#do not test a guy who has a 20 step skincare routine
gunstellations · 1 month
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its sonics turn! 👅
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spycrate8 · 3 years
Non Medical Facelift Near Me
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Hifu Facial Skin Tightening Up.
Prominent Portable Facelift Body Slim Hifu Maker With 5 Heads( 1 5mm, 3.0 Mm, 4.5 Mm,8.0 Mm,13.0 Mm Heads).
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2 or 3 therapies are normally called for, and the advantages may end up being noticeable after concerning 6 weeks. Professional research studies have revealed that the results can last for up to two years, which is substantially longer than numerous other injectable visual therapies. With these therapies, renovation is progressive, resilient as well as gives you a totally natural-looking fuller face. Medical researches have revealed that the results last for two years after the last therapy has actually been finished, considerably longer than other injectable treatment like hyaluronic acid fillers.
Mottet N, Bellmunt J, Briers E, Van den Bergh RCN, Bolla M, Van Casteren NJ, et al
. Find out more concerning what happens if your cancer comes back as well as what therapies might be offered.
Some males obtain erection issues that boost in time, yet other guys locate that their erection issues do not enhance.
Whole-prostate HIFU deals with the whole of the prostate and also takes around three hours.
These will influence each male differently, and also you could not get all of them.
It may appropriate for males who have prostate cancer that needs treating in greater than one area of their prostate.
As one of the leaders in making use of antioxidants, he was additionally the developer of the well-known Meso glow, utilizing Mesotherapie shots with a vitamin alcoholic drink. Typical full facelift is better for more advanced maturing with platysmal banding and also extreme skin laxity. Thermage ® CPTThermage ® CPT is a radiofrequency technology that naturally and three-dimensionally contracts the collagen in the skin. It attract lots of stars because it produces a rejuvenated, and revitalized as well as overall younger appearance to the skin without changing your looks.
Side Effects
BOTOX ® Wrinkles and fine lines aren't just tell-tale indications of aging; eyebrow frowns and also wrinkles around the eyes, like crow's feet, can likewise make you look weary or 'hard'. Are you beginning to discover the lines and wrinkles however also afraid to have asurgical facelift therapy, or simply worried about being evaluated? You can still appreciate the advantages of a medical facelift by selecting anon medical facelift.
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1. Straight jaw jut 1. Tilt your head back and look toward the ceiling. 2. Push your lower jaw forward to feel a stretch under the chin. 3. Hold the jaw jut for a 10 count. 4. Relax collagenre store hifu high-wycombe features and return your head to a neutral position.
LOOK YOUNGER IN DAYS - Our collagen increasing serum is specifically developed to aid your skin heal normally and also rejuvenate collagen production. The result is more youthful, tighter looking skin that assists turn around the visible indicators of aging. The procedure for a Non Surgical Face Lift involves a powerful pressure of injectable fillers that reduce or get rid of great lines, sagging as well as creases. The shots also include muscle mass immobilising products such asBotox, which restore the elegance and also young people to the face. As we grow older, our face skin gets thinner as our collagen levels go down, the bone diminishes and also the muscular tissues atrophy. This all combines to cause an absence of quantity, which is what makes skin look saggy. Yet with a Non Surgical Facelift, it's feasible to restore every one of that shed volume, as well as develop a face structure that is high and full of younger contours.
Hifu Facial Skin Tightening Up.
We have years of experience with the item and continue to participate in instructional seminars as well as continuous training with leading doctors from both the UK as well as abroad in operation the item. The security of injectable therapies in human beings has actually been examined in clients in investigator-initiated professional research studies. this therapy has actually been found to be well tolerated without any significant damaging events reported. ight time routines are terrific for structure as well as fixing damage and loss of nutrients in the skin as our body begins to bring back as we sleep.
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We put your safety at the heart of every little thing we do, and as the leading medical group, we are continuing to ensure our centers are the most safe environment possible. With an industry-leading safety and security charter as well as rigorous steps in place, you can visit us with self-confidence. With over 25 years of experience as well as over 2 million customers treated, you have accessibility to the very best in dermatology as well as skincare treatments. Drooping cheeks-- the light to moderate sagging of cheeks is caused by the ageing procedure however can be remedied by String lift treatment. The impacts of using poly-l-lactic cosmetic therapy is steady as well as exceptionally natural looking.
Prominent Portable Facelift Body Slim Hifu Equipment With 5 Heads( 1 5mm, 3.0 Mm, 4.5 Mm,8.0 Mm,13.0 Mm Heads).
It uses Micro Focused Ultrasound to trigger micro-wounds in the deep tissues of the skin, boosting the production of elastin and collagen. This laser therapy is best for those in their 20's and 30's wanting to improve the indicators of early aging. It is likewise superb for those in their 40's seeking to attain an all-natural, revitalized result.
The therapy is quickly, taking about 20 minutes as well as has no downtime or inflammation. Often known as a 'lunchtime facelift' this very controlled therapy which can not just deal with puffy eyes and dark circles however additionally plumps up your collagen and tightens your skin. In maintaining with the most up to date lawful laws, only specialist facilities with the essential certificate are currently allowed by regulation to carry out the string lift procedure. Fraxel laser can be utilized to deal with coloring or skin ageing; ablative lasers can be utilized as a more aggressive strategy to regrow the skin. Breakthroughs in biotechnology and laser tech have caused collagen shots; hyaluronic acid fillers; fat transfer therapies; Botox ®; plasma as well as growth aspects shots and also stem cell removes from fat.
An all-natural as well as fresh looking face is possible utilizing volumising poly-l-lactic collagen stimulator therapies at the London Aesthetic Center, Knightsbridge. A new technique of skin restoration and skin firm has actually taken its motivation from the humble crawler ´ s internet providing the name 'spider-web facelift'. learn about a hifu facelift milton keynes , unlike other raising surgical treatments, allows the client to return to every day life right after the treatment with minimal downtime. This treatment is risk-free to be carried out on virtually any kind of part of the body.
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Her glowy skin, cheekbones as well as tight jawline were ample to make me call her skin medical professional and publication in. The current, skin-transforming treatments (plus a tried-and-tested old favourite) for skin-tightening, lifting as well as gleam increasing. Or, as one more buddy placed it, "the Valencia Instagram filter genuine life". Needle as well as knife-free, these therapies don't include anything right into the skin; they function much more naturally. The therapy is utilized to replace shed collagen as well as to fix shallow to deep facial creases and folds up. To get good results, it has to be infused by someone with an outstanding understanding of face makeup, the aging process and the mechanism of activity of the product. It is not an easy filler however in the right-hand men is incredibly effective and also secure alternative for several individuals.
A non-invasive, non-surgical therapy that uses ultrasound power to lift as well as tighten skin. If you wish to additional lift the face, Ultherapy is the gold standard of lifting and also tightening up.
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mini-pretzel · 5 years
… what have i signed up for?
//cracks knuckles
grab a juice box, grab a snack.
we’ll be here for a while. what have i gotten myself into
1. Talk about your first love. 
oh jesus. i actually recently found my old journal lol
from way back when. 2009 i think? i was 13 or some shit. jesus. ok. so my first love was actually over the internet.
yeah, i know. nowadays we’re spoiled with tinder n shit, but back in 2009, all we had was myspace and msn and i met this fucker on skype.
i was so ahead of my time.
anyway, it was october 25, 2009.
here’s a snippet from my journal entry:
well i met a guy on skype. he’s a month younger cause my b-day is on oct 14 and his is on nov 18. but i don’t mind it.
yoooo i was into younger guys even at 13, jfc hahhaa //kill me jk hmu
and then on the next page hahahhaa omg
december 2, 2009
well me and ___ are no longer together. well we never began. he broke my heart two times already. going in depression. please don’t bother. first love, ha!
omfg damn, two months. yeah, that lasted long. also old me: ur so dramatic lol
also i was a feisty lil fella, jeez.
2. What’s the most beautiful songs you’ve ever heard in your opinion? 
this one
3. How’s your heart feeling right now?
a lil stressed. im like, hoping i can get through all of these questions without my computer crashing. pray 4 me.
4. What kind of self care is your favorite to do? 
ok, first thing to note, i fucking love self care. like, too much if im honest.
baths with bubbles and nice smelling scents, lotions, a face mask, taking my time with washing my face and hair and putting on the cutest clothes after. also snacks, always snacks.
when im feeling like spending money: massage. full body. best thing ever. i treat myself to it at least once a year for my b-day.
5. What’s your skincare routine? 
ok so i just got a new skincare line. it’s from nature republic. i have a cleanser, a toner and a moisturizer. it’s fairly simple (unlike 9 steps in korean ahhahha, but like i’ll probably get there in time) also i have a peel mask that smells like bananas that i put on twice a week to get rid of dead skin cells. oh and sometimes i do korean face masks, too.
6. How did you get to be so beautiful?
answered that q here
7. Do you have any stuffed animals?
NO! //hides them all away
8. Best trip you’ve ever been on?
thailand. my parents took me w/ them on their honeymoon.
lol idek why either. trust me.
i was just there for the swimming, riding elephants, getting food poisoning and downing two banana splits in one afternoon. good times.
9. Favorite thing about your room? 
i live in a jungle. but also in an art gallery cause my mom buys paintings online and resells them, but it’s become such a habit for her they are literally EVERYWHEREE I CANNOT.
also sorry mom i keep forgetting to water the GAZILLION plants THAT YOU HAVE MOVED INTO MY ROOM FOR SOME REASON. they’ll be dead by the time ur home. srry ilyyyyy.
also tae hmu if u want some paintings. i got way too many.
10. Opinion on love? 
dude. idk. i mean. it’s definitely not something one can describe easily or fully grasp.
im still waiting for my big love to come along, so like, we can talk about that when we get there.
otherwise, i’ll say this quote that i heard in a song:
give your heart, but keep your head.
11. Are you affectionate? 
with certain people. im weird.
with some people im like no, don’t touch me pls. i bite and scratch.
and with others you cannot get them out of my death love grip.
12. Who do you look up to? 
i look up to bts a lot. they’re doing a lot of good and they’re very respectable artists.
but i also look up to a lot of writers on here because i want to create worlds and writings like them. i won’t tag them cause rip them trying to find why i tagged them in this long ass post haha.
13. Favorite poet? 
lol sorry bae
ur gonna have to scroll to find out why i tagged u. and then go red and yell at me. hahah.
i also like silentium! by Fyodor Tyutchev
also everything by pushkin (esp ‘i loved you’ fuck that one gets me every time). seriously. that man isn’t called the golden poet in our country for nothing.
i actually don’t read a lot of poetry nowadays unless its my own or my friends’
but im open to recommendations
14. Song that makes you happy? How about one that calms you down when you’re in a bad place?
answered here!
15. Do you play an instrument?
lol no. i was almost taught the piano (lol rip me, i wanna kill my younger lazy ass self) and i dabbled into learning the violin. but that’s like a whole story and a half hahahaha.
16. Do you do art? Using what (pencil, watercolor, etc)?
i used to pencil draw, nothing special tho. a lot of naked ppl lol. butts n boobs were my fave. also pecks whoo.
17. Do you dance? What style of dance? 
i don’t! but i want to. i’ve been looking into dancing schools. i might do hip hop n stuff. see if i have the rhythm, i can’t tell from just jumping around my room lol
18. What’s your zodiac sign? Do you believe in astrology? 
im a libra yo. diplomatic and indecisive af.
i kinda do? there’s some sense there, but it’s too vague. i think ppl need to look into their charts to really grasp their character.
and for some it may not be true at all, so like. idk. we’re all just doing our best here.
19. Favorite old film? 
a russian film that i always watch over the new year. my mom would always joke that the new year doesn’t start till we watch it lol
the irony of fate
20. What’s your hairstyle? 
21. What weather is the most beautiful, in your opinion?
cloudy but warm. so there’s not too much sun but u can enjoy a nice walk outside without getting rained on.
22. What upsets you most about the world? 
i only have two hands but there are so many cats and dogs. i cannot pet all of them.
23. Are you in love right now?
answered ;)
24. Do you have a crush? If so, talk about them!
here u go
25. Do you have pets? Talk about something sweet about them! 
i don’t! but i wish i did i would shower them with my love.
but @the-trth-untold dogs are the cutest and @psycho-slytherin cats make my day. pls spam meeeee. also i love @paristae cat too.
26. Do you have a lucky number? 
yup. 22.
27. Have you ever wished on a star? What about on a fallen eyelash? 
i’ve never seen a fallen star, so no.
but i’ve wished on a fallen eyelash, always.
28. Do you believe emoji spells to work? 
emoji spells??
bruh i’ve never even heard of it till this ask wtf is that shit
bruh i mean if it works for ppl all power to them??? idk i never tried it
29. Do you believe in magic in general? 
i believe in magic tricks. but magic died for me when santa stopped existing.
30. What’s the most beautiful thing in life, In your opinion?
31. Opinion on the color pink? What about baby blue? 
gorgeous colors. i quite like mauve pink and deep dark blue tho.
but baby blue looks amazing on some folks. oof.
32. What instrumental sound is your favorite? 
piano. always.
33. Do you like the sound of wind? What about the sound of rain? 
answered :)
34. Who makes you happy? 
bts and all of my mutuals
35. What makes you happy? 
sleep, food, music, writing, cuddles. and forehead kisses.
also more listed here
36. Imagine your ideal life, the life you wish to make, what will that look like? 
i live in a nice apartment. doesn’t have to be expensive, just nice and clean with wooden floors and spacious windows.
i have all the necessities that i need and im never lonely.
i have also touched countless hearts by my books and am able to live comfortably just from my works.
haha. you said ideal, right?
also have someone to spend it with. someone i’d write poetry about daily. a bestfriend first and foremost before a lover.
37. Do you wear makeup? If so what’s your favorite type of makeup or specific makeup product? Favorite store to buy makeup?
answered this fella here
38. Do you wear dresses? If so what’s your favorite dress you own? 
i used to have dresses. but not anymore.
i liked the long sleeve sweater black one i had with a low cut. it was gorgeous. i dont have much of boobage but i always felt like i was sexy in it.
39. Ever been heartbroken? How do you deal with it? 
yep. you just kind of take it one day at a time. some days will be better than the last. some days you’ll cry a little harder and some days you move on a little further. it takes time. make sure you have good people around you so you don’t fall into depression.
40. Who’s your closest friend? What do you love about them? 
ah, to be honest i don’t have a closest friend. i’ve always been the kind of person that always had friends around her but never anyone too deep. and i kinda wish i did. i just don’t know who would come to fill that spot. people always leave, so i kind of gave up assigning that spot. i think the people that want to be in that spot will show themselves and tell me. otherwise i will not assume or assign.
41. Introvert or extrovert? 
introvert. but i have my moments. i can be charming and friendly when i want to.
42. Do you like MBTI? What’s your MBTI? 
i had to look it up cause i forgot what it was lol
i took the test a while back: im infp.
there’s not a lot of us, apparently. which is cool. shout out to all infps out there!
43. Would you be a fairy, a mermaid, a vampire, a siren, or an angel? 
hmmm. what kind of fairy tho? lol
maybe vampire? idk i’d be a sexy immortal lady that’d bite innocent boys and girls that just want to have a good time lol
44. What’s the best song a friend has ever introduced to you? 
this oneee
45. Parlez-vous français? 
46. Most beautiful place you’ve been to? 
butchart gardens
47. Where/when do you truly feel at home? 
48. Does smiling put you in a better mood? Try it right now, you’re smile is gorgeous! 
kdjfalkfjdlkdsaf //hides
this ask is flirting with me…
well that’s as much action as im going to get this new years eve lol
49. Favorite shoe you own?
my sweet rose gold kicks, yo.
50. Can you walk in stilettos? Do you like them? 
lol no. i cannot. and i do not. im not made for heels. im tall enough as it is.
51. Do you feel loved? 
every time i talk to my mutuals yes //cry
52. How do you express love to those you care about? 
by saying cute words and by clinging to them like a koala.
53. Favorite term(s) of endearment? 
sweetheart, dear, idk im just like anything honestly. love, baby. go crazy.
i also love mean terms like idiot and stuff. or nicknames that hold inside jokes, something between the two of you only.
54. Most romantic thing someone’s ever done for you? 
hasn’t happened yet. so yeah. any takers? lol
55. When is the happiest you’ve ever been? 
reading a good book for the first time. or just experiencing something new that i end up loving for the first time. nothing can replace that first feeling.
56. Are you happy right now? 
happy im almost done hahhahahahaa. ha.
no but srsly i am
57. What makes you smile? 
stupid jokes. puns. someone laughing and showing themselves fully.
58. Do you laugh a lot? 
i mean. i think so? i try. i make jokes a lot and laugh at myself if that counts?
59. What’s your favorite kind of aesthetic? 
ughhhh comfy bf aestheticcc
60. Do you want to marry for love or for some other reason (like money)? 
i have a sour view on marriage. so only if i love someone hard enough. but even then i don’t know if i’ll do it. it hurts too much to think about marriage and wedding rings for me.
61. What would your dream wedding look like? Do you want to get married? 
see above.
62. Favorite flower?
63. Favorite artist?
claude monet.
64. Favorite music artist?
bts lol
no surprises there.
65. How kind do you think you are? Is kindness important to you? 
its not something for me to decide. i try to be kind to everyone, but how it is interpreted is different for everyone. i’d like to think i’m kind.
and yes, very important. especially being kind to yourself.
66. Ever made a playlist for someone? 
yes i have. i love making playlists for people. i don’t get asked that enough.
67. Do you have anything you do to physically comfort you when your sad? Such as a favorite blanket? Or a relaxing bath? 
music. music always helps. and tea.
ideally i’d love for someone to massage my scalp, but hahah no one’s been able to do it the right way. when it’s done right i melt and forget about everything.
68. Early bird or night owl? 
night owl.
moonchild, lol
69. Morning routine? 
wake up, look in the mirror, look away from the mirror, go back to bed.
70. Night routine? 
also fresh sheets.
71. What is the most lovely quality a person could have in your opinion? 
answered here
72. Do you cry often? Does crying help you get the emotions out? Do you feel better after? 
i only cry when i watch or read something. and it does help. i always feel better after. but i tend to keep my emotions hidden away, the negative ones at least.
73. Do you like hugs? 
i love hugs. come hug me, bro.
u must smell nice tho.
74. When was the last time you kissed someone?
75. Are you small or tall? 
tall. 175cm.
76. Do you like wholesome memes? 
77. Favorite thing about the past? 
cd players. chia pet commercials. flip phones. mom jeans.
78. Do you ever wonder about the future? 
all the time. esp mine. i have no idea what the fuck im doing.
79. Have you ever lived in a different country than you currently live in? 
yep. i’ve lived in america and canada before. and traveled a lot.
80. Do you like plane flights? Airports? 
i don’t mind flying. and depends on the airport. some are better than others.
81. Sunrises or sunsets? 
sunrises. every day is a new day~
82. The beach or a forest? 
bitch- i mean beach. :)
83. What time of day do you tend to be in the best mood? 
any time i am eating. or sleeping. or reading.
im so close to being done omg. this is fun tho.
84. Do you push yourself to act together and in a good mood even when you aren’t? 
always. ain’t nobody gonna deal with that baggage lol
85. Favorite kind of tree? 
japanese maple tree
86. Do you care about the health of the Earth? 
i mean i don’t even care about my health that much tbh, i need to work on that.
87. What did you like most about your childhood, if anything? 
that i got to travel and learned english very young.
88. Do you read a lot? What’s your favorite book? 
answered here
89. What are you most nostalgic for at the moment? 
old school disney
90. What’s your favorite personality trait you have? 
answered this bad boi here
91. List at least ONE thing you love about your appearance. 
eyes. have to work on my ass tho. squats baby.
92. When was the last time you truly felt calm, without much of anything to worry about? 
after a massage.
93. Do you worry a lot? 
eh, i worry enough, i suppose. there’s just some stuff you can’t control.
94. The dazzling lights of the city or the relaxing countryside?
dazzling lights of the city. especially in the evening. and in the winter. ahhhhh. someone hold my hand and walk with meeeeee.
95. Ever changed the shoelaces on one of your shoes? For what reason? 
no i haven’t had that pleasure, lol
maybe next year
96. Favorite pastry? 
97. Do you like doing little acts of kindness? 
yes. uwu
98. How’s your day/night going? 
well im finally done with this ask holy shit, and i need to resume writing my namjoon fic so… fantastic. i also have noodles. whoooo.
thank you for reading this whole damn mess of an ask.
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Want You Back - Ulysses Klaue
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“Ugh, I can’t keep doing this with you, it’s the same old thing every single time and I am fucking tired of it!” Selena Hawkins screeched at her fiancée Ulysses Klaue. Once again the 22-year-old caught her fiancée cheating on her, finding the evidence when a message popped up on his phone while he was in the shower. Selena didn’t mean to go through his stuff but she was curious; Ulysses was coming home later than usual, refusing dinner when she worked her ass off in the kitchen to fix his favorite meal, his hushed conversations over the phone late at night, and the kicker, a pregnancy test that definitely was NOT hers. “Baby, angel, princess, I promise I have no idea who that woman is,” Ulysses pleaded, lying right to her face, even with the pregnancy test in her hand. “Then why the hell was there a fucking pregnancy test in our trash can?! Don't fucking lie to me!”
But Ulysses ignored her and asked, “are you sure it’s not yours? We’ve going at it for weeks.” Selena wanted to smack the piss out of him but instead threw the stick at him and headed toward their shared bedroom and pulled out a suitcase from the closet. “What are doing? You’re not leaving are you? We’re engaged, did you forget?” Selena ignored Ulysses, stuffing clothes into her suitcase and zipped it up. She found an old school backpack and stuffed more clothes in it, her toothbrush, skincare products and put it in the doorway with the suitcase and finally took off the Tiffany Soleste engagement ring and sat it on the bedside table.
“Not anymore we’re not. Consider yourself single.” Selena was surprised herself as the words left her mouth; whenever she caught him cheating, she never thought she could go through with leaving Ulysses, she loved him too much for that. No woman in her family ever left their cheating partner, not her aunts, cousins, grandmother, even her mom, and she knew her mother would disapprove. Mrs. Hawkins would encourage Selena to work it out, give him time to grow. Selena did all of that, twice now, and still has yet to see any kind of growth or maturity with Ulysses and she didn’t know how much more she could take.
Selena considered Ulysses the love of her life, she wanted to marry him, have his kids, and he promised her all of that. She thought he was the one, that much she thought when Selena was barely nineteen; Ulysses said he would give her anything she could ever want or need if she held him down, and she accepted.  “Baby, you can’t mean that.” Selena booked a flight back to her hometown, New Orleans and reserved a room at a hotel in the French Quarter. “I’m serious Ulysses, I’m tired of doing this with you. You keep saying you’re gonna change and then go right back to cheating again.”
At this point Ulysses was on his knees in front of her as she tried to leave the room and he wrapped his arm around her legs. “Get off me! The fact that you have the fucking nerve to cheat and you wanna cry? Bullshit!” Selena kicked him off her and dragged her bags to the living room of the Paris penthouse they once shared; she didn’t care if it was late, she couldn’t spend one more second with him so she rolled her stuff to the elevator. “We’re done, Ulysses.”
The elevator door shut and Selena was out of his life forever
6 months later
“YAASSS BITCH, FUCK IT UP,” yelled one of Selena’s best friends Andrea. They were in a night club in Sicily Italy and Selena was getting her life to the YG song Big Bank with her other two friends Kennedy and Sasha; they were cutting up on the dancefloor as Drea filmed them for Snapchat and Instagram, hyping them up as they twirled their hips to the beat of the song. Six months ago, Selena broke up with Ulysses, and like she suspected her mother and every other female in her family went off on her, calling her heartless for not giving him a chance to prove himself. Her aunts and cousins considered her lucky to even have a man like Ulysses, he had money, lots of it and he wanted to spend it on all her. What more could she possibly want? 
But the thing is, Selena was a rich bitch before Ulysses and she’ll be one after him, she didn’t need him for money, she could buy as many Chanel bags and Louboutin heels she wanted and it still wouldn’t break the bank. The song ended and the DJ played a Post Malone song so she sat down where a waiter brought drinks to their booth. Kennedy and Sasha slid in on the other side. Selena sipped her lemonade sangria as she noticed a cute Italian guy wink at her and whisper to his friend. “So girl, six months free of Ulysses. How’s it feel?” Drea asked.
“It’s actually... nice. I didn’t think I would like it as much,” Selena admitted. When she told her friends that she left him, they were super supportive and ready to throw hands with Ulysses and the bitch he cheated with but she stopped them; Selena didn’t want anything more to do with him and she was pretty sure Ulysses’ men would shut that down quick. In the weeks after the breakup, she moved back into her dad’s Garden District home, holed up in her room and cried until she got sick, and that’s when Andrea, Kennedy and Sasha stepped in and  told her to pack because they were going on vacation and it worked wonders. They partied it all over the world, and after a two week break back home they went to Italy and Selena was back to her old self. They even documented their excursions to show to their family when they got back. 
This was their last trip before they went home for good, so Sasha suggested Italy after learning that Italian men loved black women, and the bitch was right. For the past two weeks, they were waited on hand and foot by gorgeous Sicilian men, given free bottes of wine, jet skiing at Cefalu beach. Selena was in heaven and on the second night in Sicily when she was still a little upset about Ulysses, a guy named Nikolai fucked the little sadness she had out of her and that was it. No more thoughts about Ulysses late night wondering what he could be up to. It was getting late, nearly three in the morning and the club closed at four.
“You deserve to be happy boo. Just be glad you didn’t marry him. That would’ve been a messy ass divorce,” Kennedy said. “Yeah, I know. I would’ve been divorced in my early 20s with a baby,” Selena laughed as she finished off her drink. She still wants to have kids one day, but that could wait; right now she was living her best life with her friends and she was enjoying it. They weren’t very drunk so they walked back down the street back to their hotel, laughing about high school memories. What Selena didn’t know is that she had a surprise waiting on her.
Ulysses Klaue was in a van along with three of his men waiting on Selena to come home from the club. He arrived in Sicily this morning and spent most of the afternoon trying to find her but failed, checking every hotel and villa in the area to see if she was guest, but no one under the name Hawkins came up. He was about to give up and go back home when he heard her laughter, and there she was, going down a side street. The building the four girls went into was on Cefalu beach, and waited a minute before he followed suit. There was a man at a computer behind the counter in the lobby and went up to him.
“How may I help you this evening sir?” the concierge man asked with a thick Italian accent. “Those girls that came in a minute ago. What room are they in?”  “Le belle donne? Sono molto belle,” the man said pointing to the bank of elevators a few feet away. “Yes, yes, they’re very pretty, but what room are they in?” Ulysses was getting impatient and he wanted an answer now.
“Unfortunately sir, I cannot give you that information as it is confidential, unless you are with law enforcement.” Ulysses knew what to do and he pulled out a few hundred Euros, the equivalent of almost four hundred dollars in American money. “Would this be enough?” The man behind the desk looked in both directions before answering and sliding the money towards him. “Room 15C,” he said and went back to typing.
Ulysses took off, eager to see his girl after all these months. When the elevator opened up to the fifteenth floor he took off until he found room c; it turns out that the room wasn’t under Selena’s name, it was under her friend Andrea’s. He pushed his ear against the door and Ulysses could hear the popping of a champagne or wine botte and giggling. It was now or never; the love of his life was on the other side of this door. He took a deep a breath before knocking.
“Who is it?” someone yelled from the other side. “It’s maintenance! Here to check the air conditioning!” There was some shuffling before they unlocked the door and a girl that wasn’t Selena opened the door. “Maintenance? At almost four in the morning?” He wasn't going to comment that they were drinking alcohol at almost four in the morning, he just wanted to look for Selena. 
He pretended to check the air conditioning unit for problems, wondering how long could keep up this charade. “Hey, you look pretty familiar. Have we met before?” Andrea, the girl who answered the door asked. They did meet before but only once, way back when Selena had bought him home for the holidays in the early days of their relationship. “I don’t think that’s possible. I live in South Africa.”
“What’s going out here?” Selena asked as she exited the bathroom. She was wearing a satin pink lingerie night gown that stopped at her thigh and her hair was pulled into a bun on her head. She was in the bathroom doing her skincare routine so her face was still damps with products. “Oh, just the maintenance checking on the air condition.” “Well, we didn’t ask for maintenance at almost four in the morning, so sir, you can come back later today.” 
His time was up and he closed back the unit and turned to face her. The man with the tattoos on the side of his head and she could feel the shock on her face. “Ulysses, what the hell are you doing here? How did you find me?” This had to be some kind of dream, Selena was sure. Maybe she was a little too drunk and this was a hallucination of repressed fantasies and memories; there was no way he could be here, right? 
“Angel, I miss you and you know I love you.” Did his dumbass really think he could just waltz on in after six months of hard work to get back to herself? She pretended to ignore him and turned to Andrea. “Anyways, I was thinking that before we leave, we should try going to Ida’s, some of their stuff is cute,” Selena said, typing on her phone.” Andrea was just looking at her friend like bitch you know damn well you see this nigga in our room. “Selena, you do know your ex fiancée is here right?” Andrea was sure that Selena lost her mind.
“Yeah, I know. I ain’t tell him to come here though.” Selena still hasn’t looked at Ulysses and in truth, she was scared, scared because if she looked him in the eye, that she would break down, ruining months and months of hard work to get back to herself. “Selena, please, I’m sorry. Believe me.” Andrea was beginning to feel uncomfortable so she excused herself, talking about going for a run on the beach. When she left, Selena let Ulysses have it, not giving a damn if she deserved her neighbors. 
“Are you out of your fucking mind?! What made you come all the way to Italy? Just leave me the fuck alone! I don’t give a damn if you miss me, I said what the fuck I said when I said I was done. Get the fuck out of here.” Ulysses was heartbroken, he was sure that she would break after the first month and come back to Paris, that after it was all over they would get married and have kids, just like he promised her. Then one month turned into two, and two turned into three and so on, and Selena still wasn’t back. She had changed her number, moved back to America and everything was quiet. Not even her mom’s side knew where she was, as she wasn’t particularly close to her mother.
“Baby, I know I hurt you, and I’m sorry for that, but I don’t want to be without you. I can’t be without you. I want you to come back.” Ulysses really loved this woman, more than anything else, more than he wanted revenge against the Black Panther. “I can’t do that. How do I know you’re lying? And what about the kid?” He knew that this question would pop up and he was excited to reveal that it wasn’t his. “Kid’s not mine and I promise I’ll do whatever it takes to make it up to you.”
Selena loved Ulysses, even after six months, but how could she trust him? She didn’t want to do this, not now, not when she was just starting to get used to not having him in her life. “Ulysses...” “Look, I still have your ring,” Ulysses said fishing his pockets for the Tiffany engagement ring. He held it out to her and got down on bended knee. 
A second proposal. “Ulysses, it’s not just the cheating, it’s the missions. You’re gone for months at a time and when you leave I don’t know if it’s going to be the last time I see you, and you’re already a wanted man by S.H.I.E.L.D.” This was another reason why Selena left, she was always worried about Ulysses whenever his missions took him out of whatever country they were living in, not coming back for months on end with short phone calls at night. His line of work was too dangerous and she couldn’t stand the thought of getting a phone call from one of his men saying that he was captured by the government or worse, dead. She wouldn’t go through it, and it gave her heart palpitations every time he walked out the door.
“With the money from Ultron, you shouldn’t have to do this at all. I need you home.” He promised he’d do whatever it takes to get her back, and he would not break that promise. “For you? Anything, please just come home.” He sounded so sincere, and she couldn’t find any hint of a lie when she looked in his eyes; she didn’t want to throw away three years of dedication and she didn’t want to start over with someone else. He was still down on his knee with the ring still in his hand, looking up at her. 
“If you ever do this shit again, I will leave you.” Ulysses slipped the ring on her finger before picking her up and spinning her around. “I promise, you have me.”  
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7 Trending TikTok Beauty Products That Live Up to the Hype
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These groundbreaking TikTok beauty products are guaranteed to upgrade your collection.
We’ve combed through TikTok with a level of intensity and chaos usually reserved for children who are briefly separated from their parents in the coat section of Macy’s.
After hours (read: over a dozen minutes) of hard work and dedication, we’ve found the 7 best viral TikTok beauty products, just for you!
If a Freaky Friday situation were to transform the widely beloved and addictive smartphone application TikTok into a successful Hollywood manager, these beauty products would be her Disney channel multi-talented rising stars. They’re the young, bright-eyed Zendaya's, Miley's, and Selena's of the beauty world. These gorgeous soon-to-be superstars have gone through the entire audition process, and taken down every chubby cheeked contender who’s dared get in the way of their success.
In a world that's as competitive as it is lucrative, these TikTok beauty products have risen to the top. Now, it’s their time to shine, and ride the success into their late 20s when they create their own makeup line and star as the lead in an HBO original series. This metaphor is crumbling, which is our cue to get into the products.
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These are the hair, skin, and makeup products the internet decided are worth having!
The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution
TikTok aficionados swear by the success of this product. It evens out skin tone, reduces signs of aging, and exfoliates so that textural irregularities become a problem of the past. The product is cruelty-free, so you won’t feel any guilt when you look your best. Do a swatch first to guarantee it doesn’t irritate your skin, use it twice a week at most, and get ready for your best skin yet!
Revlon One-Step Hair Dryer & Volumizer Hot Air Brush
The long-established “brush while you dry” technique just got an upgrade. This tool allows for styling, drying, and volumizing all at once, while also reducing frizz and damage. The easy-to-use brush quickly creates full-bodied, silky hair! TikTok users love this tool for its ability to produce the classic blown-out look without the hefty price tag. Save your money by investing in this tool without compromising on beautiful hair!
Peter Thomas Roth Instant FIRMx Eye Temporary Eye Tightener
Peter Thomas Roth has truly outdone himself with this instant eye tightener. On TikTok, a woman who struggles with severe under-eye bags uses this product and shows in real time the ridiculously impressive results. See for yourself here. TikTok did what it does best and quickly made this an out of stock product on the PTR website. If you’re feeling skeptical, sleep peacefully knowing professionals have backed up the science behind the disappearing eye bags, and you can always add yourself to the waitlist to test this magical product for yourself.
CeraVe Salicylic Acid Cleanser
A gentle cleanser is a necessity. This one is a standout due to salicylic acid and barrier-restoring ingredients, which combine to leave your skin exfoliated and smooth without irritating the protective barrier. It doesn’t clog pores and is enriched with antioxidant vitamin D. Simply put, it’s very effective at removing dirt that accumulates during the day and making your skin baby-smooth. Don’t overthink this product. Trust us and incorporate it into your skincare routine.
e.l.f. Poreless Putty Primer
Beauty obsessives on TikTok guarantee this product creates a virtually poreless complexion. This primer is infused with Squalane for intense moisturization that helps cling to makeup for a flawless face. The texture is velvety and works on all skin types. If you want your makeup to look as gorgeous at the end of the day as it does at the beginning, stock up on this product!
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Too Faced Lip Injection Extreme Lip Plumper
The name says it all! This lip gloss makes your lips look extra plump and juicy in seconds. It also has long term plumping effects when used consistently overtime. The ingredients of the gloss create the perfect pout while also nourishing and conditioning lips. It’s the holy grail of lip plumping products, so we’re manifesting that this never goes out of stock.
Maybelline Lash Sensational Sky High Mascara
Maybelline’s OG Lash Sensational Mascara has been my personal favorite for years. When I tried to switch it up with more expensive mascaras, they didn’t hold a candle to my tried-and-true Maybelline. This new Sky High edition is meeting, and perhaps even surpassing, the expectations set by her sister before her. As a result, it’s receiving the warmest of welcomes on TikTok. Users assert that the product makes their lashes look longer and fuller than ever before. Do yourself a favor and grab this lil' guy on your next trip to Target!
Now that you have a vanity full of viral TikTok beauty products, let us know which one is your fave! Show off your new obsession by tagging @mobilestylesapp on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.
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