#do not try to wall twerk off of your friend in real life you will kick them in the groin trust me
hazelelel · 11 months
hi please tell me about your OCs or I guess your favorite pretty please ok thanks bye
I actually don't have many active ocs atm.
-I do have this Harry Potter oc named Jackson that, long story short, was a chaos gremlin muggle that accidentally found Hogwarts and his only power was being immune to the obliviate spell (having his mind wiped) so all the magical folk were forced to keep him around and he eventually becomes a teacher. He does shit like wander into the forest and come back covered in pink glittery hair and someone is like "Is that highly valuable, highly rare unicorn hair???" and he'll be like "Oh you mean that weird horse I found in the woods? yeah idk maybe." He introduces Dumbledore to Kdramas and phonk and Snape to fancy light up ballpoint pens and MCR.
-I had another oc named Gray that was really odd because they ended up being named the Creature of Limbo, not quite human or magical or anything, just unsettlingly connected to this sort of liminal space forest and had some other weird horror stuff happen with a string of fate and abomination flowers which symbolized their soul and yada yada...
-Had an oc pair named Goose and Lynx. Lynx was a shapeshifter and a bastard. Goose was their sister and like secretly a teeny weeny bit evil. I really enjoyed writing her because one of her lines is "Arguably the most Slytherin thing a Slytherin can do is to not be in Slytherin..."
(A little extra lore) Lynx creates a new spell that can be cast from anywhere in the body and invents a move called ✨The Claps of Magic✨ where both Lynx and Goose stand back to back, handspring backwards, and land with both their feet on one another in handstands so that they can both wall twerk off of one another.
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^^ here is an crappy sketch so i look less insane
they do this when they are threatened with the consequences of their actions
-Had a Criminal Minds oc who was Spencer Reids cousin named Flute and he was an amputee (had his leg lobbed off by a serial killer who he ends up killing later). He helps the team for a bit. His leg lights up so like, "Hey Flute, mind turning off the leg?" "Why?" "I can't see the blood splatters when your leg is making everything look like a gay rave." He sometimes hits people with it and when he does, it plays the Seinfeld theme (and other rage inducing fight appropriate songs).
-Another oc named Foil that was in love with this guy, basically an unrequited love story, but then throw in some magic and it centers around this Cult of the White Shadow. They are a group of people trying to live forever through time magic (they believe that erasing parts of your own past tricks the time continuum into making you live longer. It doesn't). Foil finds out if they go through with this ritual that basically time will collapse which is NOT GREAT and she tries to stop them. She arrives on the scene and as a last resort throws herself into the time sigil to stop it and gets mega cursed™. The cult is stopped but she is screwed as she is wiped from history and forgotten (damn time magic). Forgotten Foil would be her nickname lol. She is my angst oc because she's always like "WhY shOuld i livE iF nOOne KnOwS WhO I Am wAhH-" ~~(🎶they call me mr forgettable 😩🫠🎶)~~
anyways imma stop there because that's a lot already even if I have a few more tucked away. most of these are not in active use and are pretty fluid because I can't make a concrete decision for shit
Thanks for the ask :)
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ceruleanchillin · 3 years
When You're At The Function F***in It UP And Your Man Walks In (Mayans)
Warnings: Implied sexual content, language, fighting
Characters: Angel, Coco, & EZ
You’re on thin ice as it is sis. The little forest-green dress with the the deep plunge front and slit sides, the one that ended up purchased after your friends hyped you into it. That’s supposed to be in the trash according to one Angel Reyes. That, or reserved for private nights in.
Currently, it was wrapped around your form, helping you grab envious/admiring glances from around the room.
Your hips twisted to the layered bass, using the random behind you for stability. Your friend next to you cheered you on, her inner hype man on full display. There’s a breakdown in the song, and you lose yourself in the rhythm. Suddenly, you hear a familiar voice telling you “Superstar mama, say hi for the gram!”.
Your eyes zone in on Gilly, eyes wide. Everyone knew the Mayans rolled deep when they went anywhere. Where there was one, there was the rest. Especially when it came to the three musketeers and their wrangler, EZ.
Like you were busted sneaking back into your room as a teen, you froze. You narrowed your eyes at your friend who shrugged and mouthed sorry before disappearing.
“Gilly fuck off!” You hissed, moving away from the random. Your eyes scanning the crowded den.
Gilly laughed, tucking his phone into his kutte. “Ayy, don’t get mad at me,” he fluttered his eyelashes and fake coughed into his hand. “I don’t feel so good baby, I’m just gonna stay in tonight.”
You narrowed your eyes at his high-pitched mimicry of your last conversation with Angel.
He wasn’t even supposed to be there. Your friend swore she nixed all Mayan related invites, just for that night, on your behalf. All you wanted was to be able to turn up like you did pre-relationship. Normally you could at clubhouse parties since Angel trusted everyone there with his life. Any party outside of that was a gamble, and Angel could referee like he got a check for it.
Your eyes finally met said man’s across the party and a chill and went down your spine. Angel was propped against the wall across the way, eyes on you.
The rest of party fell away as you made your way over to him, schooling your features into your ‘what did I do daddy?’ pout.
“Nah, don’t come over with that lip poking now.” He shook his head, speaking when you were in range of him.
“And what are you doing wearing this fucking pillowcase out here? What did we talk about?” He pinched the thin strings of your dress.
“Nooo, don’t be mad. I was walking through my closet and it fell on me. Besides, you liked it when I modeled it for you.”
Angel scoffed, refusing to even entertain your comments. Coco chuckled from his spot next to his friend as he lit a cigarette.
“I thought you had club shit, I didn’t even know you’d be here.” You cringed as soon as the words left your lips, the shots you’d taken earlier still putting in work.
“I didn’t know you’d be here either. I thought you were sick. There’s some soup in the car that thought it was getting dropped off. Apparently wrong thoughts is the theme of the night.”
Petty by Angel Reyes.
“Soup? Baby, that’s so sweet.” You tried to pet his cheeks, but he was keeping you at bay.
“You aren’t even sick! Imma give that shit to Gilly.”
“Nooo.” You whined again, still trying to get him to let you touch him in some way.
“Get that bitch you were dancing with to buy you soup.” It was his turn to pout, but there was fire in his eyes as he tracked the guy you’d been dancing with. “It’s all he’s gonna be able to fucking eat in a minute anyways.”
“Sorry I blew up your spot ma, I just wanted to see my plug and get out.” Coco opened the palm of his hand not holding the cigarette and revealed a small bag of weed.
Angel snapped his head towards him, expression incredulous. “Don’t apologize to her, she lied to her man! She gave some puto hope! Get on code!”
“I love you hermano, but this is your guard dog-ass fault.” He pointedly ignored his friend’s heated glare as a girl in the doorway caught his interest, slipping away when she positively returned his gaze.
Angel’s attention was claimed by you once again when you pulled his head down towards you. You smothered his cheeks in kisses, to which he was physically unresponsive.
“I don’t know if I want you kissing on me querida.”
You rolled your eyes. Petty or not, everyone knew Angel’s life force depleted the longer he went without touching you. Even in your tipsy state you could see his fingers literally twitched with the need to take their rightful place on your hips.
“I just wanted to dance like I used to, and you don’t dance. Then you beat down guys who want to. You left me no choice, so let me have kisses.” You locked your arms around his waist, successfully avoiding his half-hearted attempts to push you away.
He scrunched up his face. “How the fuck am I catching strays in this situation? I’m the victim!”
“I’ll make it up to you later if you stop being a hatin’ wallflower and let me grind on you.” Your hips found the rhythm of the slow wind song thumping through the room.
His hands encircled your throat, drawing you closer to his person. Your pupils blew at his darkened expression, your lower half squirming with interest. He pressed his lips to yours, and the party faded to nothing again. His fingers flexed around your throat before closing just enough for him to draw the subtlest gasp from you. He felt it more than heard it over the noise, but it was enough.
He pulled away, licking his lips as you tried to remember where you were and if sin always tasted so good.
“You’ll make it up to me right now in the traitor’s car.” he held up keys you recognized to be Coco’s.
You started to protest on principle, but your body was going through withdrawals from a lite touch (for Angel). He could see the wheels turning, but you were letting him lead you out of the room, palm openly covering your ass.
“Who are you texting?” You asked, more annoyed with how his hands were no longer possessively roaming your body than a real answer.
He quickly pocketed his phone and returned his hands to you. “No one baby.” definitely not telling his boys via group chat to handle the random for him. “Stop worrying about anything other than how you’re gonna get around at work tomorrow.”
It was bad enough you couldn’t make it to New Orleans due to work, and Old Lady “responsibilities”, but this petty fight you were in with Coco was the kicker. You couldn’t even remember how it started, but it escalated back and forth until you weren’t speaking and were back staying at your apartment.
Poor Letty had been reduced to messenger girl, especially now that she had a car. A tug of war with your point being “she was my girl first, that’s how we met” and his point being “she’s my kid, blood first ma” had broken out. You didn’t know what was going to wear through its welcome first, your lack of Coco, or Letty’s patience, but they were competing. It wasn’t like Coco was doing any better if your daily updates from Letty were any indication. He was impatient, tense, chain smoking, and was getting closer and closer to going through with the apology call he was openly fighting.
It wouldn’t be long before you were back to getting your back arched out of shape if that was anything to go by. Not a moment too soon if your own miserable habits were anything to go by. You wanted to use the party to distract yourself, hoping Coco would break first the following day. If not, it was sure to be you.
You spent the whole day throwing your frustrations into decorating your best friend’s backyard. It looked like the French Quarter threw up its best years, but it was the perfect backdrop to lose yourself to some bounce music.
Normally, you could goad Coco into being your twerking post, and that resistance (plus his turned on bi-lingual hypeman compliments in your ear) was everything missing at the moment.
You pouted and weaved your way out of the crowd to your friend who was busy playing good hostess.
“Ah ah, no whining. If you wanna really make it Mardi Gras, shake your ass on a dude.”
You narrowed your eyes, annoyed she shut down and solved your problem before you could whine about it. “Coco hates that shit! Plus he’s spoiled me, it won’t even be the same.”
“Coco isn’t here, and it doesn’t have to be the same, it just has to do.” She turned away from where she’d filled two shot glasses for the two of you. “Besides, we both know your ass is gonna be all in his neck crying about how you miss him tomorrow. Do your thing before you go out sad.”
She clinked shot glasses with you, pleased at her accurate assessment and your sourpuss face.
“Fuck you.” You laughed, voice rough from the burn of the shot.
“Save that for Coco.” She smacked your ass, draped one of the many beaded necklaces hanging off her shoulder around your neck, and sent you on your way back to the crowd of writhing bodies.
It was nothing to find dudes to grind on, and you fell into the synergy. You couldn’t count how many fast paced songs you’d thrown it back to, or how many guys you’d danced with. The stack of beads you’d acquired gave some idea though.
Meanwhile, Coco’s skin was alive with the kind of anger he felt. He’d been seriously contemplating coming to your place and forcing out admissions of how his life wasn’t right without you in it. He couldn’t remember who or what started it, but it didn’t even matter when your scent was starting to fade from his pillow, and his touch starvation was acting up.
All of that went careening out the window when he stumbled upon a pouty Letty, huffing and sucking her teeth at her phone. Turns out you, and “everyone in the goddamn world but me” according to Letty, were at your friend’s blowout Mardi Gras party. Coco knew it was your favorite holiday, but it was news to him that you had any plans since you couldn’t officially go this year. News he didn’t welcome at all, since all of the videos he saw you in you were throwing (his) your ass on multiple dudes. Did you think he wouldn’t fight everyone???
He was already on his bike before he’d even registered leaving the house. He sent a quick summoning call in his boy’s group chat, your friend’s address the destination.
The party was louder and wilder than the videos let on. He’d already spotted his boys by their kuttes, mingling in their respective ways, but didn’t seek them out. They’d find him if he needed them to. Coco on the other hand, needed to find you.
His eagle eyes picked apart the crowd until he spotted you twisting yourself to the rhythm. Coco didn’t know whether to shoot the asshole behind you, or take you away to deal with the feelings you were bringing out of him.
You knew he loved when you brought the South to the West Coast with your hips and ass.
He charged into your space, his hands immediately going for the guy’s arm and snatching him towards him.
“Make a choice cabrón. Get the fuck out, or be an expensive bill and sad memory for your moms by morning.” He pressed his kutte to his person, emphasizing that he was strapped.
The guy raised his palms and quickly exited the scene. Unwilling to test what clearly was a warning that Coco would happily make good on.
You tugged on him, trying to get him to move away from the crowd. Scanning those around you to see who saw or heard, you noticed more than you would’ve liked. They wouldn’t make a fuss, noting his kutte, but still.
“Stop it. What are you even doing here?” You hissed, tugging his arm harshly for his attention.
He turned his gaze, wild with adrenaline and arrogance at his victory, on you. “You should’ve stopped yourself before throwing it back on random fuckers for the internet. This is on you.”
“No, this is on you. If you hadn’t done what you did or said what you said…”. You trailed off remembering that you couldn’t recall what had happened, just the frustration.
“What did I say or do (y/n)?” He noted your visible annoyance that he’d chosen to use your real name instead of a pet name, and with a smirk, he walked you backwards until your back gently hit the fence.
Between not recalling what started the fight, and your man looking amazing, you settled on a pathetic. “You remember.”
“No I don’t, and neither do you.” that familiar prickle of intensity sparked between the two of you.
Everything between you and Coco felt like a live wire dancing back and forth. High energy moments usually ended in either great sex, or separation (sometimes by the force of your friends) to let things cool down.
“I know you’re gonna catch a case if you keep moving like that Johnny. Is that what you want?”
“Nah mujer, that ain’t what I want. I want you home where you belong, but you’re out here playing me instead.” Slender fingers tugged sharply at a few of the beaded necklaces in your stack.
You sucked your teeth and turned your head, ignoring the warm cheeks and butterflies in your stomach at his on-brand admission of missing you.
He placed a hand on the fence next to your head, grasping your chin to turn your attention back to him.
“You’re being a drama queen. I thought I was talking to Angel for a second.”
He threw his head back as laughed, and you got an almost overwhelming urge to kiss him. Or at least bury your fingers in his soft curls, they were begging for it at this po-
“Fuck that, he’s still got me beat. Wait til you see the tantrum he’s saving for you for not getting invited tonight.”
“He was, I just told her to can it because of you. He should be mad at you.” You pouted, but your tone was teasing.
“I could put in a good word for you…you know, if you’re done being petty.” He leaned in, running his lips over the shell of your ear.
“Or I could just offer to throw it back on him to make him forget.”
It was your turn to laugh when Coco tensed, and pulled back from where he’d been teasing you with light touches. You didn’t love him no longer touching you, but faltering him made it almost worth it.
“Or you could take me home and we could both forget…” you clutched at his kutte, leaning into him.
He pulled your hands away by your wrists, his thumbs rubbing over your pulse points.
“Nah, if dancing is this fucking important to you, come on then.” He pulled you after him.
“Cocooo,” you whined, more interested in getting him to touch you again. “Take me home already.”
“My lady wants to dance.” He sat on the outdoor wicker couch and patted his lap. “So dance.”
You stood there in confusion for a second, before what he meant became clear. “I’m not doing that here!”
“You didn’t have an issue earlier, move those hips ma.” He looked between you and his lap again.
Could’ve been the way he was biting his lip, or the laid back way he rested against the couch, but that coupled with lack of access to him, had affirmative words running through your mind.
You playfully rolled your eyes, faking like his request was that expensive. “Only because I want to get you home, and I know you’ll never quit whining if I don’t.”
You slipped onto his lap, the action already drawing attention from partygoers just for the potential of what was to come.
He grasped your hips to still you before you started to move, his palm pressing you back to him by your throat. “And don’t half-ass it yeah…or I might do the same when I get you home.”
It wasn’t until Creeper hit his shoulder and informed him of how hard he was smiling that EZ realized his cheeks ached. He couldn’t help it, he loved watching you dance more than anything.
As soon as you heard a melody you liked, you came alive to it, and stole everyone’s attention. You could find the beat on anything.
That wasn’t his sole reason for cheesing so hard though. Tonight had been the first night you brought your closest friends around the club, and he knew it took great trust in him, his brothers, and your relationship to do that. Your family was on the East Coast, so your friends filled that role for you. Coupled with EZ, they were your world and he thanked you everyday for letting him in.
“Gonna stop calling you boy scout if you keep enjoying the show this much.” Creeper took the seat across from him, half blocking his view.
“Oh you didn’t know how EZ gets down?” Angel’s lips formed that mischievous grin, his eyes taking on the same glint. “You should’ve seen him begging me for tales from Angel’s crib.”
“She and her girls look good out there. Might be too much for you junior.”
EZ rolled his eyes at the ribbing from his brothers, his grin still intact. “At some point I’m gonna be patched, I’m happy to make a cage date for that day. Pretty sure I can take both of you.
Creeper and Angel exchanged exaggerated incredulous expressions.
“See what happens when you go easy on the help?” Angel scoffed. “You sound like you’re hurtin’ for work prospect.”
“Could use some more water.” Creeper shook his water bottle at him, just barely missing splashing him.
EZ rose from his seat, empty beer bottle in hand. “Just remember that day is coming.”
Angel and Creeper laughed raucously at that.
“Don’t get your ass beat in front of your woman lil bro!”
EZ shook his head, choosing to ignore his dumbass older brother. and tossed his bottle in the trash. Slipping through the moving bodies until he was near you, he gently patted your friend who nodded and stepped from behind you.
You jumped, surprised at his sudden appearance, but settled back against him.
“Hey baby.” You gently encouraged him to follow the sway of your hips as he placed his head on your shoulder.
“Hey. I’m back on the slave clock, you want anything?”
You turned to him, his arms instinctively encircling your waist. “Hard tea please.”
“I gotta go to the trailer for that, and get the variety hour table over there a drink. I’ll try to be quick.”
“Don’t rush, but remember, you owe me a dance.” You cupped his cheeks and pressed a kiss to his lips.
He grinned goofily, his attention solely yours until he felt your girls draping themselves over him.
“Can you get us some too Zeke? Thanks.” “Preciate it Z.”
You giggled pushing them off him, but you knew he didn’t mind. You guys were a package deal and he’d take whatever you came with. At least their requests came with pleasantries.
“Sure ladies, not a problem. Don’t let anyone take her while I’m gone.”
They laughed, giving affirmative replies while you rolled your eyes pushed him towards the side door.
Once he began his drink fulfillment quest, it was like every brother wanted something from him. It was a full house that night and he should’ve known once he was no longer under Angel’s break protection, he was back to errand boy status.
Every task he completed was met with teasing about how his rushed pace clearly pointed to him wanting to get back to you. He didn’t argue the fact, just moved faster every time you were mentioned.
Finally, he was able to to focus on your request when he stopped being flagged down.
He was heading to the trailer when one of your friends stopped him.
“One of the other charter’s guys is annoying our girl. She doesn’t wanna make a fuss cause’..you know.” She gestured to his vest to signify his prospect status. “But I know she’s not feeling it.”
He could feel the the muscles in his jaw flex in anger, feet carrying him across the crowded yard. People moved before he could plow through them, which was just as well, because he wasn’t fully in control at that point, and didn’t think he could slow down enough to sidestep them.
The clubhouse had filled considerably since his absence. He scanned the room for you, finding you in a crowd of moving bodies. Your friend was right, you had a good poker face, but your man knew you.
He didn’t waste time physically separating you from the Yuma patch member. He gently put you behind his person, feeling your small hands press against his back through his vest.
“I’m good baby. He agreed this was the last dance.” Your voice belied your annoyance despite your words.
“I’m guessing he said that more than once.”
“I don’t mind, I know clu-“
Yuma interrupted you. “See, she doesn’t mind. Go find something to do with yourself prospect.”
“I’ve got a project in mind.” EZ pushed you back a little more to give himself room to work with.
“Be smart bare vest.” Yuma smirked, his eyes saying how much he’d love for EZ to make the mistake he was thinking about.
In the span of the next few seconds, Yuma’s vest and shirt was covered in beer and Coco had appeared at the same time. If the obvious way he was holding the bottle didn’t give away he did it on purpose, his dry “my bad” and shrug did.
Yuma swung on Coco who anticipated it and dodged it, before firing back with a successful punch of his own. A sea of Mayans of mixed charter filled the space and EZ quickly pushed you behind the bar before he lost you in the shuffle.
Understanding what Coco had done, he got in the middle to give the Yuma patch what he’d been asking for while he was covered by the chaos.
It didn’t last long before the presidents stepped in, but it didn’t have to. He was happy to take the few licks he’d received, because he was pretty sure he’d broken Yuma patch’s nose, and would get away with it.
His brother’s words against theirs, and the presidents didn’t feel the need to make it a drawn out issue. He pretended to have played bouncer instead of active participant, and it all ended with a basic chewing out.
His only thoughts were of you once his rage had subsided, and he could think clearly again. Had he scared off you and your friends? Embarrassed you?
He was happy to find that hadn’t. Your friends couldn’t help but fawn over him and how “perfect for you” he was. He especially enjoyed reveling in the jealousy of Coco, Angel, Gilly, and Creeper. Coco slightly less salty when he got praise for his efforts.
He got his admiration from you later when you patched him up in the trailer, soft voice telling him how sexy he looked to you, and how you appreciated him thinking of you in his position. You held his face and gently went over everything you could find, while he said on his makeshift bed content to let you.
He couldn’t stop grinning, the one that always got him mercilessly mocked because it was now associated with him thinking of you.
“Seriously EZ,” you dabbed at the final cut you hadn’t attended to. “Thank you.”
“I want you to feel safe with me, it’s only fair if you can accept all this shit.”
You grinned down at him, hair framing your face, and he had to remind himself to breathe at the sight. “I do, all the time.”
He cupped the side of your face, unwilling to fight the urge to kiss you any longer.
You laughed speaking between kisses. “I’m not done.”
“It’s ok, I’m good.” He chased your lips, unashamed to want you so badly.
“Ok,” you returned his kisses, your fingers dancing down the nape of his neck. “But I’d like to cash in that dance you owe me…you know, before we get too busy.”
He rose to full height, hands finding both of yours. “I can do that.”
I don’t speak Spanish, so if I made a mistake feel free to hop in my messages and let me know and how to fix it please. You’re more than welcome to.
1.) I remember seeing a meme vid about this years ago, and finding it hilarious. I could see this happening with these dudes and their personalities. That, and I just really wanted a lil southern culture in a Mayans drabble. 🤷��‍♀️
2.) I did a rewatch of the whole series (including the original), and I’m back on the obsession train. Just tryna to be happy before S4 kicks my shit in.
3.) I kept telling myself I wouldn’t end up writing for these fools and here I am in my Ringling Bros. best🤡.
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fandom-sheep · 3 years
MCC 18 SEP 21
Yellow Yacks and Cyan Coyotes with a little Aqua Axolotls. Part 1/1
The only reason I didn’t forget MCC was because I got the notification for Eret.
I have Wilbur on my TV. I’m going to watch Eret on my phone. And I’ll have Tommy on my iPad probably.
Wilbur throwing a tantrum and saying he won’t play.
I feel like a true Gen Z member with my multiple screens of minecraft.
I’m only just getting the Wilbur notification.
I love watching everyone run around before MCC and scale things.
Griefing the thumbnail. 😂
Wilbur just causes problems on purpose when it comes to group photos doesn’t he.
He just loves finding ways to cause problems.
Wilbur got a coconut!?!
I didn’t mean to type the question mark originally. But I am a bit confused.
Wilbur just stocking up on coconuts
True friendship is a quote book. I have several.
Baby banana boo.
Wait. I heard the word tumblr
Scott what did you do with tumblr?
I’m scared. Only Eret permitted on tumblr.
I remember watching hole in the wall as a tv show as a kid.
Wilbur’s glasses that don’t do anything.
There are September discounts for subbing?
The conversations in my work discord are something else.
Not surprised that Wilbur is going for top swearer of MCC
But my residents are going to walk by my door and judge me.
Alright I apparently wasn’t signed in to twitch on my iPad and it took me entirely too long to learn to remember it.
Tommy looks like he’s really concentrating. Oh wait never mind.
Wow the yaks are in first currently. I might be cheering for a winning team for once.
Alright I have my iPad split screen between Tommy and the MCC website.
Everyone break the elevator!
In the game, not in the building I work. I don’t want that paperwork.
Stick together and place many block.
I’ve been in Wilburs position. “I’ll be captain” “yeah let’s let Wilbur be captain”
Not a single POV I have up is synced. But that’s life.
Oh not starting out strong.
Just keep going. Ignore the falling people just like ranboo last time.
We are at the absolute bottom for this game.
Where’s a bag of popcorn or something?
“Stay down there. That’s how I won that one time” -Ranboo
Down they go.
They didn’t have anywhere to run.
Second round!
Oh that wasn’t their best idea. It was fun seeing Erets POV of that.
Go Teams.
Turning down the volume on yellow yacks to listen to aqua axolotls.
Aqua please. You have so much potential.
Switching audio again.
Yellow back at the bottom.
Ranboo ranboo ranboo ranboo
Down he goes. 😂 the timing of that was funny.
Please. Don’t die
Wilbur. Scott. Please.
Scott uncovering the creeper.
Their plan is literally just sit and be.
To be fair that’s my plan for everything I do.
Oh cobwebs are smart.
I’m eating very salty Chick-fil-A chips and need water.
We are still doing ok. Wow.
Cobwebs man. The real MVP.
They are still in 10th
COBWEBS!!! And Wilbur standing on the edge of a block.
It moved them from last to eight. But still. Wow.
Holy cow. How did that happen.
I always forget what the acronym game is.
Oh yeah. Wilbur snuck and found this. I remember.
Go team!
Oh the website updates faster than the game. But we’re starting off decent.
I’m going to have to take back that statement aren’t I?
Go go go go
Fly fly fly fly
Build build build build
Go Wilbur!
Rafter strat.
Wilbur found the rafters and everyone else loved it.
Blocking his own jump. 😂
I really should do the inside joke chair emoji thing for laughing. But I don’t care.
Tiktok is nice. Depends on the side you are on, but it’s nice.
We are doing halfway decent. I’m proud of us.
Wilbur is struggling and I think he might cry.
Not bad. I don’t think.
Power sweater.
This game in MCC has rainbow road vibes
I’ll have to make that it’s own post since I feel that’ll be popular ish.
Holy cow we hit first on the website!! How?
Ranboo sweet one.
They said no peaking to Wilbur.
Wilbur making them block stuff off and the like is so funny.
Run yaks run!
I missed the moment Wilbur just mentioned. Oh well I’m sure I’ll see the clip.
First last first.
Hey 4th overall. Look at em.
Wilbur switching to full screen to show us his M&Ms.
Let me balance my water bottle on the bedpost above my head. No way this could possibly go wrong in multiple ways.
Double coins. Gorgeous.
Chickens are being sniped.
What’s going to work? TEAM WORK!
I don’t think I have ever watched a game of grid runners in my life?
Alright game should start any second because it started on the website.
Alright stream is delayed about 13 seconds.
Go teams go!
Wilbur just sniping targets.
We’re doing ok.
All this dirt.
Go go go
We’re completing things first.
Wilbur got in!
Now they eat
Oh but they are falling.
Oh wow the painting is complicated. My friends and I would fail to communicate so fast.
Is this lever thing just find the button but complicated?
Go you got the levers!
Items grab!
My friends and I would seriously struggle unless I was allowed the lead. But I would lead us off a cliff.
Everyone get ready to go in as soon as the cake is done.
Exit! You guys are so close! Please!
Go Ranboo! Go Scott!
Come on guys. Come on. Good communication.
I think I like watching Wilbur with MCC because he had a similar strategy to what I would do.
Wilbur why did you try to act cool!!!
They keep saying they are miles ahead but not according to that scoreboard.
You placed 3rd. Good job y’all.
I’m excited for bonuses.
They have another minute until the others run out of time.
Good soup.
Oh wow. Ranboo and Wilbur really are always totgehe.
We are doing well. I see the board changing on the website so much.
Where will they land.
Looks like 2nd or 3rd
Fourth overall. Not bad.
Lap time is logical.
Audience vote?
Look at me redownloading twitter.
Can you not see how others have voted on twitter?
Oh there it is. It only showed mine for a sec there.
Battle box looks close. I voted ace race.
Oh it all looks close right now.
Long break my beloved.
I don’t have time to start my laundry but still. My beloved.
Game 5/8 so MCC won’t be too much longer.
I look up and Wilbur is shaking his ass at George. I’m not surprised.
Phil and Sneeg judging Wilbur.
Wilbur twerking on Phil and Sneeg joining.
Poor Phil.
Wilbur just having visited so many random places with so many random words just gathered.
Oh wow parkour tag is low. But so is sands.
Oh wow it was a tie. Between Sands and Parkour
“Wilbur is Sand Daddy” -Scott and then all the agreement noises.
Sands of Time is my favorite practical game
Maybe because Wilbur is really good at it. And Ranboo had been trained by him.
This is just good.
I swear Sand daddy is going to kill me during this.
I am just going to pass away.
My stream delay though.
Wilbur who says he stays very quiet as he makes circus music noises.
Minecraft Rhinos. Because I can’t spell their real name.
I don’t quite understand sand of time. But I like watching. It’s like college football.
I am missing the only college football game I care about for MCC.
Go Team.
No blue yet.
All the mobs.
“You better not die” sung to the tune of Santa clause is coming yo town. -Wilbur
Keep it up guys.
Oh no. They lost the key.
Oh good they found the key.
You can tell Wilbur had a musicians brain. He just hears something vaguely lyrical and starts singing a song.
Gotta promote your band whenever you can I guess.
I listened to the last Ep for like an hour and a half yesterday while I went about my day.
I wonder how we’re doing?
Only a few seconds.
I could warm a heating pad in the amount fo time they have left.
Ranboo doing these puzzles so amazingly.
Quit caring about what others think. Just do your thing.
I swear the sand daddy thing.
I love the cage of shame for not tracking your sand.
I zoned out. Red cyan orange?
We’re almost 15 minutes into sands.
I want to play Minecraft on my iPad right now.
Wait the website updated. We were 6th?
Yikes. I thought they did better.
3rd overall though!
Wait what was that about most influential improv thingy? Good for them.
Build mart!
Oh Ace Race. Wilbur calling Ace Race his girlfriend now.
I want to see the enemies to lovers fan fictions of Ace race and Wilbur.
Oh wait I can do that. I can verbally tell one like I have others in the past.
I’m excited to watch this.
Wilbur flirt with the race.
I’m not mentally prepared for this.
Everyone just joined because they don’t want to miss Wilbur x Ace Race.
Oh no. He’s not doing so well.
Oh Wilbur is giving us more.
Complicated history…
Whispering to Ace Race and Solidarity.
You’ve got it Wilbur.
Keep on talking. Keep your brain busy while you play.
Mommmm Wilbur is flirting with Ace Race again!
He’s whispering though so I can’t quite hear it and will have to find a clip channel that added subtitles.
Oh teams are changing on the website.
“What are you doing in my women Philza?” -Wilbur
“I will end your bloodline which is canonically also me.” -Wilbur
I can not track all the quotes from this. That’s beyond my abilities.
Wilbur did halfway decent, but it still uncomfortable.
Ace Race is a person now. Also the fact that Wilbur compliments Ace Race so much.
Sally v. Ace Race.
I want to find that fanart now.
Scott honey. Confirmed cannon is everyone fancies the fish.
4th. Not bad.
We’re still talking Ace Race x Wilbur
Build mart! My dearest buildmart!
I miss them sliding around in the sleds.
Grab da flowers!
We’re in 1st at the minute.
Come on yaks!
No coyotes!
Hurry hurry hurry.
Work discord going it’s thing again.
Oh we’re dropping fast.
Move the redstone! Thank you
Alright back on top. Keep it up.
I love the way the build spaces for the different teams work.
Who is the person on the build?
Oh first again? Nevermind.
Oh we popped up to second. We’re so behind. Come on.
Good soup energy. Now all I can think is the bi wide energy song.
Time is running out.
Yeah we aren’t catching up to first. Just hold second.
Where is granite?
Game over.
Third overall now. Not bad. Last game time they can possibly pull it into dodge bolt.
I need to go get a picture with the President of the university for a game with my work.
Good Soup.
I’m sitting here making popcat noises while waiting.
Game time! Go team! Survive!
Wait where did the steamer go? I wasn’t paying attention.
He’s back.
He’s swearing for his points on the swearing list.
Is pee a soup? No. I don’t think it’s think enough under normal circumstances.
Karl is apparently swearing according to Twitter. Good for him. He deserves to swear some as a treat.
Everyone running and leaving shubble.
Oh good they are all together.
Just keep running.
4th so far.
Cars. Beep beep.
Ranboo breath child.
Calling Wilbur like some kind of golden retriever.
Bow boy
Scott is leader now. Because otherwise they are arguing.
We are playing the don’t die strategy.
Come on team.
Did I put my cut in this post? I did.
Ranboo having stolen the airdrop. And he has a thing!
Oh the boarder is right behind them.
They are fighting Dream?
Nice Will.
We’re in fourth.
Boarder is right there.
Sapnap? Nope.
Pink attack and they book it.
Oh no. There goes Wilbur.
Is it just Scott?
Scott vs the world.
Just Organe and pink. They came third.
Please. Please let us do it.
Overall third. Pink overtook yellow.
Ranboo has achieved: Found Hated Game
Ranboo has been hit by Survival games so many times now.
If they had just lasted a tiny bit longer they would have come second.
Cheering Orange I suppose.
I have no skill at picking winner POVs.
I have 3 teams I was at least kinda watching. And none of them are in dodgebolt.
Gosh can hear Ranboo tweaking.
Wow. Yellow yaks just as a team twerking.
What is Wilbur chewing on? Wilbur don’t chew on things that probably aren’t meant to be chewed on.
I can hear the band outside of my window. I think my campuses football game is starting.
The drum line practiced outside my window all the beginning of the semester so it’s fun seeing them march to the stadium.
Oh and there are the cheerleaders.
Oh right I was watching MCC! Who’s winning?
Come on Orange. So close.
Wait I looked out my window. Why is the band walking back to where they were?
Along the sidewalk?
I thought it was game time for a minute.
Oh dodgebolt could go either way.
Distracted by Jesus.
Grian! You got this!
Nice Grian.
Oh Grian has a chance!
It’s so close!
Ooo ooo!
I’m so invested.
I SEE THE CONFETTI IN THE SITE! But I don’t want to miss the shot.
Come on Grian.
I know you do it. But you’ve got this
Woo hoo!!
That was a good MCC. Now to do the chores and homework I originally planned to do today.
That was a nice stream.
Scott is separating Ranboo and Wilbur?
Please. Scott.
Don’t separate the beings.
You know. Twitter needs to politely bully Scott into keeping Ranboo and Will together.
Oop and that’s Wilbur done. That was fun.
See y’all next time!
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katsuflossy · 4 years
Pairing: Todoroki Shoto x black! reader
Warning: Swearing
Synopsis: Shoto comes back to a deserted Alliance. Ready to go to his room, he gets the most angelic soulful performance: (Y/n) singing RnB.
Song: At your best (You are Love) by Aaliyah
A/N: This was supposed for Juneteenth but this is the Juneteenth weekend so 🤷🏽‍♀️. I was just listening to the song and everything came to me lol. So please enjoy! Btw it may be rough, I haven’t edited it. 
Taglist: @sunset-novice-writer​, @goatsenpaiultimate​ (wanna be in my taglist? Just message me!💖)
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Peace and quiet, this combo hardly appeared together in the Alliance building. Even in the dead of night, occasional snores, riff raffs sneaking around to get a midnight snack, and rush awakening from nightmares were the nightly language on the building. But when this opportunity arose, you couldn’t allow it to escape you like the rise of a super moon for witches to charge their crystals and water. Izuku was the last to greet you off, highly concerned about your health, and the idea of leaving alone in the big building by yourself. You fanned him further to the door, telling him not to worry about your health. Yes, you fell from 200m off of a building but you caught yourself...this time. Recovery girl only said to rest completely for three days and this was your final day before rushing back into the hero scene of UA. With a final push, you ushered him completely out of the building, reassuring him that there was no need to baby you. He finally smiled with reassurance, the soft sunset glare rested on his skin, making highlight every freckle on his glowing skin. Dark green tresses absorbed and reflected the light like a green forest. He finally turned around and ran off but not without a wave and a “Be safe!”, before joining with the rest on their trip to a minigolf center too far from the school. With a sigh, your shoulders dropped, listening into the vacuum-like dormitory, nothing but silence. At that moment you knew what you wanted to do.
It was a party, but only with one person. You ran to the kitchen, music blasting loud and proud of ravishing the cupboards of secret snacks you snuck in since your last trip to the city. It was a typical “white girl finally at home alone scenario” with the overtly loud music but in explicit rap version, breaking out in dance but instead, it’s full-on twerking and sharp bouncing. But finally, the high energy moving died down. From your room, the view of the sunset was ever magnificent once you finally let the sunlight radiate into your room. A sense of nostalgia recreated the room, transforming the scenery to an apartment’s step. The block was bumping with your older cousin’s car 90s rap and RnB while your ears pick up on the argument on if B.I.G or Tupac was better. The cool sensation of the cherry slushie in your hand felt almost too real and your heart turned from the scene. That same sensation brought you back to the present, the snowball turning into a regular bottle of cold water.
It’s okay to admit it, you are a little homesick. So what do you do? Put on some 90s music.
It’s been a while since you’ve listened to 90s RnB. The work never stops and hardly anyone here knew the songs, except for Denki of course but it was all the mainstream ones. So the solution? A 90s RnB marathon. There, the mood was set. Songs of Lauryn Hill, Jodeci, and even Sade broke you into a bunch of musical numbers as you clean your room. Just in time for Shoto to walk into the building
Everyone decided to go minigolf to celebrate the end of exams. Both Shoto and Kastuki, however, were called in by the number one hero for work-study then he left early due to Endeavor getting called in for a “top secret” meeting that would last all day. Not that Shoto wanted to be there in the first place but it was a waste of time to go into the cursed agency and not do anything productive. The Atomic Blonde fumed beside him.  
“Why the fuck we arrived only to get shoved back out of the building. You knew he would’ve done this didn’t you?” Shoto could almost see him foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog, ready to pounce on anyone in a 5ft range. 
“If I knew wouldn’t you think I would be in that meeting currently? Or I wouldn’t have come in the first place? Your lack of common sense is showing.” Bakugo teeth bared harder and his hair comically shot up higher like an intimidated cat. “Fucking IcyHot! Shut your mouth before I blast you all the way to hell!” A few grumblings carried on until they reached the Height Alliance building. Shoto knew that this evening the dorms would be empty, he was invited to play minigolf after all however Endeavor called them in and wasted his time with his friends and (Y/n).
Yes, (Y/n). Shoto has been confused about his mind constantly separate you from the rest of his friend since you entered the school. He’d stared at you for eons until nudged by Izuku slightly teasing him or Iida reprimanding him about the importance of paying attention in class. But by Gods, you’re just a sight to look at and Shoto is a perceptive tourist. That skin has an ethereal glow to it when kissed by the sun. The way your eyelashes just flutter when you blink it seems like wispy threads of the flowiest dress blowing in the wind. All the images of your face and body slide through his mind like a gallery until Katsuki broke through his trance.
“Oi! Half and Half bastard! Stop dreaming about (Y/n) and come train with me! All the shitheads left so I can finally train without distraction.” The blonde stomped off towards the training area, not waiting on Shoto’s reply. The dual-colored hair boy just sighed and entered the building knowing that he too would like to train rather than wasting time.
Now if a building was empty, would there not be any music playing? That was the thought that had crossed Shoto’s mind as he entered the dorms to put down his suitcase. It was unusual, all of 1A left the building, therefore, no music should be playing. But the melody caught the dual-haired boy off guard, trying to figure out who would leave their music on. Kaminari or Mina could be one of the suspects, maybe they’ve left their Bluetooth on connected to their portable speakers and left them? Shouto hardly knew of that type of technology, regardless, he found himself walking towards the source. His auditory senses were pleasantly confused. The reason being the music was foreign, not similar to the regular beats and melodies of the songs he hears Mina and the girls play or the “Megan” that Kaminari would put on sporadically in the main room. But it was soothing as if touching his heart, addressing his whole being. Thankfully the grand English classes his home-school teachers and the school conducted allowed him to recognize the words of the song. It was addressing him, or maybe someone named “You”. Either way, he carried on to the second floor where a familiar hallway greeted him.
With his excellent detective skills (just simply walking), he found that neither of his suspects where correct; it was actually you. For his current present, he could’ve never been so grateful to be graced by the view in front of him now. Your door was almost completely open but not completely blocking the scene in front of him.
Your entire being encompassed by the fiery sunset, setting tones to your figure, and already radiant skin. It was like watching the clouds part and enters the first celestial spirit commanding herself from the rays of the sun. And he was a repentant worshipper. Your eyelashes batted at the stuffed bear on your made bed, singing to him in the what Shouto deems angelic whispers. Your voice was soft and melismatic as you sang the chorus again.
But at your best, you are love You're a positive motivating Force within my life Should you ever feel The need to wonder why Let me know, let me know Let me know
You carried on singing, swishing your hips as you carried on cleaning your room meanwhile Shout watched from the hallway, wishing he could switch places with the now taunting bear in your dorm room. Little his knowledge, you were dedicating the song to him, the bear a symbolism of him. Your thoughts actually manifesting your crush however not in the way you had hoped. The idea of Shoto smiling as you performed your admiration and love for him was actually occurring without your awareness.
Shoto could feel his heart pumping at a higher capacity and the butterflies in his stomach fluttering in swiveling motions as you stood in the middle of the room, the amber glow cast on every inch of your dorm and on your own figure, finishing the final note with a nostalgic look towards the skies. The sunset casting the lashes on your cheekbone. His eyes widening, making sure to take in all the details of this scene, the mental photograph forever etch into his mind for the upcoming and frequent daydreaming.
As soon he made an inch to escape without being caught, the universe made other plans. His suitcase clattered against the wall he was just leaning on to watch you. Your figure jumped and ran to peer through the door, meeting a heterochromatic gaze. You paled.
“Oh my God, Shoto! I-I didn’t know you were here!” Your face heated up, his own beet red from getting caught stalking you.
“N-no.” He cleared his throat from the shock, “I’m sorry I couldn’t help to watch and listen to you sing. You have a very beautiful voice.” A small smile cast on his lips as he stared straight into your eyes. His words traveled straight to your heart.
‘Lord, if I died right now, I would die mad happy.’ Your thoughts screamed as you replied.
“T-thank you, Todoroki. I didn’t know you could’ve heard me, I thought the song was loud enough.” You peered off to the bottom of your door frame, unable to take the staring any longer.
‘Be still, my beating heart.’ Todoroki carried on with his compliment.
“I’ve never heard of this artist but your voice really sounds angelic with the song.”Your thoughts stopped in shock.
“Shoto, you’re telling me that you don’t know Aaliyah! As in ‘Try Again’ Aaliyah.” He shook his head in confusion.
“What about TLC?” Head shake.
“Mariah Carey?” Head shake.
“Destiny’s Child?!” That was his last strike before you pulled him by the wrist, your intent being to drag in in your room.
“That’s it, we are going to get you musically educated right now.” You declared as his being passed through the door frame, grateful that he gets to spend time with you alone.
You were grateful that he didn’t stalk you a few minutes before “You are Loved” came on. It would’ve been more embarrassing seeing you perform “Anxious” by Ginuwine to the stuffed bear.
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leafsbabe · 5 years
Jeff Skinner - short shifts [smut]
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also here is the video in question you should definitely watch it
words: 4.5k
The wind was driving raindrops against the big window of your bedroom and you couldn’t help but relax. These little breaks from all the stress you had faced recently were more than welcome and the weather with it’s monotone gray clouds and it’s steady downpour helped brightening your mood immensely. Since it was a free day for you you decided to not even bother today. Remaining in your pajamas all day and going so far as turning the heating down a bit so you had an excuse to wrap yourself up in the coziest blanket you owned, you rested your back against the wall while sitting on your bed and watched the rain run down your window in a steady stream.
After shuffling all the way over to your kitchen to make some tea you were just on your way back to your cozy nest as the doorbell rang and disrupted the quietness of your apartment. Setting your steaming mug down on the nearest flat surface you walked the few steps to your front door and looked through the peephole since you weren’t expecting anybody. To your surprise you saw a completely drenched Jeff on the other side and had to try really hard to not giggle as a pulled open your door and ushered him inside.
You had barely closed the door before he shook his head, water drops flying everywhere, making you shriek.
“Damn it Jeffrey, when did you become a dog?” You tried to scold him while he laughed. He was dripping wet and you wanted neither your apartment wet nor Jeff getting sick so you lightly shoved his shoulder and made your way towards your bathroom to get him some towels. Once you came back you saw that Jeff still hasn’t moved so you held out the towels for him and once he grabbed them, took your mug and sat down on your sofa, looking up at him expectantly.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He started unbuttoning his coat and you couldn’t help yourself and called out “Alexa, play careless whisper.” You lightly nodded your head to the music as the provocative tunes flowed through your apartment, grinning as you saw Jeff blush bright red at the implication. You hadn’t known each other for long but in that short time you had established a relationship much closer and comfortable than anybody could have guessed. It had only been a few months since you ran into each other but he was the first person you called to vent to or tell good news and you knew you were his too. The two of you had slept over at each others apartments and even in the same bed and had seen eachother in various states of undress, although more accidentally than not. You would lie to yourself if you said you never thought about Jeff in a sexual way. He was some bonafide hockey beef but you always knew that if you took that step your relationship would change. But oh well, the ball was in his court now and you had to wait and see how he played it.
Unbothered by your mental detour Jeff had finished unbuttoning your coat and was now looking at you with a look on his face you couldn’t quite identify, still bright red. “You really wanna see a show?” He asked, trying to make it sound.. seductive?
You just settled back against the cushions and laughed. “Hit me.”
And well… hit you he did. Taking the sides of his coat he tried to strip it off sexily which didn’t quite work out but still amoused you. Once it was off he turned around, showing you the back of his sweater which looked as if somebody had emptied a bucket over him and his jeans that clung to his, in lack of a better description, fabulous hockey ass, as he showed you the worst twerk attempt you had seen since your coworker Jessica got drunk at the office christmas party. If one of your couch pillows hit him in the back of the head it was only fate, they weren’t called throw pillows for nothing. The next notable sexy in an endearing way mishap happened when he got his head stuck in his sweater and nearly knocked over a vase before freeing himself but after that it was as if something inside him switched. He was still blushing but now his smile was gone and instead replaced by a look of concentration. He bit his lip and ran his hand down his torso, flatting his soaked shirt so his abs were visible in a move that looked right out of Magic Mike, and when he turned around you bit your lip too. You really hoped he wouldn’t notice you pressing your legs a little bit tighter together as you shifted on the couch a bit, trying to lean back and just enjoy the sight in front of you.
Jeff’s movement didn’t match the rhythm at all but you couldn’t help but stare as he pulled his shirt over his head and revealed his body to you fully. His muscles shifted as he moved around and you thought about peppering little kisses all over his abs just to show him how much you appreciated them.
His moves didn’t match the music but you couldn’t help but enjoy the show, even when Jeff attempted to sexily wiggle out of his tight jeans, which should not turn you on but weirdly did. He nearly fell over again but after a short struggle he stood in front of you in just his boxer shorts which, even though they weren’t wet were fairly short, accented his thigh muscles and the noticeable dent in the front.
You were just about to ask him if maybe he wanted to move this to the bedroom, completely fuck over your friendship by fucking you, and then maybe discuss the possibility of this becoming a regular thing when he pulled down the remaining part of his outfit and stood in front of you completely naked.
Your hands flew to cover your eyes in shock although you spread your fingers a bit so you could peak out at Jeff and his… well everything. He was never this bold before and you hoped he would follow it up with another bold move, maybe sweeping you off your feet or ravishing you right there on your couch or at least say something but the confidence in him was slowly but visibly dwindling and so it was your time to do something after leaning back and letting him run wild a bit.
Your hands still covering your eyes you tried to talk as though his nakedness didn’t affect you, the wetness that spread in your underwear might indicate something different but for now you had to put up a composed act. “As much as your boldness charms me Jeff, and you need to 100% trust me when i say i’d love to drag you into my bedroom right now and have my way with you until you’re forced to leave me to go to practice, i think we need to talk about the situation first and maybe fuck afterwards.” You could see him getting redder and redder but he made no attempt to cover himself up. His posture relaxed a bit and you couldn’t help but move the hands covering your eyes a bit until they were also covering your laugh. “And i think it would be better if you were at least partially dressed for that. The sight is… quite a distraction.” You added.
Jeff led the way to your bedroom. He stayed over so much that he had his own drawer by now, and if you took pieces from there from time to time to wear around your apartment it’s nobody’s business. The sweater you wore to bed was one of his too but he didn’t seem to notice it. By the time you had poured your poor cold tea down the drain and joined Jeff in the bedroom he was at least wearing boxers and a thin shirt. He was sitting on your bed and you couldn’t help but think about how he looked like he belonged there.
You sat down beside him and he spread his hand that was resting on the bed a bit until his fingertips grazed your bare leg.
“You wanted to talk?” Jeff asked, leaning back a bit and rested part of his weight on his arms, accidentally showing off his muscles. You bit your lip and waited for him to continue to  speak but he just poked your legs with his fingertips.
“About what i said in the living room… I do like you Jeff and i really really wouldn’t mind having sex with you but i’m a bit afraid what it would do to our friendship. You mean a lot to me and i don’t want to fuck that up.”
His fingertips poked your thigh again and you looked up from your lap and to him. He had moved so that he was fully facing you, one bare foot placed on the floor and one angled up on the bed. “I would never ever do something to compromise this friendship but i think there’s no point in trying to tell ourselves that’s all this is. I value you so fucking much and i can’t imagine my life without you in it. I’d like to try this, not just sex but a relationship. You and me. And if that, for some idiotic reason doesn’t work out, we can always go back to being friends. I’m in if you’re in. And if you’re not then i can wait however long you need me to.”
You were moved and tried to come up with a good answer in your head but the way he was looking at you was making it very hard. You were in love and horny and wanted to show the man you loved just how much you loved him. In lack of a better answer you simply leaned forward and connected your lips. There was a 90% chance you and Jeff had made out at least once before while drunk but this was your first real kiss together and it was amazing. His hands found your waist and you couldn’t be bothered trying to sit upright so you just let yourself fall backward, hands coming up to cradle Jeff’s face and gently pull him down with you, all while kissing and dreaming about what’s to come.
Jeff went easily and had no problem following you until you were laying down and he was hovering above you. He threw one of his legs over your legs straddled your lap, giving you just a second to feel his hard dick against your core before he used his hands to push himself up a bit so he was holding himself above you.
You were still holding his face between your hands so he turned his face just enough to press a kiss to your palm before gently leaving your grip and moving his face to your neck. His lips made their way along your jaw before pausing to press another hot kiss to your lips. Jeff concentrated on making out with you for just a minute before his lips left yours again and this time made their way down your neck. His sweater you were wearing only allowed him to follow your smooth skin for a bit but once he reached the end of available surface he suck down harder, at one point even softly biting down. Your fingers found their way to his head again, winding their way through his curls and gently tugging as he worked on covering you with a love bite. The second he was satisfied with his work he sat up, motioning you to follow him up.
His hands ghosted along the hemline of his sweater you were wearing, occasionally touching the soft skin of your stomach. He opened his mouth and you already knew he was going to ask you to remove it so you just took it of in one move, leaving you there sitting bare chested with a fully nude Jeff essentially in your lap.
You felt a little self conscious at Jeff blatant staring, not knowing whether he liked what he saw.
Jeff smiled at you and you couldn’t help but smile back.
Soft giggling filled your bedroom alongside the sound of rain as his hands and lips explored your body. His mouth felt even better on your chest than it did on your neck. Jeff wasn’t holding back. He mouthed at your chest and took your nipples into his mouth, letting his tongue play with it. Just having him suck at your breast was a calming feeling and you let your fingers grip his hair and push his face closer to keep him there longer. You finally understood why so many people liked it. Nobody had ever paid such close attention to your chest before but the feeling could only be summed up in warmth...arousal...closeness.
Jeff pressed his hips closer to yours and only now you realized just how wet you were and how hard he was. Suddenly you couldn’t wait to move things along.
“Jeff, do you…” he bit down on your nipple making you gasp, “Do you have a condom?” You were on birth control but didn’t want to risk it, always having two kinds of safety was your rule.
He let go of your chest and rested his forehead on it, groaning into the soft flesh. “Yeah just wait a second.”
He got up and hurried out of the room, presumedly to get a condom out of his wallet and the moment you couldn’t see his nice backside anymore you layd back and took off your sleep shorts and underwear. The cold air hit your soaked center and you couldn’t help but shudder. Maybe you could convince Jeff to do it under the blanket… but you wanted to see all of him so that was out of the question, at least for your first time.
You led your hands wander aimlessly, just touching your breast and you’re stomach without any intend. You were feeling hot and overwhelmed but actually touching yourself would bring you to a finish faster than you’d like. You could hear Jeff make his way back to your bedroom but you couldn’t help chasing that thought.
One of your coworkers had shown you the video of Jeff’s interview in which he admitted to not lasting a long time in bed. It was probably because they thought you were fucking and wanted to rile you up but you couldn’t forget it. The video was like 8 years old and a lot had changed since then. Should you ask Jeff about it? maybe he’d be amused and show you just how good he’d become but he could also get angry and leave. At that moment Jeff came back, triumphantly holding up the little foil package with a big smile on his face. “Got it.”
You wanted to do something to invite him back to you seductively. Maybe slowly spread your legs or beckon him with a finger but before you could decide Jeff had made his way back to the bed and nearly jumped you. Your faces close to each other you couldn’t resist pulling him into a kiss again. This one slower and filled with anticipation.
“So, Jeffrey, tell me…” you whispered against his lips but he cut you off, “Yes? Anything. Everything.” littering little kisses on your jawline.
“Are you used to taking longer shifts nowadays?”
The kisses stopped as soon as these words left your mouth but the initial ‘oh shit’ moment only lasted until his blush intensified all the way down his chest and Jeff rolled over until he was laying on his back and hid his face in his hands. “How do you even know about that?”.
“Coworker showed it to me.” You straddled his waist, his hard cock resting against your ass, as you slowly pried his hands away from his face so he had to look at you. “It’s a cute video. You look so sweet in it. But you’ve grown a lot since then Jeff so answer the question.” You moved your hips just enough to drag against his dick and make him moan. “Are you still taking short shifts off the ice?”
He was still for a moment and you could see that he was contemplating so you stopped moving your hips so he could concentrate. Once he finally spoke he wouldn’t meet you eyes, but instead opted for looking at the ceiling. “That video is so old. I can tell you right now that by the time the video was filmed i could count the times i’ve had actual sex on one hand. I’ve had sex since then, you know.”
You lightly ran your hands up his arms trying to ground him a little. “That didn’t answer my question Jeff.”
“I’m not a two anymore, okay? I’m, i’d say, maybe a three or a four i don’t know. But i know that i’m good in bed. Nobody ever complained. I’ve given girls orgasms before.”
“Nobody said you didn’t, Jeff. You actually helped me over the edge more often than you’ll ever know. But you know there are ways to get you to last longer.” Your hand wandered down his torso, teasing him, until you took him in your hand. “Ways to make an orgasm even more overwhelming too… If you’re up for it. I kind of want to take my time and make you wait.”
You slowly jerked him off, tightening your grip just a tiny bit as you reached the tip before continuing down again. You managed to jerk him a few times before he groaned and bucked up, obviously riled up. He was moaning just a little bit and you could tell he was holding himself back.
“Have you heard about edging, Jeff?” You asked, keeping the rhythm of your strokes even while bringing your other hand up to his chest and lightly running it over the smooth expanse of skin.
Jeff bit his lip and nodded but otherwise kept quiet.
“Would you like to try it?” He moved his head again but before he could nod you lightly pinched one of his nipples. Jeff made a noise between a sharp inhale and a moan and you decided to remember that for another time.
The desperation in his voice made you stop your stop the movement of your hands, overwhelmed by his neediness. This didn’t stop Jeff though as he tried to move his hips up, desperately chasing the pleasure. The second you could feel the way his muscles tightened under you, see the way his eyes lost focus and his hands gripped your duvet tightly you let go of him.
He whined at the loss of contact. He was nearly over the edge but without your touch he couldn’t manage to come.
You waited a few more minutes until his breathing evened out again before caressing his chest again, leaning over him so you could better look him into his eyes. “Okay?”
His voice was still breathy when he answered. „Yeah. You?“
„Oh I’m just perfect. I’m thinking for the next round I want to ride you. But I also kinda want to blow you until you cry. What do you think Jeff?“
The look of pure adoration in his eyes was nearly too much to bear but the mischievous glint accompanying it made you weak.
„I think I’d like you to sit on my face first. But I like your ideas.“
Jeff ate you out like his life depended on it and you were pretty sure he ruined you for any other man. The way he kissed your thighs to rile you up before alternating between broad licks and focusing on your clit. He took his time but managed to bring you close to an orgasm in record time. Your hands couldn’t decide if they should clench the bedding or his hair while your thoughts raced at a thousand miles a minute even though they were nonexistent. Thankfully you hadn’t actually sat down on his face or Jeff would have been squished or suffocated between your thighs. You were nearly there, so close… when Jeff moved away suddenly.
“If i don’t get to come, you don’t get to come either.” He pressed another kiss to the inside of your thighs.
“You’re evil.” You said before getting off his chest and leaning down to press a kiss against his mouth, tasting yourself on his lips.
Jeff leaned up, chasing after you when you pulled away, kissing you again and again before you could finally crawl down the bed until you were facing his v-line. Pressing little kisses all over his skin you were rewarded with Jeff’s sweet giggling.
“You can grab my hair if you want and even pull it a little but please don’t push me down. Oh and want to hear you, i like it when you moan.” Before he could answer you moved the last few inches separating you and tried to fit as much of him in your mouth as you could. You liked the way he felt, warm and heavy and perfect. You weren’t able to take all of him but you didn’t let that stop you, starting to move and bop your head.
Jeff was loud, moaning and whimpering and letting out little breathless words of praise. His fingers were running through your hair, more patting your head than pushing you in any direction. You slowly tried to take more of him every time you went down. Your hands where resting on his thighs, occasionally moving to touch and toy with his balls as you moved your tongue or hollowed your cheeks to suck him harder. You had barely gotten started before you felt Jeff tug on your hair, urging you up.
“What?” You asked, still hovering a bit above his crotch, looking up at him.
His thighs were shaking underneath your hands and you slightly stroked his thigh to calm him down.
“I was close.” He said softly, “I didn’t want to come yet. I want to cum in you.”
Pride filled your heart at those words. “Thank you for telling me Jeff.” You moved up until you could straddle his abs before kissing him again.
It didn’t go further than kissing for a while. Jeff had been close to cumming two times and you wanted to let him calm down first before finishing it. Kissing Jeff felt like coming home in a comforting and overwhelming way at the same time.
He was letting his hands wander over your skin but even when he reached parts you were insecure about you never felt like hiding.
You were too busy sucking a love bite into Jeffs neck to notice stopped his movements and instead he was just laying back and looking at you. He moved a hand to the back of your neck, slowly guiding you up until your lips touched again. When you touched the love bites on his neck he couldn’t help but moan and you felt proud of your accomplishment of marking him up.
Growing impatient you sat up and straddled him again, smiling as you felt his dick hard and hot against your core. “You can come whenever you want, okay Jeff?” One of your hands reached back and took Jeff at the base of his dick. His gasp sounded like music in your ears as you positioned yourself above him and looked down to see his head thrown back, wide eyed and breathless.
Sinking down on him and feeling him stretch you was one of the best things you’d ever felt. Below you Jeff was groaning, gripping the bedding hard enough for his knuckles to turn white as he felt your warmth around him for the first time after thinking about it for so long.
You moved your hips slowly, grinding on him until you felt him hit that spot inside you and deciding to just go for it. You knew he was close and so were you so you didn’t waste any time with pleasantries and exploration - you could do that in round two - and instead focused on the most important thing at the moment, getting off. Jeff’s hand gripped you hips, helping you slam down against him. Movements blurred together and the sounds of your bodies connecting and both of your panting breathless moans became a background noise as you chased your own relief.
You could feel Jeff deep within you hot and hard and so unbelievably good.
You moved faster and faster trying so hard to fall over the edge, desperately trying to finally come only for your wish to be granted when Jeff got his legs in the game, thrusting up while simultaneously pulling you down hitting you deeper than you’d ever imagined causing everything to come crashing down.
Jeff continued fucking you through your orgasm, reaching the peak himself shortly after. Unable to hold yourself up any longer you let yourself fall forward, catching a worn out Jeff by surprise as you cuddled up on his chest, rucking your head under his chin so you could hear his heartbeat. His heart was beating fast but you could feel the way he calmed down over time. He moved his hand to slowly run his hands through your hair.
The two of you just laid there for a while, enjoying the afterglow of your previous adventures. Jeff pressed little kisses to your head from time to time, letting you come back to yourself at your own time.
It wasn’t until a small while had passed, blissful and quiet, that you brought up the thing that had really started everything.
“Well,” you gave his chest an awkward pat, “in my opinion you’re 99% in man points.”
“What? Why not 100%?”
You looked up at him while he looked down at you. It was an awkward angle and made both of you look silly beyond comprehension but you couldn’t help but smile. “Well…. maybe if you stay here and cuddle me you can have your 100%.”
Jeff just gave you a sly grin before pressing a soft kiss against your lips. “Don’t worry, i’m not planning on leaving anytime soon. You’re not going to get rid of me that easily.”
214 notes · View notes
pocminiseries · 5 years
Body Smile
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Chapter 1.
She tried at least.
Finals were over and tonight was supposed to be the time she spent consuming too much alcohol and turning up with her fellow classmates. And at first, she did.
Before they had even left for the house party Tori's boyfriend Xavier had thrown for this special occasion, all four ladies decided to drink four straight shots of Silver Patron to start off the night just right. With Aliyah being such a lightweight, she was already tipsy before they had even arrived.
And once they had made it to the party, things didn't get any better. Aliyah took an evident liking for sweet tasting jelly shots since she knocked back more than enough of them barely an hour after arriving.
Now here she was sipping on some Gatorade from a red cup, trying to get back to being sober.
Still, her thoughts seemed to wander back to him.
Even after she realized who he was, she couldn't find it within herself to exited the live stream. Instead, she sat there from shock, still not truly believing her eyes but no matter how many times she blinked and rubbed her eyes, he was in fact very real. Her mind couldn't wrap itself around at how much he had changed.
He was far from the Kaiden that she had once known.
Her Kaiden was a respectful and gentle type. A sweet, innocent boy who had a love for photography & dancing. The type of boy who was adored by her and everyone that knew him. The boy she had fallen in love with on their first day of third grade.
She still remembered how fascinated she was of him.
That was the nickname she had given him when she was only eight years old.
He was everything to her.
But Aliyah wasn't naive. She knew that people changed over the years, just as she has, so did Kaiden. She had to remind herself that it has been years since she has last seen him.
A camboy though?
She lightly shook her head, remembering how she was almost drooling from her mouth being open wide from staring at him. The way her body seemed to react almost instantly as he spoke the most provocative words that had her clit aching with need. What made the whole situation even more mind-blowing, was him begging her to touch herself. While she knew he wasn't talking to her directly but his viewers as a whole, he still managed to make her feel like it was just them.
Even when he stripped, teasingly, all the way down to his birthday suit, she still sat there staring at him stupidly, while ignoring the signs that her body was sending her.
It wasn't until he started to stroke himself that she suddenly shut her laptop closed. The way he looked at that moment was too much. The sounds he made....did something to her.
She went to bed that night confused, hurt but most of all, more sexually frustrated than she has ever been.
All because of him.
That's why she was practically hoping that tonight, she could forget about him but she should've known better. He was Ace, the very person she deemed as her soulmate. Because back then, he was.
A title no one else has managed to steal from him.
Letting out a frustrated groan, her mind was in a haze, fighting to comprehend if what she was feeling was real. Her hormones were all over the place, and she could feel her body temperature rise as she stood there. What she needed was a cup of ice and somewhere quiet.
Her eyes scanned the packed living room, spotting Aisha twerking her life away on the dancefloor with a bottle of liquor in one hand, while Tori occupied the couch with her boyfriend Xavier and she knew Haze was probably somewhere upstairs getting her back blown out. She knew her friend all too well.
The chuckle that escaped past her lips was cut short when he brown hues landed a very familiar face from across the room. She would recognize his side profile from anywhere.
But as soon as she had spotted him, her line of vision was disrupted by a small group passing by her. By the time they had moved away, he was gone. She lightly shook her head, trying to comprehend if what she saw was even real. Closing her eyes, she rubbed at her temples, her mind telling her that she was seeing things.
Pushing away from the wall, Aliyah squeezed her way through the crowd, just to get to the kitchen. Quickly getting a bottle of water and grabbing some fruit to snack on, she took a look in the backyard, scanning the are for a place that wasn't so occupied by people. After a few seconds of not seeing anything, she figured since Xavier's house was massive as hell, that there had to be a spot that people haven't invaded yet.
Aliyah soon found herself wondering down a hallway, opening and closing doors until she came across what seemed to be a private office area. Seeing no one inside, she stepped in, closing the door behind her. The loud music was instantly silenced, making her smile in relief as she embraced the quietness.
Taking a seat on the couch in the corner, that gave her a perfect view of the backyard, she ate the sweet fruit while she relaxed against the soft pillows. It was only 12:37 A.M. and she knew that this party wasn't going to be over anytime soon. Aliyah already made plans to just crash here until the morning, knowing the girls were probably going to go their separate ways by the end of the party.
She had left her phone tucked away in the backseat of Tori's car and she wasn't in the mood to go get it. It wasn't as if she had a reason to contact anyone anyways.
Laying her head back against the couch, her mind was instantly filled with the thought of him once again. She may be partially drunk but she was sure that she had seen him. And if she did, why was he here?
Aliyah wasn't even sure how she felt about seeing him again. Let alone what to say to him if she ever got the chance.
But her body, on the other hand, knew exactly what it wanted.
She groaned out loud as images of him naked flooded her brain.
Too focused on her perverted thoughts, she hadn't even realized that she was no longer alone and someone else had entered the room.
Kaiden has had his eyes set on Aliyah the moment she had entered the party with her friends. It was the only reason why he had even agreed to come. He barely acknowledged anyone who tried to get his attention, him being too focused on her majority of the night.
He had recently come back to Texas after leaving years ago, with only his closest friends knowing that he had returned. So when Hazel had sent him the invite a few nights ago, he was surprised that she had still remembered him. She knew that all it would take was a simple mention of Aliyah's name and he would accept her invite instantly.
Kaiden was working up the courage to see her as soon as he had got back but he was hesitant. He figured that she would have forgotten about him as well as his broken promise.
Plus he wasn't the boy that she had once known before.
Kaiden slowly looked her over, his eyes drinking in her appearance. The ripped t-shirt dress that she wore hugged her curves perfectly, leaving her smooth legs and thighs exposed. He loved the way her hair hung in loose curls, framing around her pretty face. A single mandala tattoo adorned her left hand which he felt fitted her just right.
She looked even more gorgeous in person than the photos that Haze had sent of her.
And he wasn't about to deny the fact that he wanted to fuck because he did.
However, he pushed that to the side because he had missed her more than anything else. She was one of the main reasons why he had even come back.
Silently taking a seat on the round ottoman in front of her, he grabbed at a strawberry that was in the plastic bowl beside her. He quietly ate it as his fingers lightly brushed against her knee causing her to jerk a bit at his sudden touch.
"Beauty." He says, placing a warm hand on her thigh, slightly squeezing the thick flesh.
Aliyah found herself staring at him quietly, her mind slowly accepting the fact that her Ace was in fact really here. "Kaiden." She replied back lowly.
"Ace." He corrected instantly, reminding her of the name that she has always called him by since the third grade. The only time she would say his real name was whenever she was upset with him.
"Is this you keeping your promise?" She questioned, her teeth biting into her lower lip as his hand moved up her thigh little by little.
Tossing the strawberry steam into the bowl, he quickly grabbed ahold of her legs and pulled her into his lap to straddle him. Aliyah gasped loudly from being moved so quickly, her hands gripping at his shoulders instantly.
"It took me longer than expected...but I'm here now." He purred in her ear, placing a kiss on her jawline.
Aliyah hummed as he wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her in place. He smelled so good, she thought to herself. She could feel her juices began to pool inside of her panties from his soft lips, leaving random kisses over her neck.
The little voice in the back of her head was telling her that this wasn't right. She hasn't seen or heard from him in years, yet here she was allowing him to touch her like this.
This moment reminding of her the day before he had to leave. They hadn't really shared intimate moments until that day. Growing up, Aliyah would playfully kiss him here and there but she stopped once she began developing deep feelings for him.
She remembered them being inside of his room that night. She had been crying all that day, so Kaiden decided to lay her on his bed, kissing her before her head even touched his pillows. It was the only thing he felt was the right thing to do at the time, so he went for it. So he did it again, placing himself in between her legs and kissing her like it was going to be his last time.
He wanted to leave her with the memory of it permanently embedded in her mind.
Pulling back, Aliyah stared at him once again. "I really thought it was going to be the one promise that you couldn't keep."
Kaiden smiled at this, his hands moving down her back to grip her booty. "I'll never make a promise that I can't keep, especially when it comes to you." He said truthfully. He never meant to be away from her for so long but things happen.
A low moan slipped past her lips as he pushed her hips down to grind against him. He was hard for her and she's barely done anything to cause it.
Fuck! He needed her.
"Ace..." She warned lowly, eyeing him darkly. She knew that she should move away but she was enjoying the way he felt. Plus she was partially blaming her actions on the alcohol in her system.
Kaiden smirked at her, slowly placing his lips on hers, leading her into a well overdue kiss. One that turned into a heated makeout session, with him easily dominating her mouth, working his tongue against hers so skillfully.
He had become so sinful.
Even knowing that he was a camboy who literally was paid by thousands to watch him touch himself didn't turn her off one bit. Her swimming in happiness that he was back seemed to overshadow everything else. Pulling away to let her breathe, Kaiden looked at her with a look that made Aliyah's "Gina" clinch just as it did last night.
"Can I show you how much I've missed you Beauty?" He asks, squeezing her ass again, loving how soft and round it is. Her skin was so smooth and her scent was so lovely to him. He missed the way she felt in his arms.
Aliyah nodded her, not really knowing what she was agreeing too.
"No, I don't think you truly understand what I'm asking you."
"Then what are you asking?" She asked, now slightly confused.
Kaiden looked her up and down sexily, tugging up her dress until it bunched up around her waist. His fingers skimming over the silk material of her panties as he grinned at the evident wet spot.
"I promise we're going to fuck eventually but right now...I just want to taste you.”
29 notes · View notes
“Game of Thrones” Season VIII: Episode 3 - Hello Darkness, My Old Friend
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All right people - so some shit went down, and between Avengers: Endgame and this, I imagine the entire nerd populace of the world is going to be comatose this week. You have permission to take a break from twerking for a moment, because damn. But first, let’s unpack.
WARNING: SPOILERS for the latest episode. So if you don’t know who dies, who fucks who, and how to turn the brightness up on your TV high enough, turn back now.
So we start out like La La Land with like a long tracking shot checking in on a bunch of people. We’ve got Sam bopping around all -
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Before he passes it off to P-Dinky, who’s like -
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While Lady Sophia Grace is just like -
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Except it’s all just like... morbidly depressing. And Bran is there.
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So yeah Bran is off to the godswood where I’m sure he’s going to do something very very important, while everyone else is chilling on the battlements. We’ve got Sansa.
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And Barack.
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And Gendry.
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Anyway, the horses are starting to get kinda impatient. And like oh wow Ghost is here!
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When suddenly we start pulling in on the darkness opposite our heroes. And I’m like-
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But we don’t get any zombies yet because first who should come clomp clomping in but Big Red herself, riding solo.
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And people she’s got a real special pre-game ritual she wants to share when she goes full Oprah like, “YOU GET A FIRE SWORD! AND YOU GET A FIRE SWORD! AND YOU GET A FIRE SWORD!”
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So Big Red is strutting into Winterfell all -
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And Davos is like, “Um, can we talk about Baby Girl Dragonface?” And Big Red is just like -
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And anyway there’s no time, because the Dothraki are charging. We’ve got Jorah, we’ve got fire catapults, we’ve got Ghost all -
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And it’s really fucking fierce but they’re also running into the darkness and I’m like -
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Well, it turns out they couldn’t see what the fuck they were headed toward either because all of a sudden they’re like -
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And all the fires just go -
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Everybody’s like -
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Anyway, D-Baby and J-Snow are doing what they do best and being boring on a cliff somewhere. And J-Snow’s all, “Blah blah blah gotta wait for the Night Queen.” But D-Baby’s like, “Those are my boys.”
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And like, thank God because the zombies. Are. Here. So they’re rushing our Unsullied bros all -
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And people are just getting fucking mauled. Except like, Brienne. And Jaime. And Tormund. And Pod. And Gendry. And Sam. But like everyone who we don’t know? They’re getting mauled. Until Deus Ex D-Baby swoops in once again all -
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And like, thank God her indiscriminate fire blasting doesn’t wind up killing any of our heroes, because like. That would be crazy. 
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Joining the derby is J-Snow, who is suddenly a whiz at flying a dragon thanks to his Impromptu Booty Call Lesson. And he sees the Frosty Posse (copyright John Way) literally CHILLING at the edge of the woods and is like -
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Until the Posse’s like -
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Thereby creating worse whiteout conditions than when I was driving home from my grandma’s two Christmases ago. AND THAT SHIT WAS BAD! So like all the good guys and the zombies are like -
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But the snow’s like -
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And I’m like -
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Except That One Night’s Watch Guy died. That was sad.
At this point, Sansa’s like, “I’ma go see how things are down in the crypt.” But she’s greeted by like the shadiest looks ever, to which she’s just like -
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And GURL. Things are not going well upstairs, because everyone has quickly gone from this -
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to this -
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So everybody’s charging back into Winterfell and Barack is trying to light some big trench thing. But it’s so fucking dark and blizzardy that D-Baby’s like -
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And so our boys keep trying all these different non-dragon ways to light them but the zombies are just like -
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So at this point I legit think Barack is gonna jump in like -
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But then I remember WE GOT BIG RED! Who decides to take this opportunity to move. So. Fucking. Slowly.
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Finally she gets to the trench and she’s all -
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And the trench is like -
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Meanwhile, down in the crypts, Varys is like, “At least we’re already in a crypt.” And I’m like - IN THIS SITUATION THAT IS NOT A GOOD THING! Like, in the “Game Revealed” doc on this episode, Peter Dinklage literally says, “We’re fighting a guy who can bring the dead back to life and we’ve put the women and children in the crypt. Tyrion’s smart, but I guess not that smart...”
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Anyway, back to Bran.
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who suddenly is all -
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And it’s kinda like, “Fine, Bran, you’re real shitty company anyway.” So he like Vision Quests into the ravens, who fly around for no other purpose other than to give the Night Queen her grand Season 8 entrance.
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So she’s here, she’s fierce, her head is her crown, get used to it. And what better way to kick things off than waving her little hand and making all the zombies go -
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right into the fire. So now we gotta defend the wall. Except they’re all like -
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While the Night Queen finds J-Snow and is like -
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Anyway, there’s a lot more fighting.
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And in the middle of it all, the Hound is in full meltdown mode.
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Luckily Arya’s here all -
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And then something crazy happens. So like Lady Sophia Grace is back.
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When suddenly, the Zombie Version of the Giant Who Doesn’t Like People Looking At Him crashes the party like -
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And ohmigod he is so fucking rude he just like BITCHSLAPS Lady Sophia Grace to the ground.
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And then Lady Sophia screams like the fucking fierce bitch she is and charges him, only to get squeezed like a mother. fucking. bug. And the Giant is like totally gonna fucking eat her.
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But she’s still like -
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And she stabs him in the fucking eye. 
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She still dies though. RIP Lady Sophia.
Okay, so somewhere in the middle of all this, THIS happens to Arya -
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So she’s running around the castle with like a minor concussion all -
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until she stumbles into the Library Section of the Haunted Mansion, where the more literate zombies are browsing.
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So she distracts them with a diversion.
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Yes, Legolas, that’s what I just fucking said. And then she’s outta there. But not before accidentally kabobbing Sharon Needles, who was just on her way to pick up a nice periodical, causing Sharon to relive her best runway -
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Like, thanks Arya for making her even more fierce.
Anyway, she finally gets out of there and she’s all -
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But then the zombies are like -
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and then it’s just like -
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Until she runs into the Hound and Eyepatch Dude, who totally bites it in a fierce-ass Jesus pose to save her.
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RIP Eyepatch Dude.  Okay, at this point Arya and the Hound happen to find the one room with a door the zombies can’t Koolaid-Man through, and who should be chilling in there but BIG RED! And she’s all, “What do we say to the God of Death?” And Arya’s like -
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Meanwhile, the Night Queen’s starting to blow shit up when J-Snow’s dragon attacks hers and totally Mike Tysons it.
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So the Night Queen’s all -
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and J-Snow’s dragon is all -
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Meanwhile, D-Baby finds the Night Queen and is all -
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But Ms. Queen is just like -
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and heads off into the castle with the biggest shit-eating grin you’ve ever seen in your life. So J-Snow’s after him all -
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And Ms. Queen turns.
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Before deciding to recreate her greatest hit - 
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J-Snow’s like -
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But it’s too late, because everyone is all -
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And Ms. Queen just turns around like -
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Okay, so meanwhile down in the crypt, everyone is totally shook that the dead are coming back to life and I’m just like -
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While upstairs, D-Baby is too busy staring at J-Snow to realize the zombies are mauling her dragon for autographs! So the dragon is like -
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But winds up knocking D-Baby off!!! So she’s like totally gone-zo when who should come to her rescue but Jorah!
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Anyway, J-Snow’s trying to get to Bran, because like - God forbid he get interrupted on his raven joyride. And he sees Sam, who seems to be spending this entire episode all -
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But J-Snow’s like -
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So anyway, shit’s really hitting the fan now, and P-Dinky and Sansa are looking at each other all -
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When the music decides to bring things down a bit.
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And it’s just like zombie dragon flipping out, people dying, Jorah going all -
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And meanwhile Theon and the Ironborn have decided that the best way to protect Bran is just to use arrows? But like now Theon has a spear? Anyway, Ms. Queen and the Frosty Posse are strutting into the godswood all -
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And Bran has had enough fucking around with the ravens, so he comes back to earth long enough to tell Theon -
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Which I guess translates to, “Go charge the Magic Ice Man For Me Even Though He’s Def Gonna Kill You, Charlie Brown.” Anyway, Theon? He dead, and so Ms. Queen can truck on to Bran like -
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Until finally he’s there. And Ms. Queen is all -
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And Bran is like -
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And truly truly truly I thought it was gonna end here. Or like, Ms. Queen would take Bran and that’d be that. But never in a million years, and I mean a MILLION YEARS did I think Arya was gonna come flying in like -
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‘Cause she goes -
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And he goes -
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And then everything’s just like -
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At this point everyone ON the show, WATCHING the show, or in any way affiliated with the show is just like -
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Except for Bran. ‘Cause like. Of course.
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So now all that’s left is for Big Red to walk off into the sunset all -
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Sleep, Big Red. You done good.
BOOB COUNT: NONE! BODY COUNT: Bitch, I’m not counting. But RIP Dolorous Edd, Lady Sophia Grace, Beric Dondarrion, Theon Greyjoy, Zombie Viserion, The Night Queen, Jorah Mormont, Melisandre EPISODE GRADE: B+
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First off, a very sincere hats off to director Miguel Sapochnik (of “Hardhome,” “Battle of the Bastards,” and “The Winds of Winter”) and the entire cast and crew for pulling this off. Thrones spoils us, but the fact of the matter is that no other show is giving this level of production on television, and the technical virtuosity on display is out of this world. Check out “The Game Revealed” for this week for a 40-minute deep dive into the 55-night shoot that was this episode - it’s good stuff. Now, let’s pick it apart a little.
Okay, so very cool, we have the Dothraki with the flaming arakhs charging and then the flames going out, but like - what was the plan here? Because everybody knows you gotta burn these zombies to really end them, and they didn’t know Melisandre was coming. So essentially, they were just gonna charge their best fighters at the zombies and like… see what happened?
The sequence after the fires went out and some horses and Dothraki and Jorah came running back was haunting. But I did think it was foreboding something other than just like “We’re running away from zombies.”
Jon’s first line of the episode and seemingly the only thing he says anymore, “The Night King is coming.” In fact, because he’s said this so fucking much, I’d forgotten that Daenerys and he were charged primarily with taking out the Night King. This could’ve been established a little better. Like yes they talked about it last episode, but I could’ve used being re-oriented insofar as “Okay, these two are with the dragons over here literally waiting till the Night King shows himself” because I found myself often wondering why the fuck they weren’t just roasting zombies.
There was obviously an unprecedented scope to this battle, and seeing grand moments like the Unsullied defending the gate was a really cool payoff for an army we’ve been with for 6 seasons now.
That said, something I thought was highly unsuccessful about this episode was how detached it felt from last week’s, which reinvested me in pretty much all these characters. The wider and chaotic look at this battle made it hard to focus on those characters, and while I appreciated the immersion of the sequence, it grew tiring for me.
A nice zoom-in moment is with Grey Worm at the gate, trying to figure out what to do. But the geography of where Melisandre was and when the idea came to him to use her for the trench was confusing.
“Maybe we should have stayed married.” “You were the best of them.” “What a terrifying thought.”
Ramin Djawadi started this awesome White Walker cue back on “Hardhome” that sounds like a clock ticking and I love it every time he uses it. Also his cue “The Night King” is perfection.
Great use of color in this episode to delineate the stages of the battle. And I know we’re all giving it shit for being hard to see, but I’d imagine the blizzardy chaos and the hellfire that dominates the trench section helped them stretch their budget by obscuring most of the backgrounds.
Love, love, loved the library scene.
Let’s not pretend they didn’t crib Helm’s Deep pretty hard here. Melisandre’s arrival was the Elves, the crypts were the glittering caves. We had wall climbing and very similar all is lost moments. It’s a good thing to steal from, but let’s not pretend.
Beautiful work from Sophie Turner and Peter Dinklage in the crypts.
I was very satisfied by all the major deaths this week, in particular Theon’s, but the idea that Bran had to rubber stamp that Theon was “a good man” irritated me a little. The whole thing of Thrones has been that these people are complicated, and Theon is one of the most complicated. So to just sweep it all under the rug and come down hard on one side of it felt reductive. Anyway, RIP Alfie Allen, one of my favorite actors on the show.
RIP also to Iain Glen, our Jorah 5EVER.
Alas, Bran is still with us, and he was another hugely unsuccessful element of the episode. Using him as the Macguffin was a good idea, but D&D never succeeded at explaining what it was that was so important about him to the Night King. Likewise, when he went into the ravens and people were protecting him, wouldn’t it have been stronger if he was actually doing something of use? Something that if it was interrupted would ruin everything? Rather than just joy-riding?
I’ve seen a lot of people wish more characters had died, and I hear that. But it’s a tricky thing at this point on the show. As much as Thrones has been unafraid of killing its characters, it’s never done it in a random way. Ned died as a consequence for his actions, as do pretty much all the major characters on the show. To just randomly start killing them sounds like something that would happen in a battle, sure, but would be largely unsatisfying. And we know these characters so well now that moments need to be made of their demises. I thought the show did an excellent job of dispatching a fairly substantial crew of major characters in a satisfying way, but too much of this and it’s gonna get tiring.
Speaking of which, the Night King. Okay, so Arya killing him was obviously outstanding, made even more satisfying by the fact that it made complete sense with her arc and that Sapochnik was so successful in setting it up so clearly in the episode and then making us completely forget about it. When she stabbed him and he exploded, I honestly could not believe what I was seeing. One of the most satisfying crowd-pleaser moments I’ve ever seen.
That said, the thing that stinks up this episode for me is not that it was hard to see or that not enough people died, but that the White Walkers ultimately amounted to nothing. I love love love the device of killing them with three episodes left to go and refocusing the show on the political, but the Night King was such an amazing villain because of his mystery and the promise that one day we’d find out what his M.O. was. I worried last week that when the characters perfunctorily said he wants to destroy history, that was all we’d get in the way of that but sadly, it seems it may be. We should’ve known they wouldn’t handle this very well when they swept the White Walker origin story under the rug in Season 6, but it’s very disappointing to see that ultimately he was just a bad dude. The way it ended was epic, but we deserved to know more about motivations and the stakes of the situation before it was all over. To sum it up, D&D are very lucky that their fairly mid-level writing is in the hands of a master like Sapochnik and a dynamite cast and crew.
NEXT WEEK: Cersei’s back.
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meshugana1 · 7 years
So, my mom recently got a tattoo from this shady tattoo artist, it's these weird japanese characters that seem to say Dumb, anal-obsessed ganguro. And the tattoo seems to be growing. Any idea what's going on?
My mom was so weird. I’m pretty sure she’s going through a mid-life crisis, she’s asking me all about new tech stuff and the “lingo the kids are using these days”. As if I didn’t have enough to deal with at college, now I have to tutor my mom. I guess it kind of makes sense though, Dad left us around christmas last year and mom took it hard. She’s only just now starting to come out of it, but she’s trying to go from zero to one hundred. It wasn’t like she wasn’t attractive or anything, she was forty-two years old but honestly didn’t look a day over twenty-five.
Her brown hair was always put into a short ponytail which kept her green eyes and pretty face from being blocked. She had a natural curvy figure but always hid it under the most stereotypical mom dresses you can imagine, polka dots and bright colored dresses that lead into legs that were a mile long. She was the reason a lot of my friends in high school always wanted to hang out. I’m sure plenty of my friends pulled their pud to fantasies about my mom. I totally get it, in all honesty I’ve done it a couple times too.
I don’t think that she knows how much she turns people on, she not really socially aware. Hasn’t been for a real long time. Case in point, today she came home with a tattoo of some Japanese characters. She said it was supposed to mean “happiness and health” or something. I watched my fair share of anime and manga so it didn’t look right to me. I tried asking who did it but she couldn’t pronounce the guys name. She said it was a parlor down by the Asian district, and she couldn’t pronounce the name of it either.
The tattoo was placed right above the crack of her ass, not exactly a place for a tattoo at any age let alone in your forties. But she was really excited to show it off so I did my best to not stare at her juicy ass and focus on the tat. It was a little strange looking, it was glowing just slightly. It sounded like a hole in the wall kind of place but it must’ve been pretty sophisticated to use luminous ink or whatever it was.
Over the next couple of days mom was just acting weirder and weirder. Now my mom wasn’t exactly a genius or anything, but lately she’s started acting like a total ditzy bimbo. She would giggle almost constantly and really changed up her mannerisms. I guess that mid-life crisis was in full swing cause now she was acting like an overly flirty twenty-something. Every time she had to pick something off the ground she always bent over at the waist, displaying her pert, round ass to anyone who happened to look.
My friends, upon learning this, started hanging around a lot more often. They would ask my mom to hang out with us a lot, a couple of them even asked if she wanted to go and party we were gonna crash later. To my surprise my mom squealed excitedly and said she “totes would love to party” with us. She was trying really hard to fit in so I didn’t say anything as she got ready. My friends and I were waiting for her downstairs when she came down and all of our jaws dropped at what we say coming at us.
My formerly sexy but modest mom was dressed like a whore that ran a Hello Kitty store. Her hair was dyed a bright vibrant colors at the ends and tied into large puffy pigtails. The only reason I recognized my mom at all was the slightly glowing tattoo above her butt. Her face was so covered in make up that she looked like a kabuki doll. Her lips were a bright white instead of her usual red and she had highlighted her eyes in thick and wide colored white. The rest of her face and neck were colored a bronze like she had been tanning all day long.
Her face and hair also had gems and rhinestones embedded all over the place, some dotted her eyeline and she had a butterfly design on her cheek and it looked like she went crazy with glitter. Her big tits we contained by a Hello Kitty tube top that looked five sizes too small. Her breasts were so compressed together that the threatened to pop out at any moment. She wore suspenders attached to short,short shorts. It honestly looked more like a pair panties, they covered about the same area and were once again so small that my mothers vaginal lips could clearly be seen as her crotch tried to chew on the front.
She bounced past us on pink, open toed leather heels, coming so close to freeing her tits. As she passed us she gave everyone a very personal glance at her practically naked ass. The tiny pair of shorts she wore had become a thong as they wedged into her ass crack. She was still hoping around excitedly and saying “come on!” My friends and I desperately tried to hide our erections as we piled into my friends small car. We were down one seat and my mom had to sit on my lap in the front. That was an awkward car ride as my throbbing erection poked into my moms fat bottom over and over. Weirdly though she didn’t seem to mind, she even started grinding into me a little bit and winked at me.
I was thankful when we arrived and mom skipped into the party and made herself very welcome. I was too weirded out to enjoy myself even with all the alcohol in the world. The thing that kept bugging me was that weird tattoo. All this happened after she got it, I looked around and found her getting some attention from some college boys. I asked mom if I could see her tattoo and she thrusted out her ass to me and started twerking into me. Blushing profusely I quickly snapped a picture of the mystery tat and went to the couch. I went online and posted the picture to reddit and asked what it said. Before I could even take another drink I got replies of LOL and HAHAHA’s. Then someone finally replied “Dude, It says Dumb Anal-obsessed Ganguro! LOL”.
I was familiar with the term Ganguro from anime, basically they were Japanese bimbos. I couldn’t really explain it, but I think the tattoo did this to my mom somehow. She was weird before but she was still my mom. I tried to track her down but she wasn’t anywhere around. Finally one of my buddies saw her go upstairs, I hurried up the steps and found a large line waiting to go into a room. I thought it was the bathroom line but then I heard one of the guys coming out that he never met a girl so eager for anal.
Hearing this I rushed to the front of the line and entered the room. I saw my mother splayed out on the bed, her bare ass was thrust into the air. Her face was distorted into a mess of erotic pleasure, I could see as my mothers puckered asshole leaking glistening white cum down her legs. Mom noticed me and started twerking her ass up and down again, she looked at me, biting her lip, and said “Mmmm, come on over honey. My asshole really needs another pounding.”
I had a real moment of indecision there. On the one hand she was my mom, but was she really? Whatever the tattoo was doing to her was pretty much turning her into a different person, and this person was hot and really needy. I didn’t even consider any other options as my huge erection decided for me. I undid my pants and let them fall to the floor, my underwear was next. I mounted the bed and plunged my turgid cock into my dumb, anal obsessed ganguro of a mom. And it wasn’t even close to the last time either.
The End. Hope y’all like it!
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storytaeme · 7 years
put your ass on me – day 29
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spoopy kinktober drabbles – NC17
➵ Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Park Jimin
➵ Prompt: Frottage    ↪ content: slight intoxication, grinding, spanking
➵ Word Count: 4,364 words
Taehyung was a slut. That wasn’t news. Any dick he could get his hands and mouth on, you can bet your ass that he would be on it in a blink of an eye. He had had his fair share of cocks in his college career—from that sexy senior who fucked him good and hard in his studio, to the clumsy graduate student TA who had a penchant for calling him a baby boy, and the freshman who could toss him against a wall with a finger. He liked them all.
But there was nothing he loved more than a teasing cock, particularly one that pressed up against his ass snugly. There was one person who could mess with him and fuck with his head, and Taehyung would be thanking him for it and kissing his feet.
Park Jimin.
Honestly, his cock was nothing special. An average sized thing that Taehyung could find in any other guy without the bonus of suffering through the games Jimin played.
Then again, Taehyung has always loved games.
Jimin was a friend he had picked up at a party he couldn’t place his finger on. The two had been on the further end of the intoxicated spectrum, had sucked each other’s dick, before parting ways the next morning with no awkwardness and each other’s numbers. Since then, the two had messed around a few more times—the times in which Taehyung learned that there were still people out there who were much kinkier than he was. Much, much kinkier.
He didn’t mind it though—exploring Jimin was always fun, safe and risky at the same time. But the boy seemed to know what he was doing and let Taehyung experiment on his own, which was great.
But Jimin always liked the thrill of the chase—that limbo between heightening sexual tension and getting his brains fucked out of his head.
So there Taehyung was, a little tipsy, a little sober, a little bit of both. None of that mattered though when he had Jimin pressed up against his back. The boy was shorter than Taehyung by a good two inches, but he somehow always managed to stick close enough, bend Taehyung down enough so his crotch was directly aligned with the curve of Taehyung’s ass.
The man’s smaller hands roamed freely across the expanse of Taehyung’s chest, smoothing underneath his silky shirt to run his hands over the softness of his stomach. Jimin was grinding up against him, the evident boner in his leather pants, barely restricted by the material, pushing up into the crack of Taehyung’s ass. Taehyung had long closed his eyes to completely immerse himself in the experience, in the extraordinary feeling of Jimin’s hardness in the soft plush of his ass.
“Fuck, Tae,” Jimin growled in his ear, fingers sinking into his short locks and tugging it back. He yanked back hard enough to pull a moan from Taehyung’s lips. His other hand was still cool against the warmth of Taehyung’s stomach. “Fuckin’ ass, so pert and full. Bet you love getting this little thing eaten, don’t you?” For emphasis, his hand smoothed down to cup Taehyung’s ass.
“Mmm,” Taehyung hummed happily, bumping his butt back against Jimin for more friction. They were still swaying to the music, the club pulsing with life as bass thrummed through the speakers. Bodies were crowded in the dance floor, pushing up against each other. But Taehyung could only feel Jimin. Nothing else existed except the thickness of Jimin’s cock against his ass. Not the guy who was trying to get handsy with him in front of him, or the sweaty, sticky mess of skins clinging against each other.
Jimin didn’t like other people trying to touch his things, especially not when he was planning to use them later. Like Taehyung. The short man threw daggers at the guy who was trying to catch Taehyung’s attention. “Why don’t you piss off, man? I’m fucking him tonight, get yourself another piece of ass to lay.”
Taehyung fucking loved it when Jimin got possessive. He felt a shiver snake down his spine as Jimin tugged him closer so his back was completely flush against the other boy’s front.
The guy only rolled his eyes, smirking, “Think tiny here can fuck you good, baby?” Christ, this guy had a death wish. “His cock is probably small, I can fuck your ass real nice.”
It was Taehyung’s turn to snort. This guy really had no idea what the fuck he was talking about. However, Jimin beat him to it, hand catching Taehyung’s hard-on in his pants, eliciting a squeak from him. With hooded eyes, Jimin ran his lips over Taehyung’s neck, sinking his teeth down in warning. Taehyung whimpered wantonly. “That true, baby? He thinks I can’t fuck your ass good. What do you say to that?”
In all honesty, his mind was too frazzled, his focus too concentrated on Jimin’s cock in the crack of his ass and his hand fondling Taehyung through the fabric.
“Tell him what I do to you, Tae,” Jimin urged again, squeezing his boner harder.
“H-he—fuck—he fucks me so good. God, his cock always fills my ass up,” Taehyung stammered quickly, stumbling over a rambling of his words. He wasn’t quite sure what he said, but it was something along the lines of Jimin fucking him into the sheets until he cried and Taehyung worshipping the hell out of Jimin. Whatever it was, it seemed sufficient to have the other guy’s face paling in the realization that he wasn’t even considered close to competition.
“It’s not about what you have, it’s about how you fucking use it,” Jimin snarled in finality, his eyes flashing with a warning that this was the end of the conversation. The guy spat out a fuck you before squeezing past the throng of bodies and away from them. Jimin chuckled, breath hot against the cool sweat on Taehyung’s neck. “That’s my good boy, you only love my cock, don’t you? Look at you so needy.”
Taehyung nodded eagerly, lips parting to release desperate pants. “Yes, oh shit, fuck, Jimin.”
“You like to twerk don’t you? Why don’t you use that ass of yours for something good for once aside from being my cocksleeve?” Jimin growled, jerking Taehyung’s head back again by his hair. “Come on, Tae, why don’t you rub that ass up against my dick?”
Fuck. Yes, yes. Taehyung didn’t even hesitate before he crouched slightly, hands on his knees as he stuck his ass up to push it against Jimin. He could hear Jimin release a groan, the sound buried underneath the rise after a beat drop. Everyone was jumping around them and Taehyung moved along with the current. He shook his ass, bounced it against Jimin’s hard-on. Fuck, it felt so good. He moaned on his own as his hold on his legs nearly slipped. He continued to shake it up and down, the bulge in Jimin’s pants rubbing up against him. God, he wished he didn’t have pants on so he could feel every bit of it on his rim, feel the bulge pressing up against his hole.
“That’s right,” Jimin hissed, hands loosely hanging on Taehyung’s hips. He let Taehyung have full control over his movements—that was Jimin’s tactic. This was all by choice, this was what Taehyung wanted. To be desperate for Jimin, to be so filthy in such a public setting. “That’s my good boy,” Jimin grinned.
Taehyung’s cock was throbbing painfully against his zipper. If he got any harder, he might just burst the seams. “Fuck, J-Jimin, please, I can’t take it—” His breath broke off into a gasp when Jimin grabbed hold of his hips, thrusting himself forward and grinding himself hard against Taehyung.
“What do you wanna do, baby?” Jimin teased, “we’re in front of all these people and you want me to fuck you here?”
Taehyung could feel the stares, of course. It was hard not to when the two were practically the center of attention with their step above public display of affection. Not that it was anywhere remotely near affectionate. It was pure lust. He wanted to scream yes, yes, he would rather have Jimin fuck him then and there rather than nothing at all. However, even his exhibitionistic tendencies had its boundaries.
“I-I—” he started with a gasp “—I want to ride your thigh,” he blurted out.
Jimin stilled momentarily, leaving Taehyung hanging on this limbo of despair. All he wanted was for Jimin to take him as his, mark him down and fuck him open. It wasn’t until Jimin yanked him back up, turning him around to slot their lips together messily, that Taehyung moaned into his mouth. “Didn’t know you could be so full of good ideas, Kim, come here.” Jimin’s fingers intertwined with his own, keeping them close as they managed to make their way to the sidelines.
Taehyung wasn’t sure how or why but Jimin always had access to the VIP booth. Like always. In every club they went to, the security wouldn’t bat an eye at Jimin who would shoulder past them with whatever company he had in tow. He probably came from money that Taehyung wasn’t sure he wanted to know about. Jimin could make do with public sex, but he also had a deep appreciation for the intimacy of privacy.
The leather seats were sleek and clean, glowing in the dimly lit room as Jimin settled himself on it. Taehyung was about to sit next to him or on him, his clouded brain had yet to decide, but Jimin held a hand up to stop him. Taehyung raised an eyebrow in question.. “Strip first, baby,” Jimin leaned back comfortably, folding his hands together on his crossed legs.
Fucking fancy ass fucker.
Taehyung—ever the obedient pet—did as he was told. He didn’t waste time to shove his pants down, all the while pulling the shirt over his head, leaving him in his briefs.
Jimin smirked, “Should’ve worn panties today, would’ve loved to see that ass grinding on me with some pretty lace.”
Taehyung made a mental note to look for underwear the next time he went shopping.
“Come sit on my lap, baby,” Jimin crooked a finger towards him. As if he was a snake charmer and Taehyung was nothing more than a mere serpent, he drifted towards him absentmindedly. He watched, mesmerized, as Jimin parted his legs slightly, before he took his spot on one of his thighs.
Jimin’s skin was warm against his own, the heat radiating off their skins mingling together to produce a low flame that flickered teneion between the two of them. A small gasp slipped past Taehyung’s lips when Jimin flexed his thigh, tightening the muscle underneath so the other boy could feel it press against his ass. “You said you wanted to sit on my thigh, go ahead.”
Taehyung nodded, teeth catching his lip as he begun to move himself against the man’s thigh. Jimin only settled back and observed Taehyung do his own hard work. Taehyung didn’t mind in the least. He loved it when Jimin stared at him with darkened irises, pupils dilated in fascination as he watched Taehyung use him to pleasure himself.
He had his legs thrown on either side of Jimin’s thigh, his cock settling hard and heavy against the part of his leg that he couldn’t cover with his body. Taehyung shifted slowly at first, moaning at the slight friction he could feel against his opening. His rim puckered and tightened, seeming to insist for more. Little whines bubbled from his throat as he watched Jimin’s lips curl, his tongue digging into the inside of his cheek as if he was attempting to get his own libido in control.
The leather felt smooth against his ass, but created enough electricity to have Taehyung biting his lip and moving faster. His hips kept shifting and moving, his butt pressing down for more heat. His cock—fuck, his cock—was so hard. he could see the tip pulsating. With how hard he was, his cock was beginning to rise to attention, bobbing against his stomach.
“That’s a good boy,” Jimin murmured, his fingers finding their way to Taehyung’s back. They danced along his spine in a supposedly soothing manner, but Taehyung could only whimper towards the touch. It felt good to have him teasing his back like that, felt good to have Jimin smiling at him with an undeniable smugness. “You like my thigh, Tae? You like fucking yourself on it?”
Taehyung’s breath hitched in his throat as he nodded, “Y-yes, I love your thigh. It—hnng aah, feels—fuck—feels so good. You’re so thick fuck.”
“Mhmm,” Jimin affirmed, running his hand down the boy’s back gently again. “So thick, muscles all over. You like that, don’t you? You like things hard so you can grind yourself against it. That’s why you like my cock too.”
The thought of Jimin’s cock had Taehyung whimpering. He could feel saliva pool in his tongue as if he could taste Jimin’s weight in his mouth, but he swallowed it back and willed away the sudden urge to suck the length. It didn’t mean he couldn’t appreciate how Jimin was slowly building a tent in his pants though. The bulge grew increasingly bigger with Taehyung’s every shift, every whine.
“Fuck yes, Tae,” Jimin growled, his normally sweet voice fading into one of a predator. Taehyung was no more than a prey, one of many, but he’d be damned if he said he gave a flying fuck in that moment. “Just like that, baby, grind yourself down. Rub your ass on my thigh, fuck yourself on it. I want you hard and dripping for me. You can probably make yourself come from this alone, can’t you?”
He probably—no, he definitely—could. “Mmmph, so good, Jiminie, feels so fucking good,” Taehyung rumbled from deep in his chest, “w-wanna come all over you.”
“Dirty little slut,” Jimin jeered, “you want to get me all messy, don’t you? Possessive fucker. You just want to stain my pants so everyone will know that you’ve made yourself come on my thigh. Isn’t that right?”
Taehyung whined low again, “T-that’s right. Want everyone to know who made me come.”
“Get off, baby, I want you to ride my cock now.” Taehyung’s heart stopped beating. “Do you want that?”
Never in his life has he nodded this hard. He was quick to scramble to his two feet, knees still shaking as he tried to keep himself steady. Taehyung watched quietly, muffling his pants behind his hand and shyly covering his cock up with his other hand. Jimin smirked as he shimmied out of his pants, and then his boxers, and—oh fuck—Taehyung could see how his cock stood thick, its girth looking more tantalizing than anything.
“J-Jiminie,” Taehyung mewled, nipping his lip to silence the moans threatening to spill.
Jimin sat back down, snatching up a bottle of lube and drizzling it all over his cock. He sat with his legs closed this time, stroking his cock slowly to get all of the cool gel all over him. By the time he stopped to nestle back against the seats again, his cock was glistening underneath the room’s hypnotic lights.
Taehyung could feel his his heart lurch up his throat. “C-can I sit now?” he asked desperately, stepping closer.
“Yeah,” Jimin grunted, “but want your back towards me. Rub your ass up on my wet cock, will you? You can’t come until I say you can. Got it?”
He nodded in agreement again, albeit a little too eager this time. Jimin smiled, heart and cock swelling with pride at having Taehyung so putty in his hands. Taehyung turned around and backed himself up slowly, chancing glances over his shoulder before he approached Jimin. The other boy was much too impatient for Taehyung’s caution, instead hands taking action by grasping his waist. Taehyung stumbled backwards and managed to support himself just in time before he could land too hard on Jimin’s lap.
However, once he did, he felt Jimin’s cock warm in the folds of his ass. His cock was slimy with the liquid, Taehyung could slide on it all too easily but with just enough friction that had him groaning at the feeling. His legs trembled as he began to move his ass against the length. Taehyung could practically feel every vein thrumming silently. It felt so fucking good to have it in his ass, rubbing up and quickly dampening. The cock slid easily against his opening, always sliding past the sensitive hole.
Taehyung wanted so desperately to feel his cock pulsing inside of him, but the friction and the teasing, Jimin’s hand remaining on his hip as a reminder of his presence were more than enough to have Taehyung gasping every time Jimin’s cock slid in between. Taehyung’s hands flew to his ass to spread them apart as he ground down harder against Jimin.
Jimin let a groan escape at that. Taehyung’s ass looked so plump, a delicious peach that wrapped so snugly into his cock. The sounds that bounced off the walls of the room were sloppy and lewd, noises that fueled the fire burning in Taehyung’s gut. He didn’t hesitate to begin bouncing, adding a little rise and fall to each of his movements. On top of the wonderful friction, Taehyung could feel the slight rebound of his thick ass on Jimin’s dick.
“Fuck, that’s good, baby,” Jimin huffed, breathing deeply through his nose to avoid opening his mouth in the risk of moaning. “Just like that. You’ve got such a pretty ass, Taehyung,” Jimin snarled.
“S-spank me, p-please,” Taehyung begged. “I-I want to be all red for you.”
Fuck. It was Jimin’s turn to gape in surprise, breath stilling in his lungs. Taehyung was a goddamn perfect specimen. He couldn’t ask for anything more from him. “Okay, baby,” Jimin rasped, “ten, yeah? Count for me.”
He hadn’t waited for Taehyung to respond before the first slap came down hard against his ass. Taehyung jerked forward, more from the surprise and the sheer pain mingled with pleasure that propelled him. A small cry had escaped his mouth and his hand lifted to muffle the sound as he tried to get himself back down on Jimin.
“Keep grinding, Tae, or I’ll stop spanking,” Jimin threatened, inhaling a labored breath as he ignored the stinging pulse in his palm. In the darkness, he couldn’t quite see the print he had left on Taehyung but he so wished that he would have had hit him hard enough by the end of this that he could see the boy’s pretty, plump mounds glow red.
Taehyung gulped down the lump in his throat and nodded, moving his ass and bouncing it again on Jimin’s cock. He rubbed hard and fast, moving fast as he counted the second one with a scream when Jimin brought his hand down again. The sound was harsher this time, louder, as it echoed across the room. “T-two,” Taehyung muttered.
He panted as Jimin hit him again, his palm cracking across his other cheek. “Fuck, three!” he cried out, panting as he could feel his cock twitch desperately against his stomach.
Jimin hit him again, two consecutive smacks that had Teahyung sobbing into his hand. Tears pricked his eyes. He could feel a dull stinging coursing through his behind, a pricking every time he rubbed up on Jimin’s cock. The slickness was starting to fade, leaving him with a friction that felt tenfolds worse than when he started. With how sensitive his ass was, the pain felt even worse. Taehyung’s gaze dropped down to his cock where a bead of precome had oozed from the tip, slowly rolling down.
“That’s my good boy, Tae, that’s only five,” Jimin laughed, “think you can handle more? You look like your knees are going to give out.”
It felt like it too. His knees were wobbling so much he could barely keep himself steady as he ground down on Jimin’s thigh, feeling the thick rod sliding in between the pillows of his cheeks, up against his small opening that was just pleading to be fucked. “I can, please, J-Jimin, I want more.”
“Five more, babe,” Jimin reminded, “think you can come when we reach ten?”
“Y-yes,” Taehyung promised.
“Good boy,” the other boy murmured, his hand stroking Taehyung’s ass calmly to try and settle the painful remnants of a reverberation. “Keep moving, Tae,” he ordered.
Taehyung followed his instruction and kept shifting his hips, disregarding the obvious burn in his thighs as he continued to—crack! “Six!” he sobbed. The brief pause they had made the sting even worse. It had given Taehyung momentary relief before the pain came back to chase after him.
“Rub your ass, baby, come on,” Jimin snapped, “move your ass faster on my cock.”
He nodded, tears leaking and streaming down his face as he gasped in a breath past his lips. Jimin’s cock felt so, so good against his ass and all he wanted to do was to be fucked stupid. He worked faster, chasing after that sweet climax he was craving when Jimin hit him once on each cheek, one after another. The blows seemed to get more painful as he grew increasingly more susceptible to the sting. His ass felt as if it had been lit on fire, the burn incomprehensible as he tried to keep his composure intact. His mind was spiraling down a route that led him to despair, but his cock suggested otherwise as more precome began to seep from his throbbing head.
“J-Jimin, fuck, I need to come, please,” he whined pathetically, acknowledging how abso-fucking-lutely desperate he was in that moment. He needed the release, but he was holding it back. His stomach twisted uncomfortably wth a scorching upon his skin. His ass tightened every time he brought his hips to grind down against Jimin.
“Two more, you can hold it,” Jimin chuckled darkly, “keep moving that ass.”
Taehyung should’ve known that Jimin wouldn’t give it to him easy. He had been too generous, had let Taehyung done what he wanted from the beginning. Taehyung kept moving, kept fucking down on Jimin and felt the thickness slip comfortably between his cheeks. It felt so good but he was growing numb—the spanks he had been anticipating never coming.
This was it. This was his game.
Jimin loved to see Taehyung suffer and, if that meant, waiting out his orgasm, the release he could practically taste on his tongue, then Jimin would do it in a heartbeat.
“Jimin, please, fuck—mmph fuck aah,” Taehyung whined gutturally, his tone laced with absolute hunger and shameless desire. “Fuck, please, please, Jimin,” Taehyung begged, his voice descending into incoherency as he continued moving against Jimin’s cock.
“You have to wait for it, baby, you can’t come before you finish counting,” Jimin teased, his words borderline malicious as he knew how much Taehyung was enduring in that moment to keep himself in check. Taehyung could already begin to feel the start of his orgasm, the slow climb to his climax being suppressed by Jimin’s inability to give Taehyung what he wanted before torturing him.
Taehyung cried again, “J-Jimin, pleas—”
Jimin slapped him and that instantly shut him up, instead yanking a mix between a sob and a moan from his lips. Jimin frowned, clicking his tongue in disappointment, “Look what you made me do. I wasted one, now you have one left.”
“Jimin, please—”
“I don’t see your ass moving, slut,” Jimin hissed, his fingers digging into Taehyung’s hips. He barely grazed the edge of his ass and Taehyung already flinched from the pain. It felt so painful and his cock was twitching miserably, on the edge of that release.
Taehyung kicked away his pride and need to whine and throw a tantrum, instead giving in to Jimin’s request. He built up the pleasure again, built up the miserable throbbing of his cock with all his pent-up frustration. He gasped every time his ass pushed down a little too hard against Jimin, mewled each time Jimin’s cock brushed over his entrance.
“Do you want to come, Tae? Do you want to come all over, baby? Fuck, look at your cock making a mess already,” Jimin groaned, one of his hands reaching up to tangle his fingers in Taehyung’s hair. He tugged it back hard enough to have Taehyung gasping, his dick leaking out another drop of come.
“Yes, yes, yes,” Taehyung chanted, his voice fading into a whisper as he could barely hold it back anymore. “Yes, please, God i want to come. I want to make a mess all over, Jiminie. Please l-let me come.”
Jimin breathed, “Are you sure—”
“Fuck, yes, okay, plea—” Taehyung never got to finish that sentence because Jimin was already bringing his hand down one last time, the tenth slap, and Taehyung jerked forward. What took him aback even more was how Jimin’s fingers quickly wrapped around Taehyung’s length, pumping the length in his fist as Taehyung chased after his high.
His body convulsed, hitched chokes escaping his mouth, as his cock twitched violently in Jimin’s hold. White liquid poured all over the other boy’s hand, Taehyung’s own itching to peel his fingers away. Every part of him was overstimulated, oversensitive to each of Jimin’s touch. But Jimin kept working on his shaft, tugging on it quick and fast, flicking his wrist to make sure that Taehyung released the last of his orgasm. He milked him hard, milked him dry. Taehyung was panting, slumping back against Jimin by the end of it as his member twitched, spilling the last drops onto Jimin’s come-covered hand.
The other boy whispered words of praises in Taehyung’s ear, hot breath fanning his sweaty skin. “You’re such a good boy, Tae, always so obedient for me. Look at how much you came for me. You’re such a good boy.”
“T-thank you, Jiminie,” Taehyung whimpered quietly. “Thank you.”
“Always, baby.”
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thegroovethief · 7 years
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#TGTfeature 008: Lea Luna [Magik Muzik; Dim Mak; Raid Recordings: Denver, Colorado, USA] Fresh off my interview with world champion turntablist DJ Shiftee, #TGTfeature 008 is with the skilled Lea Luna, who kills it on the decks whether bass, house, or beyond! She took the time out for a chat just before headlining a hometown show at The Black Box. This and forthcoming #TGTfeature articles will highlight dedicated musical talents by featuring their recent work as well as an in-depth interview. Known for her passion and dedication to dance music as well as the art of DJing, Lea Luna is also a chart-topping singer and a respected music journalist. She kindly shared her thoughts on bass music, repping Denver, dealing with online trolls, and more. A bit about Lea Luna: - With nearly 20 years behind the decks, she’s played numerous noteworthy clubs: NYC's Limelight, LA's Avalon, and Denver's own Beta - Frequently called on for vocal collaborations, she’s recently worked with the likes of Sydney Blu, Manufactured Superstars, and Quivver - Also known for her production work, she regularly releases her own music, including “Rock Show” out via RAID Recordings
TGT: You’re leading an excellent lineup of bass talent at The Black Box, all representing Denver. What styles will you be bringing for this set, and how do you determine ‘tough bass’ in 2018? LL: I’m definitely planning on keeping it bass-driven, much like my last Black Box set was. Bass house, maybe a few breaks, maybe a few trap drops to break it up. I’ve always said this as my overarching quote: “Genres don’t define artists, artists define genres.” I pretty much live by that ideology. I’ve been DJing for nearly two decades now and have seen many music fads come and go (fidget, for instance, was one such fad genre in the bass category I used to like that died). Everything all stems from two main influence points- the first influence is the roots of the underground— the old history behind the emergence of the new sound. People like classic vocal hooks in newer remixes if they were a part of the scene back in the day, and bass house wouldn’t be where it is now without the original house music and garage innovators. The second influence is technology. Bass music sounded way different before the VST (virtual instrument) plugin Serum was invented because producers had different tools. I remember when the VST called Massive first came out and dubstep as a genre resulted. Electronic music is largely affected by these nerds who make virtual instruments and how artists interpret that technology as tools for creative flow. While everyone as listeners are pulling apart which bass music artists are making new genres, most real artists are at home dorking around with compression ratios and wave tables trying to invent an actual noise. So it’s hard for me as an artist to talk about bass music as an evolving fad because I sit here with the tools all day looking at the other perspective of what’s really evolving. TGT: Denver is certainly a unique place! How would you describe the realities and complexities of the scene here as a local artist with a global following? Any advice for up-and-coming DJs/producers on navigating our “island?” LL: I could not be more proud of Denver, and even electronic music as a scene in general. This city used to only offer these (beloved) secret warehouse-type hideout parties with a bunch of obscure DJs, vinyl collectors, and underground ravers interested in coming, and now every large venue in the city is wall-to-wall packed with dance music fans on any given night. There’s a lot to be accredited to the increase in our culture, but also a lot that has been bastardized. What I will say to the new kids is if you’re out here letting a controller do all the work for you onstage, playing the top 40 dance chart releases in order so you can be popular, you are sh*tting all over my craft and culture. It’s not a popularity contest and the DJ booth is not a bottle service area. The best way to become a DJ is to care about actually DJing. Be authentic, know your roots, respect your predecessors, respect women, respect other subgenres, and don’t spend your life savings on social media likes. Inspire people, ask for help, collaborate, offer something OF yourself before asking about something FOR yourself. Create. Learn. Be humble (but please stop humble-bragging). Start a crew. Give a damn, you know? We’ve all had our bouts with fame and drama as artists, but if you’re not creative at all and you’re not keeping it real, you shouldn’t be doing this.
TGT: There’s a lot of debate about whether certain strains of electronic music have reached full saturation, or have become so derived they’ve practically lost relevance. What are your thoughts on the current electronic dance scene, particularly within house music, and what’s your approach to keep your own productions sounding fresh? LL: People of the underground like to worry I’m too commercial, people of the commercial world like to worry I’m too underground. Some people want to hear music everyone understands, some people act rude when something becomes popular because they want to be viewed as purists. Like I said before, know your roots, know the trends, give a damn, create something original, and keep it moving. That’s the motto. If I claimed to be a purist 10 years ago and stuck to it, I’d be in hot water right now trying to play washed up music that pales in comparison to new mastering and technology on those fresh new funktion-ones (the incredible speakers they have at Black Box). If you stay current in your arena and true to your roots, genre and saturation thereof can be left to the listeners to decide. Ain’t nobody got time for that in my world. Artists. Define. Genres. I play what I think is ahead of the curve, and what I think is classic, all in one set. There’s no genre about it, but I will say that my tempo lately in clubs is 122-128, with an occasional drop to 100 just to grab people’s attention. All things house, garage, and breaks fall into that first category, and trap/twerk drops (second category) make life fun.
TGT: You’ve recently posted about receiving online threats from a random stranger. This is, sadly, nothing new for female public figures. How can readers (particularly men) succeed in eradicating this all-too-common misogyny within our music community? And offline, what should promoters and venues be doing to keep their dance-floors safe? LL: As for keeping clubs safe - I truly believe in strength in numbers. I have a strong, supportive, loving crew of friends and fans, as well as professionals and security guards. I take threats very seriously and file reports and blacklists when they happen to protect myself and other women. I have very strong security measures held at all of my shows, including this one. But in the big picture, the biggest thing that is going to make any club a safe environment is a positive example of the members of any audience at any show ACTING RIGHT TOWARDS WOMEN. If you see someone put something in someone's drink, report them. If you see someone abusing a woman either verbally or physically any way whatsoever, DO SOMETHING. Inaction is still an action. I come with a large group of friends that I deeply trust to every event and there is no way in hell someone is going to act in public like they do on the internet towards me or any woman in my presence and get away with it. One time someone lifted my skirt up and hit me on the ass at a show and although they were "only joking," they were being held by the neck of their shirt over the patio rail and reprimanded by my friends a split second later until security came and got them. These types of people will always be outnumbered and will never get away with what they think they can. They try it on the internet because they can troll and hide. [As for online threats:] Here’s the deal. People are jealous. It happens to both sexes, but primarily females because sexual iconography or lack thereof triggers people who writhe in unnecessary hatred from the comfort of their hate-hobbit computer den. Being attractive does not make me stupid or talentless. There is no such thing as “using” your looks. I look this way. That’s a fact, maybe a hobby, not a tactic. I also write music consistently and contribute a lot to this scene. Do all girl DJs do that? Likely not, but many do. The problem lies in the prejudice, pegging all women as having a backhanded agenda or a lack of intelligence or avoiding authenticity. This claim emerges from the hearts of people whose mothers didn’t hug them, whose girlfriends cheated on them, whatever. Hurt people hurt people. Do I care what these specific people think? No. I care if I screw up publicly and true fans lose interest in me. I care about staying true to myself and my brand, and I care about doing what I say I’m going to do for my shows, my opening DJs, the promoters who believe in me, my agent and manager, my crew, my friends, and my fans. Anyone who is so clearly coming from a place of jealous bigotry who tries to threaten me, embarrass me, or thwart my success always fails. Because they aren’t battling me, they’re battling something very dark and unhappy inside themselves. TGT: And, to end on a lighter topic – what’s your favorite spot in town for a post-gig meal? LL: Post gig? I’m always exhausted around then, but definitely just as junk food hungry as anyone at 2am leaving a bar. I rarely go out after bar hours to eat though. I’m more likely to hit a grocery store for a pizza to pop in the oven at home or if I’m feeling extra self-loathing I’ll get cheesy popcorn and pop tarts from a gas station [laughs].
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evenifyoudontfic · 7 years
Even If You Don’t: Chapter 15
Previous Chapter
Calum’s POV; Two weeks later
“I think they’re listening to the song,” Luke mentioned as we approached the girls’ dressing room, hearing Girls Talk Boys blasting through whoever’s phone they were using.
“This is probably a Snapchat moment,” Michael said, “Do we really want to interrupt it?” We all looked at each other for a moment and then he spun around. “Of course we do!” he exclaimed, grabbing the door handle and opening it suddenly.
The girls were all jumping around and singing along, laughing when they realized we were there but continuing to sing anyway. As expected, Kenzie and Vanessa were recording the whole thing, pointing their phones at us as the second verse started.
“When you’re talking to your girls, do you talk about me?” we instantly started singing along, coming into the room. As soon as I reached Mari, she grabbed my cheeks and dramatically sang the next line with the straightest face she could.
“Do you tell them I’m your lover? I’m all that you need?” she kissed my nose, making me laugh loudly. I put my hands on her sides and tickled her, causing her to squeal loudly and let go of me. Since the next line was almost over, I just sang along to the last line in the verse.
“Do you tell them that you love me the way that I’ve been loving you?” I grinned at the sound of Mari’s laugh, stopping tickling her so I could kiss her cheek. I felt her smile before pulling away, keeping my arms around her waist and pulling her back against my chest.
“You guys!” Kenzie beamed as Kaylynn paused the song on her phone, “The new song is so good!”
“Thank you,” Ashton chuckled, “We’re really glad you like it so much.”
“How do you guys even know the words already anyway?” Michael asked, “It’s only been out for a couple hours.”
“It’s like you don’t know us, Clifford,” Kaylynn scoffed, rolling her eyes.
“Just because you guys forget your lyrics all the time doesn’t mean other people do too,” Mari sassed – which probably wasn’t the best choice considering my arms were still wrapped around her.
I immediately started tickling her again, making her squeal even louder than the first time I did it. She tried to force my hands away from her – and although she was putting up quite an impressive fight, I was still a lot stronger than her, so she just resorted to begging.
“C-C-Cal, s-sto-stop!” she giggled breathlessly, making me smile.
“You know what you have to do to stop it,” I teased. Silently admitting defeat, Mari turned her head and pressed her lips to mine. I chuckled softly, finally ceasing the attack so she could catch her breath.
“You’re insufferable,” she tried to tell me without grinning but she still couldn’t hide it.
“I know,” I smiled, kissing her forehead and bringing her back to me for a hug.
Mari’s POV; Later that night
“Madison Square Garden!” Kenzie beamed at the crowd, “How are you guys doing tonight?!” The crowd screamed in response as she went on, “We are so lucky to be here with you all!”
“And lucky that you all know our songs as well,” Kaylynn shook her head, “It would be really embarrassing if you didn’t.”
“I mean, everyone knows who they really came to see tonight,” I added.
“Yeah,” Vanessa giggled, “5 Seconds of Summer who? We all know they’re just closing for us.” We all laughed as the audience seemingly cheered in agreement.
“For real though – how many of you know all of our songs?” Kenzie asked, earning even louder screams than before. “Well, we feel like enough of you do, so what do you guys say we get a little weird for this next one?” They cheered again and she raised her hands up. “We need you all to clap your hands, okay?” She started clapping and they mimicked her, the entire stadium filling with the echoes of their claps. “Good!” she smiled, “Now keep that going and don’t be afraid to get weird with us!”
When I was just a little kid, I was sitting on the garden wall Well, I must've bumped my head 'cause I don't dance the same no more
And now I step out of the crowd and I party on the other side And ain’t no uptight sucker gonna tell me how to live my life
[Kenzie, Kaylynn, Vanessa]
We’re gonna get weird all night I said, “Now, let’s get weird all night”
Weird people on the dance floor We’re just doing what we came to do ‘Cause we’re all weird people and we love it Don't let them other suckers hate on you ‘Cause we’re all weird people and we’re shaking From the basement to the roof
You know the people on the bus and the people on the street People like you and the people like me Weird people
Let’s get weird
I see a slick city boy with his fellas hanging by the bar He got the money and the Benz, but it don’t mean a thing at all
Well, mister, let me tell you this: you can get a little weird for free ‘Cause it don’t matter who you are, you can be who you wanna be
[Kenzie, Kaylynn, Vanessa]
We’re gonna get weird all night I said, “Now, let’s get weird all night”
Weird people on the dance floor We’re just doing what we came to do ‘Cause we’re all weird people and we love it Don’t let them other suckers hate on you ‘Cause we’re all weird people and we’re shaking From the basement to the roof
You know the people on the bus and the people on the street People like you and the people like me
[Kenzie, Vanessa]
Well, there’s something ‘bout that boy There’s something ‘bout that boy
I ain’t doing nothing wrong, baby; I’m just feeling myself I’m just gonna twerk it out like I ain’t afraid for my health
[Kenzie, Kaylynn, Vanessa]
We’re gonna get weird all night I said, “Now, let’s get weird all night” We’re gonna get weird all night I said, “Now, let’s get weird all night”
Weird people on the dance floor We’re just doing what we came to do ‘Cause we’re all weird people and we love it Don’t let them other suckers hate on you ‘Cause we’re all weird people and we’re shaking From the basement to the roof
You know the people on the bus and the people on the street People like you and the people like me Weird people!
A little while later, right before we did our cover for that night, we went into our talking bit.
“So, we know this isn’t technically a 5SOS song, but we really wanted to cover it anyway,” Kenzie announced, “And since we’re here at a sold out MSG show, we figured this would be the perfect time for it!”
“We’re mostly just covering it because Mari has a crush on the ONE OK ROCK boys,” Vanessa giggled. The crowd screamed loudly, realizing what song we were leading into.
“Can you blame me?” I scoffed, making everyone laugh.
“Why don’t we ask Calum what he thinks about that?” Kaylynn snickered.
“Calum knows how I feel about them,” I reminded her.
“Yeah, he has to deal with listening to their music all day,” Kenzie said, “Everyone knows that if at least one of their songs can’t be heard on Mari’s Snapchat story, you’re not actually watching Mari’s Snapchat story.”
“You’re all just mad because I won the rock, paper, scissors thing for Ashton’s solos,” I said.
“Because they’re the best parts of the song!” Kaylynn argued.
“I would argue that all of the parts are the best parts of the song,” I shook my head.
“Yeah, because you got his solos!” Vanessa giggled.
“Well, how about you just win rock, paper, scissors next time then?” I replied, sticking my tongue out at her – a gesture she happily returned.
“When we have to start recycling covers, we’ll switch up the solos,” Kenzie shook her head with a laugh.
“I vote we just move on to another band,” Kaylynn suggested, “A better one than 5SOS, even.”
“Well, that narrows it down,” I scoffed, “Every band is better than 5SOS.”
I looked over at the boys and found Michael flipping me off, making me lean away from my mic so I could laugh loudly. I blew him a kiss and he jokingly caught it, smacking Calum’s cheek lightly as if he were giving it to him. Calum shoved his best friend playfully while I rolled my eyes with a smile, turning back to the crowd.
“Anyway,” Kenzie giggled, “You guys are gonna sing with us, right?” The crowd obviously screamed in response and I started hitting the pedal under my foot to begin the song.
Take what you want Take what you want and go Take what you want Take what you want and go Take what you want Take what you want and go
Come and gone, the perfect storm On and on, never ending Open doors, empty arms Don't look back, no pretending
I don't want anything in our broken home Not the memories or the things we own Not the picture of us on the wall So take what you want
[Kenzie, Kaylynn, Vanessa]
Can you hear me? I'm trying to hear you Silence strikes like a hurricane I'm singing for you; you're screaming at me It's hard to see your tears in the pouring rain
Take what you want Take what you want and go Take what you want Take what you want and go Take what you want Take what you want and go Just go now, just go, go, go
[Kaylynn, Kenzie]
Still remember a time when you felt like home You and me up against the great unknown You were my life, now you're out of my life Yeah, I guess that's life
Can you hear me? I'm trying to hear you Silence strikes like a hurricane I'm singing for you; you're screaming at me It's hard to see your tears in the pouring rain
Take what you want Take what you want and go
[Kenzie, Kaylynn, Vanessa]
Take it, no reason for me to hold on
Look in my eyes and I'm letting go
[Kenzie, Kaylynn, Vanessa]
Keep it, don't need it, don't need it, don't need it
Take what you want Take what you want and go
[Kenzie, Kaylynn, Vanessa]
Can you hear me? I'm trying to hear you Silence strikes like a hurricane I'm singing for you; you're screaming at me It's hard to see your tears in the pouring rain
I don’t want anything in our broken home All the memories or the things we own
Take what you want Take what you want and go
Can you hear me?
Song mentioned: “Girls Talk Boys” by 5 Seconds of Summer Songs used: “Weird People” by Little Mix “Take What You Want” by ONE OK ROCK ft 5 Seconds of Summer
yes i know that ambitions wasnt released until after slfl but ask me if i give a fuck (spoiler alert: the answer is no)
also if u ever care to know what im like in real life, mari is literally based on me (she’s not as narcissistic tho ;))
Next Chapter
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Job Openings Disappoint As Americans
None of these are real “jobs”.     They’re just advertisements so they can bring in the H1B workers.
“Engineering Project Manager for Silicon Design Division – Prior government expertise required, prior personal practice expertise needed, 20 years minimal experience.     Must reside and work in Palo Alto.     Independent Contractor position, 10 dollars an hour”  
I’ve been job hunting for a long time so I Can escape the hell of my present job.     Everything is temporary, contract, and pays $12 a hour.     Rent is so high I can not take a pay cut.     I am younger than many here, and I am just spinning my wheels and so is everyone else my age.  
If you can and I am aware that it is a big IF nowadays. Try working on yourself just as much as possible. Shlep life insurance, repair stuff and generate cash payments to you where and if you may.  
Don’t be reluctant to drive around the industrial park searching for work. Nobody does that anymore. Nobody. 
The realtor market in my area is flourishing.     Not real estate – agent.     Thousands of people have gotten their real estate license in the past few years to the point that there are twice as many realtors than houses for sale in inventory at any 1 time.    
They’re all just Searching for a chance to make some money someplace.     I imagine it’s the same in the insurance sector.    
The agents that are in debt or present practicing while utilizing debt will quickly become non-active. Getting in and out of real estate is about luck and timing and being in the perfect area.
My daughter who is 41 and her husband are now earning roughly $90K. They have 3 girls and can not make ends meet enough to buy a home. They drive used cars and don’t waste any money on vacations or grownup toys. They haven’t a clue about how things ended up that way but instead just thrash and wail against the politics. I try to get them to understand the real cause but because it was not on their “No child left behind” school program – they don’t understand the way the money cartel works.   My only word of advise to you is to use the internet to educate yourself exactly what you were not taught in school. Spoiler – prevent debt however much that they tease you to lure. No debt =liberty.
I’m grateful I knew enough to avoid debt.     When I was in school I tried to inform my friends that but they treated pupil loans and credit cards such as free money – and they do.     I have a Little Bit of student debt and also have paid off the car I Intend to drive for a long, long time.    
Believe it or not two of mine are still paying off school loans by a little school in PA after graduating in 2001 & 2003! We’re helping at a tune of $700 per month since co-signors. I just noticed with ACS any excess payment goes towards future payments not the principal!   What a racket!
Some may say I am an idiot, but I am okay with that.     Here is exactly what *I* could do on your situation – I would move in with my relatives or friends TEMPORARILY.     I would build a Small home onto a trailer.     PROPERLY.   Or better still, I would find one that someone had built to reside in (and had been assembled PROPERLY), also purchase that because they are worth squat next hand.
If You Wish to get head Nowadays, a Wonderful place to live, freedom, freedom from debt are KEY.     And that’s how it’s done.     Purchasing property nowadays (except unimproved land for your cellular home – not crappy mobile dwelling) is insane, and so is paying rent.
Read a post here recently, where a person invested 30K to training to become a racing engine machinist. Later, I forget exactly, around a year of training, his first year he left 25K, next 45K, then 3 or 4 years he was creating 96K. The jist; prepare to do something someone is willing to pay for.     I got three children that Im wanting to do this through with.
Space share, reside on a ship, anything. You have to receive your outgoings down.
Do you will need a vehicle,or is it cheaper to hire? .
What’s the cheapest possible phone deal?
The machine has you in the paycheck-to-paycheck trap, and you’re going to need to do the fiscal equivalent of gnawing your own foot off to escape, but get you out must.
And the easy understanding of understanding you can inform any boss to shove it is of inestimable price. Your mental health will enhance hugely, and also your manager will real treat you better if s/he knows this (fall subtle hints).
I have two bachelors degrees and they’re not in gender studies or social studies. My degrees are in science and business and I can not find a job in my field. Whatever, I am simply discourged and ventilation.
Dude, I am doing exactly the exact same job I was doing in 2003 after graduate school and fine jobs in PE.
Find something different. I am reinventing myself to program, therefore I don’t have to rely on anybody to code what I know needs to have done.
I am also on the look out to additional biz opportunities.
We’re in 1920s Europe at the moment. You are all on your own.
In the early 80’s it was pretty awful for occupations where I lived.   I was hired by three firms and prior to the first start date I receivied a call saying due to business conditions the job I was hired for vanished.   After three of these, I said screw it and began my own company.
This was a very long time past, there were weeks I hardly made enough to put food on the table and other months when money was flowing in.
You can not rely on a degree alone.   You need to be versatile and eager to do whatever the job demands.  
In my opinion this is the only means.   Those Wall St types that make countless are the exception, not the principle and many got those places by chance and that they know, just as it has always been.
Just take any fulltime job that doesn’t treat you like shit, if you can find one.
Start learning how to construct your own (easy) home.
Strategy to give up the rat race whenever possible.
It’s not going to get better.
I’ve tried watching a couple of reality television survivor shows in the uk recently: leaving men on islands, letting them set up communes, trying to pass SAS type evaluations etc.. Anyhow, what struck me is that 95 percent of the morons on the displays have non existent jobs but are incredibly proud of these…
Personal coaches, hypnosis therapists, feet massagers/aromatherapists, jugglers, vloggers, Zumba instructors, sandwich artists, baristas, freelance tree surgeons, etc..etc. . .one girl proved to be a twerking trainer, I shit you not even a twerking mentor.
I take that a lot of the fukctards who go on those displays will be weird narcissists, they are the only people having the spare time to go on those torturous and vacuous displays, but it struck me that all these millennials have just this on offer in our service industry, consumer spend driven economy. It is over, we are so past peak human.
Require 5 thousand people off most of the free shit and let them to Begin applying for those 5 million projects
I am hoping that job creation and unemployment numbers will now   be correctly reported.   I am really tired of seeing rainbows and unicorns when there are none.   Get ready yourself for the worst and hope for the best.   Keep Stackin Bitchezzz !
Let’s review what I know about applying for a job and the way I believe that the scam operates. Your resume shows:
Your title, are you male or female, are you associated with the Smiths or Joneses we know or are you a foreigner.
Your address, are you currently a local candidate or do you reside on the wrong side of town.
Your present employer, in case you’ve got a job we’re interested if you aren’t presently employed, we’re not curious. What  financial   compensation might you be hoping to take a new job?
Where else are you worked and when, how long do you keep employed before you move on to another company or are there any gaps in your job history? In case you have openings we’re not curious.
Your education, did you go to a prestigious school or a community school. If you went to a prestigious school perhaps you’re well connected and we’ll pay you a superior, a community school, not too much.
Your references, that will guarantee you. We need names, titles of people that you know that we don’t, we need to talk to someone we don’t know to vouch for someone we don’t trust.
Everything you won’t know when applying for a job are the states of employment. If you knew what went on here you would not be employing.
Here is what happened? 95 million American workers, not in the US labour force. As a guideline, if you want something, tax it.
from Sandiego jobs on demand http://www.sandiegojobsondemand.com/job-openings-disappoint-as-americans/
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