced together on March 26th 2015, so almost exactly a year after they started planning them. Even if you want to guess that TATINOF planning started a few months after TABINOF planning, keep in mind that they originally only planned the UK leg and planned the US tour after that. The UK leg ended November 15 2015 and they announced the US leg February 26 2016. So that’s a little over two months of them planning the US leg alone, when they already had the show itself all sorted.
With II, we know they were actively planning it for about a year. Phil follows that up to say they planned it for “the majority of this year [2018],” so let’s just call it 10-11 months. More so than that, Dan said that they realized they wanted to do a second tour “halfway through” TATINOF, which in my best guess places that decision around summer 2016. This means they seriously considered doing a second tour for ~6 months before they even started planning it. 
Now, if the new project coming up is a tour, they’ve only been working on it for 6 months max. They only brought back the gaming channel 7 months ago, and we know from the end of Dan’s bday live stream that they didn’t start working on this project until they realized how many people still liked their content: “We were so shocked about how much people care about this light entertainment, sat-in-this-chair-ass content. [...] It took us by such surprise, and now we’re like, where is this going. [...] It was supposed to be a ‘let’s just do this for a bit and see what happens.’ [...] So now we find ourselves going, well okay, this channel, this content, the people, the future of it. What else are we gonna do? 'Cause it seems like there's a thing here.” 
So it’s up to you to decide when they realized that, but I think it was probably sometime in November at the absolute earliest, and then they still needed time after that to decide what they’re going to do, and then actually plan it. (And honestly, I doubt they started actively planning anything in December during gamingmas, but you never know!! Also like I said in my original post about this, Dan was still doing WAD stuff up until February and then some book promo stuff after that, so he was busy with that as well.)
So, that’s all to say, I really don’t think they’ve had time to plan an entire tour. At the very least, not a world tour, but I don’t know if they’d announce a UK-only leg and plan the worldwide tour later based on what they said about choosing to plan II all at once, rather than the split up way they did with TATINOF (also keep in mind that Dan announced WAD all at once, like d&p did with II). Idk I just don’t think they’d announce a tour without having it all planned!
Okay, so, besides the random hints that they’re busy planning something, we also have Phil’s comment about saving money in his Cactus Club post. He wrote “I also just wanted to make your cactus a lil more affordable as Dan and I get busy on what is …. next… ??” Now while this seems to imply saving up for something (hence why the membership needs to be affordable), he doesn’t outright say that. Then in his Q&A vid, he answers a question about what he’s cooking that specifically asks, “Should I save my money?” And interestingly, Phil doesn’t address the money part of the question. Now maybe he just couldn’t say anything about saving money, maybe it would've been too on-the-nose. But I’m also sure plenty of other people asked that question without asking about saving, which means he chose to specifically ignore that part. To me, it seems kinda weird to outright exclude that if the project is something people will have to pay a lot of money upfront for (i.e. tour tickets), but again that’s just my opinion.
(Also just a secondary note on Phil’s answer—he actually says, “Look, I can neither confirm nor deny something might happen in the next month.” I find the phrasing he chose really interesting. He didn’t say an announcement was coming, he said something was going to happen. Dan also never explicitly said to look forward to an “announcement,” he just said they’ve been cooking and to give it a couple of weeks. Obviously this could all mean nothing and maybe it is an announcement (whether it be for a tour or something else), but I actually think whatever the project is might be getting released not just announced. But idk!)
A moment of me speculating based on vibes (that also negates the note I just made about this potentially being a release rather than an announcement): part of me thinks this project might be something/similar to something they tried to get off the ground before but then never came to fruition! This gifset by @reunitedinterlude got me thinking about projects that they didn’t get to do for various reasons (namely COVID lol). I think one of these (either one of Phil’s ideas that he’s now brought Dan onto, or something they were trying to do together from the get go) would actually make a lot of sense for what’s getting announced. It would be something that they had already started work on, so it doesn’t take as much planning as something brand new, meaning it could be announced sooner. Additionally, I just feel like they’ve been so vague about what’s coming up, but they’ve also been super excited! They seem really proud about whatever they’ve been cooking. While I obviously think they’d be excited to do another world tour, part of me just feels like they might be this excited because it’s something new that they’ve never done before. Also, if it’s some kind of game show type thing, it would make sense that Dan said the project is a “celebration” of the gaming channel. But again this is just based on vibes lol.
In conclusion, I do think we’ll get a third Dan and Phil tour, I just don’t think it’s what’s getting announced(/released?) in the coming weeks. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the next thing they announce after whatever this upcoming thing is! If you think I’m dead wrong and actually other people have planned world tours in <6 months please let me know, I’m happy to be proven wrong bc I would love another tour :)
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tswiftupdatess · 2 days
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Taylor talking about tonight's show being the 100th show:
''This is actually the 100th show! That absolutely blows my mind, that doesn't feel like a real thing to me because this is definitely been the most exhausting all in but also the most joyful, most rewarding, most wonderful thing that has happened in my life [...] You know, I think this tour has become my entire life. I once had hobbies but I don't know what they are anymore because all I do when I'm not on stage is sit at home and sit and think of acoustic songs you might wanna hear.''
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doctorhomo · 12 hours
the constant mentions of susan returning and the red herring of susan triad is not just a red herring. it would be weird to have her brought up that much and not actually do anything. sutekh was luring the doctor in - why? and what’s his leverage? why lure him in with promises of his granddaughter unless he actually has susan? what if susan is his leverage over the doctor? sutekh gains control of the universe or susan dies
the toymaker, maestro, the mara and the trickster were all mentioned - but only the trickster hasnt showed up recently, in the main show or in extras. toymaker in the giggle, maestro in TDC, the mara in the S20 minisode - why mention the trickster at all if he’s not relevant? ruby’s “mother” is the trickster. it wasnt pointing at the doctor, but rather at the tardis - or sutekh. the trickster is bending reality by sutekh’s side, bc i dont remember sutekh being too fussed about bending reality, whereas it was the tricksters whole thing in sja
whenever the trickster pulls someone from reality in sja, they were in an entirely white void. whenever something significant/emotional happens to ruby, it snows.
sutekh’s last minions were just robots dressed as mummies - not humans slotting themselves into peoples lives, and certainly not children (henry arbinger). but the trickster did use a child to his advantage in TToSJS
susan triad said she gets her ideas from her dreams - what should we expect to see from her? self driving ambulances? bubbles? space stations?
we saw both susan and harriet turn into the creepy skeleton minions after sutekh revealed himself, but not mrs flood, who clearly also works for sutekh. is she the trickster? is she ruby’s “mum’”? she’s been planted there for sutekh’s plan, but she’s clearly more important than h arbinger and s triad
i feel like it was glossed over far too quickly that carla was like “that’s the beast!” ?????? excuse me ma’am??????? not one single person acknowledged that and i feel INSANE
why was susan triad appearing in all those episodes?? was it just sutekh trying to taunt the doctor?? i think she was under something like a chameleon arch, and she’d have sworn she was human until her dying breath. she feels more like a sleeper agent than an undercover one
in conclusion (for now) i feel absolutely insane. i have been vibrating all day and i dont think i breathed during that episode. im going to sleep for 46 hours and hopefully ill wake up normal
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kingkatsuki · 2 days
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Kaji finds you crying in an alley on one of his evening patrols, and it’s then that he realises just how hopeless he is when it comes to women— especially when he thinks they’re pretty.
Pairing: Kaji Ren x f!reader.
Warnings: 18+, slight suggestive thoughts from Kaji, mostly comfort.
Word Count: 2k.
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Kaji was not good in situations like these, averting his eyes as though he’d caught you doing something nefarious while he stood statuesque in place. He pauses his music to confirm that you’re actually crying, hearing the muted sobs tumble out from between your pretty lips with more clarity as Kaji tries to decide what to do next. He immediately regrets choosing this route for his scheduled Friday patrol, wondering why he hadn’t tried to take the path that didn’t fall under the only open izakaya in the area.
He’d expected to break up a bar fight tonight, or at the very least stop someone getting mugged. Or perhaps guide a drunken worker in the right direction home, like he’d done two weeks ago. But Kaji had not prepared himself for this— especially when he had no idea what to do in this situation. His pink sucker stills between the side of his gum and his teeth as he shoves both hands into his grey hoodie pocket— maybe he should text Kusumi or Enomoto, they’d be far better at this than him.
“Sorry,” You sniffled from your position on the ground, shifting your thighs slightly as you brought your knees up to your chest. Seemingly unbothered you were wearing a skirt as the fabric bunched around the tops of your thighs. And if Kaji was any less of a man he’d be able to get the perfect view of what colour panties you were wearing under it, “I’m not normally like this.”
Kaji frowned, cursing himself for having such depraved thoughts when you were in front of him crying. Despising the way his cock throbbed at the thought as he tried to think of something, anything more than what kind of panties you had on right now.
Why was he like this?
You didn’t seem to care as tears continued to spill down the sides of your face, your head poised towards the ground to try and hide yourself away as people continued walking down the rowdy street. Kaji couldn’t leave you like this— not when there were awful men out at night, and if they found you there’s absolutely no telling what they’d do.
And why the fuck were you alone?
“Can I call someone for you?” He shifted from foot to foot, standing awkwardly in front of you as you immediately looked up at him with pleading eyes, shaking your head no.
“Please, don’t—” Your friends had told you this would happen, and you should’ve listened, “There’s no one I wanna call right now.”
Then what the hell was he supposed to do? Kaji groaned internally, wondering if he’d at least be able to take you somewhere safe until you were ready to go home.
“I’ll be fine, really.” You managed to warble through a fresh hot stream of tears, but Kaji wasn’t so sure.
Shifting his sucker from one cheek to the other as the hard candy clinked against sharp canines, Kaji finally allowed himself to step forward. Thinking about leaning against the wall beside you before deciding against it, trying to appear as harmless as possible as he flopped down to the ground beside you. He spread his thighs in a feeble attempt to quell the throb of his chub beneath tight black skinny jeans as he rested his forearms on top of his knees.
He notices you visibly stiffen beside him, despite his attempts to appear as non-threatening as possible as he heaves a rough sigh. Tugging his silent headphones down around his neck he tries to think about what Hiragi would do in this situation, what he should say. Was it rude to call you dumb for being out in a dangerous part of town all by yourself this late? Probably, but he was right. Kaji decides on another question as he leans back against the cold brick wall.
“Why you cryin’?” It came out harsher than he’d intended, immediately noticing his mistake when you broke into a fresh sob beside him. A light hue of pink dusted against his cheeks at your reaction as he wished he had a tissue or something to offer you, deciding on the only thing left in his pockets as he shuffled to pull out a single strawberry chupa chups. Holding it out to you as he kept his eyes trained forward, lips smoothed into a firm line with his jaw locked.
He heard the pretty sound you made at his offering, a saccharine scoff that seemed to be more of an exhale as you reached out to take the lollipop from his outstretched hand. Your soft fingers grazed his as Kaji felt tiny sparks of electricity bloom upon contact, trying to ignore the heat that they raised against his skin as it shot through his veins like molten lava.
“Thanks,” You murmured, cradling the lollipop between your manicured fingers as you brought the side of your thumb up to your eyes to try and wipe away the pearly tears that clung to thick lashes and blurred your vision.
This is the closest he’s ever sat to a girl, Kaji thinks. The flowery scent of your perfume invades his nostrils and has him feeling lightheaded as he tries to ground himself against the cold brick. Glad he decided to sit down, as he’s certain any longer his legs might have given way.
“It’s stupid.” You murmur, sniffling as you begin to toy with the wrapper of the candy at the top of the stick. Pressing your nail beneath it as you twirled it between your smaller fingers, leaning your hands against bare thighs.
“Ain’t stupid if you’re cryin’ over it.” Kaji continues. Honestly, it probably is stupid— but he’s glad he’s managed to stop you being noisy for a moment at least. Even though the tears still continue to silently trickle down your cheeks, leaving messy lines of ruined make-up in their wake.
“My boyfriend just broke up with me,” You continued, “Or well, I just broke up with him— I don’t even know.”
Kaji groaned internally, he was right— it was stupid. It felt as though he’d started a ridiculous conversation with Umemiya that he couldn’t escape. Remembering the conversation he’d had with his leader a few weeks ago about a heartbreaking scene in one of his favourite K-dramas that had him sobbing for hours after.
“So what you doin’ out here?” He pressed, trying to push his apathy to the side. It was late and dark, and you were sitting out on the street like you had nowhere else to go.
Kaji didn’t have the first clue about love or romance, aside from the songs that would sometimes come up on shuffle or the shitty rom-coms that Sako used to make him watch.
“I dunno.” You shivered, and it was then Kaji noticed that you weren’t even wearing a jacket.
This was so annoying. He groaned internally for getting himself into this situation as he pulled his headphones off from around his neck, moving them to sit on either side of his knee for a moment as he reached out to tug his grey hoodie up and over his head. Tousling his hair with static as he pulled it off before handing it out towards you.
“What?” You turned your head towards him in surprise, “Oh, no— it’s okay. I can’t take that—”
“Just put it on,” Kaji growled, feeling the brisk evening air hit his bare arms as he leaned back against the wall. Giving him a slightly better angle to look at you without turning his head to the side.
“I don’t wanna ruin it,” You continued, shaking your head, “My make-up’s—”
“Just fuckin’ put it on.” He cut you off briskly with a harsh snap, shaking his head. He’d definitely had worse than a bit of spoiled makeup on his clothes, and he was positive that bloodstains were harder to remove than some lipstick or whatever it was Tsubaki-chan used.
That thought had Kaji’s thoughts wondering. He tried to think about what Tsubaki-chan wanted whenever he was sad, and his mind settled on something. Pulling out his phone to check the time as he saw Pothos should still be open for at least another thirty-five minutes— that should be long enough.
“Thank you.” You mumbled, moving to pull his hoodie up and over your head as Kaji took the opportunity to watch you again. You really were pretty, he wondered what could’ve happened to make a guy break up with you— because he was positive that if you were his girlfriend he wouldn’t want to let you go.
But women were more trouble than they’re worth— at least that’s what he’d overheard Seiryu say before. Moving his headphones back around the curve of his neck as Kaji sat beside you in silence, the rowdy bass of music from the nearby izakaya mingled with the chatter of its patrons the only sound with your muted sniffles.
Kaji was thankful you’d calmed down with little effort, but he wondered whether beating your ex-boyfriend to a pulp would’ve been easier.
“You shouldn’t cry over some guy.” He manages to force the words out, trying to provide his own kind of comfort.
“I didn't think he was just some guy, though,” You pouted gently, and it made Kaji’s eyes focus on the glittery gloss of your lips, “I really liked him.”
“Yeah, well clearly you deserve better.” He snapped, nose scrunched in irritation, “You’re too pretty to be cryin’ over some loser in an alleyway. Do you know how fuckin’ dangerous that is?”
Kaji caught himself after he’d said it, noticing his mistake as he willed the ground to swallow him whole. He’d just called you pretty—
He moved his lollipop back to the middle of his mouth, pressing the ball of candy against his tongue as he sucked hard. Trying to tame the frustration, anger and annoyance that burned inside him, reaching boiling point as he felt his heartbeat begin to lull.
“I know,” You mumbled sadly, “I should’ve just gone home, but I wasn’t ready to go just yet.”
“Okay, so don’t go home yet,” Kaji stretched his legs out in front of him to ease his muscles before he shifted to stand, moving a palm to brush off any dirt from his ass before he reached out to offer you the same hand, “You comin’ or what?”
You looked up at him through pretty lashes, and Kaji had to catch himself when your glistening eyes met his. Trying to ignore the incessant throb inside his chest as his heart rattled against its cage desperate to be set free as you reached out to take his hand. The same pulse of electricity ignited inside him as he wrapped his fingers around yours, using his grip to pull you up off the ground as you came to stand in front of him. Dangerously close to his face you gave him a shy, soft smile.
“Where we going?”
The feelings building inside him were only made worse when you moved to stand. From the way you were engulfed in his scent now to his oversized hoodie practically dwarfing your form as he tried to swallow the wetness from his sucker that puddled at the back of his throat.
“What? You got any better offers right now?” He snapped, before biting down on the lollipop inside his mouth. Crushing it beneath his teeth as he hated himself for how harsh he sounded, although you didn’t seem to mind.
“I guess not.” You laughed bitterly, a soft smile appearing on your face as Kaji tried to remember to breathe.
Kaji’s Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as he swallowed thickly at the sight of you— You looked real pretty when you were smiling, even with dried makeup and tears caked against your cheeks. It made him want to be the one to make you smile like that again.
“You’ll see.” Kaji began to pull you through alleyways to try and avoid the rowdy crowds spilling out from the sole izakaya in the area on the busy Friday night as he made his way in the direction of Pothos.
Noticing that he was still holding your hand— and you hadn’t pulled away.
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coldbrw · 18 hours
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PAIRING: lee heeseung x afab!reader
SUMMARY: your boyfriend had spent countless of hours at his job, despite the fact it was your birthday. you never minded when these things happen, as you knew your boyfriend could not help it, even now, you did not mind one bit, but he was very insistent on making it up to you with your want of seeing your boyfriend tied up under your mercy.
GENRE/WARNINGS: headcanon/scenario, established relationship, fluff, smut, cursing, slight switch!heeseung, edging, humping, bondage, unprotected sex, handjob, nicknames (darling, baby), heeseung and reader are absolutely smitten for each other.
minors do not interact, have your age in your bio. blank blogs will be blocked.
WORD COUNT: 2.9-3.0K .ᐟ
⋆ 𖥨. masterlist ꒱ֺৎ
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Your boyfriend would do absolutely anything to make you happy. Even if it often came at his expense.
But what he never expected to happen was for his wrists to be tied to the headboard as your fingers lightly danced around his groin, indulging in mundane conversation about your day at home. “And then she came around from the other street yelling at him from his front porch. I think I heard something about him cheating on her, can you believe that?!” Honestly, it doesn’t matter if Heeseung would believe whatever you were talking about or not, because he could hardly pay attention to your words over the sensation of your fingers dragging across his body, torturing him ever so slowly. “Could never be you and me, right, babe?”
“Yeah Yn, that’s nice … when will you cut this out?” You smirked at his impatience and lowered your hand closer to the imprint of his dick that was strained against his khakis, watching it twitch the moment they had both made contact with one another. “It hasn’t even been that long, Heeseung, and i wasn’t finished with my story… don’t be unfair to me on my birthday”, you pouted as you spoke, feigning a hurt tone.
Fuck, that’s right. The reason he had even, reluctantly at that, accepted your wild request in the first place was because it was your birthday. His boss was refusing to let him out for the day due to the lack of staff, leaving you stuck at home alone, and him at work a majority of the day. How was the lack of staff his fault? And why did it have to be him out of all the employees?? You, personally, had not cared too much, but Heeseung was devastated at the fact that you both could not spend the day together. He even went as far as planning dinner reservations and other activities months in advance to ensure everything was set and ready to go the day of, so to hear that everything had to be canceled upset him greatly. It always seemed he was more excited for your birthday than you actually were (which, to be fair, you enjoyed his birthday more than he did himself too). If you hadn’t stopped him, he definitely would have been fired today with the way he spoke and the words he used against his boss today.
You assured him that you could still go out and have plenty of fun the following day, but he bitched that it simply would not be the same as spending time together on your actual birthday. I mean. maybe he had a point there, but your birthday was never anything to be terribly excited about anyway, so, again, it did not matter much in your opinion. Still, Heeseung pleaded in hopes of being able to do something for you on your special day, leaving you with no other option but to suggest the locked away desire of yours. You knew any other time he would be against the idea of doing such a thing. Not that he had a fragile masculinity or anything, he had just never been a fan of you being in control when it comes to the bedroom. Any time you had been on top riding him, it was very short lived moment, with him quickly having you right under him again. And don’t get me wrong, you were absolutely in love with being under him, and you never had made issue about not being on top, but you would most definitely be lying if you said you had not once thought of completely corrupting your boyfriend and just taking care of him for once instead of the other way around. 
A low whine that escaped Heeseung’s lips brought you out of your thoughts and your attention was averted back to the desperate man that lied beside you. Currently, you were lying on your side, propped up by your elbow as you basked in the sight before you. Your boyfriend had a small layer of sweat that glistened over his body, his eyebrows scrunched together as his head lifted up to be able to see the sight at his lower region, and his breath became heavier and heavier by the minute. And this? Drove you absolutely feral. You honestly don’t know how long you could last just by looking at him looking at you with his lust filled eyes, but you knew you should get to the main act of things before it all got out of hand.
Your hand suddenly grabbed Heeeseung’s dick through his pants, allowing a guttural moan to be drawn out from the depths of his throat at the action. “Yn, just touch me, okay? I’ll reward you so good if you do”. An irresistible offer for sure, but you knew better to submit so easily. You would take in every second of this moment as much as you could before it was over, knowing this was likely never going to happen again anytime soon. Your boyfriend simply had no idea what he was in store for tonight. “I am touching you, no? You’re actually really greedy, you know that, right?” Heeseung sighed heavily as he threw his head back in frustration. He was never exactly vocal about his wants either, since it was usually him in charge, if he wanted or needed something from you he just jumped at the opportunity and took it. He knew you’d be cruel enough to make him work for it, and he didn’t know how much of his ego would be able to take it. You were hoping his dick would eventually start thinking for him. “Yn, please.. seriously I can’t do this all night.” that right there made you laugh, just a little though. Does he even realize how hypocritical he was being right now?
“How do you think I feel, baby?” You decided all the teasing was enough for now and finally got straight to it. You shuffled down the bed and straddled yourself over his legs as you hurriedly unbuttoned his pants, unzipped the zipper, but did not pull down his boxers just yet. You admired the big wet patch that had formed and saw the way his dick had, again, twitched. At the simple act of you staring at him. To know you had that much of an effect on him left you with the biggest confidence boost one could probably get. It made your heart skip a beat, but also left you knowing that your boyfriend's self control wasn’t the only one that was running thin. You pulled off your shirt and shimmied off your shorts before looking back to meet your boyfriend's eyes. Instead of the pleading look that was once there, there was now a look full of love and adoration. “Why do you stare at me like that all the time?”
“You are the most beautiful thing I have ever come into contact with, Yn.”
Your breath got caught in your throat and you felt the blush crawl up to your face quickly. You could tell it was noticeable due to the loud cackle Heeseung had let escape. Although, you had been too embarrassed to respond to the compliment, and opted to grab his dick with force before stroking it painfully slow. He hissed in surprise and slight pain at the sudden contact. His erection had been sitting painfully practically untouched for god knows how long. “My god ..” a soft chuckle left your lips at his reaction. “Feel good, baby?” He nodded. “So good.”
You stole a quick glance at his expression before turning your attention back to the throbbing dick in your hand. “Tell me what you want me to do”.
He clicked his teeth. “Yn, don’t do this. Can you help me quickly so I can help you? Wanna take care of you today..” How sweet. Poor baby was so naive. You shook your head in disapproval at his response. “This isn’t very good of you. Y’know this behavior ain’t gonna get you anywhere, babe”. Heeseung started squirming in place, his back arching slightly as the quiet squeak of his belt that you had used against the headboard was loud and made itself evident. He continuously pulled on the restraints in an attempt to set himself free, which he failed to do. “Suck me off”.
“Hmmm? Sorry, one more time for me, Hee. Kindly”. He groaned and sat up higher against the headboard for a better view of what was happening near his nether regions. He stared you straight in the eyes as he spoke gently: “Please suck my dick, Yn.” His straight-forwardness as he made direct eye contact with you took you by surprise, but for some reason you were captivated and it made you want to immediately obey to his every word. You were supposed to be in control this time ‘round, but Heeseung seems to still have his special effect on you as he always does. Alas, you quickly faced reality again. Just to give him the illusion that you were listening, you gave his dick a few more hard strokes before starting to lean forward to get face to face with his hard-on. Before you allowed your lips to make contact with his tip, you suddenly sat up and let go of his beat red dick. It slapped against his stomach as you crawled forward to sit directly on top of his crotch. “You can spare me a few more minutes right, Seungie?”
That goddamn nickname would get him every time. He didn’t respond, but simply sat with hooded lids and watched to see what your next move would be. You moved your panties to the side, not completely taking them off as you sat down, not slipping his dick inside you, but instead placing your pussy directly on top of his dick. Heeseung threw his head back so hard that you heard the thump of his head making contact with the headboard, quite roughly at that. “Fuuckkkk Yn, don't stop.. please, please”. His plea fell upon deaf ears and you picked up your pace, dragging yourself across his dick, which by the way, made filthy slick sounds with every move you made. Heeseung’s hips bucked up in hopes of his dick somehow slipping inside of you. “F-Fuck, Heeseung— I’m gonna come”. He stayed silent, figuring that being quiet would somehow make you forget that he was even there, opening up the opportunity for him to finally release as well. 
You both had already been going back and forth like this for an least an hour now. To say that Heeseung was close to losing it was an understatement. Your hands had been behind you, resting on your boyfriend's thighs, but you had shifted forward some, letting your hands rest on his chest instead. You let out continual high pitched moans and you sped up faster on his dick. “God, fuck fuck fuck fuck Heeseung, ‘m coming..” You took the opportunity to look at your boyfriend, and you immediately regretted your decision. You groaned at the sight in front of you: his eyes were halfway opened, but still very visibly glossed over, as if he were about to start crying any moment, and his mouth was slightly agape as his chest heaved quickly, insinuating that he too was also close to his orgasm. The look he gave you alone was enough to make you come, which is exactly what had happened. You lower half spasmed as you shut your eyes tightly, and gripped Heeseung’s biceps. You grind your clit along his dick like a toy for more stimulation as you ride out your high.
You breathed deeply as you slowed down and finally spared some true attention to your desperate boyfriend. He frowned slightly as he stared at you expectedly, and still very much worked up. You looked down at where you both were so close to being connected at, and noticed the mess you had made, but hadn’t seen a drop of cum from Heeseung’s dick. Nothing but pure pre-cum, and a beating red tip had greeted you. You grinned knowing you had successfully pulled his orgasm away from him. “Baby…’ His voice was shaky as he spoke, in a tone you had not once heard from him made your head shoot up. You felt bad. Your poor boyfriend looked exhausted and edged beyond belief, and you did nothing but ignore him and his needs. This made you feel even worse, because the fact of the matter is: you loved it. You loved that you finally got to see a different side of him and that no matter what happened, whatever you said and did was how things went. Truthfully, you knew with the right amount of force he could escape the restraints with no issue, but the fact that he didn’t throughout the whole course showed how he wanted this just as badly as you did. He felt that he owed this much to you anyway.
“You’ve been doing so good for me, Heeseung. You’ll get what you want soon, promise”. You hurriedly grabbed his dick and aligned it with your entrance, wasting no time in allowing him to enter you. His string of moans were deep, he obviously struggled to look at one thing at a time; going from looking up at the ceiling, at your face, down between where you two were connected, and behind him to face the headboard. It was cute to see him so flustered despite the many times you both had indulged into each other's needs and desires, especially considering he had most of the time been the one in control anyway. His body faintly thrashing around as his mouth made 'O' shapes, opening and closing as he attempted to find his words through the clouds of pleasure. “Please don’t hurt yourself, baby”. 
Honestly, that could’ve brought you to the end of your second orgasm as the first one ended, the fact that he still worried about your wellbeing over his own made your heart swell. It makes you want to do nothing but let him indulge in his wants and needs all day and night; to use you how he pleases because with how good he treats you, it’s exactly what he deserves. You decided enough was enough, and reached forward to swiftly pull at the restraints that held your boyfriend back from touching you. He allowed his hand to fall down and hit the bed before going down to grab your hips. You grabbed his red wrists and kissed them both, a silent apology for any discomfort you may have caused him. He smirked lazily, a gesture you could tell he appreciated, despite being totally okay. You could honestly slap him around silly and fuck him stupid over and over again, and he’d be perfectly fine with it (he would never, ever admit that to you though). 
His hands slowly found their way back to your hips as you started rocking back and forth. Your movements caused Heeseung to sit up straight so that you both were practically chest to chest at this point. He wrapped his arms around your torso completely and started fucking up into you, his patience had run out totally, and he just wanted to finally take what was his. “I love you s-soooo much, Yn— Shitt! … so much, ‘kay? Don’t forget it”. His words had you clenching tightly around him as you cohesively tried to match his pace. You felt his warm breath tickle your neck, his fingers rubbing the small of your back, and the curses from under his breath; all of it had your brain absolutely fogged, and all you could think about was the release that he would soon be bringing your way, since it didn’t take much for him to have his way with you anyhow. 
“Hee, gonna … again, ‘m g-gonna—” 
“Me too, darling, me too—Fuck—Come with me, please?” His lips immediately met your neck and he peppered small kisses upon it, and did not forget to leave a few bites as well that would definitely linger for a few days.
It was all you needed to fall into his trap made out of words, your hands flying up to his shoulders and gripping with so much force that left little crescent shapes on his body, not that he minded of course. Your body shook aggressively in his hold as you felt his dick twitch inside of you, and shortly after spurts of his cum painted your insides. It was only in this moment that you realized this was his first time cumming tonight, you frowned a little at the thought. Despite the fact you did have the original plan of edging him a little, he never dared to do such a thing to you, so you felt unfair for a moment, but the negative thoughts washed away just as quickly as they had formed once Heeseung grabbed your jaw and kisses you roughly, but passionately; an affirmation that you appreciated. It was as if Heeseung could read your mind every single time. You don’t know how he does it, but you have always appreciated it nonetheless. 
You finally looked him in the eyes for the first time in a while as you caught your breath, only to see him already staring at you straight in the face. You both smiled softly at each other. “Thank you, Heeseung''. You scanned his face for any kind of regret about the actions of tonight, but only found pure joy in his eyes. “Yn, I would do anything for you, ya know.” You smiled as you finally tuned back into reality and felt his softening dick inside of you still, making you subconsciously clench around him. His hand came down and slapped your ass in response, making you whine.
"Careful, 'don't wanna put you through a restless night."
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notes: oh don't mind me, just practicing a few necessary skills
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sammygender · 2 days
i actually. oh my god. it’s been so long that i’ve forgotten about the absolute insanity of s4. i’ve become acclimated to sam mistreatment by the show but i genuinely think s4 is SO fucking insane because like. it’s back when supernaturals good! and yet! sams narrative arc is INSANE! in a fascinating and yet genuinely awful and horrifying way!!! and like. is that intentional?? spn is a horror show surely it’s intentional but did they actually realise what they were doing can i realllly trust that? is it smart and meta because when you put thought into it it’s really fucking clever but did they actually or did they genuinely unconsciously think dean is the actual moral compass of the show and that disobeying him is blasphemy?? or is that an intentional writing choice a la family is hell a la god is a nuclear familial patriarch?? i like to think the latter but
like. supernatural is an experiment. an experiment in how many times you have to state something about a character, even if it’s directly Not What Happens and actually genuinely false, before a fandom will accept it as 100% true. an experiment in, well, if you never directly call out that your protagonist is an unreliable speaker and narrator, will your fans ever realise?
and the answer for the first is Pretty much you can just say it once - i think as soon as most people heard ‘dad said i have to save you or kill you’, they internalised it as Sam WILL go evil and Dean will have to save him or kill him and what’s more, Dean has the right to make these choices, because everything about Sam is obviously inherently Dean’s. nevermind that sam has always tried so hard to be good and his most ‘morally grey’ era in the show is during active manipulation and is still just because he is trying SO hard to do the right thing. and the answer for the second is They will never realise, because most fans still think that dean saying sam chose a demon over him means it’s what happened.
and i don’t even know if the writers knew what they were doing during any of that. i have to believe some did. hopefully most. but i don’t even know anymore late season sam writing has made me so much less optimistic. maybe they just believed dean was fucking correct
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velariscalling · 18 hours
Morally Grey - An Azriel Imagine
Characters: Azriel x Archeron!Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Summary: Cassian drags the IC to his new obsession: open mic night at Rita's, and much to his delight, Azriel has been paired up to sing with the Reader.
Warnings: Alcohol, suggestive language.
A/N: My first ever imagine is HERE!! Honestly I've been so nervous to put this out as it's all very new to me, but I really hope you guys enjoy it! I'm really looking forward to see how my writing develops as I post more, but for now, I hope you enjoy my first post! It's just a load of silly fun tbh. And finally, thank you so much to @sarawritestories for helping me out with the ending, you're the best! <3
Soundtrack: 'Morally Grey' by April Jai feat. Nation Haven
Disclaimer: GIF isn't mine - credit to whoever it belongs to.
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Rita’s was bustling.
As it always was on a Friday night, really. They probably should have known better than to come on a weekend, but the welcoming vibrancy of the bar was a welcome reprieve from a long week’s work. Y/N took a deep breath as the music hit her, exhaling as she let any remaining stress seep from her body and into the night.
Before she could think too much about the busy days she’s had as of recently, a hand grabbed each of hers - one perfectly manicured, one covered in swirls of black ink - and pulled her in the direction of the bar. Mor flagged down a barman who recognised them immediately - it wasn’t a rare occurrence for the Night Court’s Inner Circle to make an appearance here.
After a moment, she handed her a shot glass filled with bright green liquid. “Bottoms up, you’re gonna need it tonight,” she grinned, already having necked her own. Feyre giggled as Y/N raised a questioning eyebrow at the blonde, throwing back her shot anyway and wincing at the tangy liquid.
“And why is that, exactly?” Y/N cocked her head at her friend, who’s brown eyes danced with excitement.
“Oh come on,” she rolled her eyes playfully, already flagging down the barman for yet another shot, just for herself this time. “You really think Cassian’s going to let us miss out on tonight? He’s been preparing his song with Rhys for days.”
It’s true - Cassian’s favourite night of the week was their newest tradition, open mic night at Rita’s. Four songs, four duos, randomly selected. Or so he says, anyway. He probably matched himself with Rhysand so he could convince him to sing Mysterious Girl together.
Feyre gripped Y/N’s hand from her other side, clearly trying her hardest to hold back a squeal of excitement. “How are you feeling?” She knew that there was more to that question than meets the eye. It wasn’t a secret that Cassian’s little game had paired her up with Azriel, much to his delight.
She put on her mask of indifference that she had mastered over the months of knowing the shadowsinger, refusing to give any details away of her incessant feelings for him that prodded at her constantly. “I am feeling absolutely fine, High Lady,” she smiled, eyes shining, but a scoff from her left interrupted her.
“Please,” Mor drawled, looking at her with a face that said, don’t even try. “You literally can’t fool anyone, especially not us, so drop the act.”
Okay, so maybe she hadn’t mastered her mask as well as she had initially thought, her twin’s nod of agreement cementing that conclusion. “Okay fine, but what do I have to be nervous about? You are all the ones who should be nervous when we out-sing you.” She smirked at them, but they shared a knowing look.
“There it is, changing the subject,” Feyre chuckled, nursing her drink in her hand. Y/N scowled at her, but she could never actually be mad at her. Frankly, she was more irritated by the fact that she knew her so well. “What? Y/N, this is what happens every time we bring him up.”
She opened her mouth to argue, when an arm was slung over her shoulder, and Feyre’s. “Ladies,” Rhysand’s melodic voice sounded over the music as he appeared between the sisters. He nodded at Mor with a grin, who was already on her… third, or fourth shot? Who knows. “Cass will have a temper tantrum if I don’t drag you all over to the stage right now.”
Feyre rolled her eyes with a laugh and allowed her mate to spin her into his arms, and they both made their way over to the Inner Circle’s area of the bar. Y/N’s heart warmed at the sight of them, knowing that her twin, her double in every way, had found her happiness. Mor looped her arm through hers as they walked behind them, her eyes following Y/N’s gaze. “You’ll have that soon, you know.”
Y/N looked over at her. She was so breathtaking, her brown eyes contrasting her golden hair, and her signature red dress hugging her flawless body in all the right places. Any male or female in this room would be lucky to get her, and yet, she didn’t care. Next to her, though, Y/N felt like nothing. As if Mor could sense her thoughts, she squeezed her arm affectionately. “Come on. Tonight’s the night you’re going to show that other side of you- oh don’t give me that look, I know it’s there.”
Y/N huffed, a lighthearted sound, and shook her head softly. “I wish I had your confidence,” She murmured, a dry joke.
“Babe, you’re sexy. When are you going to realise that?” The sheer certainty in Mor’s voice had Y/N raising her eyebrows at her friend, who simply nodded, as if agreeing with herself. “Channel it tonight. I’ll be watching.” She winked, and released her arm as they arrived at their own table right in front of the stage.
Rhys and Feyre had already taken their seats at the centre, High Lord and Lady looking elegant as ever. Cassian sat to Rhys’s right, his excitement akin to a golden retriever, as Amren, who was sat next to him, clearly tried her hardest not to throttle him. Next to Feyre sat Azriel, his looming shadows making the already dark bar appear pitch black in his presence. There were two empty chairs to his left, and finally Nesta sat at the end of the table, clearly trying to make the most of as much peace and quiet as she could get before the night’s shenanigans unfolded. Mor was quick to take the seat next to her, leaving Y/N between her and Azriel. He gave her a short smile as she sat down, ever the emotionless. “Are you ready?”
The low, icy voice of the shadowsinger never failed to take her by surprise. If the living embodiment of darkness could talk, it would sound like him. She looked at him, his hazel eyes glowing even in the darkness, and replied, “Are you?”
Before Azriel could respond, a flute of sparkly champagne slid from Y/N’s left into view. She turned to see Nesta, wordlessly handing her the drink, with grey-blue eyes that told her that she, too, thought she needed an extra little liquid confidence tonight. She noticed Mor biting her lip so hard she looked as though she may explode, and she rolled her eyes, a smile playing on her lips as she turned back to Azriel. To her surprise, it appeared as though a similar grin was tugging on those lips as well.
He merely raised his glass to hers, eyes shining with a grin that he wouldn’t let fully show on his face. She picked up her own glass and clinked it against his, matching his honey gold gaze.
Let the night begin.
It’s safe to say that the performances of the night were… well, entertaining. Cassian was a little too excited dragging Rhys up to perform their number first, giving major boyband energy up on that stage. Feyre was in fits of laughter, but Nesta looked like she wanted to claw her eyes out… but perhaps secretly enjoyed it behind that mask of disgust. Y/N’s two sisters were up next with a rendition of Love Story in which Nesta was surprisingly involved, followed by Amren and Mor’s take on Lady Marmalade, which was frankly the worst thing anyone had ever heard. If the monster lurking beneath Amren’s skin was anything like her singing voice, then Mother help us all.
It wasn’t long before her friends were cheering and whooping as Y/N stood from her seat - the final song. “Get him girl,” Mor whispered as she passed her, Azriel on her heels. She felt the shadows licking at her ankles as she ascended the steps to the stage, gripping the microphone that had been handed to her on the way.
As Azriel situated himself to her left, she stole a quick glance at him. He was looking at the floor, uncharacteristically tense under the gazes of all their friends. It was no secret that Azriel had the most beautiful voice you’d ever heard, a gift from the Cauldron itself, but it occurred to her now that maybe no one else had heard it before. Aside from her, at the couple of short practices they  had done. Even then, she didn’t think he was giving his all.
Y/N faced the front and prepared for the music to play - she was more of a seasoned performer than Azriel. She had played her fair share of gigs around Velaris, a good handful of which on this very stage. If she was showing some confidence, she hoped that it would spark some inside of him. She steeled herself, breathing in deeply as she raised the microphone to her lips, and the music began.
“He’s got gold eyes, crooked smile, knows that he drives me wild,”
She felt the heat of the spotlight on her as she let her voice ring through the bar. It was soft, to begin with, giving the song room to breathe, to build. She looked over at the man she was sharing the stage with, noticing tension already lost from his shoulders at the sound of her voice. His eyebrows were raised ever so slightly, and she knew then that he’d realised how she’d changed the lyrics to fit him, those perfect golden eyes.
“Can’t help myself, no I’m not in denial,”
The smile she sent his way was telling, it spoke a hundred words. But it wasn’t just her grin that conveyed the message she sent: you’re okay, you’re with me, move with me. There was something between them, an invisible thread connecting the two of them, body and soul and mind. Certain thoughts, certain feelings - she could feel his, and he could feel hers. A bond like this had meaning, they both knew this, but neither of them were bold enough to explore it, acknowledge it. Across that bond, she beckoned him: Azriel, you’re with me, and I’m with you… play with me.
“I know he’s no good for me,”
There was a flicker of something in the shadowsinger’s eyes, as if his mind had decided to pull him down an alternative route to the one he was prepared to go down, the one where he’d back out and run. A shadow of a smirk lingered on his lips, as his own shadows danced around him excitedly, egging him on. The weaving tendrils were clearly more than satisfied with the idea that flashed through their master’s mind, whatever images Y/N’s words had conjured up. Azriel, play with me.
“But when he gets down on his knees,”
The spark in his eyes only seemed to brighten as he brought the lyrics to life, sinking slowly down onto his knees before her. The shit-eating smirk he wore on his face in response to her evident surprise could have sent her to her own knees as she beheld him, kneeling, for her. Mother spare her. A quick glance to her right at the others confirmed that they had all had the same reaction she had, and she feared that the bar staff may have to assist in picking their jaws up from the floor. Azriel’s face was challenging, knowing, yet almost the picture of innocence as she felt his response in her mind: You told me to play with you. She sent one word back at him: Bastard.
If he was going to play dirty, so was she.
“He’s so eager to please, knows the right frequencies,”
He reached a hand out as if to touch her - where, she wasn’t sure - but she grabbed it before he could make any contact. Scars felt rough against her soft skin as she walked slowly, teasingly around him and she sang the chorus, her heeled boots tugging her posture upright so her body curved in all the right places. She caught Feyre’s eye as she circled Azriel, still knelt on the floor and looking as though he was more than content to stay there forever. Y/N’s sister looked like her eyes were about to bulge out of her head, her smile growing so big that Y/N thought it would be too big for her face. Next to her, Rhysand simply winked, an encouraging smirk boosting her confidence.
“They say he’s morally grey, what can I say? Grey’s my favourite colour,”
As she made her way back to the front of Azriel’s view, still gripping his hand as he held it upright for her to use, she slowly lowered herself down to a squat in front of him as she sang the line. From this angle, she was now much closer to his face than before, and she noticed the subtle sheen of lust glazing over his eyes. It almost made her lose balance - almost. She brought his hand gently to her lips, placing a chaste kiss onto his marred knuckles, and he took in a sharp breath. Most people flinch when they see his hands, or grimace, or turn away. Not Y/N. No, she thinks Azriel’s scars are part of his story. The backstory to a warrior, a survivor. Scars are not the memory of what happened, but a testament to who you have become.
“Morally grey, what can I say? Grey’s my favourite…”
She rose to her feet, prepared to give Azriel some space to begin his verse, remembering the nerves that clung to him barely a minute ago. As she began to turn, taking the first step away from him, something cold slithered around her ankle, and one around her waist. The shadows pulled her straight back to where she was as the music lowered, and held her in place, as if they knew that hearing his voice would send her to the floor. And Mother above, they knew her well.
“What can I say? No I don’t pray, but for your body, I’ll worship,”
She could have sworn her knees buckled, but she couldn’t tell from the shadows holding her still. Azriel’s voice was like silk, so soft and pure, yet it lit her insides on fire in a way that she’d never felt, burning her up like a beautiful, dying star. If his voice was to be the thing to send her to her death, then so be it. She would die very, very happy. He reached out once again, and this time she did not stop him as he ran his hand up her thigh all the way to her waist from his position on the floor. Even kneeling, his Illyrian frame was intimidatingly large, her body standing not too much taller than his. His eyes watched his hand intently as it traced the curve of her side, as if they didn’t have an audience, one that was most definitely gaping at Azriel’s sudden brazenness.
“Girl don’t be afraid, my love’s a grenade, just be a good girl, you can take it,”
Like an angel rising from the ashes of war, Azriel stood slowly, wings flaring as he rose to his full height. His gaze was already intense when she was the one looking down at him, but now that he was the one towering over her, the darkness in his eyes shot electricity straight through her body and into her core, her head reeling with thoughts so sinful that nothing could save her. His hand on her waist squeezed on the words good girl, and she was forced to bite her lip hard to stop herself from reacting in a way that would later be incredibly embarrassing. His eyes tracked the movement, lingering on her bottom lip as she released it from her teeth with a pop.
“Call me insane but for you, I was made, I’d burn the world down if it’d make you feel safe,”
The fire in Azriel’s eyes blazed as he took one step toward her, and another, and another, closer and closer. The upper hand that Y/N had held up until now had slipped, yielding step after step backward, her control completely faltering. She had always known that doing this with Azriel would likely create some… tension between the two of them, and he must have known, but Cauldron, this was unlike anything she had ever expected. Azriel was so close that she felt his body heat, felt her face warming, likely for everyone to see under the harsh glare of the spotlights.
“It’s you that I crave, and nothing compares to your taste,”
Y/N couldn’t help but feel like Azriel meant every single word he was singing. No, he didn’t write the lyrics himself of course, but the way his eyes burned with such feeling, and… what looked to be desperation, told her there was much more to this than meets the eye. And Gods… the way his voice cracked ever so slightly with a primal need as those final words left his mouth had her praying to whatever higher powers she could to forgive her for the damning shivers he was sending straight to the very heart of that taste he craved so badly.
As the chorus rolled around once more, their voices finally blended as one, and nothing had ever sounded so right. Azriel’s shadows danced freely around the two of them, creating a tornado of darkness, of intimacy, where they were right in the eye of the storm. The song continued, and the pull between the two of them was magnetic, almost hypnotic as they completely forgot about the audience they had; their family who were most definitely gaping like fish out of water. Y/N could feel Azriel’s warm breath on her face as he sang, his angelic voice whispering less-than-angelic promises that only she could hear in the way it trembled.
Y/N honestly didn’t think that Azriel could get any closer - what she failed to consider was that the shadowsinger was in so deep that he wasn’t planning on stopping until there was absolutely no space left between them. As the song once again softened, Azriel took his chance and leaned impossibly closer, abandoning his vocals in favour of a different use of that mouth. Y/N inhaled sharply as Azriel’s lips brushed against hers, gently, experimentally. Some instinctive part of her that knew this was right pushed her forward to press her lips a little harsher against his, earning a shiver from the shadowsinger. She heard a soft rustle coming from behind him as his wings twitched from the anticipation.
As he pulled away, Azriel heard a shaky exhale escape her lips, caused only by the feeling of him, the heat of two bodies pressed close together, the rush of meeting the lips of the person who, deep down, you know is made for you. Your partner. Your mate. That shiver he elicited from Y/N was the final straw - the last thing he needed to cement his plans for the night. His face still inches from hers, he whispered with a voice so low he wasn’t sure it had even come from him, “You’re mine tonight.”
One moment, the IC were watching dumbfounded at the scene playing out in front of them, some wondering if they really should be averting their eyes (apart from Cassian, who sat with a shit-eating grin on his face). The next moment, the stage was empty, a whisper of shadows the only thing left standing in their wake. Azriel had disappeared in a flash, winnowed to who knows where, taking Y/N with him.
“Goddamn, Az,” Rhys chuckled into his drink after a beat of shocked silence. “Nicely done.”
“No! But they didn’t even finish their song!” Cassian pouted, gesturing wildly at the empty stage as the music still played from the speakers.
“Somehow I don’t think that’s their priority right now, Cass,” Mor giggled, practically vibrating from excitement and pride, exploding with glee at what had taken place since her little pep talk earlier.
Rhys set his glass down on the table in favour of throwing an arm over the top of Feyre’s chair. “It’s about time those two did something about the obvious, right?”
As Feyre’s eyes sparkled with delight for her twin, she giggled at his words, overjoyed at the knowledge that Y/N may at last feel the happiness of having a mate. A partner for all eternity.  “Yeah… finally.”
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 17 hours
I realize disney's been tending to stick with the jedi exclusively adopting children with parental permission, if parents are alive, and I appreciate that aspect, but I have thought about the concept (which I am told crops up in legends) of them having some sort of legal right to force sensitive children in the republic, just because it is interesting- especially thinking about cases of child abuse.
Something that disney, legends, and fanon, all generally agree on is the idea that force sensitive children are often in danger because of their force sensitivity. Some take it further with an analogy for neurodivergent kids, since them being weird kids is a recurring theme.
And well. Realistically, over the course of about a thousand years there must have been a few jedi who found a force sensitive child who was in a deeply unsafe situation but their family or guardians had no intention of giving them up for whatever reason. How firm is the parental permission rule in that situation? What if that child is gonna die there?
Laws and systems and rights are finicky things, with often odd histories. I guess, out of all the options available, I can imagine that there was legal framework giving jedi a kind of social service role for force sensitive children and only force sensitive children*, the probably mediocre result of some bit of regulatory legislation that happened at some point, ostensibly there to protect these vulnerable children, that makes it so that technically, if a child passes this standardized test, the jedi can take them away, and that's written in republic law somewhere. Does that law also specify the jedi have to prove unfitness of the guardian? Maybe, maybe not (the republic doesn't seem to have a lot of attention to detail). Does that mean it's actually jedi custom to just go ahead and forcibly take children as a normal thing? Every line of canon dialogue says no. It could be a legal right they have but aren't 100% comfortable with, and are aware it would be unwise to abuse.
.*this is where I plug my headcanon that the blood test is bureaucratic box ticking first and foremost. it's not that i hate midicholorians, but it's a well established thing that jedi can sense force sensitive children absolutely fine without doing a blood test. For their own internal purposes, it's maybe a scientific curiosity to get a count. but for the paperwork? That is a piece of paper that officially categorizes a child as force sensitive in a way that regular people can quantify. so there.
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Can u do like Nayeon make up sex like pairing: sensitive fem reader and Nayeon forgot like their anniversary ? It's okay if not?
A/N: I’m sorry it took me so long to do this anon😭❤️ it’s slightly rushed because I won’t have time rest of the day. Hope you like it.
CW: fluff, smut, nsfw
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Nayeon got on the bed, quickly getting under the blanket, shuddering and smiling as the warmth begins to spread. She takes a cold breath and shifts closer to you.
You try to ignore her, continuing to read your book, not wanting to complain before you are sure Nayeon hasn’t got any last minute surprises.
“Leave your book for a moment baby, I want to cuddle you and warm myself up”, Nayeon asks, leaning into you.
“I see…”, you turn to the next page, not even looking at her.
“Huh..? That’s it? You aren’t even looking at me…”, Nayeon sounds a bit hurt, “is something wrong?”
You feel a bit bad for being cold but you felt hurt too. This wasn’t any day. Today was your one year anniversary with her. An important day for you and for her. Your lives were changed on this day and Nayeon seemed to have absolutely no clue of it right now.
“…..not really.”, you say plainly.
Now Nayeon becomes quite sure that you are mad at her. “Wait, did I mess up?”, she thinks carefully, her memory going back to this morning when you gave her some flowers, a bracelet and some chocolate. “Oh….its our anniversary…”, Nayeon looks panicky, knowing it means a lot to you. She immediately pulls you closer, hugging you tight. “Wait I’m so sorry, I really forgot.”, she kisses your cheeks a couple times.
You keep quiet, taking a heavy breath, not hugging her back.
“Mmmm…baby, please. Don’t be mad, I’m really very sorry. I won’t make excuses but it wasn’t on purpose.”, Nayeon continues to plead.
You glance at her, probably a mistake because now seeing her like this made you feel guilty now and before you realized, you moved your hands around her lightly.
That’s all Nayeon needed. She gasps and hugs you tighter, smiling mischievously knowing your resolve is breaking. “Oh thank you for forgiving me love.”, she says dramatically, “I’ll make it up to you.”
“N-no….wait, I didn’t…”, you try to protest and sigh, annoyed at yourself for doing that.
Nayeon pulls away, grinning at you. She then kisses you and you kiss her back. What was the point in being annoyed at her anyway, she didn’t actually mean to hurt you and besides you both know you can’t stay mad at her for long.
After a few seconds you begin to pull away but Nayeon grabs your face and begins to kiss you harder and you can’t help but moan into the kiss. Immediately you feel your face turn red. But you try and pretend nothing happened, trying your best to keep kissing her back without losing your mind.
After a minute Nayeon pulls away, leaving you both panting. She was smirking mischievously at you, biting a finger. “You know y/n, it’s still only 10…I think I can give you a last minute gift.
It’s takes a moment for you to catch her drift. Your face flushes again as she leans in again, “W-wait, that’s-”.
She shuts you up by kissing you again and you don’t put up any fight. After what seems like eternity she finally pulls back, you are panting and breathing hard. But you can’t deny you are starting to feel hot.
“You know”, Nayeon whispers in your ear, “you are looking really delicious right now…”.
You stay quiet, biting your lip and trying not to moan as Nayeon starts to kiss your neck. She keeps leaving marks as she moves lower and lower. You don’t even protest, what she was making you feel right now was…primal…indescribable.
Nayeon gropes and plays with your tits for a few moments, kissing and licking to her fill before moving down again. You can’t seem to remain calm, each breath is labored, like it takes so much effort to do anything else other than focus on what Nayeon was making you feel.
She undresses you and looks up at you from between your legs, smirking as she teases by making a finger touch you so lightly. You can barely feel it yet it feels so…intense. You swallow, take a shaky breath, “N-nayeon please”.
She giggles, “so eager for me….cute.” She then proceeds to rub your pussy and you gasp. She feels you are already slick and flashes you another naughty look. “You really are so excited for this…don’t worry, I’ll make it really good.”
You don’t say anything, you can only moan as she suddenly pushes two fingers in you. It feels amazing. It feels right.
Nayeon begins to work her magic and within a few moments you are writhing in pleasure under her. She uses her other hand to touch you all over, your tits, stomach, thighs, everywhere.
As she keeps her fingers in you, hitting all the right spots, you feel your release rapidly approaching. You moan out her name trying to warn her but it only makes her add another finger and you almost instantly cum from that. You are barely able to hold on. And just when you accept your incoming release and when it feels like it can’t and won’t get better than this, Nayeon moves her head down and begins to suck on your clit.
You cum immediately and scream. Or you scream and cum. You can’t even tell. You thrash around in pleasure, screaming and locking your legs around Nayeon’s head as you feel pleasure fill your whole body. Moments pass and it only seems to get more intense, you can’t even breathe anymore. You feel your hips rise as you hold Nayeon’s head tightly with your hands. You still keep cumming. It keeps feeling more and more intense until you let out another scream and begin to squirt hard.
You can’t even see anymore, everything feels so bright. Your whole body is shaking and Nayeon finally pulls away, her face drenched as she has a proud smile on her face. You keep panting, keeping your eyes closed as you need more time to recover. A minute passes and you finally clear your head a little. You take another heavy breath and redden as you look at Nayeon who’s staring at you with a grin.
“Now look…you made such a mess, I guess I’ll clean it up…”, Nayeon says with a smile as she sucks her finger clean.
You blush…keeping quiet. You weren’t sure there was anything to say. What Nayeon did to you right now was unbelievable. You weren’t sure there were words to describe it.
You gasp again as you feel Nayeon lick your pussy again a few times before coming back next to you, giggling as she wipes her mouth.
“You really went crazy there”, she says suppressing a smile, “I guess you liked my present after all”.
“Shut up”, you say, feeling hot and embarrassed, “this won’t happen every time you forget an important day.”
Nayeon giggles again, “Well I wasn’t planning on forgetting but maybe I should, I don’t know any present that can make you squ-”.
You shut her up by kissing her. She laughs and cuddles you. Teasing you and poking you until you both end up falling asleep in each other’s arms.
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jjunieworld · 1 day
Hii! You're my favorite writer on here, and I know you'll nail this idea I have bubbling in my smooth brain.
Hear me out, fun exciting dad Beomgyu. Like those dads that you leave them alone with the kids and it's like having another kid there. I trust you'll write something amazing with this 🫶
─── 𝓽𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭! ˋ🧾 ‎⸝⸝⸝
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no because it would be soooo fun to actually witness like imagine you’re at some family get together where there’s a bunch of kids present and you leave your child alone with dad!beomgyu to go do something and come back to see him absolutely beefing with a bunch of five year olds over something so childish😭😭
it’s him and you cousin’s son in the middle of the yard, the boy near tears while your kid and beomgyu are pointing and laughing, looking like spitting imagine of each other. you sigh and go to ask what happened and the boy’s all like “he (pointing to beomgyu) won’t let me play on the swing set!!!” and you’re now scolding both your young child AND a grown ass adult lmao
or it’s like you go run some errands real quick and him and your daughter had the living room transformed into the most lavish looking dining room fit for royals that a five year old can achieve. they’re both fit in big tutus with crowns and everything ,,, “would you like some more tea, daddy?” “why yes, my darling child, i think i would!” while drinking from empty teacups
it’s never a dull moment with your little family, even if sometimes you get ganged up on by your kid and your very big (very adult) kid … and you wouldn’t wish for anything to be different because of how good of a father beomgyu is, like he just falls into the role so naturally. the kids want to play princesses?? put a bow in his hair and hand him a tutu. monster trucks and dinosaurs? he’s breaking out a godzilla and chasing them around the house. oh now one of them is crying? hugs and soothing words for all like he’d be so so good at it
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[ kipo’s note . . . ] very passionate about this actually lmao i could ramble on forever about it and don’t even get me started on single dad!beomgyu with his kid around other kids… it’s all like “who the hell is that grown ass man sliding down the slides???” LMAOOO
∿ [ continue on to . . . masterlist , taglist , request ] all feedback and reblogs are welcome! ♡
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ikeuzsn · 2 days
◌ ∘˙ my turn! ♡︎ 심재윤
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🗒️ :: my first official story.. i hope it’s to everyone’s liking! i tried my best >< please disregard any spelling errors or grammatical mistakes and if possible, feedback is much appreciated. enjoy ♡︎
wc :: 821 ✧
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you and jake have been dating for quite a while now, but you’ve actually never gotten to see layla in person. you've only ever seen layla through videos and pictures that jake would send you when he’s with layla. to your surprise, all that changed today.
you hear your phone begin to ring a special ringtone that you set just for jake and you answer it, “hello?” you could practically hear jake’s radiating smile when he responded, “hi princess! i have a surprise for you sweet girl, you’re gonna love it.” you chuckle at jake’s high energy, “what are you getting up to silly..” you say teasingly. “are you busy right now baby?” he asks, hoping you say no and of course, you do. “no ikeu, why do you ask?” he lights up and asks “do you think you could come and meet me at the park? your surprise is waiting for youuu~” you smile and giggle at his teasing tone, quickly shuffling to get upstairs and get ready. “i’ll be there before you know it.”
after getting ready, which took you about 25 minutes, you make your way over to the park. the park is only a 5 minute walk from you and jake’s place fortunately, so you make it there in no time.
“baby!!” jake calls you over. you wave and smile brightly, but suddenly you notice the fluffy golden dog sitting happily next to jake. the dog you’ve always wanted to see in person. “LAYLAAAA!!” you run towards layla, dropping everything and crouching down, overwhelmingly excited and completely disregarding jake. jake laughs and stares down at you in awe as you pet layla, layla getting used to your scent and giving you sweet kisses. his heart is filled with nothing but love watching his two pretty girls happy and content. as you pet layla and take in the moment, you notice jake taking photos and videos of the two of you so you stand back up and start walking towards him, layla trailing behind you happily. you hug him tightly before pecking his lips and exclaiming, “this is all i could’ve ever wished for!!” you rest your chin on his shoulder, standing on your tippy toes, absolutely overjoyed. “i know how much you wanted to see layla in person, and it just so happened that they let me bring her over this time,” he giggles and kisses your cheek, “surprise.” you pull back from his shoulder and kiss him passionately, you can’t help but smile as you kiss. to jake, your smile and laughter is more contagious than any illness, leading him to smile from ear to ear with feeling yours. layla’s pawing at your leg watching the two of you kissing and canoodling, so you pull back and squat down to kiss layla as well.
you and layla play around for a little while more; using the toys that jake had brought for her, and sitting down to run your hands through her silky smooth fur. jake was sitting next to both of you, just a little jealous of layla seeing how she was grabbing all your attention. “me next pretty please,” and he;d turn his back towards you looking upwards, signaling that he wants you to play with his hair as well. you can;t help but laugh at jake’s neediness, how much cuter can he be? “let’s go back home jakey, i can play with you and layla there.” you stand up to kiss jake’s forehead and begin to grab all of layla’s things, jake quickly following behind.
back at home, you’ve sat yourself down on the couch, layla in between your legs in front of you. jake prepares her a bowl of kibble and water since it says time for her to eat. “layla come here!” he’d say, layla obediently listening. not only does jake have to feed his baby, he also needs to distract layla to get you to himself, at least for a little bit. layla’s grown a strong liking towards you already, and she’s been happily following you since you’ve kissed jake at the park. jake makes his way over to your dazed state, eyes glued to the tv. he moves swiftly onto the couch next to you, first staring at you, admiring you in silent. “yes?” you tilt your head. he smiles and lays his head down on your lap, you already know what he wants, but it’s cuter to watch him in action trying to achieve what he wants. you chuckle and look down at jake, he pouts and shakes his head a bit noticing that you haven’t touched his head yet. “please angel?” he knows that you know what he wants, so there’s no need to specify, just to ask you in a cute pouty tone. you giggle and let out a sigh, before kissing his hair and beginning to play with it.
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likes & reblogs are appreciated, feel free to request anything ˙∘♡∘˙ @jakesangel
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pubbamoon · 22 hours
Random Astrology Observation
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Hi guys! Thank you so much for liking my recent post about Midheaven. I was absolutely shocked and blown away when I see the number of notes in the first 12 hours (more than 100 notes). This time, I'm going to do something different. I'm going to make an astrology observation about random placements from any natal chart. I didn't prepare anything, I'm just going to describe those placements that will come to my mind first, haha lol. This observation may apply to the western astrology only. Also, this will be a general observation, so take only what resonates with you. Hope it's going to makes sense, at least.
Natives who have multiple planets in the angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) are meant to be leaders at some point. They might have such a strong presence and naturally attract other people because of their strong and natural charisma. Every angular house describes the most important things and events in our life.
1st house represents someone's personality, body and overall life.
4th house represents home, childhood and someone's private life.
7th house represents marriage, other people and our partner's life.
10th house represents career path and someone's professional life.
For a couple of months, I have realized that I eat very poorly and less than I have ever eaten for years. Sometimes I basically skip breakfast. It's become clear to me why this happens to me when I did look at the transits and saw that transit Saturn is currently in Pisces sign and it's sitting in my natal 2nd house of food, eating and throat. Saturn is all about restrictions and struggles and I don't have that capacity to eat the huge amount of food like I used to do. And it's not that I'm big, I'm naturally skinny actually.
South Node is related to spirituality, detachment and our comfort zone. When someone's personal planet or point, especially Sun, Moon or Rising, conjuncts your natal South Node, this may be a person who you naturally hang out with. You might feel comfortable with this type of person, but you may suddenly lose or break contact with this person like that is meant to happen. That is because South Node is a karmic planet and you should learn some lessons from your past life while interacting with person whose natal Sun/Moon/Rising conjuncts your natal South Node.
I could be called out for this statement, but I find Lilith a little bit overrated here on Tumblr and on every other social platforms (especially on Instagram and Twitter/X). Since I started following some astrology accounts here, I've been hearing about Lilith and other asteroids like they're something special. Don't get me wrong, I do think that Lilith does represent the sexual and dark side of us and that it can be accurate, but I also think that we already have Pluto for this (and Mars and Saturn too, 'cause they're all dark planets). My opinion is that people rely a little bit too much on asteroids here. When I look at someone's natal chart, I usually look the positions of the planets and I get enough clarity on someone's life and behavior. I use asteroids too, but that's the last thing I look on someone's natal chart.
Since I switched a house system from a Placidus to a Whole Sign, I have understood my own natal chart with the Whole Sign system clearer than before I used Placidus system. I'm not saying that the Placidus is bad and less accurate, but from my experience, that house system has always been confusing to me. When I switched to the Whole Sign system, I could understand my natal chart better and everything just 'clicked' to me. Whole Sign just makes more sense to me, I don't know about you and others.
I used to use both traditional and modern planetary rulers for each sign and house, but now I'm starting to realize that is enough to use only the traditional ones. I'll still use planets from Sun to Pluto while analyzing someone's natal chart, but when it comes to the rulers of the signs and houses, I'll use only planets from Sun to Saturn. The reason why is because I've concluded that the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) move too slow and it takes several years to change their signs. But regardless, I'll still say that these outer planets are co-rulers in modern tropical/western astrology, but I won't use them in practice anymore until I change my mind, which happens quite often, hahaha.
In traditional tropical astrology, Saturn rules over the Capricorn and Aquarius, Jupiter rules over the Sagittarius and Pisces and Mars rules over the Aries and Scorpio. But in modern tropical astrology, Aquarius is co-ruled by Uranus, Pisces is co-ruled by Neptune and Scorpio is co-ruled by Pluto. Use whatever it resonates more to you. I don't force you to think like me, that's not my goal at all.
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Thank you for reading this observation and supporting my work. You can ask me what do you want me to do next if you have any ideas. Wish you all had a wonderful day ahead.
Best regards,
Paky McGee
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having finished david j. skal's something in the blood: the untold story of bram stoker, the man who wrote dracula, i enjoyed it tremendously and learned a lot and thought his commentary was mostly good or at least interesting and bookmarked some quotes i intend to type up at some point. BUT i do have some dracula-specific nits to pick that i am going to share here because to be frank i think The Dracula Daily Community On Tumblr will be receptive to my complaints. spoilers relative to the current calendar point below the cut for dracula daily first-timers
1. i mentioned early on in my reading of the book that one thing that became very apparent to me is that a lot of the seward-van helsing dynamic sure feels like it can be read as an expression of the kind of relationship stoker desperately wanted to have (or wanted to believe he had, and perhaps even convinced himself he did have) with henry irving: a mentor-mentee relationship between two men where the older and more dazzling man has his peculiarities and eccentricities but also pledges to the younger and more worshipful man a sincere undying loyalty born out of gratitude for his stalwart service in times of old and of a general respect for what the younger man brings to the table. skal is careful not to argue too forcefully for any particular biographical reading but he is also not generally shy about tossing out possible emotional connections or sources of inspiration; for example, as he discusses irving's death, he asks whether, if irving really was a source of inspiration for dracula, on some level stoker's observations of irving's failing health in his final years may have spurred him to gift him a fictionalized immortality. given that, the more i read the more i found it just sincerely bizarre that the sewart-van helsing connection doesn't come up even once. my guess is that his reading of jonathan as stoker's self-insert (he doesn't use that exact phrase iirc but he says this pretty much explicitly but i have no idea where in the 580 book so... sorry) occludes the possibility in his view that any of the other characters are also self-inserts (my own hypothesis is that basically every major character in dracula is a self-insert to some degree or another lmao. it's a very self-indulgent book! i don't mean that in a bad way!)
2. skal talks a lot about stoker's lifelong Gender Weirdness, which resists a reading as simple or as definitive as "he's just gay" but comes up repeatedly (sometimes in ways i thought were kind of goofy, like in his discussion of the irish custom of dressing boys in girls' clothing until they were like 7... like if it's culturally normal then doesn't that just mean children's clothing is gender neutral until a certain age? if it's happening to all boys would it be expected to have particular effects on a single boy who is being treated the same as all other boys? idk....). like, he talks about a poem stoker wrote in college or thereabouts that is either gay or from the perspective of a heartbroken woman, he talks about his interest in the conspiracy theory that queen elizabeth was actually a dude, etc. it's a recurring thread in the novel. AND YET!!!!!! ...... absolutely no mention of mina being described by van helsing as having a man's brain and a woman's heart. he quotes the journal entry where stoker describes himself in similar terms but does not connect it to dracula even though it is IMO a MUCH more explicit and direct connection than many of the possible biographical connections he identifies. like idk if i'm just tumblr dracula book club pilled but to me this was insane lol. that's the most overt expression of androgyny in dracula and it just doesn't come up at all! this is related i think to the idea that jonathan is the only self-insert (see also the fact that he never brings up how integral mina's secretarial skills are to the plot when he spent much of his professional life exercising secretarial skills of his own...) and also to his general acceptance of the reading that dracula as a novel is only nervous about women (which it is lol) and not doing any other stuff with them (which it also is! see below...)
3. okay this is the wildest one for me. on the one hand sometimes i get very insecure and defensive about how we talk about dracula here because i'm like, idk can 7 billion people positing a single very simplistic exclusively regressive view of the novel's treatment of women really all be wrong? but something happened in this book that kind of strengthened my conviction that no actually the book is just not as straightforward in its treatment of women as many readers would suggest, which is that skal, who has devoted a considerable portion of his career to the novel dracula by bram stoker, actively misremembers a scene in the book in a way that aligns it more comfortably with the reading that dracula is a fantasia about punishing gender-transgressive women - discussing stoker's next novel, the man, he writes: "There is much consideration of how female dominance and male submissiveness might be balanced, without the New Woman hysterics of Dracula, in which Lucy shocks propriety by suggesting a woman might propose to a man and is summarily cursed with living death." but lucy literally doesn't suggest that! mina does! (august 10: "But I suppose the New Woman won’t condescend in future to accept; she will do the proposing herself. And a nice job she will make of it, too! There’s some consolation in that.") and while mina is temporarily cursed with living death, ultimately she is saved and gets to live happily ever after. i was like quite sincerely shocked by such a flagrant error about the text this guy is an alleged expert on (he is one of the co-editors of the norton critical edition); personally i noticed the mistake right away because every year on Mina Makes Fun Of The New Woman Day i get annoyed at the tag filling up with people who have never in their lives heard of a smart interesting woman who was not also aligned politically with the cutting edge of feminist thought, lol. i guess it really goes to show you the power of narrative that a particular framework for understanding gender in the novel like... literally overwrote the actual text in the memory of someone who has spent much of his professional life talking about this novel. but like i said i also found this in a weird way affirming because well like yeah... in order to simplify gender in dracula that much you literally have to be wrong about the actual events of the book lol...
it's occurring to me now that he also talks about bram's invalid childhood but doesn't connect that to jonathan's time as an invalid and subsequent restoration to splendid manhood... i'm not saying there is a connection but i am saying i don't think this is a less insane thing to posit than "is dracula immortal because he wanted henry irving to live forever," you know?... he quotes a guy talking about all the grown men crying in the novel as an example of arrested development connected to reading dracula as a fairy tale which overall is a reading i DO like but he doesn't also connect all the hysterical dudes to the gender stuff even though the novel definitely makes a point to associate sobbing breakdowns with women while also giving them to all its male characters... well whatever... the history was very fun to read and i do recommend the book if you've been curious about What Stoker's Whole Deal Was and i also did like some of his insights on dracula, like the aforementioned connection to stoker's love for fairytales (he points out that as in fairytales most of the main characters are orphans and i was like - oh! - my heart!) and his emphasis on stoker's love for the theater and for his childhood experiences of the christmas pantomime which i think really underscores my general belief that dracula slaps partly because it is, as i mentioned above, extremely self-indulgent and totally unafraid of showy tricks and melodrama (compliment!!!! i mean this as a compliment!!!!)... but yes i do think his analysis of the novel leaves something to be desired.
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the-s1lly-corner · 21 hours
Pocky game w/ various HH characters part 1/3
I want pretzels so bad rn it's not even funny
Characters: charlie, vaggie, angel dust, husk, sir pentious
Notes: read is GN for everyone but vaggie and angel, Angel's reader is male, vaggies reader is fem, bonus hcs of what i think their favorite flavor would be- take it with a grain of salt because admin has only tried the og flavor and the cookies n creme
CWs: edit
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oh she loooooooves stuff like this and shes definitely going to bring it up if you dont bring it up!
very understanding if you tell her you dont want to play the game, she doesnt want to force you- however she is over the moon if you agree
meets you in the middle and gives you a kiss, probably does a little "mwah!" sound to add to the general light heartedness of the activity
excited and she loves sweets so she might eat her portion a little faster than you
likes all the flavors but always finds herself coming back to the original, can never go wrong with a classic
not much of a sweets person but if she doesnt have anything going on shes likely to do a game or two with you
is aware of the game but has never played it, at least if this is a timeline where she doesnt date charlie because charlie 100% would get her to do it with her
unsure if its supposed to end in a kiss but she does keep that in mind when playing the game- neither works too slow or too fast on her end- she doesnt want to come off as too into it... not that shes not into you of course! she just doesnt want to come off as desperate if that makes sense
does it for you most of the time because she knows it makes you happy and it doesnt bother her
i think she would be an almond crush enjoyer!
it should come as a shock to absolutely no one that hes going to use this as an excuse to try to flirt or tease you; even more if you clearly show some feelings for him or if you two are already in a relationship
sighs.. he would make it a point to nibble on the stick in a way to try to get under your skin in one way or another.. its like when people get freaky with popsicles
game ends with a kiss, hes well aware of it when you take the pocky out and he is READY
comments on how nice it tasted, likely winks, can see him asking to do it again
i feel like he would like the strawberry flavored ones.. though im unsure if thats because of his color palette making me think that or if he would actually be a strawberry enjoyer.. maybe a crunchy strawberry enjoyer
has no idea what the game is so youre going to have to explain it to him, he gets way too into it because of what it implies- if you were suspecting he had a crush on you this is kind of a confirmation because theres no other reason he would jump at the oppurtunity
all talk until the game actually starts, he kind of just freezes up or slows his tune a lot... didnt actually expect you to agree, or think about what would happen if the game actually started
barely meets you in the middle due to his nerves, and i can honestly see him pulling away at the last minute
its not like he doesnt WANT to meet you in the middle, its just that its a little overwhelming! and this would technically be his first kiss with you! if its going to happen he wants it to be more special!
dork... but it doesnt help him in growing the nerve to approach you to ask you out
has never heard of pocky so im unsure of what flavor would be his favorite
i dont think he would be all that interested, he might think the game is a little dumb actually.. on top of that i dont personally see him as being much of a sweets enjoyer so its more likely for him to turn you down
while derailing from the posts prompt, if you were to substitute the pocky with something thats more up his ally he might be more inclined to give it a try... though im unsure of what you could replace the pocky with and keep the basis of the game intact
actually, he doesnt really partake in games like that- the ones that can lead to something thats typically romantic. its just not his cup of tea
i can see him being a bit of tease, but i dont think this meshes well with his style... might do it to humor you though
does NOT eat much of the pocky, and he prefers the bit with no chocolate- might take one nibble to please you but thats it
if you two are already dating, though, hes going to lean into the kiss
no favorite flavor due to the above mentioned "hes not a sweets guy"
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meganlpie · 3 days
Based on this request: Hey Meg!! Can I ask for a George X Reader. She’s a Ravenclaw He has a crush on her so starts like hanging out around her trying to be friend and she’s kinda like “what are you doing?” Like the kinda sunshine and grumpy trope but he’s the sunshine and she’s the grumpy. haha hope that makes sense!
Here you go, lovely! *Familiar Characters are NOT mine. They, unfortunately, belong to J.K. Rowling.
Warnings: A bit of fluff.
Pairings: George Weasley x fem!reader
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To say you were confused would be an understatement. You had absolutely no clue as to why George Weasley decided to start hanging around you. It happened so suddenly, it almost made your head spin. The first time George sat across from you at breakfast, you glanced up at him with an arched brow and asked, "What are you doing?" He'd merely shrugged and gave you that cheeky grin of his. That was the beginning of your very odd friendship with one George Weasley.
       "George, you're never going to finish this essay if you don't focus," you stated, trying to ignore George playing with the sleeve of your robe while you wrote furiously with your other hand. “And you’re working too hard, Y/N. It’s a lovely day, we’re here by the Lake when we could be in Hogsmeade and yet here you are, writing essays again. A true Ravenclaw, through and through!” You rolled your eyes. 
“Don’t you have someone else to bother? Fred, perhaps?” George dramatically flopped down to lay his head on your lap, forcing you to stop writing. “Not until four. You, my dear friend, are my only source of comfort and entertainment until then.” You let out a little noise of frustration. “Why me?” you muttered.
“Just lucky, I suppose. Come on, Y/N. Have some fun, yeah?” You sighed heavily, knowing he’d never relent. “Fine.” George beamed and was suddenly up on his feet. He gave no warning as he grabbed your free hand and pulled you up. He didn’t let go of your hand and he pulled you behind him, intent on dragging you to Hogsmeade for a trip to Zonko’s you assumed. 
To your surprise, when you arrived in Hogsmeade, George took your scroll and quill from you and placed them neatly in your bag before grabbing your hand again. Instead of Zonko’s, George led you to the Three Broomsticks and to a cozy table in the corner. 
“George, not that I don’t appreciate the slightly less chaotic atmosphere here, but why?” you asked. George’s smile never dropped as he gave another one of those little shrugs. “Just fancied a Butterbeer with my favorite Ravenclaw…Don’t tell Lovegood I said that.” You couldn’t help but crack a smile and laugh quietly. Luna was certainly hard for anyone to dislike. “Alright, fine. Keep your secrets.” 
You looked at George to find him already looking at you. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he was smitten with you. “What are you staring at?” George blinked and shook his head. You swore you saw him blushing. “Nothing. Back in a jiffy.” You rolled your eyes before turning your gaze to the fireplace. A hint of smile made its way to your lips as you thought over your friendship with the Weasley boy. A smile you desperately tried to make vanish before he got back. If he knew how much you actually enjoyed his company, he’d never leave you be. 
As you drank your Butterbeer, you could feel George’s eyes on you. You drank your beverage and thought about the essay you needed to finish. All the while, George’s gaze never left you. Eventually, you began getting irritated. “Weasley, if you don’t stop staring and tell me what is going on in that head of yours, I’m going to dump the rest of this Butterbeer in your lap,” you stated.
George blinked in surprise for a minute as if he hadn’t realized he was staring. You looked at him and saw a blush still painting his cheeks. Your brows scrunched together. “George?” He didn’t say anything, just placed a hand on yours. He moved a little closer to you. “George?” you asked again.  
George jumped a little, looking as if he’d been caught doing something he shouldn’t. He pulled away, removed his hand, and focused on his Butterbeer. You drank in silence. You were so confused by George’s behavior. It wasn’t like him to be so quiet and shy. Or maybe you were overthinking. You tended to do that sometimes. 
“Hey, Georgie!” Fred’s voice broke you out of your thoughts. You and George looked up and Fred glanced at you. “Oops, sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt your date.” Your eyes widened and George’s face grew even more red. Fred smirked at his brother before taking his leave. “George? Is this a date?” George looked at you. “Do you think it’s a date?”
“I thought I was spending time with my, if you tell anyone I called you this I’ll deny it, friend.” George grinned and you rolled your eyes. “George…”
“I like you. Got a bit of a crush, actually. I didn’t think you’d actually go for me so I didn’t ask you out. Most girls go for Fred first.” You stared at him. You didn’t know what to say. When every reason why George insisted on hanging out with you went through your mind, this was not even a thought. George fancied you?!
George was still staring at you when you came back to reality. You cleared your throat and finally said, “I suppose I don’t find your company entirely intolerable.” George froze for a second then burst out laughing.
“I knew you liked me, you little ray of sunshine.” You tried to fight back a smile to no avail. “Yes well, you liked me first. And I do expect a real date some other time.” George reached out a hand, letting you make the decision to take it or not. After a second, you grasped his hand in yours, resting them both on the table while you finished your drinks.
(a/n: I hope you like it!)
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aguyinthepubliceye · 2 days
my partner and I have been watching different Ride The Cyclone productions. So far we've watched the off-broadway 2016 production (and just in case i'm mistaken, its the one played by Gus Halper, Alex Wyse, Tiffany Tatreau, etcetc. I will also be referring to this one as the OG even though is not cus im too lazy to type allat again), and some of t he more recent ones done in universities. I think it shocked us both to see the differences in the script. I mostly have qualms and complains around Mischa and Ocean's character. Mischa's has to do with how he's portrayed rather than the scripts, like Ocean's. In the newer ones, Ocean is portrayed as such a mean girl especially with the whole improvisation thing. They made her so superficial when in the original it really felt like she was trying her best to (as repetitive as it sounds) be her best and change the world positively even though it gave her a feeling of superiority for believing she is better than anyone else, that it came from HER being capable of changing the world. And by the end instead of reviving herself, she revives Jane and comes to terms that this is how she will affect the world, through giving someone else the chance to live again. That also means that Penny might not even remember her, and that's a whole lot development for Ocean cus she's not thinking about what her mark will be in the world and the changes SHE will make, but rather giving someone else the opportunity to live is purely selfless cus she gets absolutely NO reward, not even personal achivement or nourishment. It's just character development which kind of looses her effect when she's turned into a smart ass MEAN mean girl with airs of moral superiority that make no sense when she's bullying just because. Basically, yes she does think she can change the world but her superiority comes from moral and ethics, not just cus she's like 'im just better than anyone else cus im so slay yas girlypop'. They just pushed it too far with some of the stuff they changed/added (I will admit the improvisation bit was funny, if only it didnt ruin her character ((imo)) I feel like Mischa is being interpreted much more dumb than he actually is. They make him SUUUCH a himbo but almost fully negatively. It seems like they are putting characters in boxes. I enjoyed the OG because - much like he himself says - he gets hyped about things BUT in Halper's interpretation conserves that ''gangster'' more or less serious/chill persona and it's not just some loud ass class clown type of character. We didn't watch much of talia but even thinking of those interpretations singing Talia clashes so much because it feels so dumb'd down compared to the 'og' since he's kind of stupid and silly so it feels like Talia really is just a silly first love, he's being delusional and shit like that. Instead of the Mischa we first saw who already seemed far more realistic and less stereotypical, so it makes more believable for him to be so in love with Talia and that being the whole argument of his desire to live. GRANTED WHAT WE SAW ARE UNIVERSITY PRODUCTIONS so im not sure they were full on actors but still, it bothered me so much to see that twice, i had to get it out of my system bro. No hate to the actors tho these things happen, whateverrr anyway gus halper slayed that role, i have yet to see a Mischa that has so much ACTUAL passion and doesnt dumb down his rage thanks for listening im done yapping please dont yell at me thanks x2!!
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