#do i use izumi or sena as his tag... mimin get it together
(For an ask game that i already lost the link for because it’s been half a year. I’m so sorry anon i have no excuses haljfkal. but thank you for sending this in)
under read more bc i have word vomit disease and my answers got long. the questions are:
fave thing about them
least favourite thing about them
favourite line
random headcanon
unpopular headcanon
unpopular opinion
song i associate w them
favourite picture of them
Favourite thing about them:
I had to rewrite this section bc I listed too many things LOL. I just like sena a lot..! But if I really had to pick one, I think it's contrast between his external and internal selves. He always behaves like an absolutely deranged and narcissistic person when actually. He is very critical of himself and holds onto regrets and the past a lot. Thinking about the "Yuu-kun. Makoto Yuuki-kun. I've always known." line from Starmine and the part in Lionheart where he says he doesn't want to forget Leo and their time together. He cares so much about others, so much more than he knows what to do with himself. It's very cute and sweet and incredibly sad. The tragedy of Sena Izumi is that he cares too much to ever really be normal about things. or that he never learned what to do with all that love. Anyway I wrote a 2.5k word essay on this if anyone here hasn't read it yet please do it's a whole manifesto
Least favourite thing about them:
I think he should just let Tsukasa eat his food. This goes for Arashi too, they need to let Tsukasa just eat.
Favourite line:
maybe this one in Lionheart: "Anyway, it pisses me off so I step on his [Leo's] head." you rarely get moments in enstars where you go "yep, boys will be boys" (in the positive way of the phrase). it's a funny moment and i like it.
nazusena!!!!! I could write a whole essay about this and i hope i do. the only reason i haven’t is bc there’s so much, idk where to start. there's a lot to unpack here but the gist of it is that sena is the only one in ! that lets nazuna be his bitchy self without any mean feelings mixed in. they know how to push each others buttons but also know which lines never to cross. they're great friends! i believe with the force of a thousand suns that they had crying sessions about their exes in tennis club.
also narusena! whenever naru reaches her limit and blows up at someone, everyone is surprised except for izumi. he knows that she's got a mean streak, but he also knows that her good girl persona is very important to her so he doesn't call her out on it - except for when he's validating her anger in the rare cases that she lets it get the better of her. (tbh thinking about it now, it's the same w nazuna - he never calls nazuna out on his bitchiness, probably because nazuna makes it super clear that he's trying very hard to be a respectable nii-chan. isn’t izumi weirdly considerate sometimes? i love him)
also the way narusena have a handle on each other is very funny. there's izumi knowing naru's worst flaws and thinking nothing about it, and then there's also pirates when naru bribed sena into acting the way she wanted him to as if he's a kindergartener.
izuleo for the fantastic breakup vibes and longing and pining and regret and. also they're cute. also did you know that leo's family loves sena and in !! he sometimes crashes at their place instead of his own.
ritsuizu because ritsu would tease izumi to hell and back and i think it'll be funny. also did you know that when sena gets back from florence and can't sleep bc of jetlag, they just hang out and talk. this has been mentioned at least twice and it makes me soooo happy because they're 2 incredibly guarded people and now they're so comfy around each other. cries... and also ritsu looooves being pampered while izumi has mom friend disease and has to look after the people around him or he’ll die. rtmo & izumako dynamic but without all the baggage of like. yknow. izumako, and also mao being the only person who paid attention to ritsu and who sometimes doesn't really like being the object of ritsu's obsession. rtiz are made for each other their hands fit perfectly. i speak this into existence.
ritsuizuleo is also great because now izumi has 2 very troublesome boyfriends who will very happily shower izumi with affection and izumi probably spends 80% of the time with his face red but being very happy about it on the inside.
nOTP: if i've ever seen a sena ship that made me frown, i just scrubbed that from my memory. but tbh i think any sena ship would be incredibly funny bc he just cannot behave like a normal or functional person.
random headcanon:
ok this is actually from a fic i read but. izumi constantly accidentally stepping or sitting on ritsu all over the place bc ritsu just falls asleep in the weirdest places, until izumi eventually checks under the desk or kotatsu before he sits by habit. it feels very izumi for him to learn to regularly do small actions like this but never really mention it. 
unpopular opinion:
He's supposed to be pretty but I don't find him physically or aesthetically attractive??? (.... Fem!Sena on the other hand. My brain always freezes and stops working and i'm like "wow what an ethearal person!!" i don’t feel like having a crisis over this so i don’t think about this much. but it happens.)
song i associate with them: idk maybe silent oath and the divorced izuleo vibes. wanting to be with the person but you don’t think you should. talk to each other properly you losers (affectionate) i’m going to cry and sob at you
favourite picture of them:
checkmate unbloomed. i can’t put the image here bc i can’t find a png of it, but here’s a link to it in the wiki. it’s the one where little john, the midly pudgy grey cat is like. sprawled on izumi’s upper torso and shoulder and izumi not only LETS it but also gently pats her and looks at her softly. i bet izumi’s other arm is supporting the cat’s bottom so it can relax properly on his shoulder. what a softie.
i love little john so much. i'm sorry izumi i know you like attention but this isn't about you. i read this story at the start of my enstars journey, and let me tell you that little john made me 10x more invested in knights' storyline. i am a cat person. which also explains why i like knights, because they’re all very cat-coded. or ritsuizuleo at least.
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